Novel Name : In Love (Quick Transmigrate)

Chapter 137 - Waste Wood Flies On The Branch 2

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Chapter 137 - Waste Wood Flies On The Branch 2

Yan Jingze stood by the side of the road, thinking about his future.
The wind blew his hair from his forehead, revealing his face.
Although his face is not very good-looking now because of falling into the water, this kind of melancholy boy is still very attractive.
A girl passing by unconsciously took out her mobile phone and took a picture of Yan Jingze.
Yan Jingze noticed this and smiled at her.
The girl’s face turned red immediately.
Yan Jingze touched his nose, feeling a little proud.
He looks…really handsome!
So…He should first rely on his face to make a living, manage his fans well, and then start his own business when he finds a suitable way?
Rubbing his forehead, Yan Jingze took a taxi back to his rented place.
The original owner lived in the company dormitory at the beginning.
Their company is located in B City, where land is very expensive. The company’s dormitory is very small. In addition, in the company, there are many half-dead people like the original owner who can’t make much money…The original owner was crowded into a small room with three other people, they slept in bunks!
The original owner was very dissatisfied with such accommodation conditions. After being with Cai Jinchun, he talked about it. Cai Jinchun still liked the original owner at that time, so he waved his hand and rented the place where the original owner lives now.
This house is very close to the Cai family and the original owner’s former company. It’s located in a high-end residential area with strict management. It has two bedrooms, two living rooms, two bathrooms and more than 80 square meters of luxurious decoration. Although it’s not large, it’s already very good for the original owner.
It’s just…Cai Jinchun initially paid half a year’s rent for the original owner, but in the past few months, his relationship with the original owner has become worse and worse, so naturally the house has not been paid.
The monthly rent is 12,000 almost wiped out the original owner who had no savings!
Yan Jingze returned to the residence, opened the door, and saw several young men lying on the sofa in the living room, watching TV while applying facial masks.
Seeing him, one of them said, “Ziqiu, you’re back? I heard you had a fall out with young master Cai? Is that true?”
“Didn’t you see it with your own eyes?” Yan Jingze asked.
The person who talked to Yan Jingze is called Tan Minxuan, and he is the original owner’s ‘friend’.
When the original owner was in the company, he had a good relationship with Tan Minxuan. Later, after Cai Jinchun rented the house to the original owner, Tan Minxuan said that he was bullied in the company dormitory and he was uncomfortable living there, so he wanted to move in with the original owner and the original owner agreed.
Later Tan Minxuan saw that the original owner was going out with Cai Jinchun, so he also asked to go out with them, so the original owner would take him with him when he could.
Previously when the original owner drowned, Tan Minxuan was actually there too.
It’s just…he was the original owner’s friend, yet he let the original owner struggle in the water.
This is just a bullshit friend.
If it weren’t for Cai Jinchun’s high-sightedness, this Tan Minxuan would have pried the original owner’s corner long ago.
Of course, it may be a good thing if he really pried the original owner’s corner, the original owner might not have to die.
“Ziqiu, Young Master Cai is playing with you, you don’t have to be so angry, right? You have such a bad temper, you even slap young master Cai…” Tan Minxuan looked at Yan Jingze disapprovingly.
“Tan Minxuan, when will you pay back the money you owe me? Also, you have been living with me for nine months, shouldn’t you pay the rent?” Yan Jingze asked.
If Tan Minxuan hadn’t bumped into him, Yan Jingze wouldn’t have had time to tangle with him, but since he came to him…He is just too embarrassed to ignore him.
Tan Minxuan didn’t have enough money to spend, so he borrowed money from the original owner one after another. The total amount was already 10,000, and he usually used the original owner’s things. Besides…he lived with the original owner and never paid rent.
The original owner likes to pretend to be generous, and he is too embarrassed to ask for it, but he is different.
“You didn’t rent this house. Isn’t it young master Cai who rented it?” Tan Minxuan was a little embarrassed.
Yan Jingze glanced at the company colleagues that Tan Minxuan called, and said, “Who said the rent was paid by young master Cai? I paid it all, I still have the transfer records here.”
As he spoke, he opened the transfer records in the app, took a screenshot and posted it in the private group they created.
After posting, he looked at Tan Minxuan again: “You said you shared the rent with me but you didn’t give me a penny. Isn’t that bad?”
The original owner was all focused on Cai Jinchun, so naturally he didn’t pay much attention to other people, so he almost never entertained colleagues in this house.
However, Tan Minxuan is different. He always takes colleagues and friends here.
Today he invited a few people to play.
Now Yan Jingze is asking him for money in front of these people, and the rent transfer record has been sent to the group…
Tan Minxuan’s face turned blue and red: “How much do you want?”
“As you can see, the rent for this house is 12,000 a month, and that’s not even counting the utilities! You have lived here for nine months, not to mention the room beside the master bedroom, even if it is cheaper, that will still be five thousand a month, a total of forty-five thousand, plus the ten thousand you owe me, that is fifty-five thousand.” Yan Jingze said with a generous face, “I won’t ask you for the water and electricity bills.”
In fact, the original owner had only paid the rent for the last four months. Cai Jinchun had paid for the half a year before…but this did not affect him asking Tan Minxuan for money.
Tan Minxuan laughed twice: “I don’t have that much money…”
“The current APP can borrow money, it will be credited immediately after borrowing. I will watch you borrow it.” Yan Jingze said.
Tan Minxuan: “…”
“Tan Minxuan, you don’t want to renege on your debt, do you? The things you did before…”
“I’ll borrow it now!” Tan Minxuan said immediately.
Yan Jingze actually didn’t have anything against Tan Minxuan, but Tan Minxuan’s behavior…he obviously did a lot of bad things.
Yan Jingze stared at Tan Minxuan as he borrowed money, while watching, he also greeted the few people Tan Minxuan had invited.
Tan Minxuan and the original owner have a plastic friendship. Tan Minxuan invited so many people to his house today, most likely to laugh at him.
He and Cai Jinchun had such a fight, they would definitely break up. How proud Tan Minxuan would be.
These people also sympathized with him on the surface but made fun of him behind his back.
However, Yan Jingze still talked to them calmly.
He is not embarrassed, it’s others who should be embarrassed.
Not only that, but Yan Jingze also said: “Young master Cai…Let me be honest, he is not very good at it. He likes to overworked people…It’s good to split up now, I can find someone else.”
“Really, I regretted it not long after I was with him, but he was afraid that I would tell people, so he just wouldn’t let me go.”
“He’s probably pent up, pent up from his mental illness.”
“He’s very stingy…”

Yan Jingze said a few words, then stopped – the money had arrived!
After collecting the money, Yan Jingze went back to his room, packed all his things and put them in two boxes.
The original owner was inevitably a bit vain. He bought a lot of shoes, clothes, skin care products and cosmetics.
Fortunately, he was clear-headed and did not borrow money to buy luxury goods — there are quite a few people in their circle who do that!
Now Yan Jingze picked some pretty good ones and packed them up, which happened to fill up the original owner’s two boxes. After they were full, he picked up the boxes and left.
“Where are you going?” Tan Minxuan was stunned.
Yan Jingze said: “I terminated the contract with the company and started a business.”
Yan JingZe turned around and left.
Tan Minxuan and several of his colleagues looked at each other, embarrassment spread among them.
Tan Minxuan actually said a lot of bad things about Ji Ziqiu behind his back, saying that after Ji Ziqiu flattered young master Cai, he didn’t even want his face in order to get money from young master Cai.
However, now…Ji Ziqiu turns out to even pay the rent himself.
Tan Minxuan, on the other hand, lived here for nothing at Ji Ziqiu’s place!
The way everyone looked at Tan Minxuan was not quite right.
Not only that, it didn’t take long for rumors about Cai Jinchun to spread rapidly in the company.
Some people specifically tell others in person, some people can’t help but use their mobile phones to say it, and then withdraw it…
Talking and talking, everyone found out that everyone who should know knew it…so they said it openly.
However, everyone that was talking about it was from a small circle. No one dared to make a scene in front of Cai Jinchun, even Mr. Cai’s confidant like Assistant Zhang, everyone would not let him hear the news.
Therefore, Cai Jinchun knew nothing about this matter.
He is now accepting his father’s criticism.
Mr. Cai is in his fifties, so he is a little fat. At this moment, he looks at his son resentfully: “Did you cause enough trouble yet? If you like men, talking to your boyfriend is fine, but what’s the point of torturing the other person like this? You even bully the person in public …”
“He is willing to go to the sea.” Cai Jinchun said.
“Then when he calls for help, you should have got someone to help him.” Mr. Cai said angrily. He already understood the specific situation at that time.
“He’s just pretending. He’s used to pretending.”
“Even if he is pretending, so what? If people outside know that you forced people into the sea to die, are you going to even have a future?”
Cai Jinchun also knew that he was reckless: “This is my mistake…I actually didn’t expect it to be like this… He even hit me!”
“Rabbits will bite people if they are cornered!”
The father and son talked for a long time, then Father Cai sighed: “You, ah… I can’t control the matter of you liking men, but you can’t mess around! It’s best to live a peaceful life! You know, this circle is very chaotic, if you mess around with people, you may contract some kind of disease, it will be over then!”
“I know,” Cai Jinchun assured his father, “I will never mess around.”
Of course he will find a good partner, someone he likes and likes him, not someone like Ji Ziqiu who only likes his money.
Cai Jinchun felt angry when he thought of Ji Ziqiu.
In his previous life, he devoted himself to Ji Ziqiu, but what happened? Ji Ziqiu was with him because of his money, he didn’t love him at all!
Cai Jinchun was reborn.
In his previous life, when he met Ji Ziqiu for the first time, he had a good impression of Ji Ziqiu — although Ji Ziqiu accidentally bumped into him, he had the courage to take responsibility and insisted on paying him compensation even though he had no money. Such people are very rare!
After getting along with Ji Ziqiu, he liked Ji Ziqiu more and more.
In his previous life, after the two were together for half a year, he took Ji Ziqiu to meet his parents.
He came out to his parents a long time ago. Before Ji Ziqiu, he had other boyfriends, but those people were not sincere to him. Only Ji Ziqiu really wanted to spend his life with him, so he also wanted to live a good life with Ji Ziqiu.
His father didn’t want him to mess around, so he accepted Ji Ziqiu, and Ji Ziqiu lived in his house. Later, they got married.
In the first few years of his marriage, he had a very happy time, but later, he accidentally learned that Ji Ziqiu had plotted his first meeting with Ji Ziqiu, so his feelings towards Ji Ziqiu changed.
Ji Ziqiu doesn’t love him, he only likes his money!
Thinking of Ji Ziqiu doing almost nothing after marriage, just coaxing him and buying things every day, he became more and more dissatisfied.
He started to lose his temper with Ji Ziqiu.
However, Ji Ziqiu was not angry at all, he still coaxed him.
That’s right, he is Ji Ziqiu’s gold master, so of course Ji Ziqiu will not offend him.
He became more angry and treated Ji Ziqiu worse and worse. Ji Ziqiu still didn’t mention divorce besides coaxing him. His only ‘buy, buy, buy’ hobby continues.
He became more and more angry and found someone else.
He even took the initiative to make Ji Ziqiu find out about his cheating.
Ji Ziqiu…still didn’t want to divorce, he just pretended not to know, it’s just…he didn’t like to talk to him anymore.
He couldn’t explain his feelings clearly, he just felt very angry, so he played a little bit outside, and then…accidentally, he got sick and got HIV.
After he got sick, he suffered very much, and at that moment, Ji Ziqiu wanted to divorce him!
Although when he married Ji Ziqiu, his father asked them to sign a prenuptial agreement, but he was the wrong party, even his father thought he was wrong, so when they divorced, Ji Ziqiu still got a lot of money.
When he was seriously ill, Ji Ziqiu, who divorced him, lived a particularly carefree life.
He was pissed off!
After waking up after dying of illness…he was back to the time when he was going to take Ji Ziqiu to meet his parents.
At that time, he was still innocent and he wanted a beautiful love. Although he fell in love with Ji Ziqiu, they hadn’t had a relationship yet, and he didn’t know that Ji Ziqiu was with him because of money.
In his previous life, after he took Ji Ziqiu to meet his father, although his father didn’t like Ji Ziqiu very much, he still accepted Ji Ziqiu. Later, he cheated on him, then his father scolded him…He certainly won’t let Ji Ziqiu have a chance to curry favor with his father and meet his parents, he will end it all.
After that, he never gave Ji Ziqiu any money and kept torturing Ji Ziqiu.
In the end, Ji Ziqiu never mentioned breaking up, just like he never divorced him in his previous life.
For money, Ji Ziqiu is really willing to do anything!
Yes, he has always been a selfish person, after all, he came from that kind of family.
Cai Jinchun looked down on Ji Ziqiu, and he also looked down on Ji Ziqiu’s family members. When Ji Ziqiu was with him, Ji Ziqiu’s parents were always crying and making noise, which was very annoying.
After talking to his father, Cai Jinchun went back to his bedroom, touched his face that was slapped by Ji Ziqiu, feeling annoyed.
Ji Ziqiu only had money in his eyes, and bent on marrying him, so he thought that even if Ji Ziqiu fell into the water, he would not break up with him, but in the end…Ji Ziqiu not only wanted to break up, but also slap him!
However, he did not forget to extort two million from him afterwards…As expected of Ji Ziqiu!
It’s good to kick Ji Ziqiu earlier. He was blind in his previous life to fall in love with Ji Ziqiu. Ji Ziqiu used his money to eat, lived on his money, and used his money, didn’t he spend more than two million? When they divorce, he took tens of millions from him!
Without him, he wants to see what kind of person Ji Ziqiu, who knows nothing and is lazy at work, can become!
Cai Jinchun slowly fell asleep.
Yan JingZe also settled down in a hotel at this time.
He definitely couldn’t live in the original house, but it would take time to rent a new house, so he planned to live in a hotel first.
After settling, Yan Jingze didn’t go to bed early but took the tablet and watched the financial news.
The original owner does not have a computer, only a mobile phone and a tablet. These two devices are also loaded with various video platforms and games, which can kill time anyway.
The original owner was indeed a serious phone addicted.
He likes to turn on the video and apply facial masks. When he goes to the gym to lift weights to maintain his figure, he also watches videos of other people showing off their bodies.
Well, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to hold on.
Yan Jingze has already sorted out the original owner’s mobile phone, and uninstalled all the time-wasting games. Because the original owner posted videos, he may need these video platforms to make money in the future, so he left them.
As for the original owner’s tablet…he directly reinstalled and cleared everything, and then started downloading various financial apps. In addition, he also downloaded a lot of apps for reading e-books.
He needs to study hard so that he can find suitable entrepreneurial projects.
Yan Jingze looked at various national policies and then went to the stock market.
After looking at the recent stock market, he went to see various funds.
After looking at various funds, he went to look at financial news…
He reads things very fast and remembers them very well.
Regarding this, Yan Jingze is not surprised.
He’s here to repair the world…It’s normal to be a genius, isn’t it?
However…Yan Jingze, who was looking quickly at various information, suddenly stopped sliding his fingers.
When he was watching the financial news, he saw a photo.
It was a picture of a young man who was a well-known venture investor and managed a large amount of funds.
The most important thing is…this person is very handsome.
Yan Jingze stared at the photo for a while. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this person was very pleasing to his eyes, even this person’s name sounded very nice.
This man’s name is Su Moxiu…His name is very poetic and picturesque. Just looking at his name, one can tell that he must be a handsome gentleman.
Yan Jingze went online to look up information about this person, but he found very little useful information. He scratched his head and could only learn about hacking.
But even if he learns things quickly, he can’t learn them in a short period of time, and even if he does, he doesn’t know where to find Su Moxiu.
He didn’t know what to do after finding Su Moxiu either.
He is nothing now, even if he rushes up to him, he won’t pay him any attention!
In Yan Jingze’s memories, the original owner had no chance to know Cai Jinchun at first. It was when he saw Cai Jinchun’s car and chased after him with all his heart that he succeeded.
If he was driving at this moment and saw Su Moxiu’s car, he would definitely bump into him too.
Even if Su Moxiu asked him to compensate, he would be willing.
By the way, if Su Moxiu likes him…that would be even better, he is very willing to be with Su Moxiu!
It’s just that he doesn’t know if Su Moxiu likes men…He really wants to rely on his face to make a living!
Yan Jingze was deeply shocked by his inner thoughts.
He didn’t expect that he was such a person!
He obviously came to save the world, but in the end…
Alas, it’s because he is such a person that he became Ji Ziqiu, right?
Yan Jingze quickly accepted his situation. At this moment, he noticed that it was already three o’clock in the morning.
If one stays up late, they will become ugly. If he becomes ugly…What would he do if Su Moxiu doesn’t like him?
Yan Jingze put down the tablet without hesitation, turned off the lights and went to sleep.
After sleeping for a while…Yan Jingze got up again, then changed the passwords of his accounts one by one. After the changes, all the platforms that he could post, he also posted a message: “Isn’t Su Moxiu very handsome? I want to meet him! Does anyone have his contact information? Please! Thank you very much!”
Although doing so, there is a high probability that there is no chance to get Su Moxiu’s contact information, but maybe…someone will really sent it to him?!
After all, he is the savior, so his luck shouldn’t be bad?
Yan Jingze fell asleep after sending the message.
It was already three or four o’clock in the morning, so most of the night owls had gone to bed, there were very few people who were still surfing the Internet all night.
Among the very few people, there’s also the original owner’s fans who are willing to take a look at the original owner…it’s just that none of them replied.
It wasn’t until after seven o’clock in the morning that someone replied to the original owner: “Brother, who is Su Moxiu?”
When Yan Jingze finally woke up, it was already twelve o’clock at noon. He looked at it and found that the original owner had received…about two hundred replies in total.
There were so many, mainly because some people were talking under the message he sent.
“I checked, this Su Moxiu is really amazing!”
“At first I thought he was a newcomer in brother’s company, so brother was just pushing him, but it turned out…he was a financial boss?”
“Su Moxiu is not as handsome as brother, but he is more powerful than him!”
“Qiuqiu…What misunderstanding do you have about your fans? You think we will know Su Moxiu!?”

Anyway, no one told Yan Jingze Su Moxiu’s contact information.
Yan Jingze sighed, a little disappointed.
And at this time…Cai Jinchun, who had been following Ji Ziqiu all the time, saw the post from Yan Jingze.
Ji Ziqiu said Su Moxiu was handsome? Cai Jinchun was displeased for a while.
In his memory, there was such a person as Su Moxiu, but he didn’t know…So, he checked and found out that Su Moxiu was so outstanding.
Su Moxiu owns shares in many large companies. He is the top ten major shareholder of those companies. He also has a group under him. With this group name, he also holds shares in many companies.
However, whenever he appears in public, it is usually as the manager of the large domestic fund.
The Cai family owns an entertainment company, and the company has gone public. The shares of the company held by Cai Jinchun and his father are now worth nearly one billion yuan. In addition, their family also has a lot of real estate and other investments in stock funds…
It can be said that their family is very rich.
However, that’s nothing compared to Su Moxiu.
After being dumped by him, Ji Ziqiu couldn’t wait to chase Su Moxiu?
Cai Jinchun looked at Ji Ziqiu’s account on his phone with disdain.
A person like Ji Ziqiu actually wants to know Su Moxiu…Is he crazy?!
As far as Ji Ziqiu’s ability is concerned, he was fooled because he was young, so an old fox like Su Moxiu will definitely be able to tell that there is something wrong with Ji Ziqiu at a glance. He will never fall in love with Ji Ziqiu!
However, Ji Ziqiu lied to him for his money, and on his account he even said that he was handsome, and that he wanted to know the person…he wanted to teach Ji Ziqiu a lesson!
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