Novel Name : The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 176 - 199

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Chapter 176: Burst shot so what? (Breakeven 2)

Strictly speaking, Sheyan had already led the 3 guys sneakily towards that cluster of building for close to 10 minutes. During this time, there was a slight disagreement and conflict with another contestant excelled in the intelligence attribute. If not for the the intense situation against a common enemy, they would have directly came to blows to solve the dispute in the swiftest possible way.
Previously when Sheyan was buried underneath the ruins, he was determined to stay below. Obviously the Banks Syndicate would have targeted all contestants who possessed the strength to hold the defence. Therefore, Sheyan’s plan was to first rescue the other contestants buried underneath who were proficient in other attributes. If he waited for them to climb up themselves, although a contestant was far capable than average humans, he would still have to wait at least an hour.
Unknowingly, as he was rescuing Phelps, he suddenly discovered a drain. Although the drain was narrow and filthy, a hole was smashed open by a collapsing rubble. Climbing in, they were able to access the main drainage channel of the street.
London was an established city with a long history, its sewage channels were accessible from all sides. It was as complex as a maze. Sheyan had far superior strength than average people, thus after rescuing the 3, he easily slipped to the opposite building. At this time….. Coincidentally was the time where Gale was disarmed and killed.
This was when the conflict begun.
A intelligence based contestant called O’Connor probably because of Felix’s betrayal, considered himself as the head of the miscellaneous team. Believing that this was a great chance of a comeback, he urgently lowered his voice and commanded.
“I’ll target Venter, Aili prepare to cast a spell onto the black shirt Orlan , Phelps you block that idiot Sidang! Seaman rush out to distract them. On the count of 3, we’ll head out.”
“1 , 2 , 3!”
Three pairs of eyes stared at the back of Sheyan. He was reclining against the wall, with his eyes gazing towards the ceiling at a 45 degrees angle. His expression was firm and determined. It was like he was seriously examining how long did the filth take to coagulate onto the ceiling.
O’Connor’s face turned red, fuming out with a whisper.
“Oi Seaman, what are you waiting for?”
Sheyan swung his head back replying.
“Waiting for a chance.”
O’Connor urgently urged.
“This is the best chance, hurry up.”
Sheyan rolled his eyes.
“Who wants to go ahead can go, I’m not F**king going.”
O’Connor’s face turned ashen, pronouncing out his words slowly.
“You’re betraying the party?”
Sheyan snorted.
“If i charge out now, the first thing the Banks Syndicate will do is bombard me! ****, the one that is dying is not you right? Or do you want to gift me a black grade shield like the Metals professor did, you think I’m stupid? Why don’t you go?”
The words were stuck in O’Connor’s throat, in his eagerness, he really treated Sheyan as cannon fodder. But obviously he couldn’t say this out loud. After hearing Sheyan’s outburst, he flew into a rage out of humiliation.
“We’ll all be covering you from the back, what harm will you be in? I think you’re thinking of betraying us!”
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders.
“Whatever, if you think I’m betraying then start a trial against me.”
O’Connor’s eyeballs were about to pop out. He abruptly turned to the other two.
“Phelps, Aili, let’s not care about this dick. Let’s go!”
Aili was a female. She held certain apprehension towards O’Connor’s orders, she knew that a slight misjudgement would cost her her life. Thus she neutrally refuted.
“I think we should wait. If no one blocks from the front, we won’t be able to kill that bastard Venter and he can gain on us within 3 seconds.”
Phelps also didn’t hold a high position, but declared his opinion.
“I agree with Aili.”
Truthfully speaking, contestants like them were the hardest at the initial stage, they were worst off compared to agile contestants. At least the latter could rely on their superior speed to flee. Furthermore, support class contestants suffered MP and casting speed constraints. But after they matured, all sorts of weakening abilities, or supremely potent magic spells, controlling abilities were exceptionally frightening. For example, that woman ‘Zi’ that Sheyan met previously.
Sheyan sneered in his heart: Little kid, never played before the online game ‘Unhuman’? Will a tank dare to act against a demon boss? Are you tired of living?
O’Connor was so angry he started trembling. It seemed like he was really about to rush up alone. But instead he shut his eyes and took a few breaths. Calming down he continued.
“I’ll report this matter to the metals professor. Seaman, then you’ll decide when is the best chance.”
Sheyan was astonished. Indeed the realm doesn’t contain weaklings. This O’Connor actually was able to assess the situation and calm down, and even allowed me to lead! Such tolerance and self control is really something else.
Finally, Sheyan’s awaited moment arrived. This opportunity didn’t seem very great – Venter had already received treatment for 3 minutes, Black shirt Orlan had already been cured and had rushed out. Only Sidang was clutching his belly with a pale face and panting while leaning against the wall. But, Sheyan’s most feared individual had finally shown some weakness!
That was the support class contestant of the Banks Syndicate!
To Sheyan, no matter if its Diaz or Venter, they couldn’t amount much threat to him. Only those spell casters were his greatest worry. Even the weapon enhanced Venter was able to release a terrifying sea of flames to engulf Chevslokov. Who knew what other fire abilities this guy could exhibit? Or perhaps any petrifying methods who gained from other worlds?
Yet at this moment it was clearly seen, that supporting contestant was relatively weakened. As he bandaged Venter, above his hands were some white rays interweaving with the bandage. This white glow suddenly flickered after 5 -6 seconds. It was obvious, his MP was about to be drained. He could only rely on natural methods to squeeze out this treatment.
If they didn’t act now, when else would they?
Sheyan burst out with energy, heavily knocking against the wooden door ahead. Unloading his might as he hurriedly charge forward amidst the dusty air! He was like a vigorous ox frenziedly charging head on across a wasteland. At the same moment, that Whomping Willow was frantically causing a huge uproar, creating more rising dost and fog. The two parties locked in combat had no clue of this new variable, that there was a disturbance amongst those inside the opposite building.
From the distant vantage point, suddenly regulated gunshots could be heard! Decomposed wooden shavings and sawdust splintered in all directions. Sheyan was familiar with this regulated shooting, but at that time the gunshot provided him with security, and the troll’s nightmare. But right now, it had transformed into a deathly sickle, hoping to viciously taste his flesh and blood! It was triggered from the grim and callous Diaz hiding in the distance.
Such was the cruel reality. Yesterday’s friend, was now opening fire against him without the slightest hesitation.
Blazing hot bullets crashed against Sheyan’s body, but never penetrated. Instead, his study muscles simply squeezed them out, as the bloodied bullets fell to the dust filled floor.
“Contestant no.33091 has dealt 120 points of basic damage, factoring contestant limitation of 40%, he dealt 72 points of damage. Factoring 16 points of defence, he dealt 45 points of damage. Your innate ability Endurance activated. Your total received damage: 20 points.”
“Contestant no.33091 activated ability: Burst shot, 3 consecutive. The last shot resulted in an explosive strike. Your total damage sustained is 19 points, 17 points, and 36 points of damage!”
“Contestant no.33091 request to check his battle log. Do you wish to use your perceptive sensing to pressurely interfere with your opponent? Yes / No.”
“Your perceptive sensing successfully interferes with the opponent. Insufficient perceptive sensing to mislead the opponent, but opponent is unable to view detailed data from the battle log.”
Sheyan scurried through the list of notifications, he discovered that only in a short 10 seconds, his life had dropped by close to 1/3. His lips curl into a smile. 3 burst shot so what? But in his heart he started to feel that Gale’s death was indeed justifiable under such explosive might.
Fortunately at this moment, his magic reinforcements finally arrived. A gigantic fireball sped past and directly headed towards the room, it was released by O’Connor! In addition, Aili’s witchcraft curse had landed on the heavily injured Sidang. Instead, Phelps was a summoner. From his shouts, Three enormous big bad wolves with shiny scalps appeared with saliva dripping through their incisive fangs. They pounced directly towards the black shirt Orlan who was running back to aid.
But at this moment, the sprinting Sheyan unexpectedly leapt down into the lateral cluster of houses! His action utterly exposed the other 3 supporting contestants to the wrath of Diaz’s gunfire!
This unforeseen movement seemed extremely abnormal. If Sheyan had continued to run straight, then Diaz could only continue to assault him. Sheyan would then crashed head on into the wooden room Venter was in and would be in Diaz’s blind spot, but will now attract the attention of Venter. The other 3 supports could bombard their attacks freely without restraints. But at this moment he suddenly escaped to the side…..undoubtedly, the powerful magician O’Connor instantly became Diaz’s primary target!
The chilling gunshots resonated – Cunning, dull and full of despair.Chapter 177: Sadako Yamamura

Once O’Connor saw Sheyan diving to the side, he understood his perilous situation. However, he was only a support lacking in both physique and agility, hence he couldn’t react with quick agility. Hence, not even half a step later, his legs immediately felt numb, he got shot.
In the nightmare realm where danger lurks in every corner, everyone would have their own emergency contingencies. O’Connor was no exception. He calmly waved his cane as a glass like protective screen appeared over him like a glass room.
This was O’Connor’s equipment ability: Glass box! During its duration, it will lessen all damages!
As the gun sounds resonated and the bullets pierced through the air, sparks formed as it pass through the transparent glass. When it reached O’Connor, its power had greatly reduced. At this moment, O’Connor’s blazing fireball forced its way into the room on the second floor, and exploded! The inferno scattered everywhere like the rain as its torrential flames flooded the area, it looked more terrifying than a napalm explosion!
“Such insane might….” Sheyan’s pupils shrank. This was the first time he indicated clear acknowledgement of spell in this world. From the latest event, he understood that once a mighty support class successfully displayed his abilities, he could create such devastating AOE damage!
Witnessing this scene, black shirt Orlan’s eyes turned red. The three savage grey wolves had pounced onto him, wildly ripping and munching. His two hands suddenly illuminated a black glow, as the glow bubbled about his hands like boiling water. Although it was bright daylight now, the glow gave one an eerie chill.
Then black shirt Orlan bent down, as though tolerating the painful lacerations. He half knelt and punched the ground with the black glow on his hands. Consecutively, a queer ringing of the bell could be heard.
“Come out, Sadako Yamamura!”
O’Connor was an inch away from reaching the building and its protective blind spot. Suddenly beneath him, the ground turned dark as a deathly white hand erupted out and clutched his ankles! It was like O’Connor froze within time, even his complacent and disdainful expression was locked on his face.
Ability: Sadako Yamamura
(TN: the ghost from the Ring movie)
Origin: The Ring
Ominous acquiring method
Usage requirements: Consumes spell caster’s life points by 33%
Sorcery medium (Material): A strand of hair from a female corpse after 36 hours of her death (Obtainable in any world)
Usage effects: Summon out Sadako’s hands to contact the target’s body, causing target to sink into paralysis effect lasting 15 seconds. When the target receives the next primary attack, 30% chance of removing paralysis effect. The second attack and subsequent attacks, 60% chance of removing paralysis effect.

Of course the cool and collected Diaz wouldn’t pass on this golden opportunity. He wasn’t anxious to attack O’Connor but instead started reloading his bullets.
One round, two round, slowly, the unfeeling Karabiner rifle was fully loaded.
He still had the time to blow the tip of his rifle.
He then took aim.
Diaz’s eyes squinted gently with his finger bent. His shoulder blade firmly cushioned the gun’s fierce recoil, as the fiery bullets sprayed out of the barrel.
After that, he immediately activated his ability:
Burst shot. 3 consecutive!
The essence of this discharge is relying on this MP to dish out the bullets, hence there wasn’t any interval between his firing.
After Burst shot. 3 consecutive were issued,
The firearm firing interval had reached 3 seconds,¨C27C(TN: his firing rate is once every 3 seconds, his ability allowed him to release 3 shots without triggering but using his MP)¨C28CThat meant if his target didn’t possess high agility, Diaz would be able to land five rounds on him. To Diaz, this was currently his most formidable killing method. Using this method against the mountain troll previously, he singlehandedly dished out 70% HP worth of damage! At present, even though there was the contestant’s damage limitation and the protection of his Glass box, O’Connor’s fate was unknown against this lethal might! ¨C29C5 fatal bullets blasted through the air, as the first 3 crashed against the glass box utterly decimating it. It looked like a layer of frost dissolving into the river.¨C30CThe final two bullets penetrated O’Connor’s heart and the center of his head, forming two budding blood patch. ¨C31CO’Connor’s HP already took a heavy blow from the previous attacks, and the final two bullets directly depleted his life force! Amidst the tragic gushing of blood, a crimson red key plopped onto the ground, attracting everyone’s attention. ¨C32CPresently, Sheyan had already drank a mouthful of ‘Endless Spirited vodka’ and recovered some HP. He then reappeared with a detached wooden door. Although this door couldn’t offer much protection, it shielded him from the vision of others, which greatly reduced the chances of being targeted. Sheyan timing coincidentally matched with Diaz’s rearming duration. At this moment, the remnants of the blazing fireball was still around. The opposite room was crackling with flames, sending a heat wave across the entire room. He believed people inside the room wouldn’t even notice his existence. ¨C33CWhen Diaz’s rifle rearming period expired, Sheyan had already entered his blind spot. The other Banks Syndicate members who had established overall dominance had already discovered the movements at this side. The bright flames illuminated a crack in their eye sockets, as 2 – 3 guys immediately rushed back to aid. ¨C34CThe remaining remnants of the Symbiosis sect finally obtained some breathing space, as they started to retaliate against their ‘fleeing’ opponents. After the Banks Syndicate members discovered the fire behind them, they shouted out for Diaz and Felix to swiftly return to aid. However, the two of them remained indifferent. Diaz was originally a lone traveller, he couldn’t care less about the tragic few deaths of the Banks Syndicate members. The golden spectacled Felix was even more treacherous – more deaths would provide him a greater stepping stone, this would emphasise his importance towards them and shaped his future.¨C35CTherefore, once Sheyan reached the temporary medical shelter of the Banks Syndicate, the nearest reinforcement was still dozens of metres away. As Sheyan looked into his ruthless eyes, he slowed down his footsteps. Deciding not to take the stairs, he instantly jumped and grabbed onto the edge of the veranda before flinging himself in. ¨C36CThat pursuing Banks Syndicate had a rigid and lifeless expression, even carrying a thread of despair. At this moment, three consecutive shots pierced into his back as he collapsed onto the ground. This attack was issued from his enemy, Mogensha! Although at the same time Mogensha was in a sorry and dangerous state, as he received 2 – 3 strikes with blood spurting out from all sides. But undoubtedly, his noble actions ensured Sheyan wouldn’t have troubles from his rear! ¨C37CSheyan laughed crazily. The Banks Syndicate had obviously planned much for this operation, why would they leave this crucial temporary medical shelter without protection. How would it not possess a single protective contingency? Therefore, he obviously wouldn’t take the conventional way but entered through the porch. Thus, he naturally avoided the prior snares that the Banks Syndicate had planted. ¨C38CAfter ascending, Sheyan blew apart the room door with his fist. Luckily, that support contestant was just there, as Venter who was still burning from the inferno was supporting him to retreat. Furthermore, the heavily wounded Sidang had also been burnt black, obviously dying on the spot. No wonder a blood key dropped out of O’Connor, actually he had already incurred slayer value after finishing off Sidang. ¨C39C”It’s you?!” Venter stared at Sheyan, his eyes exposing his hatred and contempt. He coldly sneered. “I should have killed you previously, who would expect you actually came running back to die?” ¨C40CSheyan smiled widely, his white teeth were dyed with blood! With a flick of his wrist, a crow black hatchet appeared as he directly chopped forward. He could see clearly, after that blazing inferno, that support class contestant had a huge hole burnt through his mantle, exposing his figure. It astonishingly exposed a tender waist and fair skin, looking extremely delicate. It was a western looking female! Sheyan’s hatchet directly hacked towards this female’s neck without restraint instead of the nearby Venter! ¨C41C”Bastard!” Venter fumed. He swung his broadsword with one hand, horizontally cutting against Sheyan’s waist. Obviously he was trying to deter Sheyan and cause him to withdraw his assault. Who knew Sheyan was already determined to receive his attack. He smiled as he ignored Venter and instead chopped down faster. ¨C42CBlood splashed out as that support class female contestant released a mournful screech. The magic gown wrapping around her seemed to possess terrible defence as a long hole was split apart by Sheyan’s hatchet. Her white skin, tattered gown and crimson blood created an unexplainable cruel but beautiful art, just like a delicate flower floating down and being trampled upon. Venter roared angrily, as though he was the one that received the devastating chop of the hatchet. ¨C43CAfter receiving Venter’s slash, Sheyan was thrown back several steps but never received any crushing damage. The real damage from this sword was only 27 points, actually lower than Sheyan’s expectation. Sheyan completely ignored that attack, as he laughed out loudly and frenziedly chop down without caring for his own safety! ¨C44COf course, Sheyan’s target was always that female support class contestant!¨C45C*Chapter 178: Fairy’s praise

Venter was helpless. He had to support the woman with one hand, while raising his sword to block with the other! His weapon was originally dual handed, using it with one hand was already forcing it. Moreover, he had suffered heavy injuries beforehand, thus after clashing against Sheyan’s hatchet, Venter staggered backwards beneath the sparks! Furthermore behind them was the room, filled with flames!
Venter was unable to dodge Sheyan’s subsequent chop and could only receive it with his body. His strength was astounding, but his physique was severely lacking, Sheyan wasn’t going to be merciful and chopped down with an evil smile! The profound hatchet left a huge, bone deep, wound on Venter’s body. Venter shuddered in pain, as he swung his sword in retaliation trying to force Sheyan back. Instead, Sheyan advanced, lifting his left hand as he scoffed and received the sword!
The icy cold blade slashed against Sheyan’s left arm, as it cut towards his ghastly white bone before stopping!
Blood gushed out, spraying against Sheyan’s face.
Yet Sheyan maintained his crazed assault! He swung back his right hand, and once again chopped down with his hatchet!
The scene of his sword slicing against the opponent’s bone never failed to excite Venter. However, being chopped by a hatchet wasn’t a great feeling either.
Blood sprayed out from both parties, smearing against the nearby walls, painting an awfully tragic art piece onto the filthy wall.
Sheyan endured the slash as if it were nothing. But to Venter, that last hatchet was really like the the last straw!
This last blow finally led the quantitative damages to a qualitative result. Previously, Venter was already dragged in after receiving heavy injuries. During treatment, he was suddenly ambushed by O’Connor’s fireball. Although it wasn’t lethal, he still suffered quite a massive wound. But after receiving two merciless chops from Sheyan, he immediately sank into a heavily wounded state as he stumbled backwards before collapsing to the ground with the person he was supporting.
Sheyan laughed, raising his hatchet as he walked over slowly. The flames cast a gloomy glow on his face, as he spoke with a flat and gentle tone.
“Any last words?”
Clearly about to ruthlessly claim one’s life, Sheyan actually used a such a simple and peaceful tone, as if he were creating some small talk. At this vital moment, Sheyan had became more cautious. This was because a contestant would only reveal his final trump card when his back was forced against the wall. If the two managed to craft up some self-destruct ability, then wouldn’t his own life be in immense danger?
Venter panted aggressively, blood dying his entire body. Still he covered the female contestant, with his eyes brimming with rage.
Sheyan gently breathed, he was afraid of unexpected variables if he dragged too long. Raising his Butchering bone hatchet, and chopped down!
The hatchet was aimed at Venter’s head! If it landed, it would definitely be fatal!
But Sheyan’s face suddenly changed, because the hatchet suddenly collided against a formless resistance when it was 30 cm away from its target. He couldn’t force even an inch through. Seeing this scene, Venter suddenly cried out loudly in sorrow. That cry was like an abandoned wolf, filled with remorse and terror!
“No! Danny! Don’t!”
The support class female contestant gradually stood up, gently stroking Venter’s hair and then kissing him softly.
Venter’s eyes were filled with despairing tears. He was blocked by a formless barrier, forced to stay within.
Then the female contestant slowly floated up, her hair drifting through the wind giving off a goddess impression. Suddenly a spring flower blooming fragrance filled the enter room, event the surrounding flames were extinguished. The floor started to sprout several tiny green shrubs. Sheyan shockingly discovered, his half empty lifepoints starting to regenerate rapidly, similarly for Venter.
Danny’s hair danced amidst the wind before starting transforming into specks of twinkling brilliance as it dispersed into the air…. Following that, her resplendent body also started to radiate into shimmering fragments!
The price for this ability was actually using her own precious life!
“Don’t tell me, this is the rumoured Fairy’s praise?” Sheyan suddenly recalled a conversation he head of in the realm’s marketplace. It was said that in the Lord of the Rings world, one could expend a low price to learn this ability from a spirit druid. Sacrificing oneself to protect comrades. However afterwards the user will transform into a seed. If one was willing to pay up an expensive price, there would still be hopes of revival.
Venter covered his face with his hands as he knelt on the floor, his entire body trembling. An uncontrollable sobbing ensued. Although he was currently trapped, but once this protective barrier vanished, he would certainly charge forward like a mad dog to devour Sheyan completely!
Sheyan’s wounds were lighter than Venters. Very quickly, he was restored to perfect shape. Venter was close to death, therefore he needed more time to regenerate. 1/3 of Danny’s body had drifted away, and based on Venter’s demented appearance, he would definitely restore her seed.
This meant that Sheyan had obtained adequate time to deal with his other enemies – At least, he had to contain that Diaz hiding in the shadows. If not, slaying the mountain troll has offered concrete evidence on the consequences of allowing Diaz to freely deliver attacks. Thinking of this, Sheyan immediately retreated several steps back. Completely ignoring Venter’s hatred filled eyes, he elbowed the wall behind him.
The wooden wall immediately cracked, as a section of it tore off and tumbled down. Sheyan then leapt down. Presently, the unfolding events of the battle were extremely complicated. While Sheyan was busy on top, black shirted Orlan had killed off Aili. But had a catastrophic time against the combination of Phelps and his wolves. He was then gnawed to death by the human wolf combo! The dropped key was snatched by Phelps.
Diaz had also seized the opportunity to attack Phelps. If not for Phelps finally ridding himself of Orlan, allowing the 3 wolves to freely pester Diaz, he wouldn’t have lived till now.
One had to admit, Sheyan’s leading charge had really swung the tides of battle. It successfully dissolved the pressure on the Symbiosis sect’s long distance combatants. Currently, the main focus of this battle was in the area between the collapsed ruins and the opposite building. Two Banks Syndicate members were tightly pursuing Mogensha and Deke. The summoned whomping willow had finally vanished, and the pale faced Felix had suffered a heavy strike. It looked like he was the victim of a surprise attack.
Sheyan swept the entire field with his eyes. After deliberating in his heart, he swiftly dashed off towards a direction.
Mogensha was violently panting.
Several deep scars were carved onto his golden AK47. If not for several critical moments where others erupted in sentimental sacrifices, he would undoubtedly have become a dead man.
Currently, the one chasing him like a maggot infiltrating a bone was a contestant named, Jowen. Although his appearance was a crooked shorty that didn’t even reach 1.6m, he was holding onto two terribly sharp dark blue daggers. It was crafted by a blacksmith dwarf in the Lord of the Rings world. Alone, it wasn’t much of a threat, but placed together, its might was terrorizing.
Wayne and no.13 were killed by Jowen. But before they died, they managed to heavily wound Jowen’s right hand. Hence, he could only utilize one dagger to combat Mogensha and wasn’t able to exhibit his fullest potential. That was also the main reason why Mogensha was able to flee and endure for so long.
Jowen fiercely slashed with his dagger, leaving faint blue afterimages wherever he swung. Mogensha could only block with his rifle. But at this moment, Jowen sneered and swung his leg up, kicking Mogensha on his chest. He was clearly trying to take his opponent down with his superior close combat skills, and suppress him completely. Every attack was obvious and distinct, but if he didn’t block it then there would be dire consequences.
This sort of offence was similar to the military strategy ‘Obvious scheme’ category. Obviously Mogensha had far superior perceptive sensing over Jowen, he could clearly determine where Jowen would attack next, but there was nothing he could do!
This is just like in a basketball match, an adult truthfully telling a child he is about to release a 3-pointer shot. Yet the child would be unable to guard against him. Barely relying on judgement, Mogensha was unable to overcome the gap of close combat skills between him and Jowen.
His vision blackened as he was kicked back heavily. Originally prepared to continue warding off the opponent’s next attack, who knew that his right leg found no footing. He then realized he was forced to a flight of stairs as he tumbled backwards and rolled down.
Agility was his primary attribute, meaning his balance was superb allowing him to recover quickly from his fall. But after standing up, Jowen had already darted forward with his dagger and skirted the dagger across his throat! Although Jowen’s attacking damage wasn’t considered high, an attack to the throat enhanced the probability of an explosive strike. Thus it would surely inflict heavy damage to Mogensha causing Mogensha to fall into a critically wounded state.
Mogensha’s pupils shrank, exposing a hint of regret.
“F***! If only I knew…..”Chapter 179: Lethal Karabiner vs Golden Ak!

Faced against this hopeless image, Mogensha shut his eyes. His remaining HP wasn’t much, after this he would certainly be sunk into a critically wounded state! Once that happens, killing him was only a matter of time. Suddenly, the wooden door beside him crashed open, releasing a multitude of dust into the air. A muscular hand thrusted in and seized the incoming dagger, halting the dagger abruptly!
This interruption completely negated Jowen’s impending fatal strike!
Jowen’s widened his eyes, trying to withdraw his dagger. The sharp dagger was instantly smeared with fresh blood, as the blood splattered onto the wooden walls. But a swift and ferocious silhouette had already smashed through the wooden wall, calmly obstructing his path to Mogensha. If not Sheyan, then who? He wiped away the blood on his hands, smirking at his opponent.
“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news….. But now its 2 versus 1.”
Jowen’s face turned ashen, he didn’t expect the hunter to become the hunted. What was more depressing was the fact that Mogensha was a horrifying firearm beast. He couldn’t even escape if he wanted to!
Unexpectedly escaping from the grips of death, no matter how tough his personality was, Mogensha couldn’t help feeling a huge excited relief. He grew up in the disorderly country of Somalia in Africa, since young he was an orphan. Guns were his only toys since young, his only friend while growing up, and the only thing keeping him alive during adulthood! From such a perspective, he and the previously killed Cazider were the same kind of person. The only difference was that Cazider became Sheyan’s enemy, hence he died. Yet Mogensha was Sheyan’s temporary comrade, and hence he lived.
Suddenly, Jowen lowered his body and drilled his dagger towards Sheyan’s abdomen. His attack belonged to the swift but light category and his right hand was previously injured resulting in a decline of his attacking speed. Sheyan didn’t bother dodging, he merely raised his knee and allowed Jowen to stab his leg, only resulting in a superficial wound! It was completely nothing to Sheyan!
But Jowen’s follow up actions was pretty alarming to Sheyan. His avoidability was extremely unfathomable. Sheyan consecutively swung his hatchet 3 times, but two of it were easily dodged by Jowen. The last swing was resisted by Jowen’s dagger before the impact forced its way against his body. Although the hatchet ripped open a huge tear in his right shoulder, he managed to seize this chance and flee. He quickly attempted to dive into the nearby window, but a round from the patient Mogensha found its way into his head instantly landing him into critically wounded state. After a brief moment of burstfire, Mogensha killed him. A pity no key appeared.
“Your timing is immaculate.” Mogensha turned to him and mocked.
Sheyan replied gently.
“Of course, If not you’d be the one on the floor.”
Mogensha shot a cold stare at Sheyan.
“Do you know? O’Connor was my only friend.”
Sheyan gave an uninterested answer.
“So what?”
Mogensha’s expression turned gloomy.
“Bastard! If you didn’t abandon your responsibility! He wouldn’t have died!”
“Then the dead person would be me.” Sheyan stubbornly argued.
“You would die?” Mogensha angrily refuted. “You……”
His expression changed. His last ‘You’ was like a stone trapping his tongue underneath, and swallowed back into his throat.
Sheyan laughed.
“I what?”
The untamed and fierce Mogensha instead swallowed his saliva, lowering his head and muttered.
“Nevermind, let’s go and save the rest.”
Sheyan looked into his eyes, whispering.
“Then we need to save ourselves first.”
Mogensha was confused by his words.
“I managed to force that support class Danny and Venter into a desperate situation…. But that woman actually used the Fairy’s praise. Moreover, Phelps’s summoned 3 wolves wouldn’t be able to contain Diaz for long.” Sheyan calmly continued. “Thus, we only have roughly 3 minutes before facing the fully healed Venter and Diaz. If I’m not wrong, that is the Diaz who killed 5 of our guys previously.”
“Shit” While cursing, Mogensha hurriedly fished out a bandage and swiftly wrapped his wounds. “Luckily Masika managed to use the scroll left behind by the Metals professor to heavily injure Felix. If not this would’ve been a lost cause.”
Sheyan replied.
“If you can suppress Diaz, then we have a chance at victory. You can peacefully hand Venter over to me.”
Mogensha took a long hard gaze at Sheyan.
“Diaz’s innate ability is: Full-Load, His reloading speed is quickened by 50%, his explosive strike rate is also enhanced. His weapon is a Karabiner rifle. Outside 100 metres, I have no chance of victory. Within 100 metres, I can force out a draw. But once I can come within 30 metres, then no doubt he is finished!”
Sheyan nonchalantly replied.
“Roger, then I’ll cover you till 50 metres.”
After speaking, Sheyan handed his soul equipment: Endless vodka to him.
Mogensha received it, and gulped down a mouthful. Pleasantly surprised he exclaimed.
“Great stuff!”
Sheyan took the wine cup back, and smiled.
“Don’t thank me. If you die too early, it doesn’t benefit me at all.”
Mogensha patted his golden AK, snorting.
“That was what I wanted to tell you.”
Sheyan walked towards the door entrance, before looking back.
“We still have roughly 2 minutes before Venter shows up. Within these two minutes, I need to reduce the gap between you and Diaz by 50 metres….. Therefore, time is tight! Prepare. 3, 2, 1, go!!”
Sheyan suddenly dove out of the window, Mogensha’s shadow closely stuck behind him. Although Sheyan wasn’t considered slow, this was nothing to Mogensha.
The distant gunshots arrived from Diaz, but Sheyan was currently at his optimal state. Using his hands to cover his head, he bluntly sprinted forward like a human meat shield. The tailing Mogensha was extremely efficient and ruthless, occasionally returning fire. Although Diaz had the superior vantage point behind his cover, Mogensha similarly had Sheyan providing cover. Comparing the two, they had roughly equal conditions.
Because the entire field was sealed up by the Ministry of Magic, occupying an overlooking position of the entire field was of utmost importance. The roof where Diaz was at was undoubtedly a core region. Sheyan’s goal was to charge towards that building, but Diaz had a stable mentality. He quickly reacted and counter attack. The blazing bullets headed straight for Sheyan.
Naturally his MP wasn’t infinite. His burst shot.3 consecutive ability wasn’t activated. Although Diaz’s karabiner contained massive killing potential, it wasn’t able to deal any fatal damage to Sheyan in a short duration. Furthermore, Mogensha constantly returned fire. Hence after running over, Sheyan had only suffered 3 shots, and managed to conserve a huge amount of energy.
When they arrived beneath Diaz’s located building, Mogensha took over to lead. Because if Diaz wasn’t willing to abandon his vantage position, then he would have to engage in a tussle with Mogensha within this building! Naturally, his long 3 – 5 seconds arming Karabiner could not compare with the automatic firing of an AK-47. But one must consider, Diaz wasn’t unqualified when it comes to strength. He still possessed valiant close combat abilities, hence the victor was hard to determine.
“Ok.” after breaking out of Diaz’s killing zone, Mogensha could finally loosened up and regained some confidence. He patted his AK at the building entrance as he brandished a thumbs up gesture to Sheyan.
“Leave the rest to me. I can sense a disastrous odour coming from over there, Venter should be about to surface. Hurry up and recover a little, then take him out with your maximum capacity. I heard Venter’s innate ability is called Berserk, which will raise his strength by approximately 15%. But he probably already used it previously, you shouldn’t need to worry about that.”
Sheyan looked sharply at Mogensha.
“Heck, you don’t seem concerned about my safety at all?”
Mogensha pursed his thick lips, drawing out a black handkerchief from his chest. That cloth looked wrinkled and filthy, and even had several blood stains. He then tied it over his head, turning around meaningfully.
“Although Venter is strong, really, I like you better.”
Sheyan frowned, but Mogensha had already disappeared from his vision. Concurrently, a loud piercing cracking sound boomed from the distant building. A huge door was blasted out, as its debris scattered into the sky, covering the earth with dust. Waving his broadsword, Venter walked out slowly with a face full of malicious killing intent. Behind him, that old, 3 storeys tall, english building swayed and finally collapsed loudly, as the dust soared to the heavens! His eyes were brimming with viciousness, like two needles deeply penetrating into Sheyan!Chapter 180: Venter’s death

Sheyan took in huge breaths as he leaned against the corridor pillar. Wiping away his sweat, mixed with blood.
Sweat trickled down his back leaving a wet trace along his filthy back, causing a burning sensation as it entered an injury.
Astoundingly, Venter’s corpse was sprawled across the floor 3 metres from here.
Sheyan had to admit, he had made a huge blunder in this battle.
From his prior calculation, since Venter wasn’t able to deliver crushing damages to him, then under a scenario where they mutually took turns at each other; with this drawn out battle of chops and slice, he would definitely be the last one standing. But Sheyan quickly discovered, fighting wasn’t a mathematics problem. Currently, Venter had been restored to optimal state, he probably was proficient in the advanced ability: Dual handed weapons. His attack damage vastly exceeded his previous one, and his combinations of attacks were natural and unforced.
After the battle proceeded for 2 minutes, Sheyan immediately felt something was wrong. Although his HP was higher, Venter’s damage output and range far exceeded himself. Furthermore, Venter was aiming for his legs which would induce crippling effect once his legs received critical damage! Speed was already one of his shortcomings, if things spiralled to the stage it would only add fuel to the fire.
Of course, Sheyan sunk into this predicament because he hadn’t used his trump card ‘Ambition’. If not, it would instantly cover his flaw of not dealing adequate explosive damages! And once the opponent was aware of Ambition’s existence, it would create certain apprehensions in them. If that dragged on, he would naturally gain superiority.
As Sheyan was hesitating about using ‘Ambition’, he received unexpected assistance! Venter had raised his broadsword furiously, but, before swinging down , a fiery hot bullet drilled into his wrist! The trajectory of the sword shifted as it grazed past Sheyan’s left shoulder and carved a deep crack onto the ground!
It was Mogensha’s mysterious battlefield observation technique! Venter’s rhythm was interrupted, and Sheyan managed to sneak in a chop in his confusion. Mogensha who was currently battling against Diaz actually could deviate his attention to assist him, this simply indicated that Mogensha had roughly gained the superior advantage!
At this point, Sheyan sincerely issued a sentence.
A sentence that directly related to Venter’s heart.
“Danny’s seed should be on you right.”
This sentence caused Venter’s fighting spirit to wane by close to 80%!
From Venter’s perspective, he was used to charging upfront against his enemies and overwhelming them with this 28 points of strength! He would be able to finish his opponents in 2 – 3 strikes. But his Berserk ability had already been used previously, based on his strength alone he was unable to result any crushing damages to Sheyan! Hence, this prolonged battle was extremely unfamiliar to him. As time dragged on, his usual swift valor and his madly fierce fighting style started to slacken.
And Sheyan’s words undoubtedly caused Venter to think of Danny…….
“Danny’s seed is with me! That is her only chance at revival!”
Sheyan didn’t even mention that, but the words formed in Venter’s mind! Hence the idea of retreat started to breed in his heart, even though his dual handed broadsword was great for offence but terrible for defence. Sheyan noticed Venter’s subtle retreating, he wasn’t too forceful but did not allow him to comfortably escape. Hence, he slowly fought him all the way to a spacious area, completely far from Mogensha’s sudden sneak attack.
Naturally while planning for this skirmish, the Banks Syndicate would sure leave themselves an emergency escape route. Venter’s aim was towards a small insignificant house at the east of the battlefield. But just as he finally approached this house, Mogensha who was supposed to be dueling with Diaz suddenly appeared within a building window from 20 metres away! The golden AK roared to life as it sprayed out its glaring tongues of flame!
Venter was startled by this sudden ambush, he gritted his teeth and hastened his pace to escape. Yet Sheyan at this time managed to hack down onto his thigh!
Although he was only 10 metres away from the building, the difference was like heaven and earth! His frenziedly waved out his broadsword. Sheyan immediately darted to the back. Yet Mogensha’s bullets surged across towards him. As long as Venter tried to advance, Sheyan would charge forward fearlessly to hinder him.
Thus, Venter died. A person who had a fighting style of rushing head on courageously, once the idea of retreat formed in his heart, that would signal a personal calamity beginning. Especially Venter, a character who was meticulously brought up within the party, his strengths were extremely prominent, but his flaws on full display. With this party members, they could cover his flaws. But without his party members, once someone grasps his weakness, they they would definitely be able to force him into dire straits!
Sheyan leaned against the wall and rested. Picking up Venter’s dropped blood red key, he deeply inhaled and raised his head towards Mogensha smiling.
“Beautifully done, you finished off Diaz? Truthfully, this key belongs to you, you deserve it.”
Although this area was the angle between two buildings, it was hard to predict if other surviving contestants was spying on them. Mogensha was standing 20 metres away, he vigilantly surveyed his surroundings, before replying with a complicated expression.
“Diaz has fled. That guy’s ability is pretty good. Even the Ministry of Magic’s barrier couldn’t contain him….you know, I’m the head of the Symbiosis long range team.”
Sheyan couldn’t care less as he shrugged his shoulders.
“72 hours ago, Gale had already told me – God bless his soul – but what about it?”
“So, what if i tell you, I’ve already received news from the Metals professor and Fanu. Do you believe me?”
Sheyan replied.
“I do, what did they say?”
Mogensha continued.
“They’ll be here in 5 minutes.”
Sheyan’s expression changed.
“What do you want to say?”
Mogensha pondered a moment as he retreated behind his cover quietly.
“My perceptive sensing is 18 points, I’ve even acquired an ability named: True clarity. I’m able to gather other’s battle data.”
Sheyan whispered.
“So that’s the case. That means you’ve already seen my battle log without me noticing…..hmm, no wonder your initial reaction was so contrasting. Then what are you planning to do?”
Mogensha’s answer was completely out of the blue.
“I don’t know what your goal is and I don’t want to know, but what I know is that i don’t want you as an enemy. If you swear not to attack me. I previously acquired an item called: Special Floo powder. It can be used in non combat state, it will instantly transfer the user to train no.5972 of Hogwart’s platform 9 3/4 , and instantly begin the mechanism to return to the nightmare realm. Hence you’ll definitely not encounter the Metals professor and have your secrets leaked.”
To return to the realm, one had to board that Hogwart’s express. Based on what Mogensha said, naturally he has decided to immediately return to the realm and not meddle with these affairs. In actual fact, analyzing between the lines of Mogensha’s words, if he really wanted to harm Sheyan, then exposing these matters to Sheyan now was indeed the silliest method to do so. He could have chosen to keep quiet, and 3 minutes later after the Metals professor and Fanu arrived, he could then divulge all this! Hence, one could tell that Mogensha was sincere in not wanting to become Sheyan’s enemy.
Of course there is that possibility that Mogensha had already sold out Sheyan to the Metals professor, and currently putting on a facade in front of Sheyan – but such a tactic was foolish because once Sheyan greeted the Metals professor, there was a great chance that he would instantly expose Mogensha’s lies! Then there will bound to be certain distrust towards Mogensha from both sides. From Mogensha’s earlier display of shrewdness, there wasn’t a great possibility of choosing such a tactic.
Sheyan was already aware that they would be others who could see through his personal attributes. Although in this world nobody was able to examine his battle log, everything has its exceptions. He was already prepared that someone would be able to spy on his personal attributes. Based on the system in this realm, those that possesed such ability would definitely come from a long range combatant. Because their perceptive sensing other than ability was an essential attribute!
Hence after suffering from the Banks Syndicate ambush, Sheyan had purposefully delayed along with those support class contestants. His main motive was that the more long range combatants of the Symbiosis sect died, the better. But his primary goal was to fish in troubled waters, and see if he could share a part of the actions and profits during the entire process of the Metals professor covering the philosopher’s stone. If he allowed every long range combat member of the Symbiosis sect to die, then this wasn’t compatible with his goals.
Furthermore if Sheyan hadn’t stepped in and allowed Mogensha’s group to die, he didn’t have the confidence of defeating the Banks Syndicate with the remaining support class contestants. But he never anticipated this astonishing twist of event:
Someone in the Symbiosis sect actually possessed such an ability, and managed to survive amidst the massacre. No doubt this was a tiny probability encounter. Fortunately, for some unknown reasons, Mogensha was actually willing to discard his loyalty for the party instead of becoming Sheyan’s enemy!Chapter 181: Mogensha’s pain

Sheyan observed Mogensha, obviously he wouldn’t just believe anyone even if that person seemed earnest. In the realm, self interests were top priority. If there weren’t alluring benefits, how would it stir someone? Hence after pondering for a while, Sheyan smiled as he took out Venter’s dropped key. He then initiated a contract through the nightmare imprint.
This contract was a reward agreement contract.
If Mongensha returned to the nightmare realm within 1 minute, then he would receive Venter’s key as reward.
If Mongesha didn’t leave within 1 minute, then his highest basic attribute would be penalized by 10 points.
Presently, Sheyan couldn’t trust Mogensha, hence he tossed out this bait to probe him out. Instead Mogensha beamed with joy – Venter killed at least 5 people, his slayer value was high and the items on him pretty valuable, thus his dropped blood key would be exceedingly worthwhile. He immediately acceded to Sheyan’s contract, and vanished in a flash. Only 45 seconds later, Sheyan received the information of his contract fulfilled. He then looked at Venter’s blood key but it was already long gone.
Finally Sheyan was able to relax. Although Mogensha was powerful, he definitely wouldn’t be able to trick the contract system. However he was still suspicious. Why would Mogensha decide to be friendly with him?

3 days later in the present world, Mogensha stumbled across a bar in Mogadishu.
TN: Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia
This black man’s thick lips were trembling, his eyes were reddened from the alcohol.
He was wearing a tattered army uniform, holding a glass of whisky in his hand.
Strolling to a remote shore, he puffed deeply on his cigarette and sat down on the reef. Gazing at the tide crashing beneath his feet, he then poured the whisky into the ocean.
“Old friend, forgive me.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to avenge you, it is that this vengence cannot be done.”
“As high as 30 points of physique, exceptional strength and perceptive sensing.”
“Meticulous thinking, immaculate situation awareness, thriving with ambitions!”
“More importantly, he actually possesses a defence type innate ability. Such a person, such a terrifying person! You should have heard of what we will face in the future! Tell me! How can we offend such an enemy? How would we dare… make such an enemy?”

Mogensha’s absence caused Sheyan to sigh deeply. That person’s situation awareness was absolute top-notch. Even after being chased and the path exhausted, he could still sense a deadlock conflict between a friend and a foe, and managed to deliver timely assistance. According to Sheyan’s inference, this should be related to Mogensha’s innate ability. Without such a character in the Symbiosis sect, Sheyan felt a huge burden unloading off his implementing plans.
In actual fact, Sheyan guessed correctly. Mogensha’s innate ability was called: ‘Beastly instincts’.
Being an orphan since young, he grew up in a chaotic and violent society. If he couldn’t develop a vigilant awareness to others, then he wouldn’t have lived till now. Hence, his ability had long ago awakened in the present world. It could be referred to as the sixth sense.
Of course, the sixth sense wasn’t as mystical and powerful like the bronze saints. It was more of being randomly pricked by a needle, the hand would produce a reflex action without thinking. Beastly instincts was able to produce reflex actions towards an impending danger. When he opened fire, there was a possibility of releasing towards the most optimal target in the surrounding battlefield.
(TN:Bronze saints are a group of fighters in a japanese manga:Saint Seya)
Moreover over the course of his deprived lifetime, his perceptive sensing had been trained to a frightening degree.
Sheyan stretched his neck, placing matters regarding Mogensha to one side. This moment within the Banks syndicate, Diaz had fled, golden spectacled Felix had been heavily wounded by a scroll, another agility-close combat contestant had fought Deke (Bow user) to a draw with both suffering disastrous injuries, hence they temporarily separated and assembled with their party members.
The Symbiosis sect was no better. The only one still capable of fighting was Sheyan. The summoner Phelps and Deke were heavily injured. Another two intelligence based contestants were still buried underneath the ruins. They had probably invested all their free attribute points on intelligence and spirit, and thus their physique was close to an average person.
Sheyan first went up to scout the room where Venter was trying to flee towards. He discovered a tiny transportation portal, but it had already been deactivated. After deliberating for a moment, he smeared blood on himself as he forcefully and torturously inclined against the wall and staggered back to Phelps and the rest. Currently, both their mental state had reached its limits, they hid inside a building and the only noise came from their fearful trembling. After seeing Sheyan, they sighed with relief. Phelps urgently asked.
“How are you?”
Sheyan bit his tongue, enduring the pain as he coughed out blood.
“Diaz has fled, Venter is dead. Mogensha has suffered critical injuries. His legs have been severed off, after snatching Venter’s keys he forcefully returned to the realm.”
“That’s good.” Deke finally loosened up as he clutched his broken arm and cursed out. “Diaz that scumbag uses a karabiner rifle. He wouldn’t dare to return to such a complex and unfavourable terrain like this. Once Venter is dead, we are all safe.”
Phelps interrupted with a pale face.
“The Metals professor just transmitted news. The Banks syndicate utilized a silver storyline object from the Matrix world named: ‘Micro data matrix wormhole’. Hence they were able to dispatch reinforcements into this world. But these reinforcements can only stay for a an hour. The two of them had been ambushed by the Banks syndicate, but they’ll return soon enough.” ¨C32CSheyan’s heart stirred. ¨C33C”Then why didn’t you guys use the party communication to inform the Metals professor on our current situation?” ¨C34C”It has been suppressed.” Deke murmured. “The Banks syndicate’s party ranking is higher than ours. Even the Metals professor can only engage in single line magic transmission to us. Unless we grasp a relatively profound magical ability, we would definitely be unable to communicate back.”¨C35CAt this moment, Sheyan could finally relax totally. If Mogensha really grasped a ‘relatively profound magical ability’ and reported this news to them, Sheyan could only resign. Thus Sheyan say down and close his eyes to meditate. Because previously his duty was clearly to attract the enemy’s firepower, but he suddenly deviated resulting in huge casualties. Such a wretched behavior caused others to despise him. Therefore, Deke and Phelps didn’t like him, the atmosphere between them was pretty awkward. ¨C36CSuddenly Deke’s expression turned ashen as he stood up. Standing at the cover beside the window he raged out. ¨C37C”Felix! Why did you betray the group, why did you betray us? When did the Symbiosis sect did you wrong?” ¨C38CAfter a brief pause, Felix’s voice transmitted over. It was extremely dull. ¨C39C”Symbiosis sect didn’t do me wrong, but when have I let Symbiosis sect down? The previous world I obviously contributed greatly, I killed three pets, a total of 3! Do you know how much effort I wasted? Why were the benefits occupied by Fanu instead? From that time onwards I finally realized, as long as i stayed in this party for one day, I will always remain as Fanu’s reserve, I’ll always be his dog! Unable to rise!” ¨C40CDeke widened his mouth as though wanting to say something, but nothing came out. Instead, the more Felix spoke, the more agitated he became. It was hard to imagine a person of his style raging and snarling. ¨C41C”Forget about my personal benefits, let’s talk about the party! In the Symbiosis sect, I cannot see any future! This is a Fking abnormal development, look at what the Metals professor is doing? A defence +3 clothing was sold to enhance a Fking pet. A physique +4 bracelet was exchanged for two intelligence enhancing equipment! Totally treating close combat contestants as cannon fodder to use!”
“Such shortsighted fools like you all, don’t tell me you are that naive. Thinking that just based on Fanu’s acquired dinosaur from the Jurassic Park world, you can conquer the world? Foolish! I tell you a summoner’s strength is on his attack and support. Once a party is unable to cultivate a real defence type contestant, then outcome would be a total calamity. There is definitely no future, you guys don’t understand how frightening our future is!!!!!!”
Deke slumped his head down, but suddenly raised it again along with his voice.
“Felix, come back to us. We can negotiate with the Metals professor. Any deficiencies in the party, we can work on it together right.”
Felix released a bitter and wild laughter.
“Just based on you, you want to convince me? If not for that brat Seaman having some luck and disrupting things, we would have won long ago. Even so, let me tell you, it was the Banks leader that personally intercepted the Metals professor and Fanu. They are finished!”
After Felix finished speaking, a static metal tone resounded from afar.
“Very sorry to disappoint you Felix. Although Banks is formidable, in the end he was still forced back and dejectedly fled to his wormhole.”
After hearing this phrase, every Symbiosis sect member was overjoyed and rushed out. The Banks Syndicate members were crestfallen, the hearts in turmoil. Everyone who survived were marginal members, only Venter a vital elite of theirs should have known about that teleportation portal. Thus the rest could only wait for the eventual conclusion.Chapter 182: The Professor’s return

At present, the Ministry of Magic had disappeared, and the sealing barrier vanished. However the surroundings should have been cordoned off by their transport supervisor. Probably this kind of occurrence happened frequently in Harry Potter’s magic world especially regarding Voldemort, who wouldn’t be any inferior in his evil practices. Thus the government also tactfully minded their own business. They could only prepare themselves to clear up the terrible mess.
Sheyan feigned limping as he staggered out of the building, but instead got a shock. The Metals professor was hovering 3 metres above the ground, a dignified mask covered his face, wearing a magical gown laced with chains. Although he appeared tattered, it still had a metallic toughness and firm quality. The metallic shimmering carried an awe-inspiring dignity of a general who killed a hundred soldiers.
His left hand was clutching onto someone’s neck.
His eyes were tightly closed, entire body covered in wounds, incomparably in shambles. Blood dyed his entire clothes and pants. Being strangled by the Metals professor, it was really like an eagle clawing onto a chick!
Looking at his features, it was shockingly the fleeing Diaz! Obviously he had already sunk into a critically wounded state.
The Metals professor tossed Diaz down, commanding with an overbearing tone.
“Deke you’ll handle this guy. After killing him, the key is your battle loot!”
At this moment, Felix suddenly stood up. Coldly declaring.
“Fanu, I want to duel you.”
Fanu’s rigid voice sounded just like a robot.
He directly used trial to kick Felix out of the party, and the members around instantly approved. Once Fanu’s voice drifted into the wind, a 3 level building suddenly shook and collapsed. Amidst the smoke of dust, a gigantic dinosaur stomped out! That sturdy looking building in front of the dinosaur, couldn’t even last one attack!
That dinosaur traversed with 4 legs, bone plates erupted from its neck like a lion’s mane, even its body surface was covered with bone plates. A pair of sharp horns grew from its head, and the tip even flickered with a metallic brilliance! Incomparably incisive bone spikes pierced out of its spine. Looking sturdier than a tank, it was shockingly a Stegosaurus!
Closely examining it, scars covered the stegosaurus’ body densely showing it just experienced a gruelling battle. Its claws were penetratingly sharp, as its thick legs was extremely stable on the surface with clear profound injury marks. Its pair of triangular eyes shone with ruthlessness and brutality. Its muscles were all swelling up, binding its bone plates tightly. Following that, it released a deafening roar. The horrifying jagged fangs appeared as sharp as a sawtooth blade.
Looking at this stegosaurus, Sheyan couldn’t help feeling an intense threatening pressure as he took a step back.
Felix was trembling, his face turning ghastly pale as he vomited several mouths of blood. He then summoned several ravens forward. But against the hideously terrifying might of the stegosaurus, the ravens attacks were wildly ineffective. That stegosaurus charged towards Felix and directly impaled his chest, tossing Felix into the air. Felix crashed down heavily as blood fanatically soaked the entire floor, it looked like he was finished.
But at this moment, Felix actually managed to released a lunatic laughter.
“Good good good. It actually is that powerful. Metals professor, the only thing i don’t understand is such a person like you, how can you not understand the…..irresistible laws of strength! Why are you bent on pulling everyone’s interest with you onto this crooked road.”
“What do you know!? The Metals professor robotic crow voice lashed back loudly. “Once I install the philosopher’s stone into the stegosaurus, then it would possess unlimited regeneration abilities. I want to prove, no I will prove to those fools! In this world, even without those damned defence type contestants, we can still function! There are other methods!”
Felix laughed crazily and shook his head. His golden spectacles had shattered, and his dried cracked lips smeared with blood. He had a hysterically sorrowful appearance.
“You’re wrong, Metals professor. Even if you managed to achieve your goals after obtaining the philosopher’s stone, even if you rely on this beast for success, so what? Haven’t you heard of the terror of growth maturity? This dinosaur’s growth maturity is limited, it definitely can’t be compared to the boundless potential of a contestant! Even if you managed to force out one victory after another, you’ll never be able to pass through future insurmountable hurdles…..I, I will be waiting for you….in hell!”
Although he couldn’t see the Metals professor’s expression, Sheyan could sense his anger. The Metals professor remained still, but suddenly a flame trail ignited and circled around Felix. After 3 seconds later, as astounding pillar of scorching flames soared into the sky from the fiery circle! If only stopped after reaching a height of 8 metres.
This fire pillar vanished as quickly as it came, after a few seconds it extinguished. A black greyish smog slowly drifted away in the air. Only after the fiery pillar vanished for a few seconds did Sheyan felt a surge of heatwave blasting over him! His brows and hair dried up from the inferno. One could tell how disgustingly powerful this ability was.
After a short pause, the Metals professor finally managed to calm his frustrations. He threw down several rolls of bandages for everyone to slowly heal up, and then ordered the rescue of the buried people underneath the ruins. Concurrently, Fanu controlled his dinosaur to force the remaining Banks Syndicate members into a corner and allowed several senior members to slay them. Unfortunately, none of them produced any blood red key.
After everyone roughly healed up, the Metals professor then coldly voiced out.
“It must have been hard on everyone. Those scums from the Banks Syndicate really had huge appetite. They actually dispatched 3 batches through the wormhole. The first batch was against me and Fanu. The second batch was against you guys. The third batch, although its strength was weaker, was to seize this time when everyone was distracted, to steal the philosopher’s stone.”
After Sheyan heard this, his heart managed to form a direct evaluation on the Banks Syndicate strength! The Symbiosis sect was really not on the same level as that party. No wonder Venter was able to be so arrogant towards Qiao Gun.
Then the Metals professor continued.
“In the original storyline, Hagrid managed to fetch the philosopher’s stone that was placed in Gringotts. Therefore, the plan for Voldemort’s underlings to steal the stone was completely ruined. But this signified that reputable Gringotts is actually not as secure as it appears to be. Therefore one can infer that it is possible to find a safe method of entering Gringotts through Voldemort’s slave!”
“And this clue, I already have it in my hands.” Speaking till here, the Metals professor fished out a golden, bright and dazzling key in his hand.
“Let us hurry over. Those fools from the Banks Syndicate do not possess the crucial key to unlock the mechanism, and they probably sustained a huge setback. Instead, they have paved a way for us. Let’s endure this and hurry over, once we succeed, everyone will be declared a core member!”
After the Metals professor’s uproar, the remaining members surged with delight. Only Sheyan cunningly laughed in his heart. Because he himself understood through Gringott’s Infinit manager, that this so called ‘Gringotts important mechanism’ didn’t require any such keys! But instead it required a Gringotts goblin finger to personally unlock it. And the goblins couldn’t have any exceptions, it had to be the later generations of the goblins who constructed Gringotts! The mechanism was just like a fingerprint lock, the only way of opening was with the relevant goblin finger! How would it be that golden key on the metals professor’s hand?
Based on Sheyan’s conclusion, that batch of Banks Syndicate members could very possibly have grasped the mechanism unlocking method. Therefore they didn’t require a powerful team. This was the only way of explaining the Metals professor’s current exasperation and ordered everyone to urgently act. At this moment, time was extremely tight. The Metals professor didn’t waste time inquiring into details about the previous battle. But after the earlier wipe out, naturally there shouldn’t be any Banks Syndicate spies left. Therefore, the Metals professor could comfortably lead the rest forward.
This group wasn’t headed to Gringotts, but instead arrived at Knockturn alley. The place was just like before, a remote and utterly desolated appearance. The metals professor pinned on an emblem. After arriving outside an abandoned house, he bluntly kicked open the door.
A black aboriginal old man raised his head. He was actually very tall, but looked short due to his hunchback. A skull necklace strapped across his neck, and a mysterious tattoo across his face. He was wearing a spiky bone ring, and was wearing a headband made with bones and thorny vegetation. As the door was kicked open, he was already holding onto an evil staff
“What do you want?”
The Metals professor arrogantly pointed towards the emblem on his chest.
“Kabadaba, your little house is temporarily seized by the Ministry of Magic.”
Sheyan noticed that this little house was stored with bizarre bottles. The bottles were as revolting a dissecting room. Inside contained brains, organs and several odd herbs.Chapter 183: Blood sucking bat

Faced with the Metals professor’s statement, Kabadaba replied impatiently.
“If I managed to enlist into the ministry of magic successfully, the first thing I’ll do is fire you guys! I tell you, I’m not part of any underground factions nor am I a Death Eater*, there’s nothing in the basement except rats and cobwebs! Previously another batch appeared and fouled the atmosphere, now you guys want to continue disturbing my research!”
(TN:Death Eaters are the followers of Voldemort)
“Shut up, I believe you’re stalling for time.” The Metals professor gnashed out. “We’ve discovered the smell of a death eater from your basement’s fireplace. The Ministry of Magic has reasonable grounds to suspect your involvement in illegal activities. We will use floo powder to test our your fireplace definite orientation, if we find anything wrong then prepare for Azkaban.”
“F! You F*!” That old man started cursing out. “Don’t use Azkaban to threaten me. Alright fine, take as long as you like in my basement, but don’t accuse me wrongly.”
The Metals professor led them in a single file down to the basement. The core object here was a pot. There weren’t burnt marks underneath the pot, but within it was black liquid giving off an odd scent. It was still slowly boiling, and around it in a disorganized mess were items like toads etc. It was probably related to witchcraft. The Metals professor ignored that pot and marched straight for the fireplace. A support class contestant hurriedly drew out some floo powder and offered him. Instead, the Metals professor waved him away and instead observed the top of the fireplace. There was a painting hung on top, a layer of dust had formed over it but it left several clear fingerprint marks.
Naturally, as the painting was shifted, the fireplace creaked and slid to the side exposing a deep pathway down. Because the Banks Syndicate members had probably passed through already, they didn’t have to worry much about booby traps. The Metals professor strided forward, his face filled with anxiety. Until everyone entered, the fireplace returned to its original place.
This pathway looked narrow and dark, but walking further it became broader. Furthermore, the surrounding wall lines would offer a faint glow, although it created an eerie atmosphere, it illuminated the place effectively. The floor was pretty moist as luscious green algae thrived. Unexpectedly, the air wasn’t foul smelling but instead had a fresh scent. If one carefully noticed, they could feel a gentle breeze caressing their face. If one was knowledgeable about caves, he would understand the path led to a immense space.
Suddenly, still grabbing onto his long bow, Deke issued a warning.
“Careful, I can smell blood!”
Everyone simultaneously halted, especially the two support contestants who were previously buried, they instantly darted to the back. Naturally the Metals professor and Fanu knew that the words spoken by Felix before his death had affected morale greatly, thus they both stood in front. That terrifying stegosaurus was already stored back, and the one leading the extreme front was a grey wolf that Phelps summoned.
Sheyan had just chatted with Phelps and discovered that a summoner contestant wasn’t all that glamourous. The most typical was that one had to first tame a creature in order to obtain the rights to summon it. However once that creature dies in battle, then regrettably it will be lost forever. Previously Phelps had summoned 3 grey wolves to assault Diaz, but Diaz managed to kill two of them. His last wolf was Phelps’s last summoned creature, and its loyalty had already dropped to 60 points. If it continued declining, then it would most likely abandon him.
In addition, if one wanted to tame a formidable creature like the stegosaurus, they probably had to sign a life contract. Once that creature dies, the summoner would mostly meet the same fate. Furthermore, that life contract was like a wedding agreement, after signing it, it was impossible to tame other creatures! Of course every benefits has it flaws. After a life contract has been formed, the closer the relationship between master and creature, the more the attributes bonus both parties will receive.
The blood stench ahead grew denser, and the narrow path had transformed into a spacious hall. The hall was already in complete shambles with mutilations in every corner. The surrounding luxurious and exquisite curtains turned to ash with a touch. Only on a nearby stone carving displayed a vestige from King Arthur’s time. Several overturned cabinets had decomposed into rotten brown dregs.
The most distinct thing was a profound crevice in the middle of the hall. It was so long, the head and tail of the crevice could not be seen. It was at least 10 over metres wide, and its abyss unfathomable. This hall had been segregated into two, if one wanted to cross over, then he had to think of a way to leap over the crevice.
The side nearer to Sheyan and the rest had an empty space, and a dead man sprawled on the ground. It should be a storyline character. The corpse was bound from head to toe, the artery on the neck severed as a pool of black blood formed from it. Around the periphery of the corpse were huge amounts of palm sized black objects. Going closer, they were actually hairy bats. These bats were already dead stiff, but their sharp fangs could still be seen along with their sharp talons at the tip of their wings.
“Its vampire bats.” Phelps immediately mumbled. Being a aspiration summoner, he was certainly knowledgeable about various lifeforms and their characteristics. He glanced at Fanu, but Fanu maintained his emotionless face and nodded.
The Metals professor released a chilling laugh.
This is the vampire bat’s habitat. To cross over this crevice, one has to first get rid of these pesky bats in their home territory. Those morons from the Banks Syndicate has really rid us of certain problems.”
Although the crevice was vastly broad, Sheyan and the rest effortlessly located a makeshift rope bridge used by the Banks Syndicate to cross. They crossed courageously without fear. After passing through this ancient hall from King Arthur’s era, another cave greeted them. The stones on the ground were fragmented and messy, it looked like a wall of that hall was forcefully breached.
As they travelled deeper, the human marks on the walls gradually lessened. At the end, Sheyan and the rest found themselves in a natural karst cave with a low ceiling. The ivory stalactite intertwined with each other, and some even joint with the ground forming a stela. A faint sulfur odour floated within the cave. After walking for roughly 3 km, the sounds of gurgling water sounded from ahead, and a glow could be seen from the top. Two streams of cave brook converged together while releasing misty white fog. The river surged rapidly but remained crystal clear.
Deke countryside experienced seemed rather plentiful as he took the lead. He then approached the river and took in a whiff.
“The water isn’t poisonous, it should be an underground stream from a hot spring.
At this time, the Metals professor’s face turned serious. He immediately looked ahead and declared.
“There’s something fishy up ahead.”
A shallow and rocky area, roughly a thousand square metres in size, appeared at the area the two streams converged. The originally rapid current slowed down at this convergence, and at the centre of the shoal laid a flat boulder. The movement the Metals professor discovered was a black figure that was apparently crouching on the roof of the boulder. Although this black figure wasn’t massive, it reckoned to be as long as 2-3 people. From one look, it gave off a dangerous aura.
After everyone crept closer, they realized this black figure was a crocodile! The skin of the alligator was rough and grainy like a rock, more importantly, it was pitch-black as though it absorbed the surrounding light. If they wanted to proceed, they would have to go past an area at least 30 metres away from the crocodile.
Scrutinizing this several black figures, the Metals professor’s face changed and shot Fanu a look. Fanu then stood out with a resolute tone.
“I’ve seen this crocodile before, it’s called a Shinisaurus Crocodilurus (Chinese crocodile) and its personality can be considered gentle. But definitely don’t make any noise to startle them, just quickly crossover.”
Following that, they distributed themselves accordingly. Fanu took front guard followed by the Metals professor, then the two physically weaker supporters rapidly passed through the middle. The group hurriedly wadded through the stream. They clearly already reached the other shore but suddenly, a black chinese crocodile cautiously raised its head. Its tail rhythmically waved in the air and suddenly released a sound similar to a rattlesnake. Then it suddenly nudged and dashed towards them! Following its movement, the other black figures swiftly reacted and climbed down the boulder. They wriggled through the water like a snake, not even causing a slight splash!
“Go!” The Metals professor exclaimed. “They won’t leave their nest for very long. If we don’t delay anymore, we’ll definitely shake them off.”
After speaking he immediately sprinted forward. With him leading the way, the others similarly followed as they frantically advanced. At this point, undoubtedly Sheyan and Deke were superior in movement speed while the other two support contestants and Phelps fell to the back. A single file of humans wildly fleeing, running close to a kilometre. Still those black crocodiles crunched their mouths as they tightly pursued these uninvited guest, slowly catching up to the 3 contestants at the back!Chapter 184: Tangling devil’s snare

Sheyan glanced back, to his horror he saw Phelps had fallen to the back of the pack. His eyes were desperate, frantic and even contained a chilling bone deep unwillingness. Sheyan felt an enormous tugging at his heart. Previously before entering the realm, wasn’t I the same being chased by that group of hooligans?
Reflecting on that, Sheyan immediately darted to Phelps’s side and pulled him by the arm, dragging him as they advanced. Phelps had a grateful look while continuing to run for his life. At this time, Deke also rebounded back as he lent an arm to the other support contestant! As the saying goes, when there are winners there are losers. The last supporter naturally fell behind, before he could say anything, a massive shadow with a tail cast over him before a pungent odour pierced into his nose! The rest of the black figures caught up, before a painful shriek turned to mournful wails. Lastly was the piercing sound of flesh ripping and muffled sounds of bones breaking.
At this moment, the frantically running Phelps managed to cough out his words under the heavy panting.
“Seaman, continue running. Don’t look up or don’t show any startled expressions. The following things i’m about to tell you are extremely important, I reckon we’ll definitely die here! I’m afraid the reason why the Metals professor and Fanu have brought us here, was to use our lives as bait for the snares and mechanisms here.”
“Fanu doesn’t know that I know about these high level beasts. That’s why he could spew such lies. He doesn’t know that during my stint at the pet shop, I acquired much knowledge. They are not chinese crocodiles but black serpent alligators. They were using the stream’s temperature to hatch their eggs. They are extremely aggressive and violent, and will wildly attack anything that approaches them. But Fanu and him would have to waste much time clearing up these beasts, and definitely won’t catch up to the Banks Syndicate.”
Presently, sounds of the black serpent alligators pursuing had vanished. Everyone halted as they panted heavily, drinking some water to recover their strength. Phelps kept his lips sealed. But even though Deke and the others weren’t aware of Fanu’s deceit, they were not fools. Thinking back carefully, a raging suspicion formed in their hearts.
Naturally, the Metals professor had caught onto the awkward atmosphere of his party. He quickly offered.
“Next, me and Fanu will lead the way.”
After speaking he immediately advanced.
At present, their retreat path had been obstructed by the black serpent alligators. They couldn’t even retreat if they wanted to. Therefore, they reluctantly continued forward.
After walking for nearly an hour, that warm stream had ended. Even stranger was the fact the glowing lining on the walls had died out. Ahead of them was an unfathomable darkness. Walking till here, the most loyal Deke halted and muttered to the Metals professor.
“Professor, we shouldn’t carry on.”
The Metals professor turned around, glaring grimly.
“With me and Fanu leading the way, what are you scared of?”
Previously the contestant whom Deke rescued had already touched death’s doors. Faced with another immense danger, he couldn’t care much about the Metals professor’s authority as he argued.
“Did others lead the road previously? Didn’t someone die in the end? Professor, if you have the relevant information please take it out for us to discuss. Truthfully speaking, everyone is already prepared to die in this realm, but we at least want to die with a reason!”
The Metals professor deathly stared at him for a full 5 minutes, like a wolf eyeing a sheep. Beads of perspiration dripped profusely from that contestant’s forehead. At this moment, Phelps stood out with a cold voice.
“What he says is right.”
Deke didn’t have any expression, he only hugged his bow and sat down, using his body language to express his frustration.
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders, unfolding his hands and laughed.
“This desolated place is already so dangerous. To walk into that darkness is essentially taking our lives for granted. I don’t approve of staying here, but i feel we need something to illuminate the area.”
“No lights.” Fanu coldly replied. “Ahead of us is the devil’s snare district. They are immune to all damages, the tighter one resist, the tighter it will grip! But once you don’t struggle, it will release you. But once it interacts with any light forms, its horrendous vines would be agitated and crazily surge forward, tightly seizing you! When that happens, there is no hope for escape!”
“You should all be aware of the storyline scenario right? Dumbledore similarly used those vines to guard the philosopher’s stone. But the devil’s snare growing in Hogwarts cell was transplanted at the last minute, its scale is only the a tiny fraction. Therefore, after exposing to Hermione’s magic illumination, it instantly withered. But over here….. The devil’s snare have grown for thousands of years. If anyone dares to shine a light at it, he would instantly receive the scariest retaliation of the devil!
Phelps suddenly interrupted.
“Devil’s snare are plants with stubborn invasive personalities. In the storyline, the devil’s snare was placed underneath the cerberus nest. It used the cerberus excretion as food. But in this place, what is the devil’s snare going to eat?”
After saying these words. Fanu’s glare was like two needles piercing into Phelps’s face. Phelps then ignorantly released a grin.
“It’s a beetle! That beetle appears like that of the egyptian scarab. They use the devil’s snare as a nest to protect their larva. Moreover, there’s a stream here, these beetles can hunt for marine organisms. Their excretions can support the devil’s snare existence. If we charge in, most of us would be able to survive. But, there will be one or two covered in these scarabs, enduring the agony of parasitic eggs laid in their organs, before they turn insane and die!”
After Phelps released this statement, unless the other 3 were idiots, they would rather directly die here then suffer such torture! Obviously there weren’t willing to take a step forward. The Metals professor then stepped forward as he stared at Phelps.
“Well done, you did well. If not for your warning, then we would have lost another brother. Even though Fanu possess extensive knowledge, he hadn’t considered that part. Since that’s the case, leave the responsibility of paving the way to me.”
He then whispered towards Fanu.
“Call Iron horn out, use it to lead! Just a mere devil’s snare would not be able to resist its sheer brute force!”
Metals professor then waved his hand, most probably casting an illumination spell. Concurrently, everyone could see a layer of black threatening movements covering the cave’s ending, occupying at least thousands of square metres, scattering out on both sides. It was hard to determine any distinct characteristics, but more specifically, magnifying a cancerous cells in the human body by hundred thousands of times should to its features.
As the light shone onto the devil’s snare, it started boiling up like a viscous liquid boiling. Following that, countless stocky black tentacles danced around frenziedly! It really looked like a hellish image, like the end of the world. And on the ground before the devil’s snare, thousands of black dots swarmed around – probably the scarabs that Phelps mentioned.
That bone plated stegosaurus was extremely violent. Upon being summoned, he roared out shaking the place, as it stomped the ground with its enormous hoofs. It was like a sports car accelerating at full throttle. After Fanu and the Metals professor boarded it, it charged forward fanatically! The floor shook beneath Iron horn’s acceleration. ‘Thump Thump Thump” as it trampled over the ground. This historic beast mindlessly buried its head forward as it charged!
Sheyan and the rest didn’t dare to delay, the hurriedly followed.
That devil’s snare was actually that frightening. After the stegosaurus ridiculous beastly strength could only penetrate for 50 metres before being tightly coiled and bound by the powerful vines. At this time, the Metals professor cast a powerful magic ability as a bright glow appeared, shining on the devil’s snare as its vines squirmed violently and emitted white fumes. Iron horn was able to charge a further 10 metres.
Yet the Metals professor was not of the same calibre as Dumbledore. The bright light could only persist for 5-6 seconds, before the devil’s snare coiled back. They could only rely on the stegosaurus repeated aggressive struggling, before finally breaking out of the devil’s snare encirclement. But the stegosaurus, Iron horn, also suffered greatly as numerous bone plates were ripped off as it leaned on the ground and wailed incessantly. The Metals professor who caste close to 20 glows of light was also mentally drained. He violent panted, even if he had some MP left, it was only a slight trickles.
Even the 4 men following behind suffered a casualty. While Deke was following the stegosaurus, an accident occurred. Several scarabs dropped from the stegosaurus and broke through his defence, causing him to fall to the ground. He could only do his utmost to prevent the scarabs from entering his body.
Seeing that he was about to be engulfed, the support contestant he rescued darted out and released a fireball to slay the scarabs. Instead, that fireball agitated the devil’s snare! Instantaneously, that contestant was gripped by the devil’s snare vines. Although he followed Fanu’s advice and didn’t resist, the surrounding scarabs swamped him like insatiable ants.Chapter 185: White stone warriors!

The blood caused these scarabs to go into a feeding frenzy as they excitedly charged from all sides towards their meal – This was the main reason for what Fanu suggested earlier. Advancing in the darkness would not agitate the devil’s snare, thus its vine would released people relatively quickly. But once someone was unluckily bitten by a scarab, then undoubtedly he would become a magnet and attract every single scarab. Then the rest could swiftly make their way through.
After rushing out of the devil’s snare range, everyone felt a new lease of life. Ahead of them, the walls of the cave once again glowed. Everyone discovered the pathway ahead led to many different sides, it was so huge like an artificial maze! Strips of metallic padded, wooden railway tracks seemed to be ignoring gravity as it floated, twisting and intertwining at random. It was like the entire earth or the world had been cut apart into the form of a rubix cube.
Just ahead of them, a metallic track existing for millenias spread across them peacefully. Its corrosive and rusty metallic surface clearly indicated: Nobody has been here for god knows how long. Gigantic protruding fossils pierced out of the cavern walls like a human rib, orderly and symmetrically extending to a distant location. A drip of water traversed through their ears and faded away. An unfathomable reverence was bred in the hearts of everyone present.
“Let’s take a rest.” The Metals professor took the lead in sitting down. “I’ve already checked, this place doesn’t seem like anyone had passed through.”
He heaved a sigh of relief.
“Looks like we’ve managed to overtake the Banks Syndicate.”
Sheyan was still measuring the railways shuttling throughout the cave, he couldn’t help but extend his hand to feel it. The track was extremely solid, and one could clearly sense the concept the ancient architects were designing: Rough, direct, durable, even after rusting the crisp snapping sound it gave off indicated no dampness within. At this moment, his nightmare imprint transmitted a trade offer, the initiating party was actually the Metals professor. Sheyan looked through, he was actually gifting 5000 utility points! Without hesitation, Sheyan accepted it, who wouldn’t accept a free gift.
“This is for everyone’s bravery.” Naturally after receiving this welfare, the tense and awkward atmosphere became lighter. Such generous upholding of promises were commonly seen, the effects it resulted were pretty good as well. The Metals professor satisfiedly nodded his head and spoke.
“Our current location is the abyss storage warehouse of Gringotts bank. But it has already been abandoned for a long time. Reaching here, we are halfway done!”
Fanu then rolled open a tattered parchment, using an emotionless tone to speak.
“The goblins stored the philosopher’s stone in one of the 3 major secret warehouses in Gringotts bank. During construction in order to guard against robbery, they utilized an extremely mystical intricate enchantment superior to that of a modern day fingerprint or pupil tracing lock.”
“The only key to unlock the secret warehouse, is the gene of the constructor. Of course this includes his future generations. Hence the unlocking personnel of this Gringotts secret warehouse has been passed down through generations, nobody can ever replace them. Therefore robbing through ordinary means to plunder the philosopher’s stone is virtually impossible – even Voldemort acknowledges this fact.”
“However, the designer at that time also considered a practical question. The future can never be anticipated, if one day the contractor’s bloodline is terminated (No more heirs), then wouldn’t the secret warehouse be forever locked? Therefore, they installed two doors to this secret warehouse. The front door is a magic gene lock, while the back door installed a complicated and dangerous mechanism. Once a scenario whereby the bloodline is terminated, there’s still an assurance of the objects placed in this secret warehouse would be retrievable.”
“Because Gringotts had been constructed a long time ago, even those goblin caretakers of Gringotts had forgotten about this matter. But Voldemort managed to understand this through several fragments of ancient documents. The Metals professor managed to acquire a firsthand document after a painstakingly long search. Therefore, being able to arrive here is considered as half the battle won!”
Naturally, these items that the Metals professor exhibited were legitimate and the probability of overstatement was little. Sheyan linked this to the piece of information he obtained from goblin Infinite, he could definitely verify many things. As Sheyan thought about it, his heart suddenly gushed with that mysterious sensation when he first approached Gringotts, and it was even stronger than before!
He could feel a peculiar feeling in his nightmare imprint. After inspecting, he discovered that severed finger – or known as the key – was actually burning hot and vibrating intensely. If not from the interspatial area being stable, others would have discovered his abnormality. Luckily, this strange state lasting only 10 seconds before fading away.
By first offering several benefits before absolutely confiding in his methods, it undoubtedly enhanced the cohesiveness of the party. They started to head into a nearby archaic cave, the one leading this time was Fanu who was holding onto a map. After circling around for 10 minutes, everyone felt a confused and disorientated feeling.
At a fork ahead, Fanu suddenly paused, raising his brows as he carefully examined the parchment. It was at this instance, Sheyan felt a wave of powerful threat incoming! He obviously wasn’t foolish to release any warning sounds, but quietly prepared in his heart. After half a second, Deke shouted out in panic.
“Careful, danger!”
As Deke’s voice faded, the cave walls suddenly cracked opened, spitting out rocks into the atmosphere. Following that, two at least 3 metre tall white humans dashed out, heavily knocking against Fanu’s sturdy body. Without releasing a sound, he was instantly thrown far away, landing and rolling a few rounds on the ground. Blood gushed out of his mouth, gorgeously forming a crimson arc across the air.
The ambushers were two statue like stone warriors. From top to bottom, they were made with white stone material. Their movements although mechanical, weren’t rigid. Holding a shield with their left arm, their right hand held onto a long sword. They quickly darted forward. Simultaneously, the Metals professor’s gown shook as his metallic glove hands waved swiftly in mid-air, drawing out several profound lines before two medium sized fireballs appeared and whizzed towards the statues.
As the two fireballs exploded upon impact, the two statue warriors stumbled back from the explosive force, as they lost balance and fell to the ground. But they rapidly got back up, and continued their mechanical movements as they approached. The front of their shields were burnt black, but there wasn’t a single crack.
Sheyan’s eyes flickered as he pounced forward, chopping down on a stone warrior with his hatchet. Sparks sprayed put on impact, but he was merely about to peel off several small stone fragments of the statue. That stone warrior retaliated with a swing of its sword, Sheyan could only use his hatchet to block. “Crrraack!” a gloomy sound resounded, as that ‘butchering bone hatchet’ disintegrated, shattering into dozens of fragments. It was utterly destroyed.
Simultaneously, Sheyan received notification from his nightmare imprint:
“Warning: Your weapon’s ‘Butchering bone hatchet’ durability is exhausted, it is destroyed. Please replace your weapon immediately!!”
“Warning: Your weapon’s ‘Butchering bone hatchet’ durability is exhausted, it is destroyed. Please replace your weapon immediately!!”
“Warning: Your weapon’s ‘Butchering bone hatchet’ durability is exhausted, it is destroyed. Please replace your weapon immediately!!”
This emergency was something Sheyan had never expected.
To him, he had done his utmost in reacting in this battle of wits and brawns after infiltrating Symbiosis sect. He was indeed too occupied to notice such minor details, who knew that such a problem would arise at this time! Several sharp fragments from his hatchet rubbed against his cheek, releasing a burning and sharp sensation. The other stone warrior raised its shield, and horizontally thrusted ruthlessly! Caught off guard, Sheyan was unable to dodge. It was like a gale engulfing his front, even his eyeballs were aching. He heard a buzzing sound in his head before losing consciousness.
When Sheyan recovered his consciousness, an incomparably searing pain jolted through his body. His entire body had crashed against the cave wall 5-6 metres away before recoiling from the impact. His left cheek was totally numbed! Staggering as he struggled to get up, he limped several steps before vomiting a mouthful of blood. There were even a few teeth mixed in the blood. He then felt his legs turning flabby, completely unable to exert strength, The nightmare imprint transmitted a message, informing him of his current daze state, and his movement had plunged by 50%.
Sheyan checked his battle log and discovered, this ‘shield slap’ had actually depleted close to 120 HP! Firstly, it was because this was a surprise attack. He wasn’t even able to activate his obsidian fossil anchor to enhance his physique by 10 points, therefore his defence was weakened. Secondly, that stone warrior actually managed to deliver crushing damages! This signified their strength was at least above 27 points! Lastly, that dazed effect was due to the ability of that ‘Shield slap’.Chapter 186: Ice rock bar

Fortunately, the two warriors didn’t pursue Sheyan, if not he would’ve met with a calamity. Resting for a moment, his dazed debuff slowly dissipated. Instead, he could see that the two statues were ignoring the assaults around them, only charging ferociously at Fanu. Sheyan was suddenly enlightened. Could it be that two statues could sensed a related object on Fanu? Most likely it was that parchment, that is the only reason to explain their stubborn offensive.
But the others were equipped with more abundance of battle experience than Sheyan. He could see the Metals professor twin fireballs smouldering the stone warrior’s faces, but it still couldn’t attract their attention. Their keen senses detected a problem. Deke, with the highest agility, immediately dragged Fanu along and fled swiftly. At the same time, Sheyan charged forward to cover them and won them adequate time.
The Metals professor didn’t have time to cast any more spells. He suddenly stood still and started chanting before his body rotated violently. At this moment, Sheyan finally understood why he was hailed as the metals professor. The metallic gown he was wearing suddenly metamorphosed into a butterfly like wings, the air flickered with a metallic brilliance, whistling and slicing. It was like a berserk steel whirlpool engulfing the area!
More strangely, that chaotic steel whirlpool started to drill upwards. Rocks fragments sprayed out, and after a drilling noise, several chunk of rocks embedded with enkianthus* fell to the ground. No one knew how long the enkianthus had been suspended over there, but it smashed down with the rocks.
(TN: *is a kind of suspending flower)
Looking at the chunks of rocks falling, it shouldn’t be able to even touch the stone warriors. As long as the two stone warriors immediately stopped advancing, then this attack would be rendered utterly futile. But the two stone warriors completely disregarded the impending threat as they surged forward, allowing the rocks to pound against their heads.
“Bam boom!” The two statues were smashed by the massive rock boulders, as they rolled to the ground. A distinct crack could be seen on their body, but they crawled back up and advanced with a staggering state. Naturally, this pounding had impacted the two statues greatly, but they very quickly used their shields to block the crumbling rocks as they continued striding forward.
Fanu forced himself to sit up as he glanced at the Metals professor before nodding his head. At the same time, a deafening roar reverberated throughout the cave! That humongous stegosaurus appeared once again, but its wounds were not yet healed. But they had to admit, this gigantic savage beast originating from Jurassic Park was undoubtedly their best hope against the two hateful statues!
Under the insane fury of Iron Horn, in a mere 30 seconds, the two massive stone warriors transformed into weird white stone fragments, as it dispersed over the ground. Their weapons gradually darkened, brittle, ultimately turned into dust and drifted away! More tragedious was the fact they didn’t even drop anything, not a single item! That meant that all their efforts were in vain, and further signified that the metre long wound would which even showcased Iron Horn’s organ was suffered in vain. Moreover, one of its eye could be described as blind.
Fanu violently coughed, one could even see the cracks within his fingers were bleeding. He slowly raised his head and weakly spoke.
“Sorry, Iron Horn may not be able to help us anymore for a long period of time.”
Metals professor nodded. His pair of callous and icy eyes glared at Sheyan. Sheyan took a deep breath and nodded his head.
“Alright, I’ll scout the front. But I don’t know where to go.”
Currently, Sheyan had no choice because Phelps grey wolf had already died previously. If he refused, then he would be going against the party. But he had confidence in his 31 points high physique, even if there were any snares he would definitely survive. If his hidden capabilities were exposed, he could simply flee within this enormous maze and no one in the party could catch up to him. Even if they could, based on the Metals professor exhausted state, how would he withstand Ambition’s direct confrontation?
Hence the party’s allocation were as such: Sheyan leading, Deke supporting Fanu behind, Phelps took the third, and the Metals professor as the rear guard. As they journeyed, they encountered those stone warriors on several occasions, but only single appearances this time which lowered the difficulty level greatly. The Metals professor and Deke could concentrate their firepower while retreating, and slowly torture one to death.
After travelling around the maze for close to 3 hours, they were face to face with an extremely wide precipice. This precipice was majestically steep and vastly broad, even if one looked up they wouldn’t be able to see the tip. The precipice was covered with greenish and grey rocks, exuberating a deadly yet solid emotion. Bizarre vague protrusions intercrossing shadows could be seen along it, they were like stiffened protruding arteries already rigid for a thousand years long.
Upon witnessing this magnificent precipice, both the Metals professor and Fanu leaked out an unexplainable delight on their faces. They instantly commanded.
“Everyone split up to search, one team on the left and one on the right. Once you locate anything suspicious immediately notify me.”
During allocation, the Metals professor and Fanu split into two teams. Probably to supervise and prevent anyone from betraying them once they discovered something. During the process of searching around the precipice, Sheyan constantly felt that peculiar sensation pricking him, becoming more intense each time. He also noticed there were thousands of bones, and according to the expert Fanu, the bones were mixed with goblins, humans, dwarfs and other races. It was obvious a huge scale tragedy happened here.
After half an hour, the Metals professor side transmitted news. They hurried over to the assembling spot. There was actually a door carved out from a boulder against the cliff. What was more surprising was that the surroundings were carved with various bar decorations. Even that detachable stone door had exquisitely delicate ingrains and its doorknob. It was a replicate of the backdoor of an ordinary bar. Looking at this scene, a strong feeling emerged that any second now a beautiful maiden staff would appear and invite them in.
Several unidentifiable characters were drawn on the door. Phelps sneakily whispered to Sheyan that it should be similar to the hebrew language. It is a blend of the dwarves and reptilians. Its meaning was:
Icy rock bar – Entrance to the land of miracles and death.
“We…… we’ve reached it, we’ve reached it!!!!” The Metals professor exclaimed with zeal.
He turned around and waved his hands, shouting out with a hysterical roar.
“Just another hundred metres. We only need to open this damned door, before advancing for another hundred metres! My dreams can finally be fulfilled, I will prove to those fools, those arrogant and egoistic fools. In this damned realm, everything is possible. I believe, really, I have confidence we will succeed!!!!”
The Metals professor’s excited roar echoed throughout the plains. Sheyan even noticed his eyeballs had distinctly reddened from the excitement! After a while, only did it vanished as it resumed to that cool, penetrative personality.
Then, the Metals professor turned around and ordered Sheyan.
“Go and open the door, now!”
At this time, his voice already contained a grim and chilling aura! Completely not allowing anyone to question. After Sheyan heard him, he deeply inhaled as he lowered and pretended to tie his shoelace before slapping against his shoe. Thus, he raised his physique to 31 points. He then looked back one last time, as he saw the excited, feverish, expectant look in the metals professor’s eyes. It also contained a complicated precaution. He then extended his hand out and forcefully grab onto the door handle.
The stone crafted bar door was considerable elaborate, 3 lifelike lizard stripes were even engraved onto the door. In that era, every guest had the superstition that mixing lizard extract juice with hard liquor would create a miraculous viagra like enhancing drug. After Sheyan contacted it, he could feel the icy chill of the stone, the smoothness indicated the supreme craftsmanship as the dense engravings perfectly complemented the human hand texture. It also released a wooden textural comfort.
The stone door was heavy, but Sheyan exerted force and pulled it open. But to his pleasant surprise, his perceptive sense remained docile. This meant that there was no dangers in pulling open this door.
In this flashing instance,
Sheyan’s head was unprecedentedly clear as he instantly deduced several inference.
Primarily: This place should be very dangerous, even the Metals professor instructed others on such a small matter like pulling open a door.
Secondly: The metals professor seemed to be very well versed in this situation. Even facts like walking 100 metres more before his dream is achieved could be mentioned. But yet he had no clue this door wasn’t dangerous. This meant one thing, which is that the Metals professor only had an extremely simple understanding about the affairs of this place. This logic was like everyone knew of a treasury in the bank, but from the entrance to the treasury, how many protective mechanisms were there, most people would not be clear of.
Lastly: Looking at his current situation, if there were were dangers inside. Most likely it was him having to scout, he had to change this situation!Chapter 187: Metal digestive system

Trapped in this perilous situation, at the instance he pulled open the door he cried out loud and leapt backwards. He obviously didn’t receive any injuries, but he purposefully bit his tongue and sprayed out blood! It appeared as if he was struck backwards by an immense force.
When he landed, he rolled violently and feigned unconsciousness as blood streamed from his lips. If one were to carefully observe him, he would certainly be exposed. But Sheyan determined that the Metals professor, in his current fanatical state, wouldn’t be concerned about him and would only care about Fanu’s condition! Therefore, he dared to pull off this performance.
As expected, his gamble paid off. Only Phelps rushed up to examine his injuries. Instead, the Metals professor urgently walked ahead and peered into the the bar, he did not indicate any concerns about Sheyan’s conditions. After confirming there weren’t any dangerous snares at the entrance, he took the lead entering. Only Fanu looked back as he passively asked Phelps.
“Still alive?”
Phelps nodded, then Fanu’s words were extremely succinct.
“Carry him in.”
When everyone entered the bar, they couldn’t help but gasp at the architecture of this place. Various races of guest, gorgeous female staff, big bearded dwarves, ale foam, copper kettles, old fashioned rotary candlesticks, even bread, chicken drumsticks and drinks on the table! Everything was imitated to perfection as though the lively atmosphere lingered in their ears, as though the food and wine still released their sumptuous fragrance. It gave an illusion that time flashed back several millennia to the europeans legends, where God roamed the earth, and different races lived in harmony.
Alas, these were all sculptures of rocks.
Carved out with icy cold boulders.
Time seemed to have congregated in this instance.
Causing all the laughter and celebrations to freeze…… for a thousand years!
After a brief search, they found the only other passageway.
That was the flight of stone stairs up, at the side of the bar. These stairs circled a massive stone pillar and extended up. The pillar was incomparably solid, it gave off an aura of penetrating through the roof, the sky and space itself!
Everyone ascended to the second floor before they witnessed a spacious huge hall.
This hall was so spacious, it was at least half the size of a football field. The 4 stone walls had a queer ashen color, giving off an impregnable feeling. Besides the entering door, everything else was sealed shut. A line of mysterious, powerful and massive characters were carved at the centre. Although Sheyan didn’t recognize that line of characters, he could feel a certain respect and mystery from the pattern. Solely looking at those characters, their heart involuntarily beat faster and their blood flowed with solmeness.
“This, this is the ancient hebrew language.” The semi-conscious Sheyan was carried by Phelps, hence he could hear his faint amazement. “The original dead sea scrolls learned in history class were written with this language!”
“Greed….is human’s…..original sin, the lost sheep…..if, if…..unrepentant, requires blood to cleanse the filth in this place.”
Fanu slowly read out the phrase beside the metals professor. Instead, the metals professor ignored it as he eagerly continued up the lateral spiral stone stairs. But he was stopped by a firm stone door behind the pillar.
Two sculptures were erected at the sides of the door, it was a statue of a delicate dwarf slightly taller than 3 metres. The carvings were imitated to perfection, even the beard was extremely detailed. Their hands were equipped with a shield with a mysterious crest. One of them raised a massive warhammer. They had a ferocious glaring expression as though about to start battling any second.
On the door, there was an extremely clear hole.
This could only mean one thing.
Even separated by thousands of years, it still meant that same clear reason.
Atop the keyhole, were actually chiseled out ancient hebrew characters.
Sheyan persisted in his fainted state. In his ear, he could hear Phelps’s recital murmurings, gently explaining.
“Speed, courage is the only way to open this door.”
“Benevolence is my intention.”
“But an arrogant person will inevitably fall into the abyss of suffering and despair.”
The Metals professor closed his eyes, after reopening them he smiled evilly as he stepped forward, his cloak slowly lifting.
That metallic textured cloak!
Naturally, it seems like he didn’t want to delay any further. Using his strength, he exerted force. But in the next second, his face immediately changed, as he disappointedly scolded.
“Why is there a strong arcane interference object here! All my active abilities cannot be activated!”
Everyone who heard it turned pale with fright, they likewise encountered the same situation. At the same time, the Metals professor seemed to have activated a certain catch. From the back, a viciously glaring enormous dwarf statue dropped from the top. Its appearance showed off the perfect craftsmanship of its creator, even its beard seemed to be grazing against the air. In its hand was a golden warhammer, coincidentally sealing their exit route!
Ahead was a difficult situation!
Behind their path was obstructed!
Following that, a strange glow appeared above the warhammer. It carried the density of a laser, but didn’t release a penetrating or eye glaring personality. It gave off a mild aura just a the warm winter sun. Clearly seen, that glow shot out from the warhammer, as he reflected unendingly around the entire hall. Even if it bypassed anyone of their bodies, it didn’t hurt them at all.
When that glow shot out, the warhammer instantly lost its golden brilliance, returning to its stone appearance. Even though the statue looked perfectly imitated, it had lost its soul and spirit, looking just like a gloomy lifeless sculpture. But because of this, the symbiosis sect’s escape route was utterly severed. They fundamentally didn’t even had a clue on dealing with his massive dwarf statue. But now, even if they had a method, it was probably relying on violence if they became desperate.
After a short moment, something strange started happening in the hall after the light beamed across the entire hall, radiating with concentrated illuminations lighting up the sky like a searchlight. Because the lights were soft yet bright, it was like a light cloud had formed and suspended in the middle of the hall. At this moment, the atmosphere was like walking into a pitch-black house, but yet a sun ray penetrated through a hole on the roof. When that happened, all the minor details, particles and dust could be clearly seen.
“What’s that? Dragonfly? Deke suddenly pointed to the air and curiously asked. Under the illumination, there was indeed something slowly flying into the air, before more and more appeared. From far it looked like dragonflies, but it had a uniquely carefree laziness. Occasionally flapping its wings, as it glided slowly against the air.
A passional glow exuberated from the metals professor’s eyes, he couldn’t help but call out loudly.
“That is the key to opening the door!”
As more and more of these ‘objects’ appeared, everyone could see, flying in midair were actually ancient metal keys. These keys came in various sizes, big or small, long or short. Most of their colours were brown or silver. Behind the key grew out two dragonfly looking transparent wings. That should be the main reason why they could drift in mid air.
Fanu retrieved his parchment scroll, carefully looking at it.
“The scroll records. In ancient times, dwarves and goblins loved to set up defence installations called: Metal digestive systems. Such defensive sets were relatively advanced, and even many great wizards who studied ancient civilizations, greatly admires such design concepts. Hence, they even replicate such defensive models for themselves. Significantly, within the great wizards, this included Dumbledore.”
The Metals professor slowly nodded.
“Our entire process, is really similar to the way Harry Potter and his group acquired the philosopher’s stone. This scroll is correct, Dumbledore had borrowed this defensive concept of the metal digestive system. And what we are facing, is naturally the complete original version, thousands of years ago!”
Fanu kept his parchment, contemplating as he spoke.
“In the original storyline, the main key to important the door is hidden amongst all those winged keys. Harry Potter utilized his capabilities as a seeker as he rode his broomstick to capture that key, however this agitated the other keys and resulted in numerous cut wounds on Harry. And currently, we do not require any broomstick to catch they key…..according to the instructions on the door, after seizing the key we have to swiftly open it. Furthermore, we must prepare our minds to face death with courage!”
At this moment, Deke’s brows twitched as he interrupted.
“Do you guys feel that the illumination is a little dimmer? My eyes are extremely sensitive to light, it should’ve turned slightly dimmer.”Chapter 188: Deadly trap! Formidable Endurance!!

Sheyan gazed up, instantly sensing that these keys lazily floating in the sky had turned a little hazy. The metals professor pondered before crying out.
“Not good! Probably ten thousand years of time has done much harm to the mechanism. Do you still remember the glow emitted from the warhammer previously? Based on modern day perspective, that glow should be an unknown energy source. This source can activate the hall’s surrounding mechanisms, and cast such an illumination that attracts these winged keys out of hiding!”
“Which goes to say, once the energy source is exhausted, then naturally the winged keys would be go back into hiding! This means that to obtain another chance at capturing the key, we have to wait for that dwarf sculpture to once again accumulate enough energy in his warhammer. Who knows maybe that thing requires a thousand years to regenerate its energy, or maybe it will never regenerate even!”
“Hurry let’s act!” The Metals professor released an unrestrained fierceness.
“Time is precious, everyone together!”
Upon the Metals Professor’s command, even Phelps charged forward. The hall was already so broad, and the widely scattering keys could number in the thousands. It seemed like searching would be a completely arduous job.
Deke held the most adoration and respect for the Metals Professor, in addition to his superior agility, he took the lead in sprinting ahead. Everywhere he passed he touched against the dancing keys in mid air.
The keys were like seaweed in the sea, lazily drifting about in the sky. Once in a long while, it would flap its wings and continued to enjoy the gliding sensation.
“Over there!” Deke suddenly shouted out, his voice contained a clear delight.
Where Deke was pointing, a key that seemed different from others was peacefully adrift at the nearby distant.
It had six wings, its composition was massive and the material looked exactly identical to the stone door. On it was even engraved several mysterious characters which should be hebrew language. These characters really looked like those temple chanting scriptures. Moreover, this key appeared to be abnormally cosy under the light rays, it even lazily flipped over just like a big belly fatty sun tanning at the beach.
Deke sprinted ahead, and leapt up to grab the key. Although it was impossible to use any abilities here, a contestant still vastly exceeded an average person’s physical limits. With that leap, he jumped at least 2 metres high and he straightforwardly pulled the key down. He then directly darted towards the door.
According to Deke’s running speed, if he was empty handed, he would only require 3-5 seconds to cover the entire 30 metres leading to the stone door. But when he grabbed onto the key, he realized that the struggling strength of this key was extremely appaling. Don’t talk about running with it, even forcefully gripping onto it was a problem. His heart was a sea of excitement and anxiousness, immediately shouting out loudly.
“I need help!!”
Presently, Phelps was the nearest to Deke. With their combined strength, they managed to press the massive key to the ground before forcefully dragging it to the stone door. That key fluttered exasperatedly on the ground, but it was as hopeless as a large group of peddlers being swept away by the police. It could only stare in despair as it was dragged further away from its comrades.
But at that instance, Sheyan could hear a queer buzzing in his ears. It was like a thousand bees vibrating their wings.
Looking now, they immediately discovered the initially lethargic winged keys had started to flap their wings at full throttle, angrily and impatiently pushing their way through in this enclosed space. As that stone key was pulled further, hundreds of other keys started to burst shuttle back and forth furiously in mid air! The earliest was a brass key as it slashed across Deke’s cheek, carving out a wound. Followed by 2, 3, 10 keys!
What was more frightening is that, countless amounts of winged keys turned berserk and frantically swarmed around them, like they were the core of a tornado. The keys were frightening in numbers, as the circled rapidly and devastatingly. The trajectory and speed of thousands of winged keys coincided together, like a catastrophic hurricane with seawaves and torrents as high as the heavens! Consecutively, even him who had been abandoned and idling by the side was caught up in this shredding fury, his hands and back appeared numerous cut wounds.
In that instance, Sheyan suddenly received a notification from the nightmare imprint:
[ You received the attack of the winged keys. You receive 7 points of true damage, this damage ignores all defence. Its precedence ranking: ‘Domain precedence’ ]
[ You receive a Winged Key’s attack. Your innate ability: Endurance activated…. ]
[ Data conflict arise, determining precedence….. ]
[ Data conflicting, data conflicting ]
[ Determining…. ]
[ Determined complete. Your innate ability: Endurance takes precedence; reduces all physical damage by 25 points ]
[ You only receive 1 point of damage ]
Sheyan scrolled through the notifications, he couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Previously during his battle with Qiao Gun, his innate ability had already garnered his attention. But now, he deeply acknowledged the formidable strength of this ‘endurance’! It was even exempted from the damage of the ancient dwarf and goblin mechanism… must understand, this ‘metal digestive system’ mechanism is something that even the grand boss Dumbledore learns from! His eyes exposed a thoughtful expression, nevertheless it combusted with heavier passion as he once again resumed his unconscious act.
At the same time, he noticed that Phelps had already let go and was frantically crying out. His body flesh had already been ripped hideously, and dripping with blood.
“Deke! Let go if not we will all die here!”
The Metals professor raged out from a distance.
“You cannot let go, have you forgotten the words inscribed on the door? Courage!!!”
Deke gritted his teeth, he always had an exceptional respect and trust in the metals professor. Biting firmly, he dragged that key onwards for 2-3 metres before finally discovering his HP had wildly plunged. He could not resist anymore as he finally let go. That massive key immediately fled towards its original position. Its 6 wings flapped particularly slow, it looked like flying consumed immense energy.
Even after realizing something was wrong and they finally gave up capturing that winged keys. Deke and Phelps still died! Even their corpses weren’t spared!
Because after releasing that massive winged key, that didn’t signify that the other berserked winged keys would halt their frenzy! That semi-formed hurricane winged key form continued its whirling frenzy. The halls ceiling and group repeatedly released friction sparks, as the entire hall was dominated by this terrifying steel whirlwind. Even the desperate screams and mournful wails of Deke and Phelps was drowned out. Fortunately, the frequency of damage the metals professor and Fanu suffer could not be compared to Deke and Phelps who were at the centre of it. Thus they sustained light injuries.
When that massive winged keys returned, that hurricane gradually turned gentle. Very swiftly, everything resumed its initial peacefulness. Only now, the floor was soaked with blood and mutilations. Flesh hung from some of the winged keys. Fragments of deathly white bones, and hair added grotesque and horror to the image!
At this moment, the illumination had turned darker again. Obviously the energy was becoming insufficient. Even these winged keys seemed to turned faintly discernable. The vicious nature of the Metals professor flickered, he headed straight to Sheyan, grabbing him by the neck and pulled him up.
“Get up, I know you just woke up.”
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders helplessly.
“Boss, even Deke and Phelps has died here. Do you think I can make it? Don’t overestimate me!”
The Metals professor’s voice turned gloomy.
“This time, we three will go together!”
Sheyan’s heart stirred, his eyes flashed with strictness.
Presently, time was tight. The three joined forces and charged, seizing that massive winged keys and immediately retreated backwards. This massive winged key was extremely discontented at the treatment it was receiving, it furiously flapped its wings, trying to struggle and wriggled out. But under the combined force of the three, it was quickly dragged to the stone door. Instantly forced into to the keyhole by 6 hands. At the same time, the other gently floating winged keys started to twitch.
“1, 2 ,3…..we’ll push!” The metals professor’s voice was nervous and contained an impatient expectation as he exclaimed loudly. Instead! When they counted to 3, everyone simultaneously loosened their hands! That massive winged key regained its freedom, and flapped its wings as it staggered out. If Fanu didn’t reacted quickly and caught it, it would have flown away.
“Clank!” A bronze winged keys rubbed across the metals professor’s mask. Sparks burst out, casting a sinister glow on his his gloomy and cold expression. That glow radiated against Sheyan’s face as it it would ignite his face any second. He glared at Sheyan and spoke fiercely.
“Why did you let go?”Chapter 189: I bet daddy here can last longer than you!

Sheyan swung his hand and brushed off an incoming winged key. At present, it was close to the climax already, Sheyan wasn’t planning to hide anymore. With a stern face he replied.
“I saw your hands letting go, so I let go. Oi, this is like the chinese saying ‘subordinates follow the examples of their superiors’ that’s all.”
The Metals professor deeply inhaled.
“Based on our conjunction, the key requires a certain time to open the door. That is why we let go. We wanted to cover you and shield off the assaults from the winged keys. To prevent you from getting too hurt, and fail at the final effort.”
Sheyan laughed.
“I am more suitable as a meat shield to protect you, how about you do it boss.”
Currently, the winged keys had started to merge into the form of that terrifying metal hurricane. Several winged keys had already carved out sparks against the walls. The Metals professor hurriedly offered.
“If you are willing to open the door, all my 10,000 utility points on me will be given to you.”
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and directly refuted.
“If I can open the door, all your 10,000 utility points will be give to me. Metals professor, a dead man has no use for any amounts of utility points. You don’t seem young, yet you don’t even understand this logic? This door writes courage, speed and sacrifice. Look at the keys behind, one requires courage to seize the head of the keys. After capturing it, he needs to swift speed to bring it back and open the door. Lastly, it signifies that opening it requires a person’s life in exchange! Very sorry, even up till now, I do not have the passion for sacrificing myself for your noble dreams.”
The Metals professor started trembling, raging but smiling instead.
“Very good, you are the first who dares to speak like that to me! Let me tell you frankly. If you don’t open it, I’ll kill you when we get out. If you open it, there’s still a slight gambling chance that the mechanism may fail! Choose!”
Sheyan lowered his head and pondered a moment. He then raised his head sincerely saying.
” I’ll gamble!”
The Metals professor snorted. But in that instance, Sheyan suddenly dived and rolled to the corner. The frequency of winged keys at that area was significantly lower. Concurrently, Sheyan laughed out loudly.
“I bet daddy here can last longer than you!!”
(ED: This whole chapter sounds so dirty)
The Metals professor’s pupils turned blood red! At this moment, if he could use magic he would’ve killed Sheyan a thousand times over! Instead, Fanu still holding onto the key stood out. He firmly looked at the Metals professor. The winged keys started dicing at his body, leaving sorrowful cuts around. Yet he did not wavered, firmly and resolutely speaking to the metals professor.
“Looks like I’ll gamble. I love you, Fu Lyana! If I die, remember to bury that guy with me!”
Following that, Sheyan heard his nightmare imprint transmitting: “Your vice party head, Fanu has initiated a trial against you. All of Fanu’s attributes have been temporarily dropped by 5%. You’ve been expelled from the party.”
The reason why Fanu did this was because if he died, only Sheyan and Metals professor Lyana would be left in the Symbiosis sect. If at that time Lyana initiated a trial on Sheyan, then her attributes would be permanently decreased by 5% forever! Such love and considerations for the woman he loved, it could really be deemed as the most noble kind of live.
After speaking, Fanu grabbed tightly onto the massive winged key and charged towards the ancient and mysterious stone door! In the instance the key slotted perfectly into the hole, it emitted a glaring light. The hebrew characters on the stone door radiated out blood red, as though about to pop out of the door. The left and right ancient dwarf statue bathed in the bloody brilliance, activating a certain mechanism as the heavy weapon in their hands shuddered! Using force to behead down, Fanu was directly within the range of the two mercilessly fatal weapons!
“No!!!” Metals professor Lyanna cried out sorrowfully. She no longer bothered to mask her voice, as that piercing scream of a woman caused even Sheyan go cover his ears!
In a flash, under the might of the two formidable weapons, his body was reduced to a distorted mutilated wreck. The vibrant crimson blood fluids and flesh sprayed onto the ancient stone door! After that massive winged key absorbed the blood, it started to rotate! Concurrently, amidst the raging whirling whistling of the hurricane winged keys, a deep mechanical clicking boomed out from beneath the abyss of the stone door! Such a feeling was as though there was an ancient declining beastly creature violently coughing underneath.
Next, that stone door slowly opened.
The Metals professor Lyanna venomously glared at Sheyan, gritting her teeth she cursed.
“You, you will definitely die terribly!”
Theoretically, her battle capabilities were at least a few folds higher than Sheyan’s. Furthermore, the magic damages were the kind that Sheyan’s innate ability was completely unable to resist. Furthermore, she was closer to the stone door. Once she exits this powerful arcane ability interference hall, killing off Sheyan was like nailing a needle onto a board. Therefore by saying that, it was completely logical and simple for her, it was obviously not just a threat.
After she spoke and about to raise her feet, she could see Sheyan’s bent knee pushing off with force, leaping high into the sky as he pounced towards here!
Actually even though Sheyan was a contestant, it was impossible to cover an entire 7-8 metres gap under this immense hurricane, in order to battle her. He could at most shorten the gap between them. Furthermore by directly pouncing like that, he was bound to knock against the dwarf statue by the side. Preventing the Metals professor Lyanna from going through the ancient door was completely impossible.
But when Sheyan pounced forward with great strength, Metals professor Lyanna realized he was holding onto a 16th century european style flintlock musket!
The black callous barrel shockingly pointed over!
The distance between them was merely 7 metres, this was completely within Sheyan’s shooting range!!!
“Crrssk” A coarse wound appeared on Sheyan’s cheek.
Fresh blood spurted out,
But before it landed, it was licked away by the hurricane.
Murderous intent frenziedly sweeped over,
It was as vast and churning as a sea vortex.
In this moment, she could hear the tidal waves of the vast sea crashing against her ears! And even smell the unique piercing fragrance of rum!
Rum and Songs activated!
This hall only disrupted arcane abilities! It only suppressed abilities requiring mental powers (MP). Regarding an equipment ability like the Rum and Songs, it was completely irrelevant!
The metals professor’s HP had not dropped beneath 30%, thus the bonus 200% explosive strike was not activated. But apart from the gun’s normal damage, it carries a further debuff of at least 2 seconds stunning!
Ambition’s immense crackling explosion resonated into the hall. Lyanna simultaneously reacted swiftly. Upon seeing Sheyan’s movement, her metallic gown shimmered brightly, followed by a vapour fumes being released from her necklace. The fumes covered her body hazily. Undoubtedly, she had utilized the defensive abilities of her two equipments.
Even if that was so, she felt a numbing in her chest followed by a pressurizing force. Initially, she was about to step sideways through the stone door, thus her body involuntarily stumbled across by 5-6 steps. The nightmare imprint’s notification rung in her ears:
“You’ve been hit by the enemy’s lead bullet.”
“Your metal armour absorbed 15% of damage.”
“Your passive ability metal physique suppresses the enemy explosive strike rate.”
“You receive the protection of the contestant’s 40% damage limitation.”
“Your equipment ability: Refraction effect, enemy’s long range attack will be refracted, you will receive 73% of the damage.”
“Your equipment ability: Spirit haze activated. Enemy’s long range attack will be forcibly reduced by 15 points.”
“Your total actual damage is 24 points!”
“Effect: You will suffer the following abnormality debuff: stunned effect. Duration: 3 seconds.”
“Subtracting your defense factor, your stunned duration reduced to 2.76 seconds.”
“Your passive ability: Anti-corrosion activated. Lowering debuff duration by 70%.”
“Calculating evaluation……”
“Sorry, opponent’s stunned effect takes precedence, your stunned duration is 2 seconds.”
Sheyan knew his gunfire would not be lethal against the metals professor. But he had never expected the terrifying level of this woman’s defence, 140 long range damage was actually reduced to only 24 points! But what Sheyan needed was that precious 2 seconds!!
Before the smoke had dissipated from Ambition’s barrel, Sheyan had knocked against the dwarf statue so it fell backwards. He sucked in his chest, bent his legs and rolled to the side before pushing forward, extending his hands as he rushed forward to the semi-opened mysterious but delicate stone door. He smiled, exposing a set of reddened white teeth, releasing a brutal and sinister appearance.
“Let’s see who is the first to collapse under the fury of this damned steel whirlwind. Metals professor Fu Lyanna! Or you can try pushing me away right inside the core of this metal hurricane? My strength is only 13 points!”Chapter 190: Beautiful bones

“You fool!” Metals professor Lyanna released a frenzied laugh and said. “Do you think you have won?”
Currently, the winged keys had already metamorphosed fully into a raging steel whirlwind, even an immense and terrifying suction could be felt. Under such pressure, a contestant could forcibly stand still or move, but to battle it was simply inconceivable. Within the brutal whirling rampage of the winged keys, she extended out both hands and tilted her head. Then she plucked out a potion that was emitted a faint dark gold brilliance.
“This is an extremely powerful potion exchanged with 10 potential points and 10,000 utility points! And can only be purchased after reaching officer status of the nightmare imprint’s military ranking! After drinking, it will instantly restore my HP to the maximum, and create a temporary screen guard around me! The screen guard’s HP is 3 times my maximum HP. That means my HP is now as high as 600 points! You can compete with me? You dare to compete? Now you only have to hopeless choice. One is to be obliterated into a thousand pieces by this raging incisive whirlwind. Or two is after going out, allowing me to slowly carve out your flesh one by one!”
Instead, Sheyan ripped of his shirt, exposing his sturdy and muscular body. His bulging muscles seemed to be concealing explosive might within it. Although his body was covered in scars and cuts, obstructing the door entrance, Sheyan was just like a wounded ferocious beast! Savage, fanatical, blood lusted! He licked at the blood stains around his lips, as the taste of blood further ignited his fiery gaze, filled with eagerness, insanity and unyielding arrogance!
“I’ll choose the third option, Metals professor! I choose to stay here and watch you be shredded underneath this piercing whirlwind! I’ll live on and you’ll die!!!!”
Lyanna erupted into a hysterical laughter, her laughter carried a certain taunting. Even tears formed from the laughter. She removed the potion cap and poured it down her throat, consecutively a faint dark golden glow could be seen travelling down. Even her abdomen was illuminated up, like she had just swallowed down the sun. Then the golden glow radiated throughout her body, forming into a layer of golden screen. It had the appearance of clear and crystallized water.
At present, every winged key had utterly turned berserk, as the humongous whirlwind darkened as sparks sprayed out constantly against the stone surface. That piercing scraping sound could rip open a person’s eardrum, the place had turned into a deadly blender!
Sheyan remained silent, his lips slightly arching as he raised his left hand.
Spreading out to the heavens,
He then pointed his middle finger at the Metals professor,
A wicked taunt,
Just like how he toyed with the female staff in in the bar during his voyages in the present world previously.
In this moment…was the line between life and death!
The Metals professor clenched her fist, she didn’t bother thinking further as she directed her venomous gaze solely towards Sheyan. She had to see this bastard torn to million pieces, mutilated and dying by a thousand cuts, only then would her hatred be appeased!
At this moment, anyone in the hall would similarly receive incessant frequencies of damage. Every second, they would equally suffer two lethal cuts from the winged keys!
Because the winged keys had the territorial ability that could ignore whatever defences, its special ‘precedence’ ability was extremely terrorizing. Furthermore, its damaging frequency was rapid. This according to this world’s difficulty, its damage wouldn’t be exceptionally high, and few would exceed 10 points. Based on Sheyan’s calculation, an average winged key’s damage would be roughly 6 points.
After getting implicated into the steel whirlwind triggered by Deke and Phelps previously, his HP was still lingering at around 280 points. But, he had an outstanding heavenly aid with endurance, therefore every second only claimed two HP. On the contrary, even though the metals professor’s HP soared to 600 points, she had no means of negating the damage of the winged keys. Every second, she received at least 12 points!
This undoubtedly meant that even if they didn’t count their regenerative rates, the metals professor could only persist for 50 seconds inside this raging whirlwind, while Sheyan could hang on for 2 and a half minutes! This time disparity had been calculated by Sheyan long ago, which explained his unperturbed composure.
After persisting for roughly 30 seconds within the raging whirlwind, the Metals professor started feeling something was wrong. Because her 600 HP had already been drained by half, she only had 240 points. Under normal circumstances, even if Sheyan had carried medicines which could restore his HP by 100%, he should have inevitably met with a crisis. He shouldn’t be wearing that same indifferent and taunting appearance he had, and be steadily obstructing this ancient stone door.
Her survival instincts welled up as she pressed her way forward within the raging whirlwind, spreading out her arms to push Sheyan away. Sheyan likewise wasn’t able to deliver any attacks under the overbearing pressure of the raging whirlwind, but he folded his arms over his chest and coldly stared at the metals professor. This woman was a support class contestant, if her strength was mightier than his, then Sheyan would be speechless.
The murderous piercing gale raged on, death threatened to viciously steal their breaths. Sheyan calmly gazed at the metals professor. Her dark golden screen guard had shattered, and blood dripping gashes and lacerations formed. She completely disregarded it, her resenting green pupils steadily stared into Sheyan, and she suddenly roared fiercely.
“I know, you must be those natural MT (Main-tank, core battle tanker) with innate defence ability! You must….. Be!”
While speaking, the Metals professor reached out her hand to Sheyan’s face, as though about to probe out his deepest secrets from his soul. Yet the ruthless and merciless whirlwind, started to be drenched with faint crimson. Sheyan could clearly see her hand disintegrating bit by bit. First the armour crumbling and peeling off, then her skin, then her eerie white bones, finally her scrawny bone finger was shredded and disintegrated into dust before drifting into the raging gale!
Witnessing this tragic scene, Sheyan sighed. His heart surged with an unfathomable dim melancholy. Hanging down his eyes, he prayed.
Forcefully closing that mysterious heavy ancient stone door, Sheyan finally abandoned that raging steel whirlwind behind the thick stone door. His ears finally experienced peaceful silence. Leaning against the stone door, he sat down. Retrieving a bottle of water from his nightmare imprint he prepared beforehand, he gulped down as he shut his eyes and rested.
While resting, he never once stopped reflecting.
Even though the Metals professor had indirectly died in his hands. Sheyan could firmly confirm that until now, she was the strongest contestant he had met. Even that mysterious woman ‘Zi’ that he encountered in the caribbean sea world was definitely weaker.
Furthermore, Fanu’s strength was similarly terrifying. Singlehandedly summoning out that humongous stegosaurus, even challenging a legendary mountain troll alone, there was a chance at victory!
If the two of them weren’t bent on renouncing close combat defence contestants, and completely used them as cannon fodder, Sheyan wouldn’t have minded cooperating with them.
It was a pity between Fanu and the Metals professor, they couldn’t trust anyone else. They were like moths flying into fire, diligently pursuing their own thoughts and dreams, yet neglecting and using everyone else as tools.
Of course a person like Sheyan wasn’t content with being a mere tool,
And a tool that could be sacrificed anytime.
Therefore their internal contradictions were indeed conflicting, it belonged to the kind where either you die or I die. Just like an incomparable profound bitterness between a proletariat and a capitalist. Hence, its was determined that only one party would walk out of that immensely heavy stone door alive.
“Natural MT (Main tank, core battle tanker) possessing innate defensive skills eh? Sounds pretty cool, I like that name.”
Sheyan splashed his face with cold water, shaking his head as he stood up. He was back to being alone. Against this ‘metal digestive system’ defence mechanism, he had to be cautious. Actually strictly speaking, this should be built during the remodeling of Gringotts by those goblins, it should only have a 5,000 year history. Alright, using ‘only’ to describe that was indeed a little unsuitable.
A long pathway emerged ahead, it was at least 6 metres tall and 7-8 metres wide. The ground and ceiling was joined by pillars that occupied at least 5 square metres. Although this place was a victim of time, it still preserved its solemn, respectful dignity. Delicate relief sculptures and decorative designs filled the walls. And on both sides of the pathway, 3 metre tall stone sculptures that were imitated to perfection were erected 6 metres apart from each other. The statues were either goblins or dwarves. Lifting their torches majestically with different poses. As Sheyan cautiously made his way through, their torches would automatically ignite and extinguish after he walked through for a distance.Chapter 191: Philosopher’s stone!!!

It was either the mechanisms were faulty or there wasn’t even one, but Sheyan walked peacefully for roughly a few hundred metres. Ahead of him was another large stone door, with a grand and vast ancient epic war picture engraving. It clearly displayed the glory of the country, and its downfall. Once again, ancient archaic hebrew was carved mysteriously in the middle. If Phelps was still alive, he would’ve understood the meaning:
Door of wisdom.
Sheyan was about to approach the door to examine it, but was suddenly alerted when he slipped as though stepping on something. Instantly, the stone floor beneath him lifted up and rippled towards the stone door! This sensation was like something transporting him, and he completely had not anticipated it. Even his perceptive sensing didn’t transmit any warning. Sheyan could only stare blankly as he charged head on towards the door. Just when he was about to collide, the door abruptly croaked and rolled up as the fragments of rocks thumped onto the ground. Sheyan directly got sent in.
The next moment, Sheyan felt like he was falling in midair, and he reflexly guarded his head. But this wasn’t any test as he landed on the ground safely the next moment. Sheyan stood up and surveyed his surroundings. He sighed.
A deep profound sigh.
Beneath his feet was a white tile, 3×3 metres in radius. Around the white tile were black tiles, this irregular color pattern had a charming effect. In front of him was astonishingly a rather familiar massive white statue. Indeed, it was the previously encountered stone warrior. Moreover, there was a king, queen, bishop and knight! All these were arranged neatly and orderly in front of him!
Where Sheyan was at currently, was shockingly an enormous chessboard!
This was the final test of the ‘metals digestive system’.
—- A bloody…. magic chess game!
Sheyan discovered that this area was similarly under an intense arcane disruption pressure, hence magic abilities were negated here. He attempted to advance, but was instead obstructed by a formless barrier. The weapons of the chess piece were enchanted, chilling rays streamed out illuminating up the blackened blood stains on it. Sheyan glanced to the extreme left and right borders of the chessboard, it was filled with heaps of white bones.
Undoubtedly, one could only acquire the qualifications to proceed after defeating the opposing opponent. More frightening was the fact, there were completely no chess pieces on Sheyan’s side. That indicated that living creatures had to act as chess pieces, using their life and blood for his chess game. Those who could even reach this stage, were ambitious people who painstakingly fought their way here. But to win this game, some had to die. Some had to be used as pawns!
Therefore, in this game of chess one not only had battle against the opposing statues. It was also a battle of wits, and a test of teamwork between comrades who risked through fire and water with you!
When thinking of the difficulty of this, Sheyan’s heart felt like a bottomless pit. He could only laugh bitterly. However, it wasn’t completely right to describe his situation as hopeless. The designers of this test could never have anticipated such a freak who was able to withstand the horrific metal whirlwind in the previous test. The arcane ramparts here had been operating for over 5000 years. If Sheyan was able to lure those frenzied winged keys here, then based on their terrifying might and ability to bypass defence, there was a chance of destroying that wall.
Thinking of that, Sheyan became excited as he turned to climb out from the back of the chessboard. There was an obvious ‘exit’ pathway, probably the designers were not sadistic enough to remove even hopes of escaping. His heart shuddered when he climbed up and look to the other side. Because 3 metres behind the group of protective enchanted chess pieces, there was a tiny room. There was nothing in the room except an ordinarily looking stone platform. On that platform was a cluster with a messy thick canvas pouch. Behind the pouch, was probably the main door that the goblins used. Atop the pouch, flashes of mystical brilliance sparkled out.
No doubt! Similar to the movie itself, that thing was identical to the philosopher’s stone Hagrid retrieved. That must be the philosopher’s stone the crew suffered trials and tribulations for. Sheyan was considered far from the chessboard, the arcane disruption effects had faded. To verify the philosopher’s stone, Sheyan simply activated his ‘insight’ ability.
Because of the far distance, Sheyan’s ‘insight’ ability failed consecutively and only succeeded on the eighth try! When the nightmare imprint related the report, Sheyan almost vomited blood.
Philosopher’s stone
Other identity: Nicholas Flamel’s philosopher’s stone.
Object rarity: Mid class legend grade, main storyline object
Object usage effects: ? ? ? ? ? (Your intelligence is not adequate, unable to understand the mysteries of the philosopher’s stone)
Object usage requirement: Intelligence above 40 points.
Object nature: Unable to trade after acquiring. This object is a main storyline object of the Harry Potter magic world. If unable to acquire the appropriate approval, unable to bring out of this world.
“Description: I swore not to tell you, Harry Potter was able to resist its enticement merely because he was young…..
“What…..what the ****!” Sheyan’s vision turned fuzzy, as though about to faint as he cursed out loud.
“40 points of intelligence requirement, and only able to bring out of the world after earning approval! Whose approval, most likely Dumbledore! Why did I risk my life for this unusable object? I can’t even use this to win favours from storyline characters! The Metals professor roughly could meet its usage requirements, but what can I do with it!?”
Sheyan sighed dejectedly as he advanced. But he still planned to lure those winged keys first. Even though he couldn’t use it now, he could hide it and think of other plans the next time he entered this world. But at this moment, a wave of immense warning surged from the front! Sheyan wasn’t in the right frame of mind but he hastily rolled backwards. The sound of wind was strong and swift, blowing ferociously towards him. “Boom!” From the corner of his eyes, right wall suddenly exploded out, rock fragments spraying everywhere. Amidst the settling dust, a 3 metre tall spotlessly white horse rider with a gun charged forward with indescribable speed. Astoundingly, it was a knight from the magic chessboard!
Fortunately his perceptive sensing warned him, thus Sheyan was able to dodge the knight’s frightening thrust! But his calf was trampled by the horse’s hoof, followed by a piercing pain at his heart and lungs! Sheyan’s vision blurred. To think he was still praising the designer for his magnanimosity and kindness, he hadn’t expected such an ambush right now!
Sheyan seized the chance when the knight needed to rotate around, frantically hobbling forward with all his might. Instead, that grim galloping sound resonated over quickly. The channel was narrow and straight, there was completely no hopes of finding cover! The freakish might of the knight was terrifying, even Sheyan with his 31 points of physique didn’t dare to be complacent. In this emergency, Sheyan caught a glimpse of the gigantic crack that the knight made in the wall previously. He had no time to hesitate as he crashed into the crevice.
A whistling gale swept past his back, as the knight once again thrust past him. He could feel the ground beneath him vibrating. Sheyan didn’t dare to lower his guard, as his skin erupted with clusters of goosebumps. There was still space ahead of him in this hole, immediately pounding forward with fists and kicks as he drilled another crack and forced himself through. In his hurry, he suddenly felt his extended out leg suspended in midair. Panicking, he glanced down and suddenly took in in a deep chilling breath!
Beneath him, was actually a bottomless abyss! Through the drizzles of bright rays emitting from the lateral rocks, he could see that the pathway he broke out from appeared like a slender sealed arch bridge from the exterior. It was like the longest rainbow spanning over uncountable length, joining up both ends of the precipice.
Sheyan was about to turn back to find another way, but the ground started shuddering violent! Swinging back, he discovered that spotlessly white enchanted knight statue mercilessly dashing forward insanely!
“You…..” Sheyan pupils contracted. In this critical moment, he could only cover his chest as the knight collided against him head on. The tip of the lance directly pierced towards Sheyan’s chest followed by a searing pain as Sheyan’s vision turned fuzzy and blacked out. How was the wall behind him going to withstand such immense pressure? It instantly split into a thousand cracks, and shattered!
It was like time froze at this very scene. The shattering wall behind him. Sheyan’s cringed up face and the blood spurted out his mouth. The emotionless unchanging glare of the knight sculpture, the pitch-black bottomless abyss in the backdrop and that stony arch bridge stretch across endlessly. Afterwards, time unfroze and returned back to normal.
Amidst the chaotic uproar of clashes, that grim callous killer knight, disintegrated wall fragments and the unconscious Sheyan dropped towards the endless, bottomless abyss!Chapter 192: Death Breath!

Dim fuzzy light,
Faint dripping sounds of the water.
Sheyan’s eyes burst open. He immediately tried to sit up, but an agonizing pain jolted from his chest causing him to groan loudly and lie back down as he panted heavily!
This feeling,
This bone shattering painful sensation, was enough to cause Sheyan to break out in cold sweat. His breathing slowly regulated back to normal after trying his best to stabilize it. Beneath his body, it felt like an elastic rope was supporting him from a peculiar swinging emptiness. He couldn’t help but sweep his gaze through before shutting his eyes to adapt to that slight dizziness of his.
Beneath Sheyan, was still a bottomless pit! Roughly 50 metres beneath, a dense layer of fog concealed anything beneath it. Similarly, a layer covered above Sheyan. Currently, Sheyan was nestling on an enormous web, the threads were as thick as his fingers. The threads appeared to be formed by a deep black colloid condensations, extremely firm with a slight viscosity.
Approximately 3 metres away from him, there was a gigantic tear on the enormous webbing probably created by that enchanted knight sculpture. Its terrifying weight had exceeded the threshold of the cobweb, thus wasn’t able to enjoy the same fate as Sheyan.
A strange odour lingered in the air. Sheyan bit his lips, as he tried his best to free his left hand from the cobweb’s tangle. Ultimately, he wasn’t able to. Helplessly, he could only rip off his sleeves that were glued to the web. Fortunately to Sheyan’s relief, the viscosity of the web only had a special interaction to objects like fur and pelt. He only felt a slight stickiness against his human skin. Therefore after stripping, he was left with pants. Clutching his chest and enduring the pain, he gradually limped towards the precipice.
In his lifetime, Sheyan had seen numerous lonely insect shells suspending on the cobwebs. They were the results of violent absorbing after the spider’s anesthesia and digestive fluids. It was like an emptied water bottle. Sheyan didn’t wish to suffer that same tragic fate, he seized the opportunity when the weaver of this gigantic web hadn’t inspected its territory, to swifty escape.
Just a mere 20 metres, Sheyan used close to 10 minutes to climb. His forehead was filled with sweat, and his expression arduous. The main reason was because of that ridiculously savage thrust dealt by that enchanted knight sculpture. Just based on pure collision strength, it definitely wasn’t inferior to the mountain troll’s ‘original homerun’ strike!
Under normal circumstances, a contestant would normally have the heavy protection of the blood chest regulations when facing that enchanted knight. They would never have to face the full force of impact from that thrust previously. To be able to encounter it under such a situation, Sheyan’s luck was considered pretty bad.
Sheyan finally escaped this gigantic viscous spiderweb, as he stood steadily on a protrusion sticking out from the erected wall of the cliff. Breathing calmly, he suddenly felt an acute headache. Such a feeling was so abrupt, engulfing him without any prior warning. In an instance, it was like a thousand blades were poking against his brain. His vision appeared spots of black, as a violent nausea feeling welled up. Soon after, a huge flock of shadow darted towards him from the distant fog below. Extremely nimble like a black storm, screeching noisily as it surged towards here!
But at this time, that enormous cobweb displayed its immense usefulness. The clusters of black shadows collided straight into the web at exceedingly high speeds, causing groups of ‘basketball hoops’ to appear on the cobweb, fluttering constantly while screeching in vicious despair. These clusters gradually became sparse and fallen, as Sheyan’s acute headache was gradually relieved.
Sheyan looked closely, these black shadows were shockingly those vampire bats they encountered previously! But no matter its size or aggressiveness, it vastly exceeded their initial slayin counterparts. The fangs were more than 20 cm long, which dark yellowish strips of dripping mucus layering it. They were outrightly intimidating at first glance. Sadly, no matter how violently they struggled, their fur was tightly glued onto the viscous and elastic spider threads. Sheyan was able to strip off his clothes and escape with his slippery human skin, yet these bats couldn’t possibly rip of their body fur to escape!
Sheyan suddenly understood where his earlier headache came from. Naturally it should be the powerful ultrasound waves they vampire bats released to probe their direction. Adding hundreds of vampire bats together, that combined invisible ultrasound wave was enough to cause an impressive assault on Sheyan. Fortunately, his high physique provided him formidable resistive defence. If Phelps was in his place, he would have instantly passed out due to his weak physique.
Suddenly, a fit of turbulence appeared in the fog beneath. A gigantic shadow shot out with incomparable nimbleness. Although it couldn’t fly, its sheer leaping force was shockingly frightening, scaling up the cliff rapidly as though flying! Every jump was silent and could cover 20-30 metres, just like a ghastly spectre in the night.
Within a short 10 seconds, this table sized black figure arrived at this boundless spider web. It started to target those clusters of vampire bats orderly. Sheyan could clearly view from his angle, it was an enormous spider. It had 8 freakishly long legs, 4 pitch-black compound eyes surfaced over its head, giving off a burning shine like a black gem. Its body fur appeared like steel spikes, mixing together to form stripes of black and yellow like that of a fierce tiger. Its venomous fangs were sharp and curved, its tip glowly filthily in the darkness. Occasionally, beads of transparent liquid would roll down its venomous fangs, corroding deeply the rocks it dripped on.
What was peculiar was that Sheyan couldn’t sense any threat coming from this beastly spider!
He could even feel a certain security and peacefulness. Sheyan desperately gasped. This was the first time he encountered this. But under such circumstances, even using his feet to think would expose this. Because, this hideously powerful spider had a perceptive sensing that vastly exceeded Sheyan’s. It could even mislead his senses, and prevent him from wanting to flee!
Subconsciously, Sheyan immediately activated ‘insight’, finally obtaining some basic information:
“Death Breath” (Peak condition)
Species: 8 eyes giant spider (mutated), rank 3 legendary creature.
Lifespan: ? ? ? Years
Strength: ? ? ? points
Agility: ? ? ? points
Physique: ? ? ? points
Perceptive sensing: ? ? ? points
Charm: ? ? ? points
Intelligence: ? ? ? points
Spirit: ? ? ? points
Basic abilities: ? ? ? points
Creature characteristics: ? ? ? ?
Description: This is a perfectly mutated terrifying creature, from an eight eye giant spider and a jumping spider. It is known to have appeared during the flourishing era of the goblins and dwarves.
While going through the list of information, Sheyan suddenly felt that key – Infinite’s severed thumb – heating up. Concurrently, that horrifying spider ‘Death breath’ wasn’t idle. It easily sunk its incisive, cruel and venomous fangs repeatedly into the vampire bats, terminating their incessant fluttering. Its digestive fluids were exceptionally concentrated, as its results were instant upon pouring into its prey. Then it swiftly sucked dry the abundantly nutritious mix of semi-liquefied flesh and digestive fluid.
Sheyan was always a crude and fearless person. But upon see this incredibly savage beast casually snacking with such brutality, he could feel his scalp turning numb. He would rather jump down into the abyss then become a meal!
Analyzing his current state, he felt he hadn’t reach a dead end. He could still slant himself and slowly climb downwards. Amongst ordinary people, perhaps only an expert mountain climber could execute this. But to a contestant, this wasn’t difficult. A flicker of hope ascended into his heart.
Instead, when Sheyan twitched his body slightly, ‘Death breath’ suddenly halted eating and raised its head. In a flurry, it nimbly shifted its inclination towards the cliff near Sheyan. Within the tranquil darkness, not even a ripple of movement was visible on the web! Those 8 viciously blazing compound eyes locked onto Sheyan. No a single action could be caught with Sheyan’s naked eyes. It was hard to think that such a gigantic creature was able to execute such deft movements along this incomparably steep cliff!
In this moment when a thousand pounds hanged by a thread, Sheyan suddenly recalled information on the ‘Death breath’. Being alone was indeed a blessing. He immediately retrieved that severed finger from the interspatial room of his nightmare imprint, into his palm! Simultaneously, that gigantic and savage legendary creature suddenly exhibited a lazy and gentle attitude. Turning and pouting its fat butt, it once again unhurriedly return to deal with the remaining vampire bats. Completely treating Sheyan as thin air.Chapter 193: Unknown strange object

Witnessing this outcome, Sheyan sighed in relief as his gamble paid off. Sheyan wasn’t in a hurry to leave, forcefully find a spot to rest along the precipice. The abyss was really treacherous and enigmatic. Legendary creatures probably resided in divided territories. Thus, staying within Death Breath’s territory meant its natural protection, allowing him to recover fully before proceeding.
Death Breath’s appetite seemed excellent. After consuming most of the vampire bats, it climbed towards the hole made by the knight statue. Munching bit by bit as it ingested the broken web threads before spitting and spinning new threads. After restoring completely, it glanced towards Sheyan. Seeing that Sheyan hadn’t left, it actually leapt towards him with a vampire bat still lodged in its venomous fang. The bat had already been injected with digestive enzyme, as he tossed it in front of Sheyan. It seemed like it even wanted to feed Sheyan.
Sheyan couldn’t help feeling a sense of powerless as he gazed upon this blob of vampire bat. Light yellowish digestive fluids constantly spilled out from its ears, eyes and nose. Looking at this scene, even a famished appetite would fly miles away.
Yet only heaven knows the consequences of disappointing the spider’s generous intention. Therefore, Sheyan could only hopelessly smile and extended his hand to pick the bat up. Unknowingly, the nightmare imprint suddenly transmitted information:
“Pointer: You discovered an unknown strange object.”
“Pointer: You can trade this for rewards upon returning to the nightmare realm.”
“Woah?” Sheyan never expected such a pleasant surprise. He immediately felt this bat wasn’t that disgusting anymore, storing it into his nightmare imprint. Currently, he could feel deeply the inadequacy of his narrow deposit space. But now wasn’t the time to deliberate over this. Instead, Death Breath slanted its head to observe Sheyan. Probably bewildered at his greed, not only sucking dry the nutritious juice and not sparing even the outer shell…. After a brief moment, it no longer pursued this question, as it lazily proceeded to climb down the cliff vanishing into the dark fog.
Sheyan continued resting for nearly 4 hours. After a good nap, he was finally rejuvenated. The rocky wall was producing a faint flow, thus it wasn’t totally dark. After eating a little from the food he stored in his storage space, he started to scale down the cliff using the unorganized cracks. As he gradually scaled down, vegetation like moss started surfacing along the cliff wall. Unknown whether it was due to that severed finger, Sheyan had met with no danger on the way. He similarly noticed that as he climbed lower, the temperature became higher.
Finally, after experiencing an excruciatingly long climbing process, he could see the ground. If not for a contestant’s digitized transformed body, even the number 1 expert climber would be unable to persevere for that long.
Sheyan leapt down from the cliff wall, rolling before he stood up. Although his chest was still slightly aching, it no longer impacted his movements. Countless towering stalactite shoots erected from the ground, ash-grey fungus crowded the dampened cracks in the ground and semi-moist moss covered the ground. This place was just like an enormous maze segregated by the uncountable amounts of frosty white stalactite.
While advancing, Sheyan even noticed several Mandrakes. These dangerous plants were known to be evil, their seeds were formed through the corpses beneath the ground. Their roots appeared in the form of boys or girls, releasing a deadly screech upon leaving the soil. Sheyan personally witnessed these mandrakes pulling themselves out from the soil, utilizing their fatal screeches to hunt. Even though Sheyan fled quickly, he still roughly lost 1/3 of his life.
Fortunately, Sheyan had the severed finger as his guide, it could mysterious lead him into the correct direction. Once in the wrong direction, its heat temperature would swiftly decline. After traversing for roughly 10 km, Sheyan finally encountered his first artificial landmark. He could clearly sense many unknown dangers prying in the darkness, yet they always chose to wait silently. After walking for another 10 minutes and ascending an underground hill, everything became clear to him!
Ahead of him was a plot of wide land. Large amounts of shortly constructed, simple sheds were scattered chaotically around the land. It was impossible to call it a small town or similar terms to describe this region ranging at least tens of square kilometers. It was simply an underground city or even a refugee camp, and of course dirty and disorderly. Even though their building style was simple and sloppy, nevertheless it resembled faintly, the unique askew and disorderly style of Gringotts.
Sheyan slowly prowled into the city. He reckoned he was the first living organism to traverse through this city. It seemed like time had froze in this city. With every trampling footstep, fine dust covered his shoes. On his left was a grocery store named ‘half a copper’, within it was very likely the chaotic mess left behind during the evacuation. On his right was a pawn shop called ‘Huge Diamonds’, the knocked over stools littered its interior as though it had been plundered.
Sheyan gently coughed, suddenly the houses within 20 metres radius crumbled and collapsed loudly, leaving a pile of ash in its wake! Every trace of living activity had returned to its origin source in an instance, turning into ashes! Presently, Sheyan felt an overlord presence from the pleasure of this reckless destruction. Moreover, the crumbling houses triggered a terrifying chain reaction, as other houses around it started to collapse frantically. Just in a few minutes, a tremendous heap of ash spiralled slowly from this planar land!
“Cough cough cough!” Covered in white powder, Sheyan frantically charged out 5 minutes later. Ignoring everything else as he buried his head and rushed forward for close to a hundred metres. He then finally raised his head to observe around before kneeling on the ground pinching his nose, and retching for a long time. Finally his condition lightened up. If it lasted for another few minutes, he would’ve probably become the first contestant to be murdered by coughing due to dust irritation.
He then raised his heads, and was momentarily stunned.
In his vision, an awe-inspiring tremendous path extended straight into the horizon. This path was constructed with crystals, and as broad as a 100 metres. On both sides was a babbling stream with clear water, and over 10 massive towering pyramids. The appearance of these pyramids varied from the square temples of the Maya era and the triangular shaped egyptian pyramids. Enormous idol sculptures guarded each lateral side of the pyramid. The Mayan God was the graceful, yet malevolent snake deity, Kukulkan. The Egyptian idol was the mysterious and imposing sphinx! God knows what secrets was hidden at the end of this path, it actually needed these tombs of glorified buried monarchs to guard the path.
Sheyan glanced back, but only saw a layer of fog enshrouding the boundlessness, nothing was vivid at all. Naturally, there should be an enchantment barrier, obstructing anyone’s vision. If not for such grand and magnificent architecture, he would’ve already discovered them atop the hill previously. He tried walking backwards, but after a long while it was as though he hadn’t advanced a single inch.
Without a choice, Sheyan proceeded to wash himself up at the lateral streams before advancing forward. Not even a hundred metres, that extremely familiar sensation welled up in his heart again. It was exactly similar to that sensation at Gringott entrance. The only difference was, the sensation at Gringotts entrance was like a torrential flood, sweeping in and leaving quickly. But the current sensation was like rain drops, slow but persistent!
“Shit.” Sheyan suddenly felt a chill. “Is this because my perceptive sensing is being misled by others? There’s actually a deadly trap up ahead?”
Coincidentally, his perceptive sensing had been mislead not too long ago by that abyssal tyrant of a spider ‘Death Breath’. After careful considerations, he felt this current sensation was different from the former. Furthermore he had endured countless hardships to arrive here, if he didn’t clarify this now he would certainly regret it. Taking a deep breath, he continued to stride forward.
The path beneath him was extremely dignified, crafted with deep black precious stones. Profound, deep and immersive. Walking on it felt like walking in the nighttime. Something else seemed to have surfaced along the path, observing closely, they were batches of delicate relief sculptures. In order to gather any information on this mysterious place, Sheyan earnestly inspected them. He discovered that on the paintings, it drew out a massive and sinister human shaped monster. It had 3 heads and 8 arms that looked extremely strong and robust. The eight hands carried weapons that seemed exceedingly terrorizing, fanatically massacring the horrified creatures surrounding it.
As he proceeded forward slowly, the engravings of that stout and strong freak unknowingly transformed into a hibernating state, lying on the ground and snoring. On its belly sat an extremely tall yet sturdy, outstanding man. His body from head to toe was enveloped by a cloud of mysterious fog. From all directions, he was surrounded by numerous formidable monsters. But with one wave of this mystery man’s hand, he caused all the monster to evaporate into ash. One could imagine how unfathomable his strength was.
The only puzzling aspect was, this mystery man was actually carrying an extremely tattered and shabby sackcloth bag, it was even loaded full and bulging. It was plain visible that the bag completely destroyed the imposing grandeur of the mystery man.
Sheyan was bewildered by the underlying reason. Going by logic, such an artisan who could craft out this grand project definitely wouldn’t make such an obvious mistake. The only plausible explanation was that the builder requested for this….. His thoughts drifting away, Sheyan started to ponder about the hibernating fellow ahead of him. What kind of exquisite, refined and high quality preferences, was able to inspire this large scale drawings…Chapter 194: Imperial remnant

As Sheyan allowed his imaginations to run wild, he arrived at the end of the path. Welcoming him was a stretch of glistening huge lake, coincidentally shaped as a crescent as it surrounded the land ahead, forming a peninsula. 20 metres away, a humongous blue crystal statue was erected, the crystal sculpture coincidentally blocked off the pathway towards the back of the peninsula. 20 metres in front of the crystal statue was a formless repulsion pressure preventing entry, probably a magic barrier.
This blue crystal sculpture had an appearance of a stern looking goblin, but magnified by a hundred folds. The carvings were meticulous, even the creases and wrinkles of the skin was distinct. It held a giant sword in its left hand, and a shield on the right. An immense formless oppressive force radiating over. Reaching here, Sheyan sensed an incomparably intense threat from the surroundings. Probably a formidable trap mechanism installed. Once activated, it would surely cause Sheyan to die a tragic end.
A large monument stood beside the goblin sculpture. It was carved to look like an erected golden coin. The monument appeared to have corroded over time, on the verge of collapse. At the top, the ancient goblin imperial characters could be vaguely recognized.
“Even god, can do nothing against this demon……”
“We can only deceive to it, trick it, consecrating the delicate and innocent gold coins. Offering precious minerals to please it……”
“Finally, dawn approaches……”
“Unknownst why, the demon actually decided to fall into a deep slumber. It even prompted us to build an enormous imperial tomb.”
“We gritted our teeth and endured, finally completing this work on the eve of the empire’s destruction.”
“After the demon turned dormant, we followed the instructions of god and executed a legendary magic division sphere. Although this method was useless in exterminating its soul, it will split it into 10 portions. According to the ancient east saying, shackling its 3 immortal souls and seven mortal forms!”
“This magic division sphere sacrificed the lives of the 13 grand noble goblins, resulting in the other races seizing the chance to instigate a powerful uprising.”
“We followed god’s instructions, sealing a piece of the demon’s soul into the altar, and the remaining 9 fragments separately into different locations!”
“Although our empire was annihilated, although our civilization had perished…….”
“But we goblins have never regretted!”
“Who asked you to take delight in robbing our money, while the other races only want our lives!”
Weirdly, Sheyan was able to read and understand the characters above through his nightmare imprint. He displayed total silence and incomprehensible expression towards the ancient goblin’s logic. His suspicions had grown deeper, expressing great curiosity towards this ‘demon’. Extending his hand out, that severed finger became intensely hot, and slowly floated towards the distance. It then halted right in that goblin statue’s face.
Although in Sheyan’s eyes, all goblins looked relatively alike. But he could vaguely make up that this sculpture had features that were exceedingly similar to Mr Infinite, as though they were blood related. The goblin sculpture suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed the severed finger. Its pair of eyes flickered red glows. Sheyan could suddenly feel the biting cold chill intensifying. Obviously, the hidden mechanisms had been activated.
In a flash, the goblin sculpture spat out the severed finger, stoning for a brief pause before its red glowing eyes vanished. The the statue bluntly crumbled down, as the crystals crashed to the ground and dissipated into speckles of fine dust, drifting into the wind. The obstructed pathway was now freed. Sheyan who was covered in dirt and dust, patted away the crystal dust over his body and picked up the severed finger key. He couldn’t resist cursing at this Infinite’s ancestor.
After entering the front gateway, its interior greeted him with massive heaps of gold coins, glittering and sparkling gold in his eyes. Unfortunately, when he thought of gathering some, the nightmare imprint immediately presented him with a ruthless notification:
“Retrieving these ancient gold coins will incur the cursed wrath of the ancient goblin empire. Do you wish to proceed? Yes / No?”
Sheyan had already encountered cursed objects before. In the end, that apparition from the caribbean sea world likewise fled after being defeated. Sheyan wasn’t afraid with his haughty 31 points of physique. But adding on the words ‘Ancient goblin’, he would tread more carefully. Moreover, behind those words there was an additional ‘Empire’, a vehement fearfulness of death soared within him as he instantly selected ‘No’.
To Sheyan, this sort of tempting yet unlootable circumstance was extremely torturous but inevitable. Under normal situations, for contestants to reach this point, they at least required a 100 strong coordinated and bonded party! Every party member’s focused basic attribute would have to at least reach 50 points! Then they could endure the trials and slaughter their way in.To that party, they would definitely possess some methods to resolve this Ancient goblin empire’s curse.
Instead Sheyan relied on Infinite’s severed finger to arrive here unimpeded and unobstructed. Moreover this severed finger was acquired because Infinite dreamt of nightmares daily, it could be said that Sheyan did not contribute much effort in acquiring it. Therefore, being unable to obtain any rewards was understandable. After clarifying this point in his mind, Sheyan no longer felt any resentment. Instead, he was brimming with expectancy as he continued advancing.
After passing through the sculpture’s barrier, Sheyan saw a splendorous and majestic tall platform. The platform was segregated into 3 levels. The flight of stairs leading to it was astonishingly luxurious and extravagant. The stairs were constructed with marble, and the railings on both sides were crafted with gold, with flowery ornament carvings.
After ascending the first level, a silver underbrush occupied his vision. Emerald and jadeite apple trees and golden apple trees, brimming splendor and majesty. The further he proceeded, the more astonished Sheyan became. It was like walking into the golden garden of eden heard of in the legends. He was utterly shaken by this elegant and mystical scenery.
After traversing through this stunning imagery, Sheyan proceeded up. The second floor, he discovered two ferocious gigantic dragons arranged on both sides! Sheyan was momentarily shocked as he displayed a defensive stance. Even if such a stance was totally useless in the face of these dragons who were at least above rank seven legendary creatures.
According to the Harry potter’s world, the left dragon should be the Romanian Longhorn. It had greenish-black scales, and shimmering golden horn. It was a rare species only ate cooked food, similar to humans. Normally after impaling their preys with their horn, they would use their dragon flames to roast their food. While the silver blue fiery dragon that was extremely captivating on the right should be the Swedish Short-Snout. They could spit out dazzling blue flames that were extremely scorching.
Probably because Sheyan’s arrival had broken through a certain spell, the twin dragons were long dead. He joyously rushed up to reap any benefits, but instead the two dragons crumbled to the ground. Turning into dust, not even a footprint was left. The full of expectations Sheyan turned frustrated and dull. Coughing violent as he spat a phlegm into the pile of ash, considered as venting his anger.
Finally, Sheyan reached the end of the platform. What greeted his sight was generous heaps of precious jewels, stacked like a pile of rubbish. Those precious gems dazzled together, their dense sparkling brilliance as thick as fog, causing one’s vision to turn blurry. Of course, these precious gems contained an increasingly formidable curse. Curses like the ancient imperial curse, thousand year lingering vengeance etc. But based on Sheyan’s current prowess, once he violated anything, his life would instantly be decimated and not even the dust on his corpse would be spared.
After much difficulty pushing his way through the heaps of jewels for 10 over metres, Sheyan finally saw the highest core location of this platform. There was a strange silver throne standing on that spot!!! He could faintly make up somebody sitting on it. His heartbeat sped up, as he urgently and hastily marched forward to have a glimpse at this person’s appearance. Instead, he shockingly realized that the throne was facing away from him.
Sheyan wasn’t afraid as he took several strides up. He realized that as he moved, concurrently that throne would strangely rotate by itself. Currently, he was obstructed by a pile of jewels and unable to proceed forward. Even if he could think of any method to bypass, it only resulted in the same outcome – standing on the same place. Sheyan carefully observed and discovered, beside the throne, there was actually a translucent light blue goblin smirking as it pushed the chair. Its characteristics and appearance was exactly similar to that apparition in the caribbean sea world. Naturally, the earlier movements were due to its mischief.
Sheyan immediately activated his ‘insight’ ability. Nothing went wrong this time as its information straightforwardly appeared:
Tireless spirit of the artisan goblin
Species: Ghost type
Characteristics: Forever cannot be attacked, nor can it attack others.
Description: This is the mysterious spirit bred from the vengeance of the goblin who constructed this imperial tomb. After death, it didn’t dare to profane the demon king, and can only vent its resentment on the silver throne of the demon king. If you cannot engage it, then you’ll forever be unable to understand the ultimate truth.Chapter 195: That demon……

“Forever cannot be attacked….but cannot attack others.” Sheyan pondered on this aspect of the vengeful spirit, a ‘rat pulling the turtle nowhere’ feeling welled up in his heart. He began scurrying his body for items, suddenly his attention caught a hidden item stored away in his nightmare imprint for a long time. Sheyan’s heart stirred. The goblin’s departed spirit…… this item may actually be useful.
The item that caught his attention, was astonishingly that ancient gold pound he acquired back in the caribbean pirate world! That gold pound was opportunely seized from Chris, marked out as a precious object. Its worth was high, and could be used to curry the favour of certain storyline characters. Sheyan’s weakness was his pathetic few points of charm, but never forget his experiences with the respected Gringotts manager, Infinite. Goblins were the number 1 creatures that were not influenced by the attribute of charm…….
“A goblin apparition, should still be a goblin right?” Sheyan neutrally pondered. He retrieved that gold pound, locking it between the cracks of his fingers. “Ding!” the coin spun out, rotating as it fell back into his palm.
After that goblin apparition heard the distinct sound of coin, he swiftly turned his head over. Its original resentful expression had transformed totally into a passionate one.
Sheyan speaded out his arms.
“I believe we have something to discuss, respected goblin sir.”
Instantaneously, that goblin ragingly fumed out.
“Sir? You called me a sir! Unmannered brat! I am Duke Panke.Jinding, personally conferred my title was the imperial emperor himself! Let me tell you, I’ll definitely not change my mind. I’ll always intercept anyone who attempts to approach this demon! Forever!”
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders, earnestly replying.
“But I have no intentions to approach that demon. From the Tang Dynasty of the East, I’ve endured untold hardships to arrive here. Actually this is all to catch a glimpse at your greatness oh duke!”
The pointy ears of the goblin apparition jolted up. He stroked his beard gently, coughing and rebutting Sheyan.
“Stop trying to deceive me, you’re obviously here for that demon.”
“Of course not.” Sheyan resolutely and decisively replied. “Ever since I chanced upon this immeasurably valuable ancient gold coin, I was unable to find any information regarding its history. More importantly, I am completely unable to appraise its authenticity. Hence I even travelled through the earth, but only met with disappointments. But at that crucial moment, Gringotts manager mister Infinite suggested a terribly important news after receiving 30 pounds from me. Till date, the last remnant learned scholar of the goblin race should be located here, therefore I made my way here.”
To validate his statement, Sheyan once again fished out that exceptionally useful severed finger, attempting once again to exploit its potential. After Panke.Jinding received and felt that severed finger, he nodded and placed it aside. Simultaneously, unable to conceal his excitement, as he started to wave his hands in excitement.
“Infinite? Woah! I know, he should be blood heir of the royal family. Although i don’t have any good impressions of you, I have to admit your foresight and luck is relatively good. That’s right! Current standing in front of you, is Duke Panke.Jinding of the goblin empire. He also holds many other titles like ‘Heraldry grandmaster’, ‘Emblem scholar’, the ‘Prestigious gold purity appraiser’…… Let’s say, how about you bring that gold coin nearer a little. I can’t see properly from here.”
Sheyan humbly smiled as he handed that archaic gold coin into the semi-transparent palm of Panke.Jinding. The goblin’s eye was ablaze with greed, brimming with focus. He immediately released a shocking gasp.
“Heavens! This purity is stronger than every coin I’ve seen before. Looking at this beautiful shade of gold can bewitch anyone. It can possess the naked body of any goblin ah…… such a odd but exquisite carving. Such ingenious contours! Damned, why can’t I find any memory that is relevant to such perfection? Dammit, I need to check the heraldry compilation……”
Sheyan emitted a timely gasped.
“I didn’t hear wrongly? I really didn’t hear wrongly? Pardon my boldness. Duke you mentioned that the purity of this coin is stronger than any other gold coins you’ve seen before?”
Panke.Jinding angrily exclaimed out.
“That is without a doubt! I am convinced of this, really. I dare to swear upon the name of my 3,731 year old Jinding clan on this, for the love of gold! Anyone who dishonors or questions gold should be hanged or burned at the stake!”
Relieved, Sheyan immediately relaxed his breathing and replied.
“Since its like that, I have no worries.”
This goblin started to try biting the gold coin – although this was a completely futile action to an apparition – he impatiently asked.
“What are you worried about?”
“I placed a bet with someone. That idiot thinks that this golden coin is just a piece of copper. Hence we got into an intense argument and even wagered our family property.” Sheyan earnestly continued. “I’ve finally met an authoritative person who can confirm and loudly proclaim that it is a golden coin. Therefore, can I raise an insignificant suggestion to the respected Duke Panke.Jinding?”
“Insignificant…..suggestion?” The old goblin suspiciously asked. “Sure but that suggestion cannot involve my wealth!”
“If….if I use this insignificant piece of ancient gold coin as a gift, do I have the honor of earning a personally documented appraisal certificate from the great duke Panke.Jinding?” Sheyan cautiously probed.
“Gift? I haven’t heard such a sweet-sounding phrase in 10,000 years!” Duke Panke raised his brows delightfully. “Although your request is a little overboard, but luckily I have a kind heart and will agree to your request.”
After speaking, this goblin apparition decided to construct a certificate draft, but he couldn’t find any paper or writing brush. He started to become jittery.
Sheyan arched his brows up.
“Respected Panke.Jinding sir, you should know time is money. Since you’ve agreed to my request, then don’t waste my time. I can only give you another 5 minutes, if not I’ll have to demand my cute little gold coin back.”
“Return? Gold coin? No!!” Panke.Jinding instantly shriek in agitation. “Nobody can snatch away the gold coin from my hand! Especially this mystical, unknown and precious baby! It is even more important than my life!”
“Then you have to hand over my certificate!” Sheyan similarly raged out. “If not you’re a swindler!”
“Swindle?” Panke.Jinding’s eyes suddenly brightened up. “Perhaps that isn’t a bad choice? Thanks for reminding me young man! HA HA HA HA!”
His hysterical laughter echoed as he fled to towards the side of the platform. After leaping out of the platform, his figure blurred and vanished into thin air. Following that, a resentful face floated up from where he vanished, soaring towards the sky.
To Panke.Jinding, his sole existence as an apparition was due to his resentment against the evil deeds done by the demon king. But to date, his thoughts were all transferred to that archaic gold coin that he hadn’t seen before. His bitterness had successfully dissipated, and naturally regained freedom. This is the most concrete proof of the goblin’s existence – that gold was placed above all else!
At this moment, there was no more hindrances between Sheyan and the mysterious demon king on the throne! Sheyan couldn’t control his curiosity any longer as he stomped up to look at the golden throne. To his amazement, an undersized freak was wrapped in its black cloak. Roughly at 1.5 metres, even its head and face couldn’t be seen. On his left shoulder blade, an old and filthy sackcloth bag was strapped across. Mixing the pair together, they released a crafty-looking wretched taste.
“This…is the goblin’s feared demon king? This guy is just another ordinary goblin! And they said even god could do nothing against it?” Sheyan couldn’t believe his eyes. He couldn’t help but recall the previous image of that tall and suave person, simply waving his heads to exterminate his enemies. Moreover that guy also carried a sackcloth bag….. Sheyan really wanted to vomit blood. He anticipated that would be certain differences between the engravings, but his difference was as great as the heavens and the earth!
Probably because of Sheyan’s shocking reaction, his gasp minor movements caused that little freak wrapped in his black cloak to slant downwards! A cracking sound followed above that golden throne, before several broken dried bones crashed out. They dispersed into fine dust before they landed onto the ground. In a flash, even his black cloaked dissipated into fine powder, only that golden throne remained.
Witnessing the dried bones falling out, Sheyan instantly discovered the bones were frail and minute, obviously the bones of a tiny goblin. In his heart, he slowly pieced the unique characteristics and personality of the goblins, together with the information he had. Suddenly everything became as clear as water to him, he had found the truth to this story.
10,000 years ago, the last emperor of the goblin empire was an extremely narcissistic, licentious and tyrannical man, who brazenly extorted taxes from his people. He also possessed several supernatural powers. Hence, after rumours of his vicious nature and abilities spreaded through the land, everyone feared and revered him. That madman even forcefully constructed an extravagant and out of this world imperial tomb, like Qin Shihuang building the great wall of China. Ultimately, triggering the furious anger of the nobles before the empire crumbled apart…… Because the demon king was originally a goblin, the latter generations goblins spared no efforts to boast and wildly brag of him. After countless of alterations and dilutions, along with repeated craftsmanship and storytelling, it transformed into that story that Infinite spoke of.
Regarding the monument erected at the entrance of the tomb, Sheyan scoffed disdainfully. Even such a tiny and wretched fellow was described as a merciless wicked tyrant by the picture carvings, then the exaggerated writings were only to be expected.
After clarifying everything, Sheyan felt a rather dry and unsatisfied feeling. Brushing off the dust in his hands, he prepared to leave. The nightmare imprint suddenly transmitted a series of notifications, which instantly left Sheyan dumbstruck!Chapter 196: Huge bumper harvest!

After clarifying everything, Sheyan felt a rather dry and unsatisfied feeling. Brushing off the dust in his hands, he prepared to leave. The nightmare imprint suddenly transmitted a series of notifications, which instantly left Sheyan dumbstruck!
“Contest no.1018 has passed Gringotts secret test: Devil’s snare. Because your party members who have passed with you are all dead, their acquired achievement points have been transferred to you. You receive 2 achievement points + (5 party members x 2) = 12 points.”
“Contestant no.1018 has passed Gringotts secret test: Winged keys. Because your party members who have passed with you are all dead, their acquired achievement points have been transferred to you. You receive 3 achievement points + (4 party members x 3) = 15 points.”
“Contestant no.1018 has conducted a complete exploration of the ruins of the ancient goblin kingdom alone. You receive +5 achievement points.”
“Contestant no.1018 has conducted a complete exploration of Gringotts deeply concealed secret. You receive +5 achievement points.”
“Contestant no.1018 completed a glorious deed: Uncovering historical secret. Completion rate 71.2%. Contestant no.1018 +1 legend* level. Yet to reach the requirements to obtain any rewards.”
(TN: Legend here refers to the story legends, folklore)
“Contestant no.1018 completed glorious deed: Uncovering historical secret. Completion ranking: e . Contestant no.1018 receive 6 achievement points. Yet to reach the requirements to obtain any rewards.”
“You accumulated a total of 43 achievement points from this experience.”
“Your current total accumulated achievement points is 53 points.”
“You have fulfilled the conditions to raise your nightmare imprint military rank. You can upgrade your military rank after returning to the nightmare realm.”
“You accumulated a total of 43 achievement points from this experience……..”
Sheyan stood stupefied momentarily at the spot for a moment before regaining his composure. After deep reflection of his previous encounter, he gradually started to understand the reason for such a harvest. Previously, he travelled together as part of the Metals professor’s party, hence the evaluation by the realm of the journey process was pretty good. Furthermore, the members in the party had all died, thus their evaluation and achievements had been transferred to him.
His successful exploration of the remnants was hugely relied on Infinite’s severed finger to pass through unhindered, it could be considered as cheating. But formerly, it was because of encountering that statue knight that he fell into the abyss, and ultimately he still met with the ‘demon king’. Hence, it triggered the conditions for completing this glorious deed. Moreover, it was thanks to that archaic gold coin that released the miserable goblin apparition. Thus, the price he paid and the dangers he experienced wasn’t small. Therefore, his ranking still managed to rise from the lowest ‘f’ to ‘e’.
According to the realm, taking away the rewards and only bestowing Sheyan with legend level and achievement points was considered fair.
Apart from this, Sheyan curiously inquired on ‘glorious deed’ and ‘legend level’ to his nightmare imprint. The answer he got was:
‘Glorious deeds’ are the ultimate secrets hidden within every world. It is extremely hard to be discovered and possess a certain uniqueness. Once a contestant accomplishes the glorious deed, then other contestants wouldn’t be able to reach this objective.
Under non-combat state, legend level can be used to raise the user’s reputation in respect to any storyline character in any nightmare world. ‘+1 legend level = during raising of influence/reputation, the required reputation is lowered by 10%. Any transactions with storyline characters has a +10% discount. You obtained privileges to directly engage in conversations with certain noble storyline characters.’
Under combat state, +1 legend level will enhance your avoidability and accuracy by 5%!
During test completion, +1 legend level can allow you to receive an additional evaluation!
Strictly speaking, this generously dramatic increase of 43 achievement points allowing Sheyan to promote his military ranking, and that +1 legend level was already exceedingly good. Both in terms of long or short term benefits were excellent. To receive these two abundant rewards, Sheyan was extremely satisfied. His previous trials and tribulations weren’t a waste at all. Currently, the nightmare imprint once again released notification:
“You can choose to sit on the golden throne, and immediately return to the entrance of the Gringotts secret room. Please note, once you activate this function, you’ll be unable to return forever. The historic ruins of the ancient goblin empire would sink further into the ground, to be hidden forever.”
Sheyan scanned his surroundings. After confirming there was nothing left to reap, he sat on the golden throne and planned to return. Yet he had a nervous and fishy sensation crawling at his heart, as though he had missed out something. Persistently thinking, he still couldn’t pinpoint the exact problem. Hence, he ultimately activated the teleporting function. A flash of white brilliance, an empty golden throne.
At that instance when Sheyan’s body was about to disappear, an object twitched violently.
It was actually a sackcloth bag,
That filthy, tattered, ordinarily looking sackcloth bag!!!
The bag was initially straddled across the demon king’s shoulder, but it hadn’t dematerialized. The sackcloth bag automatically opened up, suching something into the bag – Inifinite’s severed finger. The same finger that Sheyan handled over Panke.Jinding to earn his trust, and after confirming it, he placed it aside.
At the exact moment the sackcloth bag opened, Sheyan arrived back at the underground basement in Knockturn alley. He was trembling all over, that familiar and unexplainable feeling terrorizing his mind! Cursing out loud that he actually missed out such a thing! It was that exact peculiar sensation that caused him to choose Gringotts wizarding bank as his starting mission. He finally painstakingly reached Gringotts deepest abyss, in his heart he was determined to solve this mysterious feeling tugging at him. Yet he never expected he would forgot his initial objective and casually teleported back!
Back in the deep abyss, a violent earthquake was shaking the entire ancient goblin empire. It swiftly extended towards the golden throne area. At present, as those exquisite ornaments and precious treasures were wrecked by the earthquake were sinking into the crevices, one could clearly see:
Circling the golden throne was a layer of invisible protective screen, or one could call it a seal. This screen was draining power from the mysterious yet formidable massive ancient hebrew characters. Explaining the characters, it would say:
Humankind is unable to contain this wretched soul.
Amidst the violent shakes and crumbling into the deeper abyss, an enormous black-hole spell circle appeared beneath. It possessed irresistible destructive strength, threatening to swallow everything in. Cracks started forming on the golden throne, even the latter of ancient hebrew seal was breaking apart!
At the instance the seal shattered, that sackcloth bag hiding underneath the golden throne suddenly opened up. Aiming towards the cracks in the seal, an unnoticeable ray of light burst out through the seal, and vanished into the air!
That ray of light was the severed finger sucked into the bag previously!
One could clearly sensed that the severed finger had changed. On its surface emitted an indescribable faint brilliance, like a dead object suddenly possessing its own soul. Like a stone dragon, a woman escaping from its painting, a spirit monkey exploding out of the rock*. In that instance they finger escaped, that tattered and worn out sackcloth lost its lustre, disintegrating into speckles of grey and finally dissipated.
(TN: *the author uses chinese stories to explain the sacredness of the severed finger)

Frustrated and sullen, Sheyan walked out of the basement. That black old man was still sitting at the same place. Upon seeing Sheyan, he snorted and brushed his hands, fiercely lashing out.
“I’ve already said I followed the Ministry of Magic’s regulations. Why didn’t you believe me? Dogs of the Ministry of Magic, you wasted your efforts inside that dusty fireplace eh? Let me tell you, if you didn’t have the ministry of magic as your backing, then Kabadaba will definitely gorge out your brains and boil it. Then, Kabadaba will store your brains into Kabadaba’s bottles!”
Sheyan ignored him and directly exit. When the azure blue sky greeted his sight, he was momentarily lost and even felt a sudden sorrow. Staying too long in that dark and depressing abyss would really cause substantial traumatic damage to one’s mental state.
At present, Sheyan still had 2 hours left in his 7 days duration. During this 2 hours, side missions were impossible to initiate because of his measly charm, and big missions he did not possess the time for. Like the final 2 missions to complete the “Warmhearted Man” milestone. No matter if it was stealing the crafting blueprints for the broomstick ‘Firebolt’ or acquiring the blood of a unicorn, they required a long time and planning. Merely 2 hours, was not even adequate for the preparations phase!
Bored stiff, Sheyan suddenly recalled that beardy ‘Jack the Ripper’. Sheyan was sure he didn’t participate in the huge war between the Symbiosis sect and the Banks Syndicate. Wherever he went, that guy was adept at striking water to the left and right, coincidentally avoiding this complicated mess. Looks like he had returned safely.
(TN:* chinese idiom meaning: everything going one’s way)
Because of the shortage of time, Sheyan could only test his luck at Diagon alley. Perhaps he could encounter any storyline character that was compatible with him Of course Sheyan was relatively clear, right now the most possible place of receiving a temporary short quest was at Gringotts. Because only the beloved goblins disregarded charm and treated everyone fairly, that is if the other party had the adequate funds. That was indeed a missions haven for contestants who possessed terribly low charm.Chapter 197: It is him

But unfortunately, don’t mention magic pounds, even ordinary pounds were inexistent in Sheyan’s pockets. He was as poor as a dog. Don’t even mention the money needed to receive the mission, he did not even possess adequate fees to pay the security guards!
As he was touring about in Diagon alley, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a goblin. Likewise the goblin caught sight of Sheyan, their eyes locked. The goblin widened his round eyes, exposing an incomparably overjoyed expression. Pointing his finger he yelled out.
“He is here!”
That expression was similar to a husband who had not seen his wife for a long time, full of delight and zeal. After yelling out, he pounced forward and grabbed onto Sheyan’s thigh. Dragging him towards Gringotts bank. Sheyan suddenly recovered from the shock, a layer of goosebumps covered his back, he violently struggled to swipe off this goblin.
“Oi oi oi! I do have great relationships with every races, but not to such an intimate extent. Sir…please respect…oi. mf, get lost!”
As Sheyan tried his best to struggle and shake off this goblin, this goblin was really a stubborn piece of glue. Amidst the tussling, another few goblins ran over from afar. Similarly, those goblins were delighted as they simultaneously launch forward. Sheyan desperately shut his eyes, cursing in his heart that he had incurred the wrath of a certain goblin association.
After a moment, another goblin came huffing and puffing down the street. He was wearing a green coat with a red tie, and even had two cute sticking out beards. He looked rather noble, and delightedly walked up when he saw Sheyan.
“Hey my old friend, are you doing well?”
Sheyan bitterly smile and shook his head.
“Not well at all, sir Infinite. Truthfully, I’m having a headache because of your friends.”
Infinite laughed out loudly.
“Ho! It’s because I have something urgent to find you. Therefore, I offered a huge sum of money for them to locate you. These little bastards didn’t disappoint me. Of course, I’m extremely sorry for disturbing you. And of course, my apology won’t be barely verbal.”
After speaking, Infinite hooked out a shriveled pouch. The surrounding goblins reacted instantaneously, surrounding him and arguing intensely about the money, its thickness and purity. Finally, the last one received his copper coin and satisfiedly left. Sheyan silently observed this commotion, then he leaned back slightly.
“Mr Infinite, what are you finding me for?”
Infinite smiled widely.
“Recently, you must have made a trip home right?”¨C15CSheyan was slightly taken aback.¨C16C”What?” ¨C17CInfinite comfortably sighed. ¨C18C”I can feel that the nagging curse on my body disappearing, it must be related to you! Well done my friend. Therefore, I want to invite you for a meal, really, a bowl of rice. Please don’t decline, let’s go.” ¨C19CSheyan originally wanted to discount the idea of this meal. Yet after considering how tough it was for a goblin to spend his money on others, it was like directly robbing Gringotts. Thus, he sensibly discarded that thought. ¨C20CAs he followed Infinite into his small house, Sheyan immediately discovered it was literally just a bowl of rice. After everyone had sat down comfortably, Infinite walked into the kitchen and carried a thick black bread, as huge as himself. This black bread looked just like a stone. The Gringotts manager then fetched a kitchen knife, and started slicing off huge loaves and distributed to everyone. He then pleasantly declared. ¨C21C”Let’s tuck in.” ¨C22CSheyan didn’t have great hopes for this ‘meal’, still couldn’t help releasing a deep sigh. But at this moment, someone knocked on the door. Infinite frustratedly ran to open the door. A frail and old goblin stood at the entrance, the goblin’s slightly blackened skin and profound wrinkles. He looked rather crafty, his eyes constantly probed into the house. Then this goblin seized Infinite’s hand and craftily smiled. ¨C23C”Hey, my friend. I am your neighbor, David.”¨C24CInfinite’s expression was slightly dull. ¨C25C”Oh, David. You…what do you need? We are currently eating.” ¨C26CDavid ecstatically replied.¨C27C”That’s great, yes, is the food ready. After eating last night, my house was left with a little salt. So I wish to borrow some roast meat today.” ¨C28CSheyan was speechless upon hearing this…..there’s actually such an outrageous person? Dared to request to freeload of this Gringotts manager, who is the last descendant of the goblin royal family? Instead, Infinite swallowed his saliva, struggling to churn out his voice out his throat. ¨C29C”I really don’t have any meat, but I have a little bread. Dammit, really only a little!” ¨C30CDavid had already brushed away Infinite’s hand and entered. ¨C31C”Although black bread isn’t my favourite, but since the esteemed Mr Infinite has warmly invited, I definitely dare not refuse.” ¨C32CHearing this old cunning David’s sentence, Infinite’s expression was like someone who wanted to give himself two tight slaps. David automatically sat at the dining table, and bluntly starting tapping on an empty plate. Helplessly, Infinite once again carried that huge black bread over – this was his family’s livelihood for the week – reluctantly carving out half a slice for David. David very naturally pushed his plate with the semi-loaf of bread towards Infinite, then he casually snatched the entire bread chunk that David was holding. ¨C33C”Thank you for your generosity my friend. Although this black bread cannot be considered tasty, it is enough to fill the belly.”¨C34CInfinite was trembling violently from head to toe, a phlegm was lodged within his throat as he croaked out, but not a single word was audible. Previously, Infinite had fainted abruptly before, therefore Sheyan kindly supported him to prevent him from suddenly fainting and injuring himself. That goblin David had started to wolf down his food, just like a hungry ghost. He actually consumed the entire thing, not sparing the crumbs after a short 10 minutes. Rubbing his belly and his skinny ribs, he scoffed in satisfaction. ¨C35C”Woah, I haven’t tasted the fragrant taste of food for a long time. The flavour of wheat is truly delightful.” ¨C36CAlthough his old goblin portrayed such a vulgar behavior, Sheyan didn’t know why when he looked at him, there was a amiable and kindred feeling towards him. He couldn’t help but sat beside him, craftily asking. ¨C37C”What’s so good about bread, how about I bring you for some steak?” ¨C38CInstead this goblin withdrew his body, folding his arms before his chest and prudently exclaimed.¨C39C”What are you trying to do?”¨C40CSheyan’s expression darkened, he was really speechless. ¨C41C”Alright, I just want to treat you to a meal, that’s all.” ¨C42C”Meal?” His suspicions heightened. “You don’t even know me, why would you treat me to a meal?” ¨C43CSheyan smacked his forehead. ¨C44C”Alright alright, treat it as I said nothing.”¨C45CThe old goblin flew into a raging fit, raging along with his uncontrolled saliva. ¨C46C”Since you said it already, how can I take it as you didn’t! You’re not thinking of anything, why would you treat me to a meal? Since you wanted to treat me to a meal, why did you let me eat this black bread?” ¨C47CSheyan was stunned, slightly blank at this sudden raging interrogation. He raised his hands hopelessly and said. ¨C48C”So do you want me to treat you to a meal?”¨C49CDavid opened up his mouth, as though he just heard a rhetorical question. ¨C50C”As a goblin, how can I pass on someone’s invitation for a meal?? Let’s go, immediately!” ¨C51CSheyan had completely no rebuttal, he could only comply. ¨C52C”Let’s go.” ¨C53CNot long after the two left, Infinite suddenly blankly shook his head. ¨C54C”Shit, Lisa. Didn’t a neighbour came to visit just now? But the question is, do we even have a neighbour???” ¨C55CHis wife was slightly shocked. ¨C56C”Haven’t you already bought over the entire land surrounding here? Our last neighbour, old Aires, had been chased away by you for close to 17 years already. I can definitely say that nobody visited. Was is a hallucination?” ¨C57C”Alright alright. Recently the bank is pretty busy. Even my poor little finger was severed after an accident with shifting the safe. Luckily I didn’t lose much blood, but worst still, I didn’t receive any compensation for this accident. Based on this fact, I should raise my salary by 4 shillings. Heavens, someone must have been sneaking around here. The black bread roasted yesterday is only left with crumbs……..” ¨C58C*
Sheyan led this old goblin out to Diagon alley. The greedy old goblin breathed in the fresh air deeply, and comfortably extending his arms to the sun while stretching his neck and butt. He really was like an old rat, with golden hair and beard, who just ventured out of his rat hole. Sheyan suddenly thought of something ridiculous as he couldn’t help asking.
“This…..David sir, you couldn’t possibly have 4 syllables behind your name right?”
The old goblin immediately split open his mouth in surprised and smiled.
“How did you know that?”
Sheyan silently observed his yellowish teeth and pointy beard. A voice sounded loftily in his ears, causing him to be immensely pleased with himself.
“Yes my friend, please address me as Mr David. Beckham!”
(TN: In the chinese language, beckham has 4 syllables: ���˺�ķ)Chapter 198: Heavenly servant

Sheyan once again sunk into deep thoughts. At this time, the two of them had walked to the exit of Diagon alley – backyard of London’s ‘Leaky Cauldron’. Sheyan suddenly recalled something.
“Hey friend, looks like you have to wait over here for me. Outside is the so called Muggles world. Goblin’s appearance would definitely scare them, but that isn’t the main problem. More importantly, the Ministry of Magic may be involved. I’ll be back after 5 minutes.”
The old goblin snorted disdainfully.
“Don’t belittle me, I know magic too.”
He then waved out a black splintered wand. “Puff!” His appearance metamorphosed into a wretched old man, but he was still wearing his dirty clothes. His skin was still as green as a goblin’s. Glancing at himself, this old man lazily issued.
“Ha! I failed again. But don’t you think this appearance is rather cool?”
After attempting a few more times, the old goblin finally succeeded in transforming into a shifty-eyed, pointy chin and sunken chin wretched old man. Coughing violently he was quite pleased with himself.
“Let us go.”
Sheyan sighed and replied.
“Although saying this is a little overboard, but your actions have really wasted too much time. I have to leave already.”
Sheyan wasn’t lying, he really received the warning from his nightmare imprint:
“You are left with 30 minutes before your deadline for this world.”
“Please use your remaining time to return to the nightmare realm. If not you will be forcefully extracted. Forceful extraction will have one of your equipments confiscated.”
Obviously Sheyan wasn’t willing to give away his equipment for free. Therefore, he became anxiously urgent to hurry back to London’s train station, platform 9 3/4 ! Even if this old goblin gave him an amiable feeling, he couldn’t be bothered. Immediately flagging a cab, instead as the cab started moving, the goblin suddenly hopped on. He curiously asked.
“Where are you going?”
Sheyan was surprised at this old thing’s agility. Yet he was rushing for time. Shrugging his shoulders, he apologised.
“Back to my hometown. A mysterious spell is oppressing it, I cannot bring anyone else. Looks like I can only treat you to your steak in the future. Please go home, Mr David.”
The old goblin lowered his head, miserably uttering.
“Actually, I have no home.”
“Ah!” Sheyan was shocked. “No way, aren’t you Infinite’s neighbor?”
Two beads of tears rolled down the old goblin’s face, he sullenly replied.
“When i woke up today, I realized I had lost my memory. The only thing I remember is my name and nickname, and that my house seemed to be around Infinite’s area.”
Sheyan was amazed.
“Nickname….you have a nickname?”
“Yeah.” The old goblin’s eyes sparkled. “Its David Beckham!”
Sheyan was petrified…..
“Alright, what is your real name.”
“Ah? Let me think.” The goblin bit his thumb and pondered deeply. “I’ve seem to have forgotten, Frank? Franklin? Felin? No wrong, Foo??? Maybe, maybe not. Forget it, just call me Jinkuang.”
“Jinkuang?” Sheyan recited it a few times. It seemed to sound strange, but after practicing it got better. Sheyan cunningly tried his luck. “Since you have nowhere to go, how about follow me? Be my butler! A butler even has a salary every month you know.”
The goblin named Jinkuang tensed up. That serious expression coupled with his pointy chins and stubby cheeks caused one to be speechless. He suspiciously stammered.
“Why do I feel like I’m being deceived?”
Sheyal felt a sense of helplessness in his heart, blaming his naivety for this futile attempt on a goblin without sacrificing anything. He replied.
“Then there’s nothing I can do, I need to leave now.”
He hopped off the cab, and waved his hands to Jinkuang. “Goodbye.” He then hastily sprinted towards the train station. Finally when he was left with 5 minutes, he successfully boarded the Hogwarts express no.5972. Instantly triggering the nightmare imprint to return to the realm.
As his body gradually faded, Sheyan felt several reluctance in his heart. Suddenly, a milk carton smashed through from the outside. Although it was harmless and deducted his HP by 1 point, it initiated Sheyan’s combat mode. Immediately, Sheyans body turned solid. Sheyan was about to leap up and scold aloud, yet he saw the old goblin Jinkuang miserably limping over. The goblin felt aggrieved.
“Alright, If not because I have nowhere else to go… For the love of money! I would never have become someone else’s butler.”
Sheyan burned with anxiety as he hurriedly exclaimed.
“Then hurry over here. My charm is low…. accepting a servant may require a long time. Time is tight!”
Jinkuang’s lips curled into a sinister mysterious smile. Yet he replied blankly.
Consecutively, Sheyan received the notification:
“Storyline character: Amnesiac Goblin Jinkuang is willing to be your servant.”
“During the time paused in the nightmare realm and world, your servant will continue to leech your utility points as it’s salary. Inclusive of the time in the present world. The higher ranked the servant, the more utility points it requires.”
“Your servant is an assistant type, it will not participate in battles. It possess 10 ‘absolute’ HP points, but any form of attacks will only deduct 1 HP at a time. Upon death, 50 loyalty points will be deducted, previous ranking may drop by 1 – 2 ranks. Utility points needed for revival depends on the ranking of the servant and its equipments.”
“Once the servant’s loyalty level has dropped beneath defection state, the servant cannot be revived after death.”
“Your current charm is a low 5 points. Once your servant loyalty level has dropped beneath 90 points, he will start to become passive and slackened off. Once beneath 90 points, there is a chance for defection.”
“Note: The chances of acquiring a servant is relatively rare, please cherish your opportunity.”
“Do you wish to accept this servant? Yes / No?”
Sheyan naturally selected ‘yes’. He normally prepared his mentality of failures, as such surprises were often sudden. Sheyan hadn’t even selected ‘yes’, Jinkuang had already naturally stood beside him, straightening his wrinkled chest and protruding belly. Yet to Sheyan’s amazement, its loyalty level was actually a grand slam of 120 points!
Because Sheyan had previously accepted another servant, that damned unlucky Charlie. Moreover, he hit it off pretty well with the summoner Phelps, thus he had certain understanding of loyalty level. Under normal circumstances, as long as the servant wasn’t very terrible, 80 loyalty points was the average. If one wanted 90 loyalty points, then he had to spend extra meticulous care.
100 loyalty points indicated a high rank character that had experienced several worlds and was invester over 5000 utility points. 100 – 110 loyalty points was extremely challenging, it could mean that one had gifted at least 10 uncommon items or even black grade equipments/items to the servant.
Of course, such an expensive investment wasn’t futile. Once the loyalty level reached 110 points, the servant will receive a passive ability called: ‘Loyal & Devoted’. Its effect was to feedback 1/10 of its personal attributes to its master.
But 120 loyalty level was completely unheard of so far.
Until here, Sheyan felt a little concerned. Hence, he continued to examine the information of this servant.
Jinkuang ? ? ? (Assistant type servant): This is an ordinary old goblin, because his memory ###### (Unknown error), hence he lost a huge portion of his memory.
Current ranking 0, experience 1/1,500,000. After ranking up, every attribute will be upgraded. Certain potential points will be rewarded to raise its personal abilities.
Current loyalty level: 120 points.
Basic attributes:
Strength: 10 points
Agility: 12 points
Physique: 19 points
Perceptive sensing: 11 points
Charm: 1 point
Intelligence: 12 points
Spirit: 11 points
‘Absolute’ HP: 25 points.
Servant special ability: ‘Loyal & Devoted’ (basic 110 loyalty points), feedback 1/10 of its personal attributes to its master.
Assistant type servant special ability: ‘Spirit link’ (Basic 120 loyalty points), Servant can inherit matters except basic attributes, concerning its master. Inclusive of reputation, legend level, basic abilities, basic passive abilities etc.
Assistant type servant special ability: ‘Absolute life’, Any form of damages dealt to characters with Absolute life will only deduct 1 HP. Furthermore, there is a 3 seconds buffer period after the deduction of HP where no damage can be dealt. Characters who possess absolute life will be unable to deal damage to other creatures.
Goblin race special nature: This creature will forever be unaffected by the basic attribute charm.
Goblin race special ability: ‘Haggling lvl15’ During transactions/trades with any characters, taxes type fees will be exempted. Extremely huge chance of receiving preferential treatment similar to having maximum charm.
Individual special ability: ‘Evil tyrant’ (Ability class is unable to evaluated by the realm) (Passive), Characters possessing this ability can forcefully interact with any intellectual storyline character, unavoidable by any means. This ability is uneffective of contestants/ controlled units.
(TN: Intellectual characters should be characters who can think for themselves)
Individual special ability: ‘Swindler’ (Ability class is unable to be evaluated by the realm) (passive), Characters possessing this ability can fish up certain benefits from any intellectual storyline character.
Special ability: ? ? ? ? ? ?
Special ability: ? ? ? ? ? ?
Special ability: ? ? ? ? ? ?
Special ability: ? ? ? ? ? ?Chapter 199: I want…..

Seeing all his attributes apart from his charm rising, Sheyan felt incredibly refreshed. No wonder he constantly felt an amiable feeling towards this old goblin, actually he was so useful. Furthermore, his abilities were extremely oppressive and cunning. For example, storyline characters who required a certain reputation level before interacting would be harassed by this goblin. Just think of the mental torture when they inevitably cannot ignore a person with only 1 point in charm!
Sheyan couldn’t resist recalling the previous storyline characters like Mo.Waller, Old Bill etc, these scum who made his life difficult because of his charm. He wished he could bring Jinkuang along to engage them, to let them know the meaning of reversal of Feng Shui. (Idiom which means reversal of fortune/ every dog has its day)
After settling everything else, Sheyan gloomily discovered there was only 30 seconds left for the deadline! If he delayed any further, he would really get penalized. Therefore, he hastily selected to return to the realm. In a flurry, his figure turned blurry and vanished, finally leaving this world.
When he materialized, he found himself in a mystical place. Beneath his feet was a transparent screen lifting his weight. His surroundings were covered with white puffy clouds and breezy sound of wind. Underneath him was a densely packed green forest, snow white icecap mountains, and buildings as small as matchboxes from this height. It was like overlooking the ground from thousands of metres high. Rays of magical light streaked past him occasionally. This was purely a fantasy, simply breathtaking!
Following that naturally was his battle process overview. The battle with the mountain troll / completing several missions / Finally passing the two challenges in Gringotts secret room / Exploring the ancient goblin empire. Scenes flashed by like stop motion.
Subsequently, the realm’s report surfaced:
“Setting: Magical world of Harry Potter”
“Difficulty: Easy (D class)”
“Pain limitations: 50%”
“Additional enhancement to individual’s capabilities: 0%”
“Current setting exploration rate: 27.31%”
“Completed this world’s milestone: ‘Doting man’, Received the title: ‘Bowtruckle feedback (Fast)'”
“Milestone completion rate: ‘Warmhearted man (2/4)’, Remainder: Magic sports shop’s final mission / Borgin & Burkes magic shop’s final mission.”
“Milestone: ‘Suspect (1/10), Remainder: Slay 9 more contestants.”

“Current world is free setting: You won’t be able to obtain combat logs on contestant battles that aren’t related to you. During battle with other contestants, if your perceptive sensing exceeds your opponent, you can suppress their perceptive sensing. They will be unable to obtain a detailed combat log.”
“Mission content exploration rate: 63%”
“Completed mission score: A- , Note: Lowest is E, and highest perfect score is SSS. (Although you only broke through two mechanisms of Gringotts secret room, you successfully explored the 10,000 year old ancient goblin empire)
“Scenario completion reward: Free attribute points – 4 points + ‘1 point (on account of +1 legend level)’, 500 utility points, 2 potential points.”
“Current free attribute points: 5 points.”
“You can allocate the free attribute points to your basic attributes (Strength / agility etc) to strengthen your capabilities.”
5 free attribute points? Sheyan was stunned amazed, he murmured to himself. “I wasn’t even involved in the main storyline, didn’t even touched the philosopher’s stone. How does this damned realm calculate?”
At this moment, a wretched old goblin hopped out abruptly, exclaiming loudly. “Wa, this place is really beautiful.” Following that, he started caressing around and even a corroded and rusty hammer appeared randomly….. As he decided to pry open any bright and shimmering objects.
A dark line formed on Sheyan’s head, grabbing Jinkuang’s back collar as he pulled him back. His tone was rather annoyed, but it contained more of concern than anger.
“Oi oi, old thing. You’ll die if you fall from this height!”
Jinkuang danced and gesticulated for joy as he displayed his angry rebellion. Sheyan ignored him, and once again looked at the notifications from the nightmare imprint:
“Your achievement points have reached 53 points.”
“You have met the nightmare imprint’s conditions to up rank. After returning to the realm, please hurry and choose to raise your military rank.”
After these phrases disappeared, the scenery started to turn fuzzy and once again became dark. After regaining his vision, he was back in his little personal room. The old goblin Jinkuang was exceptionally excited to be here, running around and touching anything he could see. Occasionally he would gasp, and spit saliva on areas with stains before using his own fingers to wipe…. Seeing such a behavior, Sheyan was slightly taken aback.
Before returning, Sheyan didn’t engage in any intense battle. He had received adequate rest, and was very refreshed. He didn’t have any desires to rest, and simply couldn’t be bothered with that wretched Jinkuang. He then retrieved his spoils of war from his nightmare imprint, making a stock check of his leisure objects.
Object: Troll’s Horcrux (Silver storyline class)
Weapon: Troll’s legbone (Black)
Object: Ghost whetstone
Object: Rotten eyeball
Object: Fanged frisbee
Scroll: Black Venom
Food: Mars bar
I shape metal dissolution liquid mixture
Unappraised object: A roll of thick leather
Unknown strange object: Vampire bat injected with digestive enzymes.
Amongst these objects, the object ‘Troll’s horcrux (Silver storyline class)’ was something that Sheyan planned to keep. He considered on using it on ‘Ambition’ or ‘Obsidian fossil anchor’ to raise their class to silver storyline class. From there, it would satisfy the usage requirements for the ‘I shape metal dissolution liquid mixture’, and have a chance to raise it to lvl 7.
(TN: In case you forgotten the liquid mixture usage effects: Smearing it would strengthen your equipment/weapon, 100% chance of raising to lvl4, 50% chance of raising to lvl 5, 10% chance of raising to lvl 7. Only effective on silver storyline class objects/weapons)
Regarding the other objects, Sheyan planned to sell them. Currently after subtracting the fees used for ‘insight’ as well as Jinkuang’s salary, Sheyan was left with roughly 3,800 utility points and 2 potential points.
Most crucially, during his previous intense battle, Sheyan’s ‘Butchering bone hatchet’ had been destroyed due to excessive resistance! Hence, he was back to square one being empty handed in combat. ‘Ambition’ was a weapon that could be used once every minute, and definitely couldn’t be used as a feasibly weapon of choice. Undoubtedly, Sheyan was in urgent need to find a replacement.
Actually to Sheyan, that ‘Butchering bone hatchet’ wasn’t really handy. But since it carried an additional special ability ‘Resist’ it was indeed a necessity for Sheyan who engaged in long drawn out battles. Sheyan’s ideal tradeoff would be weapons like nunchaku, boxing gloves, daggers who carried additional ‘resist’ ability.
After his stock take, Sheyan decided to raise his military rank of his nightmare imprint. Then he would figure out a way to appraise his two unappraised objects. As he was about to leave, he saw Jinkuang tugging at his shirt, looking rather pitiful.
Sheyan asked.
“Yes, Jinkuang? Hungry? I can buy food for you.”
“I want….”
“I am a guy, you want …..? Be obedient, I’ll give you 300 utility points, go and flirt wherever you want.”

“I want.”
“I am only interested in females!”
“I want.”
Jinkuang then extended his hand out, pointing stubbornly at that scroll: ‘Black venom’.
Sheyan wiped his sweat.
“Alright, take it….. Oi oi, this thing is very valuable, what do you want it for?”
Jinkuang remained silent, he slanted his head and stared at Sheyan. His grievous expression felt extremely wronged and displeased. Sheyan felt his heart thumping, he suddenly recalled that he managed to trick Jinkuang into being his servant because he was a miserable goblin who lost his memory. He didn’t even offer any sweet words, but was awarded with 120 loyalty points, this was extremely generous. And yet he didn’t even display any sort of virtue and manners. Bring Jinkuang into the picture, he was the goblin of goblins, an overlord amongst the goblins!
Reminded of that, Sheyan hurriedly reached out for that black venom scroll, bowing as he offered with both hands. Jinkuang coldly snored as he folded his hands over his chest. Gesturing with his finger.
“Utility points?”
Although Sheyan felt very bitter within, he still forced out a smile and transferred 2000 utility points over. Bowing politely as he asked.
“Is that enough?”
Jinkuang snorted coldly, and swung away his head. Yet his lips curled into a vulgar and sinister smile.
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders, turmoil in his heart. ‘He is my servant, he is my servant I cannot lower myself to his level’ But he recalled Phelps telling him once, that when he took care of his summoned wolves, it was just like taking care of babies. Clearing their excrements, blood sweat and tears exhausting. He managed to calm down, secretly rolling his eyes before he left.
Sheyan hesitated a moment after leaving. It was an entire 5 free attribute points! He pondered for a moment, and suddenly remembered about Mogensha. Thus, he immediately invested a point in his perceptive sensing, and the other 4 on his physique. Suddenly the nightmare imprint notified him:
“Your basic attribute: Physique has purely exceeded 20 points without enhancements from additional equipments.”
“You receive an additional basic attribute reward. Please select within 10 seconds.”
“A) Basic attribute reward I (Passive): ‘Steroids fury’, Increase your damage dealt, damage increase is based on 6% of your maximum HP value. Increase of damage will not exceed 20 points. Doesn’t count as a second attack and lowered by defences.”
“B) Basic attribute reward I (Passive): ‘Healthy mister’, +100 points to your maximum HP.”
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