Novel Name : The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 68

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Chapter 68: Number 1 in the Battlefield

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation
Sheyan was feeling rather perplexed after receiving that ‘beating heart’ black rarity mission object, because it presented two mission options. Both options pointed to very important personnels on two legendary ship – Second mate Old Bill or Captain Blackbeard. Once he exchanged this mission object with one, the other option would be terminated.
Going from a logical standpoint, although the Flying Dutchman’s second mate, Old Bill, had an important position, he could not be compared with the mighty and generous captain of Queen Anne’s Revenge, Blackbeard. Therefore, his mission reward should be respectively better.
Yet, Sheyan recalled a plotline in Pirates of the Caribbean 4. From that part, he could clearly see that Blackbeard was a selfish and unfeeling bastard, who would even use his daughter’s life as a bargaining chip! If one only concentrates on his current generosity, then this would only produce a contradicting result. Who knows, if the negotiating terms became unfavourable, he may even attempt to forcefully steal this mission object. Even the main lead, Jack Sparrow, had once been toyed by him through a voodoo doll, what more would he do to a trifling new crew head?
The sea breeze billowed, from afar black smoke continued dispersing away; causing the azure blue seawater to become increasingly clear. The distant sunset painted the sky with a deep blood red, like an ember from a stove. Beneath it, a huge merchant ship was gradually submerging into the deep ocean, as though signalling the conclusion of this naval battle.
Sheyan took in a deep breath as he returned to the Bell and Mug. After simply bandaging his wounds and feeling his physique slowly regaining, he firmly walked into the captain’s quarters.
Currently a group had gathered inside the captain’s quarters. Captain Ammand, the core navigator Xiaer, temporary second mate, Robben, was also cowering at a corner, while chief mate, Scarface Harry, had a white bandage covering his head. Harry retained his usual loud and cheery self, as though the bandages could never conceal his open-mindedness.
Nevertheless, Sheyan could observe a slight frown from Scarface Harry; indicating that he was probably enduring the pain silently. Furthermore, unsure if he was seeing things, he noticed Scarface Harry’s body radiating with a faint silver glow before dispersing.
All these people in addition to crew head Sheyan, formed up the policy makers of the Bell and Mug.
Ammand started with a malicious stare to survey this circle of individuals. Then, he softly spoke.
“Before we start, I want to appoint two persons, Blind Matt!”
Following Ammand’s speech, a covering cloth suddenly tore open and a person with extremely small eyes, like a crevice that made him look blind, walked out. This person had flax colored messy hair covering his entire forehead. He was wearing an earthen yellow sleeveless jacket, and had a ‘Damascus’ curved knife across his waist; which occasionally leaked out a silky shimmer from certain angles, leaving one with a feeling of rebellion.
“From now on you will be the Bell and Mug’s vice crew head.”
Blind Matt humbly raised his head as though he wanted to use his glare to pierce Sheyan. Instead, Sheyan looked down at his own toes, as though there was a pile of treasure on the floor; looking like he had utterly no interest in that appointment.
“Robben!” Ammand, as the name shouted out between his teeth, the tone carried an additional chill to which Robben reflexly shivered up unconsciously and inclined towards Sheyan. Ammand then slowly announced.
“You have done quite an alright job as the second mate, therefore, carry on doing so. Remember you must always consult Harry, or else once you make an error, nobody can save you!”
“As for Seaman Yan, I’m disappointed in you! You betrayed my confidence in you!” Ammand fumingly announced.
“What are you doing! Getting rid of a mere decaying undead but losing 3 elite fighters! ‘Seawolf’ Shelly, Hermit Crab Zier and Lemuer were fighters who followed me for years. Why did all of them suffer such cruelty and none survived, explain yourself!”
Sheyan bowed humbly and replied gently with a neither servile nor overbearing tone.
“Everyone, if I had not recalled wrongly, this ‘mere’ decaying undead previously massacred an entire squad of 17 elite fighters! The former even consists of my predecessor, the fearsome warrior, Cuaron. I’m very honored to have attained your trust sir, but I can only speak honestly. To finish off this damned vile creature and yet not lose anyone, is simply an impossible way of thinking to me. It is outside of my range of capabilities. Especially when I also needed to ensure the movement of valuable goods from the merchant ship.”
Though Sheyan exhibited such a humble attitude, the meaning of his words was like a cutting blade; subtly pointing out that Ammand was setting him up in the first place.
At present, Ammand was extremely on guard against Sheyan. Still, he couldn’t not acknowledge that Seaman Yan from the east was a rare talent, and his heart also harbored thoughts of buying him in. Therefore, after challenging Sheyan with his words, although he knew that something was fishy about the 3 person’s death, he could only fold his hands against his chest and remain silent.
Seeing this awkward atmosphere, Scarface Harry changed the subject to something relevant.
“Although we may have gained the upperhand, sinking an enemy ship and 2 huge merchant ships, those damned spanish folks had sent in more reinforcements; therefore, we ccould only give up on chasing. This huge naval war will soon conclude, the pirates would then convene a meeting and share the victory loot. Amongst the pirates, we are the first that engaged in naval boarding. Although our casualties are numerous, we will also gain massive credit. This would be an advantage as it would further propel the reputation of our Bell and Mug!”
Until here, Scarface Harry burst out in a crazy fit of laughter, with feelings mixed with a certain regret due to missing out on most of this battle; prompting him to feel a little frustrated. However, if he was around, Sheyan would not have the chance to exhibit his commanding talents, and the Bell and Mug may even have suffered a defeat.
“I have discussed with the captain, based on the spoils of this battle, our ship should hold four-tenths of it. This means that in the pirate meeting, even the 3 legendary pirate ships should show us face! We need to discuss a trading solution which would allow the name of the ‘Son of the Black sea’ to resonate throughout the Caribbean sea!”
After the audience heard this plan, they were inspired. If the reputable name of Ammand, as the captain of the Bell and Mug, became popular, the status of his crew would equally be raised. This was like in the real world, an employee’s value would be higher if their company was included in the top 100 companies of the world.
Although Sheyan was not inferior to anyone in terms of craftiness, he still was not familiar with the many regulations and customs of the pirates of the caribbean. If he recklessly spoke out he may even become a laughing stock. Thus, he bluntly shut his mouth as he stood by the side. Yet the impression he gave others was of one that knew when to retreat and when to act.
As the group was buzzing with discussions, a consecutive sound of 7 cannon fires boomed from farway. The sound was extremely organized; like that of a rhythmic beat of a bass drum, as the successive and similar cannon sounds exploded out. Very swiftly, the Bell and Mug replied with the same 7 shots of cannon, echoing through the vast and beautiful Caribbean sea. The captain and other crew then heaved a sigh of relief.
Concurrently, Sheyan received notifications from his nightmare imprint.
[ Contestant no. 1018 participated in a historic storyline battle: Destruction of Paragon fleet (Preface) concluded. ]
[ Ships participated in battle: British Royal Navy (2 British ships, 13 pirate ships), Spanish Paragon fleet (7 Spanish Paragon fleet ships, 3 merchant ships), 3 of the Spanish ships came in as reinforcements. ]
[ Total of 8 parties and a total of 39 contestants participated in this battle. ]
[ Opening battle statistics. ]
[ Calculating statistics…. ]
[ You directly killed 3 Spanish Paragon fleet soldiers, and indirectly killed 84 Spanish Paragon fleet soldiers ]
[ You caused 38 direct points of damage to the decaying undead “Chewed Ear”, 698 points of indirect damage.” (Using your own abilities as well as the equipments/ weapons on your body will only be counted as direct points of damage. If the fire that incinerated the decaying undead was brought about by Sheyan’s ability, then this would constitute as direct damage) ]
[ Battle contribution scored: 1139 points ]
[ You individual battle contribution ranking: Number 1 ]
[ Your overall battle contributions ranking: Number 6 ]
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