Novel Name : Parallel Memory

Chapter 374: Saintess And Her Problems

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Chapter 374: Saintess And Her Problems

As she made her way through the corridors, Amelia couldn't help but ponder on Cardinal Hildred's words. She had always believed that she was doing the right thing for the church and that her actions were guided by her faith.
She also believed that the Church would always do the right thing and fight for people's lives rather than pride and wealth. But hearing Cardinal Hildred's accusations had left her feeling uncertain.
She doesn't want to have hatred for anyone nor doubt others' integrity, especially people from the Church but Cardinal's accusation really made her unhappy.
She and her team had already suffered from Devil Contractors' hand. Now, they are being accused of abandoning their responsibilities.
Lost in her thoughts, Amelia didn't notice the figure that stepped out of the shadows and blocked her path. It was Zero.
"Jester! I didn't expect to see you here."
Saintess Amelia said with surprise. She called Zero as Jester because that is how she introduced him to other people in the church and she didn't want to risk others finding out that he is in disguise.
"I was getting bored and came outside for some fresh air."
Zero said. Though his real motive was to check for any abnormality in the church and also take action if Amelia was in danger.
Although he didn't find out something right away, he has seen Cardinal Hildred's anger towards Saintess Amelia. This might help him narrow down the possible traitors in the Church who might have plotted against Saintess Amelia.
"What has caused you to wear a displeased expression on your face?"
Zero asked. Even though he had seen Cardinal Hildred showing hostility towards Amelia, he didn't know what happened inside the grand hall.
"Just some disagreements with someone. Sometimes, I wish I could just abandon my responsibilities and be a normal person."
Saintess Amelia said.
"Then just do it!"
Zero said casually. For him, there was nothing great about being a Saintess or anything. If you can't do it and don't like to do it, then just don't do it.
Saintess Amelia stared at Zero. If it was someone, she might have considered it a joke but knowing Zero, she knew that he was serious. It was because others would envy her position, but Zero was not jealous of her position and she knows it from the conversation she had with Zero.
If not for saving his life, she knew that he would not even bother to give her any attention. Her Saintess position was not worthy enough.
"If only I could be as carefree as you."
Amelia replied with a soft smile. She thought that Zero probably didn't understand the weight of being a Saintess.
Zero studied Amelia's face for a moment before speaking again. For him, if it was something that he didn't like, he would not do it. However, judging by her helpless expression, he knew that it was different for Saintess Amelia.
She probably cannot imagine abandoning her responsibilities as Saintess and not following the Church's commandments.
"You can be!"
Zero said seriously. Zero knows how easy it is to change one's fate. What one needs is faith and the willingness to change.
Amelia just asked.
"Just get as strong as me. Then no one would dare to order you. Even if they did, they would not be able to force you. If being strong as me doesn't work then get even stronger. In this world, strong has the final say."
Zero said.
He did understand Amelia's problem and why she longed to be a normal person. She was taken away to train at a young age and as the Saintess candidate, she must have no friends.
Now that she is a Saintess, she has responsibilities and even though many are jealous of her, they don't understand that what she wants is not position but freedom.
The Church might be strong and might not agree with Saintess abandoning her title as Saintess. However, if she was stronger than the church, would they dare offend her?
That's why Zero told her to get stronger. The only way to get out of this situation is to become strong.
Though Zero doubts that she would do what he thought as Amelia was a good girl. She probably thinks that she is what she is because of the church and wouldn't betray them even if she had the skill to. She must be thinking that she should pay back what she owes.
However, from my perspective, there is nothing that Amelia owes to Church. It was the other way around. The Church has kidnapped Amelia just for their objective of making a Saintess.
Maybe the Church is not as bad as he thinks but because he hates it, he is skeptical about it.
"... Nobody could get as strong as you quickly!"
Saintess Amelia said. Even if what Zero said was true, she didn't think that she would be able to do what he said. For her to wield power equal to Zero, that means that she needs to ascend to Rank-S or maybe higher than that. It was impossible at the moment.
"Well, you are right! I am a genius after all!"
Zero bragged.
"Right, a genius who is known by no one.."
Zero chuckled at Amelia's comment, but his expression turned serious again.
"But that doesn't mean you can't get stronger. You've already come a long way, Amelia. You've been fulfilling your duties as the Saintess with unwavering dedication. But you need to realize that you have the power to make choices for yourself, too."
Amelia looked at Zero with a mix of admiration and uncertainty. Zero was an abnormality in her eyes. He was someone who could control Devil Energy despite being human and also someone who had left the school to get stronger. He was someone who was able to make his own path, unlike her path which was all decided by the church.
She thought that maybe one day, she might be just like Zero. Living the life that he wants and doing things that he would want to do.
But the idea of abandoning her responsibilities as the Saintess felt daunting and almost sacrilegious to her.
"But what about my duties, my faith, and the people who rely on me?"
Amelia asked, her voice wavering slightly.
Zero placed a hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes with a gentle yet firm gaze.
"Saintess Amelia, being strong doesn't mean you have to abandon your responsibilities or lose your faith. It means being true to yourself and making choices that align with your values. It means standing up for what you believe in, even if it goes against the expectations of others. You can be strong and still fulfill your duties but on your own terms."
Amelia listened to Zero's words, feeling a sense of clarity wash over her. She realized that she didn't have to conform to the rigid expectations of the church or sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of her title as the Saintess. She could find a balance between her responsibilities and her own desires, and make choices that resonated with her heart.
"Thank you, Zero!"
Amelia said softly, her resolve strengthening.
"I needed to hear that. I will continue to fulfill my duties as the Saintess, but I will also strive to be true to myself and make choices that align with my values."
Zero nodded, a small smile gracing his lips. He didn't know whether Saintess Amelia accepted everything that he said but he didn't ask.
In his other life, Saintess and other members of the church were only puppets of the angels and without their own judgment, they would do whatever their so-called god asked them to. Zero didn't want to see Saintess Amelia become just a puppet of the Church and lose her life just because of that.
He couldn't force her to abandon her responsibilities as a Saintess nor can he say that she would be happy as a normal person. He could only give some advice that might help her. However, no matter the option, Zero was adamant about keeping her safe.
For that, first he needs to find out the traitor who is aiming for her life. He has yet to say that she is being targeted, possibly by her fellow members of the church. He would only say that after he gathered enough evidence to prove that the said person was a spy from Devil Contractors.
Anyway, he has a suspicion about Priestess Helena and Cardinal Hildred. It could be that one of them is a traitor, though it is also possible for them to be innocent. It would all be known after he did some investigation on them.
As she and Zero walked side-by-side through the corridors of the church, Amelia felt a sense of gratitude toward Zero. He had opened her eyes to a different perspective, one that empowered her to make her own choices and live a life that was true to herself.
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