Novel Name : Elixir Supplier

Chapter 249 - Roundup, A Sleepless Night

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Chapter 249: Roundup, A Sleepless Night

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
This time, the police were rarely this fast. A few police cars had arrived at the scene within a short time. There were also criminal investigation experts from the province and they even brought police dogs. There was no police dog in Lianshan County, which was a small place. This was specially transferred from Haiqu City in order to solve this vicious case promptly.
They quickly discovered the suspicious footprints in the field. They immediately took evidence of the footprints and followed the footprints to start tracking. Their speed of making progress was affected at night, but they were still excited.
a policeman suddenly collapsed without the slightest sign. He was struggling on the ground and he looked like he was in great pain.
“Attention alert!”
All the policemen stopped going forward and looked around vigilantly.
The field was quiet at night. Except for them, there were no other people and living creatures.
“No one else was discovered.”
“Stay here and take care of the injured. Everyone else, keep tracking.”
They followed the footsteps and continued tracking. The footsteps were a little unusual and obviously belonged to two people. They ran one after another. The surprising thing was that the distance between the two footprints were mostly more than two meters.
“Who can make such a big step when running? This is just like jumping.”
just when they were shocked, a person fell to the ground. His body was trembling and struggling, but he could not utter a sound.
Once again, everyone stopped tracking, looking at their comrade on the ground.
There was also not a single sign and a person collapsed onto the ground.
“What’s happening?”
A thing called fear lingered in everyone’s heart.
In this dark night, everyone’s breathing was extra heavy.
“When will the ambulance arrive?”
“They’re on the way.”
“Continue tracking.”
“Keep tracking?!” Someone had already backed down.
They were scared. Two people had already fell to the ground. No one dared to say that there would not be a third person later.
“Track!” a criminal investigation expert from the province said while gritting his teeth. How could he give up when he finally had a clue?
A few people continued tracking after the criminal investigation expert gave out the order. In the end, it was quickly the turn of someone else. However, it was not a human this time. A police dog collapsed onto the ground instead, twitching continuously.
Everyone was shocked.
There was still no one else around.
What was happening? Did they encounter a ghost at night?
This time, even the criminal investigation expert leading the team was frightened. He was just an experienced policeman, not a fearless warrior. When facing with unknown and terrifying things, he would also feel horrified. Hence, the pursuit that night was halted.
All of them did not go back, but waited on the roads nearby instead.
Standing by a tree stump and waiting for a hare to dash itself against it.
However, the waiting did not continue in the end because another three policemen collapsed in a row. The symptoms were exactly the same as those of the previous two.
They had to retreat. While retreating, they did not forget to block the area with an isolation belt and informed the party secretary of a nearby village.
In the county hospital, the doctors in the emergency department were anxiously busy.
In the middle of the night, they suddenly received a few special patients who were policemen with strange symptoms. They had fever and could not stop twitching. The two of them had fallen into a coma.
“They’re poisoned!”
“Poisoned? What kind of poison?!”
“We’re not sure yet, but when we examined their bodies, we found traces of being bitten.”
The doctors did discover traces of being bitten in these policemen. The spots had already turned purple and black and the tissues rapidly festered. However, judging from this, the poison was very powerful, but they still did not know what it was in specific.
“Is there a way to treat it?”
“Not at the moment.”
The doctors knew that they were poisoned, but they did not know what poison it was. How were they going to treat it?
The police chief broke a cup in his office in the middle of the night. He had already received a call from his subordinates that another five of his men had collapsed. Fortunately, they had not directly sacrificed this time. However, the situation was very serious as well. He originally wanted to go to the hospital to take a look. In the end, he received a call from the higher-ups and they were very furious about this matter.
What was the use of being angry? He was very angry as well, but could this catch the murderer? It could not!
“Who would use such insidious means?”
In the county hospital.
In the hospital, the criminal investigation expert from the province said, “If it can’t be treated, then hurry up and transfer them to another hospital!”
He was in-charge of this late-night pursuit. The murderer was not captured, but several policemen who assisted in the pursuit were severely injured instead. This was his responsibility and he was also very anxious.
“Okay, we’ll arrange the transfer immediately,” the person in-charge of the hospital said immediately. It was a huge matter of life or death situation and there were five people at once. He did not dare to be careless, not even the slightest bit. Deep inside his heart, he hoped for them to transfer to another hospital. This would alleviate their responsibility and pressure.
He immediately arranged for a relevant personnel to handle the procedures.
“Director Pan, what did you want to say just now?”
“Nothing.” Director Pan shook his head while smiling.
He was originally not on duty that day. However, there was an emergency in the department, so he came and participated in the emergency treatment of these policemen. Their disease was very strange. Although the doctors could already determine that they were poisoned, they were unable to treat them. At this time, he thought of Wang Yao immediately.
With his almost extraordinary ability, he should be able to remove the toxin?
He just thought about it and did not say it out. He hesitated just now because of it.
He had a bad premonition. Even if these people were transferred to another hospital, they might not be healed.
A few ambulances departed from Lianshan County on the same night, transporting the poisoned policemen to Haiqu City.
In Lianshan County, there were two men somewhere in the mountains.
“He actually escaped again.”
“Boss, something’s wrong!”
“What’s the matter?”
“The bag was open?”
“What? How many escaped?”
“This is troublesome. Let’s quickly go back and look for it!”

In a foreign company on the island.
Looking outside, Tong Wei was thinking. She had to make a difficult decision.
She was just informed by the company that the time of going abroad had changed. It was shifted to three days later. Although she had already prepared for it, her mood was still not calm after receiving the news.
She had already called Wang Yao.
She would still return to Lianshan County the next day.
“France, Paris.”
Nanshan hill was leisurely as usual.
It was quiet under the night sky.
The dog suddenly lifted its head and looked at the sky, then lied back down again.
At eleven o’clock late night, Wang Yao had not slept yet. He did not know what happened. That night, he lied down but he could not fall asleep. This had never happened before.
What’s wrong with me?
It was already 12 o’clock at midnight when he fell asleep.
Early in the morning, the sun was blocked by the dark clouds in the sky.
Wang Yao drove to Lianshan County. Tong Wei would come back that day. He originally said that he would pick her up, but Tong Wei said that she would hitchhike and asked him not to come.
Yes, this small town is pretty good. A handsome young man dressed in black had a somewhat pale face with a faint smile on it.
“You’re back. Where are you?”
“Wait a minute. I’ll pick you up.”
Tong Wei got off at a junction. This was a village not far away from Lianshan County. A student from the island drove her back. She originally wanted to drive her into town, but she had an urgent matter so she could only leave her.
The bus was coming from a distance.
“Hello.” The sound was a little soft.
Tong Wei turned back and saw a young man with a faint smile on his face.
“Hello,” she replied smilingly.
“You’re really beautiful!” the young man said with a grin.
“Thank you,” Tong Wei answered, but with a hint of keeping him a thousand miles away.
The bus slowly headed in their direction.
Tong Wei got on the bus and the young man followed as well.
The bus was very empty. Tong Wei sat near the back door, whereas the young man sat down in the middle of the bus. He was always staring at Tong Wei.
Tong Wei frowned slightly.
The young man’s gaze made her a little uncomfortable.
When the bus reached a stop, Tong Wei got off the bus, but the young man did not.
Tong Wei was slightly relieved.
At that moment, her phone rang.
Not long after, Wang Yao drove the car to her side.
“Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“I had something to do.” Tong Wei smiled lightly.
At a crossroad not far away, a young man looked at the car, staring at the young man in it and the woman smiling like a flower who was talking to him. He grinned.
“So pretty!” He said those two words.
Wang Yao drove Tong Wei home. After resting for a bit for a short while, both of them came out of her house and went to the supermarket nearby to buy some ingredients. That night, he was going eat at Tong Wei’s parents’ house.
“Why is it shifted forward suddenly?”
“It was arranged by the company. There seems to be some changes in France.”
“Is everything prepared?”
“Yes, it’s all prepared,” Tong Wei responded.
If this was in the past, she would be happy. However, now that she had dated Wang Yao for a longer time and with their relationship deepening, she was more and more reluctant. The classmate in front of her was even more outstanding that what she imagined previously, like a gold buried in sand. She was afraid that after she left, there would be other women who would discover this shiny gold.
“What are you thinking about? Do you have something on your mind?”
“I’m thinking about you,” Tong Wei replied with a smile. “During the time that I’m not here, you’re not allowed to mess with other women.”
“What?” Wang Yao was surprised.
At night, in Tong Wei’s house, it was a sumptuous feast. They ate very harmoniously.
“Why don’t you stay here tonight?” It was the first time that Tong Wei invited Wang Yao to stay over.
“It’s okay. I’ll drive you back to the island tomorrow.”
Wang Yao drove out from Tong Wei’s residential area and drove onto the outer ring road.
Boom, a motorcycle rushed past his car.
Thud, the motorcycle suddenly tumbled.
Wang Yao hurriedly braked the car. With a screeching sound, the car came to a stop.
He got out of the car to take a look, but he only saw the motorcycle and did not see anyone.
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