Novel Name : Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 854 Ocean

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Chapter 854 Ocean

In the end, Captain Jorvik wasn't given much of a choice. There was a rule amongst people like him that they'd never do anything for free. Since he was doomed to die if he said no, then he might as well get paid for his efforts.
Despite being an old man in the 2nd Stage of the Mortal Shedding Realm, he was far from his prime and had used up most of his potential to get there. He could still live for quite a few more years, and fighting Mira at this stage of his life was pointless.
As he watched Mira and her companions board the ship, he could only sigh.
'Young'uns these days.' He shook his head in dissatisfaction. 'They have no respect for us old folk anymore. This new generation is really goin' to hell.'
Still, as someone who has faced an uncountable number of dangers in his life, he has developed a keen instinct. Something about Mira made him feel as if he was just a wee lad trying to escape a Kraken.
Yet, instead of being a thousand kilometers under the sea, it was right next to him, staring him down like he'd be its next meal.
"Haaa… I'm gettin' too old for this shit." He puffed a cigar as he watched his crew work.
On the other side, Mira and the girls explored the boat, making sure not to get in anyone's way. They had already received a bit of a rundown from Captain Jorvik, but he was clearly not all that interested in talking more than needed.
Captain Jorvik's ship, The Northern Gale, was a large, sturdy, designed to withstand the treacherous waters of the northern seas, with a broad deck that could accommodate a sizable crew and passengers.
As Mira and her companions explored the boat, they noticed its unique design. The deck was made of dark, weather-resistant wood. Runes were carved into the railings and masts. These were likely enhancements to bolster the ship's durability and speed.
Other than that, there were all kinds of arrays and formations around the boat.
Below deck, the ship was surprisingly spacious, with several cabins for the crew and a few larger rooms that were now allocated to Mira's group. Each room was simple but comfortable, with sturdy bunks and small portholes that let in natural light.
The ship's galley was compact but well-equipped, with a large stove and ample storage for provisions. There was a distinct smell of salt and spices in the air, which made Dominique somewhat curious since cultivators didn't need to eat.
When she asked one of the crewmates about this, they said, "Food is one of the few things to keep us sane while on the water."
Dominique wasn't sure what that meant, but she was happy nonetheless. Although cultivators didn't need to eat, she still enjoyed it.
At the stern was a reinforced wheel. Next to the wheel was a large, detailed map of the seas, marked with known routes and notes on currents and wind patterns.
One of the most impressive features of The Northern Gale was its defensive capabilities. Along the sides of the ship were mounted ballistae, capable of firing massive bolts.
Furthermore, the ship was equipped with several Qi cannons, a more modern addition that utilized concentrated bursts of energy.
The less fighting the Captain and crew had to do, the better.
As they settled into their rooms, Mira couldn't help but admire the ship's robustness and the evident training of its crew.
"Nn. I suppose this man's reputation is well deserved." Mira muttered, opening her eyes and reeling in her Soul Sense.
"Is it really that great, Mother?" Dominique asked as she sat at the edge of the bed.
"The boat is." Mira nodded. " The crew… Well, they're weak but experienced." That was putting it nicely.
In reality, while the crew was made up of Nascent Soul Realm and above, with two in the Mortal Shedding Realm, she alone could steamroll through them all. Not to mention adding Elenei and Rhydian.
"I think, at maximum capacity, this boat could withstand a few hits from Aelina if they used everything. I'm not sure how long this Captain Jorvik guy's been working for, but he's probably put at least a medium-level Sect's worth of money into this boat."
"That much?!" Suddenly, Dominique felt like she was standing on top of a giant pile of cash.
'...What if it were ours?' She couldn't help but think before she shook her head.
"Mmhm." Mira nodded. "I doubt I'd be able to do much damage to this boat. At the very least, the crew will die long before it falls apart."
"That's… oddly relieving."
Dominique gave a sigh of relief after hearing Mira's words. Truthfully, she was a bit nervous to cross the ocean.
Although she trusted Mira's strength, it was still unknown territory.
The Northern Gale set sail a few hours later, its sails billowing against the brisk sea breeze. The crew had just finished preparing the ship for the long voyage ahead.
Captain Jorvik, standing at the helm, directed his men with a series of sharp commands with his gaze fixed on the horizon.
Mira and her companions gathered on the deck, watching the busy crew with interest.
Despite the initial tension between Mira and Captain Jorvik, the atmosphere on the ship was professional. The crew avoided unnecessary interactions, focusing solely on their duties.
Captain Jorvik's expression turned stern and focused as he approached Mira and her group. "We're heading out," he announced. "We'll be following a route that I've charted over the years. It's the safest but also potentially the most dangerous."
He unrolled a detailed sea chart on a nearby barrel, pointing to a series of intricate lines that crisscrossed the map. "We'll navigate through the Silver Straits, skirt around the Maelstrom of Shadows, move under Water Dragon's Nest, and make our way north through the Frostbite Channel. Once we're past that, it's a straight shot to the Northern Continent. Should take us a few months should everything go normally."
Mira leaned over the map, her eyes tracing the route. "What about sea creatures?" she asked.
"There'll be plenty," Jorvik replied, glancing at her. "Krakens, Leviathans, Sea Drakes... We've faced them all. But with The Northern Gale's defenses and my crew's experience, we've always made it through."
"I look forward to it," Mira stated as a gleam passed through her blood-red eyes.
Suddenly, Jorvik shuddered, feeling like he just encountered a terrible omen. He couldn't help but curse in his mind, wanting nothing more than to toss Mira overboard right about now. '...What sort of ill-omened witch have I allowed onto my ship?'
Unfortunately, it was too late for regrets. They'd already set sail.
Dominique listened with wide eyes, clutching Hana's hand, who had an equally awestruck expression as they awaited the sights they would soon see.
As the ship left the harbor, Mira stood at the bow, feeling the ship cut through the waves. The vastness of the ocean stretched before them, a boundless expanse of blue that seemed both beautiful and menacing.
Her hair flailed in the wind as she took in the sight.
'It's moving quite fast, huh?' She thought with interest. 'As fast as… no, probably a bit faster than Elenei's normal speed. Yet, it'll still take us a few months to get there? Just how vast is the ocean?'
However, she still couldn't understand why most people didn't just tame an aerial beast and fly over. 'I don't know about others, but Rhydian and Elenei should be able to fly for months without any breaks. Is it because of the weather or something else…?'
In fact, even right outside the docks, there were almost no people flying, and those who did weren't above a certain altitude.
After thinking about it for a while, yet coming up with nothing, she just shrugged her shoulders and continued to stare out into the vast expanse.
Several hours into their journey, the sea began to change. The sky darkened as heavy clouds rolled in, obscuring the sun. The waves grew larger, crashing against the ship with increasing force.
The ship rocked back and forth, but an array suddenly activated, keeping everyone aboard grounded.
"We've got a storm coming!" shouted one of the crewmen, his voice carrying over the howling wind.
Captain Jorvik barked orders, his crew moving quickly to secure the sails and reinforce the ship's defenses. "Everyone, brace yourselves! This one looks fierce!"
Mira, Dominique, and the others retreated to the relative safety below deck as the ship began to rock violently. The sound of thunder rumbled overhead, accompanied by the relentless assault of rain and wind.
Inside, the group felt the ship heave and lurch. Dominique gripped the edge of her bunk so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Hana buried her face in her mother's chest, trying to muffle the sound of the storm.
Rhydian turned into her wolf form and fell asleep. Elenei stood by a porthole, watching the chaos outside with a hint of curiosity.
Meanwhile, Mira was a little confused, yet ticked off that such a storm came not a few hours after they departed. 'It seems… this won't be a smooth journey.'
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