Novel Name : Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 22

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Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 22“Sure, it‘s not my concern,” Amy smiled painfully and took her face from him. She wondered how he wo
uld react when he finds out that the six kids were for him. The only releif she has now was that he was
kind to the kids, he was only cruel to her. “Answer
my question?” He asked. Amy sincerely forgot the question he asked and immediately began to storm
her brain for it, before she could remember, he felt his hand on her skirt, she glanced at him and back a
t the skirt she was wearing. The black skirt had stopped right above her knee. He pulled
the skirt up slowly while his palm brushed against the skin of her palm, she instinctively wanted to close
her lap eventhough she was enjoying it but his big palm separated her laps forcefully. It reached her p
ant and she almost let out a moan but quickly swallowed it. “Look at me,” he demanded and Amy looke
d at his face,” Don‘t take your face away from me or I will throw you out of this car,” he threatened and t
hen brushed his palm against her wet pant, he didn‘t slide his finger inside the pant at all, only that he p
ressed with his thumb against the skin of her vagina and perhaps because it had
been six years that she felt a male‘s touch, she couldn‘t hold the moan and she can’t deny that his touc
h felt so good. As a matter of fact, after a while of rubbing his thumb against her vagina, she longed for
him to slide his finger inside of her, she couldn‘t hold out her moans anymore and her longing were visi
ble on her face. He withdrew his hand back slowly
and sat upright. There was look of dissapointment on her face as if asking why he stopped. “I want Mrs.
Nell to say it to my face that we didn‘t agree concerning the kids,” she said. She was sure he would mo
st definitely still ask about it. Broderick didn‘t say
any more word again but rather remaim seated nobly in the car. Nell clapped her two laps tight as if sca
red that his hands may penetrate inside again A couple
of minutes later, the cars came to a halt at the garage of the mansion. The door was immediately open
ed for the duo and they stepped out, Broderick and Amy walked inside the mansion.
Broderick called on one of the maids at a time when he and Amy were standing right in
the center living room “Tell my second mother to please come over here,” he demanded and the maid
walked away at once. Nell began to approach Broderick and Amy in a jiffy, she was dressed in a white night robe and a slipper, “Mother!” “Hey, my son,” Nell greeted with a smile and
then looked at Amy,” hi Amy!” “Hi mother. I did tell you that I was
going away with the kids, right?” Amy asked and Nell‘s calm face turned into a frown,
“When was that?” She asked with a confused face, “Amy!” She walked over to her and placed her right
plam on her shoulder,“you don‘t have to lie, I actually saw you when you were trying to run away with m
y six kids. I had
to quickly report to Broderick to help me cause if I challenge you, I‘m afraid you may hurt me and still g
et away with my kids. Amy, I gave birth to this six children in my old age, why
novelbinI‘ll Ensure He Hates You are you trying to steal them away from me?” Nell cried. Any was entirely surpri
sed and shocked, she pinched herself to be sure that she was not dreaming. “Mother!” Amy called, won
dering why she was acting in such manner. Was she trying to
protect her or what! No, this doesn‘t sound like protection, this sounds like she was trying to make her l
ook even worse before Broderick.
“You even made my godmother cry,” Broderick clenched his fist in anger. Nell quickly held onto his big
palm,” don‘t you dare hit her, I‘m sure she won‘t do that again.” Nell sniffed in her tears and then glance
d at Amy menacingly,” I‘m glad my children are back,
I need to spend time with them.” She turned and walked away. Broderick turned fully to Amy and said,”
didn‘t say you want her to her to say it to
your face that you didn‘t agree to take the kids away, she just did and you couldn‘t say a word.” “Tell me
your purpose of trying to get away with the kids or I‘ll let you spend the rest of your life in prison for
attempted kidnap,” he threatened. Amy was angry at Nell‘s behavior, she wasn‘t even the one who was
trying to steal the kids, it was Nell who was now trying to steal her kids away
from her,” the kids are mine.” She declared. She didn‘t care about the consequence anymore. Broderic
k smirked,” what did you say?”“The six children are mine,” she declared but
Broderick beleived that she was insane. He trusted his godmother so much but didn‘t have an ounce of
trust for
Amy. He perceived her as a promiscuous woman, a deceptive woman and one who will do anything to
get what she wants such as liasing with his mother to get married to him.
“It seems you forgot that you could not produce a
child for your ex husband in the period of three years that you
are married to him, yet now, you claim that the children are yours,” Broderick said.
“Can you think of a better lie?”
There was veins visible on his forehead as a result of how angry he was. He beleived that he
needed to teach this woman a lesson, one that would not ever make her think of running away with so
else‘s kids anymore.
“The children are mine, I have
no reason to lie,” she said. She didn‘t know how to defend herself and she felt foolish saying this, but s
he quickly added,” you can ask your mother? We planned this together.”
He grabbed her wrist all of a sudden
and took her with him to the backyard of the house where there was a pool, “can you swim?” He
asked, after getting before the
pool. “Please don‘t punish me again, I‘m just a woman that isn‘t as physically strong like you. I‘m not try
ing to run
away with someone else‘s kids. The children are for me and all I was just trying to do was to escape yo
u. Everything you think about me is not trye, and it hurts that you didn‘t trust me.” He carried herand dumped her inside the pool, Amy can swim but not so well, she began to struggle to have her head
afloat. The floor
of the swimming pool was sloppy and although there was a place in the pool where she could stand an
d have
her head easily afloat the water, she was thrown into where she needed to be so skilled in swimming to
have her head staying afloat.
When she managed to have her
head afloat the water, she looked at the father of her kids and tears rushed down her face. Maybe she
should have just told him from the first day she met with him that she has six children for him. Maybe h
e wouldn‘t even have to punish her this much, he may not want
I‘ll Ensure He Hates You — to hurt the mother of his kids, who knows?
But she told him late....yes, it was late. A wicked old woman was already claiming the six children. Thou
gh she was ready to fight with everything within her to make him beleive that the children
were his. She won‘t be alive and let someone else claim to be a mother over her six kids.
She had
laboured alone with the six children for six good years, suffering to earn and raise them properly and en
suring that they never lack in anything yet someone thinks she can suddenly become their mother, no!
With tears on her face and her legs flapping hard in the water just to stay afloat, she pleaded,” please
let me get out.” “Not until you tell me why you are trying to run away with someone else‘s kids?” He de
manded. He looked like someone that was not ready to change his mind. Her legs were getting weak, f
or how long could she
continue to flap her legs considering the fact that she wasn‘t so skilled when it comes to swimming.“I need to be alive for my kids,” she mumbled and buried her head inside the water for a while cause sh
e was having severe headache, after
which she raised her head up again. Her hair were wet and her face had water all over it.
The water was cold and she was now feeling very cold, just few minutes ago, he had subjected her to a
“Please!” She
pleaded earnestly, her teeth grinding together and her chest feeling a heavy cold. “Speak the truth?” He
“I have told you the truth, the children are mine and I was just running away from you,” she said.
Broderick remained standing before
her, he watched as the woman struggled earnestly for life. Her legs had almost become freezed and she
barely flap them anymore, she felt her body become heavier and it was impossible for
her to stay afloat anymore. “My kids,” she mumbled as hot tears find it‘s way
down her cheek even as she felt her body drown. Her head got swallowed in the water and it was impos
and was trying so hard to stay alive. Broderick shut his eyes for a while as if thinking about something, h
and carried her out, once they got outside the pool, Amy
managed to speak,” you could have just let me die.” Although she wasn‘t willing to die, she just had to sa
saying these words and she lost consciousness. Broderick carried her in a bridal style towards her room
Nell saw him and frowned, she hated the fact that he was carrying her. Nell had grudges against Amy th
“As long as I remain here, I‘ll ensure he
hates you to an extent that he would no longer be able to afford you living, your death will be the only apmumbled, referring to Amy. Broderick went ahead and place Amy in a warm bathtub, he ensured she wa
head well on the headrest of the bathtub, he unclothed her since her clothes were messed up. He remov
and watched her with a blank look on his face.
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