Novel Name : A Step into the Past

Volume 11 Chapter 12

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Book 11 Chapter 12 – Win-Win Situation
Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi, Jing Jun and the Eighteen Guardians made their way to Xianyang City and proceeded straight to the Premier Residence. On their way, they ran into another slow moving carriage that was escorted by scores of Qin soldiers.
Xiang Shaolong was unaware of who is inside the carriage. He dare not be rude and rode slowly behind them.
The leader of the Qin soldiers in front suddenly ordered the entourage to move aside and waved to Xiang Shaolong’s group to overtake them.
Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi were surprised to experience such courtesy, However, the carriage blinds are down and they couldn’t see who is inside.
Jing Jun knows best. Speaking to the Qin soldier at the end of the entourage, he rode up to them and whispered: “It is Xianyang City’s number one beauty Qin Qing!”
Xiang Shaolong turned his head and looked back at her carriage. He had a wondrous feeling in his heart.
Xiang Shaolong wanted to meet Master Tu first and find out more about the reason for Lu Buwei wanting to see him but luck was not on his side.
Meeting him in the study, this political behemoth questioned: “Shaolong, why are you so rash? Before you seek my advice, you proposed Xu Xian the idi0t to be the Left Premier to King Zhuangxiang. You have ruined my grand plan. Can’t I even be away for a while without things screwing up?”
Xiang Shaolong had guessed that he could not deny this fact. With a ready answer, he smiled: “His Majesty wanted to pick someone on the spot and we are not sure when Premier will be back. My suggestion is meant to benefit you. By sharing some power with the Qin population, it shows that you are broad-minded and not a power-grabber. In this way, no one will dare to bad mouth you in the Qin court.”
Lu Buwei was taken aback. His sharp eyes shining, he scrutinized him for a while before asking: “Is this the same reason why you rejected the post?”
Xiang Shaolong knew that he is slightly convinced and hurriedly nodded: “Premier Lu has treated us most generously. What is personal glory?”
Lu Buwei stared at the ceiling beams in his house and seemed moved. He suddenly offered: “I have three daughters and the youngest one is named Lu Niang Rong. I shall now marry her to you as a form of replacement to Princess Qian.”
Right now, Xiang Shaolong is faced with the most difficult decision of his life.
If he agreed, Lu Buwei will regard him as family. He can then easily help Xiao Pan ascend the throne and be the new King of Qin. Then he will turn the tables and kill this traitor. The Wu family will be safe as well.
But if he consented, he will have to betray his conscience and serve this traitor. In addition, accepting this Lu Niang Rong will be unfair to Ji Yanran and the other wives.
Lu Buwei is the most ambitious and crafty businessman during these times. He will not strike a bargain unless he is sure that he will gain more at the end of the day.
He has eliminated his political adversary Lord Yangquan. Xiang Shaolong is the favourite of King Zhuangxiang and Empress Ji and cannot be killed. The best way is to absorb him into his own ranks by making him his son-in-law. A top strategy indeed!
Xiang Shaolong gritted his teeth and kneeled down, speaking with resolution: “Premier Lu, please retract your offer. Shaolong’s heart is dead and does not wish to be involved in any relationship, causing a lifetime of unhappiness to Miss Lu.”
Lu Buwei was incensed. As he was about to force him, heavy knocking was heard on the door. A family warrior came in and kneeled down, reporting: “Premier Lu, I bring bad news. Wei’s Prince Xinling has led the combined armies of Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei and Chu. They have broken through our fortifications on the east of the river. General Meng has been defeated at Hangu Pass. The combined armies are now rallying outside the pass.”
These words strike them like a bolt from the sky. Forgetting their topic, they faced each other in confusion.
Lu Buwei jumped up crying: “It is disastrous. I must see the King at once.”
Watching his back, Xiang Shaolong remembered Ji Yanran’s prophecy and cannot believe that it is really happening. It has indirectly helped him to avoid an open conflict with Lu Buwei.
Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi left the Premier residence. In this turbulent period, they dare not leave and returned to the Wu family residence. There, they will receive the latest news.
The moment they stepped into the door, Tao Fang welcomed them. With a strange expression on his face, he informed: “Shaolong, there is a man waiting for you. He claims to be well-acquainted with you. It is funny how he would know that you will be coming today.”
Xiang Shaolong was alarmed and went to receive this guest in the guest room.
The guest wore a bamboo hat to block out the sun. With his back facing the door, he sat upright and has a mysterious aura around him.
Xiang Shaolong found his back familiar but could not recognise who it may be.
The guest heard footsteps but still did not turn back.
Xiang Shaolong sat down opposite him and noticed that his cheeks is covered with a nice beard but he cannot see the eyes underneath the bamboo hat.
Just as he was about to ask, the strange man slowly remove his hat.
Xiang Shaolong was blown away. “My Lord!” he exclaimed.
Lord Longyang’s pretty face may have been hidden by the beard and his eyelashes have become thicker but Xiang Shaolong will recognize those seductive eyes anywhere.
After they exchanged glances, Lord Longyang smiled: “Brother Dong is truly a passionate man who does not forget his friends.”
Xiang Shaolong laughed bitterly: “In the end, I still cannot deceive you.”
Lord Longyang explained: “Dong Horse Fanatic will not die so easily and Xiang Shaolong will not return to Xianyang City without completing his mission. I even sent someone to Chu to verify this. Coincidently, Dong Horse Fanatic’s family has just been wiped out by barbarians. Other people may think this is a trick but I believe the real Dong Horse Fanatic is dead while the fake Dong Horse Fanatic is having a great time in Xianyang City. Otherwise, Zhao Zhi will not come all the way to Xianyang City.”
Xiang Shaolong guessed that he could no longer deceive him and sighed: “Prince Xinling has just defeated the Qin army. Does Lord know that it is dangerous to come all the way here?”
Lord Longyang replied: “Of course I know. I am here precisely because the Qin army is defeated.”
Xiang Shaolong sighed: “Is Lady Ya doing well?”
Lord Longyang smiled bitterly and retrieved a clear jade bangle from his bosom. He gently disclosed: “Zhao Ya wanted me to give this to you, showing that her love for you will never change. The love will be external like jade. Due to circumstances and not to put you in a difficult position, she did not look for you in Xianyang City. She hope you will understand her difficulties.”
Xiang Shaolong held the bangle tightly in his hand and was grieved. After a while, he asked in a deep voice: “What can I do for you?”
Lord Longyang sighed: “It is all because of our Prince Zhen that was held hostage here in Xianyang City. With the defeat of the Qin army, he will be tortured and even killed as a form of revenge. My King dotes on this son and even I have to risk my life to save him.”
Xiang Shaolong was reminded that when a state loses the war, they will normally give up an important member of the royal family as a hostage in the winning state. Qin has been victorious and must have several hostages in Xianyang City. Feeling a headache coming, he asked: “How does Lord want Shaolong to help him?”
Lord Longyang pleaded: “King Zhuangxiang and Lu Buwei regard Brother Xiang highly. If Brother Xiang can put in a few good words, you can keep Prince Zhen alive.”
Xiang Shaolong concluded: “Lord can put your mind at ease. Based on our friendship, I will do whatever I can.”
Despite his promise, he remembered that Lu Buwei was becoming more and more vicious and had no idea how to help him.
Lord Longyang was delighted and was about to give his thanks when Tao Fang came in and interrupted: “The King has summoned Shaolong to the palace.”
Xiang Shaolong stood up and advised: “Brother Long, please stay here and wait for my news.”
Instructing Tao Fang to take good care of his guest, he rode furiously to the palace.
For the first time ever, the leader of the palace guards, An Gu escorted him personally. He was brought to a Command Centre in the back palace. An Gu was extremely friendly and Xiang Shaolong felt like he is trying to curry favour with him.
An Gu is tall, handsome and imposing. Around the age of twenty five, he is of royal blood despite not sharing the same surname. The leader of the palace guards is normally related to the royal family to ensure their loyalty. Even with Lu Buwei’s manipulation, he cannot change this system. Otherwise, the safety of the Qin King will be in his hands.
An Gu seems to be trying to say something to Xiang Shaolong. When they cross the big courtyard between the palaces, he whispered: “We, the palace guards, are pleased that Grand Tutor Xiang promoted Xu Xian to be the Left Premier.” Xiang Shaolong was finally enlightened on why he is receiving special treatment.
Xu Xian is a talented man but was discounted by Lu Buwei. With Xiang Shaolong supporting him, he naturally won the respect of the military.
As they walked down the long corridor, the palace guards saluted them on both sides. Xiang Shaolong felt extremely proud and prestigious. For a moment, he was intoxicated in all the attention.
An Gu delivered him straight to the Command Centre. The palace guards pushed open the giant door and he entered alone.
The moment he stepped inside, he had a great shock.
King Zhuangxiang was seated his dragon throne on a raised platform. In front of him, there were two rows of important-looking officials.
On the right is Right Premier Lu Buwei and on the left is Left Premier Xu Xian. He also recognized Great General Wang Ling, Lord Guanzhong Cai Ze and General Du Bi. These are the men he met at the duel with Wang Jian. These three men are high-ranking officials and so must be the other five that he hasn’t met before.
(Wang Ling - In Jean’s translation it was Wang He. Must be a typo. In the later chapters, Meng Tian’s name was somehow written as Meng Tin too. I will stick to Wang Ling.)
Xiang Shaolong paid his respects to the King and officials.
King Zhuangxiang was glad to see him and exclaimed: “Grand Tutor Xiang, please rise!”
When Xiang Shaolong got up, Lu Buwei quickly introduced him to the rest of the officials, taking the chance to illustrate their close relationship.
Among the three men that he knew, Wang Ling and Du Bi are important military leaders. They are of the same rank as Wang Jian and Xu Xian. Cai Ze is the Right Premier before Lu Buwei was promoted. Despite retiring from his post, his services are still very much sought after.
One of the newcomers is General Lu Gong who is one of the three Tiger-Generals besides Wang Jian and Xu Xian. He was stocky and around the age of fifty. He has a long beard, thick eyebrows, glittering eyes and a tough built. When he saw Xiang Shaolong, he scrutinised him in an unfriendly manner.
The other four men are Left Marquis Wang Wan, Right Marquis Jia Gongcheng, Lord Yunyang Ying Ao and Lord Yiqu Ying Lou. The last two men are related to the King and are feudal lords.
Everyone has a wooden expression on their face and most of them regarded Xiang Shaolong coldly. Even Xu Xian who ought to be grateful is of no exception. Only Cai Ze and Wang Wan are more courteous.
This emergency meeting has gathered all the important officials in Xianyang City. From this point, Xiang Shaolong can guess how serious the situation is.
Qin’s biggest fear is the unity of the six states. With only the armies of five states, Prince Xinling has defeated the Qin army. It shows that the Qin’s fear is not without reason.
Xiang Shaolong naturally knew where he should stand. Moving to Lu Buwei’s row, he copied the officials’ posture and clasped his hands in front of him.
King Zhuangxiang was as composed as usual. He softly asked: “Does Shaolong know why I have summoned you so urgently?”
Xiang Shaolong could sense trouble coming.
This military meeting has been going on for at least four hours and a solution should have been found. To summon him urgently is to naturally get him to lead an army against Prince Xinling’s forces.
He could also tell that Lu Buwei may be controlling the politics of Qin but in terms of military, he is still inexperienced. With Meng Ao’s defeat, he can only rely on Xiang Shaolong to fight for him.
He may have won some skirmishes but has never led tens of thousands of soldiers in a ferocious battle with the enemy. No wonder the officials are dissatisfied with him.
Xiang Shaolong respectfully said: “I am ignorant!”
Xu Xian cut in: “Your Majesty, please reconsider!”
Lu Gong and the rest of the officials voiced their objections as well.
General Du Bi added: “The combined army is enjoying high morale after their victory. If we disregard Hangu Pass and attack them rashly, we will lose the Pass if we are defeated again. When that happens, the enemies can follow through and annihilate Qin. It is better to defend than to attack in this scenario. ”
Lu Buwei’s face darkened and he coldly said: “We suffered a defeat because the enemy attacked us unexpectedly. This time, we are ready for them and the consequences will be different.”
Lu Gong retorted: “Prince Xinling is a clever and scheming person. That year, he destroyed our forces outside Handan City. History can always repeat itself. How can Right Premier assume that the battle will be so easy?”
Xu Xian added: “Our forces have just been defeated and their morale is low. Unless Sun Wu is reborn, we should retreat. Will Your Majesty please reconsider?”
This is his second time advising King Zhuangxiang to reconsider. This shows how strongly he objects to King Zhuangxiang’s decision.
Lu Buwei angrily state: “Taiyuan Province, Sanchuan Province and Shangdang Province are crucial to our expansion plans. If we allow the idi0t Wuji to blockade us at the Pass, the three provinces will fall. This will strengthen the enemy and weaken us concurrently. Your Majesty, please think about it.”
King Zhuangxiang decided: “I have made up my mind. I hereby decree...”
In this decisive moment, an attendant announced: “Prince Zhen of Wei is here!”
Lu Buwei coldly hissed: “I must kill this man to appease my anger!”
King Zhuangxiang was about to summon Prince Zhen to enter the Command Centre when Xiang Shaolong leapt out. Kneeling down, he kowtowed: “Your Majesty, I have something to say.”
Everyone present was taken aback at his outburst.
In actual fact, Xiang Shaolong did not know what to say as well. All he knew that if Prince Zhen came in and was sentenced to death by King Zhuangxiang, he would fail to keep his promise to Lord Longyang.
He has a complicated relationship with Lord Longyang but since he asked, he feels obligated to help him. Just based on his protection of Zhao Ya, Xiang Shaolong had to do his best.
Astonished, King Zhuangxiang questioned: “What does Shaolong wish to say?”
As Xiang Shaolong was thinking of an excuse, he had a brainwave and replied: “From what I just heard, we will suffer losses regardless of our decision to attack or defend. I have thought of a win-win situation where we can resolve the present danger without losing a single soldier.”
Everyone was amazed and wondered what brilliant plan he may have.
King Zhuangxiang has the most confidence in Xiang Shaolong. That is the reason he accepted Lu Buwei’s recommendation to get Xiang Shaolong to fight Prince Xinling. Pleased, he implored: “Tell me what you have in mind.”
Xiang Shaolong began: “The sole reason that the five states can work together and combine their armies is due to Prince Wuji. If this man is gone, the combined armies will disperse and the three provinces will be safe.”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
Even Lu Buwei wished he had a win-win solution too. He is fighting alone in this war and gambling his career on it. If he suffers another defeat, he will have to forfeit Hangu Pass and naturally, his control over it.
Xiang Shaolong explained: “On my trip to Daliang...” Without hiding any details, he revealed Prince Xinling’s plot to kill King Anli. He concluded: “As long as I tell this story to Prince Zhen and let him tell this story to King Anli, King Anli’s suspicions will be raised. He will fear that when Wei Wuji returns after his victory, he will take the opportunity to kill Anli and take the throne for himself. Therefore, he will summon Wuji back to Wei and confiscate his military seal. The combined armies will fall apart without him.”
Everyone acknowledged that this is a good strategy.
Everyone knows that Prince Xinling is not on good terms with the King of Wei. When Prince Xinling stole the military seal to save Zhao, he stayed in Handan City and dared not return to Wei. Only till Qin attacked Wei and Anli was forced to the corner did he summoned Prince Xinling home. No one will believe that Anli is not jealous of Prince Xinling.
The people of Qin love to sow discord among their enemies.
When Bai Qi attacked Changping, he sowed discord between Lian Po and King Xiaocheng. Eventually, King Xiaocheng replaced Lian Po with Zhao Kuo and they suffered heavy losses.
A small plot is sometimes more powerful than a huge army.
Xu Xian frowned: “Grand Tutor Xiang’s suggestion is brilliant but I am still puzzled. If we release Prince Zhen back to Wei with this story, wouldn’t they know that we are sowing discord?”
Du Bi agreed: “This is a good plan but it is hard to achieve the desired result.”
Xiang Shaolong is not surprised at Du Bi’s criticism. After all, he belongs to Prince Chengqiao’s camp. He must have been a powerful figure and was not dragged down with Lord Yangquan.
Lu Buwei will not show any mercy to his enemies. This man must be of some substance to be able to survive till today.
Xiang Shaolong lied: “Three days ago, Lord Longyang from Wei sent someone to contact me. He wanted me to safeguard the life of Prince Zhen. If I pretend to work with them and helped the Prince escape and at the same time share my story with them, this strategy will succeed.”
King Zhuangxiang praised: “Shaolong lives up to my expectations. This is a wonderful plan. We shall do as you say. Please see to it immediately.”
Xu Xian wanted to avoid fighting at the Pass. Lu Buwei was relieved that he did not have to take any further risks. The discussion topic switched to how to communicate the story to Prince Zhen without arousing his suspicions.
After the discussion, King Zhuangxiang summoned Prince Zheng and gave him a thorough scolding. Lu Buwei suggested sentencing him to death.
Prince Zhen was terrified and fainted on the floor with his face pale with shock. Xiang Shaolong stepped forward and pleaded for mercy, cursing Prince Xinling. Under King Zhuangxiang’s interrogation, he revealed Prince Xinling’s plot.
At the end of the day, Prince Zheng was spared the gallows. He was placed under house arrest and to await further orders.
King Zhuangxiang and Lu Buwei continued to speak while Xiang Shaolong left with the other high-ranking officials.
Everyone’s attitude towards him improved tremendously and heaped praises on him. Only Du Bi left without saying a single word.
Lu Gong and Xu Xian walked together with Xiang Shaolong.
Lu Gong suddenly asked: “Why did you propose General Xu Xian to King Zhuangxiang?”
Xiang Shaolong was moved by his frank question and replied awkwardly: “He is a hero who does not bend his principles. It is as simple as that.”
Xu Xian seriously commented: “Xiang Shaolong is the real hero. I will never be able to reach Grand Tutor’s level where you disregard power and authority. If you had said yes that day, you will be our Left Premier. If you said yes today, you will be our Commander in Chief.”
Within a very short period, Xiang Shaolong has won the respect of the Qin military. He himself found it hard to believe.
When they are about to reach their carriages, a palace maid kneeled at the side, greeting: “Grand Tutor Xiang, please hold your step.”
Xu Xian and Lu Gong knew that he is close to Empress Ji and Prince Zheng. He may have been summoned by Empress Ji. They left first but not before promising to have dinner with him in the near future.
Xiang Shaolong thought that it was Zhu Ji as well. Just as he groaned to himself, the palace maid presented him with an intricate and well-painted box. She left immediately after that.
When Xiang Shaolong opened the painted box, a whiff of fragrance filled his nose. Inside the box, there is a piece of silk paper that was neatly folded. When he opened the paper, he discovered that it was a letter written concisely and orderly. Consisting of a few sentences, it was written in Qin writing style and it was signed off as Qin Qing.
He was afraid and delighted at the same time, thinking that the beauty wanted to share her true feelings with him. After he finished reading, he realised that Qin Qing wanted to invite Ji Yanran to stay over at her place for a few days.
He sighed with relief but could feel some hint of disappointment. His emotions are clashing over this beauty.
Until he went back to join Teng Yi, his mind is still filled with her gracefulness, her charming ways and her warm expression.
Back at the Wu residence, he went to find Lord Longyang.
Xiang Shaolong told Lord Longyang the entire story without leaving any details out. Lord Longyang was astounded: “Since this is a trick, why are you telling me about it?”
Xiang Shaolong shrugged his shoulders: “Lord trusts me deeply and how can I lie to you?”
Lord Longyang asked again: “Is it really true that Prince Xinling wants to assassinate King Anli?”
Xiang Shaolong nodded: “That is really the truth.”
Lord Longyang predicted: “So be it. Although you meant to sow discord, but this is a true incident. If the Qin army holes up in the Pass, Prince Xinling will have to retreat sooner or later and it doesn’t make a difference to me. After this episode, the world will experience peace for a while. My mission is more urgent, which is to escort Prince Zhen back to Daliang. Shaolong must put up a convincing act and we will both stand to benefit.”
Xiang Shaolong naturally understood his meaning.
Lord Longyang has been on loggerheads with Prince Xinling, often plotting against each other. With this evidence to topple him, he will finally get his chance.
Prince Xinling is the mastermind behind the death of Xiao Zhao and the other maids. How he wished he could slice him into two. But on the other hand, he was concerned about Zhao Ya’s safety.
Lord Longyang is a true genius and saw right through him. He assured: “Rest easy. Prince Wuji is famed throughout the six states and King Anli dared not take his life. It is not as simple as you thing. Anli will only confiscate his military seal and make him idle. No matter what, I will protect Zhao Ya.”
Xiang Shaolong could finally remove that burden on his mind. He continued to discuss the ‘rescue operation’ with Lord Longyang. That every night, they ‘easily’ rescued Prince Zhen and even provided travel documents to cross the Pass. Lord Longyang and Prince Zhen hurried back to Wei.
To evade Lu Buwei’s marriage proposal, he rushed back to the farm, riding non-stop even at night.
His mood is improving by leaps and bounds, finally resuming the cheerful days he had with his three wives and the Tian sisters.
Shan Lan gave birth to a baby boy and presented him to Xiang Shaolong. It was double happiness for him.
In the midst of all the celebrations, a unique visitor showed up at the farm. It was Master Tu Xian.
This General Manager of the Premier Residence has a serious look on his face. The minute he sat down, he sighed: “We are in trouble!”
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