Novel Name : Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
“Fumu . This is the first time I’ve obtained it without breaking it . ”
I pick up the Time Gods Scythe .
A true magic tool chooses its owner and it seems I’m not compatible with the scythe .
Whenever I defeated Eugo Ra Raviaz in the past I always ended up breaking it .
I hold up my hand and form a magic circle which sucks in .
I sent it to my treasury . You never know, it might be useful for something .
Now then .
I turn my demon eyes to the place where Aivis perished .
I see . I thought the flow of magic power was strange .
“Resurrection . ”
Magic circles form at the same time as the magic activates .
The skeletal body shines with a bright light and was revived .
It was Aivis Necron .
If an origin is destroyed then can’t bring them back so how did Aivis revive?
There’s only one answer .
The principle destroying sword Venuzdonoa destroyed the origins of 2 beings that were hostile to me . One was a mazoku and another was Eugo Ra Raviaz, however, there appears to have been one more origin . Before fusing with Eugo Ra Raviaz it had already fused with Aivis .
“Wake up my flesh and blood subordinate . ”
Light appeared in the eyes of the skeleton when I gave it some magic power .
It vaguely stared at me and said .
“… . . I have been forgetful for a long time…… . My own lord…… I remember now, however, my origin has learned fear . I finally returned to myself after seeing thy battle style……”
Aivis raised his body and knelt before me .
“Forgive me my beloved demon lord Arnos Voldigod-sama . ”
Apparently, this appears to be the real Aivis Necron .
“What happened to you?”
“… . I do not know… . . My memory has been erased, however, it’s probable that 2000 years ago after Arnos-sama had reincarnated I was murdered by someone . Our origins were fused and I was taken over……”
Is that just a guess on his part?
Well, his memory was completely wiped after all . Guessing is all he’s got .
“During the great magic training, I spoke to you in the classroom . Did they already know?”
Aivis nods .
Someone killed Aivis and fused with him . Is that someone one the Old Seven Demon Emperors? Was Aivis being played?
That person knew I was the founder and decided to kill me .
Time Manipulation and Recollection is only effective on those you designate . During the great magic training, I tried to read Aivis’ memory but because it was gone I obviously could not read it .
To read the past of the person who fused with Aivis would be impossible as I would need to know their origin .
“I see . They purposely showed me the unfinished fusion magic . ”
Because of its limited fusion time or maybe it was short on purpose they drew my attention away from Aivis and maybe noticing he was fused with someone else .
“Did the other Old Seven Demon Emperors lose their memories like you?”
“Possibly, or they might have deleted the knowledge of who did it from their own minds . ”
I was betrayed? Not an impossible story .
Oh well, I’ve got no way of knowing and guessing won’t help .
I touch Aivis’ forehead with my fingertip .
“Receive this correct memory from me . It’s not much, but it’s from when you were born until I reincarnated . ”
I transmitted the memories to Aivis with Thought Transmission .
“Your orders?”
“The person who fused with you was probably an underling of this Avos Dillheavia though his existence is not yet confirmed . At the very least there is someone who is hostile to me and knows I’m the founder . ”
Shame I couldn’t get some information from the mazoku who was fused with Aivis . Oh well, it couldn’t be helped . I was up against the power of Eugo Ra Raviaz so I couldn’t take any chances . Besides, my top priority at the moment is Sasha & Misha .
“Avos Dillheavia will be watching me and dealing with a mazoku from the age of myths will be troublesome . Even if I kill them they can probably reincarnate and they won’t be so stupid as to casually appear in the demon kings castle since I can turn them into rust on the blade of Venuzdonoa . ”
Aivis keeps his head lowered listening to my words .
“I’ll ride on that fellow’s expectations . I’ll spend my time in the school as usual . If they are planning something they will show movement sooner or later . If I put on airs and declare myself they will make sure I’ll spend my time chasing my tail and escape . If they escape it could be hundreds or thousands of years before they resurface . ”
A mazokus life is long and the person imitating me has already waited a long time . No matter how long it takes we can afford to wait for the perfect opportunity .
“Okay then . Since you died here Avos Dillheavia might relax a bit and be less cautious . ”
Now Aivis is believed dead he can investigate secretly from the shadows .
“Examine the rest of the Old Seven Demon Emperors . ”
“Your will . ”
It’s about time . Should I finish up here?
“Past Modification ”
When I used that magic the white space began to quickly regain colour . The hands on the Magic Clock begin to go round and round then start moving correctly again .
By defeating Eugo Ra Raviaz time has begun to move normally again .
I noticed that Aivis had already disappeared .
“… . . Wha… . . ?”
Hearing a mutter from behind I turn around and see Sasha looking up at the ceiling .
“… . That’s not moonlight . That’s sunlight………”
She sounds surprised .
“The space that Eugo Ra Raviaz created was isolated from the world and when I killed him we became unable to return to the time we left . As a result, we have arrived a few hours ahead . ”
“Morning sun?” Misha says .
“Yeah . ”
“…… . I thought yesterday was my last day……”
I laugh .
“I said there’s no such thing as impossible . ”
Misha’s face takes on a puzzled look for a moment before firmly nodding .
“… . Nn…… . ”
Sasha suddenly jumps on Misha forcefully and hugs her tightly .
“Misha . I’m glad…… I’m so glad . You see… . . errrm… . ” Sasha says while looking embarrassed .
“Saying that I hate you . I’m so sorry . I love you . I want you to live Misha . ”
“Me too . ” Misha takes Sasha’s hand . “I also want Sasha to live . ”
“Un . ”
They happily hold hands then hug each other again .
Misha gently strokes Sasha’s head who’s currently crying .
Even though she’s crying she’s also laughing .
Fumu . It’s a very heartwarming scene .
While I’m looking at the 2 sisters they nod at each other like they’ve made up their mind on something and turn to me .
“Errrm… . Arnos……… . . sama…… . ?”
I inadvertently laugh at Sasha’s attitude .
“Wha, why are you laughing… . !? Ah, no errm……”
Sasha’s face floats a grateful look .
The origin magic had succeeded that’s why I cast Past Modification . The past is now altered and those 2 are very much alive now .
In other words, they now believe I’m the founder demon king Arnos Voldigod from 2000 years ago and since they believed in me the origin magic succeeded .
“Sasha . Peace isn’t bad at all . ” I say to her causing her to look puzzled .
“In this place, a little rudeness does not lead to loss of life . I got tired of a deteriorating world that only had fighting . I reincarnated here and I must say its a good time . This is the world I wanted to create . ”
My decision and gamble to divide the world into 4 seems to have gone well even if there was a slight miscalculation .
“Don’t stand on ceremony so much . What about the time you forcefully kissed me?”
“Eh… . wha…wait……don’t say it……!”
Sasha’s face turns bright red .
Next to her Misha mutters
“… . Kiss… . . ?”
“No… . Wrong! Friend . It was a kiss between friends! Nothing more to it… . . !”
“Hou . I see . While you were under Thought Domain I’m sure I heard you say from your heart that you wanted a continuation of that lov—”
“Aaaaaaah ahhhhhhhh aaaaaaahhhhhh ahhhhhhhh!!”
To drown out my words Sasha keeps yelling loudly .
“What are you laughing at mongrel! I’m telling you now you misheard it!! Because I was going to die I just said anything! That’s all! Understand!!”
I can’t help but find it funny how this angry girl speaks to me .
Aah . It’s a good age after all .
“Are you calling the founder a mongrel?”
“Whether you are the founder or not is irrelevant . In this time you are a mongrel . ”
Her manner of speaking is funny so I laughed again .
“You can stay as you are . ”
“I was going to even without you saying so . ”
Sasha looks the other way .
“Misha is fine as she is . ”
Misha nods .
“Arnos is my friend . ”
“That’s right . ”
The Magic Clock shows the time as 7:30am .
“Should we go back? It’s a perfect score if we get back to the entrance by 9am . ”
I point to the Kings Sceptre Sasha was still holding .
“I’m amazed . You’ve just gone through all of that yet you’re worried about an exam score?”
“I’ve changed the past on a number of occasions but I’ve never got a perfect score in a dungeon exam . ”
Sasha’s eyes widen in surprise causing me to laugh again .
“C’mon . Let’s hurry up . ”
“… . . Dead end… . . ” Misha points with her finger .
“Aah, that’s true . ”
I stamp my foot making a loud noise and the topography changes again .
After about a minute the dead end turns into a path again .
“After the exam is over do you want to come over to my house?”
“Why? What’s there?”
“My mother is sure to be preparing a feast and waiting . Also . ” I start laughing . “It’s both of your birthdays . ”
Sasha smiles while listening to me .
“I’ll accept that invitation . ”
Misha looked at me and nodded .
“I’ll go . ”
The 3 of us walked back to the entrance of the dungeon .
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