Novel Name : The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous

Volume 2 Chapter 13 - The Heartbreak of Long Yue's Final Decision

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Volume 2 Chapter 13 - The Heartbreak of Long Yue's Final Decision

The next day…
The palace had calmed down after Leng Jiu’s intimidation. Lan Ze was in the imperial study discussing state affairs with Long Yi, while Lan Xiang was off to complete her seduction mission. Leng Jiu, having some free time, finally changed her clothes and left the palace!
Her first stop was the General’s Manor, where she went to check on Lu Chang, whom she had imprisoned for some time. The secret chamber in the General’s Manor looked clean and normal, without the gloomy or rat-infested conditions one might expect, so Lu Chang was living comfortably.
Upon seeing Leng Jiu, Lu Chang seemed a little delighted. He stood up and saluted, “This servant greets the Empress Dowager!”
Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow, “Are you getting used to staying here?”
Lu Chang smiled, “Thank you for your concern, Empress Dowager. This servant is well!”
Leng Jiu’s eyelid twitched, unsure if she should admire or be speechless about him. Although he was imprisoned, he remained composed. However, this was the first time she’d encountered such a servile eunuch. “Since you’re so comfortable, you can stay for a few more days!”
“Thank you for your grace, Empress Dowager!”
Leng Jiu’s eyelid twitched even more severely, making it hard to continue the conversation.
After leaving the General’s Manor, Leng Jiu visited the residence where Mo Zhai stayed. Mo Yina was not there, so Leng Jiu merely greeted Mo Zhai and left. She trusted Mo Zhai to handle matters here and didn’t need to worry for now. Her main goal today was to visit the Prime Minister’s Manor to check on Gong Yuwei. Though she knew he was fine, she still felt a bit uneasy and needed to see him with her own eyes.
As she thought of Gong Yuwei’s injury, her mind wandered to Long Yue, that scoundrel. Just thinking about how decisive he had been set a fire in her heart—burning strong, yet she didn’t know where to vent it. Thankfully, Lan Ze and Lan Xiang had distracted her yesterday, helping her feel a bit better. Though today the pain was bearable, she still found it hard to dismiss. Men were really a nuisance, even more than women! She used to laugh at her dead father, unable to control his mistresses as they fought in secret. Now, seeing how men could fight, it was far scarier than women. One wrong move could be life-threatening, and she couldn’t afford to be indifferent.
As she thought about Gong Yuwei’s injury and Long Yue’s unpredictable temperament, one word summed up her feelings: annoyance!
As Leng Jiu walked, she suddenly saw the road ahead blocked. A crowd had gathered outside a shop, seemingly watching some drama. Leng Jiu looked up at the shop sign—*You Ran Tea House*. Wasn’t that the shop opened by Zhu Kongyang? In just a few days, it was already set up. Glancing back at the gathered crowd, she overheard something about “Master Zhu,” and it was clear that Zhu’s family had come to cause trouble.
Leng Jiu stopped walking and entered the tea house through a side door. She came out through the main entrance and saw a middle-aged woman covered in gold and silver jewelry, accompanied by a portly man in his late thirties. They had brought around ten servants with them, all looking arrogant.
Zhu Kongyang stood at the door of the shop, with seven shop assistants beside him. Three of them had been trained by Mo Zhai and personally selected by Leng Jiu, so their martial arts skills were excellent. Leng Jiu wasn’t worried. She waved for a waiter, “Prepare a pot of tea for me and place it by the window.”
The waiter hesitated, “Miss, the boss has some trouble right now. Perhaps you should go somewhere else to drink your tea?”
Leng Jiu coldly lifted her eyes, “Do you think I can’t see that? What does the boss’s trouble have to do with you? Just do your job. Since when do you chase away customers?”
The waiter pursed his lips, knowing he meant well. He turned to prepare the tea and soon brought it over, before walking off with his cloth.
Leng Jiu poured herself a cup and turned to watch the commotion outside. The situation was already heating up! The Zhu family matron sneered at Zhu Kongyang with disdain, “Zhu Kongyang, what’s this? Got yourself some wings and want to fly, huh? I always knew you pocketed plenty of money while following the master. Look at you now—your leg’s healed, and you’ve got the money to open a big shop like this. Who knows how much you embezzled? Now you even dare to openly start a business. Are you tired of living?”
The plump Zhu eldest son waved his hand adorned with several gold rings, looking impatient. “Why waste words on him? Zhu Kongyang, hand over the money, and we’ll let bygones be bygones. If you don’t, then wait to be thrown in jail!”
Zhu Kongyang looked at them calmly, “My mother and I were thrown out of the family, left penniless, begging on the streets for days. If I had money, why would I endure such humiliation? If you accuse me of embezzling the family’s money, then show the evidence. If the evidence is clear, I have nothing to say. But if you have no proof and are just spouting nonsense, I can sue you for malicious disturbance. As for my broken leg, why don’t we take it to court and let the officials decide who should be jailed?”
The eldest son sneered, “You want to drag us to court? You won’t even know how you died!”
“Oh?” Zhu Kongyang raised his head, looking at him. “Are you saying the courts are under your control? Or did you bribe the officials so thoroughly that the courts have become your territory?”
“Nonsense! I even gave my most beloved Yue’er to him…” the eldest son boasted, almost spilling the secret. The Zhu family matron quickly pulled him back, “What are you blabbering about? Who’s Yue’er?”
The eldest son, still clueless, said, “I didn’t say anything wrong.”
The matron, furious, glared at him. “Why are you wasting time with this? The shop must have been funded with our money. If he doesn’t give it up, just smash it! No need for more words!”
The eldest son, feeling empowered, raised his hand, “Men! Smash the place!”
“Yes, sir!”
The ten servants rolled up their sleeves and grabbed sticks, ready to charge. Zhu Kongyang immediately tensed up, determined not to let them destroy his shop, even if it meant getting beaten up.
The servants raised their sticks to strike, but before Zhu Kongyang could react, three loud shouts rang out. In a flash, he saw the three shop assistants beside him leap into action. With swift and agile movements, each assistant kicked one opponent, and within moments, the ten servants were knocked to the ground. The three men landed gracefully in front of Zhu Kongyang, one of them holding a stick in a defensive stance, staring coldly at the fallen men.
The onlookers, expecting Zhu Kongyang to be beaten, were stunned by the sudden appearance of these martial arts experts. Their swift, graceful moves were as impressive as those of street performers. Zhu Kongyang, too, was caught off guard, having no idea that his assistants were such skilled fighters.
The servants, terrified after being knocked down so quickly, retreated in fear, unwilling to attack again.
The eldest son, displeased, shouted, “What are you afraid of? You’re ten men! Can’t you handle three?”
The crowd looked at him as if he were an idiot. Didn’t he see those men were martial artists? They had knocked the others down in one move. Another round would end the same way!
The Zhu matron, slightly more perceptive, realized the situation was serious. She pulled the eldest son and, with a hateful look at Zhu Kongyang, said, “Don’t get cocky. We’ll see about this later!” She then dragged the eldest son, “Let’s go!”
The eldest son, still confused, protested, “Go? Didn’t we come to smash the shop?”
The matron, infuriated, shot him a glare before forcibly dragging him away.
Zhu Kongyang, finally regaining his composure, didn’t bother questioning the three assistants. Instead, he addressed the crowd, “Dear fellow townsfolk, you’ve all witnessed today’s events. It was the Zhu family who provoked me, and I had no choice but to act. If one day I am wrongfully imprisoned, I hope you’ll stand as witnesses! Today is the second day of You Ran Tea House’s opening, and I apologize for the disturbance. As an apology, I’ll offer everyone here a free cup of tea. Please, enjoy!”
The crowd, hearing there was free tea, immediately became enthusiastic, offering words of support.
“Master Zhu! We saw it all. If it comes to it, we’ll stand by you!”
“Exactly! Justice is in the hearts of the people. Even if he’s an official, he can’t wrong an innocent person!”
“Shopkeeper Zhu is a good man, heaven will protect you!”
Listening to the flattering words from the crowd, Zhu Kongyang smiled and nodded, welcoming each person inside. Though the waiters had some reservations about Zhu Kongyang’s generosity, they quickly set to work preparing the tea. Zhu Kongyang also ordered some snacks, and soon the large shop was bustling with activity.
After handling everything, Zhu Kongyang finally let out a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to ask the three men about their skills, he noticed Leng Jiu sitting by the window. Surprised, he walked over and said, “Miss! What brings you here?”
Leng Jiu picked up the teapot, poured herself another cup, and smiled, “I’ve almost finished the entire pot of tea!”
Feeling a bit embarrassed, Zhu Kongyang sat down beside her. “Some things came up just now, I hope I didn’t make a fool of myself in front of you!”
Leng Jiu took a sip of tea. “You handled it well, at least it shows me you are not a coward.”
Zhu Kongyang, recalling the three men, asked quietly, “Are those three your people, Miss?”
“You’re my money tree now, so naturally, I can’t let you fall, right? Those three are indeed my men, but now they will take orders from you. As for what to do with them, that’s for you to decide.”
Hearing this, Zhu Kongyang was deeply grateful. “Don’t worry, Miss! I, Zhu Kongyang, will not let you down!”
Leng Jiu put down her cup and stood up. “I have something to attend to, so I’ll be leaving now.”
“I’ll see you out!”
“No need!” Leng Jiu took a few steps but suddenly turned back and looked at Zhu Kongyang. “The cost of these people today will be deducted from your wages!”
Zhu Kongyang smiled without a hint of reluctance. “Of course!”
The server who had just brewed tea for Leng Jiu approached with curiosity. “Boss, do you know that young lady? Is she perhaps your confidante?”
Zhu Kongyang glared at him. “It’s best not to ask too many questions. If she ever comes to the shop again, make sure to serve the finest Mingqian Longjing tea and the best snacks!”
The server’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “But Mingqian Longjing is a tribute tea, worth a thousand gold per liang!”
“Even if it were worth ten thousand gold per liang, she’s more than deserving of it!” Zhu Kongyang said, leaving the server behind as he walked away.
Half an hour later, Leng Jiu stood in front of the prime minister’s residence. After wandering in circles, she found herself back here. She raised her hand to knock but hesitated, not out of uncertainty, but because she didn’t know what to say. If he knew his injuries were because of her, would he resent her?
Thinking of this, Leng Jiu suddenly laughed at herself. She found it amusing that even she could have moments of hesitation and difficulty.
At that moment, the gatekeeper, Xiao Qian, opened the door and, seeing Leng Jiu, was delighted. “Miss Jiu, are you here to see the Prime Minister? Come in, come in, he’s surely waiting for you!”
Leng Jiu was speechless. She hadn’t even responded yet, but with a helpless smile, she walked inside. “Thank you!”
Xiao Qian scratched his head sheepishly. “Why are you being so polite, Miss Jiu!”
Leng Jiu smiled gently and made her way toward Gong Yuwei’s courtyard.
“Miss Jiu!” Steward Xiang was also surprised to see her.
Leng Jiu nodded to him. “Uncle Xiang, how is the Prime Minister’s injury?”
Hearing her concern for Gong Yuwei, Uncle Xiang broke into a wide smile. “It’s just a shoulder injury, nothing serious. The best medicine has been applied, and he just needs some time to recover. No need to worry too much, Miss Jiu.”
Leng Jiu nodded. “I’ll go check on him.”
“Go ahead, Miss Jiu! The Prime Minister just woke up, and he’ll be happy to see you!”
Leng Jiu walked over and pushed open the door. The smell of medicine greeted her immediately. As she approached the screen, she ran into Madam Fu, who was carrying a bowl of medicine. It seemed Gong Yuwei had just finished drinking it. Madam Fu was momentarily startled upon seeing Leng Jiu, then smiled kindly. “Miss Jiu, is it?”
Leng Jiu smiled politely. “Madam Fu.”
Madam Fu, noticing how delicate and calm Leng Jiu looked, instantly took a liking to her and smiled with satisfaction. “Go ahead and see the Prime Minister, he just finished his medicine!”
“Mhm!” Leng Jiu stepped aside to let Madam Fu pass, then walked around the screen toward the window. Before she even reached the bedside, her gaze met Gong Yuwei’s. She smiled slightly and sat down next to him. “Are you feeling better?”
Gong Yuwei was delighted to see her and smiled faintly. “It’s just a small injury. You didn’t have to leave the palace just for me.”
Leng Jiu reached under the covers and held his hand. “What? You don’t want to see me?”
Flustered, Gong Yuwei shook his head. “No, it’s just that I…” His words stuck in his throat because he didn’t know what else to say.
Seeing his reaction, Leng Jiu smiled brightly, then mischievously asked, “You just drank some medicine. Was it bitter?”
“Not at all!” Even if it was bitter, he had to say it wasn’t!
Leng Jiu playfully sniffled. “I don’t believe you! I want to taste it myself!”
Gong Yuwei, thinking she was about to drink the medicine he had just taken, quickly stopped her. He knew all too well how bitter it was. “Don’t just drink random medicine, it’s not good for your health!”
“Who said I was going to drink it?” Leng Jiu blinked innocently, then suddenly leaned in and kissed him on the lips. While Gong Yuwei was still in shock, she boldly deepened the kiss, tasting the lingering bitterness of the medicine in his mouth. After a moment, she pulled away and smiled. “Hmm, it really isn’t bitter—it’s sweet!”
Gong Yuwei’s face turned bright red as he felt the warmth of her teasing, leaving him too flustered to speak. Meanwhile, Leng Jiu began reaching to undo his clothes, startling him back to reality. He quickly grabbed her hands to stop her. “What are you doing?”
Leng Jiu blinked innocently. “I’m just checking your wound, what else did you think?”
Gong Yuwei’s mind flashed back to when she had joked about undressing and hugging him, and he suddenly realized his thoughts had gone astray. Embarrassed by his own thoughts, he couldn’t bear to look at her. “The wound is already bandaged; you can’t see it. There’s no need to look.”
Seeing how shy he was, Leng Jiu didn’t push the matter. Instead, she leaned her head against his uninjured shoulder, inhaling the faint scent of medicine on him. To her surprise, it felt oddly comforting.
Gong Yuwei stiffened for a moment but then hesitantly raised his arm to wrap it around her shoulder, a soft smile slowly spreading across his face.
After a while, Leng Jiu finally asked, “Have you found out who tried to assassinate you?”
Gong Yuwei snapped back to reality. “The assassin was highly skilled. My shadow guards were no match for him, and he managed to escape.”
This answer didn’t bring Leng Jiu any relief; instead, it made her even more uneasy. When she remained silent for a long time, Gong Yuwei became concerned. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”
With her head buried against his chest, Leng Jiu mumbled, “I don’t know what to say.”
Gong Yuwei, thinking she was worried about the assassin, reassured her, “Don’t worry! This is the prime minister’s residence; he wouldn’t dare come here. I’ll be sure to bring more guards with me whenever I go out in the future.”
But no amount of guards could stop Long Yueli! Leng Jiu sighed inwardly, but there was nothing she could say now. She could only nod, pretending to agree.
Leng Jiu stayed with Gong Yuwei for the rest of the day. The two of them leaned against each other, chatting idly. Though their conversations were simple, neither of them felt bored; instead, they cherished the quiet and peaceful moments.
Gong Yuwei’s right shoulder was injured, rendering his hand immobile, and his left hand wasn’t very convenient either. So at lunch, Leng Jiu personally fed him, making Gong Yuwei blush even harder, though his heart was filled with sweetness. Madam Fu occasionally peeked in, and Gong Yuwei felt so embarrassed he wanted to hide under the covers.
That meal was a mix of happiness and torture for Gong Yuwei. Everything tasted sweet to him, and he wasn’t even paying attention to what Leng Jiu was feeding him. He would’ve swallowed anything she gave him, even poison.
After feeding him, Leng Jiu discovered that she had a knack for taking care of people. Once she saw that Gong Yuwei was full, she finally ate her own meal. Meanwhile, Gong Yuwei simply sat beside her, gazing at her with soft eyes, the affection in his gaze impossible to hide.
After lunch, Leng Jiu took Gong Yuwei out for a walk. After being cooped up for an entire day and night, they both needed some fresh air.
The weather was perfect, and Gong Yuwei led Leng Jiu to the garden, where most of the plants were lush and green, though there were only a few flowers. There was no trace of peonies or other ornamental flowers, though there were a few orchids.
Gong Yuwei suddenly remembered that Leng Jiu seemed to love flowers, so he immediately said, “In a few days, I’ll have some peonies and other flowers planted so it won’t feel so barren here.”
Leng Jiu shook her head. “Every place has its own beauty. I’ve seen plenty of peonies in the palace, so why see them everywhere? Besides, this garden, with its lush greenery and vibrant life, is refreshing to look at. There’s nothing wrong with it.”
Hearing this, Gong Yuwei held her hand, his heart filling with warmth because of her words. She was always different from others.
Leng Jiu led Gong Yuwei to a pavilion. “The sunlight is perfect here, let’s rest for a bit.”
Gong Yuwei sat next to her, looking at their clasped hands. This stolen moment of happiness felt so extravagant and fulfilling.
Leng Jiu, noticing his gaze on their hands, said nothing. She simply moved her thumb slightly, gently rubbing his hand. The cool touch was quite soothing. Gong Yuwei blushed at her subtle action but did not pull away.
The afternoon sunlight cast over the two of them, and their shadows lay intertwined on the ground. In the warm, tranquil afternoon, affection flowed quietly between them. However, this serene moment was abruptly shattered by the sudden flash of a blade.
A gleam of gold caught Leng Jiu’s eye, and she instinctively jumped up. Without a second thought, she grabbed the blade with one hand and, with all her strength, struck at the hand wielding the sword, while simultaneously kicking at the attacker’s abdomen.
The attacker, surprised to see blood on her hand, staggered back after being kicked, the sword slipping from his grip as he took two steps back.
Leng Jiu, holding the sword, glared coldly at the attacker. “Long Yueli! What are you trying to pull now?”
Long Yueli stood silently outside the pavilion, staring at her. His once charming and fox-like eyes were now filled with coldness, devoid of the usual teasing seductiveness. He was conveying his resolve to Leng Jiu.
Gong Yuwei wasn’t frightened by the sudden assassination attempt, but he was terrified when he saw Leng Jiu bleeding. Seeing her hand dripping with blood, he panicked. “Xiao Jiu! Your hand!” He immediately called for the hidden guards. “Quick, go fetch a doctor!”
The hidden guards glanced at the clearly menacing Long Yueli but hesitated to leave. Gong Yuwei, now desperate, commanded, “Go get a doctor! That’s an order!”
Reluctantly, the guard left, while others emerged to protect the two.
Long Yueli looked at Gong Yuwei’s anxious expression and sneered. “Isn’t Lord Gong someone who doesn’t care about worldly affairs? Why are you now so flustered over a woman?”
Gong Yuwei was unafraid of Long Yueli and returned a cold gaze. His expression, icy and composed, was the Gong Yuwei everyone knew. “I don’t recall ever offending His Highness Prince Xuan. Why have you targeted me? Could it be that the attack the other night was also your doing?”
“So what if it was?” Long Yueli’s eyebrows arched, his seductive gaze cold. “Why did you have to provoke her, of all people? She couldn’t bear to let me kill you, so I’ll kill you right in front of her!”
Leng Jiu tightened her grip on the sword. “Enough!”
“Not enough!” Long Yueli’s right hand dropped, and an aura of danger condensed in his palm. “I told you I would kill him. He was lucky to escape that night, but today, you’ll watch him die right before your eyes!”
Gong Yuwei moved to shield Leng Jiu behind him, displaying a firmness she had never seen before. He stared at Long Yueli, his words resolute. “If you want to make your move, go ahead. But do not harm Xiao Jiu again!”
“Feeling protective, are we?” Long Yueli’s sneer grew, but then his killing intent surged. With a wave of his right hand, his powerful inner force sent the guards flying, two of them vomiting blood from their injuries. Then, with his other hand, he gathered his full strength, aiming directly at Gong Yuwei’s chest with lethal intent.
Gong Yuwei coldly faced Long Yueli. Even knowing that this blow could mean his death, he showed no fear. His calm indifference made him appear larger than life.
At the critical moment, Leng Jiu shoved Gong Yuwei aside, raised her sword, and deliberately met Long Yueli’s strike with her chest, plunging the blade forward with a decisive motion, blood splattering as it pierced through flesh.
“Thud!” The sword tip tore through fabric, skin, and muscle, emerging from the other side. Leng Jiu had braced herself for the worst, prepared to die, but when she looked down, she saw that Long Yueli’s palm had stopped inches from her heart, devoid of any force. Then, seeing the sword piercing through Long Yueli’s chest, she froze, realizing what had happened. She looked up at Long Yueli, who was now smiling, a bitter yet relieved smile. In that moment, she understood everything—he had forced her to stab him, even hoping she might kill him.
Long Yueli raised his hand and gripped the blade, pulling the sword from his chest, tossing the blood-stained weapon aside without even flinching. It was as if the injury didn’t hurt him at all.
Blood continued to gush from his chest, soaking his robes, but he paid no attention. He stepped closer to the stunned Leng Jiu, raised his hand to caress her face, his expression full of tenderness. He softly kissed her lips, then her nose, and finally her forehead, before closing his eyes in satisfaction, holding her close. His voice was hoarse, “I stabbed him once, and now you’ve returned the favor. Do you think that’s fair?”
“I know your heart doesn’t belong to me, and I understand your coldness. I just wonder if after today, you’ll remember me… if you’ll spare a small place for me in your heart?” Long Yueli’s voice was almost pleading, but he received no answer. With that, he lost consciousness from blood loss, collapsing toward the ground.
Just before he hit the ground, a shadow appeared, catching him, then quickly took off, carrying him away with the speed of light. Only the blood on the ground and the discarded sword bore witness to the events that had just unfolded.
At the moment Long Yueli fell, Leng Jiu instinctively reached out, trying to grab something, though she didn’t know what. In the end, she grasped nothing, and simply stared at the space where he had disappeared, her mind going blank.
Gong Yuwei approached and, for the first time, took the initiative to pull Leng Jiu into his arms, holding her quietly without saying a word. His heart was equally shaken, and he felt a deep sense of helplessness. When he had seen Long Yueli kiss her in the maple woods, his heart had been in agony. He had considered giving up, but in the end, he couldn’t ignore his feelings for her, so he accepted her. He had always known Long Yueli existed, but forced himself not to think about it.
He held onto this stolen happiness, trying to ignore everything else, just wanting to stay with her, even if it meant living in the shadows forever. But today, he realized that someone else loved her just as much as he did, someone who couldn’t accept anyone else in her life. That person didn’t choose to ignore it like he had, but instead used the most drastic means to prove his love. In that moment, Gong Yuwei realized that maybe he didn’t love her enough.
He held her silently for a long time before finally sighing and saying, “Let’s treat your wound first.”
The doctor finally arrived, and Gong Yuwei had him treat Leng Jiu’s injury. He sat nearby, watching carefully. Leng Jiu stretched out her hand, letting the doctor apply medicine and bandage her up. The doctor, afraid of causing her pain, was especially gentle, but she didn’t feel anything, as if she were a puppet.
Her hand was soon wrapped up like a bundle, and the doctor gave many instructions, none of which Leng Jiu heard. Gong Yuwei, however, listened carefully. After the doctor left, Gong Yuwei dismissed the others and once again held Leng Jiu in his arms, finally speaking, “If you’re heartbroken, say it. If you want to cry, cry.”
Leng Jiu turned to look at him, her eyes not filled with sadness or pain, but with confusion, as if she hadn’t fully processed what had happened. She murmured, “The sword pierced his heart.”
Gong Yuwei suddenly realized the significance of the sword’s location, remembering the blood that had kept pouring from Long Yueli’s chest. He was startled. “Could it be…”
“I killed him,” Leng Jiu whispered as she leaned against Gong Yuwei’s shoulder. “He forced me to kill him.”
Gong Yuwei snapped out of his shock and gently stroked her back. “Don’t worry. He won’t die so easily.”
“I know.” Leng Jiu gripped Gong Yuwei’s clothes tightly. “I know he won’t die, but he forced me to strike him, deliberately making me stab that spot. He was forcing me!”
Gong Yuwei paused, feeling somewhat melancholy. “Xiao Jiu… do you have feelings for him?”
Leng Jiu said nothing, clutching his clothes in silence. She didn’t know how to respond. She wanted to say that she had no feelings for Long Yueli, but when she closed her eyes, all she could see was the moment her sword pierced his chest and his smiling face as he fell. She used to think she didn’t care about him at all, but now she couldn’t say that. Long Yueli had succeeded. With his extreme actions, he had torn open a wound in her heart, one she could no longer ignore.
Gong Yuwei let out a bitter laugh and gently patted her. “Don’t overthink it. Your hand is badly hurt. Think about how you’ll hide it when you return to the palace.”
Leng Jiu nodded, and after a while, she bid farewell to Gong Yuwei. After what had happened, her mind was filled with a blank, bloody red—she didn’t know if it was the image of Long Yueli’s robes or the crimson at his chest. She refused Gong Yuwei’s offer of escort and returned to the General’s Mansion before changing her clothes and heading back to the palace.
Qing Ling and Ziyu were shocked when they saw Leng Jiu’s injured hand. “Your Majesty! How did you get hurt?”
Leng Jiu waved her hand dismissively. “I want to rest. No one is to disturb me. As for my hand, tell everyone that I injured it while practicing swordsmanship out of boredom. That’s all.”
Seeing how dispirited Leng Jiu was, Qing Ling and Ziyu exchanged puzzled glances but didn’t dare ask further questions.
Leng Jiu lay down in bed, staring at the ceiling. She was utterly exhausted—not physically, but emotionally. However, she didn’t dare close her eyes. Even with her eyes open, she could imagine the scene, and if she closed them, it would only become clearer, replaying over and over. She couldn’t bear the torment.
She had killed countless people, capable of flirting with someone one moment and then coldly pulling the trigger the next. Yet, she had never felt so shaken, shaken to the point that her heart trembled.
Unable to sleep and uncertain of what else to do, Leng Jiu lay in bed for a long time before finally getting up and heading toward the bathhouse. As she reached for the door, her hand froze. The memory of her first encounter with Long Yueli flashed vividly before her eyes. He had fallen into her bath in a disheveled state, flirtatiously teasing her, only to be subdued by her in the end. When she learned of his identity, she considered him dangerous and tried to avoid him, but he persistently clung to her, thick-skinned and shameless. Time and again, he teased her, kissed her, and she grew accustomed to his presence. Then came his jealousy, his attempts to please her, and his whispered words of love, followed by their passionate entanglements.
As the floodgates of her memories opened, past events came rushing back like a torrent. Leng Jiu realized just how vivid her memory was—she could even recall with perfect clarity the way his eyebrows raised flirtatiously.
With a bitter smile, she submerged herself in the water, forcing her mind to go blank, willing herself not to think about anything.
Upon hearing that Leng Jiu had injured her hand while practicing swordsmanship, Long Yi specially brought two imperial physicians to tend to her. After the physicians treated her, Long Yi expressed his concern, but Leng Jiu completely ignored him. Helpless, Long Yi had no choice but to leave, though he ordered the imperial physicians to stay behind, insisting that they must heal her injury.
Lan Ze had heard about the injury and wanted to visit, but since it was the inner palace and he wasn’t permitted to enter easily, he sent Lan Xiang instead. Over the past few days, Lan Xiang had been preparing to seduce Long Yueli, but she hadn’t even caught a glimpse of him. The gates of the Xuan King’s residence had been tightly shut, and not even a mosquito could be seen flying out. Even with her beauty that rivaled that of a fairy, she had no chance.
When Lan Xiang walked in, she was met with the sight of Leng Jiu looking as if her soul had left her body. Puzzled, she asked, “It’s just a hand injury, right? Is it really that serious? Why did you have to learn swordsmanship out of nowhere?”
Leng Jiu ignored her. Lan Xiang approached, tried saying a few more things, but still received no response. Even when she waved her hand in front of Leng Jiu’s face, there was no reaction. Lan Xiang became even more confused. In the end, she had no choice but to send for Lan Ze, using her own name to persuade him to come.
Before long, Lan Ze arrived, but he didn’t enter the inner hall. Instead, he waited outside. Lan Xiang glanced at him, exasperated, and instructed Zi Yu to bring out the zither. “Play something!”
Lan Ze looked at her. “Was it the Empress Dowager who summoned me to play the zither?”
“She’s practically on the verge of ascending to heaven, how could she possibly call for you?” Lan Xiang rolled her eyes ungracefully. “Isn’t she the one who understands your music the best? Right now, she looks like her soul has left her body. Let’s see if your skill is enough to summon her soul back!”
Although Lan Ze hadn’t seen Leng Jiu yet, from Lan Xiang’s words, he could tell that something was off with her mood. Without asking further, he knelt down and gently plucked the strings of the zither with his pristine fingers. The music flowed like a breeze, soothing like gentle rain, carrying a cool, calming energy that cleansed the soul.
Finally, there was a slight change in Leng Jiu’s expression. Her eyes twitched slightly before she slowly closed them.
Lan Xiang peeked in and, surprised, said to Lan Ze, “She was just staring wide-eyed, but now she seems to have fallen asleep!”
Lan Ze’s fingers briefly paused, but then the music continued. He played without stopping for two full hours. The sound of the zither echoed continuously through Weiyang Palace, even attracting birds to perch on the walls and windows, quietly listening to the music.
At last, Lan Ze stopped playing. He covered his hands with his robe and stood up, saying, “It’s time for us to go.”
Lan Xiang watched him as he slipped his hand into his sleeve, her gaze softening. If she hadn’t been mistaken, his fingers were already swollen and red. Just so she could have a good rest, he played the zither for two hours, to the point his hands were almost raw from the effort.
As she watched his retreating figure, Lan Xiang felt she didn’t quite understand him, yet in a way, she did. To love someone so deeply without words—this must be what it meant.
Thanks to Lan Ze’s music, Leng Jiu, who had been awake for a day and a night, finally fell asleep. With the continuous sound of the zither in her ears, she slept soundly, without any dreams. Although she slept for a long time, she was eventually awakened by a nightmare of a sea of blood. She jerked up and threw her pillow across the room. “Bastard! If you’re going to die, then just die already! What’s the point of lingering and tormenting me?”
Practicing swordsmanship was originally just an excuse for Leng Jiu, but when she couldn’t take it anymore, she truly picked up her sword to train. In the past, she had dabbled in many skills—horsemanship, swordsmanship, firearms, archery—and she was proficient in all of them. Although she didn’t use swordsmanship often, she would occasionally spar with others on the training grounds. Chinese archery, Japanese kendo, and Western fencing—she knew them all. While she didn’t quite understand the concept of internal energy in this world, when it came to swordsmanship, she was confident she wouldn’t lose to anyone. However, she generally didn’t like using swords. When it came to killing, she preferred guns or daggers.
The palace maids Ziyu, Qingling, and the others watched in awe as Leng Jiu gracefully wielded the sword with her left hand. Her movements were so elegant and fluid that they couldn’t take their eyes off her. To make it easier to move, Leng Jiu had changed into a more androgynous outfit, and her hair was tied up like a man’s. She looked like a refined gentleman, already enough to make the maids swoon. Coupled with her extraordinary swordsmanship and swift, decisive movements, she left them utterly infatuated. Even though they knew she was a woman, they couldn’t help but be mesmerized by her.
And they weren’t the only ones captivated. Long Yi, Lan Ze, and Lan Xiang had all come by together. Long Yi didn’t announce his presence and just walked into the courtyard, where he was immediately struck by the stunning scene before him. He remembered that Qinghua also knew some swordsmanship, but he hadn’t expected her to be so skilled. Her seemingly casual yet sharp sword techniques were both intricate and deadly. He couldn’t help but applaud inwardly, his gaze fixed on her, unable to look away.
Lan Ze, too, was entranced. He wasn’t thinking about anything else, just mesmerized by this rare and remarkable sight.
Lan Xiang fared a bit better, but not by much. She had seen women wield swords before—sometimes with seductive charm, other times with cold resolve and valiant spirit—but there was always a certain feminine delicacy about them that made it lack true strength. Leng Jiu, however, was different. This was the first time Lan Xiang had seen a woman wield a sword with more grace and ferocity than any man. There wasn’t a trace of daintiness in her movements. Her style was bold and free, and while it lacked conventional beauty, it was incredibly elegant. Paired with her heroic face, what Lan Xiang saw before her was a peerless young master, and her heart stirred with admiration. Then came a pang of regret—why wasn’t she a man?
Leng Jiu, of course, knew the three were watching her, but she didn’t stop. She continued her sword routine until the end, then elegantly sheathed her sword. Ziyu, knowing Leng Jiu’s hand was injured, quickly approached with a cloth to wipe the sweat from her brow. Ziyu was slightly shorter than Leng Jiu, so she had to tilt her head up to wipe her face. In response, Leng Jiu lowered her head slightly to make it easier for her. The scene looked just like that of a married couple, so harmonious that it made people envious.
Lan Xiang bit her lip, regretting that she hadn’t stepped up to wipe her face. Even though they were both women, the scene was just too heartwarming!
After wiping her face, Leng Jiu drank some tea and returned her sword to its scabbard before walking over to the three of them. “Why are you here?”
Long Yi stared at her intently, his eyes full of undisguised affection, though “possessiveness” might have been a more fitting description. “This is the first time I’ve seen you practice swordsmanship.”
Leng Jiu’s gaze briefly swept over Lan Ze and Lan Xiang, catching Lan Xiang’s near-adoring expression. Speechless, she looked away. “Is that why His Majesty came today?”
“I only came to check on your injury,” Long Yi said, his voice unexpectedly tender.
Leng Jiu couldn’t stand the way he was looking at her, nor the sudden gentleness in his tone. She didn’t know if he was speaking to Leng Qinghua or to her, but since she was the one standing before him now, she felt increasingly uncomfortable, as if her skin was crawling with fleas. She brushed past him and walked away. “Your Majesty, please leave. I’m going to bathe now, so it’s not convenient to entertain you.”
With that, she walked inside. A moment later, her voice rang out from afar: “Ziyu, come help me with my bath!”
“Yes!” Ziyu hurried after her, leaving the three standing there.
For once, Long Yi wasn’t angry at Leng Jiu’s cold attitude. Instead, his resolve deepened even further.

*Author’s Note:*
This chapter is really pushing boundaries! I’ve been getting myself into all sorts of trouble lately. Sigh!
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