Novel Name : The Reunion After Seven Years

Chapter 283 Maggie's Jealousy

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The door opened, and with black sunglasses perched on her nose, a woman, who wore a dark casual
outfit, stepped out of the car. She stood in front of Nicole with a cold aura.

Nicole eyed the woman intently and asked, "Maggie Chen?" Even with the sunglasses and how much
different Maggie looked like now, Nicole could still recognize her.

However, when Nicole noticed how flat Maggie's belly was, she frowned slightly and remembered what
Harley had said in the hospital.

Maggie removed her sunglasses and hung it on her shirt before she said, "Long time no see, Nicole.
Or, should I call you Mrs. Gu? Oh, wait. How could I forget? The woman Mr. Gu married is Sunny He,
so how could his wife be someone as cunning as you?"

With a sly smile on her face, Maggie walked towards Nicole. Her words were full of scorn for Nicole,
and she did not even bother mincing her words.

Kerr's forehead creased into a frown when he heard what Maggie said. He gestured at Jared, who was
standing beside him.

Nodding in understanding, Jared walked towards Maggie and raised a hand to stop her. "Excuse me,
Miss Chen, but you can't go any closer."

Kerr had already oriented Jared about these situations. That was why without a word, Jared knew what
had to be done and made sure that no dangerous person would be able to get close to Nicole,
especially then that she was also bearing another life.

As for Nicole, she just narrowed her eyes at Maggie and asked in confusion, "Tell me, Miss Chen. Why
are you here?" Even though Maggie gave her insults and mean remarks, Nicole still did not feel

Moreover, Nicole could choose to ignore her, but she knew better and kept her calm. After all, Maggie
was now Baron's wife, so she should show some respect and humility.

"Well, you see, Baron had been investigating about the Ning family before, and with his help, I found
out something that I thought you must be interested in. Hence, I am here to talk with you about it,"
Maggie replied casually.

She then glanced at Jared, who was still blocking her from going near Nicole. Knowing now that they
were here with her made her realize that it was going to be difficult for her to approach Nicole, so she
had to think of ways to get closer to Nicole.

Nicole looked at Maggie seriously, wondering why Maggie was suddenly interested in what had
happened to the Ning family. Even with her suspicions on Maggie, Nicole still thought that it was
reasonable for Maggie to know something about it. After all, Baron was Maggie's husband, and he had
placed a lot of efforts on this matter to help Nicole.

Feeling like what Maggie was about to say was important, Nicole turned to look at Kerr and said, "I'll
talk with her." She let go of Kerr's hand and walked towards Maggie, but Kerr grabbed her wrist and

"I will stay with you." Deep inside, Kerr felt that Maggie must have some ulterior motives as to why she
wanted to see Nicole, since Maggie looked like she couldn't wait to come here. Moreover, when they
were in D Island, Kerr had received the news that Baron and Maggie had divorced.

However, he did not tell Nicole then, and perhaps, she was the only one who didn't know about it now.

Nicole knew that Kerr was just worried, so she nodded at him. Then she stood in front of Maggie and
asked with a slight smile on her face. "So, Maggie, why did you come here in such a hurry? Is it that
urgent, and why isn't Baron with you?"

Nicole looked back to the car and saw that no one was coming out of it. She was just sincerely
concerned, but to Maggie's ears, it sounded like Nicole was showing off.

Maggie lowered her head and fixed her eyes on Nicole's big belly. This reminded her of the baby she
once bore and lost because of an accident, which made her feel sad and angry again.

Without looking suspicious, she placed her hands behind her back casually and answered, "Well,
Baron has been busy with his work lately. Anyway, enough of that, look how big your baby really is,
Nicole." There was an obvious tinge of jealousy and coldness in Maggie's voice, and anyone who was
looking at her suspiciously could hear that.

However, Nicole didn't find anything unusual from Maggie's tone, so she smiled at her before she
touched her belly and said, "Ah, yes. I will be giving birth soon." Then she looked at Maggie with a tinge
of worry and asked tentatively, "So, are you okay? Have you...recovered?"

Nicole did not dare to mention Maggie's child.

Meanwhile, Kerr's eyes were fixed on Maggie's hands, and he had heard the coldness in Maggie's
voice. As soon as Nicole spoke and looked down to touch her belly, he had his eyes on Maggie after
sensing a tinge of hostility behind her words.

Without hesitation, he placed an arm around Nicole's waist and slightly moved forward to protect her
body with his.

He slightly hid her behind him in case of any emergency. After all, Maggie was still a potentially
dangerous person ever since she had been jealous of Nicole.

Kerr's suspicions were right, because at that very moment, Maggie's eyes opened wide with hostility
and shouted, "Yes! I've recovered!" Then, as quick as a blink of an eye, Maggie took out a sharp
dagger from behind her and aimed towards Nicole's belly.

"My baby is gone! You can die with my child, Nicole Ning!" she screamed as she lunged forward. An
obvious arrogance and rage were evident in her tone.

As soon as Nicole raised her head to look, the sharp blade glared at her eyes as the sun shone on it.
Instinctively, she closed her eyes and hugged her belly to protect it against the incoming blade.

"No!" Kerr shouted as he saw the dagger. Without any second thoughts, Kerr stepped in front of Nicole
and reached his hand out. Fortunately, he was able to grab Maggie by the wrist and twisted it. Feeling
the sharp pain on her wrist, Maggie let go of the dagger, which fell on the ground with a thud.

Not caring that Maggie was a woman, Kerr raised his leg and kneed Maggie on her stomach, making
her fall on the ground in pain. Then, he immediately turned around to hold Nicole in his arms. "It's all
right now, Nicole. Shh, I'm here." Kerr loved Nicole so much that as long as he was with her, he would
not hesitate to place himself before her in any harm just so she could be safe.

Nicole opened her eyes and realized that she started to cry. She looked down and saw that her belly
was safe, making her feel relieved. Still trembling with fear and shock that Maggie was able to do that
to her, Nicole held onto Kerr.

"You bitch! Why is the world so unfair? You already have everything, so why do you have to take Baron
away from me? Why did you take my child? You are so selfish and bloodthirsty! You should die!" With
blood coming out of her mouth from the impact of the hit, Maggie shouted as she managed to sit up.

Then, out of anger, she struggled to get to her feet and was about to lunge on Nicole again, but this
time, Jared and Kim were prepared and held on to Maggie.

Kerr glared at Maggie and then looked at Nicole. She was already starting to calm down. He then
reached for his handkerchief and wiped her tears. "I'm fine," she told him.

Feeling that there weren't any more tears to shed, Nicole walked towards Maggie and looked down at
this hysterical woman with a frown. "First of all, I don't know what you are talking about. Whatever it is
that happened between you and Baron has nothing to do with me.

Second, I didn't expect that you have the guts to do that. If Baron finds out that his wife attempted to
hurt his friend, then I am sure that he will be disappointed. Right now, as Baron's friend, I am sincerely
concerned that he is with a vicious and crazy woman."

Not planning to get associated with her any longer, Nicole turned her back on Maggie and held onto
Kerr's hand. "Kerr, please let her go. If not for her, I would have to worry about Baron. Plus, I owed
Baron before, so I should at least repay him with this now."

Kerr looked at Nicole seriously and frowned. "No, I won't give her any chance to hurt you."

Before Nicole could reply to that, Maggie spoke. "Nicole, stop pretending to be a good person. I lost my
child, and it was you who killed our baby.

Because of that, Baron had no reason to be with me, and clearly he abandoned me because of you.
How unfair is it that you still have a healthy child? How dare you still give birth to that bastard?!

What's even worse is that you took away Sunny‘s fiance and even took over the Gu Group. You
deserved to be punished for stealing everything from everyone!" Maggie cursed Nicole hysterically as
she struggled to take Jared's and Kim's hold off of her.

Nicole turned around to glare at her. She was all right when Maggie kept insulting her and saying mean
things to her, but when she called her baby a bastard, Nicole knew that she was way out of line now.
Nicole felt disgusted by how fiercely Maggie looked at her, as if Maggie was an animal and wanting to
tear Nicole apart.

Deep inside, Nicole had sincerely wanted to give Maggie a chance to apologize and just move on, but
now it seemed like Maggie didn't deserve her forgiveness anymore.

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