Novel Name : Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 113

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Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 113Chapter 113 Daughter, See Your Mother In Pain
When Amy suddenly heard sounds of numerous cars outside of her mansion, she ran to the cotton of
the living room and swiped it open, she looked intently until she sighted Broderick Alessandro standing
in the opened lorry. Just looking at him from afar, she could feel the heat of his anger.
She watched as his men ran towards the gate that secured the mansion and destroyed it. Fear gripped
her her heart tight and she ran immediately to Prince Nolan who was with the kids.
“Prince Nolan!” She called, her heart almost slipping out of her mouth.
Prince Nolan who had no idea what was going on turned to her with a smile, “Amy…” Seeing the fearful
expression on her face, he asked,” are you fine?”.
“Come with me, please,” she said and walked out of the room that the children were.
In a jiffy, she and Prince Nolan were in the hallway that leads down to the living room. “What’s wrong?”
“Come and see this,” Amy wanted to take Prince Nolan to the window so he can see Broderick and his
men for himself but before they could get to the door, the door flinged open and Amy held onto Prince
Nolan very tightly.
About sixteen men appeared and the one who looks like their leader asked in a very hard voice,” where
are the kids?”
“Inside … Inside,” Amy stuttered fearfully as she pointed to the room that the children were.
“Lead me there,” the man commanded and Amy lead the man to the room that the children were while
Prince Nolan just stood in the living room.The man soon came back with the kids, he had already told the children that their father was waiting for
them outside and the kids can’t wait to see their father.
The man who lead the children back to the living room ordered for a few of his men to lead the children
“Handcuff them,” the man commanded and his men ran towards Amy and Prince Nolan then hundcuff
“Prince Nolan, what do we do?” Amy asked as they get pushed outside.
“Stay calm,” Prince Nolan responded.
Once Broderick saw his kids, he dismissed the arms around him and jumped down from the lorry then
ran to meet the kids that were already running towards him.
He hugged them all dearly and felt so happy to see them again. He examined their faces and asked,”
were you hurt?”
*Not at all” many of the kids responded.
“Okay, you will be taken home now. You wait for me at home and I’ll join you soon,” Broderick said.
“Why can’t we go home together?” Debby asked.
“I have some business matters to deal with. I assure you that I will come home soon,” Broderick held
Debby’s hand and kissed the back of her palm.
The kids eventually agreed to go home and Broderick ordered for one of his gaurds to drive them
home. He then stood and set his gaze on Prince Nolan and Amy that had been made to kneel. Their
two hands had been handcuffed to the back,Broderick was so angry, he walked towards them intimidatingly as if he will crush them as soon as he
got before them
“Broderick, don’t do what you will regret. I’m the mother of your kids … I left with the kids purposely to
help them recover their memory.” Amy stuttered but all she said seems to fall on Broderick’s deaf ear.
When he got before her, he held her chin tightly and spoke with anger, “I thought you are honest but
you have proven to be what my wife said you are.”
He then let go of her chin and looked at Prince Nolan and said,” and you think because you are a
prince, you could do whatever you want, huh? Loverboy!”.
Broderick turned to one of his men and commanded, “bring them outside!”
Broderick walked outside of the mansion while Prince Nolan and Amy were brought out.
“Dig a grave here,” Broderick commanded and Prince Nolan’s heart comstricted. He had thought that
Broderick will probably slap him or beat him but when he guessed that what Broderick was about to do
seems dangerous, the fear he had been trying to tame in him rose to life.
“If anything happens to me, my father will fight the entire North Hill for my sake,” Prince Nolan said.
Broderick smirked as he watched his men dig out sands and trying to make a grave.
“Broderick, please! You don’t even remember your memory so you may have judged wrongly…you
killed your grandfather and now you are about to kill the both of us, huh?” She asked. “Have you now
turned to a murderer?” Amy asked, trying to make him think reasonably but Broderick didn’t even spare
her a glance,Amy looked at Prince Nolan fearfully and asked,” are we going to watch him bury us?”
“I don’t know,” Prince Nolan was scared too. Maybe he should have sent Amy and the kids here alone
cause how can he die for a woman that had not benefitted him in anyway? His heart was beating
heavily. He had always dreamt of becoming the next king after his father and ruling EastHill. If he dies
now, he would never be able to accomplish his dream.
Prince Nolan quickly spoke up,” I am wrong for taking your kids away with Amy, I’m so sorry.”
Broderick set his gaze at him and suddenly laughed sarcastically,” do I look like a joke to you?”
“Broderick, please! Don’t start war between two peaceful countries,” Prince Nolan pleaded.
“We are done, sir,” the men digging out the sands said.
“Throw him inside,” Broderick commanded and Prince Nolan was immediately carried and thrown
inside the deep grave,
“Bury him,” Broderick commanded.
Amy screamed fearfully,” Broderick! You can’t be so cruel to an innocent man. Okay, do whatever you
want with me but let him go. I was the one who forced him to take us out of North Hill.“
“Who says I wortt punish you too, lovergirl?” Broderick asked and watched his men as they began to
pour heavy sands on Prince Nolan’s body,
Broderick went to whisper some words into one of the men burying Prince Nolan and walked back to
where he was originally then commanded,” throw this woman into the boot of my car.”
Amy was immediately carried and thrown inside the booth of Broderick’s car. Broderick then went to sit
by the seat beside the driver’s seat of his car.He didn’t stay in a lorry this time, in a jiffy, the car began to move.
A couple of minutes later, the car stopped and Broderick stepped down then he commanded for Amy to
be brought out.
Once Amy was brought out of the boot, she realized that she was in Broderick’s house.
Tears fell freely from Amy’s face as she thought of how brutal Prince Nolan would die.
“You are a wicked beast!” Amy said to Broderick.
“Gag her mouth,” Broderick commanded and Amy’s mouth was immediately gagged.
“Bring her,” he ordered and Amy was immediately carried and made to follow him. Amy was taken
inside one of the empty rooms in his mansion
Amy struggled to speak but she couldn’t. She wanted to know why he brought her to his house to
punish her. She wanted to ask why he couldn’t just bury her.
“Bring a chair and handcuff her two hands to it,” he commanded the men who brought Amy to the room
and they immediately did as commanded.
Amy was soon handcuffed to a chair, her two legs had been handcuffed too.
Broderick then dismissed the men with a wave of his hand.
He then placed a call across to Martha and told her to come over to the room that he was. Martha soon
appeared and was shocked to see Amy.
“Oh my! This is the woman that stole my kids again. For the second time,” Martha began to cry,” this
woman will never stop trying to take my kids away from me. I don’t know why she took interest in my
kids so much.”Broderick cleaned the tears in her eyes and said,” stop crying.”
“I wanted to bury her alive with her ‘loverboy Prince’ before but I changed my mind. I don’t want her to
meet with him in the other world,” Broderick said and then kissed Martha on her forehead.
“My woman,” he called affectionately.
“Yes, my hubby,” Martha blushed.
“This woman will be your prisoner from today henceforth. Don’t have mercy on her, teach her a lesson
that will stop her from ever attempting to steal our kids away. She had tried twice and was unsuccessful
but what if her third attempt to steal our kids away worked out? So deal with her and don’t release her
unless I tell you to,” Broderick said.
“Broderick,” Martha called softly and caressed his chest with her hand,” you know I can not even kill a
cockroach. How can I hurt my fellow woman?”
Broderick grabbed her shoulder tightly suddenly and with a stern look, he asked, “do you love our
“Yes, I do. Very much.”
“Then do it for the sake of our kids. If you don’t do it, I won’t be pleased with you,” Broderick said.
“Ha! I can’t stand your anger…okay okay, i’ll do it,” Martha said.
Broderick then smiled and kissed her on the cheek then walked out.
As soon as he got to his personal room, he jammed the door and walked to and fro the room.
“Why can’t he bury Amy alive?” He asked himself as he moved to and fro restlessly.He had planned on burying both Prince Nolan and Amy alive but after he set his eyes on Amy, he
couldn’t dare to even lay a single finger on her. What is it about this woman that has effect on his soul?
While in deep thought, his head suddenly began to ache. He held his head carefully as if stopping it
from falling but it ached even more.
He groaned in pain cause the pain was too intense, he then suddenly saw Amy’s image. It was like a
He closed his eyes and stilled his mind then he saw Amy in his office saying some words that he didn’t
remember. His mind went blank all of a sudden but then, he suddenly saw an image of himself sucking
Amy’s pussy in his office.
He fluttered his eyes opened as the headache eased, he slumped to the wall and realized that he had
been sweating. Amy? Did he has a past with this woman? Was she once her secretary? Why was she
sucking her pussy?
He walked to the bathroom and washed his head with water, trying hard to see if he could remember
more. He closed his eyes and still his mind and tried hard to remember more from his memories but it
was just blank.
‘Amy in his office? Sucking her pussy? He thought as he walked out of the bathroom. He rested on the
bed and couldn’t stop thinking about her. Remembering the dream that Debby had about Amy even
made him more disturbed.
‘Who was this woman precisely to him in the past?’ he wondered.
Whereas, Martha had an evil smirk on her face. She had locked the door of the room that she and Amy
were lest someone walk in unannounced.“I won again,” Martha said and walked up to her, “Broderick gave me the chance to make your life
miserable, I will actually do more than that, you fucking daughter of a gigolo.”
“Mmmmmmmmmm…” Amy was angry at those words that she wanted to free herself from the handcuff
that her hands and legs were in but it was impossible. She couldn’t even make much sound order than
to hum cause of the gag in her mouth.
“You slapped me until I fainted, remember?” Martha asked and placed her hand on Amy’s cheek,
*hahaha…see your fresh cheek. I will soon disfigure it.”
“Actually, I won’t kill you but by the time I’m done with you, you will wish that you were dead cause
living in this wond will be so unbearable for you,” Martha said with a victorious grin.
She hummed thoughtfully and said,” where do I start from?”
She walked around her, examining her.
Martha walked out all of a sudden and came back a few minutes later then locked the door,
When Amy saw what was in her hand, she struggled to shout, “mmmm…. mmmm….. mmmm….” fear
filled her heart as she shook her body fiercely on the chair.
“Scared of a hot Knife?” Martha asked and giggled.
The knife was literally emiting fire, it was extremely hot.
“I want to rip off your cheek,” she smirked as she walked towards her.
Amy kept shaking aggressively on the chair that she was but she was helpless, Martha placed the very
hot knife closer to her cheek slowly and Amy could feel the intense heat coming from the hot knife
when it got closer her cheek.Martha pressed the knife on her cheek making Amy groan in pain, “mmmm…. mmmm ….” she shut her
eyes tightly and groaned hard in pain. Clenching her fist tightly. The pain she was feeling pierced
through her bones and marrows. Her heart could feel the heat.
“hahaha…. Martha laughed as she removed the knife from her cheek.
Amy’s right cheek became red and burnt as a result of it. One could literally see the shape of the knife
on her cheek.
Tears rushed down Amy cheek, she was feeling an intense pain that made her feel like she was clase
to death.
“With this disgusting face of yours, you will never be able to attract any man again. Not even Michael
will adore you,” Martha said and laughed.
“What else can I do to this bitch?” Martha wondered and moved the knife closer to her eyes,” I think
you did not deserve to see anymore. How about I take your two eyes?”
Amy shiver in fear, looking at Martha as though she was looking at a beast. She couldn’t even make a
sound cause of her mouth that had been gagged. She shook her body hard in the chair, trying to stop
her but she was helpless.
Martha grabbed the back of her hair and laughed,” scared? Hahahaha!”
“You don’t deserve to see, better to calm down and let me take your eyes one after the other or I will
have to remove it in a cruel way,” Martha said but a knock landed on the door at this moment.
“Fuck!” Martha turned and threw the knife to a side of the room then opened the door.
She had thought it would be Broderick but she was stunned to see Debby.Debby had been searching for Martha and probably wanted to inform her about something but her eyes
suddenly caught sight of Amy who whose was tied like a slave to the chair and whose cheek was
burning like hell.
Debby ran inside with a palpitating heart, “Amy! Amy! Who did this to you? What happened to you?”
Amy looked at her daughter and just let tears fall from her eyes.
Debby looked around the room and saw a knife, she ran to it and picked it up,” is it you that hurt her
this way?” Debby asked Martha in anger.
“She deserves it for stealing you, your sisters and your brothers away from me. Plus your dad gave me
the permission to deal with her so that she will never make an attempt to steal you all away from me
anymore,” Martha explained.
Tears fell freely from Debby’s eyes, she looked at Amy and ran to her, “you don’t deserve this…. I love
you, okay?” Debby said with tears falling even more from her eyes. She ran out of the room to
Broderick’s room, She began to knock aggressively. She felt terribly bad seeing Amy that way. It was
like she was the one that was hurt.
“Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Open the door!” Debby shouted repeatedly and kept banging the door very hard
with tears still falling off her face.novelbin
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