Novel Name : The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Translator: Rosana
Editor: PlayerProphet
Bai Yang felt his body go cold. The Demon King’s pupils were like two cold, bottomless lakes. His gaze felt like ice water and, with a glance, Bai Yang felt as though his body had been dunked into a lake.
In his mind, Bai Yang quietly asked: “Xiao Ling, do you think if I say ‘I don’t want to do it’ right now, he’d kill me?”
“I think he’s really angry, so it’s possible,” Xiao Ling answered back, just as quietly.
Bai Yang whispered even quieter: “Then what should I do? If I don’t agree, I’ll be killed, but if I do agree, I won’t be able to travel to the Human Realm anymore.”
“Sir, I don’t know what to do, either,” Xiao Ling replied, even softer. “All of these choices are part of your test. Sir, this is the experiment you’ve committed to, so you should make your own decisions.”
“How can you be like this?” Bai Yang whispered. “You kick the ball to me when you can’t handle it yourself.”
“Sir, this is your experiment, not mine,” Xiao Ling replied quietly, even though it was offended. “Also, I’m not human, I’m just a system.”
Bai Yang was silent for a moment. “Why are we speaking so quietly?” He blurted. “It’s not like the Demon King can hear us.”
Xiao Ling also pondered for a moment, before saying, “How should I know?”
They were silent for a moment before Bai Yang spoke. “It’s all that Demon King’s fault for being so scary! Look at his face! It’s like last time when I refused to sleep with him! I don’t owe him anything, I just don’t want the things he gives me! Why is he so pissed?”
“Maybe he sincerely wants to give it to you.”
“So I have to just accept whatever he gives me?” Bai Yang’s heart was full of resentment.
“Xie Ze Tian.” The Demon King’s cool voice broke Bai Yang from his thoughts.
Bai Yang responded automatically: “Here!”
His voice was very crisp and loud; it really sounded like he was present.
The Demon King was so angry he started to laugh. “What were you daydreaming about while I was asking you a question?”
Bai Yang’s expression was unfathomable. “Your subordinate was considering how to respond to Your Highness.”
“Is my question really that difficult?” The Demon King said.
Bai Yang thought for a moment and figured the Demon King probably wouldn’t kill him just because he refused the position, so he bravely confessed: “Your Highness is very considerate to his subordinates, and your subordinate is extremely grateful, but your subordinate is too incompetent for the Captain of the Guards position. He hopes that Your Highness will find someone else.”
As soon as the words fell from his mouth, Bai Yang felt the temperature of the room lower. The Demon King was sitting on his throne, his back ramrod straight, his lips squeezed into a tight line, and his eyes shooting out piercing knives.
Bai Yang thought he was going to be killed by the Demon King’s intense gaze.
It can’t be. Is he really going to kill me?
Bai Yang felt uncertain, and his heart began to pound.
What I just said was disrespectful, and I’ve mouthed off to him before. What if his new grievances and past grudges clash together and then, in a moment of hot-headedness, he really does kill me? That’s possible.
Bai Yang refused to die like that, so in a desperate attempt to remedy the situation, he said: “Your Highness, I think the Guard Commander needs to be someone with a strict personality who is dedicated to their job. As for someone like me&#k2026; It’s fine to send me to fight to show off a little bit of power, but if you let me run the army and keep guard of the Demon Capital every day, I’ll suffocate. This position really isn’t for me.”
The Demon King’s posture didn’t relax. “The Guard Commander position isn’t suitable for you, then what is?” He said, dissatisfied. “The position of Demon King?”
Bai Yang was startled. “No, no, no, Your Majesty, you’ve misunderstood. Your subordinate wouldn’t even dare to daydream such a thing. This subordinate thinks that the tasks I was doing for Your Highness were ideal. Let me continue to search for Boundary Pillars in the Human Realm. This way, I can help share Your Highness’s burdens and continue to gain merit. It’s very suitable for me.”
The Demon King’s expression lightened a little. “You don’t need to feel so inferior. I’ve been observing you, and you’ve already improved a great deal. After spending time under my supervision, I believe you’ll improve even more.”
“Supervision?” Bai Yang had an intensely bad feeling.
“You have outstanding talent,” the Demon King said. “I want to cultivate that, personally.”
What? The Almighty Demon King wants to personally cultivate me?
At home was Qing He, outside there was the Demon King. Where was his freedom?!
“Your Highness…”
As Bai Yang began to speak, the Demon King raised his hand to stop him. “You don’t need to hide from your responsibilities anymore,” he said, sounding irritated. “It’s been settled. From today on, you’ll report to the Guard Station.”
Bai Yang: “…”
This pushy salesman is forcing me into it.
He wanted to argue a little more, but seeing that the Demon King’s heart was already set on it, he knew nothing would change his mind. All he could do was say “Fine. This subordinate cannot refuse Your Highness’s request.”
“Am I bullying you by giving you a commanding position?” The Demon King said, reading Bai Yang’s aggrieved expression. “You’ve got such a miserable look on your face.”
Bai Yang held in his grief and forced a smile that looked even uglier than crying. “Your Highness, this subordinate is very happy inside.”
The Demon King was silent for a moment, pondering god-knows-what, before he tilted his head. “You said you wanted fame and power, and I promised to satisfy you, so…”
Bai Yang was immersed in sorrow and couldn’t keep up with the Demon King’s thought process. Besides, the Demon King’s brain pit was huge, so who knew what he could be thinking?
The Demon King paused for a long time.
After a while, Bai Yang realized that the Demon King wanted to say something. It was very strange since the Demon King had always been a very decisive person. With his position and cultivation, why hesitate in his decisions?
“Your Highness…?”
Bai Yang’s words seemed to strengthen the Demon King’s resolve. He took a breath. “Xie Ze Tian, what do you want? I’ll try my best to satisfy you. I only have one request.”
“What request?”
The Demon King glanced at him, before turning his head away. “I want you to stay by my side… cough… to protect me.”
The Demon King coughed, his ears turning pink.
Huh, I can give you whatever you want.
Since you have a crush on me, I’ll let you stay near me. Don’t overdo it.
I’ve thrown away my pride to ask you. If you dare to argue, be careful I don’t skin you alive!
The Demon King stared dead straight at Bai Yang.
Bai Yang was far away, so he didn’t see the Demon King’s subtle emotional changes, much less understand the Demon King’s thought process. He only fumed internally. “He’s set on me being the Guard Commander! I know why, it’s because I know he’s experiencing qi deviation. He just wants me to protect him!”
Xiao Ling: “That’s very normal.”
Bai Yang was unsatisfied. “If I become commander, how will I go back to the Human Realm?”
Xiao Ling: “Ah, you’ll have to think of another plan.”
“I don’t want the job! This weirdo just had to pick me out from everyone else!” He really is an overbearing CEO– no, an overbearing Demon King!
Xiao Ling: “If you refuse again, he’ll get mad.”
Thus, Bai Yang gave up and knelt on one knee. “This subordinate will do his best to protect both Your Highness and the people’s safety,” he said, solemnly.
The Demon King stared at him, suspiciously, before saying, “Do you actually understand what I mean?”
Bai Yang was resolute and decisive. “I understand.”
The Demon King laughed and Bai Yang was dumbstruck for a moment. He had no business being so beautiful when he laughed.
“That’s great! Then report to the Guard Station and let Zhong Shuo show you the ropes. Come to the palace tomorrow.”
“Yes. This subordinate will leave first.”
Bai Yang retreated from the palace hall.
It was only after he left that he wondered about a few details, a little confused. In his mind, he asked Xiao Ling. “Xiao Ling, why do you think the Demon King wants me to go to the palace tomorrow? Isn’t it fine just to report to the Guard Station?”
“Sir, I don’t know, either,” Xiao Ling said.
Bai Yang didn’t think about it for long. He was more worried about how to make himself seem incompetent after taking over the Guard Commander position. As long as he didn’t do well, and garnered public hate, the Demon King couldn’t possibly keep him in the position, right?
Bai Yang thought he was so smart.
Thus, he teleported to the Guard Station. When Bai Yang walked in, Zhong Shuo was in the middle of explaining the situation to the other guards. Seeing Bai Yang, he happily said, “Xie Ze Tian, why are you here? Didn’t His Highness summon for you?”
Bai Yang coughed. “His Highness has explained the situation to me.”
Zhong Shuo laughed and turned to the group of guards, “Men, from now on, my good friend Xie Ze Tian will be your leader. In the future, when you see him, it’s tantamount to seeing me. His orders cannot be disobeyed, understand?”
Bai Yang wanted to reveal a smug expression and brag about his promotion to the group to make them feel sick. However, Zhong Shuo already knew he was taking over the Commander position, and even told everyone to listen to Bai Yang’s orders. Just like that, his plan fell through, leaving Bai Yang speechless.
It made sense, though. If the Demon King wanted him to replace Zhong Shuo as the Guard Commander, it was only right to tell him beforehand.
But Bai Yang wasn’t the type of person to give up easily. He cheered up and raised his head so high his nose was basically flying.
“As you’ve heard, I will be your new Commander. You guys are all my subordinates, so you have to listen to my orders. Do you understand?” His voice was incomparably arrogant.
“Yes!” The group of guards neatly called back.
Bai Yang observed each of their expressions and found that not even one person showed a hint of reluctance.
Bai Yang was frustrated.
“Go on, I need to show you the ropes; I still have to set off for the border to take office.” Zhong Shuo seemed like he couldn’t wait to throw away his old position and run away. When set to leave for the frontier mountains, away from the Demon King and with the freedom to do anything he wanted, how can he not be happy?
Bai Yang had no choice but to follow the other here and there, completing some of the most basic succession protocols. He didn’t put any of his heart into it.
Zhong Shuo was a pretty busy person, so he was called away before long. When Bai Yang saw him leave, he thought his opportunity had come.
He called over the guard adjutants who were following him. “You two, hurry and call everyone here, I have something to announce.”
The two adjutants obediently took to their orders. The guards were pretty high quality, after all. After a while, the entire guard population of the palace was gathered. Those who were stationed outside weren’t summoned, but it was enough people.
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