Novel Name : Heart Protection

Chapter 83

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In just a few moments, the formation made by the Guang Han Sect's cultivators immediately immediate a killing aura, which was accompanied by an even more biting frigid wind. It clawed at Yan Hui's skin.
Tian Yao glanced at the formation, and his eyes slightly dimmed: "Yan Hui." She turned at his quiet call and saw his face had a slight pallor. He said, "This formation is suppressive for me."
Yan Hui frowned at his words.
Tian Yao looked at Yan Hui: "My dragon heart is in the hall. I'll rip apart the hall's barrier and block the cultivators outside. You seize the chance to go in and get my heart." He continued, "Now that you're cultivating the demon pathway, with your strength you can break whatever seal is on it."
What.........did those words mean?
Yan Hui didn't have time to consider them when Tian Yao lowly said: "Get ready."
In this situation, it wasn't the time to ask him. Yan Hui hurriedly squashed her question and refocused with rapt attention. She warily looked at Ling Fei, who was also prepared and ready. Yan Hui waited until she heard Tian Yao say: "Go." At that word, Yan Hui immediately shot forward like an arrow.
Tian Yao followed in close behind. Those two always had a tacit understanding between them. Even though only a few words were exchanged between them, both did exactly what the other wanted without needing to think about it.
Yan Hui pretended to attack Ling Fei. There already was a grudge between them, so when Ling Fei saw Yan Hui charging over, Ling Fei immediately attacked several times with red eyes. Tian Yao took the chance to rush to the hall's barrier. Guang Han Sect's cultivators in the sky saw the situation. Those cultivators involved in the formation weren't able to disengage from it. Those that weren't involved in the formation most likely didn't have a high enough cultivation level. By the time they reacted and bent over to stop Tian Yao, he had already ripped a hole in the barrier.
The very moment the barrier ripped, Yan Hui stopped fighting. Without another word, Yan Hui's figure flashed away from Ling Fei's attack and reappeared in another flash within the barrier.
Tian Yao urgently proceeded to move to where Yan Hui once was and blocked Ling Fei from pursuing Yan Hui.
With a brandish of his wide sleeves, Ling Fei felt a wave of heat assault her senses.She originally cultivated water magic, which was opposed to fire in the Five Phases. Ling Fei was face-to-face with a murderous, flaming Tian Yao. She couldn't help feeling like she was in a very thorny situation.
The flames around Tian Yao's body slowly condensed within his hands until they formed a jian that glowed hotter than the sun. He blocked the barrier with the jian in hand. He didn't say a word in warning not to step closer, but it clearly transmitted to everyone.
Ling Fei realized something while she was fighting Yan Hui-----that brat had cultivated the demon pathway astonishingly fast, but she didn't have enough time. Compared to Yan Hui's cultivation level before, her current level was far below that. Before when Yan Hui was a xian cultivator, it was possible she was even with Ling Fei's level, but now Yan Hui wasn't even a worthy opponent. Yan Hui relied on a surprise attack with a few clever tricks just now to be evenly matched. If the fight went on a little longer, Ling Fei was positive she could rip Yan Hui into so many pieces not even a shred would be left.
Furthermore with the rate Yan Hui was learning demon cultivation, it would be best if Ling Fei could completely eliminated Yan Hui today. That would avoid endless trouble in the future.........
Ling Fei darkly looked at Tian Yao. The horsetail whist in her hand was slowly accumulating power.
Her older sister, Su Ying, loved her dearly. Knowing that Guang Han Sect's technique was grueling, Su Ying didn't teach much to her. It was only the Killing Demon technique that Su Ying repeated urged her to learn.
Ever since the Guang Han Sect erected the barrier around the mountain, every single new disciple had to learn the Killing Demon technique. The formation for it was large and had an intense murderous aura. Those whose cultivation fell behind by just a little wouldn't be able to form it.
But after learning it, Ling Fei's water magic could reach its highest potential within this formation.
Ling Fei waved her whist. Immediately razor-sharp snowflakes fluttered down like needle-point arrows. The light gleaming on their razor edges was dazzling. Multitudes of these ice arrows aimed directly at Tian Yao.
However Tian Yao had no different reaction upon seeing this. He didn't even twitch an eyebrow. He just smirked: "The first repetition. It hasn't changed a bit."
Ling Fei was a little surprised by his words, but she didn't let it show. With another move of her whisk, the ice arrows streamed down onto Tian Yao. Tian Yao manipulated his magic, and his raging flames morphed into a fire dragon that wound around his body. The ice arrows melted into water that pitter pattered onto the ground like a downpour of rain.
Ling Fei sharply frowned and cast more water techniques. The snow that had built up behind her morphed into a snow dragon and fought with Tian Yao's fire dragon which was still wound around his body.
There were never ceasing sounds of clashes in the fight. Even though Tian Yao was standing in the middle of the battle, he didn't even flinch.
Ling Fei grew anxious and waved her whist at the ground. The snow on the ground was turned into multiple ice jian. They flew toward the fight, all aiming at Tian Yao. Under the press of attack, Tian Yao was forced to ward them off with his own jian.
Actually, Tian Yao still thought this scene looked very familiar. It was because 20 years ago, Tian Yao went to "save" Su Ying who ended up a "risky situation". He had lept forward and hugged her only to be stabbed in the stomach by her jian.
That was the softest point in his body. Only someone he loved would be able to get close to that area.
Su Ying skewered him.
But now there was nothing that would skewer him because there was nothing he wanted to protect.
Tian Yao shattered the ice jians. His aura intensified and swept away the surrounding ice and snow. The frigid cold enveloping him was also banished. He looked to where Ling Fei but shockingly discovered she had disappeared. She vanished in that split second he had looked away.
Tian Yao suddenly had an ominous premonition. It was like something was squeezing his chest. He looked behind him and saw Ling Fei had undid the hall's barrier and already entered...........
Yan Hui was inside........
She currently didn't have the ability to protect herself against Ling Fei!
When Tian Yao realized that, it was like being ruthlessly stabbed. His murderous gaze sharpened. He launched his jian with a low shout. It sprung forward, wreathed in leaping flames, to strike down Ling Fei.
The jian was heading straight at her shoulders. Ling Fei struck it down with a muffled grunt.
But when she saw Tian Yao walking toward her like a malevolent Asura, her courage broke. She flusteredly formed a hand-seal. The barrier was repaired.
Tian Yao was stuck on the other side of the barrier.
Even though Ling Fei went past the barrier, she still trembled on the ground in fear at Tian Yao's gaze which seemed to rip her to shreds.
Tian Yao placed his hand on the barrier. It looked like he planned to rip apart once again.
But this time, Cultivator Meng Yun flew in with cultivators from a nearby sect for assistance. They interfered in mid-air, stopping Tian Yao's movements to rip the barrier.
Tian Yao was infuriated. Red flames started to leap deep within his eyes.
Ling Fei took advantage of the distraction to crawl to her feet. She pressed a hand against her bleeding shoulder and staggered deeper into the hall. She knew that even though one hand couldn't be used, she could still kill Yan Hui. Besides, it wouldn't take too much power.
She msut kill Yan Hui here...........wipe away all trace! Yan Hui must have no chance to tell the truth about what happened that night to Zi Chen. As long as Yan Hui was dead, it didn't matter if that dragon demon outside knew the truth.
After all, no one believes a demon's words.
Yan Hui was already deep inside the hall. Since her cultivation wasn't at a high enough level, naturally she didn't know what the situation was like outside. She only sensed the barrier's aura fluctuate for a moment. It felt like the barrier opened for a moment, but she didn't know who opened it. To make it worse, she didn't know if someone entered and who it was if someone did enter.
It would be good if it was Tian Yao, but if it was a xian cultivator.........
Yan Hui quickened her pace.
From the outside, the hall looked like it was on the ground level. But as she walked further in, the light got dimmer and dimmer. The steps lead her deeper down inside like this hall had dug into the earth.
It wasn't that there weren't any splits in the road, but Yan Hui's intuition led down winding paths. IN this underground space, even Yan Hui could sense the dragon heart's aura here.
Perhaps Tian Yao's arrival also induced some changes to the heart. Yan Hui followed the aura until she finally reached a stone room. There was a obelisk within serving as a backdrop to an item.
The dragon heart was completely different to what Yan Hui had ever imagined. It revolved within raging flames, which made it hard to discern its true shape.
This was........
Tian Yao's heart.
The heart he lost 20 years ago.
Yan Hui walked up to it and reached out a hand to touch, but she was blocked by a force. Sure enough, there was a seal on it.
She recalled what Tian Yao told her. She was learning demon cultivation, so even though there was a seal, she could undo it. That meant that she technically could've undone all of the other seals on Tian Yao's body part. It was just she had xian cultivation before, so she couldn't.
Yan Hui decided to set aside that thought for later. She took out a small knife and planned to draw out some of her heart's blood to break the seal. She would get the dragon heart first before thinking more about that.
However who would've thought that the moment Yan Hui just pierced her chest so that one drop of blood flowed out, from behind suddenly came a wave of murderous aura.
Yan Hui's pupils shrank. Even though her cultivation level wasn't high enough, she still had years of fighting experience. She hurriedly moved sideways to avoid the attack and fell into a roll. The small knife she originally was going to use to draw her blood was tucked back into her sleeve. Yan Hui cautiously creeped along the ground. Her burning gaze locked into the person who just arrived. Yan Hui was prepared to engage at any time.
Ling Fei had lost her veiled hat long ago. Her ugly scar-filled face was exposed, which made her look more sinister. Her shoulder was still bleeding, and the blood loss made a face a shade paler. However she still coldly smiled at Yan Hui with that terrifying face: "Yan Hui........" She called, "This time don't even think that someone is going to come save you."
The word "save" from Ling Fei's mouth was like a lash from the Soul-Destroying Whip onto her heart. It hurt Yan Hui so much her heart tensed up.
Yan Hui gritted her teeth: "Ling Fei, you really have no conscience to say those words so easily."
Ling Fei laughed: "Of course it's easy." She waved her whisk. "I'll have nothing to fear after killing you."
A blast of cold magic rushed towards Yan Hui. Yan Hui awkwardly avoided it and dodged behind the stone obelisk.
She had to get that dragon heart! Yan Hui knew the longer she dragged this out, it would become more unfavorable for both her and Tian Yao. But right now, it was already hard for her uninjured body to go up against Ling Fei. Yan Hui feared that even if she managed to draw out the dragon heart, she wouldn't get the chance to hand it over to Tian Yao.
Yan Hui continued to dodge as she tried to come up with a countermeasure.
Suddenly when Ling Fei's xian magic hit the dragon heart, the seal quivered. It immediately reflected her attack back. Ling Fei was shocked and didn't avoid it in time. Her attack actually flung her back against the stone wall.
Yan Hui's eyes brightened at the sight. Her plan was formed. Yan Hui immediately started to mockingly sneer: "Ling fei, you've cultivated at Chen Xing Mountain for so many years, but no matter how much you pretend to be superior and put on airs, you can't hide that you're naturally stupid."
Ling Fei's eyes reddened at Yan Hui's taunts. She fiercely stared down at Yan Hui.
Compared to her older sister Su Ying, Ling Fei was beyond light-years inferior. She was labeled as Su Ying's little sister in this world. The symbol of good relations between Guang Han Sect and Chen Xing Mountain wasn't Ling Fei, Master of Xin Xiu Peak. Her self-worth was so weak. It was like if Su Ying was the moon, then she was a tiny star in the sky.
That was her hidden pain. Everyone at Chen Xing Mountain knew that, but no one dared to voice it.
"You admired Ling Xiao for many years, but what qualifications do you have for Ling Xiao to like you back?" Yan Hui smirked, revealing a small canine. It made her look wicked, "You just want to kill me because Ling Xiao never liked you. If he heard from me the truth that you were the one who killed Head Senior Disciple, he won't not only not like you. He might even hate you. Your minuscule reputation will be ruined."
"Shut up"
Ling Fei screamed and once again launched another attack at Yan Hui. Yan Hui hurriedly ducked to the side. Xian magic brushed past where Yan Hui just was and slammed into the wall. Yan Hui closely gauged the attack's power. This time she stood closer to the dragon heart and said to Ling Fei"
"Even if there's no one criticizing you, that's just because you're Su Ying's little sister. It's only because you have a sister like that that people would want to lift you up high even though you're trash." Yan Hui narrowed her eyes with disdain, "What good are you?"
"Shut up!" Ling Fei was incensed. Another xian attack launched at Yan Hui. Yan Hui dodged towards the dragon heart. However this time Ling Fei was wild with rage. Wave after wave of xian attacks launched at Yan Hui. Even the surroundings could no longer be seen under the onslaught.
Yan Hui seized the chance to hide behind the dragon heart. Ling Fei launched three attacks in succession without even looking. Her attacks were immediately reflected back.
Shock broke through her anger far too late. There was no time to dodge. Three icy magic attacks hit her squarely on the body. Ling Fei was knocked to the ground, and she spit out blood.
Yan Hui immediately stood up from behind the heart when she saw the scene. Demon magic revolved around her hand. With one strike of her hand, she could wipe out Ling Fei's life. But at this moment, Yan Hui hesitated when she saw Ling Fei's utterly ruined Chen Xing Mountain's robes.
Yan Hui could kill Ling Fei. She was sure of her own intentions. She needed to kill Ling Fei. It wasn't for herself. It was for her Head Senior Disciple that was murdered by such a cowardly and malicious person.
She paused because 10 years of memories spent at Chen Xing Mountain spun in her mind. If she killed Ling Fei, then she truly could never go back. She would be a deceptive and traitorous person who genuinely entered the demon pathway, killed a fellow sect member, and unfairly beaten and wiped out a master.
With her own hands, she would take herself from those 10 years and..........kill it.
She wouldn't regret it, but it would be a pity.
In that split second when Yan Hui was lost in a daze, Ling Fei leapt up. She looked a sorry sight with her entire body stained with bood. Ling Fei fiercely grabbed Yan Hui's shoulder and pushed her back until Yan Hui's back slammed onto the obelisk.
Ling Fei's voice was shrill: "Did you really think I would be defeated like this?! Did you really think I would die by your hand like this?!" She looked deranged and crazy. "In your dreams!"
She screeched and drew the flexible jian from her waist.
Yan Hui's eyes focused. She was gathering the strength to throw off Ling Fei when Ling Fei gathered up all her cultivation to pin Yan Hui in place, so there was no opportunity for Yan Hui to struggle. Ling Fei skewered Yan Hui in the chest with her jian.
Yan Hui only felt a sudden chill in her chest. There wasn't time for her to feel pain when the obelisk and the ground beneath them suddenly started to quake.
It seemed like Ling Fei didn't even notice the shaking. She looked wide-eyed at Yan Hui: "You're dead." She said, "You're dead. No one will know I killed Zi Chen. I can still return to Chen Xing Mountain, still be Xin Xiu Peak's master!"
Yan Hui's body limply slide to the floor.
She looked at Ling Fei who was at the brink of sanity. She suddenly remembered Su Ying who had dismembered Tian Yao. Yan Hui thought, maybe this pair of sisters always has some kind of insane idea close to the surface.
Hurting people.........hurting themselves.
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