Novel Name : The Reunion After Seven Years

Chapter 66 Bastard

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Jay was very smart for his age. As soon as he saw Nicole's face, he instantly sensed that something
was wrong.

Baron's face darkened when Jay suddenly appeared out of the blue. He turned around and looked at
his assistant standing behind him. The assistant shrugged his shoulders helplessly and turned his gaze
towards Mrs. Fang. Baron then realized that this was his mother's doing.

It seemed like she had found out about Jay's existence.

"Miss Ning, how long have you been together with Mr. Fang? How did you know each other?"

"Miss Ning, who is this boy? Is he your child with Mr. Fang? Miss Ning, please answer me!"

A crowd of reporters besieged them. Some of them held their recorders near her mouth as they threw
one invasive question after another. Even the camera crew aimed their light at them to capture their

When she saw the scene in front of her, Nicole automatically reached out her hand to cover Jay's little
face. Then, she lifted him up and held him in her arms so that his back would be turned towards the

The reporters were relentless in their invasion of their privacy. Without prior consent from Nicole, the
cameras continued to flash and the reporters repeated their questions loudly when they got no
response. Nicole was deeply disturbed. She didn't want to traumatize Jay by exposing him to such

"It doesn't matter who I am. I believe you came here today to celebrate the anniversary of the Fang
Group. Mr. Fang was just joking earlier. I hope you don't mind." Nicole spoke clearly to the reporters.

While smiling politely, her eyes were scanning the room to find the exit of the banquet hall. She smiled
brightly when she saw the door, and was about to walk towards it with Jay in her arms.

They couldn't stay here any longer. She decided to leave the event before the situation got any worse.
After this, she swore to never let Baron use her as his girlfriend anymore.


When Nicole was about to leave, Baron got off the stage and was about to run towards her, but he was
stopped by his mother.

Mrs. Fang positioned herself in front of Baron as she firmly held his arm. Disappointment was written all
over her face.

"Enough!" Her cold voice echoed through Baron's ears.

She had put all her hopes on Baron. Since childhood, he had been a good son so she was never
worried about him. But recently, when he had told her that he had fallen in love with someone, her
maternal instincts acted up. Anxiously, she sent a few people to investigate the women around Baron.

When the results came up, she was really disappointed to find that the woman chosen by Baron had a
child out of wedlock.

"Mom, let me go. This has nothing to do with Nicole. I can't let her get hurt!"

He was about to pass through his mother and go after Nicole, when he saw a familiar tall figure
standing by the door of the banquet hall.

"Miss Ning, do you mean to say that the child is not Mr. Fang's? Then who is the father? Are you going
to marry into the Fang family with this bastard?"

It was obvious that this female reporter didn't intend to let it go. Although Nicole was trying her best to
shield her son from the media, the reporter continued to probe at Jay's identity in a tactless manner.

The word "bastard" triggered Nicole. She stopped and covered Jay's ears to prevent him from hearing
another cruel word.

Turning around, her polite demeanor was replaced with a murderous look. She looked coldly at the
reporters who were swarming around her. She could understand that these reporters wanted to capture
the most sensational news, but she could never accept the fact that they would maliciously injure a
child with such hurtful words. Zeroing in on the female reporter, she spoke firmly.

"Miss, please be responsible for what you say. You're a professional, so you should do your work
professionally. Do you think it's proper to refer to a child using such a crass word?" Nicole's statement
silenced the crowd of reporters.

"You are a woman, too. You are going to be a mother one day. How would you feel if someone said
those words to your child?

Since you badly want to know the truth, I'll tell you that this is my son, and my decision to raise him has
nothing to do with anyone. I'm just a good friend of Mr. Fang. He only wanted to avoid the arranged
marriage by his family so he told everyone that I'm his soul mate. It's that simple."

Nicole was unusually calm. She did not seem flurried or afraid at all. She was holding Jay in her arms
like a mother hen protecting her chick. This was the instinct of a mother who wanted to protect her

She could tolerate anything thrown towards her, but she couldn't bear it if anyone were to hurt Jay.

Standing at the door of the banquet hall, Kerr looked at the unwavering stance of Nicole with respect
and admiration in his eyes. The woman he loved didn't disappoint him.

Hearing Nicole's reply, the reporters did not know how to react. They looked at each other silently as
Nicole strove towards the exit.

Kerr walked straight to Nicole and pulled Jay into his arms.

"Why did you come here yourself? I've been looking for you for a long time," Kerr asked in a concerned

He looked gently at Nicole beside him and casually reprimanded her for not waiting for him. In front of
the reporters, he did not hesitate to act lovingly towards her.

His intention of protecting Jay and Nicole was obvious.

The reporters' eyes were wide in shock when they saw this scene.


The reporters were quietly watching the scene when a disturbing look appeared on Kerr's face. The
look sent a chill down their spines and no one understood what it meant. Meanwhile, Jay who was
observing the scene from Kerr's arms, covered his mouth with his little hand and snickered. He knew
that someone was going to get what was coming for her.

Nicole was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that the reporters had given up asking
questions, but when she heard the voice of Kerr, she couldn't help but get nervous again.

She hadn't recovered from the shock caused by Baron yet.

As she looked at Kerr, Nicole couldn't guess what he was going to do, or perhaps, she could never
guess what he was thinking.

"Which of you said that the child in my arms is a bastard?"

Kerr was a few meters away from Nicole earlier but he didn't miss that reporter's clear voice.

Since he wanted to protect Nicole, he would not let go of the people who had hurt Jay easily. Although
he was not addressing his question to a specific person, his eyes were precisely fixed on the female
reporter who had spoken earlier.

Feeling Kerr's gaze, the reporter didn't even dare to look up at him. Her body was trembling all over.

Kerr was well-known in A City. Almost everyone knew about him. However, no media group dared to
casually report any news about him. Every photo and report about him had to be reviewed by the Gu

In compliance with the Gu Group's rules, no media crew dared to put their cameras in front of Kerr
when he appeared.

"Mr. Gu I..."

Everyone immediately took a step back when they heard the question. Only the reporter who had just
spoken was standing on the same spot. No one had seen Kerr Gu look this angry.

Everyone could feel his threatening tone. This could have made for sensationalized news but they all
didn't want to be involved in this matter.

"You can choose to resign today when you go back, or you will no longer be a journalist in the future. If
you can say such irresponsible words, it just proves that you don't deserve to be a journalist."

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