Novel Name : Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World

Chapter 369 (Self Edited) – Receiving Advice

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Ex Strongest, Receiving Advice

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The beginning was a bit unusual, but once the class started, nothing particularly strange happened. Well, the fact that Soma was attending high school classes was already quite unusual. However, regardless of the situation, the class itself was ordinary. Soma watched equations about differentiation and integration being written on the blackboard, feeling a sense of nostalgia and yet not remembering them at all.
Naturally, Aina and Felicia were also taking the class seriously. They seemed even more earnest than Soma. Yet, because they were serious, it was also strange. They had studied together at the academy, and there, too, uniforms existed. On the other hand, this was a school that should only exist in Soma’s memories, yet they were wearing uniforms similar to what should be there. Soma didn’t know about Aina’s uniform… but it wouldn’t have been strange if it existed somewhere. He couldn’t help but wonder what this really meant as he watched such a scene.
Instead of thinking about such things, it might be better to quickly investigate the current situation, but unfortunately, there was no way to do that. Because it was about oneself, one understood it the best. The current Soma was nothing more than an ordinary person. That was why it was necessary to move cautiously. If it were just a dream, it would wake up on its own, and if it weren’t, he couldn’t predict what would happen if he acted rashly.
If this really was the work of Devils, there would be no point in doing something meaningless. There should be some meaning to it, and if he made a move without knowing anything, there was a good chance that the situation would worsen. Or if he were alone, it would be a move he would have to take knowing the risks…
“Hmm…” (Soma)
Muttering to himself, he looked ahead and to the side. Also, towards the center.
If they were just illusions, there would be no problem, but at least for now, Soma didn’t feel any discomfort with them. While the situation seemed strange, there was nothing that made him think they weren’t themselves. So, he should consider the worst-case scenario, and not taking any action for the time being. At this moment, all he could do was observe the surroundings to ascertain the situation without being too conspicuous.
“It’s quite passive… well, it can’t be helped.” (Soma)
Soma thought it wasn’t like himself to say that, but there was no helping it. Since there was a possibility of the worst-case scenario, he had no choice but to do so.”
“…If it truly is just a dream, it would be nothing more than a topic of conversation…” (Soma)
Or perhaps, by even thinking such things, he might half-believe what this situation was. It was a feeling he would rather not come true. While thinking such things and casually listening to what seemed to be a familiar teacher’s lecture, Soma continued to observe the surroundings.

Soma hadn’t expected anything to happen during class, but ultimately, when the math class ended, it turned out there wasn’t anything particularly special about it. The break that followed wasn’t much different… Well, maybe there was one thing that was different about it. People gathered around Aina to ask her various questions.
“Aina seems quite popular, doesn’t she?” (Felicia)
“Well, it’s like the fate of transfer students.” (Soma)
Soma had experience with being a transfer student, and while it wasn’t to this extent, he remembered being asked a few questions back then. It wasn’t so unusual for elementary school students, but when it came to high school students, it was natural for it to happen. Of course, it was uncertain how much this situation corresponded to reality.
“Now that I think about it, is it okay if Felicia doesn’t ask any questions? I don’t think you have done so even once yet.” (Soma)
“Well, if I don’t do it now, it’s not like I can’t do it later. Besides… even if there was something that bothered me, in this situation, someone else would probably ask first.” (Felicia)
“That’s true.” (Soma)
It seemed like the vague and general questions were finished during the morning homeroom, and now the conversation had moved to more specific topics. Even simple discussions about hobbies were becoming more detailed, asking about preferences and such. Indeed, if it continued like this, it seemed like eventually everything one wanted to know would be revealed, even things that didn’t need to be known.
“What about you, Soma-san? Don’t you have any interest in her?” (Felicia)
“Hmm… why do you think that?” (Soma)
“It seemed like you’ve been subtly curious since this morning, and besides, if you weren’t interested, you wouldn’t be watching her like this.” (Felicia)
“I see… you’re quite observant.” (Soma)
“We’ve been childhood friends.” (Felicia)
Felicia said with a smile, and he shrugged lightly. While pondering about how the real Felicia might have been, Soma squinted at the bustling scene beside him. If this situation was orchestrated for some purpose, then Aina wouldn’t be unrelated. Of course, neither would Felicia.
Childhood friends and transfer students.
How these were related and what would happen, or perhaps what had already happened. There were plenty of things to consider, including how far these connections extended. But as if mocking Soma’s thoughts, nothing continued to happen endlessly. Break time ended, followed by the next class, then another break, and so on. Still, nothing happened, and while watching the lively scene beside him, he wondered what to do next.
Honestly, he had expected something to happen quickly, and he had thought he could investigate various things then… but it seemed like he had missed the mark. Nevertheless, in this situation, randomly wandering around the school building didn’t seem like it would lead to anything, and if he took his eyes off Aina and the others, something might happen in the meantime.
Should he just wait patiently? That thought crossed his mind as the bell signaling the end of break time rang out. The third period began, followed by lunch break, then the fourth period… and finally, lunchtime arrived without anything happening.
“Hmm… looks like I’ll really have to wait patiently…” (Soma)
Anyway, putting that aside, what should he do now? It wasn’t about Aina and the others. It was simply about lunch. He hadn’t been given a lunchbox from his mother, and as far as Soma knew, while there was a school store, there wasn’t a cafeteria. If that was also reproduced here, then he would need to go to the store to buy something… but did he have money in his wallet? It would be good to check.
‘Come to think of it, what would Felicia do?’
He was about to look in her direction when he heard the sound of someone standing up beside him. Reflexively, he turned his gaze because he had only heard the voice from beside him. Aina had been invited to lunch by her classmates, but she hadn’t given an answer yet. Just as he was wondering why she had stood up, their eyes met.
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“Sorry, Soma, can you guide me to the infirmary?” (Aina)
“Hmm? Sure, no problem… Are you feeling unwell?” (Soma)
“Well, something like that. So, sorry about this. Will you invite me again?” (Aina)
Saying so, Aina apologized to those around her… but to be honest, she didn’t seem to be in poor health from her appearance. As Soma tilted his head in confusion, a voice came from the front almost simultaneously.
“Um, if that’s the case, shall I guide you instead?” (Felicia)
Felicia, who spoke up like that, didn’t seem to notice Aina’s condition, but she did seem considerate. It was likely she simply said it out of goodwill, and indeed, if they were going to the infirmary, it would be preferable to have a person of the same gender accompany. Even Soma thought so, but surprisingly, or perhaps inevitably, Aina shook her head in response.
“No, I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine. So, Soma, shall we?” (Aina)
“Hmm… well, as I mentioned this morning, it was directly requested by the homeroom teacher. So, it’s not a big deal.” (Soma)
There was no reason to refuse, and Soma was curious about why he had been specifically chosen. Nodding in agreement, Aina seemed to breathe a small sigh of relief. But before exploring the reason behind it, Aina started walking. While Soma wondered if it was odd for her to act like this if she truly wasn’t feeling well, he followed a bit hurriedly. He caught up with her around the door and overtook her. Walking a bit ahead as if leading the way, he glanced back briefly.
“Are we heading to the infirmary, alright?” (Soma)
“…Didn’t I say so?” (Aina)
“I know, but you don’t seem to be feeling that unwell. Well, unless you’re just trying to hide it.” (Aina)
“…Just because I’m a little tired doesn’t mean I’m feeling well.” (Soma)
“Hmm… is that so?” (Soma)
Certainly, it was natural to feel tired after being bombarded with questions every time. However, as expected, it didn’t seem like that was the reason she left the classroom. Wondering if there was finally some action, Soma decided it would be best to remain cautious for now.
As far as Soma remembered, the infirmary was located at the far end of the first floor, directly opposite to their classroom. Naturally, it would take some time to walk there… and during that time, there was no conversation. However, rather than being on guard because of their earlier conversation, it felt more like she was struggling to say something. While pondering what she could be thinking, they continued walking, and Aina spoke up as they approached the infirmary.
“Hey… can I ask you something? Would you mind answering?” (Aina)
“It depends on the content.” (Soma)
“Well, I guess that’s fair… So, if you can’t answer, that’s okay too, but… that girl, Felicia, right? I heard you saying she’s your childhood friend, but what’s your relationship with her exactly?” (Aina)
“Hmm, you were paying close attention.” (Soma)
It was probably during the break time of the first period when we talked. At that time, Aina was answering her classmates’ questions, but she seemed to have heard our conversation as well.
“My hearing is pretty good, you know. So?” (Aina)
“That’s true… Well, apparently, we’re considered childhood friends.” (Soma)
“Why are you acting like it’s someone else’s business… But does that mean it’s just that?” (Aina)
“Well, depending on how you define it… but for now, yeah, that’s it. At least, that’s what I should say for the current situation.” (Soma)
“I see… I was hesitant about what to do, but if that’s the case, I guess I shouldn’t hesitate anymore. I don’t want to feel regretful later for keeping silent.” (Aina)
“Aina…?” (Soma)
Upon hearing a determined voice, I turned around to find Aina, who had stopped walking, looking straight at me. Instinctively, I stopped too, tilting my head at her.
“I want to apologize for bumping into you earlier… and, well, this might be just right. It might not be exactly what you were expecting but let me repay the favor by giving you some advice.” (Aina)
“As I said before, I wasn’t particularly concerned about that from the beginning, and I don’t really care… but advice, you say?” (Soma)
“Yes. This is advice. So, whether you choose to heed it or not is up to you… but still, I’ll say it. — You should cut ties with Felicia.” (Aina)
“Hmm…?” (Soma)
It was quite unexpected, to say the least. However, judging by Aina’s demeanor, she didn’t seem to be joking.
“I can’t say ‘stay away because she sits nearby,’ but… still, it would be better to keep your distance as much as possible.” (Aina)
“Hmm… There must be a reason for that, right?” (Soma)
“Yes. I’m sorry, but I don’t intend to explain it.” (Aina)
“So, you want me to believe those words?” (Soma)
“I’m well aware that it’s hard to believe. I understand perfectly well which is more likely between someone you just met today and a childhood friend. But even so, I’ll say it. It will definitely be for your own good. Absolutely. Well, you probably don’t understand what I’m saying right now. But you’ll definitely understand someday. And by then… it’ll be too late.” (Aina)
That was why he needed to make a decision before it was too late. Aina said so with utmost seriousness.
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