Novel Name : Mystical Journey

Chapter 1096 - Exact Information 2

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Chapter 1096: Exact Information 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
“Protect the princess!!”
Numerous hoarse and exhausted voices could be heard in the dark.
A crashing noise could be heard within the interior of the house when a figure broke the door down and exited. It produced great momentum that violently punched Garen who was in mid-air. This incident was purely produced by a strength that had reached its limit and was not mixed with other impurities.
Garen simply touched its fist before it was instantly sent flying backward as if it was hit by a bomb. It exploded into a pool of blood before he had even landed on the ground.
“He’s an Energy Machinist!! Stop him!”
“Red Net!!” An elderly voice echoed throughout the sky.
Layers of complicated red Energy Barriers appeared between the woman and Garen out of thin air.
Garen extended his hand as if he could not see the barrier at all. There was a humming noise before more than ten layers of these barriers were destroyed instantly as if they were merely bundles of paper!
Garen’s right hand penetrated them before he clawed at the woman’s neck.
At this moment, a red laser that descended from the sky fell down suddenly.
The laser that was as large as a column instantly illuminated the entire night sky completely. It was a terrifying destruction beam that was shot out at the base of an enormous black Battleship. It was an energy bomb that was specially used to attack enemy Battleships!! Apparently, someone was using it as a weapon to attack human enemies now. Its degree of precision was simply astonishing!
The light beam that connected the sky to the earth descended on the ground before everything was completely covered in crimson light.
It happened the moment the light beam landed on the ground.
There was a dull thunderous noise before a red laser that was an even scarier light beam rose into the sky and struck the black Battleship violently.
It seemed as though the middle section of the Battleship was struck by a gigantic red rod firmly. It was hit lightly at first before a sudden explosion followed and turned it into countless fragments that glided before violently smashing against the ground.
Garen discarded the ice mirror in his hand.
“Tch tch, how dangerous. It almost hit me…”
He seized the woman’s neck with one hand and simply flung her as if she was nothing more than a light item. He threw her in the opposite direction. While looking at the enormous black Battleship that was quickly falling, many people on it were jumping off and escaping frantically. They resembled parachutes that were descending from the sky.
“Young man! Do you know the honorable position of the person whom you are holding hostage now?” An elderly man with a red beard appeared before Garen out of thin air. He stood on the ruins in his black clothes that gave off a mysterious air.
“If you dare touch a single fine hair on my body, I will slaughter your entire family!!” cursed the woman in his hands venomously like a caught beast that was furious.
A shroud of substantial-like chills floated beside Garen’s body. It was actually Turing, a large and fierce Two-Headed Wolf who was currently rushing one step behind him. The terrifying Non-falling Light around his entire body covered the entire courtyard. The old man was about to open his mouth and speak but was instantly suppressed by a heavy pressure that made it difficult for him to breathe. He could not make even a single sound. His face became extremely contorted instantly.
“My Lord, these people actually dared to threaten your unparalleled holy self. You should just let your subordinates eat them so that they can be turned into nutrients for the earth,” said Turing while complimenting him loudly. He stared at the woman in Garen’s hands with a gaze of unimaginable greed and desire. She seemed like an unusual delicacy that had attracted him the most.
“We’re members of the Crimson Court! As a Non-falling Level powerhouse, Your Highness should know this name, right?!” The old man exerted all of his strength but could barely make a few noises. “Please acknowledge us on behalf of the reputation of the Red Emperor…”
“Let him kill me because my father will avenge me! Let him kill me!” The woman in black roared loudly. “He actually dared to put this imperial court in such a difficult position…!”
“Crimson Court?” Garen’s eyebrows were knitted together tightly. He realized the origins of the other party immediately. “All of you are Biochemists?” He recalled the identity of the other person instantly. Crimson Court was the single largest Biochemist organization. Since Bamente was a Biochemist, it was normal for him to establish connections with these people.
He looked at Bamente who was at the side who had collapsed on the ground from fear. He had a terribly scared expression on his face while small parts of both of his legs were burnt and damaged by the red laser that descended from the sky earlier. He could not even stand properly.
“How interesting… Even Biochemists decided to join this grand meeting, huh?” A strange smile appeared on Garen’s face.
Crimson Court was a force that would be recaptured by Clint sometime in the future. Nonetheless, he never expected to actually encounter it beforehand. The princess in his hands right now would probably become the queen next time after becoming Clint’s accidental wife in the future. However, she would become much more mature then, unlike her current self who was still not wise yet.
“In that case, this makes it very difficult for me…”
In order to avoid influencing major forces, despite being prepared to kill this woman originally, Garen realized that it was seemingly not permissible now. This was the wife of the future Red King and it would be bad if the major forces of history were affected if she was killed.
The princess in his hands continued to curse loudly. Various unpleasant words melded with the noises. Her Vitality made her immune from the effects of all energy-type suppressions. Only substantial physical attacks could be used against her.
Her Vitality was clearly unnatural. Instead, it was adjusted by the Biochemists on their own.
“If I can’t kill her, then…”
Garen lifted the princess in his hands before smashing her against the ground violently.
Cement cracked and sputtered about while large amounts of rocks were smashed until they were sent flying in all four directions.
Bang bang bang!!
Again and again, Garen dragged the princess and smashed her against the places that were especially solid in a series of frenzied collisions.
The courtyard that was initially terribly damaged by the red light’s attacks finally collapsed after being smashed completely now.
The enclosing wall broke and collapsed before the ground was filled with potholes.
“I swear!! Swear…!” Bang!!
“I will definitely…!!” Bang!!
“Kill…” Bang!!
“You…!” Bang!!!
“Ahh!!!!” Boom!!!
Countless broken stones and soil whooped down like raindrops that sprinkled around. The old man clenched his fist in pain but was suppressed by the Non-falling Light that made him unable to move at all. He could only stare at Garen who was torturing the princess mercilessly.
The noises ceased abruptly.
Everything became completely quiet.
The princess’s neck was twisted towards one side and no one knew if she were still alive or not.
Nonetheless, Garen felt as if his body and mind were truly more relaxed now. He lifted the princess in his hands like a broken rag doll and walked before Bamente who was completely dazed and paralyzed on the floor in fright.
“You’re… the one from that day?!!” Bamente finally recognized Garen. He pointed a finger at him while his voice was already stammering, making him unable to speak clearly.
“You’ve finally recognized me,” Garen smiled. “I came to settle our previous matters.”
The pupils in Bamente’s eyes shrunk.
“That… That has nothing to do with me… I was merely doing a business deal with them. It had nothing to do with me!! It was Ice Dragon! It was him! It was Fila!! They were the ones who made a deal with me and told me to kill you! No…! No! Don’t kill me!!! Don’t!!”
Garen steppes on his chest with one foot and broke it immediately. It was direct and efficient.
“No… It wasn’t my… fault…!” Bamente widened his eyes and died with everlasting regret. His head was slanted towards one side before he was finally unable to speak anymore.
“Thus, another one ends,” Garen exhaled. He recalled his own state when this man had plotted against him in the hospital previously. Fila… Seventh Divine Wind General!
These two people were the true ringleaders.
“Let’s go, Turing.”
He turned around and walked towards the outside. The Two-Headed Werewolf responded quietly in a somewhat unhappy tone but followed behind Garen nonetheless.
“That’s right, I’ll return this to you,” Garen suddenly remembered the person that he was still carrying in his arms. He simply threw her at the old man. “You don’t have to thank me.”
The old man caught the princess frantically before checking her briefly. Although she was not in life-threatening danger, her entire body was simply too horrible to look at. The old man was furious to the point where he nearly spat out blood when he saw Garen whose back was facing him in a completely defenseless manner. He wanted to attack him instinctively but each movement caused him to spit out fresh blood instantly.
“I…” He felt as if his internal organs were being sliced by blades as the aches were difficult to endure. It was clear that he had unknowingly fallen victim to Garen’s plot during the confrontation earlier.
“Your Highness! The misdeeds of this day will surely be avenged in the future! State your name if you dare!” he yelled loudly while exerting all of his strength.
No one replied him. Garen had teleported away the moment he exited because he could not be bothered with this man’s nonsense. He was merely an Inherited Level.
The snowfall from the sky was getting heavier now.
Some places were already covered in thick layers of snow. While walking on the ground, there were places that were deep enough to make people sink into knee-deep snow in one step.
Garen and Turing stood on the cliff at the peak of the mountain range. They looked down at the enormous white city in depression. This city was slightly larger than Titan City. Fila and the Seventh Divine Wind General stayed here in Polar City, the capital of Polar Region after they deserted.
“There are Non-falling Level powerhouses here…” Garen gasped in admiration. “It’s also the place where the Mother Planet’s highest leveled forces can be found.”
Fila and the Seventh Divine Wind General were inside this place.
When he recalled the miserable condition he had suffered when the Willpower throughout his entire body was sealed that year, if the Sixth Divine Wind General had not saved him, he would probably have been destroyed instantly.
“I cannot wait to return the great present that you gave me that year…” Garen glanced at the vast city below him. His gaze was calm but no one knew what he was thinking about.
“My friend arrived at my Polar Region but did not inform me, the master. Is this a lack of courtesy?” Suddenly, a calm male voice echoed behind Garen.
Garen turned his head and saw a person who was walking forward slowly. However, his figure seemed as if it had leaped across a large distance in a split second. He was able to appear a few meters in front of him quickly from a place that was a hundred meters further previously.
Mysterious power and influence wafted throughout this person’s entire body. His Non-falling Light was as spotlessly white as jade. It felt completely different from Garen’s whiteness that seeped with hints of gloominess.
While looking at the forces of this person’s body, he noticed that he was a Non-falling Level too. As a Non-falling Level, he could already fuse his Exclusive Mech with parts of his own body. He could even split up and match his Mech once again if he was strong enough to form something like spatial equipment that could fuse with his own body completely.
His appearance looked similar to that of a normal person. However, he possessed terrifying power in reality.
“Who are you?” The moment Garen turned around, he suddenly felt the energy of the blood bead that remained inside his body jumping violently.
The moment the energy started jumping, the expression on the other party’s face changed radically while he looked at him in slight disbelief.
“I never thought that…” All of the Non-falling Light throughout the man’s body shrunk suddenly before he took a non-defensive stance strangely.
He waved his hand and sprinkled a large amount of radiance before completely sealing their entire surroundings.
This Non-falling Level City Master who was also Polar Region’s current controller had actually knelt down on one knee before Garen!
“Lord Emissary has graced us with his presence personally but I was unable to respectfully welcome him in the first moment! May you pardon my offenses!!” he said loudly and respectfully, in fear and trepidation.
“Emissary?” Garen’s mind was slightly shocked.
His other identity was of the Bodysnatcher Jeros. Meanwhile, in the current Polar Region, the great leader of the previous White Light terrorist organization was actually referring to him as his lord.
Within an instant, all of the connections linked together.
“Carthage… Chinande… These are truly great efforts…” While looking at Divine Light who was kneeling on a single knee before him, Garen smiled coldly in his heart.
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