Novel Name : The Villain Loaded My System

Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

The investigation into Yuchi Lan and Yuchi Sheng began that very night. After all, the emperor had given the order, and no one dared to be slow.
Wei Chiyan had already uncovered each of their secrets. As long as he gave a tip, the people of the court would be able to dig up all the things they had done in secret. He has not been running in and out of the palace over the years for nothing. He has been saving up for a long time, just waiting for the right time to make a strike.
As for Yuchi Lan’s evidence of collaborating with the enemy, it was really heaven helping him. The former master of Luohe Fortress died suddenly and didn’t have time to explain many things or secretly leave the evidence to his subordinates as Yuchi Lan expected. Wei Chiyan did not know anything after taking over Luohe fortress for him, but when he found out Chen Wei’s identity, he pondered the purpose of the other party’s lurking and speculated that there must be an important reason as to why he was there.
Although the former fortress master did not give him an explanation, one could find clues from his previous words if they thought back carefully. In the past half month or so, apart from arranging for Yuchi Lan and Yuchi Sheng to fight each other, he had also returned to the former stronghold of Luohe fortress and followed the clues in his memories to find a cellar unknown to outsiders.
Deep inside the cellar was a small, dark room, which contained these items. He had a way to trap Yuchi Lan even without that evidence, but things would be easier with them. After finding these items, he captured Chen Wei, who was worried that his identity had been exposed and had slipped out of the Luohe fortress to report back to Yuchi Lan.
He had already been suspicious of him when Gu Xiyu was still in the fortress, and when he took him(Gu Xiyu) out that time, he left all his affairs to Chen Wei as usual, but behind the scenes, he had already arranged for Liu Ping and some of the senior members of the fortress to keep an eye on his movements. So he had a clear understanding of Chen Wei’s actions and news after he left the fortress.
As a prince with an arrogant backbone and a volatile temperament, Wei Chiyan hated liars and traitors like Chen Wei the most. What’s more, the fire in the west wing was set by Chen Wei to find an opportunity to abduct Gu Xiyu, and he was working for Yuchi Lan in private, so Wei Chiyan was so disappointed and furious that he killed him without mercy.
Yuchi Lan had set his sights on Gu Xiyu, so Wei Chiyan didn’t only use Chen Wei to put pressure on Yuchi Lan but also used anyone he could catch that was related to Yuchi Lan. He knew that Yuchi Lan would send people to Luohe Fortress to target the residents there and had already prepared a retreat. He had Liu Ping and his men move everyone to a new stronghold in advance.
Since ancient times, a cunning rabbit has three caves, and mountain bandits were always prepared for the possibility of being attacked by the enemy. He had already started to arrange a retreat some years ago.
Thus, Yuchi Lan ended up punching air.
The investigation progressed swiftly, and the investigators soon found all the evidence that could incriminate the two of them. It was said that after the old emperor got those things, he locked himself up in the imperial study for a whole day to read them, not seeing anyone no matter who came.
The noble concubine had been removed from her position, and although the empress still had her position, she was temporarily placed under house arrest in the Feng Yi Palace, awaiting the Emperor’s decision. After such an incident, Yuchi Lan naturally lost his position as Crown Prince. In addition, the Prime Minister’s family, who had secretly assisted him in his illegal activities, were also severely punished.
The emperor did not exterminate the family, considering that they had only helped Yuchi Lan in some minor domestic matters and had not been fully involved in collaborating with the enemy, but the position of the prime minister and the prime minister’s family would definitely be lost. Not only were all the members of their family removed from their official positions, but the emperor also decreed that the sons of their entire family, counting from the generation after the Crown Princess, would not be allowed to take the imperial examinations or become officials of the court for at least three generations.
They went from glory to mourning dogs in a matter of one night.
Compared to the Prime Minister’s mansion, the Empress’s natal family, the House of General of Zhen Guo, was sitting on the charge of collaborating with the enemy and committing treason.
When he was summoned to the palace, the old general did not look nervous but rather had a sense of relief that things had come to an end.
The old emperor thought that he had treated the family of General Zhen Guo very well over the years, and he only wanted to ask him to come in and clarify the situation: “I think I have treated the general and the empress well over the years, why did you do such a thing?”
The general kneeled on the ground and said, without changing his face, “People are always selfish.”
“Although you gave An Lan the crown princeship, in all fairness, is he the heir you really favor?”
“I could see that His Majesty was still wavering between the many imperial sons, especially as Yuchi Rong grows in prominence. His Majesty was becoming more and more fond of him, right?”
In the face of these questions from the great general, the emperor fell silent.
He was indeed still waiting to see what would happen; although Yuchi Lan had ambition, he was still irrational in many cases and lacked consideration in his dealings. He would even choose extreme paths and shortcuts. The revelations this time around are good proof of this.
If the kingdom was to be passed on from generation to generation and become a stable and untouchable power, it would need a wise ruler with courage and strategy.
“I invested too much energy in this nephew. I could not choose to just let things go.” The general has been fighting for years, and their family specializes in generals, so how could they not know that working with the enemy is not without risk? He knew this, so he would naturally help Yuchi Lan keep some backups after the matter is completed.
The Huns may be a formidable fighting force, but the Yao Kingdom was so powerful that achieving success from a direct internal confrontation would be slim to none. The agreement they made was that they would help the other side with monetary and manpower support, and in exchange, they would get their cooperation. This way, the crown prince’s faction could win the battle with the Hun reserves, a win-win cooperation.
However, many people had died at the hands of the Hun. The two kingdoms have always been on very bad terms, and it was almost impossible to shake hands and make peace. So when this matter came up, they both got a lot of scolding.
After hearing this, the old emperor asked, “If this matter had not been discovered, and I had really changed my mind later on, would you have used the general’s order to transfer the army under you to the capital and help the crown prince force the palace?”
The answer was already very obvious, so General Zhen Guo did not reply.
The old emperor finally asked wearily, “Collaborating with the enemy and betraying the kingdom is a capital crime; you should know that, right?”
The Great General bent over and bowed, making a final exculpation for his sister: “Although the Empress supports her son, she only knew that we were plotting something and was not fully aware of the matter of collaborating with the enemy, nor was she involved. I ask Your Majesty to spare her life for the sake of the love between husband and wife.”
After this incident, not only the General’s and the Prime Minister’s mansions, but almost all the officials and ministers of the court were thoroughly investigated, and many people were punished. At this time, the kingdom was full of wind and rain, and people could not stop eating this melon. But at the same time, they were worried about the impact of the sudden removal of so many officials on the kingdom.
However, since the old emperor dared to do this, he naturally had people take up those positions. If there was any impact, it would probably be the great loss of face. With so many guests attending the wedding banquet that day, the jokes had already spread throughout the country.
The old emperor relegated Yuchi Sheng, the impulsive child who never grew up, to the status of a commoner and exiled him to the border. Although neither Yuchi Lan nor the Empress was executed, the former was detained in prison for life, while the latter was sent to the Cold Palace.
The day after the punishment was handed down, Wei Chiyan made a special trip to the prison to ‘visit’ his elder brother.
As he was the third prince, he had the absolute right of passage, and the guards let him in right away. They did not send anyone to follow him; for one thing, there was nothing to supervise, and for another, the two brothers might have something to say in private, so they could not go there without permission.
It seemed that Yuchi Lan had just finished his meal when he entered the prison, and a guard with empty bowls and chopsticks came from far down the damp, dimly lit corridor, bending down and saluting when he saw him.
Yuchi Lan’s cell was in the deepest part of the prison, and when Yuchi Yan walked there, he saw the unfortunate prince sitting in a corner in his prison uniform, looking wretched. He had lost the arrogance he used to have, and when he saw him coming, he turned sideways towards the wall in a repulsive manner, as if he did not want to see anyone.
Wei Chiyan laughed happily, his voice deep with an imperceptible sense of gloating.
The only guard nearby opened the cell door at his signal and let him in before voluntarily stepping aside to give them enough room to talk.
Wei Chiyan lamented, “Brother, you look so pitiful.”
Yuchi Lan’s eyes were listless, and he didn’t even bother to look at him, “If you’re just here to mock me, then just leave.”
“Why should I leave? It took so many years to get a chance like this, it would be a shame to let it go.” Wei Chiyan chuckled.
With that, he suddenly squatted down in front of Yuchi Lan, his tone was slightly cool: “Regret it?”
Before Yuchi Lan could answer, he heard him ask, “You should never have thought about the ‘Dayan Princess’. If you hadn’t done so, you might have been able to enjoy the glory a little longer.”
Yuchi Lan, whose eyes had been dull, was startled by his words and finally looked straight at him.
He suddenly came to his senses and said incredulously, “You …… it’s you! I knew it! How could Yuchi Sheng find out about those things given his abilities!”
Wei Chiyan didn’t hide it and laughed, “Yes, didn’t your loyal dog tell you that the master of Luohe Fortress is also a strange man who likes to wear masks?”
Yuchi Lan lost control of his emotions and grabbed Wei Chiyan’s collar, asking angrily, “Why? Why did you help Yuchi Sheng? Why are you doing this to me?!”
Wei Chiyan sneered and broke the grip of his hand, but didn’t let go immediately, his python-like cold gaze piercing him, “Don’t misunderstand, I didn’t help Yuchi Sheng. Where do you think the people under you got that stuff …… from?”
Yuchi Lan was too stunned to make any sound, and Wei Chiyan added: “You ask me why? I won’t mention how you and Yuchi Sheng treated me when I was young, it’s just that you went too far this time and ruined the plan I had arranged, causing me to almost fail to marry someone, so, of course, you had to pay the price.”
“By the way, did you touch him when you were chatting? Which hand was used? This one?” Wei Chiyan murmured lightly, then his hand exerted force and directly ruined the tendons of the hand that Yuchi Lan had grabbed him by.
Yuchi Lan tried to shout out due to the pain, but his voice failed to come out, his throat even tingled with pain. His eyes widened in panic, and no matter how hard he tried, he could only make a hoarse sound.
Wei Chiyan threw away his hand indifferently, and grabbed the other one: “Or this one?” With these words, another force was applied, and Yuchi Lan’s face instantly went pale, and the hair over his forehead and at his temples was gradually soaked with sweat.
Still wondering about his inability to make a sound, Yuchi Lan instantly remembered the ‘feast’ the guard had given him before Wei Chiyan came over. Today’s food was extraordinarily generous compared to yesterday’s, with a big fish and lots of meat. He thought it was because the emperor had remembered their father-son bond over the years so that even though he was in prison, he wouldn’t have to live too badly.
Looking back on it now, his eyes were gradually filled with terror and anger as he looked at Wei Chiyan.
The corners of Wei Chiyan’s lips curled up gently as he mouthed silently, “Yes, it’s me.”
Then, before Yuchi Lan could react, he suddenly said in mock surprise, “Big brother, it was you who did something wrong, I only came to see you with good intentions, why are you taking all your anger out on me?”
“I’m sorry, Big Brother; I really didn’t mean to, but you were going to strangle me to death ……”
The guard outside the cell heard Wei Chiyan’s panicked voice and rushed over, only to see Yuchi Lan, whose hands were wasted, screaming hoarsely like a lunatic. He looked at Wei Chiyan, his meticulous clothes had become a bit disheveled, the lapels on his chest were obviously scratched and torn, and there were light red marks on his neck.
Those were scratches that Yuchi Lan made when he angrily grabbed his collar earlier.
Yuchi Lan got up unsteadily and wanted to rush to Wei Chiyan. The guard immediately ran towards the former prince, who was now a prisoner, to stop him from hurting the third prince again, and then escorted the frightened and ‘disoriented’ Wei Chiyan away.
The accusations Yuchi Lan could no longer voice were buried in the darkness of the prison, and Wei Chiyan was slowly escorted away by the guards. It was only when he had left the confines of the prison that he narrowed his eyes contentedly.
It did not matter If he didn’t have the throne, he would be satisfied if he could make the lives of those who had bullied him miserable and uncomfortable.
The investigation of Yuchi Lan and Yuchi Sheng finally came to an end, and the remaining matters could be handed over to the people on the investigative committee, so Wei Chiyan and Yuchi Rong finally had a moment of leisure.
Gu Xiyu and Murong Qingwan were also temporarily separated after this incident. Wei Chiyan and Yuchi Rong could not agree on where they would live, so he and Murong Qingwan had to compromise. He chose to stay at the Third Prince’s residence to appease Wei Chiyan, while Murong Qingwan could stay with the male protagonist where it was safer.
With his mother, who would use her status to pressure him, gone and Gu Xiyu in his grasp, Wei Chiyan no longer stayed at the palace, choosing to go to his mansion outside.
It was already dark when Wei Chiyan returned to his residence. Gu Xiyu was in his room reading by candlelight when he heard a noise outside and got up to go there. As soon as the door opened, a man reeking of alcohol rushed into his arms. The weight of the man’s body fell on him, and he almost failed to catch him.
He who had never touched alcohol frowned, “… What are you doing?”
The smell of this wine was not choking and carried a sweet aroma. Wei Chiyan smoothly embraced him and locked his whole body in his arms, rubbing his chin against his shoulder gently, saying, “Xiyu, my Ah Yu …… now, no one will spoil our good time.”
Gu Xiyu stopped the original action of trying to push him away, the softest place in his heart seemed to have been inadvertently stepped on. So the great demon got drunk because he was happy?
Taking advantage of the time he stopped struggling, Wei Chiyan began to nibble on his ears. Then he kissed his neck softly, every kiss falling on the most sensitive part of Gu Xiyu’s body. Wei Chiyan smiled and whispered into his ear, “You smell so good. Did you know that I don’t need to get up early tomorrow, so you took a bath in advance and waited for me?”
Gu Xiyu: “……”
He didn’t, he really didn’t.
Wei Chiyan looked at the youth he was holding in his arms and wouldn’t let go. He was no longer dressed as a woman, no extra makeup had been added to his face, and he was wearing a plain, moon-white robe. His long hair fell softly over his body and was half tied up with a nondescript wooden hairpin. He had a gentle and elegant temperament, yet with a touch of coolness that made him seem untouchable.
But this untouchable moon was now at his mercy – just as he had imagined it would be.
As expected, the original appearance was the best.
He wasn’t interested in men or women, he simply wanted to be with the person called Gu Xiyu. To him, it was like the fact that he was born with a disability in his right eye, he couldn’t even hate him if he wanted to.
He took a few steps forward until he felt the other man’s body leaning against the table in the room, and then he sat him up. With a domineering attitude, he forced the other man’s legs apart, and the hand that was wrapped around the back of his waist tightened with force, bringing him closer to himself.
Without giving Gu Xiyu time to react, Wei Chiyan lowered his head and kissed him, his other hand caressing the back of his head, every tiny movement full of desire to control.
This was probably the first time that Wei Chiyan had done something like this. Even though he was domineering, Gu Xiyu could still feel the rustiness of his kiss when it first fell. But the Great Demon has always been a fast learner, and his comprehensive ability was so strong. It didn’t take long for him to start getting the hang of it; he kissed him so hard that his body went weak.
Because of the close proximity, Gu Xiyu could clearly feel a certain part of him gradually becoming spirited.
Wei Chiyan gently caressed the back of his waist, and when he separated from his lips, he said in a hoarse voice, “A few days ago, I asked the imperial doctor to come to the residence to examine your body.”
Gu Xiyu thought back—there was indeed such a thing.
Then he heard Wei Chiyan continue, “I asked him about your current health condition, and he told me that with your current state… there is absolutely no problem with performing intercourse.”
So this was the real purpose of his finding someone to see him.
Wei Chiyan did not miss the speechlessness under Gu Xiyu’s eyes, and he chuckled with pleasure before saying, “You once said that only Wei Chiyan could touch your body.”
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