Novel Name : Moon’s Labyrinths

Chapter 138

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Chapter 138
Chapter 138
Magic Resistance .
He knew what it was in concept . However, the situation was as Hyunwoo had said . Sungyoon hadn’t considered Magic Resistance as a factor in his fight .
“You are using two different ranked magic Gems . The first one is an Orange Gem, second in the ranks of Rainbow Gems, and the other one was the one you evolved to a Green Gem earlier, right? First, any magic Gem around the level of Green rank doesn’t work well against the Centaur . Its Magic Resistance is fairly high . An Orange rank Gem might be somewhat effective, but it can’t inflict critical damage to the Centaur . ”
Sungyoon thought about the Centaur destroying his earth magic with its hooves, and the monster had also mostly ignored the gravity magic as it had charged towards him .
“This is a common mistake Connectors make when they start hunting higher rank monsters . Even if they have the knowledge that these monsters have Magic Resistance, they forget about it in the heat of the battle . ”
While Hyunwoo was giving his explanation, the Centaur charged toward them .
Sungyoon furrowed his brows . He knew the Centaur wouldn’t do him a favor by waiting . It was unfortunate as Sungyoon wanted to hear the full explanation from Hyunwoo before making the decision on whether to continue this fight or not .
However, he had been worried for no reason .
Two plates fell away from Hyunwoo’s shield .
Both of them shot towards the Centaur like a bullet . It seemed the monster felt threatened by the objects flying toward it, so it tried to strike them down . Its weapons clashed against Hyunwoo’s plates .
A loud sound rang out . It was a sound similar to the one that had erupted when Sungyoon and the Centaur had clashed their weapons against each other . However, the result was different in both cases .
At that time, as he couldn’t withstand the Centaur’s enormous strength, Sungyoon had been sent flying . But the opposite happened this time . The Centaur was sent flying backward a long way .
The enormous Centaur was sent tumbling across the floor, and it let out a raucous sound . Its sword and mace, which had clashed against Hyunwoo’s two plates, had been flung to the floor .
“Don’t fucking attack when a person is talking . ”
Hyunwoo grumbled as he turned to look at Sungyoon .
“Where was I?”
“… Connectors forget about Magic Resistance in the heat of the battle . ”
The Centaur was an opponent that had almost killed him, yet this man had just slapped it aside as if it were an annoying mosquito . A dumbfounded look appeared on Sungyoon's face as he answered Hyunwoo's question .
“Ah ah . Yes . That’s right . In a word, you can’t lose your cool . You should have fought it like you always fight . You should have been deliberate and cool-headed . If you had done that, you wouldn’t have fallen in danger so quickly . Magic Resistance is annoying, but it is only a different form of power . The level might be low, but even the Ogres and Trolls have some Magic Resistance . ”
Sungyoon had hunted both those monsters before .
“It is good that you are trying to incorporate your spells into your fight . However, you can’t be taken aback if you find out they aren't that effective . You have to use that information to attack your opponent in a different way . ”
‘Normally, I don’t think he would have lost this badly . . ’
In Hyunwoo’s assessment, Sungyoon should have dispatched this opponent . However, it seemed his presence was making Sungyoon subconsciously relax a little bit .
However, this wasn't a bad result . If one experienced failure, one couldn’t forget about it even if one wanted to . Moreover, this was a situation where Sungyooon could afford to fail .
‘This will be a good experience for him . ’
Hyunwoo pointed towards the Centaur . The monster had just gotten up, and it was about to pick up its weapons .
“I’ll stop nagging you like an old man . What do you think? Would you like to fight it once again?”
Sungyoon didn’t hesitate as he nodded .
“Alright . ”
Hyunwoo clapped once, and then, he took a step backward . He folded his arms as he stood there .
Sungyoon reacted in the opposite manner . He took up his weapon and walked forward .
The Centaur roared . It felt humiliated due to its one-sided exchange with Hyunwoo . At a glance, one could tell the monster would come at Sungyoon with a more violent attitude .
It started galloping forward once again . As always, its charge was terrifying, so Sungyoon put his shield forward like before .
The four weapons hit the shield .
Sungyoon’s body was once again sent flying into the air .
However, the situation this time was different from before .
Sungyoon had jumped into the air as he received the blow . Of course, he was sent flying at a higher speed .
He unsummoned his shield and took up the halberd .
The man was still in the air, so he couldn't put any strength behind any attack . Moreover, he was being sent flying backward away from the Centaur . However, he wasn’t aiming to hurt the monster's body .
Sungyoon placed the hook behind one of the Centaur’s legs .
The hook got stuck . The halberd was traveling along with Sungyoon, who was sent flying, and the weapon's hook pulled the monster's leg along .
The Centaur’s body faltered . It had just swung its weapons, so it was slightly off balance . Moreover, Sungyoon’s body had been sent flying with great momentum, so there was a great amount of force behind the halberd .
Therefore, the Centaur was quickly starting to fall over .
However, unlike the bipedal monsters, the monster possessed four legs . It was quite stable on its feet, so it didn’t fall over easily . Moreover, it planted its spear in the ground to stabilize itself .
Unfortunately for the Centaur, Sungyoon didn’t plan on trying to make it fall over . It was enough that the monster had lost a bit of its balance .
Sungyoon’s Earth magic Gem flashed once again .
Sharp stalagmites erupted from the ground .
It seemed the Centaur had sensed what the human was trying to do, so it tried to jump in order to dodge the attack . However, it had lost its balance, and one of its forelegs wasn’t touching the ground .
This time, the stalagmites impacted the Centaur’s body .
It screamed out in pain .
Its body was lifted into the air .
The sharp ends of the stalagmites pierced through the monster's lower body .
However, the Centaur’s Magic Resistance was too high . The stalagmites couldn’t completely pierce through .
But it didn’t matter . Sungyoon didn’t think he could completely kill it with that one attack . And it was enough that he had damaged the Centaur to a certain extent .
‘Still, I should make the wound a little deeper .
This time Sungyoon activated his Gravity Gem .
The Centaur’s weight increased .
The Earth magic Gem was 2nd highest in the ranks of Rainbow Gems . And unlike the Orange rank Gem, the Gravity magic Gem, a Green Gem, was 4th in rank .
Of course, the Centaur’s Magic Resistance reduced the amount of increase in Gravity .
However, it was rising into the air while being pierced by stalagmites . The increase in weight was enough to create bigger wounds .
The Centaur struggled . The more the monster slid down the stalagmite, the more it got hurt . It was as if it were a bug stuck in an Antlion’s pit . Its wounds were just getting larger and larger .
‘Would you look at that?’
Hyunwoo’s eyes shone . The man had kept a bit of distance while watching the fight .
‘He heard about the Magic Resistance, yet he chose to use the spells?’
Moreover, he didn’t use it in a stupid manner where he used the spells for the sake of using them . He created a scenario that would make the spells effective, and he was able to damage the monster . It was quite splendid .
As the strongest Connector in his company, Hyunwoo had to train a lot of low rank Connectors at one point . He had given many warnings to them about the Magic Resistance . And when they received the warning, the Connectors usually abandoned magic spells and went straight into fighting an up-close battle .
However, Hyunwoo never warned them not to use magic .
‘If you completely stop yourself from using spells, you can’t kill the monster . ’
Of course, there were the outliers where the monsters were physically weak, but enhanced physical abilities and enhanced constitution came alongside Magic Resistance . There were a lot of scary monsters out there .
The trick was to not panic on finding about a monster’s special attributes . One had to use one’s arsenal in an effective manner to kill the monster .
Few people had realized this lesson when listening to Hyunwoo’s warning for the first time, and an extremely few people immediately used this lesson in a real battle .
‘His battle sense is exceptional . He is a natural . ’
How many times would he be impressed by this person?
‘Jimin really found a legit Connector this time . ’
At that moment, Sungyoon was still fighting the Centaur and couldn't know that Hyunwoo thought so highly of him .
The Centaur was barely able to pull itself off the stalagmites . Blood dripped down from its lower body . It was a horrible sight .
However, it didn’t seem the monster had suffered a life-threatening wound . Its Magic Resistance was that outstanding . Still, damage was damage, and of course, its movements were affected .
The Centaur once again charged toward Sungyoon . It was clear that the monster was as mad as it could be .
However, the awkwardness in its movements was apparent .
It reached Sungyoon in a flash and swung its weapons once again . Sungyoon blocked with his shield .
Once again Sungyoon was lifted into the air . Even if he tried, he couldn’t overcome his opponent's massive strength .
But unlike before, he wasn’t helpless . He placed the Gravity magic on himself . His weight quickly increased, and he fell downwards . And right before his feet touched the ground, Sungyoon dismissed the spell .
As his weight returned to normal, he softly landed on the ground . He had flown a much shorter distance than before .
Sungyoon then ran toward the monster .
It was still in the process of retracting its weapons .
Sungyoon summoned his halberd and swung it at the monster's front leg .
The ax blade sliced through the hard muscles . Blood erupted, and the Centaur screamed once again .
It quickly brought down two of its weapons toward Sungyoon, but the man had already moved forward . The weapons uselessly cut through empty air .
The Centaur was a fourlegged monster . Therefore, since Sungyoon had dodged the frontal attack by going forward, the Centaur’s hind legs were now in his sight .
He didn’t hesitate as he summoned his ax and used it .
Once again, blood erupted from its newly-formed wounds .
Its left front leg and both hind legs were damaged .
The Centaur’s body wobbled . It used its long spear to avoid falling over . Then it wound its hind legs .
Sungyoon knew what this motion meant . Normal herbivores used this move in defense when threatened by a carnivore . So, the man quickly raised his shield .
Its rear hooves impacted on his shield . It was a powerful attack, and Sungyoon was sent sliding backward for a long distance .
He barely regained control of his body . He then looked at his opponent, which limped as it turned toward Sungyoon .
The man bit his lips . He ran toward the Centaur once again .
The monster did the same .
The two clashed . Sungyoon and the Centaur fought a desperate battle in order to kill each other .
After a while . . .
The large body bonelessly fell to the ground .
The Centaur’s body had become a bloody mess before it died . Sungyoon looked down at the bloody corpse .
He was the victor .
The man let out a light cough . He tasted the metallic taste of blood when a little blood came up his throat .
His left arm had been broken, so it just hung there . A large dent had formed on the left side of his armor . He had defeated the Centaur, but in doing so, he had taken a significant amount of damage .
He quickly started to heal his wounds .
His wounds slowly started to get better when he activated his healing Gem and used all the healing spells he could use .
Luckily, he fully recovered from his wounds after a while .
And then, he immediately sunk to the floor, staring at the Centaur’s corpse . He felt a small sense of achievement arise from deep within his heart as he had defeated this monster by himself .
“Good job . ”
In no time, Hyunwoo appeared beside him and patted his shoulder .
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