Novel Name : Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 83

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Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 83I promise to give a helping hand,” Michael said with a calm look
Before Amy could
start speaking, a maid appeared with a tray containing two cups of drink, she walked towards Michael a
nd let him pick one, afterwards, she walk towards Amy but Amy refused to..
“I‘m not in the mood to drink,” Amy said.
“Amy, I insist. The drink will make you calm,” Michael said but Amy didn‘t really trust Michael that much
so she insisted that she wasn‘t drinking.
“Fine, you can
leave,” Michael said but as the maid attempted to turn, the cup of wine fell on Amy‘s cloth.
“Gosh!” Amy shouted. The wine was very cold coupled with the fact that the whether was already cold.
Angout Agreement
Michael ran towards Amy immediately,” oh my gosh!” He faced the maid and rebuked harshly, “how can
you be so careless. You are fired.”
“Please sir… Please sir,” the maid pleaded,
“Get out now and call me the cheif of maid,” he said sternly to her and she quickly walked away.
The maid smiled on her way to call the cheif of maid,” Mr. Michael is so clever!” She mumbled.
Michael said to
Amy, “I‘m so sorry that the careless maid did this to you, the cheif of maid will be here soon to help you
clean up.” Amy nodded and soon, the cheif of maid was seeing rushing towards them,“sir, here I am.” “Attend to my guest quick. Her cloth is stained,” Michael said and the cheif of maid nod
“Please follow her,” Michael held Amy in the hand and helped her up then the cheif of maid lead her aw
A couple of minutes later, Amy appeared back at the living room with Michaels shirt. Her black skirt was
n‘t stained only her top was. Since there was no female cloth in the house, the maid told her to wear Mi
chaels shirt for the time being while she dry her already washed cloth.
Once Amy sat, she said, “I hope my cloth gets dry quickly so I can return home as soon as I can.
“Yeah, sure. It shouldn‘t take time. And sorry once again,” Michael said.
“It‘s fine. The cheif of maid is a nice woman,” Amy said then she
commenced,” Mr. Michael, I received a disturbing text from my brother that he was kidnapped. I was thi
nking that he probably secretly sent the text before the phone was collected from him by the kidnapper
“Hold on! You have a brother?” Michael asked as if he was shocked. “Yeah, though I find out a couple o
f days ago but please don‘t tell anyone about it,” Amy said.
“Sure. You know your secretes are always safe with me,” Michael said.
“Then my brother went further to say in the text message that he is a secrete friend with you, I really do
n‘t know what he meant by that but are you friend with him?” Amy asked.
“I don‘t even know whom you are talking about yet, Amy,” Michael said. “Irvin, did you know him?” Amy
“Irvin? Irvin? Irvin is my very good friend. Wait! Don‘t tell me Irvin is kidnapped?”“He is, he said you can help him, please do,” Amy pleaded earnestly.
“Of course, I can.” Michael said and quickly brought out his phone, before he could dial a number, he p
aused,” Amy… helping Irvin out wouldn‘t be a problem.” “Then please do, quick…” She pleaded.
“I keep helping you but you have never
reciprocated my help. Why do I feel like you just keep taking advantage of me?” Michael
asked. “Mr. Michael, how can you think of it that way? Shouldn‘t you help your friend in times of
A Dangerous Agreement
need?” Amy asked. “You mean your brother? You haven‘t even kept your side of the promise that you
made to me when we first met. If you can agree to marry me now, I‘ll get your brother out in no time,” h
“Mr. Michael, are you seriously saying this?”
“Yes, I am. I don‘t want to be a fool anymore. At least, grand the only request I ever wanted,” Amy said.
“You can‘t force yourself on someone, how long will it take you to realize that? If we get married and I d
on‘t love you, did you think we will last in the marriage? Will you even be happy marrying someone you
did not love?” Amy asked.
“I‘ll be happy marrying someone I love. It doesn‘t matter if you love me or not. Overtime, I beleive you w
ill fall in love with me,” Michael said.
“You must have
read many romance novels. This is real life, Mr. Michael. You can ask for anything else apart from Marri
age,” Amy said. “Will you grant it?” Michael asked.“Of course, I will,” Amy was thinking it could be about money, no matter the amount he state, she purpo
sed on finding it.
Marriage isn‘t something she can just agree too. It‘s a lifetime agreement. “Are you sure you will grant
my second request?” Michael asked, looking into her face sternly.
“You have my words, I will,” Amy responded. “For the third time, will you…” “Mr. Michael, I will,” Amy int
errupted. She was very curious already to know what he wanted to ask
“Let‘s have a night stand,” Michael said and quickly added, ” I know that it is very ridiculous but that‘s th
e only request I can make apart from Marriage. Once we have a night stand, I can let you go and not
bother you anymore. It will hurt letting go of the person that I have loved all my life but I‘ll be ready to liv
e with it,” Michael said.
Amy smirked,” are you joking?” “I’m very serious.”
“No, you are joking. You are asking a mother of six kids to have a night stand with you?” Amy didn’t kno
w whether to laugh or cry,” Mr. Michael, your heart is so full
of immorality.” “Amy!” “Don‘t call my name,” Amy looked away angrily. She
felt like storming away angrily but she couldn‘t do that because she needs to save her brother.
“Then I think you should consider marrying me,” cause if
you can‘t grant either of the two requests I make, then it is impossible for me to help you,” Michael said.
Amy shut her eyes not knowing what to do. She was at a crossroads and what’s worse
was that she couldn‘t even tell anyone about what happened to her brother.A Dangerous Agreement
novelbinMichael kept quiet, he was so sure that she must bend her principle because of her brother.
After thirty minutes had passed, Amy eventually looked at Michael with a teary eyes and
a painful heart,” I agree to marry you.”
A smile crawled up Michael‘s lips, his face became brightened,” Amy! Oh my God! You really are agreei
ng to marry me? You can‘t imagine how happy I am now.”
Amy looked away from him with a sad look. How does she deal with her six kids? Michael said he can
take care of her six kids? Will Broderick even let her even have the kids in the
first place? There is no man in this world who can act as the father of her kids except their
real father which is Broderick
‘Why does she have to find herself in this tight situation?‘ Amy though painfully. She glanced at Michael
who was smiling happily and her hatred for him increased even more. She
now hated Michael with passion. How can he be so desperate?
“So can you get my brother released now?” Amy asked.
“Not until we have our grand wedding before the world and I put the ring in your hand as a prove that w
e are now couple before I ensure that your brother gets his freedom,” Michael said.
“Mr. Michael, are you out of your mind?” Amy screamed angrily. She immediately cautioned and regrett
ed what she said. It was just that she was too angry,” I already agreed to marry
you, why would you let my brother keep being with the kidnappers. What if he gets killed before we are
done with our wedding?”“He can‘t. They won‘t do anything to him, trust me. These kidnappers actually wanted to kidnap me, If I
can show up and let them have me, they will free your brother. They caught your brother so they can g
et to me. So if I will be sacrificing my life because of your brother, It better worth it,” he said.
“You want to sacrifice your life for my brother?” Amy asked, shocked and surprised.
Michael pretended to be sad and nodded, ” I‘m not just doing it for him, I’m doing that because I love yo
that doesn‘t mean that she want him to be dead.
“This is beyound the cops, if we dare to involve the cops, your brother would be killed in no time. Don‘t w
Amy sighed. If having a wedding with him is the least she could do for him to sacrifice his life for her
brother then she will. Amy even stood from her seat and went to sit
beside him,” I know how you feel right now and I‘m so sorry about it. It‘s really a terrible feeling
knowing that you will die soon,” Amy said and intertwined her hand with his.
“I‘m really sorry for forcing myself on you again and again. It‘s just that I want to experience love before
I die,” Michael said, looking deeply into her eyes. Amy fell for his deceitful charm and rested her head
on his chest then curved her arms around him, “please, don’t be sad. I‘m
A Dangerous Agreement
here for you.”
Michael kept her in his arms, he felt so happy. His cheif of maid who had been secretly
on standby appeared and he gestured for her with his second hand to get a phone and snap
them. The cheif of maid immediately brought out her phone and took a picture of how Amy
was resting her head on Michael. Amy had no idea of this at all as she was only trying to comforthim.
After fifty seconds, she withdrew her body and said,” what date will the wedding be?” “I want you
to choose, Amy. I don‘t want to force you to do anything again. You have honoured me enough by agree
okay by me. I have the money and I can make it happen anytime,” Michael said,
Amy thought about her kids and their father again. What she was having for Michael at this moment
was far from love, it was mere pity. Pitying him because he will die for her brother
Maybe after Michael‘s death, she can go back to Broderick and her kids. But that’s too
risky cause won‘t Broderick fall in love with someone else during the period that she‘s wedded to Michae
She would have explained to Broderick but Irvin had told her to keep everything a secrete
from anyone so that he wouldn‘t die. Amy didn‘t know if her decision was wise or
foolish. If she will regret it earnestly in the future or not.
“No, you choose. I want us to have the wedding as soon as possible so I can get to see my brother agai
is that alright by you?” Michael asked.
I already have a wedding gown and you already said you can arrange everything in no time, right?”
“Sure,” Michael responded. “Amy, can you stay over this night?” “Why?”
“I‘m so sad and…” Michael shook his head sadly, “I just kept thinking of how these kidnappers will kill m
“It‘s not right for me to sleep here overnight when we are not even married, ” Amy said.“Just do this for me, please. It‘s just a night,“. Michael said. Considering the fact that he will sacrifice his
soon, she agreed. Afterall, it‘s just a night.
“Alright,” Amy agreed. “Oh my! thank you so much, Amy,” he said.
A couple of hours later, Amy went to sleep. But just a few minutes after she slept,
a call came through on her phone, it had barely rang when Michael picked up Amy’s phone. Seeing
that it
was rudenick that appeared as the caller in, he immediately called on to his cheil of maid to act like she
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