Novel Name : I Became the Koi Actor After Entering the Book

Chapter 45 - Habits

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Chapter 45… Habits

Lu Yuzhou settled Chi Zhongqiao, sat on the bedside and watched for a while. Chi Zhongqiao frowned, and after lying down for more than ten minutes, his breathing gradually calmed down. Lu Yuzhou waited until he was completely asleep before leaving.
Lu Yuzhou slept for less than two hours, always thinking of Chi Zhongqiao in his heart. He got up and knocked on Chi Zhongqiao’s door when it was almost 12 o’clock. He didn’t hear a response for a long time, and his heart immediately hung up.
Fortunately, Chi Zhongqiao didn’t lock the bedroom door at home. Lu Yuzhou was not polite, so he pushed the door directly in.
Chi Zhongqiao did indeed have a fever. He was still drowsily mumbling that he was feeling cold even though he was wrapped in a quilt.
In fact, he has no consciousness at this moment. He was already sleepy and the fever was added to it, so he has not awakened from his sleep. Chi Zhongqiao was too tired during this time, and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. He didn’t wake up even with six or seven alarm clocks in the morning.
Lu Yuzhou put his hand on Chi Zhongqiao’s forehead. The skin under his palm was hot. Lu Yuzhou’s face immediately changed.
Chi Zhongqiao felt someone approaching in his sleep. Feeling a piece of cool skin against his face, Chi Zhongqiao subconsciously pressed Lu Yuzhou’s hand on the pillow with his face sideways.
He was sweating, and his body was hot. While being greedy for the cold on Yuzhou’s body, he whispered, “cold.”
Lu Yuzhou was frightened by the temperature of his body for a few seconds. When he called the doctor, his fingers were unsteady. He couldn’t move his other hand because of Chi Zhongqiao’s pressure. Lu Yuzhou pulled his hand away, notifying the doctor while soaking a towel with cold water to give him a cold compress.
Hearing what he said, the doctor put on his clothes and hurried out, hurriedly saying, “Mr. Lu, first use a cold towel to cool down, and then take Mr. Chi’s body temperature. If it is possible, use alcohol, I will be there soon.”
Lu Yuzhou followed the doctor’s advice, he took a cold towel and gave Chi Zhongqiao a cold compress. Chi Zhongqiao felt cold, and kept shrinking into the quilt.
Lu Yuzhou was so upset that he simply wrapped the person in his arms with the quilt. Chi Zhongqiao was hugged and finally calmed down. A head came out of the quilt and nestled on Lu Yuzhou’s shoulders and neck.
Lu Yuzhou lowered his head. At this moment, his heart seemed to be floating and sinking in boiling oil, and he could not calm down for a while. Chi Zhongqiao had already burned to thirty-nine degrees, and he was completely dizzy. He didn’t even hum. Just closed his eyes and panted while lying on Lu Yuzhou.
Why hasn’t the doctor arrived yet?
When Lu Yuzhou couldn’t bear it, the doorbell finally rang. Lu Yuzhou gently put Chi Zhongqiao down, turned around and opened the door. The doctor brought the medicine box, and ran into Chi Zhongqiao’s bedroom without even saying hello.
He injected the drip. In order to prevent Chi Zhongqiao from moving around, Lu Yuzhou simply picked up Chi Zhongqiao and let him sleep on him.
It didn’t take long for the drip to take effect. Probably Chi Zhongqiao did not feel so uncomfortable anymore and obediently nestled in Lu Yuzhou’s arms.
After hanging the first bottle of saline, the doctor went up and changed the medicine bottle for Chi Zhongqiao.
The doctor whispered, “Mr. Lu, give him a little water. The fever should be gone after the second bottle is injected. If he is still not well, you can only take him to the hospital.” There is no hospital equipment at home.
After using the second bottle, Chi Zhongqiao’s body gradually became less hot.
When Lu Yuzhou saw Chi Zhongqiao being asleep peacefully, he lowered his voice, “Brother Qiao has always been in good health. He hasn’t caught a cold all year round. He was in the crew and no one has the flu. How did it spread?”
The person in his arms was previously burnt into a hot iron plate, and his heart pained.
Zhong Yin sends Chi Zhongqiao back every day and will report to Du Yusheng about Chi Zhongqiao’s physical condition. The agent can’t circle around the artist all the time, so he must communicate with his assistant to prevent the artist from being ill. In special seasons like the spring and autumn seasons, it is easier to get sick. Du Yusheng specifically urged him to pay attention to the people Chi Zhongqiao usually contacts. Lu Yuzhou also paid attention, so Du Yusheng would pass Zhong Yin’s report to Lu Yuzhou every day.
The doctor taught himself a little bit of Chinese medicine, and shook his head after passing the pulse, “Illnesses are not always transmitted from others. Mr. Chi is in good health and he usually exercises regularly, but has he not had a good rest recently? Is his diet also normal? “
Lu Yuzhou frowned immediately and shook his head, “Brother Qiao has recently been unable to have a good sleep.” Sometimes, after he finished the video conference, he saw that Brother Qiao hadn’t rested yet. It’s just that he himself stayed up late, so he just exhorted a few more words, didn’t dare to mention more.
The doctor sighed, “Mr. Lu, their hard work as an actor is not soaking in cold water in winter and covering the quilt in summer. They are mentally stressed. Otherwise, why are so many actors having mental problems? People are overwhelmed by various things. If they have too much mental pressure, their body will definitely respond. For some people who are stressed, their hair will fall off, they can’t sleep or they don’t feel hungry. If they are more serious, they will vomit for no reason. They are totally worn down.”
The doctor started to pack things up, “I’m also talking about Mr. Lu. You have a heavy burden, but you can’t tire yourself out. You have to rest. You have a better physical foundation than others. Otherwise,” the doctor pointed at Chi Zhongqiao who was curled up in Lu Yuzhou’s arms, and then said, “You would be lying here too.”
Lu Yuzhou lowered his head. Although Chi Zhongqiao’s face was blushing, his lips were not pale. He picked up the cup on one side, dipped a cotton swab in water, and applied it to Chi Zhongqiao’s lips.
Just when the doctor thought that Lu Yuzhou didn’t take his words to heart Lu Yuzhou whispered, “Okay, I will pay attention.”
He raised his head and his eyes were dark, “It’s not convenient to go back so late. If Dr. Xue doesn’t dislike it, you can stay in the guest bedroom for one night.”
The doctor shook his head, “It’s good to have something to sleep on!”
Lu Yuzhou should get up and take him into the guest bedroom, but Chi Zhongqiao just snuggled up on him. He was distressed and affectionate, and he was reluctant to walk away. He weighed for a second between politeness and Brother Qiao , and decisively chose the latter, “I can’t move right now . The guest bedroom is the second room on the right hand side.”
The doctor was very satisfied. He nodded to Lu Yuzhou. After two steps, he turned his head back, “My knowledge of Chinese medicine is very general and I can’t diagnose much by checking the pulse, but Mr. Chi’s illness came too urgently, probably because he was under too much pressure. After he wakes up, Mr. Lu has to communicate with him. Oh, by the way, please pay more attention to his condition in the evening, and you must find me when it burns.”
Lu Yuzhou nodded.
The doctor closed the door gently and left contentedly.
Not long after he left, Chi Zhongqiao finished hanging a bottle of water, and the fever subsided. Chi Zhongqiao had a thin layer of sweat before, but now that the fever has subsided, he feels cold, and he keeps shrinking into Lu Yuzhou’s arms.
Lu Yuzhou pulled out the needle and was pressing the pinhole for him. He couldn’t hold Chi Zhongqiao with one hand, so he had no choice but to press the person onto the bed. His free arm hugged Chi Zhongqiao and patted Chi Zhongqiao’s back lightly.
He stared at Chi Zhongqiao’s sleeping face and whispered, “You don’t look like you are worried about anything… What are you thinking about all day long?”
Lu Yuzhou got close, and the hot breath fell on Chi Zhongqiao’s face when he spoke. Chi Zhongqiao felt that his sleep was disturbed. He struggled to free himself and put a hand on Lu Yuzhou’s face, and turned his face reluctantly.
Lu Yuzhou, who was pressed on his face, “…” The pinhole was no longer bleeding. Lu Yuzhou moved his hand and tucked Chi Zhongqiao’s hand back into the quilt . Chi Zhongqiao’s body temperature returned to normal, and the sweat on his face was wiped clean long ago. A plain white face without makeup, frowning brows and pursed lips, looked pitiful.
Why are you worried?
Lu Yuzhou lowered his head, touching Chi Zhongqiao’s cheeks, his lips moved slightly, “Who upset you?”
Chi Zhongqiao breathed smoothly.
Lu Yuzhou stared at him for a moment, and reached out his hand to darken the lamp beside the bed.
Being so close and hearing each other’s breath, it seemed normal to kiss the face of the person in his arms when saying goodnight, but Lu Yuzhou resisted it.
Love is so heavy, he can’t even bear to be a little bit frivolous .

Chi Zhongqiao slept until the day was bright.
He turned over on the bed. Although the fever subsided, his cold was not healed, and his whole body hurts. After the high fever last night, he was a little dehydrated and felt weak.
Did I get fucked…
Chi Zhongqiao hasn’t had a headache and fever for a long time, and this small and troubling disease still confused him when he woke up. So a terrible idea came to his mind, but he soon rejected this idea—he was still at home.
He touched the phone, and his face suddenly changed when he saw the time- 10:27! He still has a show today!
Chi Zhongqiao stood up suddenly, but it was a pity that his legs were soft, and he couldn’t stand up.
At this time, Lu Yuzhou came in with the porridge and said, “I have asked for a leave for Brother Qiao.”
Chi Zhongqiao’s tight body relaxed, raised his hand, and looked at the pinhole on the back of his hand for a while, “Did I have a fever last night? That’s it?”
Lu Yuzhou put down the porridge bowl, “Mm, it was 39°Celsius. If the doctor didn’t arrive, your brain would burn and turn you into a silly brother Qiao.” He tried the temperature of the porridge bowl, “The porridge is still hot, Brother Qiao should go wash first. “
Chi Zhongqiao nodded, opened the quilt and walked into the bathroom.
While brushing his teeth, Chi Zhongqiao frowned at the pale face in the mirror, thinking, “It is estimated that he was swept by the air-conditioning and cold wind after drinking alcohol last night.”
After he washed, he was much more sober and sat in front of Lu Yuzhou, “Last night, it was troublesome for you…”
Lu Yuzhou turned his head and said, “Brother Qiao is so polite with me. It hurts.”
So Chi Zhongqiao, who said a polite sentence, swallowed back his words halfway. He hesitated for a while, and didn’t know what to say, so he had to look down at the porridge bowl.
Lu Yuzhou said, “Dr. Xue said that Brother Qiao’s sudden fever was due to too much pressure recently. Did Brother Qiao stay up late?”
Chi Zhongqiao was poked by his question. He thought for a while, and decided to lie, “Didn’t stay up late.”
Lu Yuzhou : “…”
Talking nonsense with your eyes open.
Lu Yuzhou deliberately communicated with Chi Zhongqiao, but his brother Qiao didn’t cooperate. When asked about it, he just didn’t want to answer.
Lu Yuzhou looked at him quietly for a while, suddenly lowered his eyes, and said softly, “Okay, I won’t ask. Brother Qiao, take a good rest.”
Chi Zhongqiao : “…”
This is terrible.
Chi Zhongqiao stretched out his hand, “Come on, Yuzhou.”
Lu Yuzhou walked over. Chi Zhongqiao took a bag from the table and took out a box from it. “I went to Shanmin Temple two days ago and saw someone in the temple selling ​​this.”
Lu Yuzhou wondered.
Chi Zhongqiao opened the box, and inside was a pair of 108 Bodhi bracelets.
”It’s not a very expensive thing. I haven’t given it to you because I don’t know how to say it.” Chi Zhongqiao took Lu Yuzhou’s hand and tied the bracelet around Lu Yuzhou’s wrist. “I didn’t plan to buy this in the first place. After all, you don’t buy these fancy accessories, so I bought it. I don’t know if you will like it, so I haven’t given it to you…”
Lu Yuzhou didn’t move his hand and let Chi Zhongqiao hold it gently. He vaguely guessed what Chi Zhongqiao was going to say, probably those not very good words. His brother Qiao used to praise him and didn’t like to teach him. Every time there was something wrong with him, Qiao would show this embarrassed expression as if he had encountered a big problem.
For Lu Yuzhou, Chi Zhongqiao also occupies half of the elder’s identity. Not only because of his age, but also from a psychological point of view. Lu Yuzhou didn’t receive as much parental love from his parents as Lu Zhuo. Although his grandfather loved him, he was an old soldier who spent more time with a gun and couldn’t raise children. He adopted a stocking policy for his sons and grandchildren. He was strict and did not pamper them. In recent years, he has grown older and his mentality is different from the past, so he is not always stern.
Chi Zhongqiao is different from the old man. He will not correct Lu Yuzhou’s mistakes sternly, but will only gently tug at him when he is about to turn in the wrong direction .
Just like now, Chi Zhongqiao curled his eyebrows and looked at him.
Lu Yuzhou’s heart softened first when he saw his worried look.
Chi Zhongqiao squeezed Lu Yuzhou’s finger, and pondered his words many times with his lips pressed. In fact, even if he just said it directly, Lu Yuzhou wouldn’t be angry, but Chi Zhongqiao couldn’t bear to say it directly, after all, what he was going to say was too ugly.
He can also choose to not talk about it, after all, he doesn’t need to make his sponsor unhappy, right?
But this is his family’s Yuzhou.
Chi Zhongqiao didn’t want to watch him make detours and hurt others and himself.
Chi Zhongqiao whispered, “Several Bodhi beads were displayed in the temple, and I saw this one at a glance.”
He twisted a bead, and there was no fancy carving on it, only a few words were engraved–” See the real self, see all beings, see the world.”
Chi Zhongqiao said, “I like these words, so I bought it. The old man told you the other day…” He licked the corner of his lower lip and quickly recalled the old man’s words and said vaguely, “You’re a little impatient to do things, in fact, I think…”
Lu Yuzhou suddenly smiled.
Chi Zhongqiao was taken aback.
Lu Yuzhou snuggled over and whispered, “Grandpa clearly said that I am small, intolerant, and not a character that can be the leader.”
A few days ago, the two went back to the old house to visit the old man. After lunch, the old man called the two of them. In the study, he had nothing to say to Chi Zhongqiao, and kindly told him to pay attention to his body and other intimate words, then turned his head and cursed Lu Yuzhou severely.
The old man said horribly, Chi Zhongqiao reluctantly sorted out the head and tail out of it -probably there was a problem with the project under Lu’s father, and the project leader angered Lu Yuzhou in the previous project. Lu Yuzhou didn’t say anything at that time. This time, grasping the handle, he directly pushed the person over.
The key is that the person in charge is not very wrong. This problem can be remedied. Last time, it was not that the person in charge was willing to make Lu Yuzhou unhappy. It was Lu Zhuo who was intimidating him. After Lu’s father acquiesced, he had to make some small actions. Lu Yuzhou simply pushed him out this time. With the mistake made by the person in charge this time, Father Lu and his gang could not get off the stage.
Lu Yuzhou said, “The old man said that I ruthless and leave no leeway for myself or others when doing things. I do it all because of pleasure. I don’t care about the consequences . Brother Qiao also thinks I am not good?”
Chi Zhongqiao was silent for a moment, shook his head, and laughed, “If you didn’t do anything wrong, it’s unfair to put the blame on you. Personality is the result of your environment. Whether you’re ruthless or not, it’s not something you chose.” He felt that sometimes Lu Yuzhou was not deliberately ruthless, he didn’t feel that he had done it before. He doesn’t even think he’s overdoing it.
Lu Yuzhou feels at ease as long as Chi Zhongqiao is with him. He thought about it, and said, “When I was a kid, I always fought with Lu Zhuo. They always sided with Lu Zhou. No matter who was in the wrong , it was always my fault. I felt…” He smiled, as if he felt naïve before, “I felt at a loss, thinking that I would be scolded anyway after a fight, so I didn’t want to be cruel. I didn’t fight with for anything later . He was always cruel to me.” The smile on his face faded quickly, “Maybe I’m used to it.”
These words nailed Chi Zhongqiao to the seat, making him pant with distress.
Lu Yuzhou didn’t want to mention those bad things in his early years. He quietly leaned on Chi Zhongqiao, and suddenly reached out to hug Chi Zhongqiao. The bracelet on his wrist made a slight sound of wood bumping with each other, almost covering Lu Yuzhou’s voice.
He said, “Brother Qiao, I want to change it.”
Chi Zhongqiao gently patted Lu Yuzhou on the back, “I know, I know.”
He changed to a relaxed expression, smiled and asked Lu Yuzhou, “Your problem is nothing serious. But if the project leader did not provoke you, you would not go against him. Sometimes you just protect your loved ones too hard
I guess, did the project leader say something wrong about the old man? Probably it was nepotism, saying that he was confused and dared to hand over the company to young people.”
Lu Yuzhou: “Well, I just heard it. How did Brother Qiao guess it?”
Chi Zhongqiao poked his face, ” I still understand your character. He dared to anger you last time. With your temper, you were definitely not happy. I’m sure you could’ve given him a hard time before , so why put it off until this time? Don’t believe you have to worry about a project leader.”
Lu Yuzhou’s face was squeezed after being poked.
Chi Zhongqiao said, “There is also Zhuang Fu , why did you just leave him alone, and make a show of it when Zhou Yunmo was robbed of his endorsement?” Lu Yuzhou didn’t lay traps for Zhou Yunmo, yet he just ignored both of them . Had it not been for maintaining the internal rules of the company, Lu Yuzhou would have even pretended not to see them.
Lu Yuzhou rubbed his hand and said nothing.
Chi Zhongqiao tensed his serious face with difficulty, and said, “…you can’t act like a baby, are you doing this on purpose ?”
Lu Yuzhou: “…um.”
Chi Zhongqiao sighed, “You protect your loved ones , but do you not think that they may be “wrong ” too?”

T/N: Thank you for reading (~˘▾˘)~
Let me know if you find any mistakes and I’ll correct them. You can also ‘buy me a coffee’ if you like it…..

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