Novel Name : Attracted By My Ex-wife

Chapter 405 Be Fooled

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What mattered was what had been in the necklace. In fact, it didn't matter who gave it to Anne.

Kim slowly opened it and saw that it was bugged. It had been wiretapped all along. In his frustration, he
threw it on the ground and crushed it with his foot.

Inside, Anne was panic stricken, but she pretended to be surprised as she asked, "What the hell was
that? And why was it in the necklace?"

He looked up at her and then lowered his head. When he saw the confusion on her face, he slightly
raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Anne, even though Eddy was the one who gave this gift,
Kevin must have been the one who really arranged it. Perhaps the gift actually came from him
because, you see, he still hasn't given up on you!

I've already noticed the necklace ever since you came here. I originally just wanted to see what tricks
he could play, but now, I can no longer keep this thing!"

As he spoke, he put the necklace, now with the wiretap removed, on her neck again and said, "Now,
without the bug, this is the necklace you should think about as a gift from your son."

She frowned, pulled the necklace off her neck, and threw it quickly on the ground. She said with angry
eyes and a cold voice, "I thought it was simply just a gift from Eddy. I didn't expect that, all along, they
would just use it for something like this!

If this is what represents my child's love for me, then I would rather not have this love!"

Looking irritated, she turned around and left.

Kim looked down at the necklace on the ground. He frowned slightly as he squatted down and picked it

"I didn't expect Kevin to be so good at a fistfight. Heck, it hurt so much when he punched me," Peter
said, rubbing his face and shaking his head helplessly.

Kim was the one who fought for Anne, so what did it have to do with him? Why was he the one who
was punched by Kevin?

Kim raised his head, squinted at Peter, and told him as he sneered, "It seems that I should leave this
place at once."

Peter raised his eyebrows at him and stood up at once. "Then I'll arrange it for you right away!"

Kim's eyes turned cold as he watched him walk away. It seemed to him that the guy had been looking
forward to this for a long time, as though all he had been waiting for was for him to leave.

On the other side, as soon as Kevin went back, he immediately heard the news that the bug which they
had planted in Anne's necklace was no longer functioning.

As soon as he got to hear the last voice that came from it, his face suddenly turned pale. He sat on the
chair wearily.

"Kim must have found out about the bug in the necklace and destroyed it," he said with a worried voice
as he helplessly shook his head.

They all looked at each other, thinking of the same thing: if the bug had been destroyed, then they
wouldn't be able to know where Anne would be from now on. Now, what should they do?

Suddenly, Kevin received a call from his assistant. "Mr. Kevin, you asked me to watch over the CEO of
the AS Group, and just now I got an update that he is preparing a car for travel."

Preparing a car? For travel?

His face turned cold, and then a sinister smile appeared on his face. The truth was, the reason why he
went to the AS Group today was to compel Kim to leave A City at once, and it worked. Now, he finally
couldn't sit still, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

Kim was a cunning, despicable, and shameless man, but he always hid behind the AS Group company.
Although he had threatened Kevin a countless times, he had never dared to make a move. But, why?
What was the reason? Ha! Kevin knew it clearly.

He wouldn't dare, because they were not in M City nor H City, but rather A City. And this place was
Kevin's territory!

Indeed, he did seem to be passive when he confronted Kim in Peter's office, but Kim and Peter both
knew what he was capable of. A single order from him and there would be countless people rushing in
to back him up. When that happened, both of them would be no match to him!

It was also because of this that Kim had a sense of urgency in leaving the city, not knowing that this
was exactly the move that would satisfy Kevin. After all, his purpose was to find his base camp outside
of A City and then take it in one fell swoop!

"Have our men follow them secretly!" he ordered at once.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately called the director of the police station. He knew that it was
not enough that he was the only one to take part in this problem so he must cooperate with the police.
When he talked to the police director about the issue at hand, they immediately promised that they
would send their best armed men!

Kim was an unpardonable person in the law. He had a complicated background and was involved in
several homicides. Therefore, once he had been caught, it would be a great credit for them!

It had been peaceful for a while and so there were very few chances to be of meritorious service to the
police. So now that they have this opportunity, they would not let it go.

More than that, of course, they could get the gratitude of such a powerful man like Kevin.

It was also because of this that he let the police get involved. Then, after he got their support, he
immediately got in the car.

On the other side, he ordered his men to follow the car that Kim was driving inconspicuously, keeping
in touch with him and the others all the way.

Sitting on Kim's car, Anne turned around and looked at the scenery outside, absent-minded and
unaware of what was happening.

The wiretap had been broken by Kim, so she could no longer contact Kevin and others. From then on,
she had no idea if they got the news that they would be getting away from the city.

"What's wrong, dear? Are you still in a bad mood?" Kim looked back at her and asked as he drove.

Turning to look at him, she shook her head and sighed helplessly. She replied, "Nothing. It's just that...
this was the first time I left the children on my own."

He curled his lips and thought, 'Oh really?'

"Anne. You know, I'm stronger and more cunning than you think. There are things that you think might
have been arranged well, but in my opinion, that is not necessarily the case. Moreover, there are some
things that I already know since the beginning, but until the end I still haven't exposed them!"

These sudden words from Kim surprised her, but more than that, it made her confused. She looked at
Kim with a bewildered face and asked, "What do you mean?"

He took one look at her, frowned, and then pursed his lips as he continued, "Anne, I love you, okay?
That is an indisputable fact. And I have done a lot of crazy things for you because of that love.

But if you take the initiative to tell me something, no matter how unforgivable it is, I will be able to
forgive you. But if, in the end, you still wouldn't tell me, then I would not have any mercy on you. Do you

As Anne looked at his deep eyes and searched for meaning behind his words, her face suddenly
became pale and her heart started to beat fast. What did he mean? What on earth did he know?

Or was he just saying all that to test her?

At this moment, she was very uncertain.

The corners of her mouth went slightly stiff. She said as she drew a smile on her confused face, "Is
there anything that we can't talk about openly? If you have something to say, then just say it.
Otherwise, I don't understand anything that you just said."

All of a sudden, Kim's eyes dimmed and he flashed a mocking smile, yet he did nothing and only kept
looking ahead without saying a word.

She became more overwhelmed by his sudden silence. She kept turning around and looking out of the
window as the discomfort and awkwardness deep inside her grew. What did he mean by saying all
that? What happened to him?

Not long ago, he took off the bug around her neck and told her that he had found something wrong
since the first day. So, did he find something else wrong now but was not saying anything about it?

'What did he mean when he said that he was stronger and more cunning than I thought?' she
wondered, 'Had he already seen through the plan I made with Kevin?' No, it couldn't be. Kim should

have known that there was no antidote for the drug that she had been injected with, so he wouldn't
have thought that a miracle would happen to her that made her return to normal earlier than anyone

Countless thoughts flashed in and out her mind, and she closed her eyes helplessly.

His words were too profound, and she couldn't figure it out no matter how much she thought about it.
She felt that there were a lot of traps ahead that she should look forward to. And if she made the
mistake of stepping on one, she would be doomed eternally! Damn it! This feeling was so terrible.

Kim turned his head and took a look at her. Flashed through his eyes was a hint of disappointment as
he shook his head slightly.

He looked at the car far behind them through the rear-view mirror and sneered as he thought to
himself, 'Kevin, don't think of me as incompetent, and don't think of you as smart.'

All the while during that, Kevin had been closely following them and he brought a lot of people with him.
Naturally, he thought Kim wouldn't be able to discover that this was what they were doing since they
were very far away.

Looking at the horizon through the car window, and then at the finger board, Anne turned around and
said, "Are we going back to H City?"

He nodded and said in a flat tone, "H City is my base camp. Only when we return there can we really
be safe. By then, I would have my peace of mind."

She nodded slightly, then a smile flashed across her eyes. Well, how could she forget? H City, indeed,
was where she had been imprisoned for two years. It seemed that her expectation was right all along!

But where on earth would Kim's base camp be in H City?

Even though she couldn't guess where it was, she knew one thing: that place must be very dangerous!

'Kevin, have you got any news now? Have you been informed that we have left A City? Did you bring
enough people with you? Do you even have any idea how dangerous this would be for you?' she

Amidst the silence, Kim suddenly sped up, not minding the speed limit.

It only seemed reasonable. People like him treat the law like it was nothing. How could one expect that
he would follow the traffic rules?

Sitting uneasily beside him, she frowned as she looked at the quick passing road.

His silence only proved that now he was truly in a bad mood.

But what should she do? If she spoke rashly, she might reveal the truth carelessly with one slip of the

She thought about it for a while and then concluded that it would in fact be wise if she just chose to be

On the other side, in the CEO Office of the AS Group.

Peter was standing in front of the window, looking down at the people on the busy road, sneering.

Kim had been living here for a long time, but both Anne and Kevin knew that Peter was compelled to
obey his orders because Kim had gotten something on him. But regardless of that, what Kim did
actually had nothing to do with him.

Even though he was punched by Kevin, the only thing it proved was that he didn't want to send him to
prison. Otherwise, it would be the police that he would have faced rather than him simply getting


So, all in all, it was also a good thing for him.

"Even during the old times, heroes would always fall in love with the beautiful ones. In this case, Anne
really is a siren. As for who the winner is, they would have to compete for her." He spoke in the air. He
shook his head and took a sip of his wine. He couldn't help grinning in pain as he smiled helplessly.

No matter what they did to each other, he would always be their middleman, so he wouldn't be

On the other side, after Anne had been led to H City, Kim drove straight to his luxury villa. She couldn't
help but raise her eyebrows as she stared at the mansion in front of them, and then she looked at him
with a confused expression.

She had been totally familiarized with this luxurious villa where she had lived for two years. She had
never imagined that Kim had not abandoned it let alone bring her here again.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place." Indeed. Kim shook his head slowly, opened the door,
and walked in.

She followed him at once, her eyebrows raised. No matter how clever Kevin was, he wouldn't expect
that Kim would come back here again.

He opened the door. Looking up, Anne realized that there was no one in the empty room except him.

Kim ignored her and closed the door again. He opened a window and looked down, smiling gently in a
mocking way. "I think they will be fooled by this situation."

Be fooled? Her heart sank as she heard his words. She stepped forward at once. Were they...

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