Novel Name : The Protagonist Only Thinks About Falling In Love

Chapter 10 - "Looking at the stars."

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Chapter 10 - "Looking at the stars."

The reflection of the river of stars was left on the wall, floating silently. Fu Yuhe lay on the sofa, blinked his eyes in amazement, and then came back to his senses, realizing what Shen Yi did and said.
Fu Yuhe froze, feeling depressed for a second.
His hand paused and landed on his abdomen.
Was this on purpose too?
Fu Yuhe’s dark pupils seemed to have a faint light floating in them, he felt a bit uncomfortable and licked his lips lightly. He drank some wine tonight, so he was feeling a little thirsty and drank some water to quench his thirst, but the water didn’t seem to have much effect.
He lowered his eyes to cover the dark light in his eyes, “I warned you.”
Shen Yi heard Fu Yuhe’s voice and turned his head: “What?”
“Looks like you didn’t listen to me.” Fu Yuhe murmured.
“Listen to what?” Shen Yi felt that Fu Yuhe was onto something but before he could think carefully his mouth was already uttering words out loud, “Brother Fu, I am so obedient, how can I not listen to you.”
“Yeah?” His words exuded an eerie vibe.
Shen Yi: “Of course.”
The man on the sofa supported his upper body with his elbows and in the next second, his drunken head became more and more blurry as his drowsiness increased, coupled with Shen Yi’s almost ‘provocative’ behavior from earlier, completely annoyed Fu Yuhe, making him almost unable to hide his mood.
Shen Yi opened his mouth, but before he could speak out, he was firmly pressed by the man who rolled over from the sofa, and one could hear a muffled noise echoing in the living room.
The weight of an adult man couldn’t be underestimated, but fortunately, Shen Yi stepped back a bit so Fu Yuhe’s knee didn’t hit his key part, instead, it was up against the cushion.
He was wearing a bathrobe, and when he leaned over, Shen Yi’s position had the best viewing spot.
Fu Yuhe grabbed Shen Yi’s collar, supported his body with one hand against the ground, and asked softly: “Huh? What were you saying?”
Shen Yi suddenly felt a little thirsty.
“I didn’t think about what to say….” He said.
Fu Yuhe: “Why can’t you speak now?”
Shen Yi: “…”
Fu Yuhe’s hand tugging at his collar moved to his face and pinched his chin: “Speak.”
Shen Yi was wearing a casual black T-shirt, his washed hair had been blow-dried, and it fell messily over his forehead, giving a very homely feeling. This similar scene made Fu Yuhe think of a picture, it was the first time Shen Yi ever came to his house, and he talked to Shen Yi for the first time.
Shen Yi had nothing on over his upper body, and only later did he put on his clothes.
He didn’t pay too much attention at that time, but then he suddenly remembered, it was raining that day, the sound of crackling rain outside the window, the cool and humid air, the boy was standing in his room, his freshly bathed hair wasn’t completely dry, as a drop of water fell from the ends of his black hair, sliding down his chin, flowing down his smooth jaw, and neck, before disappearing into the collar of the black T-shirt.
The corners of his lips were smiling, and his lips were redder after taking a bath, looking both soft and seductive, yet the corners of his eyebrows and eyes showed unruly pride and arrogance.
He stood in the doorway with his back to him, suddenly turned his head, and asked him defiantly what he was going to do if he really was gay.
What to do…
Fu Yuhe pinched Shen Yi’s chin without any seriousness.
At that time, if Shen Yi had ulterior motives towards Fu Cheng, he would naturally teach him a lesson.
But when he checked, sometimes he seemed like he did have an ulterior motive and sometimes it seemed like he didn’t. Come to think of it now, it was more like the acts where he felt suspicious of his intentions were deliberately done for him to see.
How can he be allowed to run away so easily after provoking him so much?
Fu Yuhe was accustomed to taking control of the rhythm of any and all business scenes that involved him, and he’s long been familiar with the temptation that came and went, but this mentality has also left behind some traces in his life, such as now, Fu Yuhe was incredibly pissed after being teased over and over again.
To take the initiative back into his hand, it was necessary to let Shen Yi know that some people aren’t who he can randomly provoke.
“Brother, what are you doing?” Because Shen Yi’s chin was pinched by Fu Yuhe’s, he leaned back and raised his head slightly, his eyes traveling down, his expression slightly contemptuous, “Not good, your bathrobe…”
He didn’t notice the danger coming his way, or he maybe he did notice it, but didn’t care, he smiled and raised a hand, his fingertips rubbing on the collar of Fu Yuhe’s bathrobe, “It’s about to fall…”
His words stopped abruptly, and there seemed to be a smile in his eyes.
The sudden proximity made him feel like he was out of control for the first time ever, and after a short pause, his body’s senses slowly conveyed the information to his brain.
The touch and strength of Shen Yi’s lips made his lips numb for a few seconds, and then he felt pain and numbness.
His ears couldn’t hear anything, he smelled the scent of Fu Yuhe’s body. He didn’t know whether it was the shower gel or the shampoo, a very light scent radiated out of him giving him a sense of calm and abstinence.
The galaxy of stars on the walls swayed faintly.
Fu Yuhe’s breathing was a little heavy, like the breath of a beast, his lips were as soft as the cream on the cake Shen Yi ate today, soft and sweet, he couldn’t help but stick out his lips to lick them, and then he felt a tingling sensation spread directly from his chest to the tailbone of his back.
He raised his hand and clasped the back of Fu Yuhe’s head, turning from passive to active.
Fu Yuhe’s lips were so soft.
There was an ambiguous sound emitted in between their kisses, and the temperature around them rose sharply, just like a crackling fire, intensifying as time went on.
Shen Yi’s lips became moist, and so did Fu Yuhe, his brain was a little flustered and dizzy after drinking, and at this moment, he was presumptuously doing things that he would never do, regardless of the consequences.
They were like two wolves in a constant battle, fighting for dominance over one another. Their lips did the most intimate things, yet their hands and feet were constantly suppressing each other.
Fu Yuhe grabbed Shen Yi’s wrist, and Shen Yi pressed Fu Yuhe’s leg… They kissed inseparably, and as passionately as dry wood set on fire.
The coffee table was knocked out of position, and there was a grunting sound, and the glass that had been dropped by Fu Yuhe on the ground rolled away, and their rough breathing seemingly amplified by several times ringing in their ears.
After an unknown amount of time, most of the bathrobe on Fu Yuhe’s body had fallen down, when a voice suddenly came from upstairs.
“Brother!?” Fu Cheng exclaimed.
It was like a bucket of cold water had been poured down, the fire was extinguished by the cold water in an instant, and the two stopped their action in unison.
At the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, Fu Cheng looked down the stairs, he saw the galaxy of stars on the wall, and also heard some movement, but he couldn’t see where his brother was.
“Are you down there?” He asked.
Fu Yuhe seemed to have suddenly sobered up, and vividly interpreted the essence of “pulling up his pants after doing the deed”, he pushed Shen Yi away, adjusted his bathrobe, and got up from the sofa.
“What’s wrong?” He spoke in a voice that was several degrees hoarser than before, mixed with hints of lust.
Fu Cheng didn’t hear it, “Don’t sleep on the sofa, it’s easy to catch a cold, and your voice will get hoarse.”
Fu Yuhe: “…Um.”
He covered Shen Yi’s mouth to prevent him from making a sound.
Shen Yi lay on the ground. He didn’t think feel it before but the floor was a little cold. He blinked his eyes, his breath spraying all over Fu Yuhe’s palm. There were still unquenched flames inside his eyes, his eyes looked at Fu Yuhe and he didn’t struggle, only tilted his head.
Fu Yuhe asked Fu Cheng what was he doing, Fu Cheng said that he heard movements downstairs and thought something was wrong, and when Fu Yuhe relaxed his vigilance, Shen Yi suddenly broke away from his hand and called out “Fu Cheng”.
“Huh?” Fu Cheng poked his head from up the stairs, “Shen Yi, are you there too?”
Although Fu Yuhe quickly covered Shen Yi’s mouth again, it was useless, he covered Shen Yi’s mouth with a calm expression, but Shen Yi could still feel his rare ‘lost for word’ moment for a few seconds.
“What do you want to do?” Fu Yuhe lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and asked.
“What are you covering my mouth for?” Shen Yi also whispered, “Are you afraid that Fu Cheng will find out? Brother, you are feeling guilty, aren’t you.”
Fu Yuhe: “…” That was right.
A sword was invisibly stabbed right into his heart.
“Brother?” Fu Cheng saw that his brother had lost his voice again, and lifted his feet to go downstairs.
“Don’t talk nonsense.” Fu Yuhe hurriedly whispered.
“What nonsense?” Shen Yi asked.
Fu Yuhe: “You know what I am talking about.”
Shen Yi: “If you don’t say it directly, how can I understand you.”
With a helpless expression, he glanced to the side, and he looked nothing short of a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.1
Fu Yuhe: “…”
The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Shen Yi chuckled, “It’s okay for me to keep it a secret, but my silence comes with a condition, after all, I have helped you keep it a secret way too many times before. Even if I do make a request, it’s still not too much.”
Fu Yuhe tugged at the corners of his mouth: “What if I tell Fu Cheng that you are here because you wanted to seduce me?”
“He won’t believe you.” Shen Yi said bluntly and then said the script that had just come up with, with a cunning smile on his face, “You drank today, so in a moment of confusion you mistook me for someone else, pressed me to the ground before forcing me to comply with your wishes. How pitiful is that when I just came over to send a gift to you…”
“Brother, are you feeling uncomfortable? Shen Yi?” Fu Cheng walked down to the first floor.
If it weren’t for the sofa covering them, their appearance and posture would have been completely exposed to Fu Cheng’s eyes.
Fu Yuhe interrupted Shen Yi: “Enough, I promise you.”
He let go of Shen Yi, got up, and sat on the sofa, without his suppression, Shen Yi sat up slowly, bent one of his legs, straightened the T-shirt on his body, put one hand on the sofa casually, and looked sideways at Fu Cheng.
“What are you doing here?” Fu Cheng asked, “Why did you ignore me just now?”
“Just now…” Shen Yi’s tone was meaningful, he glanced at Fu Yuhe, Fu Yuhe raised his eyes and looked at him coldly, but there was still lust under his eyes that had yet to fade, just like a wild horse, with his eyes, he easily made people want to conquer him.
“Looking at the stars.” Shen Yi pointed to the wall, “My birthday gift for Brother Fu.”
The light was dim, and although they could see each other’s facial features clearly, they were not so clear about details such as their red and swollen lips, so Shen Yi wasn’t afraid that Fu Cheng would find anything.
“Then… why did it end up like this? Fu Cheng looked at the mess and paused for two seconds, before asking, “Have you been fighting?”
Several pillows were rolled off on the floor, the coffee table was out of position, and the tissues on the table had fallen to the floor and were crushed in disarray.
“Ah…” Shen Yi said, “Your brother drank too much and fell down.”
Fu Cheng threw away his doubts in an instant, and said in surprise: “Brother, are you okay? Where did you fall? Do you want to go to the hospital?”
Fu Yuhe, who was forced to take the fall: “…It’s okay.”
Translator’s Note: –
A dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.11: Not being afraid of any consequences.11
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