Novel Name : The Villain Loaded My System

Chapter 89

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Gu Xiyu was planning to rest this evening and was about to find a reason to refuse, but Wei Chiyan seemed to sense his intention and said, “Don’t forget that you already married me at the fortress, so you are Wei Chiyan’s rightful partner. If it wasn’t for the sake of your health, do you think I would have left you alone in the fortress?”
“……” Wei Chiyan directly blocked out the excuses he wanted to give.
Although he and Wei Chiyan haven’t done this kind of thing yet, Gu Xiyu already had a lot of experience with the Great Demon from the other worlds, and he wasn’t repulsed. He was just a little hesitant to follow this guy’s wishes easily.
Unexpectedly, the main system suddenly sent a notification.
[[Congratulations to the mission executor for completing the side mission to let the members of Luohe fortress know Chen Wei’s true identity and help them escape from the disaster. The target’s risk value is -10, and the risk value is now 35.]]
Gu Xiyu thought to himself, ‘No wonder Wei Chiyan looks a little more peaceful than usual today.’
[[The hidden rewards that can help the executor’s mission progress have been issued, may the mission executor please check them.]]
He remained seated on the table, confined in Wei Chiyan’s arms as he waited. He waited for a long time without receiving the promised special rewards. On the contrary, Wei Chiyan saw that he didn’t reply for a long time, and his expression was a little ecstatic. After hugging him, he sighed helplessly: “Forget it, I won’t force you if you don’t want.”
It was probably because the risk value had dropped that Wei Chiyan was suddenly easygoing.
Gu Xiyu subconsciously took Wei Chiyan’s extended hand and was about to ask the main system how to check for the so-called special rewards when a strange feeling suddenly came from his body.
This feeling was not unfamiliar to Gu Xiyu, he had experienced it once a long time ago due to his body’s physique.
His face suddenly changed, and he was speechless and a little angry, inexplicably feeling that the main system had cheated him.
Wei Chiyan, who was next to him, also noticed the abnormalities in his body: “…… Are you uncomfortable? Why is your body suddenly so hot?” He raised his hand to touch his neck, frowning slightly, “Wait here, I’ll get someone to quickly call a doctor for you!”
Gu Xiyu pulled him back before he left. His expression was a bit strange, as if he were ashamed, and he spoke with gritted teeth, “No need.”
The main system on the other side also snickered, &123;Based on your experience in so many mission worlds, how can you not understand that this is the best way to advance the progress of the mission?&125;
Gu Xiyu could not retort. It was true that after each initial happiness, the risk value would fall greatly. Apart from the point of untying the biggest knot in the Great Demon’s heart, the rest of the risk value almost always relied on this aspect to be eliminated.
He couldn’t hold back and asked, “Was it like this for those mission executors in the past?” So they came back injured every time because the Great Demon had tossed them so much? It wasn’t because of some bloody and exciting battles?
The main system laughed and asked mysteriously, &123;Guess.&125;
Wei Chiyan, who was holding him, was puzzled by his strange attitude, and because he was so close, he immediately noticed the sudden change somewhere on Gu Xiyu’s body. He froze slightly, as if he hadn’t expected such a thing to happen, and after a moment of bewilderment, he asked with a smile, “Are you inviting me or chasing me away?”
The humiliated Gu Xiyu was unable to explain the real situation to Wei Chiyan.
Before the main system ended the conversation, it kindly gave him a reminder: &123;This is a special reward from the mission system; not only is it powerful, but it will also have no negative effects on the mission executor’s body in this world, so please use it without worry.&125;
His good control allowed Gu Xiyu to stop his thoughts of cursing the main system.
With this sudden turn of events, control immediately returned to Wei Chiyan’s hands. This time, it was not him asking Gu Xiyu, “Can I have it?” but using his discomfort from a certain reward to tease him with, “Do you want it?”
There was no doubt that this night was a success for Wei Chiyan, who was energetic and had his first taste of it until dawn. Gu Xiyu did not even want to remember anything that happened that night. The main system didn’t lie and was even subtle, the effect of this special reward was not only ‘powerful’, but it could also make a normal person become unlike himself.
If one had to use one word to describe Gu Xiyu this night, it would probably be ‘wild’.
For the first time, he had trouble holding himself together in front of the Great Demon and angrily swore that this would be the last time. The next time the system had some strange task, he would definitely refuse it, even if he were to get punished.
After the indulgence, their relationship could be considered truly intimate. The matter of Yuchi Lan and Yuchi Sheng involved a lot of people, and the remaining princes, Wei Chiyan and Yuchi Rong were ordered to come to the palace every day to help manage the affairs. Wei Chiyan often complained to Gu Xiyu; after all, he only wanted to be an idle prince, and it would be best if he could hang out with him every day.
When Gu Xiyu heard these words, he silently gave the old emperor a big praise in his heart.
Wei Chiyan later took advantage of his day off to take him into the palace to meet the fake third prince, who had been quietly helping him all these years.
“His name is Murong Heng.” Wei Chiyan and introduced him.
The mask was off, and the man was very different from what Gu Xiyu thought, yet he was what he expected him to look like. He was a very handsome young man, with an aura more of a refined and well-read scholar than the lazy one he had deliberately given off before. Although the man was considered gentle, his eyes occasionally showed a sharpness similar to that in Wei Chiyan’s eyes.
Gu Xiyu’s focus was on the word “murong.”
The system had mentioned that the original owner had a brother who had been sent to the Yao Kingdom as a zhizi, it was probably this man.
Murong Heng was obviously at a loss for words. He thought Wei Chiyan was bringing his sister, Murong Qingwan, here, but it turned out to be a man. He was more or less confused inwardly, but he still greeted Gu Xiyu politely.
Wei Chiyan smiled a little, and Gu Xiyu’s introduction was, “This is the person I like, the one I gave my love token to some time back.”
“…… ah.” Murong Heng was stunned. Thinking that Wei Chiyan was trying to introduce him to his partner, he felt that there was no problem with that.
Until Wei Chiyan took a deep breath, then said, “His name should ring a bell, he is called Murong Xiyu.”
Murong Heng: “……?”
Although he hadn’t seen him for many years, Murong Heng still had an impression of his younger brother, who was far away in the Dayan Kingdom.
The mood suddenly became complicated.
First, it was a happy event that his brother, who should have died in the palace long ago, was still alive. But his newly recognized brother had suddenly become a big, fat meat in someone else’s bowl.
Murong Heng looked at Wei Chiyan and realized that the latter had probably known the identity of the person he was chasing the last time he came for the jade tablet and had deliberately kept it from him.
He tried to help his younger brother out of his misery: “No! Why did you fall for Wei Chiyan ……”
Wei Chiyan:”?”
Murong Heng felt that Wei Chiyan was a man with a lot of problems, especially psychological problems, and the rumors that he had an unpredictable temperament were not just empty rumors. He had been with him for many years and knew how ruthless he was. He could even kill someone he had been with for years. It was fine to be in a mutually beneficial partnership with Wei Chiyan, but to leave his younger brother in his clutches was worrying.
Gu Xiyu knew Murong Heng’s worries; he had been with the Great Demon for so many worlds and already had a certain understanding of his temper. He was casual about a lot of things, and as long as the mission is completed, it doesn’t matter if the Great Demon really plays him to death.
So he just smiled lightly at Murong Heng and said, “Wei Chiyan is very good, I like him a lot.”
Once these words came out, Murong Heng couldn’t say anything more. On the contrary, Wei Chiyan, who was standing at the side, heard these words, and although the latter did not show any attitude, the risk value on the panel honestly dropped by another 5 points.
It wasn’t long before Wei Chiyan got up to give the two brothers time to catch up and went off somewhere on his own.
[I think he has gone to find his mother consort.] The intelligent system told him what it knew.
Although she was no longer a noble consort, she was still in the palace.
When the former noble consort saw Wei Chiyan, her attitude was very different from that of the past, It was no longer the previous indifference and willingness to coax him when needed, but a warm welcome, as if seeing the dawn.
In general, it was because she needed him that she reacted in this way.
Yuchi Sheng no longer had hope of inheriting the throne, and the ‘investment’ that she had bet half her life on was lost. She had also lost her status and favor, so her time in the palace was as bad as it could be. The concubines she had previously bullied and ridiculed were all bullying her, and even the formerly obsequious palace staff were no longer as respectful as before.
As she lunged towards him with joy, Wei Chiyan slightly tilted his body to avoid her false embrace and asked with a cold smile, “Did you finally remember that you have another son?”
The former noble consort was now truly regretful in her heart and only hoped that there was still a chance to remedy the situation: “Yan’er, it was my mother’s fault, I should not have neglected you in the past. I will now take care of you and care for you in every way. How about helping Mother say a few good words in front of the Emperor? Sheng’er is your younger brother, and if you have a chance, you can save him and say that he is still young and under the spell of a traitor… “
Perhaps after being disappointed so often, one won’t feel anything anymore. Wei Chiyan found that in the face of his mother’s partiality even when in deep trouble, he no longer felt angry or envious.
“Don’t misunderstand.” When Wei Chiyan spoke again, his voice sounded extraordinarily indifferent and cold, “I only came to take one last look at the person who gave birth to me.”
“What you’re trying to give me now, I don’t need anymore.”
There was already someone who could not only make up for the regrets in his heart but also give him hope for a better future. With him by his side, he would no longer be alone and would not need anyone else to ‘make up’ for anything.
On the other hand, Gu Xiyu, who was still in the palace talking with Murong Heng, received another -5 risk value notification from the system.
Together with the reduced value after that night, the panel now only had 15 points of risk value left.
After talking with Murong Heng, he realized that the reason why Dayan did not fall according to the original plot was also related to Wei Chiyan. When he was investigating the collusion between Yuchi Lan and the Hun, he inadvertently discovered that the Hun had also left a hook at the Dayan Kingdom, and because of his and Murong Heng’s identities, he ended up dropping some information, which made the actions of the Second Prince of the Dayan Kingdom get discovered in advance, avoiding the end of the fall of the kingdom.
Having lost the enthroned Crown Prince Yuchi Lan and Yuchi Sheng, the old emperor, after deep consideration, put his focus completely on Yuchi Rong after Wei Chiyan’s conscious refusal. Yuchi Rong gradually became more mature and stable. He was able to control the court on his own, fought several battles, and solved several problems for the Yao Kingdom, and three years later, the old emperor officially made him the new crown prince.
After being crowned, Yuchi Rong naturally had to start a family and settle on a crown princess. His mother found many famous daughters for him, but he rejected them all and was quite adamant about marrying Murong Qingwan alone. He fought for about half a year before his mother finally compromised.
The old emperor may also have helped, but all in all, after Murong Qingwan officially became the crown princess, the relationship between the Yao Kingdom and the Dayan Kingdom eased up a little. Moreover, the Dayan Kingdom was in turmoil with its own internal strife and did not have the heart to deal with the feuds with other Kingdoms.
When Murong Qingwan officially married Yuchi Rong, Murong Heng was finally released back to the Dayan Kingdom at the suggestion of Yuchi Rong and Wei Chiyan.
The old emperor was worried that Murong Heng would turn around and make a move against the Yao Kingdom, but Wei Chiyan told him, “Murong Qingwan is his sister from the same mother and father, Murong Heng will not target the Yao Kingdom. Moreover, there is also Xiyu…. “
Murong Heng had little attachment to the royal family of the Dayan Kingdom, and he valued his two siblings, whom he was sure would never plot against him either. It was with this idea that the old emperor also went to convince Yuchi Rong’s mother to settle the marriage. When Murong Heng returned, he naturally had to deal with the chaos within the Dayan Palace. Both Wei Chiyan and Yuchi Rong were on good terms with him, and the latter was counting on future cooperation with Murong Heng when he took over the kingdom. So he would naturally choose to help him gain control of the Dayan Kingdom.
According to the original plot, the original encroached Dayan Kingdom was eventually recaptured by Murong Qingwan, Yuchi Rong, and Murong Heng, and although the process was slightly altered, the ending was still the same.
The feud between the Yao Kingdom and the Dayan Kingdom from previous generations had come to an end for the time being. Because of this ‘kinship’ relationship, Murong Heng didn’t do anything to the Yao Kingdom after becoming king.
As for Wei Chiyan, thanks to Gu Xiyu’s intervention, his relationship with the male and female protagonists did not end up in a stalemate, and after all the previous events, they even became brothers who could occasionally sit down and chat with each other. Wei Chiyan didn’t have any big ambitions, and as long as no one came to disturb him and Gu Xiyu, he was happy with his quiet life.
He later became a wangye, or an idle Wangye, who liked to skip work and wander around with his partner, whose body was gradually getting better under his nourishment. They went back to the new stronghold of Luohe Fortress, which was no longer called Luohe Fortress and was given the rather sentimental name of ‘Taoyuan Fortress’ by Wei Chiyan.*Wangye is the title of a prince who is second to the emperor. Taoyuan means “land of joy and plenty” or “a utopia”.
The people of the fortress still occasionally robbed, but the robberies were of the ill-gotten gains of some crooked merchants and villains. Most of them chose to farm or wander to nearby towns to sell some crafts or exchange for supplies, leading a happy and relaxed life.
Without Yuchi Sheng’s support and with all the information that Wei Chiyan had intentionally or unintentionally put into the hands of the court, Tianyun Zhai was kicked out of its nest within a few years, and from being a big boss who could walk sideways in the lakes and rivers at the beginning, it became a street rat that everyone shouted at and beat. Their enemies took the opportunity to hunt them, and the remaining bandits were all hiding and fleeing, not to mention how wretched their lives are.
Gu Xiyu’s life was a bit difficult when he first crossed over, but his days with Wei Chiyan were quite easy, and he lived every day like a retired pensioner. Over the years, Wei Chiyan took the trouble to get him a lot of precious medicinal herbs and found famous doctors to give him all kinds of health care so his body was almost no different from that of ordinary people.
Only a few minor ailments were left as sequelae, and it was inevitable that he would suffer from some minor illnesses in bad weather and the like. With the help of Wei Chiyan, his broken body, which according to the system would have lasted until about thirty at most, lived for a few extra decades.
His last memories were not of Wei Chiyan’s prosperous palace. Wei Chiyan took him to the quiet Taoyuan Fortress, where they had a cottage to themselves. He spent the rest of his months there in rare peace. He was even dreaming when the system informed him that he was leaving this world.
Unfortunately, he did not have the time to say goodbye to this soul fragment, but sooner or later, they would have to meet again, so there was no need to do so.
When Gu Xiyu opened his eyes again, he was already back at the central station where his body was located. The main system in front of him was still glowing brightly, and he was finally sure that it was not an illusion, the light was much brighter than when he first arrived here.
He stared Into the not-so-visible center and noticed something floating in the depths.
The main system’s voice was not any different from the one it usually communicated with, saying to him kindly, &123;Welcome back, Commander Gu.&125;
&123;Next is the final mission world, would you like to take a short rest or proceed immediately?&125;We have come to the end of this arc 🎉. The next updates will be on Tuesday. I’m going to try doing as many chapters as possible for a bulk upload. I wish you all a nice weekend.

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