Novel Name : Singer

Chapter 51 - Support

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Chapter 51 - Support

Translator: Lynn
Upon returning home, Jian Bin inquired from Jiang Xinya about Jian Jie’s situation. Learning that his brother had secluded himself in his room and hadn’t emerged, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of irritation. It was the first time his younger brother had been upset with him, and it was all because of some inexplicable man. How could he not find that infuriating? Still, he was determined to communicate his decision to his sibling. Holding his emotions in check, he rapped on the door and announced loudly, “Jiejie, open the door. I need to talk to you.”
After a brief pause, the door creaked open. Jian Jie stood at the entrance, avoiding eye contact, as if he wished to avoid speaking with his brother. He asked awkwardly, “What’s the matter?”
“Come inside, let’s talk,” Jian Bin instructed. He entered the room, shut the door behind him, and addressed Jian Jie directly, “I’ve already told you that I don’t intend for you to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. However, I heard from Xiao Qi that you’re currently recording a new album. He mentioned that if you were to quit midway, it would harm the company. Xiao Qi has always boasted about your incredible talent to me, suggesting it’s a waste for you not to be a singer. Well, I’m not entirely rigid in my thinking. You can continue working at the company, recording songs and albums. However, the producer must be replaced, and you cannot have any further contact with that individual surnamed Long. If you’re unwilling to comply, then you won’t be allowed to go to the company.” As for the plan to have Jian Jie leave the industry after finishing this album, that could be discussed later. Jian Bin believed it would be unwise to rush his brother into a decision he may not be ready for. Such strategic thinking was typical of Jian Bin.
Jian Jie simply responded with an “Oh,” his reaction not overtly dramatic. In truth, he felt a sense of relief. Learning from his older brother that he could still continue working at the company was a positive development. It implied the situation wasn’t as dire as he had feared. This also meant he could maintain a connection with Long Zichen by going to the company and finding ways to see him.
Jian Bin carried on, “From now on, whenever you have recording sessions, Xiaoqi will personally pick you up, and he’ll oversee your activities at the company. Don’t even think about evading his watchful eye. I’ll speak to Xiaoshui at school and ask him to keep an eye on you as well.” Given the sensitivity of Jian Jie’s situation, it was inappropriate to involve outsiders. Thus, Jian Bin relied on close friends and family for support.
Jian Jie found his brother’s actions excessive and questioned, “Brother, are you treating me like a prisoner?”
Jian Bin, feeling a surge of frustration, was typically one to seek compromise rather than confrontation. To witness his usually obedient brother challenge him like this ignited his anger. The stern side of Jian Bin emerged, “If you’re ready to break things off with that guy, then you can go ahead and live your life as you see fit. Otherwise, you’ll follow my instructions for now.”
Jian Jie’s own stubborn streak flared up. He pressed his lips together and shot an angry gaze at his brother, clearly signaling his refusal to comply with that request.
Jian Bin, despite his usual preference for gentleness, felt his own anger rise. His previously obedient brother seemed to have picked up some bad habits from others. Transforming into a stern figure, he asserted, “Should you decide to cut ties with that individual, you can proceed as you please. However, until then, you’ll follow my instructions!”
As the tension escalated, Jiang Xinya, who had been observing from the living room, intervened swiftly to mediate, “Why return with such anxiety? We’re a family, what grudges could there possibly be? Why not discuss matters instead? Jiayue’s father, please sit in the living room for a moment. Dinner will be ready soon. Xiaojie, don’t hold onto this anger with your brother. Go wash up and join us for dinner.”
“I’m not feeling hungry yet, so I’ll pass on dinner. Sister Xinya, please go ahead and eat,” Jian Jie’s tone softened slightly in the presence of Jiang Xinya. While he wasn’t particularly concerned about his sister-in-law, he found it difficult to share a table with his elder brother, especially considering his current state of mind.
Jian Bin assumed that Jian Jie’s refusal to eat was an attempt to exert pressure on him, which prompted him to snap irritably, “You’re resorting to a hunger strike now, huh?”
Recognizing the deteriorating situation, Jiang Xinya quickly intervened, gently nudging Jian Bin away and soothingly addressing Jian Jie, “Eat only if you’re hungry, Xiaojie. I’ll save some food for you, and when you’re ready, I’ll warm it up for you. I can even eat it for you if you’d like.” She then turned to Jian Bin, her tone conciliatory, “It’s not uncommon for someone to lose their appetite when they’re upset, so please, let’s not get angry about this.”
Jiang Xinya sighed inwardly. She recognized Jian Bin’s penchant for traditional masculinity and his occasional domineering nature, but this particular encounter with his younger brother had transformed him into a highly volatile powder keg, and it had exploded rather dramatically. Both parties were now furious: the angrier Jian Bin became, the more resistant Jian Jie became, and even in less contentious times, Jian Jie exhibited a newfound rebellious streak. Jiang Xinya found herself playing the role of mediator in this volatile dynamic.
After the confrontation with his brother, Jian Jie retreated to his room, sprawling across the bed. The more he contemplated the situation, the more his anger grew. Never before had his brother been so harsh with him, and in that moment, Jian Jie vowed to never engage with him again.
Despite his frustration, he begrudgingly had dinner and noticed the clock had struck past seven. Jian Bin excused himself to the study to review some materials. Meanwhile, Jiang Xinya brought food to Jian Jie’s room and urged him gently, “Xiao Jie, don’t let anger ruin your appetite. Come and have something.”
Jian Jie sat up, his expression still marked by a sense of injustice, “Sister Xinya, you don’t understand. I’m upset because my brother is being so overbearing!”
“Your brother cares for you deeply, but today’s frustration got the better of him. You know his temper, right? When he’s angry, he can be quite unyielding. He might come to regret this later,” Jiang Xinya whispered reassuringly. “Xiao Jie, don’t dwell on this too much. Share your concerns with Sister Xinya, and I promise to help you.”
Jian Jie’s eyes brightened, a glimmer of hope emerging. He spoke a bit shyly, intentionally toning down his enthusiasm as he discussed Long Zichen. In a few carefully chosen words, he described the situation and emphasized Long Zichen’s positive qualities. “Brother Chen is actually a good person. He treats me very well. But my brother is being so stubborn, refusing to hear me out… Sister Xinya, I need your help.”
Jiang Xinya was perceptive. She could discern the depth of Jian Jie’s emotions from his expressions. Given his introverted and sincere nature, once he formed a romantic attachment, he was likely to remain steadfast, making it difficult to sway his feelings easily. Moreover, Jian Bin’s heavy-handed interference would likely lead to irreversible consequences. Resolved to aid Jian Jie, Jiang Xinya nodded warmly and assured, “I’m not as inflexible as your brother. Let me arrange to meet this Mr. Long. Your brother’s outburst probably startled him. I’ll reach out and offer my support.”
“No need for Sister Xinya, Brother Chen is quite reasonable. He advised me not to argue with my brother,” Jian Jie’s spirits lifted a bit. He found solace in the fact that there were people willing to stand by him, recognizing that not everyone considered his feelings to be abnormal. This reassured him and reignited a sense of hope.
After conversing with Jiang Xinya for a while, Jian Jie’s stomach rumbled, prompting him to quickly devour his dinner. He needed to conserve his energy for the forthcoming mental battle with his formidable brother. Unfortunately, the nighttime phone restriction enforced by Brother Jian put a damper on his resolve.
The next day arrived swiftly, and true to his word, Li Xiaoqi arrived early to chauffeur Jian Jie to the company. Throughout the ride, Jian Jie maintained a silent but intense glare at Li Xiaoqi, his eyes like fiery darts that seemed to bore into Li Xiaoqi’s back.
“Don’t give me that look. I know you’re mad at me, but I gave your brother my word. If I pay any attention to you, he might actually hunt me down!” Li Xiaoqi defended himself, his tone carrying genuine innocence. He had no intention of being a relationship saboteur, but the sheer force of Jian Bin’s domineering nature had left him feeling rather helpless.
“Does Brother Xiao Qi also think that Brother Chen and I shouldn’t be together?” Jian Jie’s tone carried a tinge of sadness. “Brother Xiao Qi and Brother Chen are close, and Brother Chen has always been good to me. It doesn’t seem like Brother Xiao Qi would see it the way my brother does.”
It was a valid point. Indeed, Li Xiaoqi held a favorable view of Long Zichen. Given his position as Jian Bin’s friend and Jian Jie’s current manager, he naturally took extra care in planning for Jian Jie’s future. This favoritism wasn’t exactly a secret within the company. Moreover, from a character standpoint, Long Zichen had shown impeccable professionalism as the music director. Li Xiaoqi couldn’t recall any instance where Long Zichen had acted inappropriately with any artist—a rarity in the industry. Barring a bit of nervousness, Long Zichen seemed almost flawless.
However, Li Xiaoqi was grappling with a dilemma. “But, he’s still a man. You’re a public figure, and such a scandal could tarnish your reputation,” he confessed, his expression a mix of reluctance and concern.
“Even so, I can’t change who I am. I’m not attracted to women,” Jian Jie sighed in dejection. While he felt a pang of guilt, his lack of interest in women was an honest truth.
Li Xiaoqi wrestled with inner conflict. He recognized that forcing someone’s feelings was counterproductive, but he was also burdened by the pressure as a friend. Ultimately, he resolved resolutely, his voice carrying a sense of determination, “Fine, Director Long is a good person, and your brother has overstepped this time. Here’s the plan: I’ll help you keep this a secret. I won’t go against your brother’s wishes and report anything. But you need to be cautious outside, not revealing anything, especially not to your brother.”
“Brother Xiao Qi, you’re not objecting? You’re the best!” Jian Jie’s elation was palpable as he expressed his gratitude. To him, everyone in his corner was a good person, except for his brother. Seeing Jian Jie’s joy, Li Xiaoqi couldn’t help but chuckle.
In the span of just a day, the defensive wall Jian Bin had meticulously constructed was already crumbling from within. His teammates were becoming more brazen in their betrayal. Shui Xiaoren, a key ally, was now beyond his reach. Earlier that morning, Jian Bin had enlisted Shui Xiaoren’s help to monitor Jian Jie’s phone calls. After a brief conversation, Shui Xiaoren’s support for Jian Jie evaporated, though he remained supportive of his friend’s romantic choices, even if they were unconventional.
Amidst the broad-minded attitudes of those around him, it was only Brother Jian who remained obstinate. Jian Jie and Li Xiaoqi hadn’t been at the company for long, yet Brother Jian had already placed a call to check on the situation. Naturally, Li Xiaoqi chose his words carefully, highlighting Jian Jie’s obedience. When Jian Bin requested to speak with Jian Jie, the response he received was a heavy-hearted hum: “I don’t want to talk to him!” Hearing his brother’s voice, Jian Bin felt reassured that his younger brother hadn’t run off recklessly. However, little did he know that Long Zichen was currently with Jian Jie, which would likely enrage him if he found out.
After ending the call, Li Xiaoqi glanced at Long Zichen, somewhat embarrassed. “I’ll step out and discuss the producer change with them. You two can chat for a bit.” Li Xiaoqi’s exit was tactful, complete with the closure of the door behind him. The room they were in was designated as Jian Jie’s personal lounge, and with Li Xiaoqi’s instructions, his assistant would ensure their privacy.
Although just a day had passed, seeing Long Zichen again felt like a world apart. Jian Jie’s eyes glistened as he approached Long Zichen, his words full of empathy, “Brother Chen, you’ve been treated unfairly.”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay. You know me, I have a thick skin, a little setback won’t faze me!” Long Zichen comforted Jian Jie with a joyful smile. He had forgotten all about the sense of loss and despair he had felt earlier; in Jian Jie’s presence, negativity simply dissipated. His primary concern was how Jian Jie had fared the previous day. “Your brother didn’t scold you again yesterday, did he? Did you have a proper meal tonight? I tried calling you later, but couldn’t get through. You didn’t feel unwell, did you?”
Jian Jie’s tone carried annoyance, “My brother activated a signal jammer last night. It’s really underhanded. My phone had zero signal. He didn’t talk to me about anything, but I couldn’t care less about him.” After a moment’s pause, he recounted his interaction with Jiang Xinya, “But my sister-in-law is genuinely kind. She said she’s on our side and willing to help. With her around, the situation doesn’t feel as uncomfortable.”
“Your sister-in-law sounds wonderful!” Long Zichen chimed in, his tone upbeat. “And look, even Brother Xiao Qi is lending us a hand. So don’t be disheartened; there are so many people on our side. Convincing your brother might take time, but it’s not impossible. If we fail, we can always resort to the thrilling option of ‘Underground Love’. You know what they say, ‘Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest’. It could be quite a thrilling adventure!” Long Zichen’s formal demeanor melted away with these lighthearted words.
Jian Jie was soon caught up in Long Zichen’s optimistic outlook, his lips curving into a happy smile as he quipped, “Brother Chen, are you proposing to be my secret lover?”
“The title of ‘little lover’ has been taken; I’m more like the ‘side piece’. The one who’s married and visits secretly. So, it’s more like the ‘outer room’,” Long Zichen joined in on the absurd conversation. They discussed it in earnest, momentarily forgetting their troubles as they playfully leaned against each other, discussing their plans and future encounters. At present, Long Zichen was still reliant on a wheelchair, limiting his mobility and confining their meetings to the company premises. However, this arrangement wasn’t satisfying to either of them. Long Zichen’s impatience was palpable as he made a vow, “I’ll diligently undergo my rehabilitation, and soon I’ll be able to come to your school. We need to be careful about the media, though, as they might misconstrue things.”
“Brother Chen, get well soon. When you’re better, we can rent a place together. If my brother is after me, we’ll just take off in a hurry,” Jian Jie playfully suggested, though it sounded like he had resigned himself to the idea of running away with Long Zichen.
The thought of eloping with Jian Jie ignited an unexpected surge of emotion in Long Zichen. He yearned for a brighter future with him, yet his current wheelchair-bound state dampened his spirits. Long Zichen was resolute: he had to regain his mobility as soon as possible; otherwise, all the calcium tablets in the world wouldn’t help him seize the life he envisioned.
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