Novel Name : Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 419 Cosmic Guard

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Chapter 419 Cosmic Guard

With just a flicker of thought from Alex, the whole spaceship, which was already set to reach the ground, suddenly stopped in the air.
The nail that Alex shot out to the ship had effectively taken over the spaceship itself, allowing him to do everything that he wanted to do with it.
And right now, Alex just used this power to stop the ship from moving.
"Hur hur hur. Now that you are stuck there, let's see what you guys will do…" Alex muttered to himself as he observed the residents of the spaceship. "Will you fold, or will you allow my plan to work?"
With his Esper Sense, Alex can perfectly see that there was only one type of race that was inside the spaceship itself.
This race was the Purple Skinned Humans,,a subset of the Human Race that had evolved purple skin. Every part of their body except for their hair was purple, with their limbs slightly longer compared to the normal humans.
Most of their noses were at a high arch too, which coupled with their frazzled hair and angular face, makes them look somewhat imposing and sinister.
To say that these Purple Skin Humans looked suspicious is not a far-fetched thing to say, as their appearance just makes someone want to treat them with wariness.
Alex appeared to be the same case too, as he was now observing these people with slight confusion on his face.
Alex then let out a frown after observing these people for a few more seconds, as he suddenly realized something wrong about them.
"From what I know, these people should be living near a black hole. That's where they get their sustenance and everything that they use to survive. One can even say that Purple Skin Humans are always closely tied to black holes, and that every black hole in this Realm has a colony of Purple Skin Humans living near it. Since that was the case, then why the hell are these people here then?" Alex thought to himself as he kept his control on the ship.
No matter which way one looked at it, for these Purple Skin Humans to be here just seems to be improbable. What could they even be doing here, when this place is nothing like their natural habitat?
"Ah, no matter what thinking I will do now, it will still not give me the answer that I want." Alex mused as he resisted the urge to shake his head. "Hmph, instead of focusing on why they are here, I think I just have to focus on what I will do with these people next. Hehehe… now that I have stopped this ship, it's time for me to do the next step of my plan!"
After Alex made this declaration, he slightly squinted his eyes as he accessed the weaponry inside the spaceship.
He only felt a slight resistance from the spaceship's network, which he quickly brushed off as he mentally grabbed the weapons.
With an effort comparable to that of a man picking up a paper, Alex easily manipulated all the weapons inside the ship, pointing it all on the Purple Skins inside it.
His eyes twitched as he saw the Purple Skins turn pale from the weapons, with some of them actually fainting at what just had happened. All of them appeared to be distressed with the weapons around them, rendering them helpless.
Even the crew of the ship, which had been doing their best to take back the control of the ship since earlier, had been subdued by the weapons too.
This led to a period of unrest inside the spaceship, and if it were not for the weapons pointed at them, these Purple Skins could have been having a riot right now.
At the sight of these people staying obedient, Alex only let out a nod as he kept on pointing his weapon at them.
Now that he had made this move, all that he had to do is wait.
"Have mercy on us, we plead of you! Please… please spare us! We will do anything that you want!" After a few more tension-filled seconds, one of the Purple Skins started to make noise as he broke the silence.
"Please… we are just here to do a job. We are not here to do anything bad…" As the Purple Skin said these worrds, his body began to tremble as sobs began to leak out of his throat. Yellow liquid poured out of his eyes as he began crying, something that Alex did not expect to see here.
This Purple Skin appeared to be close to his breaking point right now, which was showcased by his tear-stricken face and his already frail-looking body.
A twig could have been enough to blow this person away already, and it was a miracle that he was standing right now.
"Sigh… so this is how it feels to hold a whole ship hostage… No wonder many people turn to piracy. Just the feeling of taking control of a spaceship and the lives inside it is enough to make some people addicted to it…" Alex thought to himself listlessly as he kept his composure. "Hmm, I wonder what would Alina do if she became pirate? Will she wear an eyepatch too, even if she's not blind? Yar, I think I should ask her to cosplay that later…"
"Please don't kill us!" Alex's wandering imagination was brought back to reality once he heard the pleas of his 'hostages' again. They only continued to plead in front of the weapons, with some of them even kowtowing on the floor.
Sounds of crying and sobs filled the inside of the ship, which made Alex feel distressed.
Even though Alex was someone who rigorously follows his own plans, he's not the type of person that is happy on seeing others get hurt.
As long as the situation does not call for it, Alex would not voluntarily hurt or distress an innocent group of people. That's just not how he operates.
But right now, his plans leave him no choice but to scare the Purple Skins, and it made him feel slightly infuriated at himself.
"Fine, I won't make this last any longer for you." Alex thought to himself as he let out a sigh. "Now that I have made you this scared, I'ts time for me to proceed to the next step of my plan."
After he had this thought, Alex slowed his breathing down as he began to access the Speaker System of the spaceship.
He then activated the voice-components of these speakers, which allowed him to 'talk' through the speakers itself.
Of course the voice that came out of the speakers was not Alex's voice, as Alex made the speakers talk with the power of his Virtual Body.
The voice that came out of the speakers was a deep tone that was rich in timbre. It sounded both reassuring and provoking at the same time, which drew mixed reactions form the Purple Skins who heard it.
At the moment that Alex 'said' these words, everyone inside the ship stiffened as looks of greater fear appeared on their faces.
But aside from fear, some of the Purple Skins began to have looks of awe on their faces, as if what they just heard made them lose their fear for some reason.
"You… are you Jellarmo? The greatest criminal who had ever lived?" The Purple Skin who spoke earlier began speaking again, although this time around, the fear that he exuded had reduced. He already stopped crying at this point, as his eyes, which appeared to be shining, began to look at the weapons around him with awe.
[[[YES, I AM JELLARMO, THE ONE AND ONLY.]]] The speakers blared as Alex kept a straight face. [[NOW THAT YOU KNOW WHO I AM, YOU KNOW THE ROUTINE ALREADY, RIGHT?]]]
"Yes Jellarmo. We should… give up all our stuff to you. That way, no one will get hurt…"
"A-at once Jellarmo!" A flurry of sounds was then heard as everyone inside the ship began to scour all their items.
They appeared to be quite willing to follow 'Jellarmo's' command, with none of them doing anything to reject him.
Even those who still looked full with fear were also complying at this point.
In no time at all, a large pile of items had been created at the middle of the spaceship. Every valuable object that the Purple Skins had with them were now inside this pile, creating a sight that might make a kleptomaniac drool in happiness.
[[[HOHOHO, NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL A GOOD PILE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY. I AM SURE THESE OBJECTS WILL HELP SOME POOR PEOPLE IN THE FUTURE.]]] Alex said through the speakers as he felt inwardly pleased with what he just saw.
"Hehehe, so this people did not suspect anything at all. They really believed that Jellarmo himself is here." Alex thought to himself as he slightly shook his head. "Well, Jellarmo is a powerful hacker, so the Purple Skins must have thought that it was him who hacked the ship. But too bad for them, it was me, a nobody, who hacked the ship…"
Alex then did his best to keep his body composed as he forced himself to concentrate again.
"Now that I made these Purple Skins think that Jellarmo is in this planet, the next thing that I can only do is wait." Alex thought as he looked at the sky itself. "I can only wait for those Officers to come here. Hmm… I wonder how long will it take for those guys arrive in their shiny Destroyers… One day maybe? Nah, I think 12 hours is a more accurate time…"
"Sir! We have received an urgent news I need you to hear it!" A mousy woman, who was wearing a tight, form-fitting black armor, shouted these words with urgency as she began knocking on a metal door.
This woman appeared to have no manners as she continued on knocking the door, ignoring the exasperated groans that he could hear on the other side of the door.
"Sir! We have received an urgent news! I need to you to hear it!"
"Whish!" The metallic door suddenly opened, allowing the armored woman to rush in.
She then quickly headed to the table situated at the middle of the office, without her slowing down at all.
"Sir! We have received an urgent news! I need you to hear it!"
\u003c\u003cYes, Officer Emerald. I can hear you loud and clear. Now, what's this news that you want to say to me?\u003e\u003e The one who gave this reply was a rock-like being, whose whole appearance was comparable to that of a rock. There was nothing that remotely looked 'life-like' out of this rock at all, although the armored woman seemed to be treating it like its alive.
This creature was placed right above the table, with its flared base supporting its 2-feet tall body.
"Sir, you may not believe it, but…"
\u003c\u003cI don't care if I will believe your news or not. Just tell it to me already.\u003e\u003e The rock replied, which sounded irritated with the woman's long-winded manner. \u003c\u003cIf you dare dilly-dally here, I will have you deported to another planet! So just speak!\u003e\u003e
"Um sir! We… we have received a tip about Jellarmo himself!" The armored woman replied with agitation present on her face. "One of our spies, who had infiltrated the Undying Empire, said that he saw Jellarmo himself performing a robbery right now!"
\u003c\u003cJellarmo? That guy? Are you sure about that?\u003e\u003e The rock replied with uncertainty present on its voice. But although it appeared to be skeptical, the whole body of the rock seemed to be shivering right now, which is a clear sign of its excitement.
"Yes sir, we are 100% sure!" The armored woman said as she started to tremble with excitment too. "The spy that sent us the info is a Titan, so he cannot just lie! He even sent us some transcripts of what had transpired in the robbery, which we had already confirmed as evidences of Jellarmo's actions!"
\u003c\u003cHahahaha! Good job Officer Emerald! Good job!\u003e\u003e The rock said as it began to laugh. Fine pieces of dust began to fall out of its body, showing the great changes that is happening on it right now.
\u003c\u003cSince you are from the Intelligence Department, then I can be assured that this man is indeed Jellarmo.\u003e\u003e The rock continued to say as the layer of dust below its body has began to pile up. \u003c\u003cOnce again, I applaud you for your good job, Officer Emerald.\u003e\u003e
"This is nothing sir. But this can only be a good job if we successfully capture Jellarmo!" The armored woman replied in a subdued tone. "That is why I ask you, Director Obsidian, to give me permission to control the Alpah Squadron!"
\u003c\u003cThe Alpah Squadron? You want to use them to capture Jellarmo?\u003e\u003e
"Yes Sir! I know that this might be impossible, but I think-"
\u003c\u003cYou don't need to plead like that anymore, Officer Emerald. I am fine with giving you the persmission to control the Alpah Squadron. Just use them properly, ok? Make sure that you can arrest Jellarmo already.\u003e\u003e
"Oh Sir! Thank you very much!"
\u003c\u003cY-you can hug me later once we capture that space criminal. For now, focus on the mission, ok?\u003e\u003e
"Roger sir!"
\u003c\u003cAlright, you should head out already. Since your spy was in the Undying Empire, then Jellarmo should be inside Sector 9 at this moment. That's a lot of light years away from here, so you should be get going now.\u003e\u003e
"Noted Sir."
\u003c\u003cGood. Just make sure to not do much damage on the capture mission. We don't want the Galactic Court to raise fuss again. You know those guys. As long as they can milk something out of interplanetary conflicts, they will come in like ravenous sharks.\u003e\u003e
"I… will try to minimize the damage sir. But it is Jellarmo that we are talking about, so…"
\u003c\u003cJust do your best, ok? You are already an Officer of the Cosmic Guard, so you don't need to doubt yourself anymore. If you can't capture him alive, then just swoop in there and blast that thief with everything that you got! That's has been the way of the Cosmic Guard, and I expect you to follow it too!\u003e\u003e
"…Noted, sir."
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