Novel Name : Singer

Chapter 56 - Plan

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Chapter 56 - Plan

Translator: Lynn
At the break of dawn, Jian Jie stirred from a pleasant dream. The room was shrouded in darkness, thanks to the heavy curtains that thwarted the morning light. Grabbing the bedside watch, he scrutinized the time—barely five o’clock. It was far too early to rise, so Jian Jie allowed himself to drift back into slumber. Long Zichen lay beside him, his head still nestled against Jian Jie’s shoulder. Turning his head, Jian Jie’s gaze fell upon Long Zichen’s sleepy countenance. It was a rare sight to witness Long Zichen so serenely tranquil. Normally exuding boundless energy, now his eyes were shut tight, mouth slightly ajar, occasionally releasing quiet breaths that exuded an endearing childlike charm.
Recollections of their intimate moments from the previous night swirled within Jian Jie, a mingling of embarrassment and a subtle sense of fulfillment. The world seemed distinct from the day before—a new threshold crossed, propelling him into adulthood. Lost in his musings, a contented smile tugged at Jian Jie’s lips. Time slipped by unheeded, an hour evaporating without his notice.
Long Zichen roused from slumber, groggily peering through half-opened eyes at Jian Jie, his voice faints with sleepiness, “What time is it? Are you getting up?”
“Go back to sleep. It’s only six o’clock. You can catch a few more winks,” Jian Jie replied in a hushed tone. Shooting a movie adhered strictly to an eight-hour work schedule here, and there was no rush to be on set before nine in the morning.
Long Zichen seemed to grasp Jian Jie’s words, mumbling a few incoherent syllables before settling back into his dreams, eyelids surrendering to gravity. Last night’s excitement had kept him awake until the early hours, and now fatigue reclaimed him with ease.
Amused by the sight, Jian Jie slipped off the bed with care, heading to the bathroom for his morning routine. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he felt a genuine sense of maturation and self-assured adulthood. A light-hearted melody danced through his mind. After emerging from the bathroom, his eyes fell upon Long Zichen, still cocooned in sleep. Jian Jie changed his attire before making his way to the dining area for breakfast. After his meal, he prepared an extra serving, packed it, and returned to Long Zichen.
By now, Long Zichen had roused from sleep. The absence of Jian Jie’s presence beside him was enough to dispel any remnants of drowsiness. Springing from bed in haste, the sudden movement tugged at his back wound, forcing a wince. He quickly donned his pajamas, though now attired in such a way, venturing outside was impractical. His outerwear lay in another room, and Long Zichen was keen to avoid causing any undue disturbance.
Fortuitously, Jian Jie reentered the room, bearing a tray of food. Long Zichen’s flustered state eased as he feigned a touch of helplessness, “Xiaojie, you didn’t wake me up. I wanted to give you a good morning kiss!”
“Brother Chen, you were sleeping so deeply, so I went ahead and had breakfast on my own. I brought some back for you too. Go wash up and eat,” Jian Jie cheerfully announced, placing the plate on the dining table.
Long Zichen nodded, “You’re heading for your shoot in the morning. I’ll freshen up for you; it won’t take long.” After this declaration, he leaned in for a sweet kiss before heading off to the bathroom, a satisfied grin on his face.
Jian Jie could only smile in fond exasperation. He had grown accustomed to Long Zichen’s playful nature, and truth be told, he found it rather endearing. Of course, this perception was entirely his own; anyone from their company wouldn’t even dream of using the term “endearing” for Long Zichen.
When Long Zichen emerged for breakfast, Jian Jie assessed his condition and concluded that he shouldn’t venture outside in his current state. Hence, he suggested that Long Zichen rest in the room. Long Zichen had the strong urge to claim he was perfectly fine and capable of working a full day, but his aching lower back was a stern reminder of what he had engaged in last night. His gait had suffered the consequences, and he reluctantly acknowledged that his walking posture revealed more than he cared to share. Thus, Long Zichen begrudgingly acceded to remaining in the room.
Jian Jie donned his backpack and knocked on Li Xiaoqi’s door. He couldn’t proceed to work alone today, thus he sought Li Xiaoqi’s assistance.
Li Xiaoqi, ever the conscientious early riser, was unsurprisingly awake. Long Zichen’s absence during the night left little to the imagination, yet he didn’t dare probe too deeply, suspecting that Jian Jie might bear the brunt of the repercussions. A sentiment he believed Jian Bin shared. Thus, Li Xiaoqi ventured cautiously, his tone measured, “Is Director Long unwell? Should I go check on him?”
“No need,” Jian Jie replied, his discomfort at fibbing evident. “It’s nothing serious. Brother Chen is just resting now; he said he’ll be back to his usual self after some rest.”
“Alright then, it’s almost time. Let’s head to the set,” Li Xiaoqi replied with a suppressed chuckle. Long Zichen’s stock in Li Xiaoqi’s eyes had risen appreciably. Beneath the seemingly capricious exterior, there existed a sincerity towards Jian Jie that couldn’t be denied. No pretense. If it had been Jian Jie lying in bed today, the consequences would have been far more severe, and the explanation to Jian Bin considerably harder.
The day’s shoot involved two scenes for Jian Jie. Upon arriving on set, he delved into the realm of makeup and wardrobe changes. As anticipated, Long Zichen’s prediction had been accurate—Director Paul was prone to script changes. A fresh script was delivered by an assistant, detailing sudden alterations to the day’s scenes.
These two segments were disjointed and stood in stark contrast to Jian Jie’s initial perception. One scene involved a poignant bedside vigil, while the subsequent scene demanded a vibrant on-stage performance in an auditorium. The disparity posed a challenge, requiring Jian Jie to swiftly shift his emotional register. It was moments like these that one had to marvel at the talents of seasoned actors—capable of transitioning seamlessly from tears to jubilance at the flick of a switch. Their prowess was truly commendable.
In the initial shots, Jian frequently encountered “No Good” (NG), necessitating multiple retakes for almost every scene. Such occurrences were par for the course in the world of filming, especially considering it was his debut on screen. Therefore, this performance was well within the realm of normalcy. Thankfully, Director Paul wasn’t one to chastise actors, and Jian Jie’s patience was abundant; he diligently repeated the scenes time and again. Yet, within his heart, dissatisfaction brewed. His competitive spirit had ignited, gradually improving his delivery.
During work hours, Jian Jie managed to compartmentalize his thoughts about Long Zichen. Upon concluding a scene and as the lights were readjusted, he darted to a corner and dialed Long Zichen’s number.
At that moment, Long Zichen reclined on his bed, his phone stationed beside his pillow, poised for Jian Jie’s anticipated call. Observing Jian Jie’s name on the screen, he promptly accepted the call, his voice cheerful. “How’s the filming going today? I wish I could have been there on your debut day; I’m eager to witness it firsthand.”
“It’s been a bit challenging. I’m not performing well; I keep encountering NGs,” Jian Jie replied in a hushed tone. “Brother Chen, are you feeling better? If you’re still uncomfortable, remember to take your medication.”
Even with his thick skin, Long Zichen felt his cheeks flush, yet he couldn’t resist teasing Jian Jie. “I’ve taken the anti-inflammatory medication, but it’s for external use. I can’t apply it myself. I’ll have to wait for Xiaojie to return and lend a hand. Is that alright?”
“Sure, I’ll help you when I get back,” Jian Jie readily agreed, blissfully unaware of the true implication behind “external use.”
On the other end of the line, Long Zichen sported a contented grin. He was certain that Jian Jie wouldn’t fathom the true connotation underlying those words, so he chuckled to himself for a while. Jian Jie, somewhat puzzled, received no clarification. Long Zichen playfully bantered a bit more before encouraging Jian Jie to hang up and return to work. He aimed to avoid any potential scolding from Li Xiaoqi upon his return.
The morning rolled by swiftly, and the crew’s midday meal proved satisfactory. It consisted of two substantial bread slices accompanied by jam, a pair of succulent chicken wings, a few strips of bacon and ham, a petite serving of salad, and a beverage. The only drawbacks were the toughness of the bread and the slightly peculiar taste of the bacon, which Jian Jie found unaccustomed. As he leisurely consumed his salad, he was taken aback to see Long Zichen hurriedly approaching, bearing several bags in hand.
“I was concerned that you might not enjoy the crew’s meal, so I went to a Chinese restaurant and prepared a few dishes. There’s Kung Pao chicken, shredded pork with celery, braised eggplant in oil, and hot and sour cabbage…” Long Zichen explained, revealing the contents of the bag as he laid out the lunchboxes before Jian Jie. “I heard that this Chinese food is quite authentic; you should give it a try. Brother Li, help yourself too. I got plenty and made extra portions of rice.”
“Consider me covered,” Li Xiaoqi responded with a grin. Being from the southern region, he had a penchant for rice and found bread less appealing. Long Zichen earned a few extra points in Li Xiaoqi’s estimation: he was so considerate as to worry about Jian Jie’s lunch and even cooked for him due to his unwell state. It was quite a virtuous act, and Li Xiaoqi kept this in mind, intending to mention it to Jian Bin in a favorable light.
Feeling a sense of empathy, Jian Jie suggested to Long Zichen, “Brother Chen, you don’t have to trouble yourself to come over if you’re not feeling well. The crew’s lunch is sufficient.”
“I’m alright, really. I’d rather not be alone in the hotel. How about I come here and watch you perform?” Long Zichen responded, mixing in some feigned awkwardness. It was an opportune moment to garner sympathy from Jian Jie, ensuring he didn’t spend the entire day bedridden.
“Okay, just remember to head back if you start feeling uncomfortable.”
“Got it.”
While conversing, Long Zichen served rice to Jian Jie and Li Xiaoqi. He supplemented Jian Jie’s meal with vegetables and appropriated the half-eaten salad and bacon, determined not to waste food. Given his injury, he abstained from consuming the tough bread.
Long Zichen leaned in and whispered something to Jian Jie, sparking a flurry of animated dialogue between them. Li Xiaoqi, seated beside them, silently partook of his meal, choosing not to pay heed to the interactions between the young couple. As long as their exchanges remained within boundaries and avoided drawing attention, he saw no reason to interfere.
During the afternoon shoot, Long Zichen observed the proceedings from the sidelines. Comparing Jian Jie’s current performance to several months prior, it was evident that he had grown more into his superstar persona. His acting skills had witnessed a significant advancement, evoking immense pride in Long Zichen’s heart. Jian Jie was simply outstanding in whatever he undertook. Yet, there was one aspect that irked him: the actress sharing scenes with Jian Jie seemed to deliberately rest her head on his shoulders while laughing.
Looking at her youthful appearance, the deep crow’s feet etched at the corners of her eyes when she smiled were noticeable enough for a meal’s worth of cooking. After the afternoon shoot, the actress even extended an invitation to Jian Jie for drinks. Seriously, Jian Jie was underage in the United States. Swiftly intervening, Long Zichen escorted Jian Jie back to the hotel.
“Xiaojie, I’ve heard from other assistants that Katie has a tendency to gossip with her co-stars, so be cautious not to get entangled in her web,” Long Zichen advised Jian Jie during their stroll. Katie, the former actress, had garnered quite the reputation for being a gossip mill, with an extensive list of ex-boyfriends.
Jian Jie didn’t let the actress’s reputation trouble him and simply nodded, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Li Xiaoqi couldn’t help but snicker to himself. It hadn’t occurred to him before, but it was clear now that Director Long appeared perpetually jealous. It explained his constant teasing of Fang Fei; anyone suspected of sparking rumors with Jian Jie would evidently find themselves in his crosshairs.
As night fell, Long Zichen found himself wanting to avoid any possible scandal, inclining him to return to his own room to sleep. However, lying alone in his bed, he found sleep elusive. The joy and sweetness shared with Jian Jie the previous night contrasted starkly with his current loneliness and insomnia. Quieting his restlessness, he crept out of bed, knocked on Jian Jie’s door, and softly inquired, “Xiao Jie, are you awake?”
“No, Brother Chen, come in, and let’s chat,” Jian Jie responded, seemingly attuned to Long Zichen’s sentiments, ushering him in without seeking the reason for his visit.
Long Zichen shut the door behind him, quickly embracing Jian Jie with a pitiful look in his eyes, “That bed over there isn’t very comfortable. Can I sleep here with you?”
Despite Long Zichen’s concern about stirring up controversy for Jian Jie, he was hardly able to hold onto reason. Following their intimacy from the previous night, he couldn’t bear being apart from Jian Jie even for a moment.
Jian Jie didn’t overthink it and readily agreed, “Of course.”
In the stillness of the night, Long Zichen lay in bed, arms securely around Jian Jie, and expressed his anxieties in a hushed tone, “Sometimes I’m genuinely afraid. We can’t be sure we’ll keep this hidden forever. What if our relationship becomes public?”
“Brother Chen, don’t worry. It’s okay to reveal it; my brother is on board with us,” Jian Jie responded nonchalantly, showcasing the bliss of ignorance. Fearless and unburdened by concern, he was the last person to be troubled by rumors.
Long Zichen was in shock, “Xiaojie, are you trying to give me a heart attack? Aside from family members, not even our colleagues at work should know! If word gets out, it could destroy your career!”
“Being a celebrity is fine, but I also enjoy being behind the scenes. With Brother Chen, I could become a producer in the future. If we can’t keep it under wraps, we could just relocate abroad, living anonymously. We wouldn’t even need to use our real names,” Jian Jie joked. He genuinely didn’t place much importance on his celebrity status and was beginning to feel the challenges it brought. Being an ordinary individual didn’t seem all that bad.
Long Zichen was almost beside himself, exclaiming, “Ancestors save me, don’t scare me like that! What’s with the fear of public opinion? At that point, the criticism would be so overwhelming it might drown us. I don’t want anyone pointing fingers and gossiping about you. Just promise me you’ll keep it a secret, and you better not tell any reporter about our relationship.” He playfully threatened Jian Jie, yet his heart swelled with warmth. He couldn’t help but imagine the prospect of living abroad with Jian Jie, free and unburdened.
Strolling without worry, cherishing each moment. Moreover, Jian Jie’s willingness to acknowledge their relationship publicly demonstrated his sincerity and willingness to commit. However, he didn’t dare to trivialize Jian Jie’s career; the young man aspired to be a superstar with a bright future. Long Zichen would respect and support that.
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