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"Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. But only lucky ones have the same friend in all stages
of life." - Unknown

Well, Ernest, why do you want to buy the same land, you can also buy some other land if the landlord
is asking for so much money," he said.

"Because it would be perfect for an orphanage and I have already got the potential of that land
assessed and everything was decided earlier but I don't know why he is suddenly asking for more
money," he replied and is still reading a file.

"But Ernest, as far as I know, that land is agricultural, if you buy that land, what will happen to that
farmer's livelihood?" he shouted, "It's not right, by crushing someone's happiness, to build a house on

To seeing his rude gesture, Ernest behaves calmly because he was his best friend and he doesn't want
any misunderstanding between them and said,

"Edwin, why are you behaving strange, abruptly?" he put his file on the desk, "Don't you know, we're
businessmen, and the businessman doesn't express feelings".

"I know very well what we are, brother, but we have no right to snatch the livelihood of those poor
farmers," he shouted.

Meanwhile, a 'Knock',' Knock' sound is heard.

"Come in," said Ernest.

A worker arrives with two mugs of coffee and puts them on the desk as he can feel the cold
environment around him so he quickly leaves the conference room.

Edwin realises his mistake, and didn't know himself why he abruptly shouted at Ernest, "I am sorry bro,
I didn't want to shout at you but please try an understand them and their situation," he sighed

"It's ok, but what's wrong with you today?... why are you behaving like you don't know me and why
would I care about them? And let me tell you one thing, they are not paying their debt for 2 - 3 years to
Landlord, so maybe he wants to sell that land as he is not getting any profit and perhaps he wants to
get rid of them too, and if I will not buy that land then someone else will buy it because that land is
perfect for any work like a mall, restaurant, casino, etc. While I am buying that land for a good
purpose," he explained.

"But, I know there must have been some reason why they haven't paid their loan so far," he said

"I don't know... don't want to know either, why they didn't pay their debt," and picks up his coffee mug
and takes a sip, "You're worrying needlessly, they'll find some solution for themselves and Edwin, I
don't want to discuss this anymore," and starts reading some file again.

Staring at him, he too picks up his coffee mug and takes a sip, and says nothing because he doesn't
want to argue with his friend so he just stands up from his chair, walks towards the glass window, and
looks outside as he can see the whole city from there because he was standing on the 78th floor at this

While drinking coffee, he thinks that Ernest will not do anything according to him but he is also right if
he doesn't buy that land then someone else will buy it, so they have to find another way for themselves.

After a while, he seeing Edwin standing by the window, he calls him, "Edwin... Edwin" but there is no
response from his side, then he stands up and walks towards him and pats on his shoulder from
behind, "Where have you lost Edwin?... still thinking about them? I don't understand why you're
thinking too much?" he said.

"No brother, I think you are right, they will find another way for themselves," he replied.

"Okay, but if you are still thinking about them then I can't help it ...because everyone has to stands for
himself to achieve anything...and I am doing this only for my mother and for her dream otherwise I have
nothing to do with them."He said.

"I know brother what does aunt's dream means to you," he said.

"Hmm, you know, I still remember that day when I was celebrating my 10th birthday and she was
wrapping some gift boxes at that time with some maids. I thought this gift for me but I noticed I already
had these things, then I asked her why she is wrapping so many gifts for me when I already had—

"She told me that she is preparing these gifts for some orphans children in her country. As every year
she always sends a large amount of donation and gifts to those children on my birthday by which I got
blessings and their happiness as a return gift from them, as I know she already donates so much here
but I did not know she also donates to her native country too.

"My mother was too great and so kind-hearted and she further told me she also wanted to make an
orphanage house there but because of some misunderstanding between her and maternal grandfather
she couldn't do it then I saw that her tears welled up from her eyes, surely her eyes have become moist
by remembering some awful memories but she hastily wiped her tears and asks me to wrap the gifts
too for changing the topic.

"I still want to know what the reason behind their misunderstanding is as far as I know her father was
too fond of her and whenever I asked her, she always avoided it so I didn't want to intervene in her
personal life as well that's why I still did not ask my PI to find out the whole truth. So let's forget it and
focus only on that project I think after completion of it she going to be very happy and I'm looking
forward to that day," he said while smiling."

"I am really glad to hear your thought for your mom means our Queen, Mira Edward Arthur, who is a
pure, kind-hearted, inoffensive, and angelic soul, and I know you are doing all this for her, otherwise

you never do such a gracious job," he said with a mischievous smile.

"Yes, she always thinks for others with all her heart and wants everyone's good that's why there are
many things that dad and I haven't told her if she comes to know about it, she will never accept it as
she doesn't like it," he said.

"I know Ernest how much she is great and always cared for others though she loves your house
servant's children as her own, I think she loves children a lot and she is a great queen and later on she
will become a great grandma of your children," he said in amusement voice.

Ernest frowned, "I think you want to go on a business trip again in South Africa for a month as it seems
you have no work here."

"No, I have more work here and I just wanted to talk to you as you are always busy with your tight
schedules like your meetings and business trips and all...and you are my best buddy & I too just come
2 weeks ago from there, so I don't want to go there again," he uttered, "but Ernest I am very jealous of
you because you are very lucky to have a mother like her because she cares very much of you all
siblings and here I...I mean, my mom always busy in her personal life and at her parties, sometimes I
feel like truly I am her son or not."

Ernest sighed to see him and says, "But my mom loves you too as she does my sibling and me, and
you used to stay with us more in childhood...Right—"

"Yes, I agree Ernest, as I used to have a lot of fun with your sibling and even now ...... I didn't even
have a brother/sister to play with me in my childhood, but I have spent a very good time and fun with
your sibling and I never felt that I have not my sibling and now I truly consider them as my sibling
especially Elena our cutest younger sister," he said with a broad smile.

He hugs him and says "Good to hear that you consider them as your own and not only them, I am also
like your brother, and don't worry if you are not my brother by blood but you mean more to me than

that. You're my brother just like Aaron and Ryan...So never says to me that you have no brother...Got

they end their hugs, Edwin chuckled and say, "Yes, Ernest, I know. Let's go, there has been a lot of
sentimental talks, I had to discuss some points with you on Louis's project."

"Ok, let's go," Ernest said.

Ernest Pov

After a while, when I picked a file, I saw my phone was behind that file and someone was calling me
continuously. After noticed name on the phone, a smile comes on my face, and seeing me smiling,

Edwin smirked and asked," who is that person who brought such a smile to your arrogant face. Is any
your girlfriend is calling you?"

I stared at him with an annoying face and picked my phone,

Big bro! A sound came from the other side.

"Yes! Ryan Speak," I said

hearing Ryan's name, Edwin smiles as well.

"Big Bro, Mom is calling you by numerous times but you are not picking up her call. Where are you so
busy that you didn't even pick up her call? And we also called you numerous times in these 2 hours,
but you have not picked up the call of anybody's," said Ryan with an annoying tone in a single breath.

Then I saw 58 missed calls on my phone and I know who are those people who would have called me
while I was busy in the meeting.

"Hello...Hello! Where have you lost Bro?" said Ryan from another side.

"Ryan you know, whenever I'm busy in my meeting, I don't attend anybody's call.

"But Big Bro, Today you have not picked Mom's calls either. Why? ... but yet mom is not angry with you.
She was saying that you must be busy in some important meeting and your phone will be on silent
mode," he said.

"Yes Ryan, mom is right, actually my phone was silent so I had not noticed anybody's call, or else I
attend her call in the middle of the meeting."

"Ok Big Bro, But it seems you have completely forgotten what is tomorrow? Then you have not come
here till now," he said.

Tomorrow...All of a sudden I remember tomorrow is Elena's birthday.

"Yes Ryan, I know Tomorrow is Elena's birthday, but why are you calling me?"

He said, "Big Bro! Because you did not come here till now and Elena got angry with you and saying
you doesn't love her as like before and I know, you are busy in your so-called business meeting but
family should be more important above on your all meetings.

"I have also postponed my surgery which could have been postponed for two days whereas my
profession is bigger than you, even then I've come here for Elena, so you also have to come and we all
brothers have to discuss what surprise gift we have to give to Elena tomorrow and if Edwin bro also
with you then pls bring him with you here too as we are waiting for both of you."

"Ok we are coming; don't start your melodrama here, Sometimes I feel like you should have been an
actor instead of a surgeon."

After heard giggling voices on another side, I have disconnected the call and said, "Edwin, we are
going home (Arthur palace).

Tomorrow is Elena's birthday, so you have to come now because Ryan is also calling you."

"Ok...OMG Ernest, I completely forgot because of this damn meeting that tomorrow is her birthday and
now I have to work hard to choose the best gift for her on her special day else she would not like my
gift as last year as she's very choosy," he said firmly.

"Yes I know, let's go," I said as stand up from the chair.

"But wait Bro, we have a meeting with Mr. Asher on the 'GYC Collaboration' in an hour so we can't go
now," he gets worried as this is a consequential project.

Don't worry I'll postpone it...we will do it later, "I replied

"If you say so, ok let's go," he said as stands up.

After leaving the conference room, we walked toward my private elevator & pressed the down button,
and walked toward my car, but I saw Rachael, my driver was standing near a black Bugatti la Voiture

"Rachael today I will drive on my own."

S-Sir Qu-Qu-e-en to-ld m-me to n-ot le-le-t yo-you dr-i-ve," he stuttered.

I looked at him as clenched my fist and stared at him with red eyes, and roared, "I have not drunk so I
can drive by myself--"

"Ernest you can drive, don't be angry, and please sit," Edwin said to keep his hand on my shoulder.

After sitting in the driving seat, I saw Edwin doing some talk with Rachael. I know he got flinch from
hearing my loud voice but I don't like it if anybody would interrupt me in my affairs.

Later, he said as he also sits beside me, "You didn't have to be angry with him, he was scared of you
and he was just doing this at the behest of the Queen, so just calm down."

I nodded and start driving to reach home...

Later, he said as he also sits beside me, "You didn't have to be angry with him, he was scared of you
and he was just doing this at the behest of the Queen, so just calm down."

| nodded and start driving to reach home...

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