Novel Name : Lie To Me Alpha

Chapter 90: Forgiven?

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Matteo's Pov

If you ever wish tomorrow will be better better, then don't get your hopes up. As not everything goes in
our hope and wishful thinking.

Four days past and Addasah has woke up but she was still in her own world.

She refused to hear, or to let me touch her or anybody else near her but she just wants to be all by
herself and even with Wes she is starting to pull away from him.

I spent more times with Wes than she ever did. Addasah was in denial and withdrawn.

We indeed have held a funeral for Addasah's father today even though it's sad that we could not
retrieve his body but we still do it with our traditional tribute.

It breaks my heart everytime I see her drown in her misery. It is hard for her to lose both of her parents
and all I can do is to be there for her.

I am trying my best to make sure that she won't walk alone even though I am guilty of my own lies but I
am afraid, really afraid to tell her all about it.

I don't know how she will take everything and I don't want her to suffer anymore because I know now
it's not the right time. So after the funeral nana Gloria has told Addasah her father's wishes and I know
it pretty well as Wesley is a hybrid like his father.

She has agreed to let her grandma have him but I know Addasah this must be really hard for her too.

We went back to the pack house and nana Gloria is still ignoring me but only pretend to smile at me
when Addasah is around.

We talk a day after I informed her of Lyndon's death but that was strictly it. She did not let me in her
home or even welcome me in her open arms like she used to before. I know that she knows the truth
and that is the very reason she is despising me now.

When Addasah was out of sight I move to nana Gloria but she nodded her head no to me and stood up
to move away.

"Nana" I try to go near her

"I am not your nana" she corrected me "I only have two grandchildren and it happens not to be you."

She never gave me a smile and I was grateful that all of my pack members were out today. Everyone
has gone out after the funeral.

"I am only here for Addasah and Wesley, nobody else" I wanted to cry seeing the woman whom I
always considered my grandmother despise me.

"Please na-" I beg her but she threw me a cold glance

"I am going to say this one last time I am not your nana. I don't know what's your motive in keeping my
grand daughter beside you or even pretend to love her but mark my words Matteo. She will leave you
when she remembers," she spits on the ground between the two of us.3

I try to move again in front of her but Addasah emerged from the house with Wesley in her arms and a
bag on hanging from her shoulder.

"Grandma are you sure about this, I mean I can take care of him besides he is all I left." Nana Gloria
shook her head no

"Addasah, I'll take him with me for the mean time when danger is alleviate then you can come fetch

Addasah stood there with her eyes still on her brother. It seems like she doesn't want to hand him over
to her grandma but in the end she finally nod her head yes handing him over to Gloria earning a tear to
slip from her eyes.

Wesley was about to awake and nana Gloria swiftly rocks the baby in her arm before heading to the
car outside the house.

Addasah moves when her grandma moves to get inside the car. I could still see her struggling to let her
brother go.

I went and snake my hand around her waist pulling her to my chest.

"Bye grandma, please let me know if anything happens to him," she bits her bottom lip looking at her

She took a deep breath waving a goodbye to her grandma.

The car moves to go and she took steps by steps "please grandma call me" she started to tear up as
she follows the car.

"Please let him be okay" she runs to it but I quicken my step and held her arm back into mine but she
push me back and quicken her steps towards the car as it reverse to go.

"Please grandma call me if anything happens to him" she taps on the window giving her a phone call

The moment she moves I move along with her cause I knew she needed me to be there when she
turns back. She chase after it as it left and when it's fully out of the gate.

She turns back running back into my arms and started to cry there. She buried her head in my chest
fisting my shirt with her hands while crying for her brother.

"He's going to be alright nana Gloria is taking care of him" I murmured through her hair. Then kisses
her on the head "they are both in good hands Aaron will protect them I promise Addy."

I held her tightly and for a moment I felt her body weight on me and I pull her away from my chest to
find that she has fainted.

I carry her back to the house and lay her on the bed. I call Dr. Omalley to come and check her and he
did came minutes later then left after assuring me that she's alright and it just minor stress.

I sat there at the foot of the bed on my chair watching her asleep. My thoughts wondering how would I
be able to tell her everything on my own. I wanted to tell her but I know now is not the right time.

When she wakes up I watch her as she look around the dark room then she pull her legs up to her
chest laying my head on it. I move to my bed and seated before her.

I took her into my arms and hold her there against my chest. I felt her hands instantly going around my
waist. She didn't cry as I know her tears must have gone and dry but I could only feel her sadness
overwhelming her at this very moment.

"You're not going to leave me like they did?" she whisper while her arms tightens around my waist then
I felt something wet on soaking my shirt.

I made her face me tilting her face up to see me. My thumps brushes her cheek wiping off her tears
while smiling at her.

"No I won't, I'll be here with you whenever you need me" I kisses her forehead, then her eyes, nose
then finally a peck on her sweet lips.

"I can never leave you alone. You can hate, push, hurt, broke or even kill but never will I leave you.
Even if I die I'll still be right here with you" I said as I took her hands into mine and kisses her fingertips.

She push it away "you think I'll kill you" she glares at me and I smirk caressing her cheek and again
she slapped my hand away.

"Okay come on I was only telling the truth and I didn't mean you'll actually kill me you know" I says
earning a narrow from her eyes to me in return. I sigh "the bottom line is; I love you so much that I can't
leave you here on this world alone"

I don't know if my words melt heart but I always mean those three words whenever I confess it to her.

"So would you forgive me if I say that even if you kill me ill still be here. Come on I don't mean that part
love" I could see tears about to burst from her eyes.

Therefore I pull her back in his arms and then I hear her cry soaking up my shirt but I did not care at all
cause my baby needs me here.

When I felt relax and more calm she pull her head back and stare right up at me and before I could
move away she kiss me.

Pulling me down to her as her hands held my shirt fronts tightly. I was stunned that before I replied and
pull myself away she shut me up with another kiss.

I didn't want to take advantage of her situation but her kisses are making me lose my control. I push all
my thought away and return her kisses holding her face in my hands.

I can only kiss but I could never push her for more because I love her that much and I don't want her to

If her perhaps memories are back then I don't think she'll ever forgive me.

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