Chapter Chapter - 19 Shameless

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Ruhi's Pov

I'm glad to see Rakesh's uncle's health, he is recovering soon, but I am very angry with him. How could
he even think about committing suicide? Why didn't he think of Kavya and Aunty? What if he really...
No, Roohi. Don't think so. You should think positively and do something for them.

Oh my god, I'm late. It's 9 o'clock, and I haven't reached my house yet, and my phone is dead too.
Otherwise, I'd have called Choti maa to open the main door for me. Today Dadi and maa will not spare
me. Ruhi, don't be afraid, try to persuade them, Afterall, why you got late, I thought as taking a deep
breath. But somewhere in my heart, I know that they will never listen to me and scold me a lot.

Don't think negatively, Roohi, try to reach home early then I saw the rickshaw and stopped it, and
asked him whether he would go to my address or not. But thank God he will go. After that, I breathe a
sigh of relief.


I got reached my home in 20 minutes, I touched the Switch to rang the bell but before that, I closed my
eyes tightly and started chanting the God Ganesh name, as I believed in Lord Ganpati a lot, and today
he will save me from Daadi and Maa and I finally rang the bell.

"Ding Dong"

The door has opened, but I didn't know who's that person who had opened the door for me so
gradually I opened my eyes and saw Riya, she was staring at me continuously.

"Riya, How are you?" I asked her to divert her mind from me, but she is staring at me continuously then
I heard a voice behind her and I started trembling in fear.

"Riya, Who has come late at night?" asked Maa as she couldn't see me because Riya was stood just in
front of me.

"Badi maa, Your ill-mannered daughter has come,"said Riya.

I feel bad, How can she say like that and after hearing her, I trembled even more and she was smiling
mischievously looking at me.

"What?" she got astonished and pull Riya towards her side and sees me.

"RUHI, what are you doing outside at late night?... Huh?" asked Maa while shouting at me and pulls me
inside and close the door.

A shiver ran down my spine as hearing her loud voice and I know Daadi will also come as hearing her
voice and she again comes in front of me.

"Badi maa, calm Down. Dadi has fallen asleep so don't shout in loud voice,"said Riya.

But hearing maa's voice, Chote papa, Rohan, and Choti maa came in the hall.

"What happened? Didi?" asked Choti maa while coming towards her and sees me, "Ruhi, where were
you till now, dear?

"Look Reema, how much she has got irresponsible? Your love has spoiled her completely, she has
become ill-mannered, and doesn't know, when should her come home?"

Choti maa continuously gazing at me. I wanted to explain her why I got late but didn't know words was
not coming from my mouth, but still, I tried to speak because I didn't want that Choti maa got me wrong.

"Maa, woh--"

"Don't you dare say a single word in front of me, you shameless girl," She shouted again.

As hearing a shameless word from my own maa's mouth, tears welled up in my eyes, she didn't even
hear me and declared me a shameless girl and I sat down on my knees while crying as thinking how
can she say that?

Author's Pov

"Di, what are you saying? "Reema said while hugging her, "You didn't even hear her completely and
saying her shameless, what has she done which you are saying her shameless?... Huh? Do you even
know she has topped in her whole college, and Bade Raja himself had come to give trophy and
certificate to our Ruhi, as she made a such a beautiful portrait of his mother and he likes that portrait a

As hearing Raja's name, everyone got shocked and their face was worth seeing.

"What?" said Suresh while coming towards them."You are saying the truth, Reema...I don't believe


"That's great news, Congratulations, Ruhi," said Suresh.

But Ruhi didn't say anything to him as she was sobbing continuously.

"I don't care," said Gauri as looking towards Reema and Ruhi, and headed towards her room.

Latter, Eventually, they all headed towards their own room.

Reema wipes her tears and said, "Ruhi, get up dear, and let's go to your room."


*Ruhi's Room*

"Ruh, tell me now, where were you?" She asked, " because I had called you many times but your
phone was switched off and I also called Kavya but she also did not tell me anything and said you will
tell me... so now tell me."

"Choti maa, I have gone to the hospital with Kavya," and she tells her everything which kavya had told

Reema's eyes got wide to hear her, "Oh God, Rakesh Bhai Sahab tried to commit suicide."

"Yes Badi maa, that's why I have gone to Hospital," said Ruhi, "and we have decided we will go to
Bade Raja saheb tomorrow and tell him everything as we know he will help us."

"Good Ruh, I'm very proud of you dear because you are going to do a great job tomorrow, my blessing
is with you... I hope you will convince him and don't worry about our family members, I will take care of, you sleep after drinking this warm milk."

"Good night, Choti maa," said Ruhi while kissing her cheek.

"Good night, Ruh," said Choti maa as kissing her forehead.


Reema comes into her room and sees Suresh was reading some files on the bed.

she was staring at him and said, "Jii, Why didn't you stop her when was she saying absurd words to my

Suresh looked towards her as removing his specs and keep her files aside and said, "why will I
interrupt in mother-daughter talking? and she is not your daughter so don't try to involve in their matter
and you just focus only on your daughter and son."


"I don't want to hear anything, Good night," said Suresh as switching off the light and fall asleep.

"Whatever you say but I will always stand beside by my Ruh," think Reema herself in mind.



"Why are you shifting son? Don't you like it, Live with Lucas?" asked Edward.

"No dad, I want to live alone for some time, that's why and nothing else," said Ernest

"Say Truth, Ernest, as I know you, you will not do anything without tell me,"

"Dad, Actually Liam is coming in a few days as you know we don't like each other since childhood...So I
want to shift before he comes."

"Ernest, He didn't know about your real identity so he actually considers you his real brother so why do
you think like that?"

"Dad, but I didn't think so"

"Ok, Ok As your wish...I will not pressurize you to stay live with them, as now you know how to take
care of yourself very well,"

"Yes, Dad so pls try to persuade Uncle Lucas on my behalf."

"Ok, Don't worry. I will take care of him."

"Dad, Thank you so much,"

"For what?"

"To spend your whole day with me...thats why, Thank you so much, Dad."

"Ernest, you are my eldest son and my brave son, I know I didn't spend much time with you because
you did your schooling and college at boarding school and hostel, after that, you got busy opening your
new company which became the topmost company of today, that too without my help for which I will
always proud of you and even, you are winning businessman of the year award from last five years and
Which is a matter of great pride for a father...that's why I wanted to spend my whole day with my great

Ernest becomes very happy to hear his father's words.

"Let's go, Ernest, today I will make your favorite dish for you."

"Yes, Dad and I also make your favorite dish for you."

"Of course, Let's go, son."

Edward and Ernest headed towards the kitchen and wears aprons and starts making their dishes.

Abruptly, Bruno comes there and sniffing around Ernest as wiggling his tail.

Ernest Squatted down to his level, patted his back and Bruno starts licking his hands.

"Ernest, you really cherish Bruno after all, he is the last gift from---"

He wanted to say more but seeing at Ernest, he didn't say anything further as Ernest was staring at him
continuosly but he also doesn't say anything and starting to feed Bruno.

"Don't know when will he forget everything,"Edward sighed looking at Ernest and thinks in his mind....

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