Novel Name : Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 113 - Exorcism Prayer

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Chapter 113 Exorcism Prayer

At this time, in this sea, it was the English Royal Navy and the Spanish Invincible Armada that were fighting for supremacy.
In the mid-sixteenth century, Spain established the largest fleet at the time in order to protect its maritime transportation routes and its oversea interests. The fleet dominated the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean and proudly called itself the ‘Invincible Armada’. The Spanish relied on the Invincible Armada to plunder large amounts of gold and silver, quickly making Spain the richest maritime empire in Europe.
At that time, English was also in the budding state of industrial development. A large number of manufactured industrial products forced it to look for oversea commercial markets, and innovations in ship manufacturing and navigation technology further boosted England’s ambitions to capture colonies. For Spain, it naturally would not allow other countries to infringe on its interests from the colonies. Thus, in this historical background, England and Spain were like fire and water.
At the time, England’s maritime forces were not strong enough to compete with the Spanish naval fleets. However, England adopted a method of conniving the pirates, issuing them ‘privateering permits’ and using the power of pirates to interfere with and attack the Spanish. The pirates organized their attacks at sea and robbed Spanish ships that carried gold and silver, causing Spain to suffer massive losses.
The Queen of England allowed the pirates to offer their wealth to clean their identities. She even gave the pirates the corresponding nobility according to the amount of wealth they offered, leading to the wealth and gold that they had plundered from the sea gradually flowing into England. England used this wealth to gradually make the Royal Navy stronger and began to compete with the Invincible Armada for maritime supremacy.
At this point in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, the Invincible Armada had actually declined after a few unsuccessful expeditions against England. But regardless, it was still a powerful force at sea.
The Invincible Armada was incomparable to the Black Sea fleet led by Pirate Lord Ammand!
What appeared in front of Roy was only a portion of the Invincible Armada. There were more than thirty ships, all of which were sailing warships. The entire fleet carried about twenty thousand soldiers and sailors, as well as nearly a thousand cannons. It was a huge fleet that the Royal Navy could only deal with carefully.
More than thirty sailing warships lined up on the surface of the sea, facing Roy with their sides. The densely packed cannons aimed at the Frozen Ghost Ship, and after the order, hundreds of cannons fired at the same time. A few seconds later, deafening booms resounded as the entire fleet tilted due to the powerful recoil from the firing.
Hundreds of cannonballs flew toward Roy’s ship. Although most of them fell into the sea and became near misses, the remaining ones hit Roy’s ship. Dozens of cannonballs bombarded the Frozen Ghost Ship at the same time, blowing it into countless fragments!
Before the Spaniards fired, Roy had already flown up with Fat Tiger and Cassandra. Although the cannonballs had not hit him, Roy felt furious when he saw the Frozen Ghost Ship being destroyed again.
The second one! Why do the Frozen Ghost Ships get destroyed so soon?
Roy’s face darkened as he waved his hand. “Free attack!”
Roy had never thought of provoking the Royal Navy or the Invincible Armada, but since the opponent had already come, Roy naturally could not back down.
Roy flapped his demon wings and charged toward the Invincible Armada. Fat Tiger and Cassandra followed closely behind.
In fact, Roy now roughly understood why the Invincible Armada had appeared here and attacked him. The reason was probably the same as Ammand’s!
In this most important period of science and ignorance, it was the most sensitive moment for the religious world because the development of science was constantly shaking the foundations of theocracy, especially in countries like Spain that were established with Catholicism. When it expanded its colonies, Spain had consolidated its rule by preaching the doctrines of Catholicism and telling people that they ruled for God.
If something unexplainable by Catholicism appeared at this time, it would certainly affect its image and status and shake its rule. This was why the Spanish later destroyed the Fountain of Youth, because the Fountain of Youth did not appear in the doctrines at all, and they could not explain it.
Especially now, when Spain was declining in the struggle for hegemony, it urgently needed the doctrines to maintain the stability of its rule. What happened to Cassandra was also related to the current situation in Spain. In order to consolidate its rule, the gradually declining trend of witch hunts was once again flourishing. The church needed to declare its power through such activities, and Cassandra and her mother were among the victims.
Now, Roy had determined that one of Cassandra’s other revenge targets was actually the Church of Spain…
Logically speaking, Roy was a demon, and it was actually a good thing for the church to have a demon appear in this world. This was because it could finally prove that the demons in the Bible really existed and that angels similarly existed.
This sounded a little ironic because it was a demon that actually proved that the doctrines were correct…
Therefore, the Spanish were actually both happy and pained about Roy’s existence. On the one hand, they were happy about the correctness of the doctrines; on the other hand, they were pained that they had to find a way to eliminate this demon.
In fact, if possible, the people of the church wanted to let the entire world know of Roy’s existence, but there was nothing they could do about it. Since they claimed that they were the agents of God in the world, they could only set an example and eliminate Roy, ‘God’s Enemy’…
The news about Roy, this demon, had yet to spread it to Rome. If it reached Rome, a new round of the Crusades might begin…
Roy had underestimated the great influence he brought with his appearance in this world… Of course, this also had to do with him taking revenge for Cassandra. In fact, other demons had come to this world in the past, but they had not done what Roy did. They had all merely appeared briefly before returning to the Abyss, so they only left behind some vague rumors in this world.
Learning from what had happened to Pirate Lord Ammand, the Spaniards had come prepared.
When Roy landed on a warship, what awaited him was not Spanish soldiers holding cutlasses or guns but priests holding crosses and Bibles!
Although the ten or so priests on the ship looked quite old and had beards, they were still quite agile. The moment Roy landed on the deck, they immediately rushed forward and surrounded Roy from afar. They each held a Bible tightly in one hand and raised a cross in the other while chanting loudly at Roy.
“Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the hour of conflict. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God restrain him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust Satan down to hell, and with him those other wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen!”
When they faced Roy, this demon, their eyes had no fear, only fanaticism, because these priests were the most devout priests selected from Spain. As they were chanting loudly at Roy, Roy felt a familiar force acting to him!
It was the repulsive force of the world! The exorcism prayer that these priests were chanting actually triggered the power of the world and increased the repulsive force on Roy!
“Damn it. Is this a secret method?!”
Roy could feel weak magic power from these priests. Roy thought that they might be able to use some holy light spells to attack him, but he did not expect that their magic power would trigger the world’s repulsive force!
In fact, almost all exorcists used exorcism spells based on the principle of triggering the world’s repulsive force. These exorcism spells were taught to humans by angels, allowing them to use them to expel demons.
A huge sense of heaviness assaulted him, and Roy felt that even his movements became difficult. If he had not signed a demon contract with Cassandra, Roy suspected that he would have been expelled back to the Abyss by this sudden increase in repulsive force…
Not only Roy, but also Fat Tiger and Cassandra, who landed on the other warships, were being attacked by the exorcism spell of the priests.
However, what was surprising was that Fat Tiger and Cassandra were not as affected as Roy. Fat Tiger was created by Roy, and he could not even be considered an Abyss creature, so the repulsive force of the world had very little effect on him. Cassandra was a person of this world, and it was only because of Roy’s demon blood that she had transformed into a lich, so the exorcism prayer had no effect on her at all.
While the priests were restraining Roy, a group of soldiers holding spears carefully approached him. The spears in their hands were specially made weapons permeated with holy water. Before they approached, Roy could feel a force that disgusted him from the spears.
“Looks like you guys really spent a lot of effort!” Roy sneered and waved his hand. Frostmourne appeared in his hand.
The tip of the sword pierced into the deck, and the next moment, a strong ice storm erupted with Roy’s body as the center!
Be it the priests chanting the exorcism prayer or the soldiers holding spears, they did not even have time to react before they were swept into the storm. This huge tornado appeared out of nowhere on the warship, twisting and twisting as it flew toward the sky. The people swept up were immediately frozen and rose with the wind.
The Ice Tornado ravaged the entire warship. It almost took all of the people on the deck away, and even the ship froze. After the tornado disappeared, countless ice blocks with people inside fell down from the sky like meteorites, crashing into the sea, splashing high waves…
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