Chapter - 44 Apologize to Mr.Davies!!

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Chapter - 44 Apologize to Mr.Davies!!Author's pov
He dragged her along to the dance floor and shouted, "MUSIC..."
"I don't let her dance with that Playboy," Noah thought and started to walks towards them, as he move
forward his phone rang and he noticed Ernest was calling him. He picked his phone hurriedly and went
from there as music was playing loud there...
While Ruhi was staring at him as she didn't like as how he dragged her in front of everyone and then
she looked towards her uncle who was also just looking at them as he didn't say anything to stopped
him even after seeing his insolency...
She looked down as she is not feeling comfortable around Aditya and said, "Sir, I don't know, how to
dance so pls forgive me, I can't dance with you."
"Don't worry, have to just follow my lead...So just focus on my steps...," he said as
holding her waist as dragged her closer to him and sneered as checking her out, "Btw, I must say, you
are looking incredibly hot in this Green Gown...I really want to kiss you right now!!"
Ruhi's eyes got wide in shocked, raised her head as looking towards him and thought as to how can he
that much shameless... She wiggled, glancing around as now she was scaring with him after knowing
his intention, and stuttered, "S...Sir, ple..ase le..avee m..mee..."
"Hey! Relax, I will not kiss you, don't worry!! and have to dance with me," said Aaditya while
roaming her hand on her back.
Ruhi got flinched as he was touching her inappropriately, at the same time someone pull her from his
hold abruptly ... Ruhi sighed in relief and looked towards her hand as who was that person as who has
saved her..."Davies sir!!" she whispered as looking at him. While Ernest was glaring at Aaditya as he will pierce his
soul in apart...
"Hello, Mr.Davies," said Aaditya as stretching his hand towards him while sneering.
Ernest completely ignored him and yelled as staring at Ruhi, "When you are not feeling comfortable
around him, you can refuse him directly on his face as you don't want to dance with him..."
Everybody looked towards Ernest with wide eyes as he how can he insult Aaditya in front of everyone
that too for a girl...And they were confused too, After all, who is that man who was showing immense
dominant aura...then they looked towards Vikram as he didn't say anything to favour his son because
he himself was standing there in the shocking state as seeing Ernest's menacing aura while Ruhi was
just gazing at him without blinking her eyes...
"Tell me, dammit!!" He roared as shook her arm.
"What the hell, man? How can you insult me that too in my house? Yelled Aaditya as glaring at Ernest.
Ernest bellowed, "Don't you dare to raise your voice in front of me, Mr. Aaditya, otherwise―"
"Mr.Davies, Relax and calm down. He is still immature so pls forgive him," said Vikram as interrupting
Ernest and looked towards Aditya, and continued, "Aaditya, apologize to him, right now!!"
"No dad, I will not apologize to him as to how dare he to insult me," said Aaditya with an equal attitude
to Ernest while looking towards his father.
"Son, why are you not understanding. You are not in a position to fight with him, so pls apologize to
him," said Vikram in a pleading tone.
"But dad―""Aaditya" a stiff voice came from behind, everyone looked towards that voice.
Surya Pratap shouted as coming downstairs...
"Why are you not understanding a simple thing? Apologize to Mr.Davies right now as he is the main
guest of this party and now he is the big investor of your father's dream project. So behave yourself!!!"
Aaditya looked at Ernest and said while lowered his head," Sorry Mr.Davies. please forgive me."
Ernest didn't say anything to him, just only glaring at him.
Aaditya glared at him back and went from there in anger, while Vikram also ran behind him and rest of
the guests were gawking and gossiping.
"Ok, Mr.Davies. Now you can enjoy your party and don't worry, I will send you the paper in your home
yesterday as we have discussed a while ago."
Ernest hummed and looked towards Ruhi and noticed, he has still held her hand.
"Suresh comes with me as I have work with you," said Surya as gazing at him and walked out from
there and Suresh also followed him but before that he gave her phone back who had held in his hand.
"You come with me," said Ernest as glaring at Ruhi and snatched her phone from her hand abruptly.
Ruhi wriggled her hand in his grip and whined, "No, I am not coming with you anywhere...Pls give me
my phone back..."
"Don't show your fu¢king attitude to me otherwise you will regret it," said Ernest as gritting his teeth and
dragged her with him outside...
...Parking area..."Why did you bring me here?" said Ruhi as gazing at him.
Ernest took out of car keys from his pant pocket and pressed the button in the key, sidelights flipped as
he pressed, and opened the gate and jerked her inside while saying, "Sit here!!"
Ruhi got up hurriedly and tried to come out of his car as he was about to close the door.
"I will not go with you anywhere. My chote papa would be waiting for me...Please let me go..."she
whined and came out from the car.
"You are not going anywhere," said Ernest as holding her wrist tightly and shoved her inside the car
again as closing the door, and moved towards the driving seat.
As he hopped, Ruhi said with teary eyes, "pls let me go, sir ... I want to go my home."
"SHUT THE HELL UP, I WILL NOT REPEAT IT AGAIN..." said Ernest and fastened his seat belt and
then looked towards her and continued who was sitting as lowered her head, "Fastened your seat
She shook her head in no as lowered her head and incessantly playing with her fingers.
She flinched but didn't fasten her seat belt as she didn't want to kneel this time in front of him because
she wants to reach her home asap as her Choti maa would be waiting for her.
novelbin"Did you hear me, I said fasten your seat belt!!"he shouted as glaring at her while clenching his jaw.
She shook her head in no again as looking down.Ernest unfastened his seat belt and moved towards her, while she felt goosebumps as seeing him
closer to her, she hurriedly fastened her seat belt before he come.
Ernest smirked as seeing her and fastened his seat belt and called someone while starting his
car,"Noah, inform Mr.suresh as her niece is going with me to Delhi now!!"
"But sir―"
"Do it what I said!!..Got it?"
"Yes sir!!"
While Ruhi eyes got wide as hearing him.
Happy Reading:)
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