Novel Name : Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
[Three hours later]
"Davis" Claire arrived outside the Emperor's room .
Davis was standing outside the Emperor's room clearly waiting for his Dad to come out . He thought he will be able to see his Dad breakthrough but his Dad entered closed door cultivation since it concerns the advancing of the soul . Advancing in Soul Cultivation requires absolute silence with peace and serenity, but it is still possible to breakthrough in the midst of a battle only under certain conditions, emotions play a huge role in Soul Cultivation after all .
"Mom, Dad is currently…"
"I heard, what's the situation now?" Claire had a worried face .
"Everything is fine for now, we can only wait for Dad to come out . " Davis said .
The two stayed silent after that and waited for 10 minutes .
"Alright Davis, you can go do whatev…"
Suddenly a majestic aura spread with luminance brightening the entire room that Logan stayed in . It overflowed outside before quietly subsiding .
After a minute, Logan came out with a ragged face . He can be seen walking out dejectedly .
Claire immediately went to hold his hand with a worried face seeing that he walked out sadly .
"I failed . " Logan muttered softly .
A bright luminance surrounded Logan which subtly started healing his wounded soul . Claire emitted that luminance as she also trained in Sacred Luminance Mist . Sacred Soul Healing is the Third Layer ability of it .
"Don't worry, dear, you can definitely succeed the next time . " Claire comforted .
"It's useless . " Logan muttered again, he had his head down .
"Why?" Claire asked
"Heart Demon . " Logan looked at her and uttered .
Claire was not surprised, Logan lost his family and hadn't freed himself from it's clutches yet, he still hasn't fulfilled his vengeance because of those two heads who ran away . It has been weighing down on his heart ever since then . She knew that he wouldn't show his worry out, just to keep others from worrying for him .
Claire immediately felt extremely guilty that she didn't accompany him during those three year rebellion period . She just embraced and didn't say anything . Davis just left, giving them the time for them to talk alone .
… . .
[Three days later]
Davis got ready to cultivate his Body Tempering Cultivation . The first two stages in Body Tempering Cultivation is extremely easy for the Royal family to cultivate, they had plenty of resources after all . In fact, it also became easier for them to cultivate the third stage easily because of the loot gained from the rebellion .
Davis went to meet his father to consult whether he should make his first breakthrough in Body Tempering Cultivation so soon, after all he was just 5 years old .
"Father, is it okay for me to cultivate in Body Tempering Cultivation now?"
Logan thought for a moment before replying . "Most children only start to cultivate Body Tempering Cultivation only when they are 10 years old, after all, Body Tempering Cultivation involves extreme pain when cultivating it . It requires extreme resilience . I won't stop you from cultivating it but . . are you up to the task?" Logan asked with a sharp voice .
"My previous life was filled with pain, both mentally and physically, I am sure that I am up for the task, Dad . " Davis said with determination .
"Good, that's my son . " Logan said, and suddenly out of nowhere kicked Davis which sent him flying .
"Garghh" Davis flew out and rolled on the floor miserably . He spat out a mouthful of blood .
Davis tried to stand up but couldn't no matter how he tried . Painful, it was extremely painful for him .
'Yes, I almost forgot this body isn't used to pain . ' Davis thought .
"What? That's it? You couldn't take a single hit? You should give up Body Cultivation!" Logan shouted furiously .
'I should not be doing this, but it seems that he relies on his previous experience in this world . That won't work, I have to teach him the ways of this world . '
"No! I can stand up!" Davis cried automatically upon receiving such an injury for the first time .
Davis struggled to stand up . After two tries he managed to stand up .
"Come!" Davis shouted .
"Good, I'm not going to stop till you give up . "
The one-sided beatings went on for about 10 minutes . Every part of Davis's body received injuries except his life jewels . The floor was full of blood .
"It's fine if you give up now, Davis . "
"No! Ple . . please continue . " Davis thought he had to show more resilience and determination, so that his dad will approve of him to cultivate sooner .
'Please give up, if you get any more beatings, I'm not sure that I will be able to escape Claire's wrath . ' Logan made a wry face secretly .
This continued for about 5 more minutes .
"It's enough Davis, you can now give up . " Logan had enough of Davis's determination, anymore and he was sure that he'll be ignored by Claire again for who knows how long if he doesn't give up .
"N . . no, ple . . . . con . . continue . " Davis face was injured fully, he had lost more than three teeth . His arms and legs were trembling, but he still had determination on his face . He couldn't see what was in front of him anymore, he was feeling dizzy .
Logan dropped his posture and made a wry face . "Why do you try so hard?"
Davis tried to make his feet stable . He looked at his father blurred face . "I jus . . want to . . protect . . every . . one I love . I . . " he panted . "I want to protect Mom, protecc . . Clara, and even . . you Dad, for that I need . . strength as soon as possib . . . " Just when he was about to finish his saying his heartfelt emotions, he collapsed .
Logan made a dumbfounded face and muttered . "Protect our family? Even protect me? A 5 year old child protecting me?"
Logan started laughing out loud .
'I am so ashamed of myself . '
'I am so lost in hatred and arrogance that I forgot about my family's safety! Hahaha'
'The regret I had for letting those two escaped has caged me in, I'm so stupid to focus my mind on those two!'
The instant Logan realised that, he started releasing a majestic aura filled with sacred luminance . He instantly made a breakthrough to the Adult Soul Stage .
"Thank you, Davis, I was able to realize what's more important to me, because of you . " Logan smiled . He finally had his last wall of caution against his son break .
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