Novel Name : Thriller Paradise

Chapter 545

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Chapter 545: Island of Devil’s Maw (End)
Translator: Lonelytree
If everything was going along the normal plot, there was still a third of the plot that the players had to progress through and the way to unlock the seal was also different from the method that had been used now. First, the players had to find the hint about the ‘seal’ within this place and then they would need to search an mechanism that would send them back to the normal isle version of the Island of Devil’s Maw. Then they would have to go search for several important quest items and then get the information from a certain NPC on the two ways to leave the Island of Devil’s Maw (this part though the players could have skipped, because Brother Jue had already found out the answer from the Lotus Soul). Finally, they had to return to this place to reopen the Cage of Despair. But due to the intervention of Billy, Executioner had shown up here and shook up the original plot line…
“Ha ha ha ha ha… Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…” The Executioner had started to laugh so maddeningly that one would have thought that he had gone insane. “Since there is such thick history between the two of you, I thought I would give you the chance to sort things out… there is no need to thank me… Ha ha ha ha ha ha…”
“Aren’t you afraid of retribution from the Master of Time… for letting go of such an important inmate?” Feng Bujue looked at him and asked.
“I do not need you to worry about that for me, you better spend your time worrying about yourself… Ha ha…” The executioner chuckled. “Human being, I do wish to see how long you can keep up that proud attitude of yours.”
Bang, bang…
While they spoke, on the other end, Sam Montier had already stepped out from inside the cage. The giant hooves stomped on the crystal ground until it shattered. The bat wings opened up behind him, raising up a biting wind. At that moment, a new quest appeared in Brother Jue’s quest tab and it perfectly encapsulated the horrible quandary that he had found himself in. “Survive.”
“Feng… Bu… Jue…” Sam Montier stared angrily at Brother Jue as he slowly approached step by step.
“There is no need for you to hiss out my name syllable by syllable like that.” Feng Bujue used a rather impatient tone to reply, “I am not deaf.”
Hearing that, Sam Montier really stopped doing that… He waved his arm and a black energy slash rose, cutting at Brother Jue from the front. Ding ding ding ding—this continuous tingling sound signaled that the crystal on the ground was easily torn open by the slash. Feng Bujue was already in battle mode for a long time already. Based on his Soul’s Eyes and his optimized speed, to avoid this attack was not that difficult. But what he needed to do… was far more than just evasion.
Tsk tsk tsk—Golden light flickered and the man made his move. When Sam Montier unleashed the wave of black energy, the Death Poker already materialized in his hands. Earlier when Feng Bujue shoved his hands into his pockets, he already summoned out his Sorcery Weapon silently in his pockets and that was how he made everything look so easy now. However… the target of the poker cards was… not Sam Montier but…

“Hmph, such puny little tricks.” Executioner looked at the golden glint that flew at him and responded with a wintry smirk. “Humans are ultimately humans… What do you think you can accomplish with this kind of attack?” He raised his hand to block and easily shatter the few Death Pokers. “ha! The aiming is quite good though, you at least know to take aim at my eyes.”
Geppo was used and the figure blasted forward. Feng Bujue’s attack was obviously not yet over. Just as the Executioner raised his hand to block the cards, he had already sidled before the man. He pushed both of his arms forward and aimed for the enemy’s ribs.
“Do you wish for death that dearly…” Executioner mumbled with derision as he looked at Feng bujue. From his perspective, this traveler from another world was either an idiot or a madman. With human being’s capability, to tussle with him barehanded was no different from seeking death. However, when Brother Jue’s hands touched the Exectioner’s body, something unexpected happened…
The next second, the Executioner felt the scenery before his eyes changed and suddenly he found himself landing next to Sam Montier. Before he could recover from the shock, a shriek of Sam Montier’s echoed beside his ears. “Go to hell! Executioner!”
“Ah!” Even though Executioner was caught by surprise, his body still reacted instinctually. He kicked under his feet and he blasted off into the air like a cannon. With regards to Sam Montier’s capability, the Executioner still had to be cautious around him. To be honest, the Executioner did not have confidence that he would be able to take on the man’s attack from the ground so his first reaction was to run as fast as he could. But… when the Executioner was halfway through the air, he suddenly realized something was not right…
“Damn it!” When he calmed himself down slightly and turned his gaze back into the bottom of the tunnel, he finally realized he had been trick. By then, Feng Bujue had arrived next to Ambitionist’s side and forced a SCP-500 down the man’s throat and followed it up with a bottle of Life Points Recovery Potion.
“Hmph… that was not a bad strategy you have used…” Ambitionist stood up and immediately entered battle mode as well. He did not thank Brother Jue but gave a comment with regards to Brother Jue’s series of action earlier.
“Well… actually it was not that special or particularly brilliant of a strategy.” Feng Bujue replied and then lifted his eyes to look at the Executioner floating in the sky, “We have to the thankful that the target is dumb enough.” That statement was obviously meant to anger the Executioner. Actually… Brother Jue’s tactic was actually quite brilliant. When he was conversing with the Executioner, he had already come up with every step of his strategy. First, he had to ready his Death Poker out of everyone’s view; Then he would need to use the poker to target the Executioner’s eyes to create the opportunity for him to get close to his target; after he got close enough, he would use Desert Wind Spinning Kick to drag the man close to Sam Montier; finally, before the Executioner realized what had happened… he would run towards his teammate while using the Pocket Watch of Deceit to mimic Sam Montier’s voice to shout the threatening words at the Executioner.
Based on the Executioner’s attitude towards Sam Montier and their minute reactions towards each other, Feng Bujue could discern that the Executioner’s ability was beneath Sam Montier so he came up with this plan in less than several seconds…
Using the surprise and hesitation that would occur to the Executioner after he was hit by the skill, Brother Jue only used a voice-changing device to trick the man. No matter how fast or slow the Executioner’s reaction speed was, it was already a fact that he had been dragged more than 10 metres away by Feng Bujue. Even if he only used two seconds to realize he had fallen for the trick, Feng Bujue had already used these two seconds to rush towards Ambitionist… The worst scenario would be… Brother Jue would not have time to shove the ambrosia into Ambitionist’s mouth and he would have to carry Ambitionist and escape from the scene first. But now… it had developed into the best outcome.
“You cunning little bastard…” The Executioner cursed in the air. Then he lowered his head to look at Sam Montier and yelled, “Montier, isn’t he your sworn enemy?! Why are you standing there doing nothing? Go and kill him!”
“Who are you to order me?!” Sam Montier roared into the sky before he whipped his head around to glare at Brother Jue. “Without an order from you… I would have been glad to tear him into pieces.” Then, his devil’s hooves started to slowly stomp forward. Bang… Bang… This ferocious demon expanded his wings, licked his claws and approached the two players with plain desire to slaughter.
“Today, the Master of Time will not come and save you anymore.” He said as he stalked his prey. “Like what I have told you… I will make you pay.”
“Ambitionist…” Feng Bujue stared closely at Sam Montier who was approaching them. He used a ventriloquist skill and titled his lips to say, “I have an idea…”
“What is it?” Ambitionist also lowered his voice to reply.
“Run.” Feng Bujue answered.
“Good idea.” Ambitionist replied immediately. This was indeed a good idea because it was not contradictory to the content of the main quest…
“Okay, I will create an opening and when you see the timing, you should try and run.” Feng Bujue added.
“Understood.” Ambitionist responded. After forming the plan with his teammate, Brother Jue started his move. He picked out something from his pocket and lobbed it forward like a bomb. At the same time, he yelled with the cheer of a young protagonist, “I choose you, God of Haiku!
“Jesus Christ… have we been transported into another game again…” Ambitionist could not help but grumble under his breath. But his grumbling would not stop the progress of the event…
The spirit ball opened with a ‘pop’ as it flew through the air and then a white pillar of light burst out from inside it. Two seconds later, that pillar of light materialized into a corporal shape, turning into a large mushroom man.
“Cha— Cha—” Once the mushroom man showed up, it screamed twice. Facing Sam Montier who was several metres away, it was not afraid at all, it still assumed that familiar karate pose and prepared to battle.
“God of Haiku, use the skill Flying Snow for Nine Days!” Feng Bujue shot his finger forward like he was the main character from that particular anime and gave his pokemon the skill order.
“What the hell! How did you know that is a skill that it has?!” Ambitionist could not help himself and shouted out loud again. On the other end… Just as Brother Jue gave his order, the mushroom man darted forward. It used a charging dart to approach Sam Montier and then it bounced lightly on its feet and leaped into the air and flew right above Sam Montier.
“Cha!” The mushroom man who flew through the air reached out its hand to land on the top of Sam Montier’s head and stayed in an upside down pose in that manner; then it used its other hand to keep shaking its own mushroom cap, showering down many thin dust like spores. Sam Montier who was considered one of the more powerful bosses of the main universe, was… poisoned at that moment.
“How dare you…” The veins on the forehead of Sam Montier burst… purple liquid splashed forward and covered all over his face. Under great anger, the energy within his body suddenly expanded, it started to spread around the demon like a broken dam.
“Cha—” The mushroom man yelled for mercy and was blasted into dust by the black surge of energy that burst into the sky. Seeing that, Feng Bujue knew this was the opening that they were looking for. He instantly shouted at Ambitionist, “Now is the time!” As he shouted that order, he himself had started running. Ambitionist naturally would not stay there to watch the show, he too turned and started to race away. The two left the scene like loosened arrows, instantly they were already more than 10 metres away. Executioner in the air wanted to stop but he was blocked by the energy blast that erupted from Sam Montier’s body and was unable to stop them at the first instant.
“Ah! Ah—” Sam Montier roared crazily for more than 10 seconds before he pulled back his enormous demonic energy. “Feng Bujue! Where are you! I am going to kill you!”
“Idiot! He has already run away!” The Executioner charged towards the direction the two players had escaped to and yelled without turning around, “Quick, follow me! I can trace their… ergh…”
At that moment…
A sharp claw pierced through the Executioner from his back and the claw gripped tightly around his heart.
“Ergh… You…” The Executioner’s eyes were round with shock, his face was plain with disbelief.
“Who are you calling an idiot? Idiot.” Sam Montier’s chilling voice drifted into his ears.
“But… w… h… y…” Black colored blood leaked out from the Executioner’s lips.
“Of course it is not because you have called me an idiot, he he he…” Sam Montier said with a cold smile. The current Sam Montier was a complete change from the Sam Montier from seconds ago. His rampage, brashness and anger… were all an illusion. His eyes had never truly been blinded by rage and hatred. As the descendent of a demonic rage, he was able to slowly climb up the ranking to ultimately become one of the Time Wardens… Naturally no one should question his brilliance and calculative mind, those who underestimated that should have to pay the price…
“Billy… told me to give you his greeting.” What Sam Montier said next was like a pail of cold water drenched all over the Executioner, making his chill all over.

“I am just here to visit an old friend, do I need more reason that that?”
“After all, you are not long for this world anyway…”

“That blasted… thing…” Executioner hissed through his teeth. “So he was here… to ‘see me one last time’…”
“He he… I am glad that you will be able to understand that.” Sam Montier chuckled. “Everything on the Island of Devil’s Maw… is based on a trade. I hope you won’t blame me… All I have done is to follow the rules and committed a trade with him.”
“no… that can’t be true… then why did he purposely come to warn me…” Executioner asked.
“Because he knows very well…” Sam Montier continued, “… How to make a person who fancy themselves smart like yourself to slowly fall into his trap.”
Sam Montier paused for two seconds before he continued in a sarcastic tone, “Billy only dropped you some hints and you already could not sit idle in your complacency; the dead body of a silkworm mother was enough to place ideas in your mind… therefore, after he left, you could not wait to come to the crystalline maze to start your investigation and discover the source of all the incidents that have occurred here—that batch of travellers from another world.”
“Why… How… would you know… these things…” Executioner forced out with difficulty.
“Ha! Shouldn’t it be quite obvious by now?” Sam Montier replied darkly, “Do you really think the seal of the cage was loosen moments ago?”
“That is impossible…” Executioner’s expression shifted immediately, “Billy he does not have the…”
“That is where you are wrong, he is incredibly powerful.” Sam Montier corrected the dying man. “Even though I am quite surprised by it myself… the truth is the current Billy is even stronger than I am…” He paused. “Of course, that is not the point. In conclusion… long before when I have completed the trade with Billy, I was already free, my power was no longer limited by the cage. Since that moment onwards, I can easily tell everything that is going on… on this island. And the things that you did… naturally did not escape my notice.” Sam Montier scoffed twice before adding, “Hah… and that ‘whatever’ that you like to keep by yours lips, we all know that is fake. In essence… you are a coward that is worried about everything. Executioner, you have never had the courage to face a challenge head on, even when facing those weaker than you, you prefer to use cunning methods like a shot from the dark or ambush… Like all the supposed sadists in the worker, all the appearances that you present to the outside world, everything that you do are to cover up the self-deprecation and weakness within your heart… even the smallest maggot is immensely glorious than someone like you, you truly are something that make me want to gag…’
At this point, Sam Montier’s claw gripped tighter and tighter. “Speaking of which… to have a coward like yourself reveal an opening… it is indeed a very hard problem.” He worked his neck twice. “I have already put everything into my acting, but you still would not let your guard down towards me… Hmph… If not for the fact that I am cautious of your key that could ‘place me back into the cage’, I would have done this a long time ago instead of waiting for an opportunity like this…”
Executioner at that moment could no longer open his mouth to reply, his eyes were written full with regret and despair; and the words that Billy left him with kept flashing across his mind…

“do not believe everything you see.”

“Thankfully…” Sam Montier continued to say, “Feng Bujue’s performance did not disappoint me, he is one annoying little fella, isn’t he? Hah… with his full cooperation, it will help make my acting look that much more natural.” At this point, his tone changed slightly, “But… aside of these things, just based on capability alone… the current Feng Bujue is already someone very capable. When you ambushed the travellers from the other world above there, you should have noticed it already, right… He is on a completely different level compared to the two other travellers from another world. I will need to admit that… your strategy of attempting to use my hands to kill him is the most correct decision.” He turned his face around to glare at the Executioner, “If you have killed that fella called Ambitionist and kept Feng Bujue behind all alone… then you would be in danger…” He lowered his voice, “Without any ‘witness’, the kid would not need to hide his full power anymore and I am afraid… you too will die in his hands….”

“do not underestimate that kid who is better at annoying others than you are…”

Several minutes later, the Executioner’s life had reached his end but at least Sam Montier had made him understand everything before he passed away. At the very end, the Executioner used the last ounce of energy in his body to mumble out the following, “The Master of Time… will not… forgive any of you…”
“Hah…” Sam Montier laughed with condescension, “That does sound like the dying words of ‘someone like you’…”
The sharp claws clenched, the heart burst, black blood rushed like wave and showered the sky. Sam Montier flung away the Executioner’s body on the ground like a piece of trash and then he raised his feet and stomped on the latter’s head, then chest, stomach, and limbs… Until everything on the ground was turned into meat paste before Sam Montier found the thing he was looking for. He lowered his body and used the tip of his sharp claw to pick up the Executioner’s spine and carefully picked out a band of light glowing purple from inside.
“Hmm… there are already so many inmates on this island?” Sam Montier picked up the light band (which was equal to the chain of keys for the warden of the Island of Devil’s Maw) and studied it before his eyes, “Ha ha… If I release all of you, I am sure things will get very interesting, won’t it…”
Sam Montier put the light band away and then raised his head to look at the direction that the two players had run off to. “So that’s it… the kid has already completed a ‘trade’ with the Lotus Soul a long time ago…” He scoffed. “Hmph… he has already prepared the way to retreat long before this so he would not lose no matter what…” He shook his head. “Fine, I will let you go this time. After all… before the Master of Time find out about the situation here, I still have many things to do…”
He mumbled a few things before expanding the giant wings on his back, he summoned the demonic energy back into his chest and flew into the sky…

At the same time, at the edge of the main universe…
At the Castle of Counting Time, the residence of the first Time Warden.
“it will be checkmate after three more moves.” The ‘man’ who spoke had a voice like stone and in fact, he looked no different from a stone… He was about 2.3 metres tall and his body was made up of marbles of various colors and he had the shape of a large and buff human being. The strange thing was the man had ‘hair’, of course, his hair was not some kind of moss but a kind of battlement that normally would be seen around the castle wall… and they grew around his head like a crown…
And this stone man was the first Time Warden under the service of the Master of Time—Celestial Stone.
“Hey! Stop urging me! Have I mumbled things like that when it was your turn earlier?” And this person conversing with him was an elder who looked very normal. He looked like a male sorcerer from the middle ages, in a white robe and had a long white hair. And this was… Weston, the God of Wisdom.
Celestial Stone and Weston were chess buddies, they would often sit like this to play chess, the chess that they played even though it had the appearance of international chess, but the chess pieces were all strange objects that could only be found in the main universe. And the irony was… the man known as the God of Wisdom had a record of more defeats than victories…
“An hour ago, we have had this very exact conversation, do you still remember?” Celestial Stone said.
“Stop rumbling! Do you think I am senile?” Weston shouted back with annoyance. Then he turned back his focus back to the chess board and sunk back into contemplation.
“Aiz…” The Celestial Stone held his chin and turned his head to the side. “If you do not mind, may I leave the table for a moment?”
“Sure, sure.” Weston answered twice in annoyance. Celestial Stone shrugged and he walked to the corner of the room to pick up a water kettle to pour himself a cup of water and gulped it down. Suddenly he saw something out of the corner of his eye…
The next second, the Celestial Stone’s expression changed and he coughed out the thing from inside his mouth.
“Ah!” He yelped loudly, so loud in fact that he startled Weston next to the chess board to jump up from his seat.
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Weston looked around nervously, “Are we under attack by the Demon King?”
“Something has happened at the Island of Devil’s Maw!” Celestial Stone announced as he headed towards the door. Weston was stunned for a few seconds then he steadied himself to walk over to the spot where the Celestial Stone was standing earlier.
There was a shelf fixed on the wall and on top of the shelf was something shaped like a crystal ball. This crystal ball had a rather unique shape, it looked like a burning eyeball and in the middle of the sphere was an amber-colored vertical line…
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