Novel Name : Single Dog Ending System

Chapter 49 - Story of the little coward who contracted the ghost 5

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Chapter 49 - Story of the little coward who contracted the ghost 5

Qin Yang and his party escaped from Qingyang Road and prepared to go back to their respective homes.
At this time, Xu Qianqian said, “No! We can’t be separated! In the movies, everyone felt that it didn’t matter after encountering such an incident and went home, and then died at home one after another. I can’t go back…”
“Fuck!” Someone panicked, pointing at Qin Yang scolded, “It’s all you, what are you thinking of breaking the game! You pushed Qin Lang in!”
Qin Yang glared at the man and said angrily, “What the hell are you pretending to be righteous at this time? Don’t you think it’s funny that that fool was treated like that?”
“Yes, I was wrong. But don’t forget, Qin Lang said he hates you! If he turns into a ghost, you will be the first one he looks for!”
“…” Qin Yang couldn’t take it any longer. His face turned pale and his lips trembled. His classmates were right. Qin Lang’s tragic death was directly related to him. If he really wanted revenge, then he… FUCK! What is he going to do? How can there really be ghosts! Didn’t that guy live in the dead yard before? It’s been so long that nothing has happened…
“Wuwuwu…we killed him…” The girl’s tears didn’t stop all the way.
“What should we do, we all have a share, we will all die…”
“Shut up!” Qin Yang roared irritably.
The expressions of everyone in the car were a little distorted. Struggling, apprehensive and bewildered.
“Be quiet!” Someone slowly calmed down, “Since there really are ghosts, there must be a master who can catch ghosts. Let’s stop panicking first. Tomorrow, we will go to the master for help. If Qin Lang really becomes a ghost, we will pay the master to help us destroy him!”
“However, where can we find them. Most of them must be liars.”
“I know I know! Yang family! Master Yang, that is a real master, his disciple is Senior Yang Chen, he will definitely help us…”
“That’s great, we’re saved…”
Everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief. No one asked what to do about Qin Lang, or what to do with Qin Lang’s body.
They still didn’t dare to go home alone, so they went to a lively KTV as they said before. The noisy environment eased them a lot.
The body feels especially tired when the tense nerves are relieved. Some people want to sleep, but Xu Qianqian advises everyone not to sleep. In movies and novels, people often fall into a dream as soon as they fall asleep. Ghosts will kill people in the dream, then the person will never wake up again. Several people broke into cold sweats when she said it. They stayed in a group all night and dared not fall asleep, and held on until dawn.
At dawn, Qin Yang’s cell phone rang. After he answered the phone, he looked strange. He looked at the other five people and said, “Qin Lang is in the hospital now, he is still alive.”
Those people looked at each other. After some hesitation, they finally decided to go to the hospital to see Qin Lang before deciding whether to go to Yang Chen or not.
Hospital. Qin Lang woke up a long time ago, but he didn’t open his eyes. He was watching Qin Yang’s idiots who were so scared last night that they dared not go home and did not dare to act alone, sitting for one night from the system surveillance video.
“This Xu Qianqian is a bit interesting.” Qin Lang smiled, “She knows quite a lot.”
The system put away the video: “She has a -50 favorability rating for you. She hates you very much.”
“It must be jealousy.” Qin Lang said, “She likes horror, and her painting style is also dark, but the effect of her painting is not good at all. But I am different because I have really seen them before, so my painting gives people a more realistic feeling. Even more depressingly, she is the class belle and has a good family background. She has lived in the envious eyes of others since she was a child. Now that she was overtaken by someone like me who was several grades lower than her, which seriously stimulated her pride.”
The system nodded: “This kind of person is really annoying. Others are not allowed to be better than her. Yesterday, when your stupid brother proposed to punish you, she agreed immediately. Do you want to take revenge?”
Qin Lang smiled: “I don’t need to do it. Do they think it’s called Yin Yang Road for nothing? They are quite bold. They didn’t even realize that there is no one living on that road. Not only have they entered that villa, they also met ghosts in the street. They’re really not easy. Her move to stick in the group last night is stupid, but it is really useful. There are many people so the yang is heavy. Ghosts like to choose people that are alone to start with. I don’t believe that the six of them can stay in a group all the time, so I just held the melon and watched. Originally, I thought that if one of the six helped me call the police and someone came back to save me, I would save his life, but unfortunately, they missed the chance I gave them themselves. Hehe.”
The system had moved the bench to watch, suddenly remembered something, and reminded: “I almost forgot, your old gong, the ghost masters who summoned him were all killed by him. Good luck, I’m going to buy melon seeds.”
“…” This is really bad news.
“Hmm…” Qin Lang opened his eyes, the white light in the hospital was a little dazzling. He closed his eyes and squinted before opening them again. The ward was empty. This made Qin Lang relieved. Just as he relaxed, he caught a glimpse of a black corner of clothes, and then he froze.
He clenched the quilt and looked at the ghost in the black brocade robe in front of him. This ghost was too good-looking. After seeing too many ghosts bleeding with mutilating limbs and throwing their heads, this one with long flowing hair, neat clothes, sharp facial features with a faintly noble temperament. It simply blinded Qin Lang’s eyes. His fear seemed to be blocked by something for a moment, he could even take the initiative to say, “You look so good… You, what’s your name?”
Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows. The young man lying on the bed shrank under the white quilt, revealing only a small face. He held the quilt in his hands, his pale face was stained with a little blush, and a pair of bright eyes looked at him, a little fear, a little cautious, and anticipation. Like a frightened little white sheep, weak but curious. This is completely different from the cold and sharp little wolf last night.
This little cutie is a little interesting.
Lu Yuan cruved his thin lips and said, “My name is Lu Yuan, my master.”
“Master?” Qin Lang’s face suddenly turned pale, he hurriedly pulled off his hospital clothes. When he saw the gauze wrapped around his chest, he couldn’t believe it and stared at Lu Yuan. After a while, his lips trembled, and his tone sounded like a beg: “You, can you leave? I…I don’t want you…”
Lu Yuan put away the smile on his face, narrowed his phoenix eyes and looked at him. In an instant, a strong sense of oppression hit Qin Lang. The violent murderous aura enveloped the entire ward. The fear of death made Qin Lang tremble, and even the blood on his fingertips faded.
Lu Yuan put on a sneer and said bluntly: “Master, have you thought about it. When I leave, I will take your life with me. Do you really want me to leave?”
“I…I…” Qin Lang felt once again that death was so close to him. It made him suddenly return to the vicious afternoon seven years ago, the hideous villagers’ faces, wielding hoes, and beating his grandfather to the point where his body was bloody and his brains burst…
A chill pierced his limbs and passed to his heart. Qin Lang, who was still weak, passed out directly.
“Heh…” Lu Yuan stood by the hospital bed, looked down at the vulnerable young man on the bed, and sneered, “Just much courage?”
As if to refute his ridicule, Qin Lang, who had fainted, woke up again. He frowned, rubbed the strangely painful temple. When he saw that Lu Yuan was looking at him with interest, his brows frowned even deeper. But thinking of being able to safely go to the hospital from that haunted house to treat his wound, he replied coldly and succinctly, “Thank you.”
Lu Yuan smiled at him and didn’t speak. Qin Lang didn’t care about him anymore, and let him look at the modern ward.
Although he had seen his grandfather control and raise ghosts, it was the first time for him. He had no experience. Grandpa said that the former ghost masters were often treated as slaves or livestock, and often even added multiple confinement techniques and tortured them with lightning. But today is a civilized society, his grandfather also said that although they are dead, they are not without emotion. If they really anger them, even if they are forced to disintegrate, they will also make the ghost master perish with them.”
Thinking of this, Qin Lang remembered Lu Yuan’s threat just now, and the scene where he almost died when they first met. He sat up, leaned on the bed, looked at Lu Yuan and said lightly: “Don’t scare Xiao Lang, he is a little timid. Otherwise…” He summoned him so hard, not to scare Xiao Lang, but to help Xiao Lang. In his absence, he can take good care of Xiao Lang in his place.
“Otherwise?” Lu Yuan repeated the word in a low voice, ignoring the threat of the little wolf.
Qin Lang looked at him coldly, suddenly bit his finger, and drew a strange blood talisman between his eyebrows: “Ghost Lu Yuan, I order you to protect Qin Lang, and don’t allow anyone to hurt him, including yourself.”
Lu Yuan, who was curiously looking at the instruments beside Qin Lang’s bedside, looked at him with a little surprise: “I’m sorry, my master, your heavenly blood is special but the blood contract can only be used once in your life. Wouldn’t it be too hasty to use it so casually, or… stupidly?”
Qin Lang ignored him. If there were other people in the ward at this time, they would be surprised to find that the color of the blood talisman on Qin Lang’s forehead was gradually fading, and finally disappeared completely, as if it had never existed.
The blood pact is done. Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief. He supported his body and glanced at the counter by the hospital bed. It was empty, not even the most basic paper cups and thermos. He licked his chapped lips, the wound on his chest seemed to have some medicine so the pain was not too strong, but because the evil qi had entered the body, the fever persisted. Qin Lang’s head was a little dizzy, and his body was a little weak.
He glanced at Lu Yuan who was hanging out in the ward, gritted his teeth, lifted the quilt and prepared to get out of bed by himself. He didn’t want to call a nurse either. Like Xiao Lang, he didn’t like the approach of strangers and crowds. It’s enough for the hospital to treat his wounds, but the high fever can’t be treated in the hospital, so he has to go home.
Unfortunately, things backfired. Footsteps came from the corridor, not one, but at least three. Qin Lang’s body froze, so he had to withdraw his left foot that had already touched the ground.
The door of the ward was quickly opened, Father Qin, Secretary Wang, the nurse, and a police officer.
Qin Lang looked at them defensively. The nurse let out a ‘huh’ and walked towards Qin Lang quickly. She took out the thermometer she brought with her from the nurse’s uniform and shook it, and put it on the counter, “Take your temperature first. If it’s still burning, the doctor will restart the fluid.”
At 8:30 in the morning, the nurse seemed to be busy, so she put it down and went out.
Lu Yuan on the side seemed to be interested in the thermometer on the counter, and even wanted to pick it up and take a look. Qin Lang coughed lightly and stopped his action that would look terrifying from a normal person perspective.
“Dad, I want to drink water.” Qin Lang said to father Qin.
Father Qin frowned and looked at his secretary with reproach. The secretary clearly apologized and said to the boss, “I’ll go right now.”
Qin Lang twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at his father full of ridicule. He was his father or was it the secretary?
The police officer had already talked with Father Qin. Knowing that Qin Lang had social phobia, he kept a long distance from Qin Lang and asked about what happened last night. Qin Lang only said that he went to Yinyang Road with his brother and classmates before. When he woke up, he was already in the hospital, the rest he didn’t know what happened.
When Qin Lang mentioned Qin Yang, Father Qin’s face became dark. Qin Lang didn’t know if he was angry that his younger son had played tricks on his older son again, he felt that his younger son had done too much this time and wanted to fix him properly, or just simply mind that the younger son has broken through Yinyang road and something bad will happen.
When the police officer was about to leave after asking, coincidentally, Qin Yang’s group came directly to the door. They saw that Qin Lang was okay, and seemed to have nothing wrong except that his face was not very good, so they all began to relax slowly.
Several people directly said that they were going to a party last night, but Qin Lang was never a gregarious person, so he left on his own halfway.
After talking about the basic situation, the six people pretended to run over to console Qin Lang. Qin Lang didn’t say a word, but just looked at them with cold eyes. The eyes made them feel nervous. They soon walked out of the room wisely after a while.
After leaving the room, Xu Qianqian looked back at Qin Lang again, she always felt that Qin Lang was a little weird today.
But when she turned around, she saw Qin Lang lifted the quilt and got out of bed, maybe he wanted to go to the toilet, or maybe he wanted to pour water. But his body seemed to be very weak. As soon as his feet landed, he just took a step or two and fell straight forward.
Just as Xu Qianqian was about to say something, she saw that Qin Lang did not fall down. He leaned and stood at an angle where it was impossible for him to stand, as if… as if he was caught by someone. She covered her mouth and looked at everything in front of her in disbelief. Qin Lang actually rose up into the air, his slender body was stiff, and his hands were holding something in the air, maybe the arm of something. That posture, like being picked up horizontally by someone! Finally, the suspended Qin Lang returned to the bed. He looked directly at the side of the hospital bed and whispered something in the empty room.
Xu Qianqian bit her hand tightly, her eyes filled with tears of fear, but she had to let down her footsteps and quietly left.
“Thank you.” Qin Lang said.
His ears were still a little red. He didn’t expect his body to be so weak that he couldn’t hold it even if he wanted to get down and pour a glass of water. He was actually carried in his arms by this man… And it was after he ordered the other party strongly too. It was really embarrassing.
Although protecting him is also protecting Xiao Lang, Lu Yuan is only on a mission. However, the almost gentle behavior of the other party made him feel a little longing, even if it was fake.
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