Novel Name : Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food

Chapter 110 - Snow Pear Flavored Dead Gong (9)

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Chapter 110 - Snow Pear Flavored Dead Gong (9)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~
Feeling disappointed?
Gou Liang pressed down the frantic heartbeat of the little deer in his heart and gave Bi Xia a fierce glare.
Letting go of his hand holding his chin, Gou Liang sat on the bed with an air of arrogance and said, “Go and fetch me a glass of water.”
Bi Xia glanced at him for two seconds and made an unhappy hum, but obediently poured a glass of water, tested the temperature, and handed it to him. Gou Liang, feeling boneless and weak, looked pitiful as he gazed at Bi Xia, yet he didn’t reach out to take the glass. Seeing this, Bi Xia suddenly smiled, a hint of tenderness escaping his eyes. Sitting next to him, Bi Xia hugged him into his arms and said, “Let me feed you.”
Gou Liang leaned on him and put his mouth near him. When he reached the glass, Bi Xia took the glass away, drank the water into his mouth, and looked at him provocatively.
If you back down at this time, Gou Liang’s name will have to be written upside down!
He sat astride Bi Xia’s lap and hugged his neck. Bi Xia held his waist with one hand. Gou Liang suddenly hesitated for a moment in his “overlord’s bow” action, and a slight blush appeared on his pale face.
Bi Xia, thinking that Gou Liang wouldn’t dare, was about to take the initiative, but was caught off guard when Gou Liang suddenly bit his mouth. Subsequently, Gou Liang’s tongue playfully entered the gap between his lips.
Bi Xia widened his eyes and blinked in surprise, then, in the midst of Gou Liang’s passionate action, decided to take charge and kissed him back, albeit with some clumsiness.
Gou Liang, with closed eyes, surrendered to Bi Xia’s actions.
Bi Xia’s movements were awkward, and several times he bumped into Gou Liang’s teeth, causing him to bite his lips. Despite the awkwardness, the intense emotions made it a delightful experience. Gou Liang’s moans resonated, and his body trembled slightly due to the conflicting sensations of cold and heat.
The rich pear soul power stimulated Gou Liang’s taste buds as the lips and tongue met, completely softening his uncomfortable expression. An emotional murmur rolled out of his throat, and he greedily began to enjoy his sweetness.
Bi Xia’s breathing was messed up, and his demanding posture became more domineering. Many skills obtained from the devoured souls flashed through his mind. He eagerly wanted to use those methods to possess Gou Liang, but at the most critical moment, he remembered an urgent matter.
—Gou Liang’s spiritual power had been depleted excessively today. Under his aggressive attack, he couldn’t protect himself and would only be harmed by the ferocious energy within him.
Struggling between reason and desire, in the heat of passion, Bi Xia became confused and was caught off guard, losing control of his body to Gou Liang.
Bi Xia’s eyes returned to clarity, only to find himself entwined with Gou Liang in a lingering embrace. He had already pressed Gou Liang beneath him, one hand caressing Gou Liang’s neck, and the other hand slipping into Gou Liang’s robe, gently feeling his warm and delicate lower back.
Bi Xia’s eyes shrank slightly. He closed his eyes, kissed Gou Liang hard and then pulled away, supporting himself with the bed and separating from Gou Liang.
The lips and tongues that were entangled too deeply separated, and the transparent fluid and the black air were entangled together and refused to be disconnected.
The delicious soul energy was abruptly cut off, and the drowsy Gou Liang opened his eyes in a haze. Greedily, he followed the faint black energy and pressed his wet and scalding lips back onto Bi Xia’s cold lips, even attempting to deepen the kiss.
Bi Xia watched his slightly purple lips, injured by the Yin energy, feeling both moved and helpless.
After kissing his lips and dimples, Bi Xia pressed Gou Liang back onto the bed. His fingers gently caressed Gou Liang’s lips, quickly retracting the Yin energy that had tainted him.
Gou Liang, looking at the black energy entwined around Bi Xia’s pale fingers, finally came to his senses and sighed regretfully.
Bi Xia smiled faintly and said in a calm tone, “He makes you happy, but is it worth it?”
Gou Liang laughed and, holding onto his neck, turned over, lying on top of him. He affectionately kissed Bi Xia’s elegant and refined eyes, saying, “To me, it’s all you.”
Bi Xia didn’t argue, but his expression clearly showed disagreement with Gou Liang’s statement.
Gou Liang, realizing the change in Bi Xia’s soul the moment he spoke the first words after leaving the Pagoda Tower, had already noticed a peculiar phenomenon.
The integration of the three souls, while the consciousness-controlling heavenly soul split in two—using modern medical terms, he was displaying symptoms of dual personality. Furthermore, since both personalities were evenly matched, there was no distinction between primary and secondary.
Seeing Bi Xia unhappy, Gou Liang smiled and kissed him.
Bi Xia was still easily appeased at this moment. Witnessing his clumsy yet sweet demeanor, his heart softened, and the slightly sour soul energy was quickly replaced by a sweet one.
“Bi Xia… Do you want me?”
Gou Liang pressed his hot cheek against Bi Xia’s cold one.
Bi Xia lifted his hand to stroke his soft hair, and his eyes became a bit deeper.
When Gou Liang stuck out his tongue and tried to penetrate his lips, he finally couldn’t resist the temptation and swallowed Gou Liang’s lips into his mouth and sucked to his heart’s content. Holding Gou Liang’s face, he wanted to go further, but seeing that his own evil spirit was swallowed into Gou Liang’s body, making the light of merit on his body dim, he restrained himself and left.
The soul power that Gou Liang had not had time to swallow was taken back by Bi Xia, and he was immediately furious, but seeing his eyes full of apology and tenderness, he let out a frustrated cry and didn’t hesitate to capture Bi Xia’s lips again, venting his frustration by biting him.
Bi Xia indulgently smiled, soothing him and saying, “Not in a hurry for a moment. Let’s wait until you recover.”
Seeing Bi Xia retreating, Gou Liang let out a disappointed growl. After struggling to control himself, he felt so happy that he couldn’t help but whisper in his ear: “Bi Xia, I love you.”
Bi Xia was stunned and suddenly turned his head to look at him.
Before the happy smile fully bloomed, it was suddenly replaced by an angry expression and became distorted.
“So, what about me?”
Bi Xia questioned.
Gou Liang innocently blinked his eyes.
Bi Xia suddenly laughed. At the same time, he harshly pinched Gou Liang’s face, marked with his own imprint, and gritted his teeth, saying, “Sneaking around with him, rubbing against each other, do you think I can’t hear it?”
Gou Liang endured and couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Bi Xia pinched his face and said, “How dare you laugh!”
“It hurts…”
Gou Liang said with a hint of grievance while laughing.
Bi Xia stiffened, angrily withdrew his hand, and saw that two dark imprints with strong resentment were left on Gou Liang’s fair face. His eyebrows furrowed.
He disdainfully commented but delicately and gently wiped away the resentment on Gou Liang’s face.
Gou Liang, with a playful look in his eyes, kissed his fingers. Before Bi Xia could react, he playfully lay on top of him and changed the subject, saying, “Have you fully recovered your memories?”
Bi Xia looked at his hair whirl and tilted his body, lifting Gou Liang up to eye level for more comfort. He asked, “What do you want to know?”
Gou Liang said, “How were you separated and suppressed?”
The process of being separated from his soul and body was extremely painful, and it brought back unpleasant memories for Gou Liang. However, with Bi Xia’s memories from before the soul fusion, Gou Liang had to temporarily put aside his reluctance to discuss this matter. It was crucial to understand the whole story. If the person who harmed Bi Xia happened to be reincarnated in this world or had descendants, Gou Liang, being a stickler for justice, needed to bring justice to Bi Xia.
“Naturally, it was inevitable that he used such dark arts to deal with me, the ghost,” Bi Xia said with a faint smile. After being glared at by Gou Liang, he calmly recounted the untold past to him.
As Bi Xia remembered it, the Bi family was a prominent and respected family in the flourishing nation of Hu. However, the Bi family did not belong to the Lin Kingdom, which Bi Xia now served in his memories.
At that time, wars raged across different nations, and Bi’s family belonged to the powerful nation of Hu. The Bi family was skilled in both literature and martial arts, holding high positions in the government. They were considered one of the leading families, and their influence was unmatched.
“When I was thirteen, the newly crowned King of Hu, Bingtian, betrayed the trust and favor bestowed upon the Bi family. On the occasion of the king’s birthday celebration, he attacked the Bi family, besieging us while our male members were attending the royal banquet. We were defenseless, and they slaughtered everyone, from the elderly to the women and children, without mercy. Many died without even knowing what had happened.”
“Grandfather, uncles, and older brothers, unaware of the tragedy, were poisoned at the royal banquet in front of everyone.”
Bi Xia sneered, “If it weren’t for my illness preventing me from drinking that day, I would have died like them, unknowingly consuming the poisoned wine.”
“However, when I escaped the siege and returned home to raise the alarm, all I saw were corpses scattered everywhere. Even my youngest infant brother, still in swaddling clothes, didn’t escape the massacre.”
At this point, Bi Xia paused briefly.
Born into a prestigious family, blessed with intelligence, and possessing extraordinary fate, Bi Xia had been nurtured with great expectations. He was destined to become a pillar for his country, contributing to Hu’s dominance over the world. However, he was ultimately betrayed by a foolish king, resulting in the downfall of his family and their tragic end.
The despair and agony from that time were etched in his heart, unforgettable for a lifetime.
He, now covered in blood, managed to escape the massacre, changed his name and identity, and joined the Lin Kingdom. From that moment, he embarked on a path of slaughter.
Seeing Gou Liang furrowing his brows, Bi Xia regained his composure and continued with a smile, “Don’t be sad. I avenged them with my own hands.”
“On that day, after the incident, I wandered and eventually sought refuge in the Lin Kingdom. Over the next fifteen years, I became a formidable force for the Lin Kingdom, achieving numerous military exploits and propelling the once vulnerable Lin Kingdom to become the most powerful nation. In the tenth year of leaving my homeland, I personally killed the royal family of Hu, slaughtering them in front of the foolish king, including his beloved concubines.”
“Do you know, that foolish king knelt before me, begging for his life? It was quite amusing.”
“In order to survive, I asked him to kill his own heirs. He didn’t even dare to say no.”
“Those sons of his begged in front of him, and were filled with fear when they were killed by their father and turned into ghosts. Finally, someone rose up and resisted, snatching the blade from his hand and killing the man. He chopped him into pieces of rotten flesh.”
“Oh, it is said that the young man is still the most beloved son of King Hu.” ”
“After killing his biological father, he knelt in front of me and confessed all his father’s faults. As long as I could spare him, he was willing to do anything for me. I allowed him to leave behind a testament for the ages, so that everyone would know the true nature of his father, the king. With eloquence, he listed ten major crimes of the king, including accusing him of incompetence, lust for beauty, neglect of court affairs, and the execution of loyal officials.”
Bi Xia pointed at the bronze sword displayed on the table, his eyes showing a hint of nostalgia.
“Using this bronze sword, I sealed the king’s soul in place. In a fit of rage and hatred, he turned into a vengeful ghost, biting his beloved son into pieces.”
He had avenged his family, but history repeated itself.
A person who rose to great heights and became a mighty general turned into a name that intimidated all corners of the world—a general without wars. People no longer heard of King Lin but knew only of Bi Wuzhan. Even if he served as a loyal subject, it couldn’t be tolerated.
Just as the Lin Kingdom was about to unify the world, Bi Xia, in the midst of slaying the final threat to the kingdom, died at the hands of his most trusted deputy.
Talking about this matter, Bi Xia’s tone carried no resentment, and there was even a hint of amusement in his voice. “Indeed, he was the general I cultivated with my own hands. Unfortunately, despite having the ambition to replace me, he was a fool, no match for King Lin’s strategic brilliance. But since he killed me, he feared that one day he would meet the same fate, so he left a contingency plan.”
“It was also with this bronze sword. Similar to how I sealed the soul of the King of Hu, he locked me inside using the same method and had masters turn me into a vengeful ghost.”
“King Lin really could not tolerate him. He released me in his dying moments.”
King Lin, despite his achievements in creating a new world, did not have the destiny of ruling the world. He was the first to be killed by the vengeful ghost Bi Xia.
As the vengeful ghost Bi Xia descended into the mortal world, he committed countless atrocities. All ten major cities of Lin Kingdom, including the capital, were transformed into dead cities, shrouded in boundless resentment. People lived in constant fear, but due to Bi Xia’s unique destiny, even with numerous karma and intense resentment, not even the masters he was created with could defeat him, let alone extinguish him.
In the end, using the blood sacrifice method, the remaining nobles and officials separated Bi Xia’s merits and karma, splitting his soul. This concluded a fierce battle.
The two powerful artifacts, the bronze sword and bronze wine bottle, were separated and sealed. They reunited only three thousand years later.
The owner of the ancient tomb unearthed in Shuangye City turned out to be a tomb raider who sought wealth for the nation. By coincidence, he collected these extraordinary items and placed them in his tomb. However, these two bronze artifacts were so powerful that even sharing the same tomb couldn’t break the seal. It was only when the bronze sword was stolen by a grave robber a hundred years ago and later encountered Gou Liang that the seal could be lifted.
Upon hearing this, Gou Liang immediately asked Bi Xia to take off his clothes.
The sins from sacrificing the lives of countless innocent children were profound. Even though Gou Liang had just used the power of the stars to change destiny, he couldn’t completely eliminate them.
As expected, on Bi Xia’s back, right hand, and left leg, there were still black karmic tattoos. The heart, once pierced by the bronze sword, also bore a winding and deep mark of karma. These tattoos were like mysterious symbols, carrying an intense aura of slaughter. Even with Gou Liang’s cultivation level, staring at them for too long made him dizzy, and touching them brought a sinister black energy that eagerly clung to his fingertips.
Bi Xia grabbed Gou Liang’s hand, placed it near his lips, and kissed it, absorbing the resentment back.
“Don’t touch them recklessly.”
He put his clothes back on and embraced Gou Liang again.
Gou Liang said, “The blood sacrifice method using children is extremely malicious. The person who cast the spell and his blood relatives would be instantly counterattacked, their souls scattered…”
Unable to achieve revenge, Gou Liang felt a sense of regret.
Bi Xia chuckled, “That bull-nosed old Daoist made it sound good. Talking about sacrificing for the people and laying down one’s life for the commoners, but he is just a coward afraid of death. When casting the spell, I personally saw him use his own son as a vessel, creating a substitute to endure the karma for him. Although he also couldn’t escape death, he didn’t suffer soul scattering, just unable to enter the cycle of reincarnation.”
“You mean he became a ghost cultivator?”
Gou Liang’s eyes lit up.
Bi Xia shook his head, “If he became a ghost cultivator, I would have sensed it the moment I returned. Perhaps he reconstructed his physical body or took possession of someone, concealing the ghostly aura on his body.”
Gou Liang said, “Regardless, it’s good that he’s alive.”
Seeing the gleam of vengeance in Gou Liang’s eyes, Bi Xia felt a sense of satisfaction.
He laughed heartily and kissed Gou Liang on the mouth, “Aning, you really make me happy.”
Gou Liang, with a hint of pride, hummed, “That’s natural. But I don’t like it when you call me Aning.”
“What do you like then?”
“You figure it out.”
Bi Xia didn’t treat this as a joke and thought seriously for a moment. While Gou Liang yawned and rested on him, when Bi Xia finally thought of it, Gou Liang had fallen asleep in his arms.
“He can’t stand the ghostly aura at this time, so put him back on the Spirit-Calming wooden bed.”
“Too naggy.”
Bi Xia sneered at the version of himself inside his body and gently placed Gou Liang back on the bed, watching his peaceful sleeping face for a moment before returning to the Soul-Nurturing Jade.
The next day.
Gou Liang was still sick, congested and dizzy, feeling quite uncomfortable.
“Xiao Keng’er, wake up.”
A gentle voice sounded, and Gou Liang turned to see Bi Xia holding a book, leaning against the window, bathed in sunlight, smiling at him.
Suddenly, the world turned pale in comparison.
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