Novel Name : Level Up Legacy

Chapter 334: Bidding War

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Chapter 334: Bidding War

The group walked into Hidden Gems, which have expanded further and redecorated. As if it was a growing creature, the shop looked different with each passing day. The buildings around it were bought as well by the unimaginable wealth obtained the day before.
The walls which separated the buildings were torn down, creating a grand building that rivaled the size of the duke's mansion. The building was divided into three layers.
The first was the touring area, where the customers can see the effects of the artifacts themselves. The artifacts ranged from offensive to support to daily, but they were all artificial artifacts.
The second layer was the selling stands, where the customers can buy the common artifacts. The gold would then be taken and handed over to the manager, who would deposit it into a safe.
The third layer was the auction house, where the most demanded artifacts were auctioned to the public. The artifacts included, but not exclusive to, the Vegetation Artifacts.
Because of the lands taken over by the calamities, the fertile land was minimal, and even then, the soil wasn't that rich to supply the need of the kingdom.
A fire sword could kill a monster, but a vegetation artifact could feed a hundred people. That's why it was currently the most demanded artifact and why the auction house was getting ready to sell it at noon.
As the group walked through the first two layers, the people took notice of the newcomers.
"It's the Duke of Contracts, the Lord of Merchants!"
"I've heard that he always obtains what he desires because there's nothing that he can't offer in return!"
"He's one of the wealthiest people in the world. Do you think he'd give us a few golds if we begged him nicely?"
The whispers made the duke straightens his back as pride leaked out of his nostrils. The Knight of Nobility sang to the duke's tones and began flattering him.
"You are as respected as ever, Duke of Contracts. Unlike others, who only know how to talk, your ability and wealth are acknowledged by everyone."
"Haha, you flatter me, Noble One." The duke laughed as he glanced at Arthur and rest. "Today will be a good lesson to make those people know the difference between heavens and earth."
'What is this, cringe drama?' Their disdain toward him amused Arthur. The difference between Alka's and Earth's social norms presented itself in front of Arthur again.
The group reached the auction hall, where preparations were underway, and guests were filling the seats as others were reading the auction's items.
[Improved Vegetation Artifact: Blessed Spirit. Five times the area of the regular vegetation artifacts for fifth the mana cost.]
In a sizeable prominent sign, this shocking announcement made everyone who read it gasp. A few 'Blessed Spirit' artifacts could supply a whole city, making anyone who buys it one of the agricultural forerunners and a significant asset to the kingdom.
The nobles who gathered here had their eyes turn into gold coins, but the existence of the Duke of Contracts crushed their hopes. This duke might not be the strongest, but he was undoubtedly the richest.
"Welcome, honored guests!" Ma took the stage and bowed as the duke and co entered the auction hall. "We've prepared private booths for our esteemed guests. Please enjoy yourself as we prepare the items."
"Hm, quite hospitable. I guess this runemaster knows respect, a lesson to some!" The Knight of Nobility laughed as he left with the duke.
"Don't let them provoke you." The Knight of Courage stood by his side. Arthur turned to her in a speechless manner. "What? Don't tell me you're planning something?"
"I'm just wondering if every noble is this childish." Arthur laughed as he chose a booth and sat down with the others.
"Most of them are," Dia said with a cold expression. "They would make for a good frozen snack."
"We're not cannibals," Arthur shook his head.
"And we're not humans," Gala said as she licked her lips. Arthur and the Knight of Courage turned to look at them with suspicion.
"Don't worry. I don't eat trash." Dia shook her head, and Arthur clapped in applaud.
"This is what I am talking about! Those remarks from before were difficult to watch." Arthur said to the Knight of Courage, and she simply sighed.
"What do you plan to do? The artifact will land in the duke's hands at this rate." The Knight of Courage said. "This will only give more power to the nobles compared to the kingdom. I hope you don't plan on snatching it."
"Snatching? How low do you think of me?" Arthur shook his head, but the Knight simply stared at him. "Ah, that low?" A grin bloomed on his face. "I'm planning to buy it."
"That is... delusional." The Knight's eyes turned round. "I thought that I made it clear. The duke's wealth is unimaginable."
"Well, that can be true. The duke's assets and business can make up for a large sum. However, how many coins do you think he has on him? One thousand? Five? Twenty?"
"Hm?" The Knight of Courage looked at him with furrowed brows. A bell rang from the stage as the doors to the auction were closed. Then, with slow and measured steps, Ma took the stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the auction of your favorite rising shop, Hiding Gems!" Ma clapped his hands, and the curtains unfolded to reveal sets of artifacts.
"Today, we'll be presenting our new artifact: Blessed Spirit! Please make sure to save some money until the end to get your hands on the miracle item!"
'Oh, he's quite good.' Arthur was surprised. He was hesitant about letting Gruen do the auction, so he chose Ma, a worker that Gala found.
He didn't know how she did it, but it seems she had an eye for picking people well. As the auction began, the artifacts began to roll out.
Buyers, each with their own needs, sold different artifacts. Some of them only bought the artifact because it was the work of a rising runemaster, seeing collectible value.
The higher-ranking nobles stayed put as if buying from a competitor was beneath them. Arthur inwardly snickered at their hypocrisy as he knew that they took his artifacts to replicate them.
He didn't care, as it took years for runemasters from earth to replicate genuine artifacts, not to mention artificial ones. So even though it should be more straightforward, it was a lot more difficult for runemaster.
As an analogy, it was like reading a summary of the research and trying to replicate it. Genuine artifacts were the research, with each corner of it giving raw data for runemasters, while artificial ones were the mundane replication that allowed for mass adoption.
'Good luck trying to replicate. By the time that happens, I'll be back to Earth.' Arthur smiled as the auction reached the last bit, the Blessed Spirit artifact.
"Ladies and gentlemen! The moment has finally arrived, the miracle artifact!" Ma waved his hand, and a servant took off the curtains from the artifact.
Gasps leaked from the crowd as the artifact was revealed. It looked like a pot lined with gems and covered in gold. Ma took out a mana crystal and placed it in the pot before placing it on the table.
"Please look at the planters in front of you!" Ma waved his hand and activated the artifact.
Light shone from the pot, and it leaked to cover the auction life with a rich life force. Everyone looked at the planters in front of them and witnessed how the seeds in the soil began to sprout and grow.
"Brilliant! The effect reached this spot!"
A farmer shouted from the end of the hall as he stood up. Everyone turned to look at him with a shocked expression. Ma gave a sly smile and rushed to strike while the iron was hot.
"Ladies and gentlemen! The Runemaster, Ghost, declared that this would be the only Blessed Spirit sold today! He does not know if there will ever be a second one, as such a miraculous artifact is difficult to inscribe!"
"What? A one in a lifetime item?"
"Whoever gets this will be the sole agricultural overlord for years!" Another farmer stood up with excitement.
'I... never said that?' Arthur blinked at Ma, who was getting more zealous by the moment. The words he said made the hall buzz with activity, indeed a feat of a sly salesman. 'This guy... I'm taking him with me.' Arthur decided.
"The bidding starts at one thousand gold coins! After that, every bid placed cannot be less than 50 gold!" Ma declared, and the mayhem ensued.
Bids began to roll out from nobles of other cities. The nobles of Contracts City glared at the nobles who were trying to steal this artifact. However, they waited for the bid of the duke, eager to see it crush their hopes.
"1500!" The price kept getting higher. 1600, 1800, 2000... It showed no stop until the duke made his bid.
"Three thousand Golds." The duke's voice was stoic, but it rang loud and clear. The hall was momentarily silent as everyone began to whisper among them.
Paying thrice the original price, the duke showed off his wealth to everyone. As everyone thought that no one would dare bid anymore, a voice broke the silence.
"Four thousand golds."
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