Novel Name : Pet King

Chapter 1719

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Chapter 1719: Breaking the rules

Translator: 549690339

A strong adult howling monkey let out a low roar like muffled Thunder and rushed fiercely at Pi.
“Squeak! Squeak!”
The other party’s body was much stronger than its own. Pi was so scared that it shrank into the corner, holding its head helplessly.
Pi made a cry for help to the other monkeys around it, but no one came out to help it, either because they were not of the same species and couldn’t understand its cry, or because they didn’t want to offend the howling monkey.
The howling monkey roared even louder, its huge nostrils facing the sky, and its head was as big as two of Pi’s heads.
Pi didn’t know how it got here, but after opening its eyes, it found itself among a large group of monkeys. There were roughly hundreds of them, distributed in a large space, and spontaneously divided into different small groups.
These monkeys belonged to different species, and no two of them were the same. Among them were extremely rare and even extinct monkey species. If human zoologists saw this scene, they would be so excited that they would have a sudden cerebral hemorrhage.
The monkeys were of different species and sizes. The smallest one was only the size of a human palm, while the largest one was about the size of a short adult.
Pi had been in the Pet Shop for a long time and had learned a lot, especially when it heard people often say,”dogs don’t bite when they call a dog, and dogs don’t bark when they bite a dog.” It meant that dogs that always liked to bark often didn’t bite easily, but dogs that were quiet might suddenly pounce on you and bite you.
As a folk proverb, this saying was neither rigorous nor scientific, but as the crystallization of the wisdom of the masses, it was universal to a certain extent. Small dogs that barked non-stop at the slightest sign of trouble were indeed unlikely to bite, while large, fierce dogs that were silent were more dangerous.
Among the monkeys, the one that made Pi the most scared was not the roaring monkey, but another ghostly Mandrill.
The ghostly Mandrill had a huge body, and its head was even bigger than the howling monkey ‘s. Its jaw muscles were so strong that it could crush the bones of other monkeys. Its face was mainly blue and red, and its dim yellow eyes were ferocious. When it walked on all fours, it looked like a small lion.
This ghostly Mandrill almost never cried out, but if it didn’t like someone, it would pounce on them when they were unprepared and bite them into a bloody mess.
In the middle of the field, there was a large keyboard, more than a meter long, and there were monkeys of different shapes around it. Pi knew it was back in the test.
In the previous tests, it had worked hard for a long time and finally typed out a meaningful sentence, which stood out from the group of monkeys. So this time, as long as it followed the same pattern, it would probably be fine. It was confident.
The only problem was that the ghost-faced Mandrill had taken over the keyboard and was furiously typing away.
If it had been an ordinary keyboard, it would have smashed it with its fist. However, the keyboard remained intact no matter how it smashed it, so it must be a very special keyboard.
Pi looked around and didn’t find a second keyboard. This was different from the previous tests. It seemed to be more difficult.
As for the person in charge of the test …
Pi held its head and peeked at the sky. Right above the keyboard, there was a floating light, as if it was monitoring them.
Most of the monkeys were like Pi, cowering in the corner, not daring to say anything. There were also idiots like the howling monkeys who bullied the weak and feared the strong.
When the howling monkeys went to bully the other monkeys, Pi quietly elbowed a Golden Monkey next to it, pointed at the ghostly Mandrill, and then pointed at itself. Finally, it made a typing gesture.
What it meant was, could you help it lure the ghost-faced Mandrill away? it wanted to use that keyboard to type.
“Squeak squeak.”
The Golden Monkey waved his hand and turned his face away. He didn’t care about its plan at all because this plan didn’t benefit the Golden Monkey at all. On the other hand, it had to bear a huge risk. Only a fool would help it.
Pi struck up a conversation with a short-tailed monkey next to it and made the same request.
This short-tailed monkey had a goatee and looked like an old man. He didn’t refuse in a hurry, but made a few hand gestures, meaning what good would this do to him?
Pi scratched its ears. This plan seemed to only benefit itself. Why would the other monkeys help it? If he was in their shoes, he might have rejected them as well.
However, it had to escape because it hadn’t finished its novel.
It sighed and was extremely envious of Vladimir’s inspiring speech. If Vladimir were here, it might have been able to convince the other monkeys.
However, it was hard to say. As primates closest to humans by blood, monkeys were as cunning and selfish as humans. They were also more short-sighted and might not be as close to humans as cats. After all, cats often caught small animals such as mosquitoes and geckoes for the servants, so as not to starve the servants who were too stupid to hunt.
Therefore, if there were no benefits, it was impossible to get these selfish monkeys to help.
In fact, with so many monkeys, if they swarmed up, even a few more ghost-faced Mandrill would be beaten to a pulp. However, it was better to expect the monkeys to evolve into humans than to expect them to unite.
Pi clenched its fists with regret. It was a pity that its Jingu staff was not with it. Otherwise, it might have really mustered the courage to challenge the ghost-faced Mandrill. Now, it was going to die if it went up empty-handed.
Pi made a new gesture to the short-tailed monkey, meaning,”Are you playing games?
“Squeak?” What game?
The short-tailed monkey was interested.
Pi glanced at the howling monkey and the ghostly Mandrill. Seeing that they weren’t looking in its direction, it stood up carefully.
“The first thing you say when you wake up every day is to give yourself some encouragement!”
“Every time you miss a word, you have to say sorry!”
It hummed a human’s brainwashing tune, and the rich rhythm immediately attracted the attention of the nearby monkeys.
Not only did it sing well, but it also crouched, stood up, squatted, and stood up to the rhythm.
Monkeys liked to play by nature, and they liked to imitate. Their bodies involuntarily swayed to the melody, squatting and standing straight like Pi, just like some people who especially liked to dance after hearing the rooster.
“Pose! Pose!”
Pi grinned and beat the monkeys like a DJ. It corrected the monkeys ‘movements and adjusted their positions silently.
The monkeys got more and more excited as they played, and they swayed around like a group of drunkards.
It was very difficult to make a group of undisciplined monkeys squat down and stand up according to Pi’s instructions, but this was the only way Pi could think of. Fortunately, the monkeys didn’t realize what they were doing at all. They just thought they were playing.
More and more monkeys joined Pi’s dance group, and their movements became louder and louder. Finally, they caught the attention of the ghostly Mandrill, who glared at them with great annoyance.
The big keyboard in the middle was fixed to the ground and couldn’t be moved. If the ghost-faced Mandrill wanted to shut the noisy monkeys up, it had to leave the keyboard.
It seemed to know the importance of the keyboard and that it was the key to escape from this place. The other monkeys also knew it, so once it left, the other monkeys might take advantage of it.
Thus, the ghost-faced Mandrill was hesitant.
Pi felt danger. The ghost-faced Mandrill could rush over at any time after being angered, and it would be the first to bear the brunt. It couldn’t count on the motley crew of monkeys to help. When the tree fell, the monkeys scattered, and its efforts to escape would be in vain.
In addition, it didn’t know if this plan would work, because it was clearly not within the rules.
Even if its plan succeeded, would ‘breaking the rules’ be recognized?
It had no confidence at all, but this was the only way.
The ball of light floating in the air seemed to have noticed the situation here. It slowly floated over and observed the group of smiling monkeys from above.
The monkeys didn’t know that they had been quietly arranged by Pi to a specific position. Although they were not “vertical,” at least they were “horizontal.”
From the light ball’s angle, these monkeys formed a mini keyboard with only alphabet keys and a few control keys. There were no numerical and function keys.
And the way they squatted and stood up, didn’t it look like key caps were pressed and then bounced back?
The monkeys thought they were dancing and singing, but this could only be seen from a certain height above.
Pi believed that the light could see it, because the purpose of the monkeys, including itself, was to type on the keyboard correctly.
However, did he really have to use that keyboard?
What if he created a ‘keyboard’?
Breaking the rules.
[Navigation elf]: the creation and use of high-level tools have been detected. Reevaluating the level of this elf and … The species of this elf.
[Navigation elf]: elves have the possibility of self-evolution. It is recommended to save this information and add it to the log.
What did it mean to create and use advanced tools?
In theory, all the elves in this game were pets, but if … An elf began to evolve to a higher species, would it still be a pet?
Even the designer of this game probably didn’t think of this possibility. After all, the evolution of species often took thousands of years, and the possibility of it happening to an individual was negligible.
If this continued … The logic of the game itself might be challenged.
The monkeys nearby were squeaking and playing. Pi didn’t hear the light mumbling to itself. Even if it did, it didn’t care. It just wanted to go home, a warm and peaceful home.
Pi felt very guilty. It felt that it was no different from the other monkeys. They were all selfish and only wanted to escape on their own. If it were Vladimir, it would definitely think of other ways, such as leading the monkeys to beat the ghost-faced Mandrill first, then trying to attack the high light ball, and then escaping with everyone.
However, it knew that it didn’t have Vladimir’s ability. If only one of these monkeys was destined to escape, it would seize this opportunity at all costs, no matter how selfish it was.
The monkeys were playing like crazy. The other monkeys scattered in other corners also ran over to watch enviously. They twisted their bodies and even wanted to join them, but Pi politely pushed them aside and let them play by themselves.
Although the other monkeys were dissatisfied, they couldn’t do anything, because only Pi could hum. It couldn’t speak, but the melody it hummed fascinated them, and it seemed to have magic that made their bodies twist.
There were even a few idle monkeys who spontaneously maintained order and did not allow other monkeys to get too close.
Seeing that its authority was being challenged, the ghost-faced Mandrill finally couldn’t take it anymore. After some observation, it found that a new monkey was leading the group.
How dare a newcomer rebel? He really didn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth!
Its yellow eyes stared at Pi’s figure, gradually filled with killing intent.
Pi felt its gaze, as if it was being stared at by a venomous snake. Fortunately, after its constant rehearsing, the monkeys ‘movements finally had a certain standard.
“Mirror Mirror, Mirror Mirror, tell me, where is my way out?”
“I’ll work hard, I’ll work hard, I must escape!”
The other monkeys had their backs to the ghost-faced Mandrill, and they were all staring at Pi. Only Pi saw that the Furious ghost-faced Mandrill had abandoned the big keyboard and was rushing over madly.
The ghost-faced Mandrill didn’t bark when it bit a dog, and the dog didn’t bite when it was called. It just wanted to tear Pi to pieces.
“The first thing you say when you wake up every day is to give yourself some encouragement!”
Pi seemed to be racing with the god of death. Although the monkeys hadn’t fully practiced, time waited for no one. It decisively started humming from the beginning.
The monkeys reflexively squatted down, stood up, squatted down, and stood up …
It’s finished! It’s too late!
The ghost-faced Mandrill was too fast, but the monkeys were not in a hurry. Pi estimated that it wouldn’t have time to finish a complete and meaningful sentence before the ghost-faced Mandrill rushed over and tore it to pieces.
It was too late to change it to something shorter, the monkeys didn’t have that ability.
Just as Pi was about to close its eyes and wait for death, it suddenly heard the sound of typing and a thunderous roar.
It turned out that the howling monkey had been playing the pig to eat the Tiger. When it saw the ghost-faced Mandrill leave the big keyboard, it took the opportunity to rush to the side of the big keyboard and began to type. It was actually typing very well.
The ghost-faced Mandrill stopped in its tracks and charged back furiously, pouncing on the howling monkey. The two different species of monkeys were fighting each other for their only chance to escape, and both were biting to death.
Taking advantage of this precious opportunity, Pi hummed even louder, trying to cover up the sound of their fighting. The monkeys finally squatted down and stood up according to its plan. Pi, who was standing at the “period key,” was the last to squat down. It did not stand up for a long time, but looked up at the ball of light nervously.
Can you understand the ball of light?
The keyboard made up of monkeys was not labeled with letters, but if one was familiar with the layout of the keyboard and knew that it was a “keyboard,” they should be able to see that the monkeys typed the sentence “i want to go home.”
Including the howling monkey and the ghostly Mandrill, all the other monkeys had disappeared.
It suddenly became quiet.
[Navigation elf]:”you can go home. We’ve arranged a new home for you. Someone will adopt you soon.”
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