Novel Name : Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 166

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Chapter 166
The situation was getting worse by the second . One's Stamina would become astronomically high if they broke through to the Spirit Realm, so if it is just slamming their weapons fiercely on a barrier with a minimal use of powerful skills, then they can continue doing this for a long time if not forever .
The Gargoyles didn't have forever of course, however, from the looks of it, the barrier wouldn't hold on for much longer either, at most, it'll hold for a few more minutes .
The atmosphere became tense as some prisoners were shivering and others were begging Taliya and the other warriors to lay down their weapons and surrender but to no avail .
Despite the cold and resolute look Taliya was showing, she was feeling desperate too and hoped that Arthur would wake up soon . She didn't have absolute confidence in protecting her niece from the Gargoyles and this Vyncent, who didn't stop staring at Alina since earlier and they were not just simple curious glances but ones full of malicious intent .
The 2m long Scimitar viciously struck the dark barrier as it shined with yellow light with every strike, slowly but surely, a small crack was forming where the sharp point of the scimitar stabbed . The crack further spread as Esdik increased the potency of his attacks .
The Dark Barrier should have been shattered a few minutes later, however, due to Esdik's powerful nonstopping attacks, it shattered earlier than predicted . The Regiment Commander expanded thirty percent of his Nether Energy and power to finally get rid of this obstacle .
Uyo, the staff-wielding Batallion Commander only relied on his superior Strength to strike with his long staff, he was clever and wouldn't use his Nether Energy when the fight hasn't started yet, especially when the strength of the enemies is still unknown .
In fact, the behavior of Esdik was rather irrational but that was due to being horribly humiliated in front of his subordinates, if he didn't get rid of the barrier, he would not have been able to retrieve the bit of face his had lost .
"Protect the princess!"
Taliya yelled at Lucas when the barrier was shattered, thirty brown-robbed figures launched at them from all sides, fortunately, Taliya and Alina were between Arthur and the Golem, so it wasn't easy for the brown-robbed to reach them unless the either got rid of the Golem or Lucas .
Surprisingly, Mary was also going to fight, she put the sick Sonia near Arthur and retrieved her axe without hesitation . She couldn't just watch the enemies injure Arthur or her best friend .
The unwanted clash occurred at last when Esdik stabbed his scimitar at the motionless Death Golem .
From his point of view, this weird Golem was strong so he didn't hold back at all, furthermore, he was enraged due to the Dark Barrier so that caused his attack to be more fearful .
A yellow aura twirled around the sharp curved edge of the scimitar which stabbed at the head of the tall Golem . The attack was swift and deadly, alas, Esdik was surprised to see a strange black book appear right in front of where his scimitar was going to hit .
A weird looking rotten hand came out of the book and literally stopped the outburst of his attack . His hand felt numb and his body lost its balance as he was in midair .
Before Esdik could retaliate, the motionless Golem used its large hand to punch the small figure of Esdik . The punch had a yellow light around it just lie Esdik's attack .
The Regiment Commander, who never expected the Death Golem to be this fast, could only try to cross both of his hands in front of his chest to block but that was totally futile as his body was sent flying like a kite for a hundred meters before he rolled on the ground and somehow managed to stop himself from being pushed any further .
Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he would suffer from his own attack . He could feel that the Golem's attack was the exact same as his own, he could feel his own organs vibrate intensely, it's fortunate that he had a strong resistance to the Earth Attribute or else he would have been heavily injured .
Although he wasn't heavily damaged, his robe was severely damaged and that caused his face to be uncovered and shown to the public .
Meanwhile, Uyo wanted to grab that split second that his superior bought to strike the Golem in his legs to make him fall, but the same process occurred, the book blocked his incoming staff while pushing him back a few steps . Just as the Golem was going to punch again, Uyo's retreated several meters away from the Golem to avoid its punch but what was unexpected is the enemy's punch that quickly transformed into an open palm which emitted large amounts of black fog that reached Uyo instantaneously .
One had extreme defense and the other had attack absorption and phenomenal attack prowess, if combined then nothing can stop them .
Feeling his body became half as fast, Uyo was yet again startled, as he saw the Golem raise his other hand and strike the ground, his face paled and he quickly struck the ground with his staff to forcefully send his heavy body in the air .
Uyo's fast reactions allowed to him barely dodge the full blunt attack but that didn't mean he avoided the aftereffect, the mere shockwave of the attack caused a strong wind tornado to smash onto the Gargoyle and cause several cuts to his body . Blood splattered on the ground as Uyo landed on it with an ugly expression, in this short exchange, the Golem and that book were able to easily take care of them, the Golem didn't even move a single step .
Even the angry Esdik began hesitating as he saw Uyo being pushed back and feeling the pain all over his body . This side of the battle was easily handled by the Golem book pair, however, things weren't going smoothly at all for the other part .
The thirty or so Gargoyles clashed with the few warriors . At first, it could be seen that the warriors that decided to fight were strong, but fighting three our four Gargoyles at the same time was extremely difficult and in a matter of second, five of the eight warriors were either stabbed to death or crushed into minced meat by the big hammer and sharp spears of the robbed-figures .
The prisoners shouted in fear and grouped next to each other, forming a big group of people which crouched on the ground and covered their head in fear .
Taliya didn't like their cowardly behavior, they were over fifty prisoners, excluding the elderly and children, if they ganged up on the enemies, they would be able to buy some time . Of course, she kept those thoughts to herself and stayed near Alina to protect her .
From the thirty Gargoyles, four were killed and twenty-six rampaged and killed without mercy .
The three remaining warriors, which had big builds and wielded illusory double-handed axes were hard to deal with . Each warrior dealt with five Gargoyles yet they were not at a disadvantage . at some point, their bodies began shining with red tattoos and a bloody aura emanated from them, their attack power nearly tripled and the pressure they were suffering from the enemies lessened by a huge margin .
Vyncent hid next to the prisoners, however, unlike previously, his face was filled with disbelief . Unlike Taliya and Lucas, who were focusing on the princess and the thirty Gargoyles, his senses were sharper and he was able to sense that the Regiment Commanded fighting the Golem was at least a 3rd Grade Immortal yet he was sent flying so easily .
Not only that, the presence of the book which teleported between place at lightning speed made him a bit afraid and reluctant to engage in his plan .
The terrifying speed and the mysterious rotten hand, he saw how it stopped the stab of the scimitar to easily, at the moment of contact between the two, the burst of yellow light and the fast stab were stopped and pushed back, then the book teleported in front of the Golem, the rotten hand touched the Golem before it teleported yet again .
From the three things Arthur gained from the Book of the Damned, the Golem could be the one with the biggest defense, it even had multiple transformations if he provided it with the necessary Attributes . The Lizard was the most powerful one, as for the hand, it was the strangest and creepiest thing he had in his arsenal . It even had the power to absorb attack from Low-Grade Gods and store that attack, ready to be unleashed whenever he wished . For that purpose, Arthur stored in the book quite a few attacks in case of emergency situations such as this one, which is exactly why he his the book under his robe and didn't put it in his storage when he came to this word .
As for the summoning of the Golem, he did it as a precaution . This pair cannot be beaten by an Immortal, even if it was a peak Grade Immortal . Even a Divine being would have a lot of trouble to break through the defense of the Death Golem, so if the hand is added, it would be close to a miracle to defeat them . Unless a God shows up, there is no way in hell Esdik and Uyo can bypass the Golem or defeat it .
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