Novel Name : Immortal Becomes a Stay-at-home Dad After Return

Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Go away!
Pro­fes­sor Xie was hesitating . He didn't im­me­di­ately draw a con­clu­sion.
Looking at his ex­pres­sion, how as if still should judge the Ning Zhong­guo's con­di­tion in the pon­der.
But his every ac­tion and every move­ment, have nat­u­rally con­cerned peo­ple on the scene.
Ning Qi­u­tong stands in front of Pro­fes­sor Xie, sud­denly some­what was anx­ious.
She has be­lieved that her father had no issues , but after seeing Pro­fes­sor Xie's ac­tion, this had caused her some sus­pi­cions.
Don't tell me......
What weird dis­ease has fa­ther had re­ally?
Oth­er­wise an ex­pert of med­ical cir­cles judges a per­son to be ac­tu­ally healthy, can re­quire such long time?
With the lapse of time, the at­mos­phere in hall is also get­ting more and more se­ri­ous, Pro­fes­sor Xie has not spo­ken through­out, the heart of peo­ple more raises is higher, was Ning Zhong­guo wor­ried in abun­dance.
After enough some lit­tle time, Pro­fes­sor Xie spoke fi­nally.
„If my in­fer­ence not wrong, Mr. Ning, your heart, liver, the spleen, lung and kid­ney all have the dam­age!”
Such re­marks, the peo­ple are all star­tled.
Ning Zhong­guo also slightly stares, had the most di­rect-view­ing un­der­stand­ing re­gard­ing the Pro­fes­sor Xie med­ical skill.
De­pend­ing on tak­ing the pulse to re­al­ize his phys­i­cal con­di­tion, ex­cept for that hid­den world per­son of high skill, Pro­fes­sor Xie sec­ond.
As for Chen Xi, for the time being is half......
To be hon­est, Ning Zhong­guo sus­pected where very much Chen Xi has known the con­di­tion of his body, can there­fore lay bare the truth.
But Ning Qi­u­tong after hear­ing the Pro­fes­sor Xie di­ag­no­sis, im­me­di­ately changes col­ors on some beau­ti­ful faces, anx­ious ask­ing: „Pro­fes­sor Xie, my Fa­ther does he get sick very se­ri­ously?”
Hear­ing her words, Pro­fes­sor Xie shak­ing the head of gen­tly, said: „Is in­def­i­nite, this is also only my pre­lim­i­nary in­fer­ence. If wants to find out the spe­cial de­tails, but must to trou­ble Mr. Ning to go in me the med­ical col­lege, in my lab­o­ra­tory has the most ad­vanced med­ical equip­ment, can be Mr. Ning makes one set of com­pre­hen­sive in­spec­tion, like this I can make the ac­cu­rate judg­ment.”
„Good, that mat­ter is not suit­able late, do we go now?”
Could see that Ning Qi­u­tong is wor­ried about fa­ther's body re­ally very much, there­fore after lis­ten­ing to the ex­pla­na­tion of Pro­fes­sor Xie, she quickly ar­rives at side Ning Zhong­guo's, say­ing that some­what com­plained: „Fa­ther! Your was not healthy ear­lier told me that I ac­com­pa­nied you to in­spect and that's the end, now the sci­ence is so de­vel­oped, so long as found the prob­lem ear­lier, any sick­ness can cure, but you were ac­tu­ally hid­ing the truth from me......”
At this time, has sat in nearby Ning Qingxue that has not spo­ken , a face wor­ried has stood up the body, pre­pared to go to the Pro­fes­sor Xie lab­o­ra­tory to have a look with them to­gether.
Ning Zhong­ping looked at the sit­u­a­tion, thought pos­si­bil­ity some that own today comes are not the times.
Rea­son that he today can come, be­cause mainly a very im­por­tant mat­ter wants to dis­cuss with Ning Zhong­guo, but has not thought the pro­fes­sor of med­i­cine who Ning Qi­u­tong brings ac­tu­ally found out the Ning Zhong­guo's body to have the issue at this time, there­fore he also can only hide this mat­ter in tem­porar­ily at heart.
All waited for the big brother to re­store to tell him again......
Ning Zhong­ping looks at Ning Zhong­guo on sofa, wants to say silently.
Whole fam­i­lies slightly anx­ious looks at Ning Zhong­guo, hopes that he makes an in­spec­tion with Pro­fes­sor Xie to the med­ical school now.
But Ning Zhong­guo sees their anx­ious ap­pear­ances, has com­forted their sev­eral on the con­trary, said with a smile: „All right, old prob­lem, don't worry. The rar­ity has the hon­ored guest to visit, I told yes­ter­day the kitchen has pre­pared the feast, waits to have the lunch to go again not late......”
„Fa­ther! This has not been the time for the lunch! Eats any­thing to eat!”
Ning Qi­u­tong is an im­pa­tient per­son, saw that the Ning Zhong­guo flus­tered ap­pear­ance, im­me­di­ately has not made her have a lot of fires, ex­tends the take ac­tion arm to want Ning Zhong­guo to draw from the sofa.
„Was good, has a look at your such, highly im­proper!”
Ning Zhong­guo pat­ted daugh­ter's hand, hinted her lime­light image, then said to Pro­fes­sor Xie: „That this, trou­bles ven­er­a­ble you to wait a bit, do I change a coat to go out? After in­spect­ing, I give a ban­quet to re­ceive cor­dially the ven­er­a­ble again well.”
„Good.” Pro­fes­sor Xie is smil­ing nod.
Ning Zhong­guo sets out to walk to­ward two build­ings.
At this time, Ning Qi­u­tong ac­tu­ally looked to nearby Chen Xi.
Saw Chen Xi also old god in sit­ting there, she does not hit one on some air/Qi, there­fore scolds to say to­ward Chen Xi di­rectly: „When does your this swindler also want to sit here? Does don't tell me also want to make me de­liver you to go out per­son­ally?”
Ning Qi­u­tong both hands hold the chest, the lower jaw , seems sim­i­lar to an ar­ro­gant queen is care­fully ex­am­in­ing the pre­sent crim­i­nal.
Rea­son that she today will ask Pro­fes­sor Xie to come, ac­tu­ally mainly wants to re­veal the rumor of this swindler face to face.
But she has not thought that after Pro­fes­sor Xie in­spects, she dis­cov­ered that Ning Zhong­guo is sick un­ex­pect­edly re­ally in the body?
Blames this crow mouth!
How­ever, has been lucky this swindler, oth­er­wise she is un­able to dis­cover the Fa­ther con­di­tion.
Once this per­son got old, fell ill to be pos­si­ble not to tow to be too long, con­sid­ers his bump­ing into luck to be good to con­sider as fin­ished......
There­fore Ning Qi­u­tong thinks it over, the de­ci­sion no longer in­ves­ti­gated.
But at this time, the Chen Xi ac­tu­ally sud­denly chuckle, as if some­what dis­dained to her words.
Sees that Ning Qi­u­tong flies into a rage, shouted to clear the way ten­derly: „Haven't you gone? Also re­ally thinks that I didn't have the means with your this damn swindler? Be­lieves my tele­phone to send you to the prison, closes ten years eight years to put again!”
The smil­ing face on Chen Xi face van­ished.
He looks at Ning Qi­u­tong, tran­quil ask­ing: „You kept on pro­claim­ing I was a swindler, you said ac­tu­ally that ac­tu­ally I did de­ceive your what?”
„What's wrong? You also thought did one hold true? The day be­fore yes­ter­day had de­ceived my fa­ther 10,000 dollars, such quickly for­got?”
„10,000 dollars ?”
Chen Xi shook the head, he he said with a smile: „You thought the raw ma­te­r­ial for med­i­cine that on that day I bought how much money should?”
At this time, just stepped onto Ning Zhong­guo of stair­case to turn head to look at one two who is ar­gu­ing in hall, there­fore then spoke to drink to stop Ning Qi­u­tong: „Qi­u­tong, do not talk non­sense, this lit­tle brother is also a good in­ten­tion, these raw ma­te­ri­als for med­i­cine I asked the per­son to in­spect, after tak­ing, truly is help­ful to al­le­vi­at­ing the pain.”
Hear­ing this, Ning Qi­u­tong ac­tu­ally ma­li­ciously stamps the feet, ur­gently said: „Fa­ther, I do not care about money the issue, I can­not get used to see­ing this swindler ram­pant ap­pear­ance. I ask Pro­fes­sor Xie to come today spe­cially, to let this swindler gives way be­fore dif­fi­cul­ties, but you have a look at him, a dead pig does not fear the boil­ing water hot ap­pear­ance......”
Was say­ing was say­ing, Ning Qi­u­tong has then turned head, stares Chen Xi say­ing: My fa­ther's con­di­tion that „Pro­fes­sor Xie can­not judge eas­ily, you took the took the pulse to say that my fa­ther did live is about 50 years old? Also kept on pro­claim­ing can cure him? When were re­ally a highly skilled doc­tor?”
„I truly can cure him......” Chen Xi light say­ing.
„You get lost to me!”
Saw Chen Xi again and again does not know to re­pent, the face of Ning Qi­u­tong air/Qi was red.
Per­haps is re­al­ized that one­self was some­what rude, Ning Qi­u­tong deeply in­spired, after con­trol­ling slightly own mood, this put out a hand to aim at the villa front door, looks at say­ing of Chen Xi coldly: „I do not want to say again sec­ond, do you get lost?”
Hear­ing her words, in the Chen Xi's eye flashes through cold bright­ness, in the heart has anger slightly.
His stand­ing up body, is built on hall ar­ro­gantly, looks that Ning Qi­u­tong coldly said: „Rea­son that I want take ac­tion to save your fa­ther , be­cause I truly needed money re­cently......”
"But you are clear, I re­ceive your 100,000 dollars, was not I have gained, but was you gains!"
The Yama want you to be dead at midnight but I can keep you alive till dawn!
100,000 dollars can bring you your life right away but this transaction isn't worth the money?
Professor Xiehas hesitated, immediatelyhas not actually drawn the conclusion.Looks athisexpression, howas ifstillshouldjudge the Ning Zhongguo'sconditionin the ponder.Buthisevery action and every movement, have naturally concernedpeopleon the scene.Ning QiutongstandsinProfessor Xie, suddenlysomewhatwas anxious.Shehas believedFatherbodynotanyissue, but after shesees the Professor Xiesoaction, thishadsomesuspicions.don't tell me......Whatweird disease has Fatherhadreally?Otherwise an expert of medical circlesjudges a personto be actually healthy, canrequire such longtime?With the lapse of time, the atmosphere in hallis also getting more and more serious, Professor Xiehas not spokenthroughout, the heart of peoplemoreraisesis higher, wasNing Zhongguoworriedin abundance.After enoughsome little time, Professor Xiespokefinally.„Ifmyinferencenotwrong, Mr. Ning, yourheart, liver, the spleen, lungandkidneyallhave the damage!”Such remarks, the peopleare all startled.Ning Zhongguoalsoslightlystares, had the most direct-viewingunderstandingregarding the Professor Xiemedical skill.Depending ontaking the pulse to realizehisphysical condition, except forthathiddenworldperson of high skill, Professor Xiesecond.As forChen Xi, for the time beingishalf......
Professor Xiehas hesitated, immediatelyhas not actually drawn the conclusion.Looks athisexpression, howas ifstillshouldjudge the Ning Zhongguo'sconditionin the ponder.Buthisevery action and every movement, have naturally concernedpeopleon the scene.Ning QiutongstandsinProfessor Xie, suddenlysomewhatwas anxious.Shehas believedFatherbodynotanyissue, but after shesees the Professor Xiesoaction, thishadsomesuspicions.don't tell me......Whatweird disease has Fatherhadreally?Otherwise an expert of medical circlesjudges a personto be actually healthy, canrequire such longtime?With the lapse of time, the atmosphere in hallis also getting more and more serious, Professor Xiehas not spokenthroughout, the heart of peoplemoreraisesis higher, wasNing Zhongguoworriedin abundance.After enoughsome little time, Professor Xiespokefinally.„Ifmyinferencenotwrong, Mr. Ning, yourheart, liver, the spleen, lungandkidneyallhave the damage!”Such remarks, the peopleare all startled.Ning Zhongguoalsoslightlystares, had the most direct-viewingunderstandingregarding the Professor Xiemedical skill.Depending ontaking the pulse to realizehisphysical condition, except forthathiddenworldperson of high skill, Professor Xiesecond.As forChen Xi, for the time beingishalf......
Chapter 15

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