Novel Name : The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 256 Parents Were Kidnapped

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Andre also seems to feel Alex’s cold eyes and he shrinks his head unreasonably. But in his heart he is
shouting, “I didn’t mean it, Daddy. I just want to comfort Mommy. I love Mommy so much as you love

Alex seems to see through Andre’s thought. His corner of mouth twitches and his deep eyes obvious
darken. His expression seems to say, “Fellow, if you want to love someone then just love your wife,
why do you rob my woman?”

Andre isn’t reconciled and stares back to Alex. I just love my mommy, so what? I love, love, love, love
her so much!

Alex was speechless with anger. He can only take his eyes to look at Miya. This time, he loses his
battle with his son, thoroughly.

When Adam returns to his villa, he sees that Albert is sitting on the side of the tea table and leisurely
drinking tea, in very good mood.

“Dad!” Adam calls, and comes over. Looking at Albert’s expression, he seems to feel something.

Albert doesn’t expect that Adam would come back so early. He smiles and pours a cup of tea, and then
says, “Adam, come, chat with me.” Albert seems every happy, even his eyes are fill with smile, as if he
has met some happy event.

Adam darkens his face slightly. Is it true that Miya’s parents were kidnapped by dad? Why would he do
that? What does he want?

“Ok.” He says softly, and then sits down beside Albert, with his deep eyes staring at him. The more he
stares his Dad, the stronger the bad feeling in his heart is. It is his Dad. It must be his Dad who
kidnaped Miya’s parents. Otherwise, why he is so happy?

“Dad, what happened to you? You are so happy.” Adam said with a frown, but in his heart he hopes
Albert did nothing. They had done something bad to David’s family, if Albert kidnapped David’s family
members again, then how he will be able to get along with Miya? He can’t face her anymore.

Albert is shocked for a while. Does he show clearly on his face that he is happy? Even his son could
see through it. But it’s ok, and he is not going to conceal from Adam.

“I invited Miya’s parents to our home. You can meet them later, and then talk with them about the
matter of you going to marry her.” Albert takes it for granted that Miya’s parents are in his hands so she
has to listen to him.

“Dad, what are you talking about? How can I do that? Besides, even if I do, Miya will not agree. We
must respect her.” Adam is a little angry. He suddenly stands up, as if he doesn’t want to sit with Albert
and drink tea together.

“Adam, this is my careful consideration! You have to understand me. I did this for the sake of Bella
Group.” Albert says sincerely. Yes, all he did was for the sake of Bella Group. Even if he had done a lot
of wrong things, but Bella Group is his painstaking care and he must save it.

Adam apparently doesn’t want to hear any more of Albert’s words, with his face still filled with anger.

“Where are Miya’s parents?” He is going to apologize to her parents, and he is going to let them go.

“Her parents are not here, and I will not let you see them so easily.” As soon as Albert sees Adam so
anxious, he is angry. He regrets that he just told Adam the truth so early.

Adam immediately calls Miya without the least hesitation. He is going to tell Miya that her parents were
kidnapped by his dad. He will ask Miya to set her mind at rest and tell her that he will not let something
happen to her parents. If his Dad dares to do something, he will stop him.

Miya has been holding her cell phone, looking forward to the people who kidnapped her parents to call
her. But in a long time she has not received the phone. She can’t help but worried about how this?

When Miya is about to be disappointed, her phone rings. She is delighted and answers the phone

“Miya, it is me.” Suddenly Adam’s voice reaches Miya’s ears.

Miya can’t help but be disappointed. Unexpectedly it is Adam. Why does he call her? What about the
guy who kidnapped her parents? She is more and more worried.

“Miya, listen to me. Do not get excited. Your parents were kidnapped by my father…”

“What did you say? Where are you now? I want to meet you.” As soon as she hears this, she is really
anxious. She never thinks it would be Adam’s father who kidnaped her parents. If it is the case, there is

Adam knows that she would be thrilled to hear the news.

“Calm down. I don’t know where your parents are yet. My dad is unwilling to tell me. I just want to ask
you to be ease. We’ll talk about it when we meet tomorrow, okay?” Adam says gently. When he thinks
of Miya’s worry and her tears, he can’t help but be heartache.

“No, I want to meet you tonight, right now! Now!” She is anxious as soon as she thinks of her parents.
But now Adam’s call makes her feel a little relieved.

Adam sighs. He knows the position of her parents in her heart, and he can understand her now, so he
promises her.

“We need to have a good talk. You’d better not take your kids and Alex.” Adam says determined. If she
takes that jealous Alex, everything will not be discussed. And perhaps he will arouse Albert’s anger and

let him do some unconventional things.

“Fine, where are you?” She asks again, looking at Alex who staring at her. Alex apparently doesn’t
understand what she said on the phone. But looking at Miya’s excitement, he probably guesses

“Bar.” After that, Adam hangs up. He didn’t say it clearly, but she will know where to go.

Miya is going out. She puts on her coat and looks at the people around her.

“I need to go out for a while. You can stay here. If you want to leave, then go back.” She doesn’t tell
them what was said on the phone. But she believed in Adam, and she believed that Adam won’t harm

“I will go with you.” Alex holds Miya’s little hand without thinking, as if it has become a habit. No matter
what, he will not let go of her hand, and he will follow her to anywhere and protect her.

“We will go with Aunt Miya.” Joey also extended a small hand to holding Miya. Now Mummy’s home is
in trouble, they should all stand up to help her. They’re a family and they should share happiness and
sufferings together.

Looking at these people, Miya is speechless. What do they want? Are they going to follow her outside?
She has no freedom in their eyes!

“Don’t follow me. If you follow me, I can’t save my parents. If I can’t save my parents, I’ll hate you at

Miya says very seriously. Yes, if she can’t save her parents, she will hate Alex the most. She does not
know why she would think so, anyway, this demon should be hated by many people, and it won’t be so
much by adding her.

“Ok, we are not following you.” Surprisingly, Alex promises to Miya. He can secretly follow behind her
that is absolutely possible as long as she does not find out. He will protect her, always.

Miya obviously doesn’t think so much like Alex. As soon as she hears that he was not following her,
she shows a smile. She looks at Alex with her eyes not blanking, and suddenly finds that this man is
also handsome. For the first time, she feel this Alex is much handsome than Lance she has loved

So, Miya walks out watched by them.

“Daddy, how are we going to follow mommy?” As soon as Miya went out, Andre immediately asks. He
doesn’t believe Alex would so easily let her go to see the man who kidnapped grandpa and grandma.

“We have a car. Just get in the car.” Ben answers. And he takes the lead in walking out. Mommy is
going out alone, he is afraid as long as thinking about it.

“Yeah, Daddy, hurry up!” Joey grapes Alex and is about to go out.

“Hold on. We are going out later. Mommy has to get a taxi. So we have to wait a minute. We can’t be
found out by Mommy.” says Alex. Andre frowns and agrees, “Yes, we can’t be found out by Mommy. If
Mommy finds out, she will get angry again.”

“We can go see Mommy first.” Joey looks up at Alex and says. She just wants to see Miya. She is
worried about Mommy. In fact all of them are worried about Miya.

Alex touches the little head of Joey. Even little Joey has grown up and she also knows worry about
others. Miya really has three clever children. He can’t help but begin to imagine their life in the future -
a family with five members lives together happily. What a wonderful thing.

“All right, let’s go down now.” Whether or not Miya will remember her love in the past, but he is
confident that he will try his best to let her fall in love with him again. After experiencing so much, he
finally realizes what he wants the most. He wants a family, a happy wife.

Miya came to the agreed place with the Adam, Adam has come, in fact, she could have arrived early,
but the taxi took a lot of time, in fact, she was the test driving this, but no money to buy a car.

“Big star Adam, how long have you been here? Sorry, I am late.” As speaking, Miya sits at the opposite
of Adam, gently smiling. She always has a kind of inexplicable feeling to Adam. Perhaps in these five
years, she really loved him, otherwise, why every time she sees Adam she would have a familiar

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