Novel Name : Attracted By My Ex-wife

Chapter 184 A Miserable Life In Prison

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It was early in the morning as a drizzle fell from the sky, bringing along the occasional cold gust of
wind. It didn't matter how warm the weather was, as the rain had now transformed it into a cold day.

On the south side of the city, the prison was alive with its usual routine.

The place was no stranger to the usual quarrels. "I want to go home! I want to get out of here! Do you
know who I am?"

Despite being handcuffed, Cherry thrashed about, her flailing arms hitting the officers nearby.

"Be obedient. You are assaulting a police officer. If you don't behave yourself, your penalty will be

"I just want to go. Wait and see, I will get out somehow," Cherry was shouting at the top of her lungs.

It had been a month since she was locked up in the prison, but she still hadn't adapted to the life here.
The thought of being defeated by Anne infuriated her.

"I am suffering here because of you. I bet you are proud of yourself." Cherry clenched her fists, her
anger spilling out.

However, her conversation with herself made everyone in prison think she was crazy.

She was dragged to her cell and the door was locked shut. She collapsed onto the floor, watching the
rain trickling down from the small window. She felt like her life was over.

"No. 58, come out! Someone’s here to see you." She was abruptly woken up three hours later with a
loud voice. Her eyebrows were knotted together in confusion.

She didn't have any relatives, and all her friends had abandoned her now that she had lost everything.
No one had dared to come to visit her until now. So who could it be?

Cherry stepped out. Her expression was cold when her eyes met her guest.

The man was none other than Devin.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" Cherry instinctively shouted. The glass between them held her
back from rushing out and beating him.

The officer accompanying her held her down, shouting, "Be quiet!"

As she sat down in front of him, her eyes were full of hatred.

"What are you doing here?" Cherry questioned again, her voice icy.

Devin waited for them to be alone. Then he said, "I am here to see you, of course. After all, you are my
only daughter."

She felt disgusted at his sudden affection. "You are here for a reason, aren’t you? I bet you have run
out of money."

Devin pursed his lips as he replied awkwardly, "Don't be so judgmental, okay? I am willing to help you if
you pay me. I will tell you everything that is going on outside so that you aren't lonely here anymore."

"I don't need that. Since you can’t save me, it’s better if you leave now." Cherry’s words were harsh, but
her mood made her unpredictable.

"Don't be so heartless, okay? I'm the only one who came to see you, right? You should know that it's
difficult to do things without money now. If I am going to save you, I still need the money and a lot of it."
Devin pretended to be eager to save her.

Despite her annoyance, Cherry hesitated. Although she didn't want to trust Devin, she had no one left.

"Well. In the house that Kevin asked me to live in, there is a million in cash behind the bedside
cupboard. Take the money, but you have to keep an eye on the AN Group and Anne's every movement
and report to me. Then you follow my commands, okay?" Cherry spoke seriously.

With a frown, Devin replied, "Why aren't you giving me more money, since you asked me to do so
many things for you?"

Cherry wasn't surprised by his reaction. "I can give you so much more, but only if you follow my
commands. If you don’t think that’s fair, then leave."

"Don't be so rude. Of course, I will listen to you. But you have to promise me that if I help you, you can't
treat me unfairly, or I will never help you again." Devin tried his best to hide his excitement.

"Don't worry. After all, you are my father." Cherry gave a cunning smile.

Inside the Fu Family's Villa.

The rain was hitting the glass window, creating a soft rhythm inside the quiet home.

Anne had set up an easel in front of the big vases, as she outlined the flowers. She was painting each
stroke carefully but was still left dissatisfied.

Suddenly, the dull silence was broken by Charles’s loud cries.

Hearing that, Anne immediately placed her paintbrush down before she rushed towards the baby room.

"Charles, stop crying." Carrying him in her arms, Anne patted his small back. She thought that he had
cried because no one had talked to him for a long time, but she didn't expect him to cry even harder
after she picked him up.

When she touched his forehead, she found that he had a fever.

Seeing the heavy rain outside, she thought of asking Sam to come here, but she couldn't get through.

"Miss Anne, we can't wait. We have to take the child to the hospital as soon as possible," the nanny
stated loudly.

"I know. You hold the baby, I'll go to get the car," Anne ordered, her forehead creasing with worry.

The car sped down the road, as Anne became increasingly anxious about Charles’s fever getting
worse. The surrounding cars retreated to the sides. Despite driving this fast for the first time, she was
very cautious the whole way.

"Here we are." An hour had passed until they finally arrived at the hospital.

Charles’s voice had become hoarse from the constant crying.

"What's wrong with him?" Sam quickly asked, as soon as they arrived.

He had been waiting for them for over half an hour.

He was preparing for an emergency operation when Anne had called him. After seeing his call log, he
dialed back, but no one answered. He suspected that Charles had become sick.

"I don't know. He is burning up. I think he has a fever." Anne’s voice sounded anxious. She was holding
Charles with one hand and an umbrella with the other, while the nanny carried their bags.

"Give me the baby and go inside, before you catch a cold." They rushed inside the hospital together.

The ward prepared for Charles was extremely neat, as he was placed on the white bed sheets. Anne's
breathing hitched, watching Sam give her son an injection.

"Sorry to make you anxious." Noticing the sweat beading on her forehead, Sam softly wiped it off.

"It’s okay. I hope the fever goes down quickly." Anne forced a smile.

"Charles has been having fevers for no reason. I think we should have a check-up again in a few days,"
Sam said seriously.

Hearing this, Anne nodded immediately. "You’re right. Charles's health is most important. When should
I come again?"

Anne was always this nervous when it came to Charles.

Sam softly squeezed her shoulder, saying, "Don’t worry right now. We’ll examine once he recovers."

"Okay, it's up to you." She was still anxious.

"Anne. How is he?" Kevin had hurried to the hospital, as soon as he became aware of the situation.
Seeing Anne so worried, like she was about to cry, made him panic.

"The baby is fine for the time being. It's just that Anne is freaking out. You should stay with her." Sam
voluntarily left, as soon as Kevin stepped in.

"Anne, are you okay? I'm late. I'm sorry." Kevin kissed her forehead, comforting her.

"Kevin, our child keeps having a fever. I feel so scared that something might be wrong." She felt this
sense of impending doom, making her stomach twist.

"Don't worry. We have Sam, he will keep our baby healthy." Kevin embraced her, warming her cold
body with his.

"Okay." Although Anne agreed, she couldn't calm down.

Fortunately, after two long hours, Charles’s fever had dropped down.

A small smile had returned to her face, as she played with her baby inside the ward. Watching them
giggle, Kevin couldn't help but beam.

"This is for you." Kevin took out a key from his pocket, handing it over to Anne.

"What's this?" As she turned the key in her hand, she recognized it belonged to a car.

"I bought a car for you. It will be convenient once he starts school, and it's also suitable for women,"
Kevin declared.

After he had heard from the nanny that Anne had raced the car to the hospital, he felt scared for her

"No, I can't accept this. We have nothing to do with each other now. I will feel uncomfortable if I accept
your car." Anne was a woman with principles. Even if she wanted to buy a car, she would do so by

"You can take it as a gift from me, and don't think about having to repay me." Kevin had a sour look on
his face. He had never once been refused one of his gifts.

"I can't accept it, Kevin. Don't put me in a difficult position."

Anne loathed the idea of having to depend on Kevin after their divorce.

"Think of it as a gift for you to pick up the baby. If you don’t need to pick him up, you can return the car
to me. Okay?" Kevin was biting down his frustration. He liked Anne, and although he felt mad that Anne
refused him, he was willing to change for her.

"All right." Anne finally took the car key, making Kevin breathe a sigh of relief.

The two of them were still concerned with how Charles had a fever for no apparent reason, so they
decided to spend the night in the ward.

In the middle of the night, Charles's croaky wails began once more.

Anne jerked awake by the loud noise. Habitually, she checked Charles’s forehead and found it hot.

Sam had also been worried and hadn't left the hospital.

After he found out that Charles was having another fever, he ordered the nurse with a heavy heart,
"Draw his blood and have a check."

He wondered why the baby’s body temperature was frequently rising. Maybe it was because his body
was sick.

The atmosphere inside the ward had completely shifted. The three adults surrounded Charles, grim
expressions plastered on their faces.

About half an hour later, when the examination report came out, the result was shocking. It was
completely different from the previous diagnosis.

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