Novel Name : Return of The 8th Class Mage

Chapter 61 The Rise of the Strongest (2)

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Chapter 61: The Rise of the Strongest (2)

The Rise of the Strongest (2)
Ian had observed and expected many movements of the Tower Lord and Ragnar. They must be in hurry. The Crown Prince wasn’t a threat to them at all. They were cautious of his ‘supporter’ though.
‘That would be me.’
And that made Ian nervous. What kind of tricks will they use to target Ian? The Tower Lord had achieved only 5th class, and Ragnar only had the Tower Lord who fully supported him.
‘In my former life, the Tower Lord achieved everything he wanted and deceased.’
The Tower Lord literally possessed and achieved everything he wanted, and died peacefully. He successfully supported Ragnar as the new emperor, and became the most powerful Tower Lord in the history of the Ivory Tower. Hence, other mages followed the Tower Lord quite well. Although each one had different levels of loyalty, he didn’t have an ‘enemy’. Even Ian, at that time, was with Ragnar.
‘The common points from my former life and this life is that the event of the Great Grass Field, and the hasty schedule of the council of the three countries. Details and timeline was a little bit different, but its general event flow was quite similar.’
And if these two big events were all planned by the Tower Lord, from the illusion spell that caused the maelstrom at the Great Grass Field and to the council of three countries, what could be his next step? He was suspicious enough.
‘And if the Tower Lord decided to use dark magic as well,’
He would use the black magic as much as he could.
‘I am not afraid,’
There was nothing to be afraid of though. He was confident in overcoming whatever tricks that the 5th class Tower Lord would try to use against him. Furthermore, he now had a powerful household member, the ‘Fairy Queen.’ There was no weak point on Ian at this point.
‘But I better be prepared fully.’
Ian didn’t overlook any single possibility though. In his former life, he was poisoned by Ragnar who was not a mage and even sucked at sword fighting. He had learned enough of a lesson from that.
‘I won’t lower my alertness and preparation.’
The best alert system that Ian could have, the most urgent preparation for Ian, was the support of the Ivory Tower. He had manipulated this since 5 years ago. He turned many mages to stand on his side. He didn’t force mages who wanted to stay neutral. Ian needed another offer that he could give to those who stayed neutral. There were not many alternative offers that existed as the youngest Archmage.
‘I will become the strongest of the Ivory Tower, superior to the Tower Lord.’
Finally, Ian had a chance. He was now, ‘the strongest’ of the Ivory Tower, the invulnerable one, a ‘6th class Great Mage’.
(ED Note: Tbh… not too sure what to call 대마법사 in English… Never really played games in korean before so if someone has suggestions. .h.i.t me up on [email protected])
HA! I knew it! I suspected for a while now, but even though you’re writing ED instead of TL, you’re the translator aren’t you? Man am I going to be mad if I find out you’re a translator who’s name is Ed.
‘I will consume all of the Ivory Tower.’
If he couldn’t persuade mages one by one, he could just devour and control the whole command center of mages.
‘This time again, I will destroy it.’
Ian’s two hands were connected to the mana storage. It was a similar scene from 5 years ago. Mana was injected continuously, and the color of the storage was changed. From blue, the color symbol of mana, to dark blue, and then to black, which indicated the capacity limit of the mana storage.
This class registration was a ‘show’. So it was necessary to show something more spectacular and special. Not only showing off his quality and quantity of mana.
If the first act was showing the appearance of the youngest Archmage Ian, Act 2 of today’s show was about ‘Ian Page, the strongest of the Ivory Tower’. He needed some proper ‘performances’ to show it dramatically. He had decided to show a special performance this time.
*Cr, crac, Crack!*
The surface of black colored mana storage started to crack. It seemed it was quite a durable one since it was a brand new manufactured device. However it was showing its limit. From the cracks, struggling mana was leaking.
*Wieeeeng – !*
Until now, it was similar to the past 5 years. From the cracked mana storage, leaked mana caused strong wind. Since it was a 6th class level of mana, it wasn’t just wind. After the storage blew up completely, a storm would be released.
Quickly, Ian detached his hands from the storage. Then he stretched both his hands to the sky the length of his shoulder. Then he cast a very special magic.
The records after the 5th class magic were rarely recorded. However, there were still a few records left about it. There were few magics that were described as ‘the ultimate magic’ in legends. Among those legendary magic, there was the most famous one which was.
It was Mana Drain. The ultimate magic that absorbs the mana of a target, was just cast by Ian.
*Woooo – !*
Spontaneously, something amazing happened. The mana that was released from the broken storage, that massive amount of mana was assembled to one point within the storm that was caused by it. The point was between Ian’s one hand to the other hand. The massive mana was now forming a huge ‘sphere of mana’.
As compressing the sphere, Ian squeezed the sphere violently. Then, the storm was calmed, and the mana sphere was getting smaller. Precisely, it was being absorbed, into either side of Ian’s hands.
As the mana sphere was absorbed completely, Ian’s hand made a clap.
The result of today’s show was completely different from 5 years ago. Ian didn’t breathe roughly, and his body was caught in a shining blue light. His eyes were full of a blue aura. This was the temporary effect of Mana Drain. The massive amount of mana Ian had injected to the storage, was reabsorbed into Ian.
“Did he just use Mana Drain…..?
“So he overcame the 5th class?”
“Du- does that mean he is now stronger than…..”
They knew Ian was a Great Mage. They were aware that he had an unfathomable talent not heard of in history, and soon he would overcome the Tower Lord’s level. Most of the Ivory Tower expected the day would come in the future. However, it had come now. It was way earlier than they had expected.
“Q- quickly! Chec, check the capacity of this storage……”
Some mages quickly moved around. Mages who had studied hextech devices started to check if the storage really could hold mana of the 6th class, and the secretary who records the class registration quickly went back to the Ivory Tower to record many historical new records that were achieved by today’s class registration.
“S- sir Ian. What the……”
“6th class? And with the Mana Drain spell?”
Mages who used to follow Ian gathered around Ian. There were so many things they wanted to ask. Few months ago, he was about a 4th class master, wasn’t he? However, after he visited the Great Grass Field, he became 6th class all of sudden.
“What the heck did you see in the Great Grass Field? Did you meet something like a dragon?”
“It would already be shocking enough if you become 5th class, but now what, 6th class? Please don’t say this is all a set up to fool me?”
(ED Note: whoever said this has a too high of an opinion of himself. An MC playing a prank just on some side characters. puh-lease.)
You think they know he’s an MC? I’m sorry all the MCs in books you read are apparently boring.
6th class was literally a class from the legends, not only for normal people but even to mages. Actually, mages knew even better how far and unimaginable the class was, so they always dreamed to see such a level. Then, Ian appeared with such a level of class. It was natural they were full of curiosity.
“Let’s get inside first. It is quite cold outside.”
After Ian calmed them down, as he walked into the tower with confident smile, many mages followed him, with eyes of curiosity and respect.
7 days later.
The march of the emissaries just arrived to the Royal Palace. The people of the empire greeted them greatly. The main character was, of course, the Crown Prince Hayden. His great success at the council already had spread throughout the whole continent.
“Welcome! Crown Prince!”
People made way and bowed their heads. This time, they didn’t just bow due to being afraid of the royal blood. They were sincerely bowing to the Crown Prince with respect. The success of this Crown Prince, who was once regarded as a useless idiot, moved many people’s heart.
“Your highness! Please give me your glorious smile!”
One immature girl of a noble family shouted while waving her hand. The Crown Prince was famous for his very handsome face, not only infamous for his stupidness.
As he heard the favor of the girl, the Crown Prince ordered the march to stop. Soon this blond handsome man approached to the girl.
“Y- your highness!”
As she didn’t expect him to really come, she bowed her head with fear, and the Crown Prince relieved her by giving a flower to her. nobody knew where he brought the flower from, but it was a quite normal yellow colored petal flower.
(ED Note: True mage right here.)
He’s cheating on the MC
“Your highness…?”
“Take it. It is hard to find in the capital city.”
After giving the flower to the girl, the Crown Prince came back to his carriage. And he didn’t forget to wave his hand to the people. He looked like a famous handsome actor, rather than the Crown Prince.
“Hey, captain. How was I? Good?”
The march of the emissaries started again shortly thereafter. The Crown Prince asked Oliver, who was walking near his carriage. It seemed he wanted to receive some feedback for the action he had just showed to the people.
“Uh…. That was…..”
“That was…?”
“At least it would be good memory for her…..”
While Oliver was in embarrassment, a savior had appeared. Oliver quickly moved the Crown Prince’s attention.
“Your highness, sir Ian had come.”
“What? Ian?”
Quickly, the Crown Prince stretched his neck out of the carriage, and looked around. Soon, he could see where Ian was. Actually, Ian was not alone, but he came with other mages of the Ivory Tower, hundreds of mages including 5 Archmages. With that scenery, the Crown Prince’s face became stone. It made him recall a bad memory from 5 years ago. It happened when he came to the city with Ian from the Mogrian Province, and the Tower Lord and his followers took away the prisoner Cecilia rudely.
“Why is he with those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds…..”
5 years ago, the Ivory Tower stomped the Crown Prince’s pride in front of the whole populace. Was Ian trying to do that again?
“Crown Prince.”
However, it didn’t happen. Actually, the exact opposite situation happened.
“The Archmage of the Ivory Tower, Ian Page, and the other mages, sincerely welcome and celebrate your successes at the council of three countries.”
The mana enchanted voice of Ian was well spread to the emissaries, as well as all the people who were there. Furthermore, they bowed their heads soon after Ian’s announcement. They showed their respect to the march of Crown Prince.
“……. Ha, HA! HA! HA!”
The Crown Prince laughed. Oliver nodded his head as well. It was totally different from 5 years ago. It was the exact opposite. 5 years ago, the Ivory Tower mages blocked the march of the Crown Prince to ‘show off power of the Tower Lord and the Ivory Tower’. But today, they blocked the march of Crown Prince to show off the success of Ian and the Crown Prince. Ian confirmed the Crown Prince made such a great accomplishment that even mages showed their respect, as well as Ian Page, who was the new trend of the Ivory Tower.
‘What are those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds doing…..?’
The Tower Lord shook his fists furiously. Ian’s action caused him to be furious in so many ways. Ian showed off his social power in the Ivory Tower, and smashed down the pride of Ivory Tower to the ground in front of all the citizens.
‘You, you dare……!’
Soon, the march of emissaries started again. The Tower Lord’s eyes made contact with Ian’s. The Tower Lord’s face was full of anxiousness. On the other hand, Ian made warm smile. It was a hypocritical smile that the Tower Lord used to use. Ian was mimicking such a smile. That was the beginning of the main conflict.
Re-edited by FlawFinder
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