Novel Name : A Step into the Past

Volume 12 Chapter 3

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Book 12 Chapter 03 – Exposing The Plot
As everyone rode towards the city gates, the sky is beginning to brighten.
Xiang Shaolong just turned onto the road leading out of the city when he held his horse to a halt.
Teng Yi, Jing Jun, the Eighteen Guardians and Wu Jie, as well as some of the elite brothers hurriedly come to a stop as well.
The cold morning wind is blowing hard at their clothes.
The long road seems deserted but a killing aura can be felt in the air.
With the wind blowing and leaves falling, the trees on both sides rustled.
Xiang Shaolong smiled bitterly: “No matter what, I must fetch Yanran before I can leave in peace.”
Teng Yi was dazed and frowned: “She is with Qin Qing and should be safe.”
Xiang Shaolong insisted: “I understand but I still feel uneasy. Ai! I am sorry.”
Teng Yi and Jing Jun looked at each other and both of them have a helpless look on their face. The trip back to the farms must not be delayed and cannot afford this additional time lapse.
Wu Jie suggested: “Master Xiang! Why don’t you send someone to fetch her?”
Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi exchanged glances, both feeling nervous about this. They were reminded about the time when they left for Wei and wanted to change their travelling path but was strongly objected by Lu Xiong.
The elite squad members have been through the toughest training. When their superiors are talking, they are taught never to interrupt. Why is this Wu Jie so courageous? Would Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi be so dim witted to require his advice?
Xiang Shaolong’s suspicions are raised and he lied: “Shall Wu Jie and Master Jing fetch her on my behalf?”
Wu Jie was taken aback and protested: “That would be wrong! I still have to guide Master Xiang and Master Teng, Ao!”
Under Teng Yi’s gestures, Wu Yan Zhu and We Shu rode up from behind. Using their long swords, they held Wu Jie hostage.
Xiang Shaolong’s eyes are shining coldly and laughed icily: “Wu Jie, do you know where you went wrong and exposed yourself”
Wu Jie’s countenance changed: “I did not! I am not a spy!” The moment he said these words, he knew that he has let the cat out of the bag.
Knowing that Xiang Shaolong has a high standing in the Wu Family and is exceedingly farsighted. In front of him, Wu Jie was psychologically affected and gave his game away.
Jing Jun blew his top and barked: “Pull him down the horse!”
Wu Shu delivered a kick and sent Wu Jie falling down from his horse. Before he can stand up, Teng Yi jumped down his horse, held him up by his hair and punched him squarely in his abdomen.
Wu Jie was in so much pain his body curled up. Two of the Guardians held him up and forced him to stand straight.
Jing Jun came in front of him and drew out a dagger. Pressing it against his throat, he coldly promised: “One lie and this dagger will pierce your throat. I will only pierce a reasonable hole so that you will slowly bleed to death in about ten days.”
Wu Jie’s face turned as white as snow. Breaking down, he sobbed: “It is Young Master who forced me to do this. Ai! It is all my fault! I owe him a lot of money in the past.”
Everyone was enlightened and thanked their lucky stars. If not for Xiang Shaolong wanting to fetch Ji Yanran, they would be ambushed and died a wrongful death.
What a devious plot!
Xiang Shaolong regained some hope and interrogated: “Is Master Wu really dead?”
Wu Jie shook his head: “That is a lie. Everything is the same at the farms. Young Master only wanted to get rid of you three. Otherwise, I will not do it. Ya!”
Wu Shu hit him at the waist with his knee.
Xiang Shaolong could feel his spirits rising and ordered: “This chap shall be handed to Second Brother to be further interrogated. Little Jun and I are going over to Qin Qing’s residence. After we fetched Yanran, we will plan our next step.”
After fixing a place to meet, he rode with Jing Jun towards Qin Qing’s residence and was grateful for a narrow escape.
On the road, Xiang Shaolong felt like a brand new man.
If Lu Buwei’s plots all came from this man called Mo Ao, then this man is the most clever and devious man who is also well-versed with psychological attacks.
If this plan succeeded, he will only outlive King Zhuangxiang by two days.
This is a chain plot.
First, Lu Buwei could not kill Xiang Shaolong at the red pine forest. He turned his attention to Wu Tingwei who indulges in wine and women. Using Lao Ai and a courtesan, he made use of his unhappiness with Xiang Shaolong and got him to switch sides.
To gain Lu Buwei’s favour, he disclosed the Wu Family plans to leave. This traitor was then determined to eliminate Xiang Shaolong for good.
The plan to poison King Zhuangxiang should have been prepared much earlier in order to consolidate his power.
So Lu Buwei used the banquet to lure him to Xianyang City. After King Zhuangxiang’s death, he will lure him out of the city and assassinate him on the roads.
Now that Qin is in chaos over King Zhuangxiang’s death and Xiang Shaolong is the sworn-enemy of the six states, no one will be bothered if he is killed.
The lie about Wu Yingyuan’s death, chaos in the farm is not without loopholes.
From Wu Jie’s words, Tao Fang seems to be overrated. But King Zhuangxiang has just been poisoned to death. Already mentally unsettled, they will not be surprised if Lu Buwei poisoned Wu Yingyuan as well.
In reality, Wu Tingwei may be useless but he is only anti-Xiang Shaolong and not so heartless to take his own father’s life.
With the potential threat of enemies attacking the farms, they do not have much time to think things over but to hastily rush back to the farm. This way, they will fall straight into Lu Buwei’s well-thought trap.
If not for Xiang Shaolong’s love for Ji Yanran, they will die without even knowing why.
Xiang Shaolong let out a long breath and gathered his courage. Whipping his horse, he and Jing Jun rode along the wide roads of Xianyang City towards Qin Qing’s residence.
In white mourning clothes, Qin Qing received the two men in her main hall.
Without makeup, her original and enchanting beauty overwhelmed them. They dared not look straight at her but could not resist feasting their eyes on her appearance.
Jing Jun was completed awe-struck. When he was served tea by a maid, he held the cup foolishly in the hand and did not even take a few sips.
Qin Qing calmly asked: “Grand Tutor Xiang came here so early in the morning. Is there something urgent?”
Xiang Shaolong can sense the displeasure in her tone. He apologised: “It is nothing urgent. We wish to fetch Yanran back to the farms!”
Finished, he felt that his reason lacked strength. It was decided earlier than Yanran would stay for a few days but they are fetching her before three days has passed. In such a hurried fashion and so early in the morning, it is considered a rude gesture.
Qin Qing instructed someone to notify Ji Yanran and furrowed her long eyelashes in deep thought.
Xiang Shaolong sipped the hot tea and looked around him.
The hall was simply decorated without a hint of luxury. Its humbleness reflects the class and taste of it female owner.
Qin Qing plainly state: “For Grand Tutor Xiang to change his mind so suddenly, don’t you think you owe me a proper explanation?”
Xiang Shaolong was feeling troubled and remained silent.
He could not bear to lie to her.
Qin Qing softly sighed: “Don’t feel bad. At least you will not tell lies like others. If you leave like this with the recent death of His Majesty, you will invite rumours and gossips.”
Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: “I will come back shortly. Ai! There are many things in the world that is beyond our control.”
Qin Qing repeated ‘Beyond our control’ a few times. She suddenly asked in a soft voice: “Does Grand Tutor Xiang think that His Majesty’s death is rather unexpected?”
Xiang Shaolong was stunned that she has suspicions regarding King Zhuangxiang’s death. He is committed to mislead her or she will be harmed by Lu Buwei and frantically replied: “The Imperial Physicians will know what is going on.”
Qin Qing raised her petite face and eyed him with suspicion and coldly state: “I wish to know your personal thoughts.”
This is the first time Xiang Shaolong is looking into her eyes without any reservations. Trying his best to suppress the guilt in his eyes, he sighed: “My brain is in a mess and I have not thought about that.”
Qin Qing’s eyes bore straight at him and continued her icy dialogue: “In that case, what did Grand Tutor Xiang say into His Majesty’s ears that caused him to put his mind at ease and die in peace. Only Prince Zheng heard what you said but he is unwilling to tell me and Empress Ji.”
Xiang Shaolong’s limbs turned ice-cold, recognizing that he has committed a serious error.
The words he said were right but the problem is he did not fix a lie with Xiao Pan.
If someone questions and they said different things, it will show that one of them is lying.
He was only concerned about Lu Buwei and whispered to King Zhuangxiang. He forgot that on the other side of the bed, there were Zhu Ji, Lady Xiuli and a bunch of palace maids. Sooner or later, Lu Buwei may know about this as well.
Thanks to Qin Qing’s reminder, he can try to salvage this via Li Si.
Qin Qing saw that his face is changing colour. When she was about to question further, Ji Yanran came in.
Xiang Shaolong hurriedly stood up and sighed: “Grand Tutor Qin’s life has always been peaceful and does not meddle in worldly affairs. I do not wish to see Grand Tutor embroiled in complicated affair.”
Leading Ji Yanran, he bade farewell and left.
Staring at Xiang Shaolong, Qin Qing’s eyes revealed mixed feelings. Except arranging to meet up with Ji Yanran in the future, she did not say anything more to Xiang Shaolong. However, Xiang Shaolong could feel that she is beginning to understand him better.
When they met up with Teng Yi, Ji Yanran has been updated about everything that has happened.
The traitor Wu Jie is riding a horse but his legs are tied to the harness. Unless one looks carefully, he looks like any other horseman.
Everyone rode out of the city towards the farms.
Entering a dense forest, they stopped.
Jing Jun tied Wu Jie to a tree and instructed the Eighteen Guardians to keep watch.
Teng Yi’s expression grows serious and detailed: “The people ambushing us are led by Lu Buwei’s top guy Guan Zhongxie. Although with only a hundred and fifty warriors, they are the best fighters from Premier Residence. Master Tu did not even know about this at all. It appears to me that the balance of power is slowly shifting to Mo Ao and Guan Zhongxie.”
Xiang Shaolong enquired: “Where are they planning to ambush us?”
Teng Yi pointed to a nearby valley named Plum Valley and state: “Of course they chose a place that is hard for us to escape. Based on our present strength, fighting them is like throwing an egg against a stone. A bigger issue is that Wu Jie has revealed our secrets to Lu Buwei.”
Xiang Shaolong sighed secretly. So Lu Buwei has identified Wu Tingwei as their weakest link a long time ago. Since they have no idea about his treachery, they are always one step slower than him.
Ji Yanran simply countered: “We need not panic yet. I am sure Brother-in-law and Wu Jie have limited knowledge about our real strength.”
Xiang Shaolong agreed that it was a close shave. While raising this army of five thousand elite warriors, he included the classification of secrets as well from his 21st century military training. Except for them, the core leaders of the elite army, their subordinates only react to orders. Any one of them alone will not have complete information about army strength, fighting prowess, armour and weapons. They will know things on a need to know basis. To further limit information outflow, they are strictly prohibited from discussing their training. As a result, Wu Jie’s knowledge is limited.
Teng Yi nodded: “It is fortunate that we have precautions in place. But Lu Buwei will be extra wary of us. Hng! What shall we do now?”
Ji Yanran implored: “Where is Brother-in-law now?”
Teng Yi replied: “Of course he is back at the farm waiting for good news and to avoid suspicions at the same time. Guan Zhongxie will naturally kill Wu Jie. Dead men tell no tales.”
Ji Yanran proposed: “That’s great. We will return to the farm now and force Brother-in-law and Wu Jie to verify each other’s words. We must find out if there are any other traitors in the family. After we have solved our internal problem, we will fight to the end with Lu Buwei. Worse come to worse, we simply die! We must take revenge for Princess Qian and those who died for us.”
Xiang Shaolong was agonized. Lu Buwei will enjoy at least another eight years of power and he does not know his own ending as it is not stated in history. The weather for the future looks gloomy indeed.
He nodded: “We will let Guan Zhongxie live a while longer. Let’s return to the farms!”
Silent all these while, Jing Jun signalled and summoned the Eighteen Guardians. Together with Wu Jie, they took a left detour back towards the farms.
As the travelling distance is much longer, they are still twenty miles from the farms at nightfall.
As everyone was preparing to pitch their tents, Xiang Shaolong sounded: “Wait! Master Tu mentioned that Guan Zhongxie is both clever and highly-skilled. We took so much time to leave the city and will raise his suspicions. He will send spies and they will soon find out that we have changed our travelling path. It is better to play safe. Even if we have overestimated him, it is still better than to lose our lives.”
Jing Jun jumped up excitedly: “If he attacks us during the night, I will let them taste their own medicine.”
Xiang Shaolong smiled: “My sentiments exactly.”
The campsite was situated beside a small river.
Five tents are surrounding a weak fire and there are straw men asleep in the tents and standing guard. It looks just as real unless one looks closely.
Hiding in a dense forest uphill, their bows and arrows are prepared to give any invaders a surprise.
However, there is no activity even till late into the night.
Last night, they did not sleep at all and travelled the entire day. Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi could not hold back and started yawning.
Ji Yanran suggested: “Why don’t we take turns to sleep or we will all die of tiredness.”
When Xiang Shaolong woke up, he found Ji Yanran still in deep slumber in his arms. The sun is shining strongly and the birds are chirping, heralding Spring.
He could feel tranquillity in his soul as he scrutinized the well-proportioned Ji Yanran sleeping.
Now that he is far away from Xianyang City, he is enjoying the fresh air and the love of this beauty whose body is being illuminated by the sun. All of a sudden, his tense emotions and burdened mind feels like they have been relieved and freed.
Like a Buddha who has gained enlightenment, he realised one thing. The reason why he is on the losing end is because Lu Buwei has been planning against him right from the start and he is burdened by his knowledge that Lu Buwei will remain unchallenged for eight years.
If he continues to remain passive, he will be at the losing end.
He may not be able to kill Lu Buwei in the coming eight years, but history has proven that he will be defeated by Xiao Pan, Li Si, Wang Jian, etc.
In other words, there is no way these people will come to harm.
Since this is the case, why doesn’t he borrow their strength and fight till the end with Lu Buwei. King Zhuangxiang’s death has proven that no one can change history.
Even if he died, Xiao Pan will avenge him when he is crowned King on his twenty first birthday.
Thinking about this, he completely relaxed.
Teng Yi’s voice rang out behind him: “Third Brother is awake!”
Xiang Shaolong tried to move Ji Yanran.
The beauty hummed and woke up. Shyly, she crawled up from Xiang Shaolong bosom and sat to the side. Still dazed from her sleep, she asked: “Guan Zhongxie is not here yet?”
Her lazy yet enchanting posture caused both men to stare blankly at her.
Ji Yanran shot them a dirty look and yelped: “I am going to wash up by the river!”
She was about to take a step when Xiang Shaolong stopped her, warning: “The smart Guan Zhongxie may have seen through our trap. Moreover, the campsite is near the river and it is easy to flee. If I am him, I will move my ambush further down the road or I will wait at the campsite until daybreak. If Yanran goes like this, you will fall into their trap.”
Teng Yi came to his side and scrutinized him. Fascinated, he exclaimed: “Third Brother seems like a brand new man. Since the last mission, I have never seen you so full of confidence, fighting spirit and alertness.”
Ji Yanran happily added: “Second Brother is right. This is the hero Yanran loves.”
Xiang Shaolong knew what they meant. Since untying the dead knot in his heart, he has regained his ambition and heroic air. Summoning Jing Jun and the Eighteen Guardians, he told them his theory.
Jing Jun nodded: “This is easy. We, the Jing village hunters, spend long hours in the wild tracking animals. As long as Guan Zhongxie has his men come near the campsite, even if they just rode one round, we will be able to detect their existence.”
Under his command, the six hunters from the Eighteen Guardians left with him.
Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi further interrogated Wu Jie about Wu Tingwei and discovered that Lao Ai was involved as they suspected.
After they prepared breakfast, the two men went to another side of the slope and admired the beautiful scenery. As they ate their food, Teng Yi sighed: “It is not as bad as we thought. From Wu Jie’s confession. Only Wu Tingwei has betrayed us.”
Ji Yanran sighed: “He is Tingfang’s elder brother. What can we do to him?”
Xiang Shaolong coldly snorted: “There is no more relationships to talk about. If we don’t kill him, we will send him outside the central plains and let Big Brother imprison him there. He will never step into Qin for eternity.”
Teng Yi was pleased: “Second Brother has regained the composure you had as Dong Horse Fanatic in Handan City.”
Jing Jun was seen hurrying back. Full of respect, he reported: “Third Brother has excellent foresight. Two miles away from the camp, we discovered horse dropping and signs of grass that has been eaten by horses. Following the trail, we detected that the enemy has relocated the ambush further up north.”
Teng Yi was astonished: “He knows the place well. That is a path we must use to get home. Unless we turn back and use another route, we will have to climb over the mountains.”
Xiang Shaolong stared at the river below and concluded: “He will leave some men to continue spying on us. In this wilderness, he can do whatever he wants. The men he left behind should already be more than enough to eliminate us.”
Ji Yanran mused: “This Guan Zhongxie is so clever. He will leave some men behind as hubby had guessed. Thus, even if we slip away, they can still pursue us.”
Jing Jun showed the fearless side of him and cursed: “If they have split into two groups to attack us simultaneously from the front and the back, we can use this against them and attack them separately.”
Teng Yi dismissed: “You are young and reckless, only knowing how to fight. If the enemy surrounds us, how can we escape?”
Jing Jun was dumbfounded.
Xiang Shaolong lied down and stared at the tree branches and clouds above him. He leisurely mentioned: “Let’s have a good sleep first. When the enemy is confused over whether we have left last night or this morning, it will be time to go home.”
Everyone gazed at him with surprise, wondering how he plans to get out of this tight situation.
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