Novel Name : Elite Mages' Academy

Chapter 410: Unfinished Painting

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Chapter 410: Unfinished Painting

“No. This painting is actually still unfinished.”
Xiao Lin thought it was his sudden arrival that disturbed her, so he immediately apologized, “Sorry, it seems that I didn’t come at the right time. I’ll send you back to continue painting.”
“No, you didn’t bother me. I was actually hesitating whether or not to paint at the time.”
“Why not? Did you run out of ideas?”
Gu Chengyun pouted and stretched out his fingers to draw. Xiao Lin immediately handed the painting over. Gu Chengyun hesitated for a moment and pointed to the outermost circle of the painting.
Xiao Lin found out that although the painting could be considered complete, it was not entirely finished yet, because the circle around the drawing paper was still blank. Though it seems clear that the painting was not yet completed, those blank places were nothing more than blue sky and sea water in Xiao Lin’s eyes.
“Do you want to finish the painting?” Xiao Lin was curious. Clearly, the girl would not be that distressed if it was just the sea and sky.
“I don’t know.” Gu Chengyun still shook her head and blinked. “I think it’s a bit outrageous, so I don’t want to continue.”
“Then stop painting.” Xiao Lin knelt down and said with a smile, “Painting should be something happy. If it makes you uncomfortable, then you should stop.”
“But...” Gu Chengyun still seemed hesitant.
Xiao Lin did not force anything and simply pushed Gu Chengyun to the field. About an hour later, Gu Xiaoyue—sporting a light-colored shirt and jeans—finally arrived. After both sides met, she blushed a little when she saw Xiao Lin.
Xiao Lin’s initial purpose of the visit was to chat with the sisters and go sightseeing. Since a vacation was hard to come by, it was only natural that he would want to take it easy. However, he had plenty of suspicions at that moment, so the first thing he did was tell Gu Xiaoyue about the mysterious woman who looked for Gu Chengyun. Needless to say, he stopped short of saying that he knew Wang Yuelan, because he was still unsure whether it was Wang Yuelan or not.
Although Gu Xiaoyue was usually very indifferent, she was extremely worried when it came to Gu Chengyun. Her expression changed immediately after hearing that, and after thinking for less than a few seconds, she said decisively, “Chengyun, you should come home with me!”
“But it’s not the holiday yet,” Gu Chengyun objected.
“No! I’ll explain to the academy that it isn’t safe for you to stay here for the time being. Be obedient, go home with me. You can paint at home too!” Gu Xiaoyue had a serious tone.
“I don’t want to!” Gu Chengyun glared in response. She was obviously not very afraid of her elder sister.
Xiao Lin glanced left and right, then pondered for a moment before smiling bitterly, “Aren’t you being too sensitive, Gu Xiaoyue? According to Gu Chengyun, the woman did not show any hostility or malice. It won’t be good to act rashly when there’s nothing concrete and just being Chengyun out of the academy.”
He understood how Gu Chengyun felt. As a girl who was confined to a wheelchair even though she should be in the prime of her youth, she would certainly cherish her present life, current friends and classmates even more.
If Gu Chengyun was asked to leave and go home, she would be the only one left in the house after Gu Xiaoyue and Xiao Lin left. While there might be a nanny to take care of her, that alone could not possibly alleviate the loneliness in her heart.
Of course, Xiao Lin also understood where Gu Xiaoyue was coming from. They could only stay on Earth for ten days at most, after which they would have returned to Dawn Academy. Anything that happened to Gu Chengyun by then was no longer within their control.
Of course, Gu Chengyun refused to just leave the academy like that. The two sisters started arguing on the field. It was the first time that Xiao Lin saw Gu Xiaoyue being so emotional, and he found it quite strange even though she was simply worried about that mysterious woman having any bad intentions.
Although the entire thing was odd in itself, he similarly felt that Gu Xiaoyue’s reaction was rather big. After thinking for a moment and realizing that he did not come that far just to hear the two sisters quarrel, Xiao Lin felt that he ought to do something. Going to the root of the problem was the best way to end all that trouble, so if he wanted to dispel Gu Xiaoyue’s worries, the first thing he had to do was figure out that woman’s intentions.
“I’ll try my best to find that woman. In fact, we just need to find out where she’s from,” Xiao Lin suddenly interjected.
The two women glared at Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin laughed dryly and calmed the atmosphere. “It isn’t easy for the both of you to get together. Who knows when you’ll be able to meet again next time? Can’t you guys just have a nice conversation? Don’t worry about it. Just leave it to me!”
Gu Xiaoyue’s expression eased and Xiao Lin’s reminder calmed her down. She was a very sensible woman who understood her own situation. Her chances of meeting Gu Chengyun would only decrease in the future and she could not help but show an apologetic look.
Xiao Lin bid farewell to the two sisters for the time being. He said he would look for the mysterious woman, but he did not divulge that he might know her and the two sisters did not follow up either.
“Oh, by the way, your sister still hasn’t finished her painting. I guess I disturbed her. Don’t quarrel with her again and let her finish her painting.”
After ending his sentence, Xiao Lin left by himself.
“I hope Wang Yuelan hasn’t gone far...”
Xiao Lin whispered to himself along the way and took out his mobile phone. He then dialed Wang Yuelan’s number after a moment’s hesitation. The call was quickly connected, and her tone was as cordial as ever, “Brother Xiao Lin? I didn’t expect you to call me. Hehe, are you really thinking of wooing me?”
Xiao Lin felt somewhat helpless because he had just refused Wang Yuelan’s invitation earlier. There was no other choice for him, so all he could do was bite the bullet and say, “Are you free? It’s such a coincidence that we met here. Why don’t we go out for a meal? I’ll treat you!”
Wang Yuelan was silent for more than a minute, as if to consider his proposal, but Xiao Lin seemed to hear her faint discussions with another person. It was only then that Wang Yuelan’s voice was heard. “Sure, I just left the academy, but I’m not too far away. We’ll just go to a nearby restaurant.”
After arranging the location, Xiao Lin walked there and called Song Junlang. The ringing tone was still that of a switched-off cell phone, prompting him to roll his eyes. Song Junlang said that he had important stuff to do on Earth, but could he actually be looking at scantily-clad girls on Hawaii’s beaches at that moment?
Xiao Lin had no choice but to call Mao Tianying, and it had to be said that Xiao Lin gained a bit of a reputation by relying on Song Junlang. Mao Tianying—who was originally the person in charge of the Earth Division—might not have that high a status in Dawn Academy, but he could not possibly be that friendly with a freshman who has just enrolled, to the point where he would willingly exchange numbers with Xiao Lin.
Xiao Lin knew very well why Mao Tianying was so courteous to him. A small part of the reason was because of his position as monitor, but it was mostly out of courtesy to Song Junlang.
Seeking Mao Tianying’s help was a last-minute decision. Xiao Lin remembered Song Junlang telling him that many traces have been left on Earth during several centuries of colonial academy development. To put it more bluntly, academy people like them would have to take the blame for many mysterious events.
Gu Chengyun was Gu Xiaoyue’s younger sister, and Gu Xiaoyue was a very special student at the academy—she could easily draw attention to herself, whether it terms of her mysterious mixed-race bloodline or her extremely high talent for magic.
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