Novel Name : The Curse of 1977 (Book 2)

Chapter 10

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It was like someone had splashed a bucket of hot, scolding water all over her face. Lynnette awoke
inside her bed with such a jolt that she had to catch her breath that had been eluding her in her night

Soaking wet and crying, the young woman sat up in her bed clutching her heaving chest while tears
dripped down from her eyes. Lynnette breathed in and out so rapidly that she had to force herself to
calm down; before long, the inane beating of her heart gradually ceased, but not to a level where the
woman was satisfied.

She reached over to her nightstand and yanked out the drawer from underneath before clamoring for
the bottle that was within. Feverishly, she twisted open the bottle which in turn caused tiny pills to spill
up and out of the bottle and all over the bed. Infuriated, Lynnette quickly gathered as many pills as she
could grasp before stuffing a multitude into her mouth all at once. Before she knew it, she was on her
knees, allowing the pills to take their effect. Lynnette's body began to sway back and forth on the bed.
Her tank top shirt was saturated in sweat. She happened to notice that her panties were wet from both
sweat and urine.

Before she could even attempt a simple move, her body began twitching and jerking before it ended up
falling off the bed and onto the wood floor. Lynnette laid there trying her best to keep the "shakes" from
taking full control of her. She grabbed her body all over in the hopes that she wouldn't awaken anyone
else in the house.

After nearly ten minutes of commotion, her entire body went still. Lynnette remained on the floor for a
moment or two more before she looked up at her clock to notice that it was 2:57 am.

As though she had just fought a battle, Lynnette slowly hoisted her body up by the aid of the bed's
railing and sat herself down onto the mattress. She was still sweating profusely, but at least the
convulsions had ended for the evening. Once she was able to regain her bearings, she got up and

stepped over to the window that overlooked the backyard and alley. All she could see was the bright
safety light that her father had installed on the back porch shine like a stadium's beam. Beyond that
was nothing but nighttime darkness and sounds.

The woman rooted around a bit longer before she yanked the curtains back and walked herself out of
the bedroom and into the blackness of the hallway. She stood and viewed all the bedroom doors before
she carried on down the hall to the final door. With a shaking left hand, Lynnette twisted the knob and
opened the door to find Isaiah fast asleep in his bed. She stood at the threshold momentarily before
stepping inside and standing over the resting child. Her body wanted to shake, but she wouldn't allow it
to be.

She just stood, watched and listened as her son snored away peacefully before he suddenly turned
onto his side. Soon, Lynnette began to discover something very peculiar, she saw her own two hands
raise and extend towards the boy. Inside her head was still the nightmare that had disturbed her
slumber. She didn't want to try and rationalize why her hands were slowly creeping towards Isaiah's
neck; all she knew was that something was compelling them both far beyond her own control.

With as much will power as she possessed, Lynnette pulled away. Before she knew it, she was backing
out of the room and into the hallway, all the while carrying a revolting frown on her face.

"What are you doing?" Lynnette's mother appeared all of the sudden from out of nowhere in the

Right there, Lynnette's body began shaking all over again, but only from sheer, stunned fright.

"What?" She stammered. "Mama, what are you doing up?"

Her mother stood down the hallway. All Lynnette could see was the woman's black silhouette, all of her
other features were too dark to view.

"Mama...what are you doing up?" Lynnette's voice rose.

"What are you doing in there?" Her mother asked in a more indignant tone.

By then, Lynnette was not only afraid, she was becoming even more frightened of her mother than she
was of her nightmare.

"Mama, why don't you go back to bed?" Lynnette's voice faltered. "I was just checking on Isaiah."

"You need to be away from that child."

"What?" Lynnette began to slowly back up. "What are you talking about?"

For the longest time, Lynnette's mother would not respond. The woman just stood perfectly still, nearly
hunchbacked only ten feet away from Lynnette down the opposite end of the hallway.

"Stay away from him...he's not yours to take."

Lynnette, from head to toe, was perfectly solid. Her entire body was as stiff as the old wooden floor she
was standing upon. It was her mother, the voice let her know that much, but the woman's words were
eerie and cryptic. The last thing Lynnette wanted was to cut on the hallway light and see the woman's

She just watched as her mother turned and went back into her room, slamming the door behind her.

The very second her mother was out of sight, Lynnette's body saw fit to unloosen itself from the
position it was in and race back to her own bedroom. Lynnette shut the door and jumped right back into
bed like a little child scurrying from a thunderstorm.

It was hot that early morning, nearly 80 degrees, and yet there she was, underneath her covers,
praying for another nightmare to take her mind away from her own mother.

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