Novel Name : Heart Protection

Chapter 52

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The grave of Yan Hui's mother was on a small hillside outside the village. It was almost noon by the time the pair walked up the hill.
It was a little hot, but that was precisely when the sky would be a stunning clear blue. Wild flowers bloomed everywhere. Yan Hui took a deep breath, walked up the hill, and saw the lone grave that had been unswept for so long. She silently stood there for a long time. Then she knelt down in front of it. However, it wasn't a proper posture like when other people payed respects to a grave.
Yan Hui had an innate undisciplined air. She wasn't overly respectful, yet nor was she disrespectful.
"Mother." She looked off to the side. There was another tombstone erected askew. It wasn't straight like the tombstone Yan Hui was kneeling in front of. She pursed her mouth and called out, "Drunkard old man." She tapped her head against the ground, "Your daughter has returned to visit you two."
Yan Hui carried a jar of wine bought from the village's brewer madam. She uncorked it and poured it out in front of the crooked tombstone. "I'm lazy, so I'm not going to pull out the grass growing here. In any case, it's going to grow back."
Tian Yao had been silently listening for a long time, but in the end he couldn't resist speaking over her: "Since you've come from so far, why aren't you willing to just clean up the graves?"
"When Mother passed away, we were so poor we couldn't even afford a flimsy coffin. She was buried right under the grassy layer." Yan Hui wiped at the words on the gravestone. "What if the grass was grown by my mother?"
Tian Yao silently listened.
Yan Hui's mother died early, so Yan Hui didn't have many memories of her. However Yan Hui still remembered how she felt sitting by her mother's side, watching her mom mend clothing and listening to her humming.
Yan Hui never felt such tender protection from anyone else after that.
After her mom passed away, her dad started to drink heavily. He was stuck in a drunken stupor all day long. Yan Hui as a result grew up like a wild child. Even though Ling Xiao eventually brought her to Chen Xing Mountain, no one could replace the warmth she felt from her mother.
Yan Hui sat in front of the grave for a long time. Then she dusted her butt off and stood up: "Let's go."
Tian Yao turned to look at her: "To where?"
Yan Hui rummaged around in her bag. There was a sound of jingling keys: "I've paid my respects to my parents. Of course we're going to get the reward I nearly sacrificed my life for."
Feng Ya Town was actually still a bit of a distance from Yan Hui's village, but with the Propelling Sword technique, it was only half a day's travel. For the first time, Yan Hui didn't make a fuss about using the Propelling Sword with her tag-along. As long as Tian Yao didn't keep asking her dumb questions, she could pretend to be stupid and silently take him along with her.
In any case, he wasn't hindering her in any way.
With the Propelling Sword technique, they reached Feng Ya Town at nightfall. The pair seemed used to rushing down their journey and staying at inns. Although neither of them had been to this town before, they easily found an inn after reading the signs and asked for two rooms.
Yan Hui originally planned on a calm and deep sleep tonight. But at midnight, she heard a rustling sound on the roof.
It sounded like one person was chasing another right overhead.
Then the two people started to talk right above her room.
According to convention, Yan Hui shouldn't be able to hear what they were saying. However, she used the heart technique Tian Yao taught her and was able to hear the whisperers on the roof right in her ear.
"Crown prince, crown prince. Ow. Please come back with me. Stop searching in Central Plains. The person wasn't found, yet you are still here. How am I suppose to explain this to Seventh Prince?"
"Just say whatever. Until I found my aunt, I won't return."
The child's voice sounded strangely familiar to Yan Hui.
"Ah you devil. Last time you were captured by Chen Xing Mountain's daoist priest. It scared this servant to death. In the end you were fine. It's been so long, but you still haven't found her. Please give up. The king of course will send other people to search."
Yan Hui raised an eyebrow at what she heard. For the time being, she put aside her sleep and sat up. Then she dashingly leaned against the wall.
"I won't. I won't return until I find my aunt! There'll be a clue in this town."
"Ah you brat, come back. What if a daoist priest captures you in the middle of the night?"
The pair's footsteps passed over the roof. Their voices also got fainter and fainter.
Yan Hui rubbed her chin and slowly pondered over what she just heard.
Scared of being caught by xian cultivators. If they weren't demons, then they were heretical cultivators. Earlier, they also mentioned a king. A servant and a prince. Based on those, Yan Hui inferred they were likely from the demon race and might be from the nine-tailed fox demon clan. After all, heretical cultivators didn't have such rankings.
The little prince wanted to find his aunt. Then his aunt was a princess.
Qing Qiu's nine-tailed fox demon princess.
Yan Hui suddenly had a recollection. Previously when she was at Heavenly Fragrance, Feng Qian Shuo came to save her and Tian Yao. He talked to Feng Ming there and said, "Qing Qiu lost a nine-tailed fox demon princess."
Looks like that really did happen.
This indeed was big news, but it also had nothing to do with her. Yan Hui curled her lip and yawned. She minded her own business and went back to sleep.
Early the second day, Yan Hui brought Tian Yao along to Qi Jue Clan's jewelry story. She had to first get some money and then figure out where to go along with her permanent second shadow.
Qi Jue Clan's jewelry store was located on the town's business street. Two burly, big men stood in front of the store's main door and guarded it with stony faces. Every person that wanted to walk through the doors was stopped and questioned. Yan Hui was no exception when she walked over. Two big hands extended and blocked her path: "What's your business?"
Yan Hui took out the key from her bag: "I"m here to get money."
The two burly men froze for a second and then immediately withdrew their hands. They took a step back and bowed in greeting: "Us subordinates were impudent. Madam, come in "
So a key could have this kind of effect. Yan Hui was secretly pleased. She even put on an act and nodded her head: "No need to be overly respectful. You may rise." Yan Hui glanced back at Tian Yao. From her smug smile, it looked like she was showing off. Tian Yao just expressionlessly looked back.
He received this kind of respect plenty of times in the past.
Tian Yao didn't bow and scrape over Yan Hui. In comparison, the moment Yan Hui walked through the doors, the shopkeeper fluttered over and started bowing and scraping: "Madam, did the higher-ups send madam here to inspect our operations?"
Yan Hui shook her head: "I'm just here to retrieve money. I'm passing through."
"Oh yes, of course," the shopkeeper repeatedly cried. "Perhaps madam would like to rest in the rear courtyard for a few moments. This humble shopkeeper will get some money for madam."
Yan Hui nodded in agreement and allowed the shopkeeper to lead the way.
They had just reached the courtyard when Yan Hui's sharp ears picked up a familiar voice. It furiously and sorrowfully cried: "There's no news anywhere! Aunt must have ran into trouble!"
"Oh, you little devil. Squash that thought! Don't go thinking nonsense."
Yan Hui looked up. In front of her was an old man and a young boy. They both wore hats. The old man was slightly stooped over, and he humbly followed the boy, who stood proudly with head high and chest out.
And this boy.......
Yan Hui narrowed her eyes. She never thought she would meet him again in the jianghu. It was the young fox demon that was caged in Xin Xiu Peak.
Turns out he was Qin Qiu's crown prince. No wonder why he stood out from the group of fox demons that had been caged. It was the bearing and responsibility of a royal family member.
Yan Hui's gaze rested on the crown prince's face for just a moment. Then she subconsciously ducked behind Tian Yao to avoid inviting trouble. She planned to pass by the crown prince, not wanting to meet face-to-face again.
While Yan Hui wanted to hide, the other party completely disregarded her intention. She heard a sharp shout: "It's her!"
Yan Hui ducked behind Tian Yao's back and let out a long sigh. The crown prince was young. He didn't understand not meeting, just brushing past, was a type of kindness.
The crown prince walked forward two steps but was immediate caught by the old man from behind: "Sir." The man's voice was quiet but extremely strained: "That person has a xian aura."
The crown prince actually halted.
Someone holding the prince back was really good.
Yan Hui cleared her throat and stepped out from behind Tian Yao. She shot a glance in their direction, clutching at Tian Yao in preparation to dash away. But then she heard the crown prince mumble to himself: "She's different from that xian person." Then he shook off the man's hand, took three steps, and blocked Yan Hui's path.
Yan Hui sighed. Oh youngster, listen to your elders, so you won't meet disaster.
The boy was shorter than Yan Hui. Standing in front of Yan Hui, he had to look upwards: "I looked a long time for you after what happened."
Yan Hui wanted to sigh at his words. She turned to look at Tian Yao and saw him staring back with a subtle expression. She didn't know what for. Ahead, the shopkeeper took the initiative to perplexedly call out: "Sir."
That call made the crown prince's eyes slightly light up: "You're still working here."
Yan Hui cleared her throat and solemnly looked at the crown prince with bright eyes: "Sir, I don't recognize you. Perhaps you mistook me for someone else."
The crown prince was stunned. His animated face faltered for a moment. He immediately frowned: "No, it's you. Don't think about pretending to not recognize me. I've always remembered your face. I haven't forgotten for a single day."
Yan Hui was vexed. She said he made a mistake, so just leave it be. Don't bring up how good your memory is. Yan Hui kept her calm act: "You got the wrong person." She turned to the shopkeeper. "Shopkeeper, this is?"
The shopkeeper promptly replied: "It was a mistake, a mistake. Sir, so to speak, you truly got the wrong person."
The shopkeeper was very glib. With just a few phrases, the crown prince was stunned into silence. The prince actually started to think he did make a mistake. The man by his side was still urging him away. After a moment, the old man was able to lead the boy away.
Yan Hui heaved a long silent sigh of relief.
She turned to question the shopkeeper: "What kind of people are they to have with the jewelry store?"
The shopkeeper hurried piled on smiles and replied: "Madam, we are not just a jewelry store. We also deal in information. Those in the rear courtyard are most likely here to buy information. As for who they are, they are clients and big spenders. Naturally, we don't dare pry more."
Yan Hui nodded her head. They were trying to use Qi Jue Group's intel to find the whereabouts of the nine-tailed fox demon princess.
The shopkeeper continued to lead the two of them out. Yan Hui follow closely behind but discovered Tian Yao didn't keep up. She turned to look, and Tian Yao was still standing in the same spot. He still had that subtle expression that Yan Hui couldn't place a finger on: "Your flings aren't few."
Yan Hui reflected on what he said: "Tian Yao, could it be that you're jealous?"
Those words were like a slap to Tian Yao. His face tightened, and he became grave. The subtle look in his eyes was gone: "You're overthinking it." He took two steps past Yan Hui: "That isn't something I would do."
Yan Hui pursed her lips. She internally agreed. Tian Yao did say in this lifetime he would no longer be infected by love. When all is said and done, someone who has experienced emotional betrayal wouldn't love another again.
If Tian Yao was still able to love another person, then that person's charm had to be dazzling, and who knows how much determination Tian Yao must have had.
Yan Hui considered and concluded she didn't have those qualifications.
They sat in the courtyard and drank tea for a little while before the shopkeeper came back. He brought back money, three large silver ingots, which fell heavily in Yan Hui's hand. He also brought back banknotes for use everywhere and a small stack of change.
Yan Hui took them, happiness welling up from the bottom of her heart and warmth spreading throughout her body. However she still hadn't fully appreciated the feeling of money when Tian Yao took one ingot from her hand.
Yan Hui was stunned and indignant. She heard Tian Yao say to the shopkeeper: "If I want to buy intel, is this ingot enough?"
The shopkeeper was also stunned: "Um..." He glanced at Yan Hui and saw her pluck the ingot from Tian Yao's hand and cradle it in hers. Then she looked at the shopkeeper and said: "If I want intel, do I also have to pay?"
The shopkeeper wiped away sweat: "Madam just needs to tell us when you want to know. No need to pay."
Yan Hui nudged Tian Yao: "Then what he wants to ask is what I want to ask. Answer his questions." She hatefully looked at Tian Yao. Her expression basically said, "I will help you know what you want to know, but don't touch my money."
The shopkeeper forced a smile and couldn't help silently curse. What kind of people the upper management send?
Tian Yao seemed accustomed to Yan Hui's actions. His expression didn't falter the slightest.
The shopkeeper maintained the dignified shopkeeper appearance. He gave the pair a slight bow: "Intel isn't under my purview. This humble shopkeeper will call over another. Sir, whatever you wish to ask, please ask."
Yan Hui, still cradling the ingots, waited for the shopkeeper to leave before distractedly asking Tian Yao: "Are you going to ask where your dragon tendons and muscles were scattered? Qi Jue Group didn't exist twenty years ago. My guess is the Group won't know where they were sealed."
"No." Tian Yao's finger lightly tapped the tabletop. "I also want to ask about the whereabouts of Qin Qiu's nine-tailed fox demon princess."
Yan Hui was stunned: "Why?"
Tian Yao shot her a look: "Because genuine fox lust fragrance must be made with nine-tailed fox demon blood to be refined into existence."
At first, Yan Hui had no reaction to his words. However after thinking it over, she felt like she had been splashed with a bucketful of icy water in the middle of winter. She was chilled to the bone. She turned to look at Tian Yao in astonishment.
"Do you suspect...?"
Tian Yao didn't respond.
Yan Hui was flustered and unsettled.....
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