Novel Name : The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 376 - 399

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Chapter 376: Scalding fleshdance!

Yet in the next second,
That next second after Sheyan’s eyes were brimming with anger, and trembling with wrath.
Lacking a single warning, Sheyan’s left hand loosened as a black flask suddenly crashed to the ground. Piank! It shattered!
In a split second, a formless shockwave swept out in a radius of 20 metre. Wherever the shockwave passed, clouds and fogs of murky yellow poisonous miasma formed. Any enemy who entered it would experience a decline in 4 agility and their movement speed drop by 20%.
Sheyan breathed in deeply, inhaling the fresh air of Pandorian vegetation deep into his lungs. Then he faced a fresh green leaf as he basked in the evening sun, and drank from his soul equipment ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’ without hesitation.
He then proceeded with an inconceivable action, something Lille nor Uzel hadn’t anticipated.
Sheyan actually turn and fled!
Concurrently, a loud yell emerged from his mouth.
“There’s a Great Leeeeooonopteryxx skull here ahhhh!!!”
Sheyan’s escape and his deafening yells were like a pair of incomparably vile daggers, deeply piercing into Lille and Uzel’s heart!!! Their eyes darkened, they were utterly astounded by this tremendous discrepancy…..
What was the reason they didn’t mind squandering a boundary awakening? A supremely precious boundary awakening? Wasn’t it to annihilate the witnesses and preserve this immense secret of discovering a Great Leonopteryx skull?
One must understand, there were still several loose contestants who had just left after accomplishing their milestone. It was hard to tell if they would still be residing nearby. Which goes to say, Sheyan’s current over 120 decibels yelling….definitely had a chance of leaking to the remaining contestants!
Moreover, Sheyan’s fleeing was in conjunction with striking a huge weakness of Uzel – the scope of influence of his illusions! Previously during that neuro-interference state, Uzel could mislead a contestant’s senses; causing them to hallucinate as though they were ‘ghost hitting the wall’, unable to escape.
But under normal circumstances, Uzel’s weakness was greatly covered. Primarily because he could move according to his enemy, closely following the enemy to prevent him from leaving his scope of influence.
Secondly was due to the illusions, the enemies would frequently decide to flee from Lille. However in such a case of the enemy attempting to flee, they would undoubtedly expose their vital backs to the incisive fatal dagger strikes of the agile contestant. Moreover, Lille’s speed was never inferior! Hence, they would still be able to unleash devastating damage in a short span of time.
But Sheyan actually chose to flee! Furthermore, it was during a time when Lille and Uzel had least expected him to! He even still drank a comforting cup of alcohol while doing so, appearing as if his heart was completely unhindered at the fact of abandoning his comrades. Besides, his expression was a total look of contentedness.
Just a second ago, he was still swearing with unwavering confidence of not discarding his comrades.
The next, he was fleeing in trepidation, not even glancing back with second thoughts,
Such an intense contrast almost caused Lille and Uzel to vomit blood. They had never come across such a shameless, such a hypocritical and despicable level of shamelessness!
What was worse was that vile fog of poison miasma, and more importantly……Sheyan’s fleeing velocity wasn’t slow at all. He was yelling out news of the Great Leonopteryx skull while running speedily. He made it look so easy as if he was a veteran in this, probably someone who had accomplished this deed countless times.
How could Lille and Uzel not chase Sheyan? How would they not dare to? Contestants who understood the value of a Great Leonopteryx skull weren’t considered many, but it wasn’t rare as well. Once this piece of information leaked out, then trying to swallow up this secret would become impossible, they could only obediently hand it over to Zeus.
In their flustered exasperation, they urgently gave chase simultaneously; not resisting the urge as they cursed words like ‘I xxx your mother xxxx slut’. If this secret was leaked out, they may really faint from anger.
They both felt a sense of extreme annoyance. Facing such a speechlessly despicable slut, their only desire was to carve out his tongue and force him to swallow it back into his own belly. Meanwhile, as they passed through the poison fog, they had their agility plunged by 4 points. Translating that into figures, it was like having a full 10% movement speed reduction!
Thus, this chase went on for few minutes.
Lille was an agility specialized contestant, while it was still unsure what track contestant Uzel specialized in; but if not spirit, then it would be intelligence. It was seemingly impossible to be associated with strength or agility. Hence naturally, Lille ran much faster than Uzel. Uzel had been tossed 50-60 metres away from the two, while Lille was constantly gaining ground on Sheyan. From 50 metres, to 40 metres, and now finally 20 metres………
“Bastard, I’m gonna kill you!” Lille’s face leaked out a cruel sneer, drawing a strange object from his body. Everytime he interacted with it, he would feel his fingertips tingling with elation.
Lille suddenly made an abrupt leap; vividly seen beneath his leap, the soil exploding forth under the immense pressure. A brittle fracturing dried twig crackled, as a worm nestling beneath the leaves squirted out faint vomit colored fluids upon been squashed.
Lille strived forward with his leap, in a flash traversing through 7-8 metres. At the peak of his leap, he hurled out that object! A weapon sparkled with metallic brilliance, taking a whirling shape of a slanted cross as it carved a perfect arc during its flight; dragging along an unceasing black trace, before whooping against Sheyan’s legs. A clear layer of snowflakes covered Sheyan’s legs, as the object spiralled back into Lille’s hands!
This was a shocking black grade throwing weapon, it was called ‘Frost Boomerang’. It didn’t inflict high damage, and its negative attributes were even higher than its positive ones. Only a single property was extremely alluring; when it successfully hit its target, its ‘Frost-flakes’ would envelop the enemy’s legs. Movement speed reduced by 40%, duration for 5 seconds and its effect had precedence.
As for the cooldown period for each ‘Frost-flakes’ it was only 3 seconds. Which implied one thing. Whenever it landed on a target, that target would be stucked in a perpetual frosty nightmare. It was really an unfortunate inescapable circumstance.
Sheyan’s sharp decline in movement speed wasn’t merely due to the excellent speed reduction property of the ‘Frost Boomerang’. It was also due to his 28% speed bonus of the ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’ diminishing upon being struck, and ruthlessly dissipating.
On one side a 40% speed reduction, and a 28% on the other; each compiling over each. Lille finally caught up with Sheyan, as Sheyan entered his effective attacking range. At this moment, Sheyan swung his head back, casting a panic and fearful expression towards Lille. But when he hastily swung his head back, his vision returned to a blazing untamed and wild lust.
After witnessing Seaman’s flustered expression, Lille smiled craftily. In the heat of excitement, he extended his tongue as he insatiably licked against the blades of his dagger. What he didn’t know was, Sheyan had turned around to affirm the effective scope of Uzel’s illusion dimension.
The feedback Sheyan got was extremely clear, there was only one Lille that was hot on his heels now. Undoubtedly, he had already escaped the region of Uzel’s illusion dimension……this undoubtedly signified to him, from his perspective, that Uzel all the way 50 metres behind that was bitterly trying to catch up was real!
At present, Lille had closed up to within 5 metres of Sheyan. He whistled conceitedly, his body surging forward, as he raised his twin daggers; as if they were the ivory fangs of a wild beast, shimmering with a pitiful brutality.
Sheyan turned around, he could only turn around as he raised his arms to shelter his head. If he continued running, then- undoubtedly- that was akin to offering up his back to his enemy, and getting easily trampled over.
An incessant flash of cutting silver overwhelmed him. Lille’s mobility had reached the pinnacle of his attack speed, with his twin silver daggers materializing as two silver linings. It tore through the space in eagerness, its velocity so tremendous that it repeatedly sliced out buzzing sharp ‘Hooo’ in the air; like a speechless mirage in the sky, brimming with domineering oppression.
This was the ability that Lille had learnt from the werewolfs back in the Underworld world.
Scalding fleshdance!
In a flash, it would accord consecutive fury swipes with peak frequency at its enemy. Of course, every strike would have a 50% damage reduction.
This move can be rated as brutal cruelty, it was akin to a death by a thousand cuts!
Under such brutality, dozens of densely knitted wounds emerged on Sheyan’s body, oozing out blood at the same time. It was utterly bitter, and right at this moment, he chose to complement it would a pathetic moan. His sorry appearance told of an inevitable death in any second.Chapter 377: Abrupt revolt

Although Sheyan exhibited an agonizing display, but oftentime, eyes would deceive others. In actual fact, the real battle statistics were as such:
“Determining……your perceptive sense has exceeded the enemy by 10 points, you can deal a perception suppress to the enemy; receiving a detailed battle log, while the enemy will only receive the most basic battle information.”
“Factoring basic close combat.”
“Factoring explosive strike rate suppression.”
“This attack dealt a primary damage of 50 points + 8 points of flame damages (Weapon ability) (Ability damage reduction: 50%)”
“Your defence is 22.5 points, damage reduction: 47%.”
“Actual damage dealt by enemy is 50 x (1 – 40%) x (1 – 47%) = 15 points of damage + 5 points of flame damages (Weapon ability takes precedence).”
(TN: first 40% is realm regulation, next 47% is his defence)
“Your innate ability: ‘Endurance’ activated!”
“Enemy’s actual damage dealt is 1 + 5 = 6 points.”
“Total actual cumulative damages received from enemy’s ‘Scalding fleshdance’ is 71 points.”
While he was submerged in his elation of his opponent’s pathetic state, Lille hadn’t noticed. While he was wantonly slashing away at Sheyan in his anger, the armour Sheyan was wearing had flickered with a dim bluish current, jolting through like an electric spark.
An uncanny roar that had suddenly resounded in the air had also been masked by Sheyan’s incessant wailing. Closely following, currents of electric blue flickered on Sheyan’s fist.
Meanwhile, there was another thing that Lille hadn’t noticed. Sheyan’s eyes that were currently covered by his arms were shockingly combusting, his gaze was identical to a predatory lion laying ambush; warm breaths of hunger and thirst, a rapacious coveting of the enemy’s flesh, and even his soul!
“Your weakness, lies in the illusion dimension’s radius of effect!”
After forcibly tanking through Lille’s ability, Sheyan turned then dashed forward another few steps as he utterly exposed his back to Lille, and lifted his head. But at this moment, Uzel had finally closed up the gap to Sheyan within 40 metres!
He suddenly caught a glimpse of Sheyan’s maliciously blazing expression. Even though there was such a wide gap between them, it felt like a huge rough hand was choking Uzel’s neck. Even breathing was difficult!
Uzel’s heart suddenly tightened, his mind raced, “How is that the expression one that of a coward trying to flee?”
In this instant, it felt like a frightening tyrant was on the verge of unleashing utter annihilation
It felt like that tyrant would snarl out and brandish his scepter, pronouncing judgement over a towering scaffold. In that instance, the raw terror caused Uzel to halt his steps; activating his ‘Illusion dimension’ ability to conceal himself, as though this would provide a sense of security.
Yet concurrently, Sheyan released a thunderous roar, like a stampeding of a giant beast. He raised his left hand. A demonic sepia ring glowed atop his middle finger, as though trying to encroach into the depths of Uzel’s soul. Then, with unbelievably astonishing speed, he surged towards the Uzel that was 35 metres away!
In that instance, it felt like Sheyan had transformed into a wild ox, fanatically charging in. Rocks, grass and branches rolled in a pile of dust behind his legs. Lille was still in the midst of his wild hasty chase, but could now only gaze at the ocean and lament one’s inadequacy.
His reaction wasn’t slow at all, he had managed to toss out that ‘Frost Boomerang’, but it only dealt damage to Sheyan. The layer of snowflakes shattered instantly, like it was nothing.
Right then previously, Sheyan had already activated the ability of his ‘Barbaric-demon pupil’ – Horn rage!
Within a distance of 8-35 metres, breaking into a fanatical charge towards the targeted enemy; causing a 3 second stun effect, but with no damage dealt. During the charging process, movement speed will be deemed as the extreme limit of the world’s difficulty, and will not be impeded by any negative movement debuffs.
Just within a worthless 1 second, Sheyan that had been 35 metres away had charged to Uzel’s frontyard. Of course, he also entered Uzel’s ‘Illusion dimension’. In that moment, where Uzel had stopped, was now a tree in its place. Yet Sheyan had chosen to shut his eyes! Right now, he only trusted his fists, and his memory from before!
At present, Sheyan’s strength was 44 points.
(TN: he hasn’t activated the ability of his necklace, to format 5 points of strength)
Uzel needed at least 23 points of strength (Or 20 points of pure strength) to prevent any crushing damages. But to Uzel who obviously specialized in intelligence and spirit, the probability of that happening, was the same as the author receiving a 27 month bonus from his boss. (ED: I think the author is trying to say something here)
Even though ‘Horn rage’ description was that its user would similarly suffer a 1-6 seconds stun, Sheyan’s strength had reached 44 points. Obviously, he only suffered a second of stun. Moreover with his 22.5 defence, he even reduced the stunning duration by another half. Hence, after 0.5 seconds of stun, Sheyan brandished his iron fist at this ‘tree’ he crashed into! Don’t even mention the Lille who was still frantically sprinting in a dozen metre away, even if he did arrive, there was simply no way of stopping Sheyan’s action!
“Just die!”
Sheyan drooped his head, as he regurgitated the two words in a calm manner.
Simultaneously, his fist surged forward with indescribable speed! Retracting, and striking! Retracting again, and striking!
Sheyan’s first fist had a distinct enhancement in speed.
His second fist carried an afterimage.
When his third fist struck out, it was invisible like a mist; like a gust of wind!
‘Barbarous Crust armour’ effect! ‘Zergling-rush’ activated.
(This passive ability has a cooldown of 30 seconds. After unleashing it, 30 seconds must lapse before the ability can be triggered)
The next 3 ordinary strikes would receive an attack speed boost of 100%/200%/300%!!! Every strike would have its damage reduced by 50%.
Sheyan’s ‘Zergling-rush’ had been triggered by Lille, but now he was utilizing it against Uzel!
When his first fist crashed in, Uzel was still under the 3 seconds stun. Yet the attack seemed to have failed, a shocking thin faint blue cover appeared, wrapping him up like an egg.
This was one of the basic attribute bonus when a magic based contestant reached a pure intelligence of 20 points. The 2 choose 1 bonus – ‘MP-guard’.
This guard could absorb 50% of incoming damage and transfer it as damage to his MP instead. His primary damage absorption is 1 point of damage for every 4 points of MP. However, the ‘MP-guard’ could be upgraded. An average magic based contestant would upgrade it to a 2:1 MP to HP ratio.
Uzel had already awakened his boundary; yet his previous prolonged battling had consumed a substantial amount of MP to a deficit state. At present, his MP was mostly relying on MP regeneration. If not for his outstanding equipment, his ‘Illusion dimension’ would’ve already drained him dry. Since that was the case, his MP regeneration was only barely sustaining his consumption rate.
Under such circumstance, Sheyan’s first punch came crashing in. It very bluntly shattered that thin faint blue ‘MP-guard’, disintegrating into the air like soap bubbles!
When his second fist arrived, it heavily crashed into Uzel’s abdomen and actually sank into his flesh! That was tremendous might of his strength. Just from Sheyan’s fist can one clearly sense, even if there was a thick abdominal wall, the opponent’s innards would still be squeezed into a miserable state.
When his third fist arrived, Uzel had awoke. Yet with the terrifying attack speed of 106 (32 x 3) agility, even an agile contestant like Lille would acknowledge it; much less to say a magic type contestant.
This fist crackled in with a thunderous momentum. Boom! It struck upwards against Uzel’s chin. An uppercut striking Uzel up.
In that instance, Uzel’s chin fractured into 17-18 disorderly fragments. That searing pain resulted in his vision blackening, even a cry was impossible.
“NO!!” Lille howled behind Sheyan.
His twin-daggers forcefully stabbed into Sheyan’s back. From a faraway distance, one would view Lille as a faint mirage thrusting in hastily, his silver daggers piercing forward like ivory fangs.
Silver scorching radiance,
Impaling straight into the enduring back skin, dicing through the dark-yellow fat, as it severed the bloody maroon flesh. Crimson blood gushed out, and was sprinkled away by a speedy dagger blade. Its horrific scene shocking the eyes and astonishing the heart.
Sheyan groaned. Lille’s attack this time had probably activated a defence negate probability. A deep profound puncture formed on his body, and it had been penetrated through. The tip of the daggers were sticking out from his abdomen!
Instead, Sheyan reacted in only one manner. He deeply inhaled, as he tightened his stomach muscles to clamp down on Lille’s daggers. Then he raised his arm, his fish clenching tightly; as crude as a gigantic pneumatic drill. He aimed at Uzel who had been struck high up the air, as he heavily hammered in!
This one ferocious attack, sent Uzel flying for a full 5-6 metres; but also dragged him into a desperate critically wounded state!! Uzel landed onto the ground, paralyzed.Chapter 378: Die!

Sadly, to preserve that powerful neuro-interference state, Uzel had previously used his full-restore honorary medicine!! This meant that he had already utilized the only life saving trump card he had!!
At this moment, a list of battle log bounced out.
“Determining…….your perceptive sense exceeds the enemy by 10 points, you can receive a detailed battle log.”
“Enemy strength is 16 points, your strength is 44 points. Your strength is 2.75 times the enemy.”
“Determining……your strength exceeds the enemy by two times, resulting in a additional crushing damages!!!!”
“Crushing damages is equivalent to 50% of this attack.”
“Crushing damages is deemed as an additional attack, and will negate all defenses or damage absorbing effects. When this attack conflicts with other effects, it possesses an authority precedence.”
“Factoring basic close combat.”
“Factoring explosive strike rate bonus of ‘Alcohol Master’ .”
“Attack primary damage is 61 points + 30 additional crushing damages.”
“Enemy defence is 10 points, 28% damage reduction.”
“You deal an actual damage of 61 x (1-40%) x (1-28%) = 26 points.”
“You deal an actual crushing damages of 30 points.”
“Total actual damage dealt to enemy is 56 points!!”
“Your ordinary strike dealt: 26 + 30 (Crushing) = 56 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”
“23 points of damage is absorbed by reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s ‘MP-guard’ .”
“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s ‘MP-guard’ is destroyed.”
“Your ordinary strike dealt: 24 + 28 (Crushing) = 52 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”
“Your ordinary strike dealt: 26 + 31 (Crushing) = 57 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”
“Your crushing damage is an explosive strike, you deal 23 + 48 (Crushing) = 71 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”
“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s HP is almost zero. The nature of this battle is between contestants, reserve-duty Growth-hunter has entered near death state.”
“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s party skill ‘Life-shield’ (100 HP) activated. Before the shield is destroyed, you are unable to deal any damage.”
While the notifications surfaced; a milky white shield formed around Uzel’s body, while he started to frantically seize the chance to bandage himself! Even till this moment, recovering a sliver of health would be important!
Sheyan endured another two strikes from Lille; his health wasn’t full already, and the ruthless frequency of Lille’s attacks resulted in numerous explosive strikes, all while Sheyan was unable to turn and block him. Instead, Sheyan ignored his existence as he utilized his party skill ‘Gloryheal’ ! Loads of information were being processed by his mind.
“Zergling-rush would require at least another 20 seconds to trigger.”
“That 100 HP ‘life-shield’, it even inherits the target’s defence.”
“I would need at least two punches to break his shield.”
“3 punches to kill him.”
“5 metres away, I’m like a snail with Lille on my back, I need 7 seconds to reach him.”
“Under normal circumstances, I would require at least 15 seconds to finish Uzel, this 15 seconds includes me enduring Lille’s crazed assaults. If that Lille continues to dish out explosive strike and that deadly defence negating property of his weapon activates again………moreover, Uzel is frantically trying to heal up……the variables are too much! The chances of my original plan being foiled is over 73%!”
Many thoughts swept through Sheyan’s mind in a split second. Without hesitation, he immediately pulled out an exquisite archaic black musket!
When the musket surfaced, it startled countless birds that were nesting within the forest! It peacefully resided in Sheyan’s hand, like a demon sleeping soundly filled with serene tolerance. However soon, piercing fumes leaked out of its black barrel and assailed the nose. That loud rumble shook the heavens and the earth, instigating great carnage!
Sheyan very simply aimed at the 5 metres away Uzel, as he pressed the trigger.
A red-glowing lead projectile shot out!
Sparks emerged, engraving atop Uzel’s brows, his expression still desiring to live. Not a single drop of blood splashed out, only a tiny red dot. Then a trickle of blood streamed out.
Uzel’s expression turned rigid, that red dot atop his brows started diffusing, thickening; an afterglow of the evening sunset. The cruelness permeated the air, coldly draining away his body temperature.
‘Ambition’ had a primary damage of 420 points. Although the 40% realm regulation and Uzel’s 28% defence were factored in, that single scorching lead bullet was enough for his existence to cease.
Uzel’s eyes were filled with despair and unbelief. His life mercilessly fleeing his body as he slumped down, never to rise again.
“You’ve killed reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011!”
“PvP milestone ‘Suspect’ count: 3.”
Affirming the notifications from his nightmare imprint, Sheyan gently turned around. Although Lille had wildly slashed against his back while he was opening fire, slashing 3 times while stabbing 4 times, the ‘Ambition’ in Sheyan’s hand remained steady as a rock.
He then gradually retracted, and stored it back.
At the instance Sheyan had pressed the trigger, Lille understood his partner was a goner. He abandoned his attacks as he hastily retreated 5 metres away from Sheyan, his expression grim. Sheyan continued to advance to Uzel’s corpse; picking up the blood key. He then squinted his eyes at Lille.
“How’s the feeling of personally witnessing your brother being murdered?”
Step by step, Lille staggered backwards. His eyes were emanating a blazing fury as he clenched his teeth.
“I will carve out your heart and offer it to him! I Swear!”
Sheyan gently replied.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
Lille didn’t answer, his facial muscles twitched unceasingly as he continued his retreating posture.
Sheyan started to bandage himself, even fishing out a green apple to take a bite. Then he indistinctly continued.
“I know what are you waiting for, friend. You’re waiting for the curse-mix effect to dissipate.”
Already retreated behind a tree, Lille’s pupils shrank. In that moment, he finally understood the true horror of this Seaman!
Sheyan then confidently continued.
“Actually it isn’t a tough guess, really. To a reserve-duty Growth-hunter, to maximize one’s advantages, undoubtedly one would scheme one’s personal attribute to maintain at around 49 points. Then one would just need to put on a simple +1 attribute equipment, and anytime reach the 50 points boundary breakthrough. After you’ve been contaminated by my poison fog, your agility has dropped by 4 points. Therefore, even if you wield your reserved equipment now, you wouldn’t awaken the boundary breakthrough! Aren’t I right?”
Lille had already disappeared into the forest. Yet Sheyan knew he definitely didn’t leave, he was like a wolf sneaking around in the darkness; quietly licking his wounds. Sheyan shut both eyes as he stood uprightly where he was. The reason he spoke those words, definitely wasn’t just to act like a smart alec. In actual fact, Sheyan too wanted to slay him before Lille even had the chance for a boundary breakthrough!
But under his current conditions, Sheyan had no ways to stop him! The cooldown of ‘Ambition’ was 1 minute, his ‘Horn-rage’ had a 180 seconds cooldown. The only thing on hand was throwing a curse-mix. But with that 1 second confusion, Sheyan’s 32 agility was definitely inadequate to chase up to Lille’s current 45 or so agility!
Furthermore, Lille still had a disgusting movement impeding ‘Frost Boomerang’. This thing could not only be used for pursuing, it could be used for fleeing as well! Furthermore, that throwing weapon could be equipped, thus using it was simple and fast.
“If that’s the case, my curse-mix effects should still be prevalent on him for around 30 seconds.” Sheyan breathed in deeply, he knew the upcoming battle would be a tough one.
Lille was no fool, if he still couldn’t guess Sheyan’s 3 attributes were roughly circulating around strength, perceptive sense and physique; then he would’ve longed been demolished into ashes in the realm. Lille decided to leave under such circumstances and waited for the negative effects to dissipate. Undoubtedly, when Lille awakened himself, he would surely have confidence in slaying Sheyan!
Moreover, Lille would only monitor Sheyan and not head over to commit homicide at the previous battle scene. He still feared the possibility of Sheyan fleeing and divulging his secrets. Besides, that Reef, Mogensha and Jin Ximin were definitely incapable of movement for a brief period. He could settle the matters here quickly and rush back.
With this understanding in mind, Sheyan shut his eyes as he peacefully sat down. He first changed to his Black-iron grade title ‘Alcohol Master’ before he gulped down two mouthfuls of his ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’. He then changed to his ‘Bowtruckle’s feedback’ to hurriedly regenerate some HP.
Sadly, to preserve that powerful neuro-interference state, Uzel had previously used his full-restore honorary medicine!! This meant that he had already utilized the only life saving trump card he had!!
At this moment, a list of battle log bounced out.
“Determining…….your perceptive sense exceeds the enemy by 10 points, you can receive a detailed battle log.”
“Enemy strength is 16 points, your strength is 44 points. Your strength is 2.75 times the enemy.”
“Determining……your strength exceeds the enemy by two times, resulting in a additional crushing damages!!!!”
“Crushing damages is equivalent to 50% of this attack.”
“Crushing damages is deemed as an additional attack, and will negate all defenses or damage absorbing effects. When this attack conflicts with other effects, it possesses an authority precedence.”
“Factoring basic close combat.”
“Factoring explosive strike rate bonus of ‘Alcohol Master’ .”
“Attack primary damage is 61 points + 30 additional crushing damages.”
“Enemy defence is 10 points, 28% damage reduction.”
“You deal an actual damage of 61 x (1-40%) x (1-28%) = 26 points.”
“You deal an actual crushing damages of 30 points.”
“Total actual damage dealt to enemy is 56 points!!”
“Your ordinary strike dealt: 26 + 30 (Crushing) = 56 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”
“23 points of damage is absorbed by reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s ‘MP-guard’ .”
“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s ‘MP-guard’ is destroyed.”
“Your ordinary strike dealt: 24 + 28 (Crushing) = 52 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”
“Your ordinary strike dealt: 26 + 31 (Crushing) = 57 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”
“Your crushing damage is an explosive strike, you deal 23 + 48 (Crushing) = 71 actual damage to reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011.”
“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s HP is almost zero. The nature of this battle is between contestants, reserve-duty Growth-hunter has entered near death state.”
“Reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011’s party skill ‘Life-shield’ (100 HP) activated. Before the shield is destroyed, you are unable to deal any damage.”
While the notifications surfaced; a milky white shield formed around Uzel’s body, while he started to frantically seize the chance to bandage himself! Even till this moment, recovering a sliver of health would be important!
Sheyan endured another two strikes from Lille; his health wasn’t full already, and the ruthless frequency of Lille’s attacks resulted in numerous explosive strikes, all while Sheyan was unable to turn and block him. Instead, Sheyan ignored his existence as he utilized his party skill ‘Gloryheal’ ! Loads of information were being processed by his mind.
“Zergling-rush would require at least another 20 seconds to trigger.”
“That 100 HP ‘life-shield’, it even inherits the target’s defence.”
“I would need at least two punches to break his shield.”
“3 punches to kill him.”
“5 metres away, I’m like a snail with Lille on my back, I need 7 seconds to reach him.”
“Under normal circumstances, I would require at least 15 seconds to finish Uzel, this 15 seconds includes me enduring Lille’s crazed assaults. If that Lille continues to dish out explosive strike and that deadly defence negating property of his weapon activates again………moreover, Uzel is frantically trying to heal up……the variables are too much! The chances of my original plan being foiled is over 73%!”
Many thoughts swept through Sheyan’s mind in a split second. Without hesitation, he immediately pulled out an exquisite archaic black musket!
When the musket surfaced, it startled countless birds that were nesting within the forest! It peacefully resided in Sheyan’s hand, like a demon sleeping soundly filled with serene tolerance. However soon, piercing fumes leaked out of its black barrel and assailed the nose. That loud rumble shook the heavens and the earth, instigating great carnage!
Sheyan very simply aimed at the 5 metres away Uzel, as he pressed the trigger.
A red-glowing lead projectile shot out!
Sparks emerged, engraving atop Uzel’s brows, his expression still desiring to live. Not a single drop of blood splashed out, only a tiny red dot. Then a trickle of blood streamed out.
Uzel’s expression turned rigid, that red dot atop his brows started diffusing, thickening; an afterglow of the evening sunset. The cruelness permeated the air, coldly draining away his body temperature.
‘Ambition’ had a primary damage of 420 points. Although the 40% realm regulation and Uzel’s 28% defence were factored in, that single scorching lead bullet was enough for his existence to cease.
Uzel’s eyes were filled with despair and unbelief. His life mercilessly fleeing his body as he slumped down, never to rise again.
“You’ve killed reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.19011!”
“PvP milestone ‘Suspect’ count: 3.”
Affirming the notifications from his nightmare imprint, Sheyan gently turned around. Although Lille had wildly slashed against his back while he was opening fire, slashing 3 times while stabbing 4 times, the ‘Ambition’ in Sheyan’s hand remained steady as a rock.
He then gradually retracted, and stored it back.
At the instance Sheyan had pressed the trigger, Lille understood his partner was a goner. He abandoned his attacks as he hastily retreated 5 metres away from Sheyan, his expression grim. Sheyan continued to advance to Uzel’s corpse; picking up the blood key. He then squinted his eyes at Lille.
“How’s the feeling of personally witnessing your brother being murdered?”
Step by step, Lille staggered backwards. His eyes were emanating a blazing fury as he clenched his teeth.
“I will carve out your heart and offer it to him! I Swear!”
Sheyan gently replied.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
Lille didn’t answer, his facial muscles twitched unceasingly as he continued his retreating posture.
Sheyan started to bandage himself, even fishing out a green apple to take a bite. Then he indistinctly continued.
“I know what are you waiting for, friend. You’re waiting for the curse-mix effect to dissipate.”
Already retreated behind a tree, Lille’s pupils shrank. In that moment, he finally understood the true horror of this Seaman!
Sheyan then confidently continued.
“Actually it isn’t a tough guess, really. To a reserve-duty Growth-hunter, to maximize one’s advantages, undoubtedly one would scheme one’s personal attribute to maintain at around 49 points. Then one would just need to put on a simple +1 attribute equipment, and anytime reach the 50 points boundary breakthrough. After you’ve been contaminated by my poison fog, your agility has dropped by 4 points. Therefore, even if you wield your reserved equipment now, you wouldn’t awaken the boundary breakthrough! Aren’t I right?”
Lille had already disappeared into the forest. Yet Sheyan knew he definitely didn’t leave, he was like a wolf sneaking around in the darkness; quietly licking his wounds. Sheyan shut both eyes as he stood uprightly where he was. The reason he spoke those words, definitely wasn’t just to act like a smart alec. In actual fact, Sheyan too wanted to slay him before Lille even had the chance for a boundary breakthrough!
But under his current conditions, Sheyan had no ways to stop him! The cooldown of ‘Ambition’ was 1 minute, his ‘Horn-rage’ had a 180 seconds cooldown. The only thing on hand was throwing a curse-mix. But with that 1 second confusion, Sheyan’s 32 agility was definitely inadequate to chase up to Lille’s current 45 or so agility!
Furthermore, Lille still had a disgusting movement impeding ‘Frost Boomerang’. This thing could not only be used for pursuing, it could be used for fleeing as well! Furthermore, that throwing weapon could be equipped, thus using it was simple and fast.
“If that’s the case, my curse-mix effects should still be prevalent on him for around 30 seconds.” Sheyan breathed in deeply, he knew the upcoming battle would be a tough one.
Lille was no fool, if he still couldn’t guess Sheyan’s 3 attributes were roughly circulating around strength, perceptive sense and physique; then he would’ve longed been demolished into ashes in the realm. Lille decided to leave under such circumstances and waited for the negative effects to dissipate. Undoubtedly, when Lille awakened himself, he would surely have confidence in slaying Sheyan!
Moreover, Lille would only monitor Sheyan and not head over to commit homicide at the previous battle scene. He still feared the possibility of Sheyan fleeing and divulging his secrets. Besides, that Reef, Mogensha and Jin Ximin were definitely incapable of movement for a brief period. He could settle the matters here quickly and rush back.
With this understanding in mind, Sheyan shut his eyes as he peacefully sat down. He first changed to his Black-iron grade title ‘Alcohol Master’ before he gulped down two mouthfuls of his ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’. He then changed to his ‘Bowtruckle’s feedback’ to hurriedly regenerate some HP.Chapter 379: Lille’s trump card

Uzel had died, it was almost impossible for Lille to try and mount a sneak attack against Sheyan. Hence, Sheyan still had confidence in switching out to his ‘Alcohol Master’ title before Lille resurfaced. Besides, that additional explosive strike rate boost was tremendously useful.
Time drained by swiftly…….the sunset had extinguished into the misty abyss; a layer of ember red still dyed the funnel like clouds in the sky. The other half of the sky floated with an ashen color, seemingly brewing in a berserking force!
Naturally, a thunderstorm was about to descend. Sheyan breathed heavily. Even with his filtering oxygen mask, he could still sense that wild electrical discharge throbbing within the air. The fresh air travelled through his nasal cavity, into his blood; his mind rousing itself.
At this very moment, a person strolled out excruciatingly slowly from the left of the forest.
A male with his head buried down, his hands seemingly hauling something. Though his eyes could not be seen, his aura seemed to be on full display.
On the nightmare imprint of this male, was radiating a crimson glow. That glow enshrouded his entire body, speckles of it assimilating into his body. Wherever he walked, the grass withered and the earth split!
The awakened Lille trudged slowly towards Sheyan. When he finally closed the gap to 30 metres, his body blurred as he gusted like the wind towards a west tree, a hundred metres away. Even in that burst of speed, he still maintained his hauling grip over that object; his velocity was so remarkable, his body dragged along a long afterimage. In the next second, a distinctly clear sniping gunfire sonorously resounded!
Sheyan’s pupils contracted in. This gunfire was so familiar, it was shockingly the sniping gunfire of Jin Ximin! It was unknown when this fella had crept in here. Unfortunately, he had been discovered by Lille!
If that Korean had harbored kind intentions, then he undoubtedly should’ve notified Sheyan through the party channel first. Yet his silence was definitely thought provoking, naturally trying to be a third party who gains from disagreeing neighbors*, and reap benefits!
(TN: *trying to subdue both after they fought)
No matter who was the final victor, he certainly wouldn’t be in a perfectly unharmed optimal state. No doubt, there was the best opportunity to deliver a devastating lone sniping shot! As for the binding restrictions of the party……..currently Jin Ximin definitely hadn’t left the party; but since that Makaji previously had a method to instantly leave the party, why wouldn’t someone else possess a similar technique?
Instead, it was Reef and Mogensha that Sheyan was worried about. He instantly paid to incite a long distance transmission.
“Oi, Reef. How are you guys doing?”
Reef coughed and replied.
“We are good. AK seems to be fine, that Korean has no reaction but he is probably in an unconscious state. That damned flesh vines seem to have a temporary HP binding effect. But for some weird reason, a sudden dense fog decided to form around here, I’m completely unable of seeing them. Shit man, why is the HP regeneration rate so low in near death state? Seaman are you fine? If you aren’t, try and hold on. I’ll head over in a jiffy.”
Listening to the comforting news of their conditions, Sheyan sighed in relief. Then he laughed and responded.
“If nobody provides emergency treatment, to recover from near death state would require at least 40 minutes! The dust would’ve settled by then, therefore, just patiently wait for my good news.”
Jin Ximin was currently incredibly vexed. His fingernails were pinching deeply into the fleshy tree bark. The luscious moss emitting a peculiar damp odour, while a squashed fiery red beetle was presently quivering.
“I just squashed a stupid red beetle! He actually discovered my flawless camouflage disguise?”
Jin Ximin muttered to himself in disbelief.
“Curse it! If I knew it’d be like this, then why did I even utilized my one-off usage ‘A’ grade item to wrestle out from those flesh vines!”
Of course, just a slight flutter of disturbance had actually been revealed to Lille, this could only be described by the terrifying might of an awakened reserve-duty Growth-hunter.
“So what if he’s awakened?” Jin Ximin gritted his teeth in defiance. “Even the death god would tremble against my gun!”
He immediately pressed his trigger!
Boom! Gunfire resounded, the muffled rumbling echoed through the aisle of the forest, startling several birds on the way. Carrying immense kinetic energy, the bullet swerved in with unbelievable speed! Yet strangely, the speedily rushing Lille seemed to have amplified his speed as well! If not for that gorgeous melancholy string of crimson blood trailing his body, one would mistake his charging image to be an illusion.
“He actually…….forced through?” In that instance, Jin Ximin’s eyes turned sluggish, a tremendous danger welled up in his heart as he breathed in deeply; aiming once again! Then he fired! This time, he pressed down so hard, that even his fingers turned white!
Green tinted gems condensed at the sniper rifle’s muzzle; this sensation felt like it was even pulling in the surrounding air! Immediately after, a deep-green repentant ray propelled out with unfathomable velocity; its trajectory spiralling like a helix, directly piercing into Lille’s body!
But at that moment, something strange happened. Lille’s body continued charging forward, but a shocking phantom appeared behind him; exactly identical to his body! In his place, the phantom was struck so disastrously that it flew back 5-6 metres, with its body ablaze with deep-green flames as it crashed to the ground like a meteor before rolling. The raging deep-green flames even stretched towards the nearby trees and combusted them.
Within a split second, Lille had arrived in front of Jin Ximin! Jin Ximin definitely wouldn’t resign himself to extinction; berserkly yelling out as he pulled out a dagger and struck froward. At present, Lille’s hands were still empty; but after he turned around, his entire self was now stationed behind Jin Ximin’s back!
In that moment, Jin Ximin was stunned to discover for some unknown reason, his body could no longer move! An icy-cold chill was sent down his spine. Lille shouted loudly as he spun round, another phantom followed him behind as it shockingly mirrored his actions. Then a vast stretch of ocean-blue rays swept in as though engulfing heaven and earth, ruthlessly slicing across Jin Ximin’s neck!
Time seemed to have slowed down, the dagger in Jin Ximin’s hands clinking against the ground. He was now clutching his neck, his throat releasing gurgling chokes. An agonizing expression synthesizing with his disbelief gaze. Any onlooker would feel great sympathy towards such a gruesome sight. Then he crumbled to the ground, sinking into near death state!
It was actually a one-blade-KO!
Blood poured out profusely from his carotid artery, like a tragic vapor fountain; dying the suave Lille in dark red. The light in Jin Ximin’s eyes gradually dimmed, as he convulsed helplessly. Lille, stepped forward, as he lightly jabbed, mercilessly claiming the life from the horrified and unwilling Jin Ximin!
As a sniper, he definitely partnered perceptive sense and intelligence, while his agility had also reached 40 points. His former reaction couldn’t be considered slow; even in close proximity, he immediately reacted to guard his neck from that sorrowful blade ray. Yet that domineering slash still kissed his neck. Such a blade of ferocity, it was as though two blade rays had coagulated together, it even exhibited a gracefulness that of falling leaves!
“You must’ve been shocked right? I actually forsakened my twin-daggers! And changed to such a long blade?” The blood drenched Lille arrogantly exclaimed to Sheyan. He actually unequipped the rare silver storyline grade daggers after awakening, and in its place was a dark-blue long blade.
Although the luster of his long blade was dark blue, it gave one an unfathomable feeling of the deep ocean abyss. Not a single drop of blood could stain it. Yet more frightening was that dark blue rays congealed over the long blade without dispersing, loose glows scarcely escaping it and wafted into the air. This shocking long blade had been enhanced to a +7 upgrade!
With Jin Ximin’s death, a notification was transmitted to the party. Sheyan instead remained calmed, staring at the long blade in Lille’s grip and gently replied.
“When you fought me repeatedly just now, you must’ve discovered my defensive abilities are relatively valiant against high speed high frequency attacks. Thus, I originally thought after you awakened, you would try utilizing a long range weapon to complement your superior speed and that ‘Frost Boomerang’ to suppress me. I never expected you’d actually use a dual-handed weapon…….in the case, your primary attribute is without a doubt agility after you awakened; and the second attribute you chose is definitely strength, +15 strength!”
Lille’s figure blurred, he deeply inhaled as he hauled his long blade and dashed towards Sheyan. That astounding phantom continued tailing smugly behind him, before chopping down towards Sheyan’s head!Chapter 380: Sorrowful sword blade

If it was the first time Sheyan had witnessed this phantom afterimage, he definitely wouldn’t pay attention to it. Yet after personally witnessing the phantom peculiarly resisting two snipes of Jin Ximin, he no longer dared to be careless when facing it. Taking a step back as his back pasted onto the tree behind, a metallic shimmer glistened distinctively on his left hand as he directly blocked out.
Of course in comparison to Jin Ximin, Sheyan who had plenty of close combat experience definitely wouldn’t get beheaded with one blade. Lille too didn’t harbour such unrealistic expectations.
Clank!! An screech emerged. Sparks sprayed out from his knuckles as his white grade knucklers released a gloomy cawing, while his body trembled violently. In this instant, he finally understood the primary reason Jin Ximin had entered near death state instantly!
“Determining…….your perceptive sense exceeds your opponent by 10 points. You receive a detailed combat log.”
“Factoring basic close combat.”
“Factoring explosive strike suppression.”
“Your resistive block is successful, opponent’s damage reduced by 15%.”
“Primary damage received is 120 points + 42 (Negates defence, +7 weapon property) points + 60 (Ability: ‘Phantom Clone’) points”
“Your defence is 22.5 points, damage reduction: 47%.”
“Actual damage received: 120 x (1-40%) x (1-47%) = 38 points + 42 (weapon property precedence) points + 19 points!
“Your innate ability: ‘Endurance’ is effective!”
“Total resultant damage received: 13 + 17 + 1 = 31 points.”
Watching the blade hacking ferociously against him along with the ‘13 + 17 + 1’ statistics from the nightmare imprint, Sheyan hatefully gnashed his teeth and muttered the word ‘pervert’ in his heart.
Naturally, that dark-blue grade weapon had a property that negated defence. Moreover, it was on the same level as crushing damages that had authority precedence. Thus, it was completely unaffected by the realm’s 40% regulation!
Even more disgusting was that the phantom behind could dish out half of his every attack…….this Lille had chosen a +15 strength for his secondary attribute, he probably had even inflicted crushing damages onto Jin Ximin! No wonder, Lille had abandoned his twin-daggers for this incomparably tyrannical longblade!
With one swipe of the blade, it delivered 4* different damages! One still had to consider the agile nature of Lille and his oppressive attack frequency, and the explosive strike rate involved! Jin Ximin was definitely not like Sheyan who could suppress the enemy’s explosive strike rate by 10%! Hence to him, if a single explosive strike resulted from the 4 damages, near death state was inevitable!
(TN:*4 due to addition of crushing damages as well, which didn’t surface on Sheyan)
From another perspective; though Jin Ximin enjoyed the bonus 100 HP from the silver party skill ‘Asylum’, Makaji’s flesh vines already had a cursing ability that binded any victimized contestant’s maximum HP to 15%. Therefore, his death was definitely justified, but filled with immense grievance.
Strictly speaking, even Reef would have a hard time facing this longblade, primarily because of that deadly +7 negate defense property. Now the formidability of Sheyan’s innate ability ‘Endurance’ was exceedingly clear. Though he hadn’t awakened it, it was like a secret lightscreen preserving his life. 25 definite damage reduction didn’t seem high, but based on its superior precedence; amidst conflicts between contestants, it had become his absolute advantage!
“Fortunately Reef warned me previously. A reserve-duty Growth-hunter’s base attribute boost are only temporary. Only by becoming an official Growth-Hunter can one receive the additional ability reward of reaching 20 points of one’s pure attribute. If not, this battle would be increasingly hard.”
(TN: This part is referring to Lille choosing strength as his secondary attribute, causing his pure strength to surpass 20 points. However, that will not provide the bonus ability when an attribute reaches the 20 pure attribute points mark.)
Sheyan’s heart schemed as he observed the movements of the enemy. Lille raised his blade and issued.
“Do you think by relying on your equipment’s resistance, you can block me? Let me tell you, even if you’re wearing a tortoise shell made of iron, I will forcefully smash it apart!”
As he spoke, Lille waved his blade and surged forward; its ocean-blue glow elegantly showering forth like the rain. Wherever it struck, a thousand miles would be affected. The present Lille’s agility had broken through 50 points, and both his retreat and advance were shockingly abrupt; a ghastly experience that of a monster. Sheyan tried to retaliate twice, but both were easily dodged by Lille.
When Lille struck forth his blade with a third slash, as Sheyan finally managed to touch onto Lille’s movement patterns. Blood gushed out from receiving another bluish ray, yet this time, his clenched fist, brimming with accumulated force, finally slammed heavily against Lille’s face!
Lille’s assault was halted by this one fist, as he was slammed 3-4 metres away. But after receiving this punch, he raised his head as his eyes emitted a painful yet conceited smirk. He then laughed crazily.
“Let me see, 23 actual damage! Are you unaccustomed to not delivering crushing damages when you punch others? Trying to crush me? I have 27 points of strength now, only if you are an awakened reserve-duty strength-hunter! But if you were a ****king awakened strength-hunter, would you have watched on as your own party member died?”
Lille’s theory hosted a misunderstanding. He had always been viewing Jin Ximin as one of Sheyan’s confidantes. This was because of the previous defensive battle at the shuttle. Sheyan and Reef had rescued Jin Ximin several times, and this was observed accurately by Uzel and Lille.
Sheyan’s face was sullen, and remained silent to Lille’s provocation while committing his full focus onto resisting and blocking. In time, he managed to dodge Lille’s blade twice consecutively, and even managed to release two punches! Lille no longer dared to be too arrogant, and he immediately gave his wholehearted attention into battling.
As both parties became gradually accustomed, every time Lille released three strikes, Sheyan would manage to successfully land one punch! Instead, Lille could sense the opponent’s breath becoming heavier, and his actions turning sluggish. Hence, he pressed on bitterly.
Roughly a kilometre faraway, Reef and Mogensha were naturally concerned about the battle progress. One had to acknowledge that official Growth-Hunter Makaji’s might; even though he had died, that flesh vines still wrapped unwaveringly around Mogensha, weakening him to the utmost limits. He could not rely on his own strength to struggle out. After that fog had alleviated from the area, Jin Ximin had suddenly vanished. It was obvious that fella had produced some sort of deception, tricking Reef and preventing him from alerting Sheyan.
As long distance party communications required a fee of utility points, after Sheyan had affirmed that Reef and Mogensha were unharmed, he switched it off. Although the two members who had temporarily lost their combat prowess couldn’t survey the battle scene, they could still view the shared information of the party; allowing them to observe Sheyan’s health status.
As the battle sunk into a stalemate, suddenly! Sheyan’s original leftover of 300 HP suddenly inflated to full!
Such a strange scene instantly caused Reef to gasp in shock. He couldn’t help exclaiming.
“What the hell is happening?”
Mogensha widened his fat lips, finally forcing out a sound.
“This can only mean one thing. Seaman had utilized that honorary medicine ‘Max-protein injection gun dosage’ !!”
Reef responded in disbelief.
“But……..but his health was obviously still 300 points!”
Brother black Mogensha similarly widened his fat lips in astonishment and confusion.
“Don’t tell me it was an accidental usage?”
Reef sunk his head down in deep thought.
“Definitely impossible! Using a medicine stored inside the nightmare imprint just requires a thought, how could he make such a foolish mistake! Unless………..”
Witnessing the radiating flickers of brilliance on Sheyan’s body, Lille’s expression turned solemn. Sheyan then stormed in, glowing with health and vigor as he sacrificed his own body to pressure Lille! Lille appeared to be in straitened circumstances, still, he repeatedly left lines of wounds onto Sheyan.
After a flurry of movements, Sheyan had exposed his vital chest and allowed Lille to gash at him twice; however, this move had ingeniously forced Lille into a dead end between a narrow structure of a tree. He then pulled out ‘Ambition’, aiming it and fired! Then, he roared out with bloodlusted eyes.
“Go and die!”
Yet all of a sudden, Lille drove forward instead!
Gritting his teeth as he forcibly received the bullet,
The lead bullet caused blood to erupt from his face, yet it astonishingly didn’t weaken his current state. Instead, his hoisted longblade pervaded through the smoke,
A long blade impaling into Sheyan’s chest!
Penetrating deep into his chest, its unstoppable might sliced against the vegetation behind Sheyan. Instantly, an explosion of gruesome blood and flesh followed.
A vital strike!
Explosive strike!
Disintegrated leaves blended with warm blood pelted through the skies, and the air reeked of an intensified blood stench!
Sheyan grunted and hastily retreated after understanding he had been duped!
However, this vital impalation, this fanatical onslaught had already dealt a fatal strike!
Similarly, Lille’s body flickered with the radiating brilliance of a honorary medicine ‘Max-protein injection gun dosage’. No wonder he didn’t fall to the gunshot. Lille’s lips curled into a sinister sneer.
“Not only you possess the trump of an honorary medicine! Fool!”
In a flash, Lille drew back his long blade. Holding onto the warm and steadfast snake-skin bounded blade shaft, as he smirked over the sharp blade dyed with the blood of his opponent. Today! Its pointed blade once again claimed the soul of another foe.
That sorrowful ocean-blue glow radiated. With his overwhelming superiority of triumph, Lille heaved forward with his long blade. Sheyan staggered backwards with blood gushing wildly, his current horrified and stupefied expression propelling the complacency of the ignorant Lille.Chapter 381: Towering

“Say, you’re really a disgusting freak. To inflict crushing on Uzel, your strength must be at least above 30 points, and your perceptive sense above 20 points. Yet strangely, your HP is actually a towering 400 – 500 points, and your defence should be 20 points! And yet with all these, you’re able to f****ing provide a support ability! Which means your intelligence or spirit should be above 20 points!”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve met an allrounder fool like you. If i hadn’t risked myself and seized the chance to deliver a fatal blow, then I might’ve really been in deep shit facing you. How much HP do you have left? 200, 300? How much blood do you have left to bleed?”
Facing Lille’s provocation, Sheyan remained grim and silent. His face deathly pale as he staggered backwards, step by step. The disastrous punctured wound over his chest spurted out blood continuously, spilling all over the ground. Lille had occupied the advantage, and being fully content with his achievement, he raised his long blade as he fiercely chopped in!
Once again both parties sank into an attack-defense deadlock, except Lille harbored absolute confidence of victory this time! Blade rays flashed out, pressing in step by step, leaving not a single chance of escape for Sheyan. At present, any retaliation by Sheyan was deemed futile, he was like a cornered beast in Lille’s eyes.
The two dueled for several minutes. Lille finally stepped backwards and retracted his blade, before he callously announced.
“Just die!”
For some unknown reason, a strange ominous premonition was currently pricking him; yet he reckoned it was due to personally witnessing how his opponent had abruptly turned the tides previously. Hence, even though his ‘Phantom Clone’ drained MP, Lille had a firm resolution. He triggered the strongest ability he had!
Suddenly, his figure vanished. When he appeared, he was shockingly facing Sheyan’s back!
The serious looking Lille crept in as light as a feather from behind, leaping up as he somersaulted over Sheyan’s head. Instead, the longblade following his right hand had sketched out a sorrowful oceanic-blue ray; fluently splashing downwards like ink.
This blade ray was like a bright blue crescent, sweeping down unhurriedly from Sheyan’s cheek to his chest!
Rank B ability: ‘Blade-dance Slash’ !!
This incomparably furtive slash drew out an agonizing loud groan from Sheyan. Like a beast on the verge of extinction, he was sent rolling 10 times before he scurried to flee; blood dripping from his fingertips! Then he shockingly threw out a curse-mix, heavily smashing it against the ground! The engulfing poisonous fog raged out, as he turned tail and fled; completely disregarding his exposed back.
Lille’s eyes twinkled with a blood-thirsty excitement. After a tiny 1 second confusion, he ignored the poison fog and pursued in. His agility had already exceeded the boundary; although the fog lowered his speed by 20%, he already caught up to Sheyan after a mere 30 metres.
Pressing down with both legs,
He leapt up highly as he beheaded down with both hands gripped around the long blade’s shaft! His strike was thriving with his aspiration!
But, but!
In this instant; already deemed as a prey, Sheyan suddenly clenched his fist as he turned around!
Their eyes met. Lille immediately felt a stabbing sensation in his eyes, because Sheyan’s gaze contained no timidity, nor pain, nor any fear he was anticipating! Within those blazing pupils, was a wild, untamed and victorious conviction!!!
In that moment, Lille felt like he had raised his blade to chop down a towering mountain that he could not even see the peak. Yet his soul remained resolute as he gritted his teeth, wholeheartedly beheading down with his might!
Chomp! Blood sprayed out. Sheyan’s blocking left arm was instantly severed, flinging 5-6 metres away as it landed on the ground. The unstoppable blade pressed in, like a racing current of the Yangtze river; boom! It finally left an unfathomable crevice onto the ground! A crevice as long as a dozen metre!
Several surrounding large plants suffered from this calamitous event, and were chopped cleanly in two as they collapsed with a loud bang; with dust soaring into the skies!
Yet simultaneously, a dark-gold glimmer shone on Sheyan’s neck; a layer of faint blue current trickled down his right fist!
Dark-gold necklace ‘Smith’s Matrix Microchip’ ability ‘Format’ activated……….
‘Barbarous armour’ activated! ‘Zergling Rush’ triggered……..
At this moment, Lille was still hanging in midair. Instead, lightning speed punches shot out from Sheyan repetitively! Like sounds of thunder as he frenziedly bombarded Lille’s left leg!
Explosive strike!
Crushing damages!!
An immense pain descended from Sheyan’s first punch. He could only see the second fist incoming, before Lille felt like a tremendous elephant had trampled over his left thigh. As for the third……there was no more feeling.
This feeling signified one thing…….his left leg was crippled.
Just a second ago, Lille was still brimming with complacency. A second later, he submerged into treacherous despair!
Within a split second, Lille’s heart sank. A tremendous disappointment, dismay and contradiction, he howled in anguish to the heavens!
A desperate howl identical to a wolf in captivity!
Yet his howl met a spontaneous end, because the ferocious explosive might of Sheyan’s fist had rammed against him. The incessant 3 punches shattered his left thigh bone into fragments, and then lifted him high up into the air. His heart and body filled with grime and dirt, blood drenching him entirely.
All his patient acting, all for these 3 punches!
3 punches to cripple Lille and prevent him from fleeing!!! If Sheyan couldn’t cripple him with one strike, then an awakened reserve-duty agility Growth-hunter would prove impossible for Sheyan to chase!
Finally, Sheyan slowly retracted his fist! Covered in cuts and bruises, blood was still flowing from his chest wound and an arm was also severed. Yet his appearance was towering, like craggy mountain filled with crevices; connecting heaven and earth, an unending meandering, impossible to exceed.
Just solely observing would fill one with a stifling unsurmountable sensation!
Within those unwavering eyes of his, was a persevering desire to commit murder; Lille’s previous impression of him was utterly shattered!
“You, bloody………liar.” Lille’s facial muscles twitched, his fingers digging desperately into the tree bark; using it to support him up while panting heavily. Black spots and giddiness filled his vision! That thunderous lightning punches not only crushed his left leg, it destroyed his confidence.
At this moment, Lille finally discovered that this strength had previously plunged by 4 points! It was now 23 points. Yet because of that, Lille discovered a truly frightening fact. That was the enemy’s strength was actually………at least over 46 points!!
This fact crumbled his senses. Naturally, a contestant with a strength above 46 points, had over a 90% chance of a sudden surprise boundary breakthrough!
This meant that Sheyan definitely still had another ace up his sleeves!! The ace of a boundary breakthrough!
“This *ing support class actually had a strength boundary breakthrough!!”
“My earlier complacency and conceitedness was a huge joke.”
The dubious minute suspicious that he neglected finally surged a thousand folds back to him; like a venomous serpent strangling his very soul. He watched on as Sheyan pressed in step by step, then into the bloodshot eyes of his foe. An unhurried ridicule and sarcasm emerged from Sheyan’s mouth.
“Come! Just another chop and I’ll be in near death state.”
“Dammit! Dammit! Based on my deductions, his health should’ve already dropped to a near death state!”
Lille’s pupils shrunk into needle size. After hearing Sheyan’s words, he instead thought of his opponent trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory; affirming that his foe was pulling a false bravado! He wildly dragged his injured leg, limping forward as he thrusted his long blade towards Sheyan.
2 seconds later, droplets of blood dripped from Sheyan’s rigid forehead. A long sorrowful laceration stretched from his forehead to the right of his lips! As for his expression, it was a disturbing wry smile.
Blood camouflaged his face as Sheyan swung out his fist with full might; bluntly crashing it against Lille’s nose! 49 points of strength exploded forth, sending Lille flying from the impact!
At that instance, Lille ultimately lost hope. He could deeply admit two facts.
Firstly, this Seaman guy was definitely not pulling a false bravado.
Secondly, if he continued in his obstinance, the one dead would be himself!! The threat of crushing damages was simply too petrifying!
He had never expected a person could be that tenacious. He knew that he had already dealt a perfectly glorious wave of assault. Right from the very first slash, Lille had already felt like he had transformed into a blade of tsunami, and his foe was just a pathetic leaf who couldn’t last several seconds within his dreadful tsunami. Yet his enemy had came back from the depths of defeat, and turned the tides in one move!
Lille utterly gave up. His ears still gripped with horror and fear, it was obviously the encroaching Sheyan had inflicted grave pressure onto him. He finally crumbled under the immense pressure, shrieking in horror as he turned to run. Although he was crippled in one leg, Lille was definitely still an outstanding awakened reserve-duty Growth-hunter. His limping speed was still a tad faster than Sheyan’s speed!Chapter 382: The path exhausted, the end of the road

Drenched in blood, Sheyan observed the fleeing Lille as he retrieved his musket, and aimed its black muzzle across! Activating ‘Rum and Songs’, he directly pressed the trigger!
Yet in that instance, a thin rampart appeared over Lille; its appearance similar to the ‘MP-guard’ of a magic type contestant, yet it glowed with a faint darkness. This was an A grade item he had obtained earlier on, it was called ‘Blessed-protection scroll’ which would project a double-sided shield over oneself.
What it meant by double-sided shield is that if Lille attempted to attack from the inside, his damage would equally be absorbed by the shield. Therefore, this scroll could only be activated when escaping. Yet the devilish property of the shield actually not only absorbed the damage of ‘Rum and Songs’, it even negated the stunning effect! This was the first time Sheyan had encountered such a situation. He couldn’t help but become distracted, but Lille had already fled 30 metres away by now.
Without hesitation, Sheyan raised his right hand as his ‘Barbaric-demon Pupil’ glimmered! Within a second, it was like Sheyan had transformed into a raging bull as he drilled towards Lille. Within mere seconds, he completely caught up to Lille, as he delivered a crushing hammerfist down.
That fist instantly created a deep dent over the ‘Blessed-protection shield’, but it actually hadn’t shattered. Instead, his fist carried an unstoppable might as it got deflected by the shield; skewing to the left and smashing against a huge vegetable. Creakkk! Green juicy sap splashed out, as the thick bark of the vegetable was smashed broken; releasing a piercing sharp crunch as it collapsed down, leaves and dust soaring infinitely.
However, Lille was still fleeing! He appeared to have shrugged of Sheyan once again. But at this moment, a huge fog of poison fog swept out! It was indeed a curse-mix Sheyan had thrown. Even though the shockwave caused by the curse-mix landing had been negated by the ‘Blessed-protection shield’, the 20% movement decrease was still apparent.
Because of that 20% decline in speed; Sheyan once again dived forward, his entire body seemingly parallel to the ground as he landed an immense punch on Lille!
This time, without complaints; that thin black shield was directly penetrated through, ‘popping’ as it disappeared like a soap bubble. Sheyans fist instantly knocked Lille’s eye black, as he directly crashed against the tree ahead.
Seeing stars and a bloodied nose, Lille stumbled against the roots and tripped, falling to the ground. His mouth repeatedly wailed fanatically, his legs were wildly scrambling against the ground; kicking off moss, grass and soil, spraying backwards like a drizzle……..
Yet why would Sheyan forgo such a great opportunity. He surged forward several steps as he bluntly pounced through the air, and drilled down his right elbow with matchless viciousness! Striking against Lille’s right calf.
At present, Lille was like an arrow at the end of its flight. A shrilling shriek emerged from him, while his right calf bluntly fractured into a deformed shape.
But at this moment, Lille’s will to live was surprisingly as enduring as before! He issued a crazed exclamation.
“How can I die here! How can I die here. Jemu is still waiting for me at home, Vanessa is still waiting to be revived! I must live on, I definitely must live on!”
Carrying such a stubborn conviction, Lille trampled against Sheyan’s face, as mud and grass blended with the blood on his face. At this moment, Lille disregarded everything; clawing his fingers into the soil as he scurried forward, even ignoring his overturned fingernails.
Sheyan wiped away the filth on his face as he raised his head, immediately a boomerang emanating cold air swerved over. His vision froze as he could only stretch out his remaining right hand to block. The boomerang’s damage wasn’t high and only managed to shave off a couple of HP after ‘Endurance’. However……its frosty speed decline had once again enveloped Sheyan’s body. A distinct sensation of frostbite could be felt from his legs.
After a 40% movement speed reduction, compared to a nearly crippled Lille, whose speed was faster?
After a short 5 seconds, Sheyan found the answer; it was actually Lille! The long range threat of ‘Ambition’ still had a 41 seconds cooldown timer, and that ‘Horn-rage’ had an even longer cooldown duration……..after 41 seconds, Lille would have at least widened the gap by over a hundred metres!
After 6 seconds, Lille was similarly aware of that fact. After escaping the range of ‘Ambition’, he glanced back his eyes carrying an additional mockery. This male continued feverishly limping forward. He laughed, as an oddly scoffing tone resounded.
“Goodbye Seaman. I admit you’re strong, I cannot defeat you…….but can you chase?”
Sheyan had already halted as though he had given up. Instead, a strange flicker of silver glow emitted from his fist. Without expression, he voiced out.
“I cannot………”
Lille licked his dried lips with his tongue, tasting the soil and brown bloodstains. His voice then projected out with a leisure, brimming with vengeful ridicule.
“You broke my leg, still you can’t even chase me! Trying to kill me? In your next life!! Makaji (Harlim) is an official true Growth-Hunter; even though he is dead, it is impossible for golden AK to rely on his own strength to free himself from the bindings of the flesh vines! Therefore, though I cannot deal with Reef, but…….you can collect golden Ak’s corpse soon! Hahahaha, isn’t that such a pleasant surprise?”
At present, Lille had already fled 40 metres away. Still, Sheyan was standing motionlessly, his expression was a little mysterious; rather cynical, yet somewhat sarcastic.
“I have something to warn you. Though I cannot chase you, but…….they can!!!”
As Sheyan’s voice echoed out, peculiar earthen mounds sprung up abruptly from the ground. The 3 spongy mounds swiftly enlarged, as though something was about to erupt out.
The loose soil rolled down, every earth mound had now grown to a metre large. Within the cracks of the earth, one could shockingly see a layer of incomparably tough greyish-black membrane. The membrane appeared like flesh, glossy and silky; seemingly brimming with fluids internally.
With piercing grunt, the cracks of the earth mound blasted forth; repulsive arachnid fluids spilled everywhere as they released an assailing amniotic odour, and flooded the soil around.
From within each earth mound, 2 black creatures leapt out. Each creature was roughly the size of a wolf with enlarged front claws. Its entire body was without skin, its appearance completely flesh red, muscles and vein lines could be distinctly seen. An extension from the back of its head, carried sharp horns. Its claws were frighteningly incisive, and had a head of an ant-eater. Wrapped around its body’s periphery was an obvious black indication……..
This, this was the product of the ‘Zergling eggs’ he had acquired from the Starship Trooper world. Currently, he had utilized 3 eggs to spawn out 6 Blackthorn zerglings!
When Sheyan had purchased the eggs, the Blackthorn tribe had already upgraded to a Class ‘II’ arachnid base. Therefore, the zerglings he spawned similarly possessed those standards.
Under Sheyan’s command, the 6 speedy zerglings dashed through the forest with ludicrous speed; splitting apart as they ferociously locked onto the distant Lille!
In this instance, Lille finally sunk into despair. He had bet on his trump cards to protect him adequately. Yet he had never anticipated that this Seaman that resembled a powerful support character, was actually flourishing abundantly with murderous schemes!!
About to enter near death state, as a reserve-duty Growth-hunter, Lille would still be able to successfully slay those 6 zerglings. However, this period of delay was sufficient for Sheyan to catch up to him 10 times……..but if he ignored the zerglings and continued fleeing, one shouldn’t ever forget, he had no such innate ability like ‘Endurance’. The 6 zerglings were able to deal 3-4 damage with every claw; an accumulated total of 20 points every assault was not something that the present Lille could afford!
15 seconds later, already in a critically wounded state, Lille was struck flying as he heavily crashed against the lateral tree and slumped to the ground. The 6 zerglings had all fallen on him. Yet he couldn’t dodge from Sheyans booming fists. A white lightscreen covered his body, it was the party skill of the Banks Syndicate ‘Life-guard’. Sheyan leisurely strolled towards him, mercilessly raising his fist.
“Wait!!” Lille’s eyes were flickering with a wild desperation. “But how much HP do you actually have!”
Sheyan’s fist pounded down, the ‘Life-guard’ vibrated violently.
“800 points. When I was left with 300 HP, I consumed the Honorary medicine. That was just to let you think I was forced into a desperate peril. If not, how was I gonna make you stay and battle with me, and finally get this chance to kill you?”
As his words faded, Sheyan slammed his fist down! His motion was stiff and cunning, but flashed down like a thunderbolt. Unable to block or defend, the ‘Life-guard’ vibrated again, its glow weakened to a state of nothingness.
Watching dreadfully as Sheyan retracted his fist, preparing to accumulate strength before smashing down again! Lille yelled frantically.
“NO!!!!!! I can give you all my equipment, spare me!”
(TN: Sheyan got his honorary medicine from Reef back in the Starship Trooper world. Around the period he saved Reef, or slightly later)Chapter 383: Lottery discussion

The ‘Life-guard’ was like a soap bubble, utterly extinguished and destroyed. Sheyan stationed his fist in midair, his expression that of slight deliberation; as though Lille’s words had enticed him.
“Oh, really?”
“Really!” Lille raised his head towards Sheyan, but was immediately greeted with a black muzzle pointing between his brows! The next thing he heard was a thunderous boom!
“I’m sorry, Mr Lille. Your suggestion failed to persuade me.” Sheyan retracted ‘Ambition’, as he coolly replied. “My instincts tell me, you aren’t sincere.”
Sheyan bent forward, helping to close Lille’s ‘unwilling even in death’ eyes. He then picked up that sorrowful blood key from Lille.
A notification rung in his ears.
“You’ve slayed reserve-duty Growth-hunter no.17214!”
“PVP milestone ‘Suspect’ count: 4.”
Sheyan then silently glanced at that silver-storyline grade object ‘Shriveled Tangerine’, then shifted his gaze towards the faint shimmering silver glow on his right fist. He then snorted.
“What a disappointment, Mr Lille. I’ve really overestimated your strength, I still thought you would perform a last act. In the end, you couldn’t even force out my final trump card.”
Following that, Sheyan wrapped himself with a bandage, heading towards Reef and Mogensha’s location; presently, brimming with exhaustion. The winds blew, and the sky had already dimmed craftily. The leaves rattled against the wind, emitting crackling noises. Lightnings flashed across, illuminating Sheyan’s filthy and fatigue back image; still, the sensation of an indomitable mountain remained, nonconforming to any pressure.
Reef comfortably sighed. He finally stretched his arms and stood up,
“Dammit, near-death state is really intolerable! Seeing and hearing without mobility, feels really like a nightmare.”
He could sense the endless refreshing stream of coolness from the bandages, recuperating bits of his strength. He sighed comfortably again, as he examined Sheyan’s severed left arm and frowned.
“Seemed like a really tough battle eh?”
“Hpmh, with you draining and delaying them for so long previously, I obviously had to finish both off! If I hadn’t thought about injuring myself to trick Lille, and luckily baited Lille in, how would I have managed to kill him?”
Sheyan had already tried ripping at the flesh vines wrapped around Mogensha with all his might. Although it had long lost its master to control it, the flesh vines was still a carnivorous vegetation; gripping tightly onto its prey, as it repeatedly secreted paralysis poison. With Sheyan’s 49 points of strength, he was still unable to rip it with a single hand. Reef then flashed out his lightsaber. ‘Vwam vwam vwam’ he finally freed Mogensha.
Mogensha was scarred with lines over lines of purplish-black marks; suppressing his HP to the minimum with its weakening/paralysis effects. After a brief moment, he finally managed to regain some strength, as he leaned against a nearby tree and panted.
“Those distasteful vines! Shit ass veggies. Ah ah ah, I hate all things long and curvy. Today, I must feast on it to vent my anger!”
Sheyan breathed in deeply.
“The fearsome might of a Growth-hunter……is truly unparalleled. If not for Reef having drained nearly most of the MP of that illusion master, if I wasn’t able to restrain the impressive abilities of that fool Lille; I reckon, we would’ve been annihilated.”
Reef hatefully lashed out.
“That Uzel……even if we hadn’t discovered the skull of a Great Leonopteryx, those guys didn’t harbour good intentions from the start. I don’t know if you guys noticed, but the contract pact he had signed with us was actually counterfeit!”
When Reef spoke, the other two hurriedly investigated, realizing that it was indeed the case. Sheyan then sulkily reply.
“That means, either they had an ability that could exploit the realm, or that illusion master Uzel was able to mislead our senses when signing the contract. He was able to trick us into thinking our signed pact was verified officially by the nightmare imprint, yet this had never happened! f****! With a spirit/intelligence type party member, we wouldn’t suffer such foul discrimination. But his trick still contains some loopholes. Once we accomplished the milestone but instead not receive a single remuneration we were expecting, then we would certainly be alerted about that.”
At this moment, glaring streaks of lightning zapped down consecutively from the sky, forming a blinding meandre. Torrents of rain began pouring down, pattering against Sheyan’s naked wounds. This drenching outcome shockingly brought about a slight burning sensation, as though countless needles were pricking his skin.
The atmosphere of Pandora was filled with poisonous elements, hence the rain was likewise corrosive in nature. It could even threaten the HP of a formidable contestant. As their bodies became soaked, it wasn’t at all favourable for their wounds, and dealt uncomforting pains.
As the rain descended, it splattered noisily against the emerald leaves. Within a short period, the sky was bestowed with blurry white showers, as repetitive static sounds roared into their ears.
Under such circumstances, like the entire world was being submerged underwater, if they hurried back to the shuttle now, they would definitely meet an eventual calamity; a catastrophe of heavenly tears and lightning. Therefore, Sheyan pointed towards that nearby Hometree, as the 3 bluntly sprinted towards it.
Observing the incessant flashes of lightning in the sky, Mogensha worriedly exclaimed while sprinting through the mud.
“Rumour has it the larger a tree, the easier lightning will strike it………”
Sheyan shook his head.
“Impossible, don’t forget the Hometree is surrounded by an abundance of pandora crystal veins. The magnetic force field it creates defies gravity, the lightning wouldn’t be attracted by it. If not, I believe those poor Na’vis would’ve long become extinct due to thunderstorms.”
As Lille and Uzel had instigated their battle near the Hometree, the 3 didn’t waste much effort in charging into the safety of the Hometree’s hollow. At present, the skies were pitch-black, thunderous lightning and rain accompanied it; still, the hollow of the tree contained an unfathomable tranquility. The Hometree even exuberated a peculiarly fresh odour that even their oxygen mask could not keep out, still the 3 of them gradually calmed down.
The slayer value of Uzel and Lille were both relatively high, hence they had both dropped blood keys. After some deliberations, Sheyan fished for Lille’s blood key, and summoned out a blood chest. 4 options were presented to him, which immediately caused him to become stumped.
Lille’s equipments on hand were pretty outstanding, as expected of someone dispatched to be a mole; it seemed like he was valued highly by his boss ‘Zeus’. The twin-daggers of silver-storyline grade was needless to say, there was even that +7 dark-blue grade long blade that was incredibly heaven defying. Not only that, his enchanting ‘Phantom Clone’ ability and that +8 flame damage equipment were indeed rarities.
At this moment, Mogensha observed that Sheyan was hesitating, and earnestly urged.
“Boss! Just pick to draw the items! Yes, that option of drawing 3 items from a dead contestant’s interspatial region. Don’t forget about that Ruby card! It’s a minutely rare spoil that only a Growth-Hunter would drop.”
Sheyan furrowed his brows.
“I just checked for details about a ruby card, but the reply was that my privilege isn’t sufficient. Perhaps you know of something?”
Mogensha chuckled gleefully as he drank from his military canteen. Then, he wiped his thick lips and replied.
“In fact, I’ve heard from the Metals Professor before, a ruby card can only be dropped by a Growth-Hunter who has slayed innumerable multitudes of others. After dropping, it won’t summon any chest whatsoever. It is merely used like a hotel room card.”
This time, even Reef became interested.
“Room card?”
Mogensha nodded, before earnestly continuing.
“That’s correct. Think about it, a room card that can be used in the nightmare realm…….undoubtedly, it must be pertaining to the personal rooms of our nightmare realm! Once you utilize the ruby card, you can enter and wantonly plunder!”
“Wantonly, plunder??!” Sheyan discarded his usual collected self, as he couldn’t help demanding. “But he has already died!”
Mogensha curled his thick lips, this action undoubtedly caused his lips to become fatter. His bearing also became heavier.
“But who knows the truth? This was what I merely heard, it was probably overhead by that Fanu from others. Even he hadn’t personally witnessed it before. More importantly, after what we heard from them, this Makaji is indeed a severely distasteful and wicked fella. Not only had he infiltrated into different parties, and betrayed them after reaping benefits, he probably harmed numerous others before meeting us. Still, with his plentiful loots, I reckon we should make a gamble for his ruby card.”
Reef nodded in reply.
“I’m in favour of AK’s view. If we choose equipment, there is a 50% chance of missing. Even if we did, it may be an equipment not relevant to us, the chances of gaining would reduce to lower than a quarter. But by choosing the random draw of 3 items, just based on the fact you guys battled for so long, I reckon he had probably squandered loads of his items. Therefore, I reckon gambling for the ruby card holds a chance of at least a fifth!”
“Fine then! I’ll draw!”Chapter 384: Ruby card! Perverted longsword!

Since his comrades has spoken, Sheyan gladly obliged; in the end, his luck struck red! The first draw was instantly that Ruby card!
The second draw was a miscellaneous good – ‘Combat Bandage’, at most worth 500 utility points.
The third drawing chance was given to Mogensha to test his luck. The black dude slanted his cigar as he puffed, but actually managed to draw out an honorary medicine out! It still had 12 hours on its cooldown. Laughing heartily, he tossed it to Sheyan. Sheyan bluntly received it, counting as recuperating his losses.
Since he had drawn what he wanted, Sheyan produced the Ruby card and begun toying with it; attempting to activate it but was notified that it required to be back within the nightmare realm…….it appears that Mogensha wasn’t wrong, it was most likely a hotel card kinda item. A second later, Sheyan received a pleasant surprise.
“Reserve-duty Growth-Hunter no.17214’s slayer value exceeds 20 points.”
“You are awarded with another chance from the blood chest!”
“Oh woah!” This message was notified towards all party members, probably to prevent one from hoarding it. Mogensha excitedly whistled. “Hurry man! One more time. It seems like that fella was involved in a massive massacre in the previous world.”
Sheyan laughed and asked Reef.
“Wanna test your luck?”
Reef shrugged his shoulders, and humbly replied.
“God Said, ‘Do not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor covert others’ houses, fields, manservants, oxen, donkeys, and all that he has’.”
Sheyan smirked silently, understanding Reef’s unique character, as he stretched his hands into the blood chest. He touched against a solid form, that 50% chance of hitting nothing didn’t surface. Exerting force to retract, with a brushing sound, he directly pulled out a deep radiant object!
Weapon: +7 West (IV test edition)
Origin: ? ? ?
Rarity: Dark-blue
Material: Chromium alloy/ Pure silver magic blade
Base damage: 18 – 40 points
Embedded artifact: Lich Sandro’s Heart. (Effect: +1 to this weapon’s precedence)
(TN: From the game: Heroes of Might and Magic)
Embedded artifact: Bloodstone (Small) (Effect: +3% to explosive strike rate)
Attack interval: 3.5 seconds (It isn’t as light as it looks)
Durability: 47/104
Attack range: 3 metres (Close combat) / 25 metres (Throwing, current user does not possess the relevant ability to execute this)
Equipment position: hand
Requirements: Dual handed with strength 25 points / Single-handed with strength 45 points.
Requirements: Basic close combat lvl 7, Advanced ability ‘Blade mastery’ lvl 2 (Or a more advanced ability)
Weight: 12.82 kg.
Equipment upgraded attack (Every upgrade adds 2-5 damage): 14 – 35 points.
+4 weapon bonus: Increase attack by 6 – 15 points.
+7 weapon bonus: Increase attack by 12 – 30 points.
Equipment cumulated attack: 50 – 120 points.
Ability: ‘Incisive’ (Passive) – This incisive blade can penetrate through most armours. When weapon inflicts damage on opponent, it will deal additional damages.
Details: Additional damage is 30% – 50% of original damage.
Details: Additional damage negates defence! This effect has authority precedence (+1 from Lich Sandro’s Heart), similar to crushing damages.
Special property: This is a blade that can defeat both liches and humans. Therefore If you can satisfy its avaricious appetite, you can temporarily obtain the privilege of using it. You can sacrifice 1 base attribute permanently and 3000 utility points to equip it without meeting its usage requirements.
Description: This is the forged blade of lich hunter West. To provide a valuable weapon for the blade warriors, West repeatedly experimented and forged, forging and accumulated 13 longsword. This longsword is the fifth product of his forging experiments. Although it has many flaws, it possess an all conquering aura. Of course, it cannot be compared with the thirteenth final experiment, the official ‘West’.
“Woah woah!” Mogensha couldn’t help gasping in surprise. “This…….this blade when accompanied with crushing effect, is simply outrageous!”
Sheyan laughed.
“Jin Ximin was instantly sunk from optimal state to near death state after one slash, and died from the second slash!!”
“Lille was so powerful?” Reef couldn’t help frowning after hearing this.
Sheyan nodded seriously.
“No matter what, he is still someone who touched boundary prowess…….that awakened power, it is enough to cause the masses to tremble! Moreover, from today’s battle, I’ve learned numerous lessons. Especially, in one area of consideration.”
Reef earnestly replied.
“Say it.”
Sheyan breathed in deeply.
“Perhaps we’ve been neglecting one aspect, and that is a support type mage contestant……I’m afraid those guys are insanely frightening upon their boundary breakthrough! The closest we can model to is that Uzel. Once he exhibited a full-on support from his boundary awakening, even an official Growth-Hunter like Makaji could be beheaded by an unawakened Lille. Moreover, we were all toyed within his palms, incapable of lifting a finger against him!”
Mogensha grunted.
“This situation is an exception……they’ve identified the weakness of us not having a mage contestant comrade! If not after he conjured his illusions, a high intelligence or high spirit contestant would be able to discover the abnormal ripples of magic force easily, and could anticipate it. Furthermore, even if Uzel was successful in dragging them into his ‘Illusion dimension’, they could still utilize their magic to pinpoint the location of Uzel!”
After hearing Mogensha’s explanation, Sheyan nodded silently. Following that, they started sharing the loot.
Without a doubt, that longblade was given to Sheyan. Although he couldn’t utilize it yet, as it required an advanced ‘Blade Mastery lvl 2’ ; a scroll for that ‘Blade Mastery lvl 2’ though it wasn’t an inferior good and had a pretty high cost, if one was willing to fork out money, it was definitely purchasable. If they really met with any danger, then forcefully using it through its special property was still plausible.
As for Uzel’s blood key, Sheyan pondered before discussing.
“I’ve accepted a military rank mission which requires an offering of blood keys. If you guys don’t object, I’m planning to offer up this blood key.”
Reef nodded and replied.
“I agree. Moreover, we’ve already acquired quite a plentiful supply of utility and potential points so far in this world. As for Uzel, most probably his equipment would be primarily intelligence or spirit attribute based, it isn’t very helpful to us……most importantly, I feel that a reserve-duty Growth-Hunter’s blood key would obviously show more sincerity than offering the blood key of an ordinary contestant!”
Sheyan nodded, obviously in agreement with Reef’s opinion. Naturally, if one treated the realm as a fool to neglect, then most likely good rewards would be held back! He then gazed out of the tree entrance into the distance, the rain still pouring down in torrents. The silhouette of trees swayed gently within the darkness, like weird beast baring fangs and claws as they wobbled frantically. Occasionally, a gloriously brilliant flash of lightning would occur, illuminating the entire night sky. After a brief thought, his serious tone voiced out.
“Everyone on alert. From here on out, we may suffer a sneak ambush anytime; a long range one.”
Mogensha’s heart skipped, immediately pasting against the thick wall of the tree; even his face could feel the crude texture of the tree hollow. The feeling was weird and coarse, like the rough skin of an old farmer that had laboured for years; rough, prickly yet with a tinge of warmth. With a flurry, his golden AK was in his hands as he spoke with full alert.
“Boss, you saw something?”
Similarly taking cover behind an object, Sheyan gently shook his head.
Mogensha curiously asked.
Sheyan then pointed towards the sky outside, signalling Mogensha to take a look. Still, he could only see a patch of pitch-black, until the lightning flashed through the night sky; only then did he notice that apart from the swaying trees, there were shockingly several silhouette figurines swaying in the darkness. Suddenly, Mogensha recalled something, causing him to become stumped.
“1, 2, 3, 4, aren’t those the Na’vi’s sleeping pods? Which means……..there are still some fish that escaped the net!”
Sheyan lightly shook his head.
“Not just 4.”
Following another bolt of lightning, Sheyan gazed outwards before dragging Mogensha over.
“From your previous angle, you could only see 4 of the Na’vi’s sleeping pods, you can get a better view from here.”
Mogensha waited for another flash of lightning before carefully observing, then cold sweat started rolling down his forehead. Inside the cluster of leaves, there were at least 12 other sleeping pods, indicating 12 Na’vis……..going one step further in deduction, the 3 Na’vis that they had dispatched off earlier were all the old and sickly that stayed back to guard their home! As for the true fatal hunters, they hadn’t returned!!!
“Then why aren’t we leaving, why are we still here?” Mogensha couldn’t help but ask. This wasn’t because Mogensha was fearful; but that those 2 metre long arrows were indeed menacingly terrifying, with fatal neurotoxin even smeared over it. Sheyan and Reef both had ridiculous thick skin coupled with the ‘Life-link’, but what if the arrow struck him? That was indeed a legit reason to worry.Chapter 385: Night battle

Faced with Mogensha’s inquiry, Sheyan earnestly replied.
“Because, we’ll be worst off if we don’t stay. We killed 3 remnant aboriginal Na’vis, but at least one had fled and had probably informed the others already. If we had left previously after excavating out the pandora crystals, then there wouldn’t be a problem. However after the incident with Lille and Uzel, I’m afraid it’s hard to leave anymore.”
Reef pondered for a moment. Creak! He snapped off the branch in his hands, as he breathed in deeply and said.
“Yes, that should be the case! Do you still remember that final suicidal charge of the last remaining na’vi? When he was reduced to a honeycomb by Makaji’s ‘AMP Suit’, I also noticed something – that na’vi only wielded a bone dagger during his suicidal charge! He completely had no bow nor arrows! Yet do you remember there were clearly 3 arrows that struck the ‘AMP Suit’ beforehand!”
“This opens up two possibilities. The first is, that Na’vi only possesses exceptional close combat skills, and there was another archer disguised in the darkness; however, for a race similar to elves that primarily utilizes archery, that possibility is close to zero. Another possibility is that the Na’vi had already passed his bow and arrows to another person…….I’m afraid even in ancient societies, transferring a personal weapon down as a remnant of inheritance is extremely common.”
“Like those knightly swords of the medieval ages? Sheyan chuckled. “Like how great ancient medieval kings like Henry (England) or Charlemagne (Holy Roman Emperor) bestowed honor to noble knights?”
“Hoi, I don’t appreciate such unnecessary words and your expression!” Reef fumed out.
“Thus we can infer, that old aboriginal handed over his bow to his child, and subsequently charged out. That child probably isn’t mature enough to realize the potential strength of that weapon, and thus fled in search of other Na’vis; finally, reported everything that had happened.”
Mogensha’s heart skipped a beat.
“Then what are they waiting for?”
Sheyan earnestly replied.
“Every Na’vi is an excellent hunter, and the greatest merit of a hunter is patience. Thus I have reason to believe that once the Na’vis are alerted, they would be perfectly waiting in ambush. If we braved through the thunderstorm and darkness for the valkyrie….I’m afraid we would have to engage in a night battle in this damnable forest, against foes with nightvision……”
After Reef heard Sheyan’s analogy, he immediately recalled the electrifying and deadly 2 metre long venomous arrows. He couldn’t help but blurt out.
“Honestly speaking, facing such foes in this disadvantageous terrain, even I have no confidence of surviving. Instead, if we are to remain here, then the passive would have to turn active. If they wish to attack us, they will have no choice but to approach this Hometree. But……..”
Reef suddenly frowned.
“If they are craftily patient, entrapping us here while they lay in wait outside is still an option. Moreover, they can easily gather reinforcements!”
Frankly speaking, this problem was also one that Sheyan had been deliberating. If there were 9 Na’vi hostiles outside; 9 deadly poison arrows, even the protective glass of the ‘AMP Suit’ would shatter instantly. Furthermore, their intellect was not inferior to the humans, they definitely understood the logic of sacrificing one to gain the masses! Reef definitely could not withstand a continuous barrage of arrows! Actually, staying here posed no threat to their safety, they weren’t lacking food nor water. However, are they going to just cower till the world ended? The human trio were simply unwilling!
At this moment, Mogensha licked his lips as he casted a cheeky laugh. His laugh carried a certain wretchedness that would make Jinkuang proud.
“I have an idea.”
Sheyan curiously asked.
“Please tell.”
Mogensha replied.
“This place is just an empty hollow tree to us, but to the Na’vis, this is their home…….I really feel we don’t have to rush, the Na’vis should be the ones panicking. Let us start a tiny blaze, as a symbol of demolishment. I bet they’ll rush in as though their pants were on fire!”
“Or perhaps find an idol of their deity? If not, we can start hacking down their sacred tree, I think it would be a breeze for Reef’s lightsabre, boss your 49 points of strength; chopping firewood shouldn’t be a problem right……..I mean we don’t have to, just something that can agitate them and incite them to charge in as though their asses were on fire. But let’s just wait for daylight first. With the thunderstorm and torrential rains outside, we can’t leave even if we dealt with them. Let them drink their fills in the forest first.”
Sheyan and Reef glanced at each other, laughing loudly as they responded.
“Fine, let’s do it this way.”
But suddenly Reef slapped his thigh and shouted “shit!’. Observing his horrified demeanor, Sheyan and Mogensha’s heart tightened. Instead, Reef answered.
“We are on guard duty for tonight’s shift of the valkyrie’s core engine according to our agreement with Zi. Let’s act now! Then we rush back through the night, I’ve never reneged on my words before, quick! Oi oi oi! Why are you guys feigning asleep?”
Under the pitch-black night sky, several elongated blue figures shuttled through the forest shrubs; surreptitious and nimble like night phantoms. Flashes of lightning bolted down repeatedly, the windy gales were relentless; incisive miserable cries echoed through the forest – the triumphant sounds of a successful predator.
Amidst the starry dome of lightning, one could faintly discern an ash-grey vortex accumulation of dark clouds pressuring onto the ground; painting a false illusion of the gap between heaven and earth. It released an oppressive pressure onto anyone who looked at it, like an apocalypse had happened and there were the sole fortunate survivors. Hence, the atmospheric backdrop was incredulously tense.
From a distance, the majestic crown of the Hometree could be seen, a Hometree that was slowly withering away. Jacques couldn’t help recalling the olden days of glory; where this titanic Hometree was awe-inspiring and everlasting; how did it degenerate till today?
When a Hometree loses its vitality, it wouldn’t wilt but gradually degenerate. Within a short few dozen years, it would gradually shrink…tinier and tinier….finally into a sapling….a seed…and eventually into dust!
Compared to the Hometree’s undying longevity of thousands of years, a couple dozen of years degenerating was insignificant. Admiring the majestic silhouette crown of the Hometree amidst the darkness, Jacques, who hadn’t been here for close to a decade, couldn’t help feeling emotional.
“This mother has shrunk by 20 metres again, I really miss the glory days of old. Before she exhausted her lifespan, the Iklinozee clan had more than a hundred situated here. There were even mighty Ikran Makto*, they were the pride of this Yatiano region! A pity that terrifying plague……..and those ruthless invaders; allowing the Kiwatakin clan to seize the opportunity and annex the Iklinozee clan. Alas, even they have decayed to the point their Hometree is now occupied by invaders. They can’t even deal with it themselves, and can only request aid from our Takji clan……..”
(TN:*Ikran Makto is the Na’vi tongue for Mountain Banshee riders)
From afar, discrete and gentle insect screeching sounds emitted from the forest, it was indeed communicating signals of the Na’vis. Jacques led 3 courageous warriors from his tribe as they swiftly sprinted over, finally grouping up with 5 remnant hunters of the Kiwatakin clan.
These savage aboriginals had their Hometree infiltrated, and were incomparably anxious; it was exceedingly far from what Sheyan and the rest imagined it to be. They wanted to execute their plans swiftly, which was plainly charging in……. The remnants of the Kiwatakin clan were all Na’vis who had suffered under the hands of humans before, repeatedly emphasizing that the human’s ‘bow and arrows’ were mysteriously strange and unfathomably destructive. They must engage them in close combat!
5 minutes later, 9 fully equipped Na’vis begun encroaching into the darkness that was overlapping the Hometree. Their eyes were special, their eyes were like crystal aqua pearls, with precious chartreuse gem like pupils that could dilate at will. During the night, the pupils were at its maximum, capturing any thread of light.
Although they possessed powerful night vision capabilities, the humans were hidden too skillfully; it was impossible to catch a trace of them from the outside. As they trudged through the wild gales of rain toward the Hometree; suddenly, a scorching tongue lashed out from within the tree hollow. Da Da Da! The gunfire of an AK!
The placement and timing of the assault was immensely precise; it was the exact awkward moment where the Na’vis were still deliberating between advancing or pulling out.
Sheyan possessed no night vision capabilities, instead, his perceptive sense was nearly 30 points. If he couldn’t sense a Na’vi that was approaching within a couple metres away, then his perceptive sense would be essentially useless. He observed as the aboriginals crept in, wielding daggers made with beast fangs instead of preparing their bow and arrows. Sheyan then recalled that brain suspended over the fire dyke, he instantly understood these na’vi hostiles had deemed them to be likewise – weak and ordinary humans……he immediately gestured to his comrades.
But on hindsight, the 3 of them were taking cover inside the hollow of the Hometree. The Na’vi race weren’t Amazons* who possessed impossibly high aptitude for bows and arrows; having ludicrous rangership of delivering guided arrows. Hence, it was simply impossible for the Na’vis to unleash their primitive long range firepower against the 3 humans.
(TN: *Race of female warriors in greek mythology)Chapter 386: Midnight conflict

Since the opposing party had a misconception of the ‘humans being disastrous at close combat’, then Sheyan wouldn’t pursue to correct them. Instead, he simply cried out in alarm as he raised his symbolic white grade shotgun, delivering volleys of rounds outwards.
Based on his physique and defence; even if the Na’vis decided to adopt long range assaults, it was simply impossible to kill him with a few arrows.
Streaks of blazing gunfire flashed through the night sky. Mogensha was still puffing on his slanted cigar, while his rifle vibrated violently. Evidently, 2-3 rounds actually ran off target and scurried towards the sky.
Sheyan was observing those distinctly off-target bullet sparks and was about to tease Mogensha; little did he expect those stray bullets to strike against several overarching branches, and create a tiny explosion. Instantly, heavy branches came crashing down along with the rain.
These branches were neither small nor large, they were at least 2-3 metres long; crashing down strategically ahead of the few Na’vis. Their thick, dense leaves coincidentally obstructing their vision.
At this instance, Mogensha’s next two rounds accurately and mercilessly pierced into the head of the first Na’vi, blowing up consecutively against the Na’vi. If not for those scattered branches obstructing its view, the exceedingly agile Na’vi would have easily dodged them!
An explosive impact slammed against his head, causing the na’vi to experience a severe whip back; his legs still trying their utmost to carry his body forward, still kicking vigorously against the air. Coincidentally, a lightning bolt flashed through the skies, recording this comical scene of a na’vi playing air football. Of course, the standard scene of mud and blood surging into the air.
Merely pausing for a split second, the trademark gong-like crashing sound of the AK resounded again. This time, it concentrated its efforts towards the fallen Na’vi in the mud. Although a grounded target had smaller surface area, the Na’vi was still stunned from the severe damage to its head. If Mogensha didn’t seize this glorious chance to empty his rounds on an open target, then when would he?
Meanwhile, a seemingly harmless red-dot connected with the left calf of the struggling Na’vi. Indeed, Sheyan had produced that crude ‘Nail gun’ without hesitation, and pressed the trigger!
A 14.7 cm long titanium needle bullet drilled into the calf with ease, piercing through the skin, flesh, nerves and finally lodging into the bone. Like a hot knife through butter, it drilled its way in for nearly 10 cm before stopping near the kneecap; anywhere it past became a mutilated mess! Accompanying it, was an awfully shrilling shriek.
An ordinary na’vi would have 2,000 plus HP, with average defence. Mogensha’s explosive rounds were deadly, even involving elemental damage effects. As for Sheyan’s special ‘Nail gun’, it was specially designed against armored giant beasts on Pandora. Undoubtedly, if the Na’vi didn’t die on the spot, he would be devastatingly crippled.
After shooting, Sheyan casually tossed the ‘Nail gun’ to the idling Reef, as he directly teased.
The speechless Reef twitched his lips. Only party Ace was capable of treating an MT as an ammo reloader. But who was to blame him, after all, he didn’t possess long range offensive capabilities? He could only sulk and reload. At this moment, a blue radiance flickered from Mogensha’s body, ‘Beastly Instincts’ was activated again! This time, his golden AK was actually targeting downwards.
A chilling biting-cold bullet rapidly volleyed into the muddied ground! Instantly, a faint azure thin ice spreaded out swiftly from the struck area. A second later, a huge blue foot trampled down onto it! No doubt, the thin ice and mud supplied sufficient imbalance, as the na’vi face-planted into the ground, falling flat into the mud!
However, a Na’vi’s exceptional balance in forested terrain was displayed fully. With his tail and hands anchoring the fall, although he was drenched by the mud, he managed to avoid falling so wretchedly. Instead, the na’vi nimbly executed a front roll, until Mogensha’s remaining 4 bullets came swerving through the air with keen accuracy, as it sliced through the Na’vi’s braids! A firework of sparks appeared, followed by a burning charred smell; the Na’vi’s braids were sliced in two!
Peculiarly, at the severed intersection, there were shockingly 7-8 strands of interweaved silky red threads; currently spitting out fine blood mist! The Na’vi instantly released an unexplainably miserable howl, clutching his head as he rolled around in agony.
The na’vi’s hair actually contained massive amounts of neural queues, which they rely on to communicate with the various life forms on Pandora. When Mogensha had severed the Na’vi’s braids, that agony was akin to castrating a male’s ‘braid’.
While they took down two Na’vis, the remaining 7 had already rushed within 30 metres of the tree hollow entrance. They dashed and leapt about under the darkness of the rainstorm, emitting long tribal war cries of “Ye ~ Oe~~~”. Black braids fluttering in the wind, against their brightly lit blue faces that appeared like demons. If a mentally weaker person were to witness such a scene, he would’ve been intimidated till his soul separated from his body.
While rushing in, two Na’vis stuffed ‘food’ into their mouths to replenish energy. Coincidentally, a lightning bolted down and illuminated the area for a split second, allowing Mogensha vision as he immediately retch. Actually, the ‘food’ they stuffed were shockingly dried flesh…….but more revoltingly, the dried flesh were wrapped with 5-6 cm curly long hair; one had no clue if it was armpit hair or pubic………
Witnessing such a revolting scene, Mogensha wasn’t planning to show mercy. He retrieved his short spear wrapped in scarlet fabric, and devoutly kissed it. A momentary silence followed. Then, the ineffable words rolled out from his tongue.
“The wasteland traveller calls forth the rain……..”
“Your sharp spear longs for fresh blood.”
“A bloodied liver is awaiting your recognition”
“Come forth! My allies!”
“The enemy’s mortal flesh as thy sheath.”
“The enemy’s wails as thy pleasure!”
It was obvious. His silver spear had seen through an upgrade. Mogensha then straightforwardly threw it out!
As it surged through the sky,
An astounding clap of thunder infiltrated down the earth, electrifying the short spear. Beneath the irradiated thunder sky, the short spear metamorphosed into a chain lightning, its sharp tip bolting down furiously; crackling and rumbling, as it crashed down around the enemies!
The first electrocuted na’vi instantly turned burnt black, not sparing him even a chance to groan, the chain lightning propelled to its next target. Electric blue currents lingered over the na’vi’s body, as it grimaced in pain, trying its utmost to maintain its foothold. But at this moment, a red-dot pinpointed between its brows! Reef who had reloaded bluntly aimed with the ‘Nail gun’. Observing the stance of half-kneeling while aiming, he was definitely a whole lot better than Sheyan at this!
Cyan fumes permeated out, a blooming red dot formed on that Na’vi’s head, his expression became incredibly dazed! Behind its head, a grotesque explosion of blood. Although the front wound was as tiny as one’s fingertip, a huge portion of skull behind had shattered; gruesome mess of brain sap and blood spewing out. The red and white blended with the muddy waters, exhibiting an amplified melancholy!
Negate defence!
Explosive strike!
The first casualty of this Na’vi squad!
Reef smirked at Sheyan as he innocently shrugged his shoulders, his body language was apparent.
It isn’t your firing skills, but the awesomeness of this gun……..
The electrifying chain lightning bolted through the Na’vis, polluting the air with a burning stench. Mogensha’s current peaceful expression was that of enjoying the rain scattering onto the leaves. The tremendous might of lightning running amok through his foes was like a permanently touching melody to his soul.
Suddenly, at this very moment, a slightly larger Na’vi pounced forward; somersaulting twice in mid air before landing. Shockingly, it seemed like he wasn’t the least bit affected, dodging the lightning field. When he landed, his hand was clearly gripping onto a bone dagger. Yet strangely upon steadying his footsteps, a gigantic longbow was already in his hands.
No one had noticed any substantial movements! It was like a humble strumming against a string, a light pinch before a ‘twang’ resounded. A ‘short’ arrow catapulted out, with its speed completely undetectable, as it bored into the chest of the pleasure indulging Mogensha. Without warning, the unstoppable arrow carried his entire body backwards, forcefully pinning him against the wooden wall behind!
Running archery!!!
This was an immensely difficult archery technique. Even an adeptly trained soldier when attempting to open fire while moving, would frequently pause for a brief moment to aim and fire. If not, the chances of landing their shots would plunge significantly.
As for opening fire while sprinting at maximum speed without slowing down, it was completely known as resigning to luck. Only a rarely seen opponent with such an innate ability was capable of this. As for horseback archers being able release arrows accurately, that was completely different from being able to sprint while releasing an arrow.Chapter 387: Viperwolf Archery

Most importantly, a bow wasn’t a firearm where one simply had to press the trigger. For one, to execute running archery, one had to split his attention in aiming, drawing and maintaining stability; the difficulty level was at least 5 times harder!
Even amongst the Na’vi race, such archery techniques were only grasped by a small handful. Naturally, the one that had executed this graceful archery technique, was the external aid that the Kiwatakin clan had invited – Jacques!
Jacques stomped forward, his bow already hanging behind his back. Wrapping his hands around a loose vine, he bent his body as he easily drifted through the air; swinging towards the entrance of the Hometree. The rain was still pouring, yet a smooth fish named Jacques sliced horizontally and unrestrained through it.
Yet right at the entrance, an abruptly extravagant and unflustered figure surfaced; like a lofty mountain impeding Jacques. A scorching black ray fastened out from his hands, as it hacked towards Jacques.
A faint yellowish-stained dagger swung forth in resistance. It wasn’t sharp, and even carried a certain bluntness. Only, the dried linen wrapped around Jacques hand prevented the dagger from slipping amidst this pouring rain. As for this powerful personal weapon of his, it was crafted with the fang of a king viperwolf. This viperwolf dagger had accompanied Jacques for 5 full years, carrying untold stories of hundreds of fallen wild beast to its blade.
Without hesitation, Jacques brandished his war-dagger to block his opponent’s assault. But at the moment it connected with that black ray, his body trembled; he suddenly realized his opponent’s strength was completely not inferior to his! It even surpassed him!!
Jacques twisted his body, sweeping a wild horizontal kick; carrying loads of mud and filth as it splashed against the enemy’s face, which was washed away immediately by the pouring rain. Instead, the enemy raised his right foot, heavily trampling forward taking the initiative to advance. As Jacques’s leg swept in, he suddenly felt like he had kicked against an incomparably solid boulder. Both parties trembled from impact, and stumbled backwards several steps.
Meanwhile; releasing wild unrestrained yells as they climbed up the vines of the Hometree, the other Na’vis ascended towards the upper ‘window’ of the tree hollow. Their intentions were clear, to pincer the humans within the hollow! At this moment, Reef widened his eyes and released an earth shattering roar. A formless shockwave swept horizontally rippling against the surrounding raindrops. Jacques and the other Na’vis could only feel a gale rushing against the faces, as though their chest was harshly oppressed by a giant boulder.
While climbing, a Na’vi that had been severely injured by Mogensha’s lightning spear earlier, instantly lost grip due to the roar. Falling, that Na’vi’s head crashed into the mud below. Drenched in blood and mud, the Na’vi panted heavily and wrapped its wounds with grass. Fortunately, another Na’vi, while biting his dagger in his mouth, had leapt up and managed to squeeze through the window and into the tree hollow.
They firmly believed this – once they could engage the invaders in close combat, their superior fighting capabilities would implant painful memories for the invaders. Victory would be theirs!
Just having that thought caused them to bare their teeth and snarl menacingly. A loud announcement of their arrival that would even strike terror into wild beasts.
Inside the dark hollow of the Hometree, not a single reaction was made; just a plain deathly stillness. The stench of blood pervaded the still air. Even that human that Jacques had pinned to the wall with his arrow had disappeared. Beneath the supposed area the na’vi was about to land, a sudden glimmer of dull-gold radiated and swept forth!
Still descending from midair, the Na’vi easily wielded forth its war-dagger, before ferociously thrusting downwards!
This thrust undoubtedly landed on his foe; such a sensation of blade stabbing into flesh was forever mesmerizing to the Na’vi. In the next second, a muffled echo, as oppressive as thunder rolling, compacted in from the remotest of areas. With decades of predatory experience and instincts, the na’vi could smell danger, as he abandoned all notions of stabbing deeper; instead, his arms folded to block his front!
Boom! The oppressive muffle swerved in, causing the na’vi to groan wildly. Facing the tremendous force, the flesh around the chest to his shoulders swelled up, his bulging veins increasingly defined and elegant. Blood oozed out from his ears, nose and mouth; projecting the Na’vi to look increasingly sinister.
As the saying goes, evil fears reasoning, reasoning fears ruthlessness, and the ruthless are not afraid of life. In order to reclaim his own Hometree, that Na’vi had staked everything; and thus exploded forward with naturally terrifying suicidal might! Although the Na’vi was shockingly able to burst forth with 120% of his potential, the enemy’s twin fist still arrived nonetheless; pounding ruthlessly inwards on both temples!
The Na’vi clans were the formidable overlords of the forest, but this was due to their fearsome archery might. When in close proximity, they were still brimming with nimbleness but lacking in threat. The unyielding Na’vi repeatedly attempted to block with his arms, but his foe was like an ocean of pure strength; resistance was futile!
After two consecutive strikes, the Na’vi’s vision blurred, his consciousness on the brink of collapse. Sheyan slid his hands downwards, firmly locking them on the Na`vi’s arms; roaring as he forcefully lifted the na’vi up, before sending the Na’vi crashing against two other aboriginals that had just descended. Sheyan then closely followed up, surging forward with incomparable decisiveness. Depressed groans and struggling cries echoed within the darkness.
A Na`vi had a long and narrow waist, broad shoulders and a ‘v’ shaped back. Their necks were as flexible as owls, and could rotate a 180 degrees; to snap their necks, one had to at least rotate it 360 degrees. They were indeed a race born for combat. Sheyan was now feeling this after crossing hands with them; most humans would simply be unable to execute battle moves that they could easily execute.
Fortunately, Sheyan had thick skin and was even wearing that powerful hydra armour that reduced damage done by Pandora creatures by 30%! Thus with his defense, he remained like a lively dragon and animated tiger after suffering several vicious strikes. Instead, his fist carried supreme unstoppable authority. These Na’vis who had strength four times that of the average human, of about 20 points, simple could not retaliate against the tyrannical might of 49 points of strength.
According to theory, the Na’vi’s who possessed nightvision should be greatly advantaged in the dark. However, every Na’vi had two different kinds of embroidery on their skin. The first were stripes like zebras, like constellations dotting out their nervous system. The other embroidery was myriads of starry fluorescent speckles, something the na’vis used to determine beauty. The fluorescent speckles were not solely for illumination purposes; to Sheyan, it was his target practice! Clenching his fist and swinging towards the fluorescent speckles was completely foolproof.
After being heavily injured by Mogensha’s lightning spear previously, they now had the miserable fate of clashing against Sheyan. Originally not being experts in close combat, they were feeling rather intractable now. Very soon, bullying sounds of punches against flesh resounded repetitively, and not long later, the sounds blended with blood mushes and bone fractures.
The longer Jacques fought, the more apprehensive he felt. He could obviously tell the miserable groans and wails echoing out the tree hollow belonged to his own kind! As a reputable warrior in his clan, his heart could vaguely sense – giving up on the na’vi’s trademark dominance of archery was a complete blunder!
These humans were appalling. Tough as a cliff, ferocious as wild beasts. One could even summon the domineering nature of lightning! Feeling fear, he tightly gripped his war-dagger and made an abrupt front somersault! From top down, his scattered chops clashed against the enemy’s sinister looking shield.
As the immense pressure caved down, sparks scattered between the two equipments. Couldn’t one tell how intense this battle was? Unpleasant clanks emerged from Reef’s shield, its surface still radiating a silver glow. Reef couldn’t help but stagger a step back from the impact, his shield inadvertently rising upwards.
Although one strike paved open Reef’s guarding shield, Jacques’s war-dagger similarly recoiled backwards from impact, his hands trembling in numbness. At this moment, Jacques borrowed this impact to execute a backward leap; as though his legs were infused with springs as he executed a string of actions.
As his feet landed, Jacques instantaneously flipped his longbow into his hand and mounted a long arrow. The arrowhead appeared vile and vicious! The arrow was like a long serpent, and the arrowhead its tongue. A sudden deafening bluster reverberated in everyone’s ears, one that not even thunder could conceal. A brightly colored illusion of a ferocious viperwolf gently emerged, enveloping Reef within!
A Na’vi’s archery was essentially as natural as having a meal. Within a blink, or a flash of lightning in the sky, the arrowhead had pierced into Reef’s chest; penetrating deeply, sending him crashing 5-6 metres behind. The muddy waters splashed violently into the sky, forming a diving gorge in between. Reef’s expression was filled with disbelief.
After that arrow, Jacques sneered coldly. No longer zealous to continue fighting, Jacques turned to leave. Totally unguarded, a black barrel reached out from the darkness, coldly aiming towards Jacques’s back. A thunderous boom rumbled shockingly!Chapter 388: Demolishing

‘Rum and Songs’ activated!
A string of blood launched out from Jacques’s back. In that instant, he could only feel his vision darkening….losing control of his senses as he stood rigidly where he was.
Amidst the pitch-black darkness, a fiery tongue abruptly spat out; propelling its bullet into Jacques’s calf. The bullet exploded upon impact, its immense force sending the stunned Jacques crashing to the ground.
Another 4 cunning rounds came chasing in viciously, striking Jacques’s braids, as his braids wobbled wildly upon impact; releasing a whiff of burnt stench. Indeed, it was the careless and severely injured Mogensha who had finally resurfaced.
As mentioned previously, a Na’vi’s braids were like the sensitive jewels of a male’s future. Naturally, those 4 bullets had delivered unimaginable agony to Jacques; a similar sensation that of ferocious consecutive kicks against the swaying jewels between a male’s legs. Once he recovered from being stunned, Jacques groaned as he swung round to retaliate; his eyes terribly bloodshot.
Mogensha’s chest was still shedding blood from the arrow hole. How would he forget the recent lesson he paid in blood so easily? After opening fire, Mogensha quickly dove towards the side, utilizing a dead na’vi corpse with a broken neck thanks to Sheyan, as a perfect meat shield. However, the next second, he issued a mournful howl. Jacques’s arrow, one filled with resentment and suffering, penetrated through the corpse of his own species; finally piercing into Mogensha’s perky buttocks…….
After Jacques released the arrow, he spared no delay as he forcefully endured the searing pain jolting through his braids. Exerting force through his legs, he leapt and seized the vines ahead. Like an orangutan, he prepared to flee. Instead, a merciless figure appeared from the tree hollow entrance, pursuing Jacques with matchless speed.
Mud splashed wildly, a momentum incomparably unyielding. Although Jacques possessed breakneck agility, his hopes of survival were destroyed in just 50 metres. ‘Zergling Rush’ had already been activated on Sheyan’s body long ago. Once he drew in, he unleashed 3 ruthless punches consecutively, smacking the vision out of Jacques!
Jacques was about to continue fleeing, but how would Sheyan allow him to? A curse-mix shattered onto the floor, a confusion effect gripping him. Like a vengeful spirit not willing to disperse, Sheyan’s fists came crackling in. Though Sheyan could only land 1 out of 3 punches against the nimble Jacques, one punch was sufficient to send aching sorrow into Jacques’s heart!
When Jacques counterattacked, his foe completely disregarded trying to block; blatantly swapping injury for injury. Hence, even before escaping the poison fog, this valiant warrior was forced into desperation.
Jacques made a last ditch attempt and stabbed his war-dagger deep into his enemy’s chest. Instead, all he felt was stabbing into solid wood. The enemy was shockingly ignorant of pain, as his neck was gripped by the enemy. A firm grip, one that had completely constricted him. His elongated body easily lifted up, then forcefully slammed downwards! At this moment, Jacques still attempted to retaliate, whipping against Sheyan’s face with his tail!
Sheyan’s answer was just a fist…….a domineering and cumbersome fist!
Mud splashed sorrowfully, Jacques’s war-dagger carved a lonely and melancholic arc in midair, finally submerging into the sordid mud. Bubbles gurgled up, and finally its glow dimmed and extinguished. Sheyan’s eyes flickered with maliciousness, once again raising his fist and pounding down!
One fist,
Two fists,
The brave Na’vi resolutely gritted his teeth shut, not willing to offer a single sound; even till the brink of death, not a single scream. This was the cruelty of war. In death, his clansmen would avenge him. Akin to that human skull hung above the fire dyke previously, one that was even converted into food for the Na`vis!
After affirming all ambushing Na’vi warriors had been slain, the 3 gathered by a bonfire within the Hometree hollow. Sheyan dragged the Na’vi corpses in, causing the black dude Mogensha to feel heavy in his heart; thinking his boss was a vile individual who intended to roast these Na`vis in the name of justice. Who knew after a brief inspection, Sheyan whispered seriously.
“The thunderstorm is almost over, I’m afraid we have to risk it and travel in darkness.”
Mogensha was taken aback.
“Boss…… just said that it was insanely dangerous!”
Sheyan gently shook his head.
“Take a look, do you see any differences between the corpses?”
Reef carefully examined but found nothing. Instead, Mogensha was more keen on picking up signs, his eyes immediately differentiated it.
“Eh, there’s something fishy with this guy’s ornaments!”
“Woah, even his facial painting is different!”
“Look at the feather ornaments of these fellas, they are all monotonously faced downwards!”
“And the embroidery design of their arrows; these few guys are the same, while the others have another design. Right, I seem to have come across this somewhere before! Right! It’s right on the wooden wall over there!”
Sheyan nodded.
“I’m not as observant as you. Except, I noticed those embroidery designs on that wooden wall, which most of the aboriginals possess. Yet, those few stronger ones didn’t. Instead, they host a different grainy pattern at the similar spot – It appears as if they aren’t together.”
Reef’s face became sullen.
“You’re saying…….reinforcements?’
“Yes! If we continue staying here, then reinforcements will arrive. I’m afraid, our chances of leaving then would be zero.”
Sheyan earnestly continued. “Furthermore, the thunderstorm has ended. Earlier, the biggest worry for not leaving, was due to an ambush by the Na’vis in the dark……’ve already experienced how deadly their archey can be right. Since the threat is temporarily alleviated, then we should make haste to avoid them.”
Jacques’s special arrow had sent Reef flying for 5-6 metres; Penetrative damage + ability damage + explosive strike + poison effects. Even after the 30% damage reduction of the ‘Hydra armour’, it deducted an astounding figure of close to 300 HP; and this wasn’t factoring the persisting damages (damage over time) yet.
Such mighty clan warriors if a few arrived, no, it just required 2-3 vigilant ones to trap and suffocate them inside the tree hollow. Then, there would be nothing they could do. If that amount was doubled, then there would no longer be a party Ace.
Faced with Sheyan’s jesting, Reef gnashed his teeth and snorted.
“What deadly, I was just a little careless.”
Mogensha chuckled silently.
“Too careless, letting an arrow pierce your heart.”
Reef blushed, but jabbed back at Mogensha.
“That’s better than being pinned to the wall!”
When Mogensha heard the words ‘pinned to the wall’, his vision darkened. His breath choked within his throat, an unbearable trauma that he hadn’t grown accustomed to. Fortunately, Sheyan clapped his hands, deciding to split the spoils now.
The primary reason for them being here was to accomplish the milestones of ‘Plunderer’ and ‘Headhunter’ for Lille and Uzel. At present, the storm had concluded. With their shared party storage, they naturally accomplished ‘Plunderer’ with ease. After searching through the Na’vis, they only managed to amass a total of 6 longbows.
After a discussion, they allowed Sheyan to accomplish the milestone. As for the ‘Headhunter’ title reward, it was actually 20% damage boost against Na`vis. Although it seemed a little trivial, but after considering title synthesization that even reserve-duty Growth-hunters like Uzel and Lille had placed heavy emphasis on, there should be some obscure profound worth pegged to it.
Apart from that, Jacques also dropped a peculiar shaped bugle horn, radiating with faint black glow. After a brief inspection, they realized this should be a Na’vi’s version of a top grade key. When they opened it, 3,000 utility points and 3 potential points surfaced. Apart from that, there was a piece of black glowing leaf, and a bundle of arrow darts. On the leaf were strange characters written with blood. Once they interacted with the two objects, information popped out.
“Name: Hardstone Arrow-darts. (condition: normal)
“Origin: Takji Clan – crafted by warrior Jacques.”
“Rarity: Dark blue.”
“Usage effect: Every Arrow-dart deals 10 – 17 damage.”
“Description: An essential object for all na’vi hunters.”
“Usage requirements: This object can only be used with longbow/ bow/ crossbow type weapons.”
“Description: ‘Hardstone Arrow-darts’ are commonplace in Na’vi clans. But I swear haughty elves have definitely not seen this before, since their archery is manifold superior to a Na’vi.”
“Esoteric mobile firer (Incomplete) (Unique object: This ability can only be dropped in the Avatar world)”
“Rarity: Black”
“Usage effects: Increases the accuracy of firing, while moving at high pace.”
“Usage requirements: Agility 35 points, perceptive sense 20 points, ‘basic long-range combat lvl 4’”
“Description: This ability is only grasped by rare intellectual creatures; normally the genuine insights personally recorded by these intellectual creatures during training. To upgrade this ability is exceptionally difficult, one requires the complete volume.”
No doubt, ‘Esoteric Mobile Firer (Incomplete)’ was learned by Mogensha, where it shockingly required 10 potential points! He could only withdraw an advanced payment from the allotted share of the party. As for the intended effects, it was still unknown, but still it definitely wouldn’t fall short! Not only was this ‘Esoteric Mobile Firer’ of black grade, more critically, it was a unique product only produced in this world! This was exceedingly rare. It could be described as an inheritance, totally unsubstitutable!Chapter 389: Another Conflict

At this moment, Reef abruptly gasped.
“Have you guys completed the ‘Salary Raise’ milestone? The one that requires killing 3 male Na’vi. Why have I just gotten the notification of me finishing it?”
Sheyan similarly didn’t realize that, and likewise immediately discovered it after examining. There were probably females amongst the 3 Na`vis they dispatched off before Lille and Uzel’s rebellion, hence they only accomplished the milestone now. As for the title bestowed from that milestone, it was – ‘Outstanding Worker’.
Its properties included receiving additional rewards when accomplishing a mission from the RDA company.
This milestone similarly had a continuity. This time, it required killing 10 male Na`vis / 1 Hammerhead Titanothere.
Following that, Sheyan headed towards the remnant wreckage of Makaji’s ‘AMP Suit’, carefully fumbling beneath the mud. He then lifted the buried stone coffin and the skull of the Great Leonopteryx, before bluntly storing them into their party storage space.
He then pondered carefully as he surveyed the Hometree, his eyes harbouring evil intentions. Then he patted Mogensha’s and Reef’s shoulder.
“A little help here.”
Reef suspiciously asked.
Sheyan bluntly replied.
He then trotted towards the front of the Hometree, one that had long forfeited its vitality. Sheyan then directly smashed a punch towards the supporting roots that were bracing its colossal weight! Repetitive successions of wood fragmenting sputtering echoed through the forest.
“Some help here, really a load of help please. If not, I can’t guarantee those hostile reinforcements wouldn’t catch up to us later.”
An hour later, the surrounding tranquility of the Hometree was disturbed once again.
“Glock glock!” Galloping hoof sounds!!
At least 20 Na’vi riders mounted on 6-legged great horses raised their longbows loftily, as they rummaged impressively through the dark forest; mud splashing against hooves. Even the usual screeching of birds and insects ceased. The longbows slung across their backs emitting a domineering air of threat.
Blessed with night vision capabilities, the Na’vi had long surveyed the current situation clearly. No doubt, a battle had occurred here.
An extraordinarily intensive battle! A catastrophic extent that even the sacred Hometree appeared as if a dozen Hammerhead Titanothere had stampeded through.
“Invaders!” The leading na’vi rider issued with hateful rancor, his face painted with war patterns.
They simultaneously leapt down their horses, already observing the corpses of their own race piled at the Hometree. Their deaths were complicated, mostly due to gruesome physical abuse and fractured bones. Deaths by the overpowering ravage of brute force was rarely seen by the Na’vis.
Suddenly, the foremost Na’vi cried out with incomparable grief.
Jacques, a valiant warrior of their clan, was actually nailed to the wall by an arrow; his eyes still widely opened! Naturally, this was done by the vengeful Mogensha. The bunch of them shot forward with shock and grief, pulling out the arrow to retrieve their clansman’s corpse. Thus, they completely overlooked a thin thread connecting the arrow to an unremarkable trigger. But on hindsight even if they did, it made no difference. Most Na’vi would not recognize the multitude of bundles called ‘high intensity explosives’.
(TN: Sheyan purchased those high intensity explosives back in chapter 18 of this volume)
5 seconds later, a massive and depressingly oppressive explosion resounded within the root system of this colossal tree. It was as though a violent tremor shook the earth. An abrupt despairing convulsion trembled through the root and up its trunk! The raining zenith of leaves scattered down as a commemoration of its past! In a split second, the great tree connecting heaven and earth shook incessantly; amidst the constant snapping, it finally collapsed unhurriedly!
Such was the immense ruckus the collapsing Hometree had caused. 3 males trudging through the dark and moist forest weren’t deaf, reflexively swinging their heads round to look. Mogensha couldn’t help exclaiming.
“Those guys were too fast. If we had dragged on for a tad longer, we would’ve been screwed.”
Reef avoided a falling rotten log, accidentally trampling over a red fern bush by the side. Instantly, his body was enveloped in a revolting stench. He creased his brows and clutched his nose, pondering a little before uttering a muffled statement.
“The might of that explosion was too massive. In addition to the entire Hometree crumbling over them, I’m afraid not a single reinforcement of that Takji clan survived. Should we take advantage of this weakness, and raze their Takji clan?”
Sheyan grit his teeth as he pulled out his leg from the rotting mud. He raised his head to the sight of a jellyfish looking hybrid fuchsia, pondering briefly before replying.
“We’ll talk about it next time, let’s return first. If we can’t take the initiative against the Na’vi in combat, then such a battle may not be worth taking!”
“Oh! Heavens above, I hate these trippy roots man, shit what kind of animal crap did I step on, it stinks!” Mogensha suddenly yelled out.
Sheyan coldly scolded.
“Shut up. Just look at the way ahead. If not for these glowing plants, we’ll probably take the whole night to return to the valkyrie.”
After exhausting all their strength slaying 11 viperwolves, 21 abnormal insects and 59 carnivorous veggies; Sheyan and gang finally caught sight of the enormous valkyrie. At present, the sky begun exposing its ember dawn clouds.
The exhausted party Ace sneaked back to the second floor of the valkyrie. In spite of the Illume-union’s despising gazes, they headed towards the end of the channel to sleep. As for Sheyan, life wasn’t so easy. He still had to return to the self-healing manger of the valkyrie to recover his severed limb, before falling asleep. Of course, recovering a limb wasn’t free, and he had to spend a large sum of utility points.
For the sake of the party member’s safety, the departed worker’s metal identification card once again displayed its usefulness. Party Ace very blatantly occupied his cabin; of which Sheyan utilized the camp bed, Mogensha used his military blanket while Reef used his pillow and the floor.
Of course to contestants, breaking down this sliding iron cabin door wouldn’t take much effort. However, the door was merely used as a warning signal and not protection. If any uninvited guest seeked trouble, Sheyan and the rest had the luxury of a few seconds of buffer time; and retaliate heavily against that bearer of malice.
4-6 hours of sleep to ordinary people was perhaps a tiny breather. Instead for dynamic contestants like Sheyan and the rest, it was sufficient to rejuvenate their energy; their mental state completely and thoroughly revitalize. It was like their biological clock was in sync as they woke up precisely together.
After their earlier battles and trekking, they were famished. They hurriedly stuffed sandwiches into their mouths, drinking down a bottle of gatorade ferociously; and finally sucked in 3 tubes of toothpaste-like nutrition dosage. This item was purchased from the dead RDA worker previously, it was said to effectively replenish their strength and supply energy! Of course, it probably contained steroid type stimulants.
It was at this moment, an unexpected chilliness wafted in from outside, like an incisive knife gently caressing their faces. They frantically leapt up, directing their attention outwards.
“This feeling…….”
In that instance, both Mogensha and Reef could feel it. Their immediately turned around, Reefs pupils shrinking in a flash.
“That……..that’s a Growth-Hunter. The aura akin to an official Growth-Hunter like Makaji!”
The trio hastily scrambled out of the cabin, instantly seeing members of the Illume-union guarding the area, as though preparing for their great rivals. Catching sight of Reef and the rest, they displayed a sudden precaution. However, upon realizing it was Reef and Sheyan, for some unknown reason, their eyes actually exposed a delighted expression.
At present, they peeped out of the shuttle window. Shockingly, two groups of people were facing each other intimidatingly. The group nearest the valkyrie had more contestants; most were familiar faces, they were contestants who mutually defended the valkyrie against the beast horde previously. While in a distance, were 13 individuals.
The 13 seemed rather on good terms with each other, laughing and chatting; their arrogance rich and dense, as though completely disregarding the contestants in front of them. The crimson nightmare imprint on their chest seemed to float out virtually, looking exceedingly distinct; probably the symbol of a Growth-hunter. Amongst the 13, one was astonishingly that Aldaris that seemed to be familiar with Reef!
Within the space between the two sides, a contestant strolled away holding onto a japanese katana. His chest flickering with glaring crimson glows, the symbol of a Growth-hunter! Not far away from him, was shockingly a kneeling woman, her pale face beaming with fury. Indeed, she was a core of the Illume-union, Demondream. However, she had been shockingly beaten into a near death state, except it was unsure why the opponent wouldn’t deliver the fatal blow.
That katana contestant strolled several steps forward, before turning around; pointing his silver glowing katana towards the contestants shielding the valkyrie, he coldly announced.
At this moment, Sheyan finally got the rough details from the contestant beside him. Roughly 8 in the morning, that group of contestants had suddenly approached the valkyrie, intending to directly infiltrate the second floor to the core engine of the shuttle. The illume-union was obviously unyielding, thus both sides naturally fought.Chapter 390: An extended difficulty, an extended mission

It was only until later that the defenders realized that the group of uninvited guest had exceptional prowess; having a huge pool of Growth-Hunters, at least some were reserve-duty Growth-hunter that had awakened their boundary! Yet were the valkyrie defenders weaklings? There were at least a small portion of them that were reserve-duty Growth-hunters, what more their superiority in numbers! However, once a full scale war breaks out, even if the aggressors were annihilated, the amount of casualties on both sides would be incomprehensible.
As for the 13 contestants, they were actually dispatched here by Hell’s Gate. They managed to acquire a hidden mission; entailing a special mission description of a crashed valkyrie at coordinates xxxx xxxx. The core engine of the valkyrie was immensely valuable, and they were tasked to take a look; retrieving it if the engine wasn’t destroyed. Of course, this mission duration was only 6 hours, and not to be exceeded. All in all, both parties reaching a perfect resolution and compromise wasn’t possible.
When the two forces sunk into a deadlock, the infiltrating group of Growth-Hunters probably felt that victory would be tough, and brute force wasn’t wise. Hence, they proclaimed for a duel under fair conditions, if the 13 of them could be defeated, they would immediately turn and leave. It could be 1 versus 1, or any versus any; ultimately, the maximum was 13 versus 13. As long as one sank into near death state, then the duel would conclude and no casualties would surface.
As for the duel, it followed the preceding contracted regulations:
‘King of Fighters’ format (A challenger will continue fighting until he is defeated)
When the duel begins, a starting gap of 50 metres would be enforced by the realm.
Duel period of 10 minutes.
If nobody sinks into near death state, then the victor would be decided by HP (Percentage) left.
After a match, there will be 30 seconds of rest.
Conceding is permitted.
Upon conceding, temporary battle immunity will be granted (To prevent deceitful conceding)
Medicines are prohibited during a duel.
Of course, to prevent vicious underhanded behavior of dealing a finishing blow to a near death state contestant, these regulations were all officiated by a realm contract.
Of course, if when the defenders disagreed, the 13 individuals simply announced to place every individual on their black list, even if they couldn’t reap any benefits from this world. Simply speaking, they were referring to unscrupulous and malicious acts done in the darkness – infiltrating the valkyrie secretly to commit serial homicides on individuals. Once this cunning words made light, it naturally latched onto the defender’s achilles heels. Besides, the defending contestants were ultimately like disjointed loose sand, that moles could easily take advantage of!
Hence due to such circumstances, both parties naturally begun dueling…….
After discerning clearly the sequence of events, Sheyan exhaled deeply.
“This battle side mission’s difficulty……is indeed above my expectations! We managed to interrupt the beast horde’s skirmish and lowered the mission’s risk, yet such a sudden intensive hidden mission emerged almost immediately!! Only by defeating these 13 Growth-Hunters/ reserve-duty Growth-hunters, can we obtain final victory!”
Observing the incomparably unresigned Demondream, Huckle of the Illume-union exclaimed with shock beside Sheyan.
“Even Demondream was defeated!”
Mogensha chewed on his chewing gum, heartlessly rapping out.
“That’s normal, that woman isn’t worth much.”
Huckle’s expression turned ugly, but giving face to Sheyan, he didn’t fall out with Mogensha. Instead, he replied with sarcastic mockery.
“Then try dueling for yourself. By the way let me inform you, seven others have already fallen to that Growth-hunter Zeiss.Carl’s katana!”
Mogensha didn’t seem to care as he replied.
“Then how many have they lost.”
Huckle’s facial muscles twitched and answered.
“That person was the first challenger, he hasn’t lost yet.”
Sheyan’s expression immediately turned solemn. Contestants that could survive in a beast horde, would they be ordinary individuals? Instead, this katana wielder had already claimed victory in 7 matches. He then recalled Lille and the rest he faced earlier on, it was easy to imagine the might of this fella. “Is it really when compared to ordinary contestants, a Growth-hunter would really hold such overwhelming supremacy?”
Becoming absent minded as he pondered, his ears suddenly rang with the familiar and homely ‘DA DA DA’ AK gunfires! Sheyan was instantly startled, a disbelieving notion surged into his mind.
“This guy…….”
He raised his head; in a blink of an eye, that black dude was actually inside the court! He actually initiated a duel against that Growth-hunter! Sheyan’s heart flushed with surprise. That Growth-hunter utilizes a katana. Just one look could tell his speed was like rushing water, wouldn’t Mogensha be restrained till death? About to yell out, a hand pressed against his shoulder. Instead, Reef nodded, earnestly urging.
“Boss, golden AK’s reputation didn’t come about by mere bragging.”
Sheyan’s heart shuddered. Ever since Mogensha had taken the initiative to follow him, he had really been extremely low key. Yet he couldn’t neglect the fact that every single task he had been given, was fully accomplished with satisfaction.
More crucially, due to the fact that their current party dynamics were lacking, their firepower output was completely reliant on Mogensha himself. Moreover, before their fates intertwined, he was still the head of the long range combatants in the Symbiosis sect; a powerful aide of the Metals Professor? Would a slipshot individual be recruited by her to become a party’s backbone? Then she very possibly had recruited him out when she left her own party!
At present, the distant duel had officially begun. Mogensha puffed on his cigar as he stood in challenge. When the duel begun, both parties were enforced to a 50 metre distance by the dueling regulation. The grim expression katana contestant very bluntly introduced his katana and dashed forward. Mogensha spat out a puff of smoke; his AK muzzle pointing forward as it begun volleying out fiery tongues.
In a flash, that Growth-hunter momentous charge turned unhurried, as cold streaks of rays appeared from his body; the glows emitted by his fluttering katana!
Mogensha’s bullets halted in midair, as though relinquishing its mobility momentarily; freezing rigidly like stop motion just like in ‘The Matrix’, before being sliced apart into two! Then the bullet fragments scattered onto the ground. Meanwhile, the contestant had already buried his head, continuing his speedy charge. He was like a knight, forcefully thrusting aside the way ahead!
Mogensha puffed on his cigar, allowing the sweet cyan fumes to enter his lungs before he returned to aim and fired.
That Growth-hunter had already reached within 30 metres. The same scene played out; his speed slightly diminished, cold streaks surfaced on his body. Yet this time, when his katana blade arrived at the bullets, a sequence of insanely violent chain explosion erupted!
Healing medicines and bandages had their cooldown usage periods, they weren’t infinite. However, there was only 30 seconds of rest between each duel. Thus, after 7 bitter duels, this Growth-hunter had his health plunged to a relatively low degree. Instead, though facing such ferocious explosions, Growth-hunter Zeiss.Carl swept forward with his katana, advancing forward with incomparable incisiveness!!
At this moment, a cold gimmer flickered in Mogensha’s eyes. His finger once again pressing on the trigger. A blue flash radiated from his Golden AK…….
Beastly Instincts
DA DA DA DA DA! This time, a burst shot of 5 unleashed from the gun barrel! The 5 rounds appeared ordinary; however during the flight process, the fifth bullet erupted with speed as it clashed against the rear of the fourth bullet; the fourth knocked against the buttocks of the third…….until the first bullet got struck, that velocity amplification compounded, transforming it into a white laser that bolted forward; directly piercing into the throat of the reserve-duty Growth-hunter without sparing a chance!!
Explosive strike!
Near death state!!
The faces of those Growth-Hunter guests were all exceedingly ugly! In their hearts, a gunmen attempting to challenge their comrade was simply wishful thinking. Yet their expectations were now like a river pouring away by the day; more crucially, the opponent wasn’t even a Reserve-duty Growth-Hunter!!
According to theory, sudden bullet-speed amplifications was a basic ability that all gunmen should grasp. However, Mogensha’s bullet-speed amplifications were honestly too devilish! That’s right, it could only be described as devilish. During the former barrage, the Growth-hunter already had a rough adaptability to Mogensha’s shooting speed and count. When the second assault arrived, it was shockingly a speed amplification, then amplified, then amplified again! A total of 4 rounds of bullet-speed amplification! Everyone’s reaction time had its limits, and this was something that Mogensha seized to create an opening!
Of course, one had to note this katana wielder Growth-hunter had already defeated 7 others consecutively. Most of his abilities would probably be on cooldown, and essentially all his healing medicines or supplies would be on cooldown. Therefore, Mogensha seized this opportunity, to bring about an explosive take down.
At this moment, Mogensha slapped and raised his Golden AK in a carefree manner, laughing confidently as he lifted his rifle to the sky before releasing a puff of smoke fumes.
Sheyan chuckled lightly, raising a thumbs up!
As for the opposing Growth-Hunters, they didn’t appear particularly affected by their comrade’s defeat. One of them stepped forward to drag the reluctantly looking Zeiss.Carl back. Then, another robustly built Growth-hunter with a ponytail strolled forward, his face expression emotionless. Instead, his hand tugged onto a Carbine M4a1 equipped with a silencer; raising it towards the black dude, who was still puffing on his cigar from a distance.
“Woah woah, AK versus carbine, are they playing counter-strike?” Huckle whistled and smirked.
Every duel conclusion would have 30 seconds of rest. Seizing this chance, Mogensha definitely wouldn’t allow himself to be disadvantaged. Although he hadn’t sustained any wounds, he immediately extinguished his cigar; popping a blue chewing gum into his mouth. It was a regeneration food, refuelling his MP.
TN: Do note once again. Author sometimes calls the reserve-duty growth-hunter as growth-hunter. Probably not willing to reveal their strength yet or something. So as of now, just treat the growth-hunters as reserve-duty ones, until author explicitly states that person is an official growth-hunterChapter 391: AK Vs M4

When the duelling commenced, the two gunmen immediately leapt behind lateral rocks to take cover. Yet at the exact instance Mogensha darted to the side, he simultaneously aimed across with his AK; releasing a burst shot of 5! This action instantly caused the pupils of all long range firepower contestants to shrink.
How disastrously low was the accuracy rate of shooting in movement was known by all; especially when the opponent was a Growth-hunter, it was simply a waste of bullets. Yet reality was always rhetorical. In that moment, everyone could see two shocking blood lotus that had bloomed on the arm of the ponytail contestant. Sheyan could even hear whisperings from the other side.
“Careful! I’m afraid Le’montesovo is going to lose. To shoot while moving, that golden AK is simply too frightening!”
Getting shot twice right at the get go, it could be said that Le’montesovo was gravely disadvantaged. Because if both parties decided to avoid conflict, although he wouldn’t suffer much injuries and practically no damage would be dealt on both both parties, he would still inevitably lose to the 100 percent health Mogensha. Hence, if Le’montesovo wanted to win, he had to take the aggressive initiative.
Yet the iron rule of law in war was that defence was much easier than assault! Especially with such a limited timeline.
Yet as Le’montesovo gritted his teeth and rushed out of his cover, he shockingly discovered Mogensha was already out there awaiting him! Mogensha’s thirst for battle, had vastly exceeded his own!
Intense gunfire rumblings pierced into the air.
Both sides engaged in tactical evasion; yet in Le’montesovo’s perspective, the first incoming bullet had actually deviated from him, and struck into the ground beside his leg. Instead, a thin layer of blue ice rapidly converged towards his leg, condensing a freezing sensation!! It immediately plunged his movement speed down, causing not a single of one of the following 4 bullets to slip out of the net! When the rounds struck against Le’montesovo, an insanely violent explosion erupted!
However, Le’montesovo had simultaneously retaliated while being assaulted. Beneath his M4 carbine, a smoky rifle grenade catapulted out from an add-on equipped grenade launcher. The grenade swerved a remarkable arc, heading directly for Mogensha!
Boom! A clamorous explosion resounded, a blazing numbing sensation overwhelmed Mogensha’s chest; before a searing pain pervaded his entire self! Fortunately, he managed to executing an evading roll beforehand, preventing himself from a direct hit! Mogensha’s willpower was more fortitudinous than others; spitting a mouthful of blood, he managed to press his trigger before landing on the ground. Fiery intertwining rounds glazed across, piercing in retaliation to the counterattacking Le’montesovo.
As time clicked by swiftly, Le’montesovo became increasingly cautious; even if one was a formidable Growth-hunter, if he didn’t meticulously strengthen physique and HP, then he would still be frail. Furthermore, Le’montesovo was used to treating his foes as though driving out a rabbit from its den, normally utilizing his heavy firepower to bombard and overpower his foes. Thus, he wasn’t very adapted to such a solo challenger scenario. (In WoW context, it was like a level 80 PVE hunter challenging a level 70 beastmaster)
As seconds drifted by, both parties repetitively chiselled away at each other’s HP; even Mogensha was left with roughly 60% HP. Yet at this moment, Le’montesovo suddenly acted……In a flurry, he roared furiously as his body emanated a bloodish red glow, saturating onto his rifle; in a flash, this entire rifle transformed bloodied red!
Carrying his M4a1 carbine like a heavy machine gun instead, Le’montesovo darted out of his cover as he stomped forward. Then assuming a rambo like posture, he triggered his rifle!!
This was Le’montesovo’s Rank A ability – ‘Polarbear’s fury’ ! During its duration, his bullet’s penetration rate would soar by 300%, precision +30 and increased 50% explosive strike rate! What was more, infinite ammunition!!
At present, Mogensha was hiding behind a huge boulder. Tiny rock fragments erupted as though dozens of invisible chisels were grinding fanatically at it. Amidst blusters of rock fragments, the entire boulder was reduced to 1/3 its size! At this rate, this cover was projected to vanish from this world within a short span of seconds.
Thus, Mogensha could only dive out. Opening fire towards the skies, his AK47 unleashed devastating fiery tongues. However, bullets spewing out of the M4a1 similarly converged into streaks of blazing lines, forcefully penetrating into his body. If they were to compare damage severity, every 3 bullet rounds of AK could only rival a bullet from the M4a1 carbine.
Hence in that instance after issuing his burst shot of 5, Mogensha tossed aside his golden AK. In a flash, he pulled out his ‘Sparta spear’ and hurled it without hesitation! That streak of chain lightning bolted through the gap between them, directly electrifying and sending Le’montesovo flying.
Near-death state!
2 consecutive takedowns!
Identically, under the barrage of bullets, Mogensha was similar sent crashing with his face against the ground. However, he very quickly used his AK47 to support his body up. One could tell how drained he was, his face was smeared fully with fresh blood. Yet as though he didn’t give a damn, he chewed on his chewing gum and snickered at Le’montesovo.
Kneeing grievously on the ground, Le’montesovo’s bloodshot eyes widened, and frantically raged out.
“This……this isn’t possible. He’s cheating, he definitely consumed medicines!”
The remaining Growth-Hunters similarly could tell something was fishy, they clearly understood the might of Le’montesovo’s ‘Polarbear’s fury’ ; moreover, he at least delivered 4 shots to that black dude! To an agile specialized range user, 4 gunshots definitely contained immeasurable deadliness. If one didn’t painstakingly temper one’s physique, it would be impossible to escape near death state. Yet for one who placed focus on physique as well, then the black dude’s offensive capabilities wouldn’t be so ridiculous.
Still, this duel was officiated by the realm’s contract, it was impossible for any illicit acts. Hence, the only explanation was that this gunman actually possessed battle regeneration abilities! The realm contract prohibited medicine consumption, yet a contestant’s personal ability cannot be banned.
If one had consigned the defeat of the katana contestant to Mogensha having exploited a cheap situation, then the defeat of a second Growth-hunter was completely out of everyone’s expectations. Faced with such a situation, a tall and burly Growth-Hunter with white hair commanded in a sullen tone.
“Eros, you go.”
By releasing this statement, it clearly indicated his status as leader.
Another Growth-hunter with an elegant demeanor marched out, and humbly prostrated himself.
“As your excellency wills, Prince Stalo.”
From Prince Stalo’s waist, he retrieved a gun holster. Contained within, was a pistol that originally looked dark and gloomy. Yet once the Prince grasped it, it shockingly glittered with faint golden radiance. The glow didn’t appear to be released internally, but was instead plated on.
Obviously, it was an upgraded weapon by Prince Stalo. As for the faraway Mogensha who was currently wrapping bandages carefreely, his pupils immediately contracted. The weapon in Prince Stalo’s hands, was shockingly a Glock pistol.
Only a veteran would know, from an artistic perspective, the glock wasn’t a pistol but rather a wall brick of a streetside latrine. Yet this ugly thing had been the most esteemed version of pistol that western law enforcers utilized since the 20th century. The balance between a glock’s appearance and functionality was skewed all the way to its latter.
If one’s self esteem was hurt using a Beretta, Colt or even a Type-54 pistol; upon changing to a glock and firing several shots, one would recover utmost confidence in one’s shooting abilities. The intrinsic and near perfect mechanism of the glock allowed even beginner students to easily hit their targets. To a veteran gunman, using a glock didn’t require any adaptability phase.
A glock’s simple and crude composition was not only easily maintainable (cleaning only included 5 components including magazine), its reliability was extremely shocking.
During durability testing, a glock was randomly frozen in a block of ice, buried in sand and mud before fishing out to clean, submerged into seawater before plucking out, throwing against concrete cement from 50 metres high, and crushed by a 10 ton truck for ‘nth’ times. Yet after all these torture, reloading and test-firing 100 rounds would display results of zero malfunctions. The glock was like a wall brick, without a single aesthetic praise, yet it became one of the most excellent weapons to date!!
Prince Stalo held the pistol for approximately 5 seconds, before tossing it over to Eros. At present upon careful observation, the glock’s appearance was as ordinary and usual. However, fairly complex engravings were carved onto its surface, releasing a thin glimmer of gold.
When Eros caught the pistol, his wrist instantly sank and had to support it with both hands instead. Yet when he firmly gripped it, it was as though his body essence, aura and spirit had congealed over it!
With an abrupt flurry of his wrist, the glock subsequently shuddered; releasing 3 rounds into the atmosphere, whizzing towards the distant Mogensha. Yet the duel had obviously not begun!
A clamorous upheaval broke out amongst the audience. As the fumes dispersed, the 3 rounds were directed in extremely crafty angles. The first whistled past Mogensha’s ears, 1 very precisely extinguished Mogensha’s cigar, and the other swept across Mogensha’s eyes! Such a provocation was vividly portrayed!
(TN: I apologize if i messed up the WoW characters (or any other game characters), some chinese terms are extremely difficult to deduce and pinpoint the exact WoW character author is referring to. Because the chinese translation of english characters are quite different.)Chapter 392: Awakening!!

Mogensha’s expression turned grave upon such a provocation. This black dude was obviously not going to take this lying down. Spitting his phlegm, he erected a middle finger. When the duelling begun, Mogensha immediately exploited the weakness of a glock’s firing range. He turned and dashed towards the nearby forest, obviously trying to use its complicated terrain to deal with Eros. While he ran, he concurrently turned to fire.
Such a move was fairly common. Prince Stalo exposed his admiration through his eyes, then he faintly shook his head.
Blazing-hot bullets propelled in, clashing mere centimetres from Eros’s periphery before rebounding off in ripples. Eros maintained an unhurried posture, inching forward with each step! Until Mogensha entered his firing range then he immediately raised his pistol and opened fire!
Currently, the crowd was aghast to discover; though Eros had been walking while Mogensha running, the former had exceeded the latter in speed!!!
At present, Mogensha had just arrived at the forest. Executing a front roll, he easily kicked against a lateral bracken tree before trying his utmost to conceal himself behind something.
Instead, that scorching bullet penetrated through the trees and landed onto his right shoulder with ease; blood gushed out into the air!
Due to that, Mogensha’s attempt at counter-firing missed its mark. However, with his rebellious personality, he violently attempted to strike back in retaliation.
Yet at this moment, Eros seemed to have long anticipated that Mogensha would counterattack in such a manner, promptly hoisting up his pistol, aiming and coldly fired!
A slanting bullet whizzed closely to the ground, before refracting forward in a 30 degrees angle. Mogensha had been consistently weird and unpredictable, and unless he was caught off guard, how could the enemy have predicted his movement and adapted oneself? What more, even releasing such a refractive bullet? His chest immediately suffered from a ruthless memory, with blood spraying out once again; his counterattack dissolving like soap bubbles.
Sheyan and Reef glanced at each other and sighed gently. Needless to say, this situation was exceedingly clear. A suppression of attributes.
It was clear Eros’s agility and perceptive sense eclipsed Mogensha’s. Though its disparity didn’t flourish effects such as crushing damages like the strength attribute, there was still a stark difference. Thus, Eros was able to maintain a step ahead of Mogensha, and suppressed him incredibly. Under such situation, solely relying on combat experience could be deemed as futile!
One could envision the glaring venom in Prince Stalo’s eyes now. Selecting such a person of strength and discipline to stifle his prey, withering away his prey in a smooth and orderly fashion! Such that even in defeat, his opponent wouldn’t have a single excuse.
Currently, Eros who had occupied supremacy, displayed a calm expression. While aiming his pistol towards Mogensha with his right hand, he drew a curve with his left.
Carving from up to down, his finger left a remnant glow of line in the air. Shua! A glowing door emerged, with two fully armed American soldiers marching out. After scanning their surroundings, they stooped forward and rush out. Utilizing standard tactical movements, they swiftly flanked towards both sides.
Eros remained standing still and his eyes seemingly shut. Holding his pistol, he placed it by his side naturally, as though he no longer had intentions of moving. Yet everyone knew that once Mogensha resurfaces, he would suffer a heartless bout of gunfire!
Such an offensive style caused one to unintentionally think of the phrase – cutting the grass while hitting the rabbit!
(TN: Chinese idiom which refers to while doing something, one conveniently does something else as well. Most likely referring to resting, while slowly achieving victory)
“The victor has been determined.” Prince Stalo gently issued. His voice was light, yet it rang deeply in everyone’s ears.
Reef frowned. Instead, Sheyan’s eyes twinkled and refuted.
“Indeed, It’s Eros’s defeat.”
Sheyan’s words wore spoken loudly, that everyone’s attention halted onto him.
As though trying to prove the validity of their statements; within the next second, Mogensha suddenly dove out, making consecutive rolls on the ground. After getting shot resulting in dripping speckles of blood, he submerged back into the dense forest.
However this time, Mogensha managed to retaliate after getting shot.
Beastly Instincts, activated!!
5 penetrative rounds propelled out, the supernatural ability that took down the katana contestant earlier once again showed itself.
5 rounds, mutually colliding at each tail. Finally, the last round transformed into a white streak as it drilled into Eros’s brows.
Instead, a flash radiated out from Eros’s periphery, which gave birth to 6 rhombus semi-transparent shields and forcefully deflected the incoming bullet away!
His final attack was actually futile!
“Nearly there.” Prince Stalo no longer watched as he lightly announced. “Another two more shots to eliminate him.”
Sheyan kept silent this time. Instead, his heart was screaming out.
“If I haven’t guessed wrongly……Mogensha. Golden AK, Mogensha. After following me for so long, if your prowess are indeed as formidable as what Reef mentioned, then……you should’ve already fulfilled the qualifications for that step!”
The forest was deathly still. Bracing their rifles, the two emotionless American soldiers continued advancing with standard tactical movements; like cold murderous machines. Their statuses were fixed as cannon fodder, like a fishnet serving only to drive fishes out of the water!
In the next second, within the dense area Mogensha was last seen. An astoundingly glaring crimson red glowed out, like needles prickling everyone’s eyes.
Boundary reached!
Golden AK Mogensha had actually possessed the capability to breakthrough the 50 points boundary!!!
The crux of it was very likely to be that black grade, ‘Sn-9 wasp pistol’, he had just acquired.
Still, Eros had an unwavering expression, appearing as though he had anticipated Mogensha’s awakening. Instead, his gaze transformed grimmer, as he maintained his position. Suddenly, a shadow darted out from the distant. Eros’s expression remained unchanging, likewise his posture held still. Except, the two summoned American soldiers immediately opened fire. Tu Tu Tu Tu! Bullets rated as unmissable struck against that shadow. Instead, it was merely a dried up tree stump.
At this very moment, Mogensha finally lifted his AK and leapt out from his cover. This time, Eros’s firing speed was clearly slower. Moreover, when his finger reached the trigger, he could not press it! That was because his shooting line of vision had two obstructing dots between him and Mogensha. The two shocking hindrances were indeed his own summons.
With Eros unable to take a shot, Mogensha finally succeeded in retreating several metres away, hiding deeper into the forest. At present, the awakened Mogensha was still lacking Eros in agility and perceptive sense, however, it was no longer that sort of total suppression.
Yet more critically, Mogensha had already realized. In the shooting aspect, Eros seemed to be rather unaccustomed. He wasn’t like one who arduously clawed up from the depths of life and death. Instead, he was like a shooting athlete, and his style was akin to that of ‘practice makes perfect’.
Mogensha continued wafting through the forest. His unceasing efforts as vigorous and nimble as the reindeers sprinting along the Alaskan fields. Every leap and jump ingeniously exploited the cover from the two American soldiers. As for those two soldiers, trying to land a hit on Mogensha before was already difficult, what more now; it was simply impossible.
When Eros finally came to that realization and ordered his soldiers to the side, Mogensha had already pulled open a gap of about 150 metres.
This was already out of a glock’s maximum range. Instead, Eros’s lips curled into a cold sneer, because his HP was still 100% while the current Mogensha didn’t even possess a third of his HP. Yes, fleeing further away was indeed escaping his firing range, but! Under such a vast proximity, Mogensha’s firing threat would greatly decline as well, becoming terribly hard to threaten Eros!
One shouldn’t forget; before Mogensha awakened, Eros’s perceptive sense had stifled Mogensha totally! Which goes to say, Mogensha’s base abilities probably didn’t elude Eros’s eyes.
A veteran shooter himself, Eros obviously knew that though basic attributes could inflate greatly after awakening, basic abilities still required learning. As for the current Mogensha’s basic abilities, it was inadequate for him to even wield a white grade sniper!
At the 200 metre mark, Mogensha shockingly begun his counterattack. The rumbling gunfire of his AK47 echoed through the dense forest. This time, Mogensha’s firing method was very weird – an appalling single bullet firing rate! With a 200 metres gap, though Eros’s attacks were deadly, the glock’s range had become his achilles heel. Mogensha could now freely assault Eros without caring about dodging.
Jetting out from the golden AK, 4 incomparably fiery bullets drilled into his foe’s body. Every time Mogensha fired, he would lift his foot and retreat. As though his footsteps were in line with a fatal rhythm, displaying a performance of fine execution. Every step he made left clear heavy footprints, yet his rhythmic posture appeared as though he was floating over the surface.
Mogensha’s target obviously wasn’t Eros, but the two American soldiers that were reluctantly pursuing him. The reason he started eliminating those two ‘aiding’ obstacles was that after fleeing so far, the two soldiers had ceased to be useful. Secondly, having just awakened his boundary, he definitely had to adjust to the sharp increase in agility and perceptive sense; advancing a step further in understanding his battle capabilities.
The piercing AK gunfires reverberated through the skies, seemingly within everyone’s reach.
A summoned American soldier suffered consecutive shots to his arm, stomach, chest and thigh. He was about to roar furiously but instead, a bullet wrapped in flames appeared before his very eyes!!!Chapter 393: A Sand pike

When Mogensha’s bullet whistled in, it directly penetrated the soldier’s face and through his brains; finally drilling out from the back of his skull. Due to its massive kinetic swirls, it ripped a huge chunk of brains out in the process.
The audience gazed on in horror, as the soldier’s expression convulsed grotesquely. From his back view, one could see a bowl-sized black hole, bloodied brain fluids draining out like tree sap!
Eros’s gaze turned colder, immediately summoning the other American soldier to return. A cannon fodder existed to be sacrificed, yet mindless sacrifice was definitely foolish. This was a male that thoroughly understood his weaknesses and strength.
After pondering, he actually gave up pursuing Mogensha and turned around to leave, while pulling the gap between himself and Mogensha further. Ultimately, he held the superior advantage here. When time was up, victory would naturally be his.
This was simply retreating to advance!
More crucially, this duel wasn’t a personal affair with that AK. It was a duel that directly affected their temporary party’s hidden mission! If he could face the next opponent in optimal condition, then his path ahead would be much smoother.
Yet at the instance both parties pulled open a sufficient distance, Mogensha stood up and showed himself. Ho! The onlookers gasped in surprise. He had already kept his golden AK. Within both hands, was now a shocking giant pistol; one with a high precision aiming device mounted above. Such was its relative size that it seemed as though the pistol had two gun barrels.
(Here is the official picture for u guys)
This was the main crime lord that allowed Mogensha to shed his ‘mortal body’ and reached the boundary!
Sn-9 Wasp pistol
Its glorious resplendent splendor, instantly captivated the crowd’s attention!
(When a contestant’s ‘Basic Long-range combat’ attained lvl 7, there is a chance of drawing an additional property – ‘Long-range Weapon Slot +1’. At present, Mogensha’s primary weapon slot was equipped with his ‘Sparta silver-spear’, while his long-range weapon slot now had two spaces, occupied by his Golden AK and the Sn-9 Wasp. If there’s confusion about weapon slots, it more or less mirrors the WoW format.)
The gap between Mogensha and Eros was presently over 300 metres. However, Mogensha still pressed his trigger! From afar, Eros instantly sensed an unexplainable blaze of threat. If an example had to be cited, then it would be analogous to an ordinary person being bound up, while an evil bumblebee buzzed in within centimetres. Instead, this bumblebee was crafted with scorching metal……
Over his body, 6 formless rhombus shields floated out immediately, yet the incoming beam very bluntly smashed through one shield, and directly impaled Eros’s arm.
A throbbing wave of piercing pain instantly overwhelmed Eros!
This beam was indeed a special ability of Mogensha’s weapon – ‘Wasp Stinger’ – During an attack, there’s a 33% chance of negating 50% of defence and deal penetrative damages. This attack takes precedence!
In this instant, Eros’s expression finally changed. This astonishing twist of events was completely out of his control! The smallest possibility of random variables had shockingly surfaced. His opponent wasn’t even equipped with an authentic sniper ace up his sleeve. Instead, he was holding onto a rarely seen giant pistol with sniping capabilities!
In a flash, Eros immediately acknowledged his own blunder. He released a muffled harrumph from his throat, as he ferociously charged forward; attempting to shorten the gap to Mogensha. However, Mogensha possessed abundance of combat experience, he immediately turned to flee. Not only that, during the course of him fleeing, he actually managed to strike two gunshots at Eros without slowing down.
One of the shot skewed radically, transforming into a beam as it swept through the surrounding trees. Creaacckk! It snapped off a 7-8 metre tall purple bracken tree. This tree crumbled clamorously, as leaves wafted into the air. As for the other bullet, it very frankly whistled through the hole left by the shattered area of the formless rhombus shield. Psst! It skid across Eros’s face, leaving a trail of blood!
Recalling the entire performance of Mogensha and Eros’s dueling, those Growth-Hunters immediately adopted a solemn expression. They clearly understood……Eros’s greatest threat potential wasn’t within 300 metres proximity, but within a 100 metre radius!
Moreover, his foe even had a weapon that contained penetrative properties, which meant…..ordinary cover wouldn’t pose a huge help! Once Eros pursues and shrinks the gap between them, the price for his opponent daring to return fire, would be having his safety gap being forcefully shortened. However, since golden AK possessed the ridiculous ability of run firing, then things would be exceptionally thorny…….
Eros immediately shrugged aside the glock that Prince Stalo had handed to him. Currently, he retrieved a ‘Holy Bible’ lookalike, before carving a cross in midair. Instantaneously, dazzling golden-bright radiance descended onto his body. Eros then bent himself in furious pursuit. The experienced Mogensha obviously wasn’t willing to allow him that luxury, he continued sprinting away. While sprinting forward, he abruptly leapt up in a front somersault as his head and arms faced his opponent in midair. Then, he aimed and released two shots.
This time, yet another shot missed. Instead, the other gunfire carried an acute buzz identical to a wasp, stinging against Eros’s chest. In a flash, an illusion of ice disintegrating on Eros’s body could be seen, before fresh blood came pouring out.
“Damned! He really does possess a mobile firing ability!” The amount of contestants that utilized firearms occupied at least a fifth here, they all understood deeply the intrinsic difficulty of maintaining accurate firing at foes while sprinting.
Perhaps Mogensha’s first strike could be described as a blind mouse encountering a dead rat. As for the second time, if one still attempted to brush it off, then he would really be a discountable fool. As for now, it was already the third time Mogensha exhibited such formidable abilities!
Eros’s pupils immediately shrank. He instantly leapt behind a lateral tree. Instead, upon viewing this situation, Mogensha hurriedly activated his ‘Beastly Instincts’! Da Da Da! 3 consecutive fires.
The 3 gun shots crackled forward, instantly colliding each other’s tail. The third and second round were like supplements for the first. Bam Bam! They combined, as the first bullet jetted in carrying a piercing wasp buzz. Boom! It penetrated through that tree sheltering Eros.
The tree loudly exploded forth with sharp fragmentations of wooden chips, before dispersing like gust of winds.
Eros immediately darted out, but blood was already trickling down his left calf!
Although he suffered an injury, Eros’s eyes flushed with a disdainful look. He took a deep inhalation, both hands pressing down onto the ground. Currently, Eros was obviously in a motionless state, a golden opportunity for Mogensha to assault him. Yet…..Mogensha only stared with widened eyes.
Because in this short duel, Eros had discovered a fatal weakness of Mogensha. That was Mogensha’s weapon ammunition capacity was too little – only four rounds! After he released the 3 shots, Mogensha had to empty out the magazine, and engage in reloading.
Of course Mogensha had another choice here, that was to change to his AK and fire. It was just that the distance between them was nearly 300 metres, and his AK’s precise accuracy and damage would be discounted greatly.
Most importantly, the golden AK bullets didn’t possess penetrative capabilities. At most, it could smash against Eros’s 6 rhombus shields. Even under heavy firepower suppression, Eros would still be able to resist for 10 seconds.
At present, if one were to survey a hundred square metre radius of the area, one would be appalled to discover the state of withered vegetation. The moist and fertile soil had dried up, cracked and finally turned granular! This tropical rainforest thriving with vitality had now morphed into a desolate desert.
At this moment, Eros exclaimed loudly. Drawing both hands from the ground, he raised his palm and grasped!
“With Gaea’s might!”
“Come forth!”
Eros snarled out.
“Sand-Exiling Pike!”
Shua!! The sandy ground abruptly converged, forming together and assembled into a sandy long pike! The sand constituting the long spear seemed to contain life, revolving and circulating about. Eros retracted back, exerting strength as he hurled the sandy long pike towards Mogensha ferociously.
Reaching the pinnacle of velocity, it surged in by 150 metres before declining to seek solace back into the ground. Yet at this moment, the distant Eros raised his left hand, with his bible lookalike once again in his hand. He then pressed his hand over the cover page, before chanting out.
“With Gaea’s might!”
“Take form!”
Appearing like a huge finger pinching in from the sky, the sandy long pike converged towards the ground. Then it actually condensed into a sandman that was roughly half a metre tall. The sandman had an appearance identical to Eros.
As the sandman landed, it made a front roll before dashing towards Mogensha. Its dashing speed was terrifying to behold. At this moment, Eros was still within his casting state and utterly immobile. Yet Mogensha was still reloading and completely unable to attack him!!Chapter 394: Triple Kill!!!!

The sandman was rather small and appeared somewhat adorable. Some members of the Illume-union couldn’t resist the urge to giggle, but their giggles quickly faded. That was because wherever the advancing sandman stomped, it would leave an astounding half a metre deep pothole, the size of a bathtub! Within it, was completely devoid of sand.
With each traversing step, the sandman swelled by a portion. Finally, it transformed into a 4 metre tall sand golem, its body filled with dried rotten leaves and grainy sand. With astonishing impetus, it dashed towards Mogensha.
Its sandy body appeared rather spongy. Whenever a large branch collided against it, it would splatter apart. However, the sand would hastily replenished itself.
Mogensha opened fired, but instead discovered that his ‘SN-Wasp’ was utterly useless against it. At most scattered sand fragments would spill down. The sand golem appeared as if it was utterly indestructible!
The golem chose its dashing path wittily, overshadowing the direct line of fire between Mogensha and Eros. Thus, although Eros was completely immobile while sustaining his spell, Mogensha was completely unable to attack him either.
With disaster at his doorsteps, Mogensha immediately shifted to his Golden AK; DA DA DA DA DA the 5 burst shot rang out! At that instant, tiny holes appeared on the sand golem’s body, and within the haphazard mess of loose sand, one could even see through its body and view the scenic forest behind. Yet the golem’s face displayed no anguish, but became increasingly infuriated and vicious.
Suddenly, the golem raised both hands! A surreptitious, sinister and abnormal buzz echoed within the atmosphere, along with indescribable glows of concentrated earthen-yellow blooming from the hollow of its palm above its head. The glows gently swirled before being heavily smacked onto the ground, unleashing a chaotic mess as sudden slurry mud waves rippled towards all directions! In a flash, it extended towards the extremes.
Mogensha couldn’t dodge in time, as his feet was instantly trapped by the viscous mud, causing his speed to decline greatly. Every present step he made, the area beneath would naturally transform into a waterlogged mire, with his foot sinking at least calf deep. His speed superiority was destroyed!
Experiencing this deadly crisis, Mogensha no longer ran. He dove forward and quietly did a somersault flip, hiding behind a huge tree. Half-kneeling, he raised his rifled and triggered, concentrating his shots against the chest of the sand golem. Sand and dried twigs fluttered into the air, as its charging velocity faced some resistance.
Except this time, the periphery of the sand golem suddenly unleashed a faint earthen-yellow light-screen. This light-screen actually seemed like an outstanding guarding ability against long range assaults, as it repeatedly deflected away incoming bullets.
The golem issued an enraged bellow, turning sideways slightly as it ferociously executed a full force pulling action, as it horrifyingly severed its own right arm; before sending it thrusting towards Mogensha. Mogensha immediately raised his rifle and fired, causing the impending sand arm from the sky to explode right ahead of his head.
Dense grains of soil, sand and mud showered down like a muddy sandstorm, with droplets of mud that actually contained intense corrosive nature. As Mogensha took cover back behind the huge tree, he could hear the sizzling acid sound along with white fumes emerging; infiltrating the tree with potholes, as it eroded beyond recognition!
Suddenly, “Szzii” ! A droplet of yellowish mud dripped onto Mogensha’s shoulder, releasing an awful burnt stench into the air. His wound instantly decomposed vehemently, with disgusting pus and water streaming out of it. Instead, Mogensha maintained an ignorant expression, steadying his guns with boulder like stability. His eyes glaring with determination at the golem’s chest, and fired without anxiety; as though nothing in the world could distract him!
Though Mogensha valiantly opened fire, the gigantic golem’s rate of sand regeneration was simply too frightening. Very quickly, it reached within 30 metres of Mogensha. Yet in that instance, Mogensha’s wrist shuddered; aiming down towards the legs of the sand golem. 3 flaming rounds urgently jetted in, colliding in midair as it ignited a tremendously violent explosion. It seemed as though he was trying to decimate the golem’s left leg and foil its movement!
At this moment, Eros’s face exposed a cunning sneer. He had long anticipated Mogensha’s action! Swiftly, he drew a symbol onto the his bible lookalike.
“With Gaea’s might!”
In that instant, the solid mother earth seemed to have transform into the ocean, allowing the golem’s entire frame to sink down into the ground; ingeniously evading the explosion threat of Mogensha’s colliding bullets.
Within the next second, the gigantic golem was already bellowing furiously and breaking speedily towards Mogensha, swinging a pounding fist down onto its damnable foe!
Yet, its first froze a metre above Mogensha’s head…….
In a split second, the golem’s sandy surface exhibited dried cracks, hardening and finally crumbling down like a millennium old ancient sculpture; transforming into dust and blown away by the wind.
Mogensha flipped his wrist, he stored the ‘SN-9 Wasp’ in his hands before retrieving a cigar and puffing it deeply! Blood-soaked from the top, he waved towards Sheyan as he limped over.
300 metres away, Eros was shockingly kneeling in near-death state on the ground. He shut his eyes without a thread of emotions……
After summoning out the magnificent sand golem, that powerful Growth-hunter had constantly positioned it in Mogensha’s line of firing. Relying on the golem’s frightening 4 metre frame, was actually a relatively simple feat. However, once Mogensha started releasing crazed assaults against the golem, his assaults dealt a massive underlying threat to Eros. In actual fact, whenever the golem’s essence was destroyed, it would similarly be weakened.
Under the immense pressure, Mogensha gambled; betting on Eros’s combat habits!
If Eros was a team player, someone that cared and cooperated with allies, then he would surely neglect his personal safety during the most critical moment; because, his party members would do the same for him.
If Eros was a solo player, then he would always pay attention to his personal safety!
In reality, Mogensha had a 70% confidence that Eros was a party team player, seeing that Price Stalo was obviously his boss. Hence, once Eros’s gigantic golem burrowed into the ground, Mogensha had seized that opportunity when his prior bullets had exploded into smoke. Pulling out his ‘SN-9 Wasp’, he relied on his memory; utilizing ‘Beastly Instincts’ to release 4 fatal rounds.
Due to the hazy smoke, Eros was completely oblivious of Mogensha’s act! Hence, he hadn’t a single notion of evading!
“Triple kill!!!!”
Mogensha wasn’t a quiet fella. Brimming with smiles, he raised his Golden AK and pranced about incessantly before the valkyrie defenders! In return, the defenders issued a warm applause. Sheyan finally understood the underlying intentions of Mogensha stepping forward previously.
From a wider perspective, Reef as an MT was known by everyone. Yet Mogensha managed to defeat 3 contestants in a row, allowing his personal glory to completely overshadow Sheyan.
From his own personal perspective, after experiencing matters with Makaji, Uzel and Lille; Mogensha who had suffered an unexpected backstab felt as though his position within the party was marginalized. Although Sheyan and Reef said nothing, he wasn’t one to idle but instead bind his silk before it rains*. Right now, he finally displayed his worth, and at the same time vent earlier grievances on these Growth-hunters.
(TN: *Chinese idiom, prepare ahead)
“Good.” Sheyan humbly chuckled, his heart uttering that word.
The group of Growth-Hunters adopted ashen faces. The arrogant overlords who triumphed 7 times consecutively had taken a sudden shocking twist and lost 3 consecutively! Moreover, the black dude actually blew a kiss with his thick lips at them. This was adding fuel to the already blazing wildfire. The black dude even whistled further in provocation, causing the Growth-hunters to clench their fists tightly.
At this moment, Prince Stalo spoke out with a sullen expression.
“Moyan Lin! You handle him!”
Having his name called, the Growth-hunter took half a step forward but was abruptly interrupted. A skinny, slim and tall figure stood forward; on his back, twin falchion blades were strapped across into a cross! They emitted an overflowing ghastly chilliness!
“No need for that trouble, just leave the rest to me, Wendy!”
Prince Stalo’s eyes swelled with flames!
“Do as I said!”
Wendy wasn’t very courteous, refuting in sarcastic repartee.
“Yeah your words already costed us a defeat! Stalo, watch yourself a little, we are just temporary partners!”
Following that, Wendy strode largely towards Mogensha, issuing his challenge!
Mogensha, this black dude, strolled 50 metres away from him, lazily puffing on his cigar; not even batting an eye at him! If Wendy’s heart wasn’t nervous, that would be a lie. At the start of the duel, he immediately unsheathed his twin falchion blades, before smearing a layer of fresh blood onto the blade. Brandishing the blades into the air, the blades combusted with flames.
Wendy snarled loudly, sweeping forward with his fiery blazing blades. His entire being seemed to have transformed into a peerless blazing lion, pouncing savagely at Mogensha with unbelievable speed. This sort of speed……was actually not the least bit inferior to Sheyan when he activated his ring’s ‘Horn Rage’!
At this moment, Mogensha immediately spat out a fog of smoke, as he lazily commanded his nightmare imprint.
“I Concede……..”
………..Chapter 395: Zi enters!

Wendy’s blade had obviously already reached Mogensha’s face, but was instantly blocked by an incorporeal barrier. The raging flames whirled in backlash, engulfing backwards violently in Wendy’s face! Along with mud splashing at Wendy’s face, it caused him to look exceedingly haggard.
Instead, Mogensha sat down leisurely inside his protective barrier, while his cigar was still completely intact. He spat out another puff in Wendy’s face, and snickered silently.
“This stick is an authentic cigar from Havana, rolled between a lass’s thighs.”
Wendy’s teeth chattered; brimming with rage, yet was unable to vent it on this old fox Mogensha. He could only yell wildly, pointing his falchion blade at the defending contestants.
The next moment, his smugness vanished. The next one was shockingly the Illume-union’s MT, Archeaphill! One didn’t need any introductions, just looking at that great silver murderous-looking shield smashing majestically into the ground, one could tell what Archeaphill did for a living.
Wendy’s expression turned ashen. Frankly speaking, he was an offensive close-combat demon, but his defense and HP was relatively thin. Such a model loathed contestants with incredibly resolute defence and HP, one who could endure prolonged battles!
The following duel was needless to explain. Archeaphill naturally treaded on the path of defense and counterattack. As for Wendy, he was like a wolf licking his wounds from a distance, before sharpening his claws and pouncing in exploitation. If there was nothing to gain, he would retreat before attacking again……..the conclusion was done after the 10 minutes period. Archeaphill’s exorbitant supremacy of HP percentage easily dispatched Wendy, attaining victory.
In defeat, Wendy offered not a single word. His expression incomparably ugly as he turned to leave…….
Following that, a long range combatant Growth-hunter challenged. With a speed declining ability, that Growth-hunter was able to rely on 100% HP to attain victory, but was unable to sink Archeaphill into near-death state; one could tell how extraordinary Archeaphill’s +7 great shield’s defensive capability was. Archeaphill was like a turtle hidden in its shell, merely hiding behind his imprenable gate-like shield.
Although he submerged into a passive defensive state and could only pull out a handgun occasionally in retaliation, the other Growth-hunter had 80% of attacks falling short to Archeaphill’s indestructible +7 silver ‘Bulwark of Azzinoth’, and even received backlash recoil repercussions.
Yet anyone could tell how formidable that Growth-hunter was. Although not as abundant in terms of combat experience as Mogensha, that Growth-hunter didn’t lack might nor grandeur. Though that was so, squaring off against a turtle-in-a-shell tactic, would simply cause one to feel binded in both arms and legs.
Even more mysterious was that Archeaphill actually possessed a passive health regeneration ability. Even after the 10 minutes duel concluded, his HP was still at roughly 50%.
From an MT perspective, there was no need to doubt Reef’s specialized talents; one look was enough to deduce this.
“That guy has probably learnt a new ability, allowing him to recover a definite amount of HP whenever the enemy deals an explosive strike. Although he seems rather unkillable in a single duel, if two enemies were to attack from front and back; his inflexible nature would exhibit itself, only awaiting to be covered in cuts and bruises!”
After Archeaphill’s defeat, undoubtedly, a huge portion of close-combat agile contestants already had rather plentiful experiences in dealing with gun type contestants; what more towards a duel that wouldn’t risk their lives? Immediately, several other agile close-combatants challenged, by principle of natural numerical advantage. Hence, that Growth-hunter was withered down by the masses, with one following up whenever one falls!
Following that, the battle gradually became more intense. When the opposing team of Growth-hunters had 8 individuals left, Zi floated composedly onto the field. She consecutively defeated two Growth-hunters, while her overwhelming talents exhibiting itself. Actually, those 6 crystals orbiting around her in perfect harmony, were magic crystals congealed with mana. During a crisis, it would serve as additional fuels of MP!
Seeing Zi lifting weights while making it look light, defeating two opponents while not fully expressing herself yet, the remaining Growth-Hunters glanced at each other in dismay. Under normal circumstances, each contestant would have obvious shortcomings.
For example, MTs would have deficient firepower or sluggish agility. Agile close-combatants were speedy both in movement and attack, yet their HP or attack damage would be lacking. Summoners could summon heaven-defying creatures yet their bodies were mortally frail. Mage contestants had weaker HP and endurance as their shortcomings, but made amends with terrifying explosive damage or effects.
Yet Zi seemed to be devoid of weakness! She was able to cast a positive buff ‘Force Journey’ and raise her personal movement speed. According to Mogensha’s reckoning, her magic shield ability should be at least lvl 4, with additional supportive powers! Hence, the HP deficiency shortcoming of a mage base contestant was superseded. Moreover, those 6 mana crystals could replenish her MP at anytime, sustaining her battle capabilities……
No doubt, Zi should be an official Growth-Hunter! Riding on her imposing grandeur of dispatching two powerful Growth-hunters, her robe fluttered in the wind; shaking the entire crowd. In that instance, the 6 remaining foes were intimidated by her loftiness. Nobody stood forward to challenge even after 30 seconds has past, such was this extraordinary scenario.
One must understand; even if Zi didn’t consume medicines, her MP regeneration rate was still stunning. At present, only one mana crystal was left orbiting around her; as time dragged on, then she would be able to recover more MP! After a brief while, the mana crystal orbiting around her divided into 3 once again. At this time, someone trudged forward, his hands folded across his chest as he gazed at Zi and humbly asked.
“Fully recovered yet?”
The crowd broke into an upheaval upon hearing that question! Actually, it wasn’t that nobody dared to challenge, but that this individual wasn’t willing to exploit Zi’s situation! He was slowly waiting for her to rejuvenate to her optimal state, before engaging her.
Wasn’t this pure confidence and haughtiness?
Zi gazed at him, earnestly replying.
“Not yet.”
That person straightforwardly replied.
“Okay, I’ll wait before challenging again.”
As the two conversed, Sheyan could hear a cold snort from Reef’s nostrils. He couldn’t resist the urge to giggle, because the one that challenged Zi so haughtily, was a person familiar to Reef – Aldaris!
Sheyan heard from Reef before, that Aldaris belonged to a class of mage-warrior dual combatant; his primary attributes were strength, intelligence and spirit. Relying on magic shields and lifesteal to sustain his survivability in battles, while counting on his equipment to compensate movement speed. The major reason he lost to Reef was his inability to deal substantial damage to Reef, hence his ‘Vampirism-Touch’ couldn’t steal much HP.
Yet…..if Aladaris dared to square off with an optimal state Zi merely based on that, he surely had something else up his sleeves. If not, he wouldn’t be so confidently conceited. Very quickly, Zi healed up completely. With a serene expression, she drifted towards the centre of the field, before gently issuing.
Aldaris squatted lazily by the side, his dressing was totally a hip-hop style; backwards baseball cap, large shades, and a lip ring. Yet after he arrived in front of Zi, though his appearance and dressing remained unchanged, his entire aura had changed wholly – A cunning and refined air, emanating a graceful chilliness; like an iron city within a snowstorm, icy, imposing, refined and tremendous!
Their duel commenced. Due to the 50 metres gap, Aldaris’s first move was to approach Zi as soon as possible, drawing closer as he demonstrated a meandering zigzag movement. Instead, Zi produced a bowl sized crystal ball, which permeated an abstruse blue. It was impossible for one to identify what grade that object was, and one could only reckon it to be within the category of soul equipments.
Zi utterly ignored Aldaris and opted to seriously focus onto her crystal ball; as though she was conscientiously gazing at still waves, the tranquil sea.
Reflecting now on the crystal ball, was a shocking figure of Aldaris crouching; yet currently, he was clearly sprinting forward. The crystal ball’s feedback of Aldaris then inclined forward before he abruptly bounced forward, directly plunging down like a rock and pasting himself to the ground as he rushed in. That kind of bizarre furtive movement was completely unprecedented, like how humankind’s rapid evolution till now was still shrouded with mysteries.
After observing this scene, Zi raised her left palm resolutely and faced it outwards. Only people with outstanding spirit/intelligence could sense that her palm contained an endless attraction, ushering elevated compression into the surrounding air. Then, slices of fragments rapidly assembled towards her palm, forming into a formless and perfect wide rampart before she sent it colliding forward.
This was a move that served Sheyan a plate of bitterness in the past.
Force Collision-Wall!
Yet even more strangely before this, that originally sprinting Alaris actually imitated the reflection on the crystal ball identically. Crouching down before leaping up, he then descended again, before……he blatantly welcomed Zi’s ‘Force Collision-wall’ ! It was exactly as though he had delivered himself to her door!
The crystal ball Zi was holding onto could shockingly prophesy her opponent’s upcoming movement! Such an ability could only be described as a divine mystery.Chapter 396: Fighting fiercely

The fierce collision instantly slammed grave damages onto Aldaris. His vision blackened as his limbs soared upwards, while he wretchedly tumbled backwards; as though he fell flat on his face, his face was smeared with filth. It was exactly the same scene as when Sheyan had suffered the collision wall back in the PotC world.
However, a coat of blue screen then surfaced around Aldaris, its undivided essence circulated with a smooth luster. Reef couldn’t contain himself.
“Holy, that moron actually managed to raise his ‘MP-guard’ to beyond lvl 4?”
Aldaris immediately climbed back up after his tumble. Without a single decadent expression, his eyes actually leaked out a stimulated enthusiasm.
“Good! Come again!”
He even digged his nose to wipe off the trickling nose blood. This action instantly caused everyone to giggle, as the bunch of Growth-hunters shook their heads faintly. Prince Stalo shut his eyes thoroughly, his heart rebuking himself for listening to Eros and actually allowing this idiot to compete. “Eros is really a fool, he probably sucked in a whole load of consolation marijuana after his defeat to make such a recommendation!”
“Oh?” At this moment, Sheyan could suddenly smell an indescribably keen odour emitting from Aldaris’s body. Sheyan further noticed Aldaris’s nose blood that he flung onto the grass beneath him. it congealed like rubies on the grassy surface, seemingly not about disperse for a long while.
Although she occupied first advantage, Zi didn’t lower her guard. She once again, wiped her crystal ball and gazed into it. Yet this time, Zi’s expression was visibly stirred. The astonishing feedback from her crystal ball this time, displayed shockingly 4 Alaris dashing towards her from the east, south, west and north! Moreover, his dash was strict and increasingly determined! Such a sensation – dashing headfirst with his blade trailing behind, it completely felt like a fanatical suicidal charge!
If one described Aldaris’s first charge as a blend of speed and craftiness, then his second charge was like a cold wind from the extreme north; a matchless biting cold as he advanced courageously, igniting the flames of war and blood!
Encountering such a peculiar feedbacked scene, Zi’s expression turned gravely solemn. One of her 6 rhombus mana crystal fractured, transforming into stars of mana crystals refuelling into her body. This time, Zi extended her hand and pointed towards the sky!
Visibly seen instantly, that boundless attraction force appeared on all 4 sides surrounding her. Then 4 entire ‘Force Collision-Wall’ took shape around her. At this moment, Aldaris was already piercing lethally towards Zi. At the moment he reached 30 metres away from her, a peculiar scenario of 3 other Aldaris emerged; all rushing in from separate directions. Including his unknown primary body, they surged towards Zi!
Naturally, there weren’t 4 Aldaris, and 3 were indefinitely illusions!
Hence, when faced with such a situation, most people had to make a choice. That was to search out the true Aldaris amidst the 4! Moreover, one had to give an answer within 2 seconds.
Instead, Zi didn’t bother with that decision. Her method was to directly shred apart the question test paper itself!
An entire 4 transparent ‘Force Collision-Walls’ sped towards the 4 Aldaris. Sure enough, the Aldaris of the north was instantly knocked flying, as blood gushed out from his nose while the remaining 3 illusions utterly vanished.
Force.Alternate-shuddering Wall!
Standing beside Sheyan, Huckle abruptly interrupted.
“Zi is very prudent today. She would rather waste a load of MP, to prevent that guy from approaching. Seems like that guy is issuing an immense pressure onto her.”
Instead, Sheyan was deliberating another matter in his mind. Why did Aldaris allow Zi to fully rejuvenate to optimal state? Sheyan firmly didn’t believe in things like gentlemanly demeanor or chivalrous nobility. Such an idiot would appear 1 in ten thousand. Moreover, he had the immense luck of encountering one already (Reef would rage, curse his mum). By right, he shouldn’t be encountering another one!
Right now, he could infer that Aldaris definitely had some form of advantage in dealing with a fully recovered Zi……this deduction sounded rather far-fetched, but thinking deeper, it definitely wasn’t impossible…..
Aldaris sighed, shaking his head as he stood up again. He smiled bitterly as he wiped off the blood from his nose, sprinkling it to the ground. Looking rather dispirited, he once again continued to attack!
This time, Zi wasn’t one to be complacent. She continued gazing into her own crystal ball, instantly noticing that Aldaris would once again execute the same attacking move; splitting into 3 illusions as he wildly grazed in. Facing such a reckless onslaught, Zi no longer felt it was a thorny problem. She was exceedingly confident in her own capabilities. Besides, how many ‘Force Collision-wall’ could Aldaris eat? No matter how defensively strong his ‘MP-Guard’ was, she should’ve already scraped off roughly half of his HP. He, how much more blood could he shed?
To Sheyan who had stronger perceptive sense than Aldaris, he could retrieve precise statistics – which was that Aldaris could at most withstand another two ‘Force Collision-Wall’. The third one would slam him into a critical state!
Yet at this moment, Zi furrowed her brows. She could scarcely sense something was wrong; because this time, the crystal ball’s prophesy lasted too short. A mere brief duration of 4 Aldaris charging in, then the feedback vanished. The crystal ball’s feedback period was at least shortened by a third.
However, time was tight. Zi immediately affirmed her choice to confront Aldaris. With her finger facing the sky, she once again drew energy.
Force.Alternate-Shuddering Wall!
Force accumulation,
4 formless tremendous walls swept out, heavily colliding into the face of the 4 incoming Aldaris. Instead……but! The 4 Aldaris seemed to have disappeared into thin air, they were actually all illusions?!!
Then where was the real body?
Zi’s four directions were all swept through by her incomparably formidable ‘Fall Collision-Walls’. Then the only threat would be….the sky!
That’s right! Aldaris was currently like a northern goshawk*, preying on its food,
(TN:* A northern Goshawk is a bird species of China)
Directly swooping down!!!
His downwards swoop was extremely acute, like an urgently desperate wind assailing one’s nostrils; causing his hair and his outer cloak to flutter backwards wildly. He then raised both arms, with his muscular outline distinct from executing his wind struck attack; causing his entire self to emit a cutting incisiveness against the rushing wind!
At present, a shocking 40 cm long dagger had appeared in Aldaris’s hand. The dagger appeared exceedingly malevolent and bewitching, comparable to a great beast’s ivory fangs.
The dagger’s body carved an arc in midair, its tip releasing a faint maroon light; probably due to prolonged periods of bloodshed previously. Its dagger shaft was tooth white, yet its entire body radiated with a faint greenish glow! As for this particular glow, it was the first time Sheyan had seen it.
Huckle couldn’t contain his amazement as he announced out.
“Is that, is that a light-green grade weapon, a weapon that can mature?”
Aldaris’s five fingers wrapped around like hooks, firmly gripping onto the dagger shaft. When Zi finally entered his attacking range, his eyes flickered as he seized the moment with strength. The dagger combusted with fiery blue flames, with ash-black embers skirting around the flaming edges. It appeared like a combination of blue and black, looking incomparably heinous.
Several spirit/ intelligence based contestants when witnessing such a flame, could only feel their hearts submerging, and deeply caving in!
Zi was currently in her refractory period of just releasing an ability. There was no time for her to dodge. As she personally observed the dagger, litted with bluish-black embers, thrusting towards her neck, she then shut her eyes with neither panic nor fluster.
Two rhombus mana crystals instantly wafted in, curving out two arcane lines as it protected her vital throat. Simultaneously, Zi activated her ‘MP-Guard’. A blue coat enveloped her entire being.
Yet at this moment, Aldaris’s wrist suddenly shifted; curving down from Zi’s necks as it slicked downwards. That bewitching bone-dagger carried its bluish-black embers, and blatantly thrusted into Zi’s dark-blue crystal ball.
In that instance, time seemed to have congealed.
Yet one could feel at the moment of impact between the dagger and crystal ball, two unfathomable forces erupted into an incomparably intensified collision. A violent explosion unleashed a glaring brilliance that illuminated the entire scene. That sparkling and translucent crystal ball shattered into thousands and ten thousands of fragments; scattering in all directions. It was like icy rains sprinkling everywhere, like a fantasy reverie!
Aldaris’s aim was actually that crystal ball that could prophesy the opponent’s movements!! Then, it wasn’t hard to explain why the crystal ball had cut off its feedback abruptly; because it had prophesied its own destruction, and obviously it couldn’t prophesy anything else.
Facing such an incident, Zi’s expression instantly turned pale. Her eyes were set ablaze with deep furiousness. Her left fist clenching into a fist, as glimmers of colorless rays permeated through the cracks of her fingers. The rays swiftly slid forward, condensing beneath Aldaris’s feet.
At this moment, Aldaris was about to conveniently swipe his dagger upwards. Instead, Zi brandished her hand, directly sending Aldaris crashing into the distance. His bone-dagger carved a bluish black afterimage 10 cm in front of Zi’s face, as it carried a reluctance back towards its owner.
Force Convergence-toss!Chapter 397: Mage-Nemesis

Closely after Aldaris was knocked flying, an unexplainable sparkle twinkled in Zi’s pupils; like a peerlessly sharp pointed tip that emitted chilling rays. This was the sign of a powerful controlling and damaging ability of hers – ‘Force Needle-Explosion’… this moment, once Aldaris received her most lethal technique, even if he wasn’t stunned, he would surely sink into near-death state.
Yet at this moment after he crashed down, Aldaris lifted his head and casted a sly smile. Gripping his bewitching bone-dagger, his right arm blurred abruptly in motion,
A ferocious hurling motion!
Concurrently, when Aldaris sprayed out a mouthful of blood as he was struck by the ‘Force Needle-Explosion’, his bewitching bone-dagger had whirled in like a boomerang, deeply stabbing into Zi’s underbelly; blood soaked and ripping, before his dagger spiralled back into Aldaris’s hand!
Vividly seen, the tooth white bone-dagger’s shaft consecutively transformed into a bloodied red, as insipid black air rings of ripples diffused out. All of a sudden, Zi tottered backwards as if she was on the verge of collapse! On the contrary, Aldaris abruptly became revitalized, and his lips curled into a surreptitious snicker.
“Zi is most likely going to lose.” Reef suddenly spoke out. “That guy’s light-green (Maturing) grade dagger is called ‘Mage-Nemesis’, which originates from the Lord of the Rings world. In the third age, year 3019, 3rd day of the 11th month, Gríma Wormtongue drove this dagger into Saruman’s back, killing him ultimately. That weapon doesn’t have high offensive powers, but it has a special property. Every time it lands an attack, it will inflict additional damage and burn off a portion of MP. Its additional damage has a very high precedence, and it’s worth x4 of the opponent’s intelligence!”
“That property complementing with Aldaris’s ‘Vampirism-Touch’ ability, allows him to successfully heal a terrifying portion of his health. This is because the lifestealing ability of his ‘Vampirism-Touch’ even counts in the burnt portion of the opponent’s MP!”
(Author: If you still don’t understand, let me give an example. If Zi’s intelligence was 50, while its base damage is 10 points, and Aldaris inflicted a blow to her under the condition that her defence is 0 points. He would then inflict damages of (10 + 200) to her health, and (+200) to her MP. His ‘Vampirism-Touch’ ability has a 30% lifestealing property. Then with one strike, Aldaris can heal (3.3 + 66 +66 = 135) HP! )
Yet if Zi didn’t possess much MP, then naturally Aldaris wouldn’t be able to ignite his ability; causing his life stealing abilities to be greatly impaired. Thus, Aldaris had chivalrously allowed Zi to recover first, before initiating the duel. Regrettably, this method couldn’t be used against Reef……firstly, Reef possessed a low intelligence attribute. Secondly, even without MP, his ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ didn’t require MP. Moreover, his remaining passive abilities and equipments didn’t require MP…
Following that, Aldaris altered his battle style, adopting a rather leisure and carefree concept. It was until later, that his earlier comical scenes of wiping off blood from his nose and sprinkling the blood to the ground finally surfaced. Aldaris actually managed to unleash an enveloping ionic storm, with a tremendous radius, into the area. Dazzling impetuous rush of electric ions wantonly shredded through the atmosphere in a winding brilliance. This large area of effect assaulting ability could not segregate friend nor foe. However, Aldaris had managed to cast an ability ‘Blood-Elude’, that enclosed an area that he demarcated with his blood earlier on; thereby trapping only Zi inside the ionic storm.
At this moment, Sheyan suddenly noticed an ineffable flicker in Zi’s eyes, one that wasn’t resigned to admitting defeat. His heart instantly skipped a beat.
“Perhaps……this woman has a trump card?”
However, Sheyan’s conjecture could not be verified. Trapped within the ionic storm, Zi very bluntly and peacefully conceded….then, she lightly wiped off the bloodstains of her lips and stood up. Coughing lightly, she issued.
“Prince. It has been a long time. Your abilities should’ve improved greatly. Then for the next duel, we shall choose a party battle.”
Speaking till here, Zi paused for a moment. Not fully expressing herself yet, she earnestly continued.
“A 5 vs 5 party battle!”
Right now, the opposing Growth-Hunters were only left with 6 individuals. Prince Stalo was the tacit leader of them. By suggesting a 5v5 duel, Zi was seemingly and openly conspiring against them.
Zi probably understood the fearsome capabilities of Prince Stalo, but it was possibly something that couldn’t complement teammates in a party context. Therefore, the opposing Growth-hunters had only two choices.
Form a duelling party with the remaining 4 optimal condition Growth-hunters, along with that Aldaris who had displayed all his aces so far; naturally, they would lose out in that aspect. The benefit was that they could preserve Prince Stalo as the final thread of hope.
If Prince Stalo participates in the 5v5 duel, and his personal abilities couldn’t assimilate with his party; then the overall outcome would be like a ‘4+1’ team, instead of a ‘5’. Instead, it could even have a negative backlash, turning it into a ‘4-1 = 3’ scenario! Once they lose and was left with Aldaris……then Reef could challenge him alone!
Hence, Zi chose to establish such an invincible position; such was the scheming shrewdness of this woman!
After the pack of Growth-hunters heard the phrase ‘5v5 party battle’, Aldaris’s expression instantly sank; as though he wanted to say something but could not. Prince Stalo suddenly raised his head, his white hair fluttering in the wind as he gazed at Zi with a queer expression. His lips twitched slightly and he responded.
“Zi, your MT is already defeated. He doesn’t have the rights to rechallenge. At this moment, you actually dare to have a party battle with us? Do you have such great desires to see me in action?”
Zi very calmly replied.
“Archeaphill challenged on my instruction. As for the reason behind that; naturally there is someone else more suitable for the MT role in this context!”
Prince Stalo’s face instantly turned ugly. He knew Zi was an extremely astute and experienced woman, and she rarely resorted to deception. It was either do, or don’t do; and if she did, she would do it with great certainty.
The fierce, haughty white haired male swept through the remaining contestants with his piercing gaze. Reef obviously wouldn’t exhibit his shield hovering it everywhere, while Sheyan slanted his face downwards in purposeful submission. Hence, Prince Stalo couldn’t tell at all.
After a long pause, Prince Stalo finally laughed hysterically, before it halted abruptly again. It was like calligraphy, penning down a single heavy stroke which penetrated through the back of the paper!
He raised his head, opening his eyes widely as he glared at Zi and enunciated his words one at at time.
“Fine. Then we shall have a party battle! 5 vs 5 party battle!”
“Indeed this is the case.” Sheyan whispered inwardly. “Then if I didn’t guess wrongly, the party’s crux would rely on that person……the Illume-union’s summoner, Yuan Zhan! As long as they guard Yuan Zhan well, that guy would be able to incessantly summon massive powerful reinforcements in battle! If that’s the case, then Reef had already been in Zi’s calculations!”
Indeed, Reef very quickly spoke to Sheyan.
“Zi wants me to form a duelling party with her Illume-union, and wishes to gain some gene-mixes from you.”
Sheyan laughed and answered.
“No problem.”
Yet, the current Sheyan had his mind on full velocity throttle. He could remember exceedingly clearly that back in the Pirates of the Caribbean world when he encountered the Illume-union, he could faintly discern Zi was the leader. However, the leading authority seemed to have been shared between another contestant. To appease their internal conflict then, that person had expressed his willingness to form out a dividend of 30% as compensation. It was because of his proposal, that the Illume-union’s conflict was appeased.
However, it seemed like there wasn’t such a person in the current Illume-union!
Moreover in Sheyan’s memory, he only recalled Sable. There wasn’t a Demondream, Yuan Zhan and even Archeaphill! A contestant’s facial features could be changed at will, but one’s aura and equipments would always stay unique. For example, Demondreams unique mysterious and misty composition, Archeaphill’s stunning imposing great shield. They would all leave a profound impression!
“Unless, not all of their members are gathered, or perhaps they are hiding their true strength, or perhaps there was a splitting division?” Such notions couldn’t help floating into Sheyan’s heart.
Right at this moment, the duel begun! The contestant grouping was Reef, Yuan Zhan, Sable, Bowman 70mah from the Gothic party who was a male named Lin Mushen, and finally a youth named Konan.
This youth named Konan was someone Sheyan had met back in the southern region of the battle. He was an expert in conjuring formidable force fields, which could be used for both offense and defense. When enemies enter his force fields, they would be affected by hallucinations and various abnormal effects. He was of a similar class to Uzel that they recently fought against. Naturally, this youth should also be a reserve-duty Growth-hunter. If he revealed his awakened might, his prowess would go through an overhaul.
In the end, the battle wasn’t out of everyone’s expectations! Zi’s temporarily created party obtained final victory. Yet what astonished everyone was during the duel of the 10 contestants, neither side were willing to concede. Thus, the battle was fought to the utmost limits of aggressive intensity. In the end, it only concluded when 9 of them sank into near-death state. As for the final person to live through it, it was the stunning Reef!
With a severed arm, a severed leg, and finally sprawled over the ground, Reef had tenaciously outlasted the entire duel!
It was in the final fair moments, in extreme desperate straits, that he roared out with a last ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ and eliminated his opponent! Such a huge reversal was completely unimaginable by the onlookers.Chapter 398: Beckoning of the extreme north

Prince Stalo’s expression was presently grim. His hands folded across his chest as his white hair drifted through the wind. He realized he had totally overlooked on 3 aspects.
The first was the enormous impact of the defense contestant Reef. What caused him to be even more surprised was that Reef didn’t even activate any awakening strength, but was able to exhibit his traits flawlessly and in fine detail. Such a person could only be described as a brilliant talent. Once someone like that successfully awakens, he could very well advance from an ordinary defender to a first rate MT!!!!
Secondly was that secret chess piece by Zi, Lin Mushen. He was a person that seemed rather analogous to Aldaris, a mix warrior of both strength and intelligence; but as it turns out, he was actually a summoner. Zi’s trump was shockingly a dual summoner party! Summoners were undoubtedly individuals who could display their maximum potential once the battle prolongs long enough. It seemed like Zi had utmost confidence in Reef.
Thirdly, the opponent’s party seemed to have distinctive buff effects. Actually…..without exception, they all drank something called a ‘Uruk-hai gene blended-mix’, which raised two of their attributes by 4 points! This was almost equivalent to the 5 members possessing the attribute boost of Silver storyline grade equipments. When such a disgusting supporting concoction appeared in the battle, it was akin to adding a layer of weight to the weighing scales of victory.
“Indeed, every time we meet, Zi you never fail to surprise me.” Stalo murmured in his heart.
Of course, the terrifying might of Growth-hunters couldn’t be easily neglected. The defenders had 4 of their members crushed into near-death state. Only when Reef lasted to the end, did he manage to conclude the battle with a ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ that didn’t require MP.
Yet even more disastrously, the injury of his severed limbs had left him handicapped. Just like when Sheyan returned the day before, he had to take 3 hours to recover his severed arm. Hence, it was arduously difficult to recover it in such a short period. Any hopes of him continuing the battle was mere wishful thinking.
At present, everyone’s attention congregated onto Prince Stalo!
Right now, there were still 17 contestants left on the side of the defenders! In his position, would he become an overlord heroic Growth-Hunter the likes of Zhao Yun*, rushing in alone against all odds and valiantly defeating 17 others? Or would he be like sand trampled under a wheel?
(TN:*A valiant general under Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdom.)
Prince Stalo stood up, with his body perfectly upright. Shutting his eyes, he extended out his left hand. Visibly noticeable within his left palm, an unfathomable blue inferno was banished out. The blue inferno seem to be emanating a combusting tranquility of ice and snow. He then composedly declared.
“You guys are left with 17? Then you can all come together. If everyone isn’t reduced to near-death state by then! Then it counts as my loss!”
Such unbridled arrogance, such a tyrannical rampant!
As Prince Stalo’s words descended, individuals with outstanding perceptive sense all felt a strange misconception. This male was obviously standing in front of them. Yet if one were to shut their eyes, it seemed like he had dissolved into the air, completely devoid of a presence. Only that regiment of blue inferno ushered a tangible sensation. Putting it straightforwardly, it was like Prince Stalo was just an illusory existence. The only authenticity, was that combusting inferno his in his palm!
Sheyan’s eyes flickered continuously, as he gazed on pensively.
Under such arrogant words from Stalo, naturally it garnered several unresigned contestants. A total of 7 temporary members instigated a challenge! Besides, challenging didn’t result in any deaths and even connected deeply to one’s contribution. Hence, nobody retreated, but in fact fought with the mentality of dragging time. Once someone could sustain in battle, then it would Stalo’s loss! This was what he had declared himself!
Instead, Sheyan sighed inwardly. Stalo’s words were naturally pushing himself to the brink of no return, where the winds and waves are the fiercest. It also shattered the remaining contestants combat willpower of doing battle gloriously.
The remaining contestants were merely probing out the current status. Hence, even if they could awaken, they wouldn’t want to waste it. After Stalo’s words of ‘if you aren’t kneeling by the end, it counts as my defeat’, at least half of them adopted a fluke victory mentality; abilities that required exorbitant consumption (Like Mogensha’s spear that requires potential points to activate), they were absolutely unwilling to use them!
Several contestants stood ahead of Prince Stalo, calling out for battle in the sake of their party’s name! The duelling countdown begun, 10…,9,8,7,6,… that moment, Stalo still maintained his posture without a single movement. Yet when the timer reached 5, his eyes popped opened!
Clarity ensued Stalo’s vision, like a dignified lethal weapon being unsheathed; displaying his might with a pressing threat. it was a suffocating sensation, resembling that of looking up an arduously steep mountain! When he opened his eyes, that hollowness feeling of nothingness immediately faded away. On the contrary, the regiment of blue icy inferno became devoid of presence. More horrifying, was in this instant……
With Stalo’s feet as its nucleus, an incomparably thick hoar frost astoundingly emerged; rapidly unfurling into the distance, encompassing a controlling field of nearly 5-6 thousand square metres (Nearly the size of a soccer field)! In a flash, the surrounding vegetation of planet Pandora metamorphosed into an elaborate field of ravishing silver element bindings!! Not only those 7 duelling contestants were affected, but even Sheyan and the rest received notification from their nightmare imprints.
[ You are affected by first halo: ‘Beckoning of the Extreme North’ ! ]
[ Your movement speed reduced by 25% / attack speed reduced by 15%. ]
[ Frostbite effects may occur during movement. The cold air would condense onto your feet, causing a 1-5 seconds of immobility state. (Effect duration is determined by strength value. The higher one’s strength, the faster the speed of breaking free from the ice. ]
Yet strangely, though everyone was affected by Stalo’s halo, there was no notifications of being attacked. Sheyan glanced towards the few Growth-hunters, and realized that their feet were similarly condensed with ice. Naturally, this was the reason why Stalo wasn’t suited in a party battle. With this halo of his, it stunningly affected everyone within its field; differentiating neither friend nor foe.
Sheyan then noticed Zi’s gaze. Although this woman appeared rather calm, Sheyan could tell it was infused with a complicated mix of disbelief and unwillingness. Moreover, she couldn’t resist the urge to murmur vaguely to herself.
At this moment, the duel officially begun! Amongst the 7 contestants, 4 of them hastily dashed away to leave the scope of the icy halo. Only 3 long range combatants immediately unloaded assaults against Stalo. Da Da Da! Clear crisp sounds echoed through the air, a fireball blazed within the palm of a mage contestant. Stalo’s white hair fluttered in the air, as he raised his palm up with ease, lifting up a thick and transparent ice wall before him. The bullets and fireball struck cracks along the ice wall, but ultimately could not penetrate it.
At present, amidst the 4 contestants fleeing in all directions, two of them were trapped rooted by a frostbite state; presently trying their utmost to struggle free, attempting to chisel at the ice chunks gripping their feet.
At this moment, Stalo pointed two fingers towards them. Clearly seen, the blue icy inferno at his fingertips fizzled out, before transforming into a celeste colored glow; streaking through the atmosphere like a blade, momentarily tearing against the two contestant’s bodies.
Ice lance!
The frost covering their feet swiftly broke; yet at the instance the lance struck them, an ice layer once again solidified. The frost even spreaded up to their calves. Naturally, the ‘Ice Lance’ ability would not only deal damage to enemies, it even solidified thee frost over their feet; preventing them from escaping.
Following that, Stalo raised both arms abruptly. Shua! With him as the nucleus, shockingly 8 fortified sparkling ice walls erected from all four sides; forming into a crystal octagon with Stalo as its center. Even the roof was sheltered with ice. Stalo maintained his upright posture, his palms facing each other as a blue flickering flooded his entire body. He had entered the state of spell casting!
In the next second, around the feet of every contestant, blew a sudden melancholic spiralling gust of ice and snow storm!!!
Witnessing such a scene, Sheyan’s expression instantly changed.
“Is it…….”
The storm would gradually escalate. Hence, at its initial stages, most of the duelling contestants managed to successfully escape the hindrance of the escalating gust of ice and snow. However, the same could not be said for the two contestants with frostbites impeding their movement; when the gust of snow and ice raged around them, their frostbite layers then subsequently peeled off; yet, they had already lost their opportunity to escape!
Noteworthily, two ice-snow cyclones had also emerged 5-6 metres away from both sides of Stalo. Except, Stalo was protected within the safety of his ice crystal octagon. Hence, the frosty cyclones could only rage helplessly as it attempted to erode the encompassing ice, unable to implicate Stalo into his own deadly domain. Furthermore, though the 3 contestants repeatedly dished out frenzied assaults, breaking through Stalo’s ice walls remained a difficult task.
The spirraling gust of ice and snow didn’t remain stationary, but started pursuing any nearest contestant within the entire ice field halo. Gradually, its speed escalated!
Moreover when two spiralling gusts of ice and snow approached each other, they would combine into a comparatively larger gust of ice and snow…….undoubtedly, a larger ice-snow cyclone traversed at a higher velocity. its suction force was stronger and its might all the more frightening!
TN: although author doesn’t explicitly say Stalo is an official growth-hunter, his powers should indicate he is one. So we’ll see 🙂
TN: I will be using [ ] for nightmare realm notifications from now, as qidian doesn’t show bold or italics.Chapter 399: Foreshadowing against foreshadowing

Meanwhile, the other 5 contestants had by now, recognized that battling against Stalo inside this halo was unwise; as they all fled in rapid successions.
Yet while they ran, the chances of frostbite became increasingly potent, with icicles condensing over their feet in succession; not a single one could escape the field of Stalo’s halo. Finally after being getting struck and frozen by Stalo’s ‘Ice Lance’; when all seven were engulfed by the ice-snow cyclones, the cyclones had already combined 5 times. Ultimately in the end, 9 miniature ice-snow cyclones had brazenly evolved into a titanic blizzard tornado of deadliness!!
One could clearly notice; in its primary stages, a single ice-snow cyclone would merely cost a contestant his freedom, but its damages were nearly negligible. Yet after fusing into a titanic blizzard tornado, it released shrilling mournful wails similar to that of demons weeping and gods howling; seizing the consciousness of individuals, causing the multitudes to cover their ears! The 7 contestants couldn’t withstand even 30 seconds inside the blizzard tornado, before sinking into near-death state.
Right now, Sheyan and the others could tell; the initial ice-snow cyclones were obviously harmless, and required manifold fusions before its murderous potential escalated to terrifying heights. It was no wonder that Stalo had urged all 17 to come at him together. If all 17 had really challenged together, then he would be able to summon out 19 miniature ice-snow cyclones……
Moreover, attempting to escape this person’s halo was no easy feat, perhaps one would be forcefully frozen at the fringe of the frost halo. On the contrary, if there were fewer people, than Stalo’s method wouldn’t be so effective.
In truth, this blizzard tornado relied on headcount. The fewer individuals, the lower its potential. Of course, if there was only one foe, there would still be 3 cyclones in the end. Hence, to multitudes of enemies, this was a true terror to behind. To a single challenger, it was almost chicken feet.
After obtaining victory, the ice and snow halo beneath Stalo’s feet rapidly retracted like a whale sucking in water; like a invisible whirlpool beneath Stalo, the frigid ice and snow were vanquished within seconds. The domineering Prince stalo towered over the entire field; though he appeared calm and composed, a momentary intimidation pressured mightily over everyone.
Following that, the contestants learnt to be obedient, taking cycles to do battle. Yet that halo ‘Beckoning of the Extreme North’ of Stalo was incredibly disgusting; once someone moved, the chances of being frostbitten became relatively high. Some tried utilizing flash movement/transportation abilities in sneak assaults, yet Prince Stalo’s light sketches of ice ramparts were like a heavenly moat around a city, obstructing the assaults of everyone.
After 4 skirmishes, Prince Stalo obtained total victory. Moreover, every victory was sketched in light shades. His offensive capabilities led one to utter speechlessness. His method of assaulting was exceedingly simple. Once someone became frostbitten, he would consecutively hurl ‘Ice Lances’ at over, causing the contestant’s HP to constantly decline.
Just when everyone reckoned that Prince Stalo’s MP was nearly dried up, Eros who had lost to Mogensha earlier strolled forward; before remotely pointing towards Prince Stalo. A thread of light blue ray like waves linked up with Prince Stalo’s body, and shockingly supplied an endless replenishment of MP over!! Within 30 seconds, Eros had already transferred half of his MP to Prince Stalo.
Such a scene led their opponents fighting this war of attrition, to glance at each other in dismay. Although they felt a little unjustified, there was nothing for them to dispute.
Following that, several other long range expert combatants stood forward in challenge, trying their luck to escape Prince Stalo’s frost halo. Yet when that happened, Prince Stalo would simply retract his halo back, and raise a ice rampart to cover his front. Then, he would simply unleash ‘Ice Lances’ at his opponent! After retracting the halo, as he focused his magic on his ‘Ice Lances’, its attack potency and accuracy became incredibly frightening. Volleying shots at each other, the ones at a disadvantage were unfortunately those gunmen.
First halo ‘Beckoning of the Extreme North’ , ice ramparts , ‘Ice Lance’ and those icy tornadoes. Again and again, Prince Stalo only demonstrated these 4 abilities, yet he managed to beat the remaining contestants like crows and peacocks that made no sound*! Apparently, simple convenient strikes were enough to handle any challengers.
(TN: *Chinese idiom, that means absolute silence)
Of course, the situation now was partly because most of the experts had already participated in the forray, and only remnants of contestants that weren’t reserve-duty Growth-hunters were left. Attributes wise, they naturally succumbed to the overwhelming pressure of Prince Stalo that even Growth-Hunters would hail as a peak fighter.
Sheyan’s mind repeatedly recalled Prince Stalo’s battles, as he constantly felt a slight deja vu. Then he proceeded to observe Zi! An idea flashed through his mind; thinking deeper, Zi’s combat skills and Prince Stalo’s were rather similar, almost identical.
Except strictly speaking, Zi grasped the abilities of space. Prince Stalo grasped the abilities of ice. Both possess formidable large scale offensive abilities, the only difference was Zi didn’t seem capable of conjuring a domineering field halo like Stalo. However as of their current state, Zi’s overall combat skills were more meticulous. At least she could segregate friend from foe, and be a prominent figure in party battles.
Viewing from various perspectives, Zi supplemented lots of effort into various capabilities. For example, her revolving rhombus mana crystals, the buff effect sustaining her movement speed boost. It appears as if she had to juggle various aspects simultaneously, hence her fundamentals appeared exceptionally sturdy.
As for Prince Stalo, he single-mindedly devoted to slaughter and destruction! Without exception, all abilities indicated an intrinsic murderous spirit. Even his ice wall could be pushed out to inflict damage onto people. Moreover, he even had to rely on Eros for MP regeneration, and not his own.
Narrating their current situation, it really contained a flavour of the wuxia novel ‘The smiling, Proud Wanderer’ (笑傲江湖). Prince Stalo was like a disciple of a Huashan sword sect, only pursuing death and hurt; following the path of sharpness. While Zi cultivated different skills the likes of ‘Violet Mist Divine Skill (紫霞神功)’, ‘Blunt Spirit Sword Art (冲灵剑法)’ , ‘Cloud Ascending Ladder (梯云纵)’, ‘Destroying Jade Fist (破玉拳)’. Although her development speed would be slower, her shortcomings would be relatively fewer; and her later stages of cultivation would be intangibly broadened.
At present, another one challenged and suffered a crushing defeat without exception. Slowly, an awkward silence phased in, and no one stood forward after the 30 seconds break. One must understand, with every passing second, Prince Stalo would recover a sliver of MP. The effects of cyclical challengers would diminish greatly. Mogensha couldn’t help stealthily whispering to Sheyan.
“Boss, if you go up against him, what are your chances?”
Sheyan instead avoided answering him, but gently replied.
“That woman Zi should’ve made preparations beforehand. If not, when facing Aldaris previously, she would’ve definitely fought till the very end!”
Prince Stalo defeated yet another 3 contestants, only a measly few contestants remained. While receiving a replenishment of MP from Eros, he coldly swept his abstruse vision at the remaining few, then with a peaceful tone he called out.
This tone wasn’t conceited, and didn’t contain a despising mood; instead, it had an added flavour of seriousness and gravity! This no doubt caused one to feel the dreadfulness of Prince Stalo. Although he was noticeably arrogant, he maintained an ice-cold objectivity when facing enemies. At least, he lived by the motto – no arrogance in victory!
Right now, Sheyan felt rather apprehensive internally. Did he really have to act personally today? Then, by sacrificing a price to utilize that thing……but even so, Sheyan only had 40% confidence. Besides, Sheyan was only a normal contestant, he wasn’t even on a reserve-duty Growth-hunter level! Compared to a peak Growth-Hunter like Prince Stalo, the disparity was huge!
To occupy superiority, he could only resort to catching someone off guard.
While at this moment, the entire duelling field was plunged into silence. For some unknown reason, an electrifying and unfathomably austere aura had shrouded the battlefield!!
Contestants with outstanding perceptive sense, no longer cared about individual face as they lunged to take cover behind objects; as though it would guarantee them safety.
Sheyan lowered his head, discovering that his hair had involuntarily stood up on his arm. Concurrently, many gasps could be heard. It was like the world had lost its volume.
The one with the greatest reaction was still Prince Stalo. He abruptly swung towards the west, with both his arms pushing forward. In that instance, a series of rumbling clamours resounded. Ahead of him, an entire 7 regiments of crystal transparent ice walls condensed and sprouted in successions; blocking himself from the west.
“Zi! What’s this suppose to mean?” Prince Stalo’s tone was extremely flat, but it contained a sliver of rage.
Zi faintly laughed in reply.
“I haven’t done anything!”
Prince Stalo remained silent. Instead, Eros bellowed out with bloodshot eyes.
“Indeed you’ve done nothing, except to arrange an expert sniper to aim towards our duelling field! What’s the difference between such conduct and shameless acting?”
For some unknown reason, when Sheyan heard the words ‘expert sniper’, he immediately recalled that southern region sniper who executed that Tier-2 legendary creature in one shot!
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