Novel Name : The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter 276 Two Women and One Man

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Lisa orders two dishes, then pass the menu to Adam. She doesn’t have the guts to look into his eyes.
She’s afraid of any glance at him will make her get deeply involved in the love to him. Because of
loving him so deeply, she’s afraid of losing him.

“You should be busy recently. How your branch office?” Adam watches Lisa heading down mutely, he
can’t help to asks. This little gal used to talked a lot when face to him, but she doesn’t say anything
right now. The Lisa at current state makes him feel upset.

At this time, Lisa’s phone suddenly ring. She’ shocked a bit but picks it up soon.

“Miss Lisa, I’m sorry. Your monkey is missing.” it is the call from a maid at her home.

What? Snow is missing? Lisa’s getting nervous. After hanging up the mobile, she can’t wait to getting
back home, completely forgets the lunch. Adam insists on sending Lisa back home.

Then they go back to Lisa’s villa. Lisa doesn’t live in the villa under her family name, because it is too
far away from her office. So, she can only buy a small villa near her office.

“What kind of monkey? Why is it important to you?” Adam asks curiously.

Lisa thinks for a while. That monkey has been staying with her for years. They build deep relationship
with each other. Snow is like a close friend to her. They chat a lot.

Lisa doesn’t find that monkey when she’s back to her villa, starting to get anxious. Thus, they kick off
the plan for searching the monkey.

Adam follow Miya to looking for the monkey outside. He can say nothing about this thing which seems
more in chaos than her other personal matters. He feels overwhelmed with women whom seems
always doing something useless. Although he has his own point of view, he looks for the monkey
separately with Lisa.

The monkey seems to know Adam, it runs to him when it sees Adam. It has never seem Adam before,
but Lisa always stares at the photo of him. So it knows Adam, the man whom Lisa loves deeply.

“Hi, dude!” monkey Snow greets to Adam. Seemingly Snow likes Adam so that it offers the greeting

Adam smiles lightly. This is the monkey that Lisa is looking for. But how does this monkey know him?

Adam raises his brows, staring at that monkey with his sharp, cool eyes. If he doesn’t guess wrong, this
monkey has some history.

“Snow?” Adam asks abruptly. In his impression it was called this name. Yet he doesn’t see this monkey
looks like snow a bit. Why would it have this name?

“Dude, you’re smart.” Snow looks happy. She met Adam once before when she was still a little monkey.
She likes him for the first sight.

Adam looks this monkey from up to down. Indeed, this monkey is funny. It speaks like human, and also
acts like human. It must be a male.

When thinking this, Adam can’t help to looking down. But this monkey wears a pants that can’t be told
its sexuality. Adam is kind of unpleasant. He doesn’t like Lisa spends time with something male, even if
it is an animal.

“What does your master like?” Adam thinks and asks it. Since this monkey has been staying with Lisa
for quite a long while, it should know her interests. He doesn’t know why he asks this question, maybe
he just wants to know something about her.

The monkey looks him straight. He would ask what her master likes, he must be like her master as

“My master is rather conservative.” Snow thinks for a few seconds before she tells him. This cute guy
must be courting her master. Generally speaking, men like conservative women.

The corners of Adam’s mouth twist. He asked she what Lisa likes, but she replied him that she was
conservative. What does she mean? Suddenly he thinks this monkey is interesting. Maybe he can see
the characters of Lisa from her.

“Haven’t your master stripped off in front of you?” Adam says, raising his brows. Of course, he just talks
casually. Didn’t this monkey says Lisa was conservative? How conservative she is?

Lisa is just about to walk out while she hears the words then she stops. What does this man mean?
How dare he brought up the question of stripping off! Lisa checks up on her clothes intentionally, pulling
a long face at once.

“Yes, she has. She has the curvy body as hot as you can imagine. ” Snow says, she may not notice
Lisa who standing a few meters away.

Lisa stands in the dark now become startled. Does Snow ask for punishment? How dare she talk about
her master’s figure with a man! A man that she loves deeply.

Adam is unhappy with what the monkey says. What does this monkey mean? Did it ever see Lisa’s
body? When thinking about this, Adam stares at the part below the monkey’s waist. Is it a male of

The moment Adam is going to ask the monkey, he hears the voice of Lisa.

“Adam, what are you looking at?” Lisa says with a cool smile, unhappily. She can’t explain her feeling
to him...Does the man she always admires with turn out to be a playboy?

Adam pretends to be shocked, smiling slyly.

“L, you see I found Snow so soon. Snow just said that you were hot, but I don’t have the chance to
watch.” Adam’s face expression is kind of...Disappointed? Yes, it must be a disappointed look.

The corners of Lisa’s mouth twist. She feels this man is abnormal, very very abnormal.

Although she can’t tell which part of Adam is changed, she feels something of him changed in her

After the lunch Adam goes off on some errands, while Lisa goes back to her office to deal with some
business. At last, Lisa decides to find Miya asking some questions in her head.

Miya has been tidying up her office for a whole afternoon. She’s going to interview candidates

Watching the whole things that he has done for Miya, Alex grins broadly. It is the first time he tidies up a
new company on his own. He doesn’t expect the feeling is so good.

“Shall we have dinner together and celebrate for it?”

Lisa takes a look at Alex, then pays her attention to Miya.

Is Miya still staying with Alex? How about Adam? Isn’t she going to marry Adam?

“Miya, how is it going?” Lisa walks in, smiling at Miya. The next second, she has taken the hand of
Miya, with concerns in her eyes.

Alex says to Miya and laughs. He will be satisfied with spending time with Miya everyday like this, yet
this is become wild wish.

Miya is about to decline his offer when she finds Lisa is coming in.

Miya is full of surprise immediately. She hasn’t seen Lisa for a long time. She’s been missing her.

Miya nods her head and smiles, holding Lisa in her arms.

“Lisa, I miss you so much!” Miya says excitedly. She misses Lisa from her heart. The busy work stops
her meeting Lisa, Lisa either.

“Miya, let’s go out for dinner! I have something to tell you.” she holds Miya tightly still, looks like Alex
never exist.

Alex is looking at the two women in front of him, raising his brows slightly. This is the first time he is
ignored. It seems that Lisa is hostile to him.

He hasn’t done something bad to this gal recently! Why does she looks so hateful to him? Her eyes
looks duller than before. She might not like him being together with Miya.

“Let’s go for dinner!”Miya says, smiling. It’s the right moment for her to get rid of Alex and go for dinner
with Miya.

“Okay!” Lisa promises Miya happily, taking her hands and going outside, never noticing Alex’s

Alex’s full of surprise in his eyes. At this moment, he is paid no attention by these two women. It sucks!
Yet he follows them quickly.

“Why do you follow us?” Miya seems to know that Alex will follow them, turning away then looking at
Alex with vigilance. She’s going to marry Adam. It’s inappropriate to going out with Alex frequently if the
media expose.

Alex slightly becomes unpleasant. Has he doted on this women so that she could say something like
this? But he endures it. He finds that his tolerance to this woman is becoming limitless. He is even not
mad at her for the provoking in public places.

“I can protect you over there.” Alex smiles gracefully. No matter where Miya goes, he will follow her,
protecting her.

Lisa looks at Alex. She is stereotyping with at present. He used to be a good friend to Adam but turned
to enemy eventually. Is it his nature can hardly be changed?

And now he forgets who hurt Miya before and let her stay in hospital. He finally realized he is in love
with Miya so come back to court her. But the mistakes he did to her can be fixed?

The more Lisa thinks, the more she’s getting angry with. She throws all the anger to Alex.

“Alex, how did you hurt Miya before? How shamefully you are when saying that you’re going to protect
her! ”Lisa is angry obviously. Besides, Adam went abroad at that time due to the pressure from him.
She hates Alex, not even calling him big brother now.

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