Novel Name : Mate to a king

Chapter 4

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Who on Earth did Melanie think she was? In what sane world would anyone just walk up to a guy when
they are carrying someone but also with a face like thunder?

I decided that I was going to go and pay Melanie a visit and knock some form of sense into her. She
should realise that we never actually did anything together and I had just met my mate, so I did not
understand her obsession with me.

I reckon she just wants the power that the Queen Luna has, but that will always belong to Bloom now
that I have met her and claimed her as mine, although she doesn’t quite know about that role yet, and
the rightful mate of Kings in the future.

Laying in my bed with Bloom, her back to me. I knew she was asleep, she had been for a while now,
her light snores were adorable. I just laid there, thinking deeply about what i did to deserve someone as
beautiful as Bloom as a mate, She didn't even flinch when Melanie strutted up to us, shaking her hips,
just laughed it off like any person should.

I had the perfect plan for tomorrow. I will make her breakfast in bed, show her around the rest of the
palace and then take her around the pack land whilst getting to know her and her me at the same time.
I couldn't wait until she officially accepts me and we become a proper couple.

I had accepted her the moment I laid eyes on her. Bright and lively green eyes and light brown hair,
close enough to blonde flowing freely down her back.

One thing I did notice however was her clothes and the scars creeping out from beneath. She was
unusually skinny for a werewolf and her clothes were just torn rags that sagged off her shoulders like
they did not fit her.

She wore no shoes on her delicate feet. Leaving bruises scattered over her dainty, pale feet. Bruises,
both in the same of finger prints, but also randomly placed like she’d injured them whilst running
barefoot, which I’m assuming she had done before transforming into her second form, which I had yet
to see.

Now, her having showered and sleeping in my shirt, just made her look so much brighter. Not just
because of the fact that she was wearing a white shirt.

She will always be gorgeous in my eyes, whatever she wears.

Aiden summers, mark my words, I planned find you even if I have to die trying. You will not make it out
alive to see daylight.


Waking up in a comfortable bed with actual blankets and a mattress was an unusual feeling. No rocks
digging into my spine or bars against my front.

Having been In that basement for months without actual comfort or heat can really do a thing or two to
a person.

The memories from yesterday had hit me like a speeding truck. Hard.

Sitting up in the black sheeted bed that clearly belonged to James, I rubbed my eyes and stretched.
Looking to my side to see that James was no longer by my side.

Before I could get up and search for him, the door opened to reveal James with a tray of what looked
like different types of pancakes, sauces, toppings and drinks. My stomach growled at the sight, from
months of poor nutrition and sustenance.

He walked into the room and placed the tray on the end of the bed, allowing me to sit in-front of it to

"Good morning, I didn't know what you would like so I just made a few different types of pancakes,” I
stared in awe at all the food. For the first time in ages I would be able to eat proper food and as much
as I would like to. Despite the fact their seemed to be enough to feed the five-thousand here.

I picked up a pancake with what looked to be chocolate chips inside and smothered it in this brown
stuff called Nutella. Which, I’d never had for some reason.

I grabbed the glass of apple juice and began to nibble on the luscious looking pancake.

It tasted so good that I almost moaned aloud. The slight nutty taste of what I could establish as
hazelnut worked surprisingly well with the chocolate and pancake.

I couldn't eat much as eating to much after not really eating food at all could make a person ill and well,
it wouldn't be easy to stuff myself slowly.

James ate about six pancakes whilst I could only manga to do match two. He seemed glad that I was
at least eating, me being glad too, but I could tell he wanted me to eat more.

"You done?" He asked placing his plate back on the tray. Nodding, he picks up my plate and told me to
shower, "I will go get my sister to grab you some clothes, you seem about the same size and I bet she
would love to meet you." He kissed my forehead lightly before taking off to take away the tray.

Grabbing a towel and one of his shower gels I walked into the bathroom to get ready.

I felt like I should keep washing myself over and over to get rid of any trace of Aiden left on my body.

After showering for what I could tell was about an hour, there was a knock on the door. It wasn't James
because the knock was light like a feminine knock.

His sister.

"Come in!” I shouted. The door opened to reveal a girl about my height, 5'5. She was carrying some
clothing that actually looked my style.

"Hi there, I'm Lexi, James's much better looking younger sister. You must be Bloom," She spoke
enthusiasticly, placing the clothes next to me on the bed, "I will leave you to get dressed, come out into
the hallway when you are done and we can talk." Slipping out the door, she closed it gently behind her.

Lexi, what a nice name. She seemed pretty sweet compared to some people I have met in the past.

Aiden had a sister, but she was a right bitch. Her name was Tiffany.

I was doing it again, thinking back to the past.

Quickly slipping on the outfit, which consisted of light washed skinny Jeans and a long sleeved
(thankfully) white floral blouse. The shoes were just a pair of casual flats in a size 6, strangely exactly
my size.

I took about 20 minutes freshening myself and dressing myself up.

Lexi would have been waiting for a while, I felt bad.

Opening the large door, she was standing there, hands behind her back looking around the hallway.

"Are you ready then? We can go into town and get some food if you want, get to know each other
better,” Lexi asked, looking hopefully into my green eyes.

She grabbed my arm as I nodded my head and walked down the endless stairs towards the exit of the

Here goes a few hours of getting to know my new mates sister.

~In town~

"I was thinking that we could go to Starbucks, get a drink and chat, that okay? I would take you
shopping to get clothes but James would like to take you,” She asked nervously, fidgeting in her pocket
until she came out with a crumpled £20 note.

She noticed my stare on the note and just laughed at my obvious curiosity. “I have this instead of my
card because you never know what could happen.” Her saying it aloud actually made it seem like a
very sensible idea.

You never know who could hack into your bank account.

Walking down to Starbucks, I noticed that most of the people, that smelt like they were werewolves,
were staring at us two.

They continuously bowed down when we walked by, showing a huge amount of respect for their

In all honesty, I hate it.

Being treated higher than someone, even if you are of a higher rank, I believe that every human,
werewolf and supernatural creature alike are equal.

Lexi just ignored their stares and kept on walking. She clearly noticed my discomfort and decided to
shout out to everyone that it was not necessary to bow to us.

"Stop bowing, I may be a princess but you do not have to bow to me or Bloom here!” The authority in
her voice was clear as day.

The only way that these people knew I'm part of the royal family in some way would be because of my
scent, I would smell slightly like James having spent the night in his room.

We just kept walking arriving at Starbucks before I could even blink.

"What would you like Bloom, I will go order, you sit here okay?" She asked, I thought for a moment. It
might sound plain, but I could really just go for a hot chocolate.

Don't get me wrong, I do love coffee, but there's just that point where you just want to sit back and

"Can I just get a hot chocolate and a chocolate cookie thanks Lexi," She just nodded her head lightly
before walking to the counter to place our orders.

Normally I wouldn't allow anyone to pay for me, but on this one occasion for two reasons, a I have no
money and b She would be very persistent.

It took about five minutes for her to return to our table with our drinks and cookies in hand.

She had ordered a green tea latte or whatever it is called. I used to love Starbucks, but a few months
without daylight alone can do a number on a person, especially their memory and sense of time.

We just sat there for the next two hours chatting and getting to know each other. I found out that she is
seventeen and that she is actually James' adopted sister.

She was adopted when she was 5. From then on she lived with the royals, growing up as a Princess.
What surprised me the most is that she didn't let the power go to her head and cloud her judgement.
She was just a friendly, down to earth person.

I am so glad that I could speak to her if I ever need to.

“So what happened to you? James hasn’t told me anything, and obviously I don’t want to assume
anything, you don’t have to say a word if you would rather stay quiet about it though,” she smiled,

swinging her coat over her shoulder as she grabbed it from the back of her chair.

“As traumatic as my life has been, I need help and I know that, so if I explain anything to you, promise
me you won’t go around telling others? The only people who know are James and now you I guess,” I
whispered, taking in a deep breath through my nostrils.

“No no of course, I wouldn’t even dream of telling a soul!” She exclaimed, her eyes widening a fraction,
“I already know it’s something absolutely dreadful, that much I can read from your body language.”

“Do I really give that much away?” She nodded as I ducked my head, before looking back up to see her
eyes gazing at my movements, “can we go somewhere more private before I tell you?” She nodded
again as she grabbed my hand and lead me out the door.

“I know just the place,” she says as she leads me down an alley, into what seems to be a tavern from
the outside, but inside opened up a whole empty studio, with nothing but a bed and a small kitchenette.
The kitchenette contained the bare essentials and a small, vintage Television sitting in the corner.

“This is my getaway home, yes it isn’t much considering I could spend so much and get so much more
commodities, but this seems perfect to me, the perfect getaway from all the riches and snooty people,”
she huffed as I giggled, they weren’t all snooty people, but some certainly were.

“Where do I begin then?” I thought aloud as she lead me over to sit on a bean bag she had placed on
the floor, allowing me to feel relaxed enough to go into detail and spill all the information. Lexi sat there
and hummed gently every time she felt the need to chime in, allowing me to reveal my secrets slowly
and personally. No judgment and no assumptions either. I spent at least an hour going into enough
detail of my horrible life, that I felt comfortable in her presence to share. It felt like a weight had been
lifted finally being able to talk to someone other than a pre-destined mate about my time. After spilling
everything, we sat for a moment, taking in the silence and each other’s company.

“Can I hug you?” She inched forward ever so slightly, tilting her head.

“Go ahead, I think I need it,” my eyes started to swell up, perfect timing. It’s always when someone
points something out that it effects you so much.

As soon as the tears started to fall, I felt her embrace me, strong arms wrapping tightly around my
middle as she rested her chin upon my head, making me feel incredibly short and infantile, but it was
incredibly comforting. There. It’s out.

- four hours later-

“So how’d shopping with my sister go?” James asked as I finished brushing my teeth and spat in the
sink. Lovely.

“Really good actually, she’s so nice. Also I managed to reveal everything to her so she knows that
now,” I smiled, taking in a deep breath as I crawled under the covers next to him.

“Are you okay with that? I mean it hasn’t taken long to open up on it, which is not a bad thing at all,” he
began to stroke my hair as I got settled.

“No, it’s okay, I’m here now and not there, I trust you guys enough to tell you,” my eyes began to droop
as my words soured towards the end. The movement of hands in my hair lulling me into a slumber.

“I’m glad you trust us that much, you deserve the world. Goodnight Bloom,” he inhaled as he kissed the
back of my head.

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